Reasons Inspiring Developers to Use WordPress CMS

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Softweb Solutions Inc. 2531 Technology Drive, Suite 312, Elgin, Illinois 60124 Toll-Free Number: 1-866-345-7638 Fax: 866-345-7638 Article Title: Reasons Inspiring Developers to Use WordPress CMS Keywords: WordPress Development Services, WordPress Design and Development Services Content: One of the biggest questions for a developer at the time of building a blog is to decide that which platform to use for building it. The platform used to build the blog determines that how easily and smoothly the blog will work and the extensions present in that platform will decide the additional features to be added to the blog. Developers have multiple options available to choose from but the selection mainly depends on the requirements of the blog to be built. WordPress is an open source content management system created originally in 2003. In last couple of years, it has gained popularity amongst developers because of it been free, flexible, SEO friendly, ease of use and customizable. Although of being so many other options available, most of the developers nowadays prefer WordPress. Top five reasons of many behind that are discussed below – 1] Outstanding User Interface The user interface of WordPress is specially designed for the purpose of making the publishing and maintenance of the content of the website simple and uncomplicated task. The important features required by users regularly to manage the website easily are all present in WordPress. This is one of the top reasons of why WordPress is considered as the best option for bloggers. 2] Free Plug-ins availability for boosting functionalities With WordPress the possibilities of expanding the blogging functionalities are endless. There are hundreds of plug-ins available that can be installed to increase the functionalities. For example, there are free Plugins available that will easily allow you to add a shopping cart and payment options into your blog, you can also upload files for others to download and you can restrict some web pages to turn your website into a membership blog, and many other useful actions can be taken.

3] Large and Loyal User Community Thousands of websites use WordPress and because of this, huge community of users has been developed for WordPress. One of the most important benefits of having a large community of users is there is a lot of sharing of knowledge by which lot of information can be obtained that can be helpful at any point of time. Moreover, WordPress also holds a community support forums where it gets easy for the community members to ask questions in case of some confusion and can obtain relevant answers by other members. Community also has number of freely available Plugins and themes, hosted at Everyday new Plugins and themes are released which are useful to extend the functionality of the websites. 4] Additional great features WordPress has some resourceful native additional features to make easy the creation of blogs and websites. These features include – search engine friendly URLs, support for multiple templates, scheduling of posts, built-in WYSIWYG editor, easy management of uploaded files, user management, and revision tracking. 5] SEO Friendly Most of the users ignore the fact that Google loves WordPress. It is proved that the sites developed on WordPress CMS gets more traffic, and more favorable SERPs than achieved from any other CMS. So these are some of the important reasons, users love WordPress. It is considered as invaluable CMS by the developers engaged in providing WordPress design and development services and they also suggest others to give it a try. When Plugins and other extensions of WordPress are used correctly, your website content will be more visible, potentially attracting additional traffic consisting of your target audience. Softweb solutions provide WordPress web development services along with effective SEO services to optimize the WordPress based websites. Contact us at for more information. Summary: The top five reasons developers consider to use WordPress CMS to build up their blogs or websites are being discussed here in the article.

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