Portfolio 2022

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Soheil Bagheri Portfolio Explore the interactive portfolio online http://www.sohiyel.com

Work Expriences

Educations & Publications Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Engineering 2014-2019

West Tehran Islamic Azad University


Allameh Helli 2 Highschool (NODET),Tehran, Iran

Secondary School

101 Points and cases of interactive projects 2021-2021

Tehran urban innovation center,Tehran, Iran

Date of Birth

March 1996

Place of Birth

Tehran, Iran

+ Persian + English + Arabic

Interests + Blockchain + Metaverse + Sports + Traveling + Movies + Psychology


Designer and fabrication expert, Tehran, Iran

Master and Assisted in some Workshops:

Tehran-now - TUIC, Tehran, Iran | A workshop for learning how to collect data and visualize them in web

Artificial Intelligence



Digimade - CAAI, Tehran, Iran | Teaching architects how to program with Python and C#

Web Disigner:

AI Summer School, Part College, Tehran, Iran

C# Programming and Unity 2021-2021

University of Colorado, Coursera.org

Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming for Unity Games

+98 921 323 0 263


Moderator at Cube Fabrication Lab


University of Colorado, Coursera.org



Teaching C++, Allame Helli 2, Tehran, Iran

Code it - CAAI, Tehran, Iran | Teaching architects how to program with Python and C#






Soheil Bagheri

Programming Teacher

Computational Skills + Python + C# + Unity + HTML & CSS + Adobe Photoshop + Adobe Illustrator + Adobe InDesign + Adobe Premiere + 3Ds Max + Rhino + AR and VR + Linux + MySQL + Physical Computing + Machine Learning + Git


Caai-invite.com | A web-site for Caai ceremony where all the famous architects of Iran had been invited


Sharet.ir | My personal startup which was a platform for architects to create a portfolio and share their works


Bahaaneh.org | A web-site for bahaaneh team, used for organizing festivals and ceremonies

Designer and Constructor at Panah.co 2019-2019

Design and fabricate some decorative elements

Design and Program Online Mobile Game 2019-2020

HappyLittleFriends (Published on apple store and googleplay)

Develop Simulations in Virtual Reality 2019-2019

Simulation of the earthquake in a school, Freelance


Simulation of radiotherapy and CT scan, Freelance

Unity Developer at PromodoGroup 2020-2021

Develop an online turn-based game, Tehran, Iran

Researcher 2021-2021

Interaction design, TUIC, Tehran, Iran

Backend Developer 2022-2022

Thekiss.art, ArteQ Team

Freelance Developer 2022-now

Algo trader robot

15-16 17-18

GOD Delirium

101 Points and Cases 25 of Interactive Projects

24 Spring Fabrication Research


21-22 CLight


19 20

11-12 13-14 SculpAr Barekat

Smile Yolo


7-8 Discrete Sampling MSLGAN

3-4 5-6

Clique Vanak Tower

Internet of Things

Data Mining & Data Visualization


Physical Computing


Artificial Intelligent





Design: Odyssey

Odyssey is an attempt to design a modular multi-functional bridge that connects a park to the other side of the highway. This project consists of some hexagonal modules whose side faces were used as a staircase or a bench to delight from the stonishing landscape that this bridge has all over itself. Moreover, these modules make it possible to have both open and closed spaces for the people who cross over the top or inside the tunnels. Also, Odyssey has two ramps on each side that provides people to cross the highway with their bicycles. Finally, two spaces are considered to be used as cafes or restaurants to service both the pedestrians who want to pass through or people who want to sit and enjoy the atmosphere.



Main path

Consider some benches

Bicycle Path

Pedestrian Pathes

Modular Structure


Date : December 2017 - Architectural Design (4) - Master: Dr. Matin Alaghemandan


Design: Clique This complex is designed as a residential place for people who migrate to Tehran for educational or medical purposes. In the design process of this building, focusing on minimal ground intervention was an important issue. In addition, location along highways causes a lot of noise and air pollution, so the project form had to deal with these noises and contamination to provide a relaxing place for residents to live.

-Map of highways

-Map of near universities

-Map of near hospitals

-Map of recreation centers

-Map of possible entrances

-Map of space planning



Base model that represent the boundary of the site plan

Division of public and private sections

Raising the private sector for less intervention

Add vertical connection between private and public sectors in addition to parking slots

Another link between the public and private section using semi-open space which is a gathering place as well

Date : August 2019 - Final Project of College - Master: Dr. Rouzbeh Naghshineh


Design: Vanak Tower

In this project, we were supposed to design a tower 50 stories above the ground and 10 stories under the ground which had to have different applications such as commercial, flat/duplex offices, and parking. The site location was in the center of Tehran with traffic issues all the time and we shall manage the loud of traffic we were going to add to this area. Other than that, there were some difficulties related to high-rise buildings such as the wind effect, radiation, shadowing, and structure that forced us to find a form that satisfied all the restrictions. In this process, we tried so many forms and made different analyses on them to find the optimum one. Using Autodesk CFD Software we managed to see the wind effect on the outer surface which can be destructive on -CFD Analysis


high points. Using the form-finding and parametric facade, we decreased the number of radiation that enters the building while having natural sunlight in the offices was one of our priorities. For the structure of this tower, we design the main core with some mega columns around it that are connected to the out-trigger beams to carry the weight of stories in tensile and compressive ways. In addition, a gap between the structure of the commercial and parking section and the office section made this possible to control the different behaviors of these spaces.


-Sunlight Analysis

-Radiation Analysisa

-Structure Design

Date : June 2018 - Architectural Design (5) - Master: Dr. Matin Alaghemandan


AI: Discrete Sampling

The ‘Discrete Sampling’ workshop have explored the potential of deep learning in the generative design of 3-dimensional forms; more specifically, using generative adversarial networks (GANs) for the probabilistic sampling of discrete architecture. The workshop have experimented with a hybrid design workflow that leverages on the high-dimensional relations of architectural parts and the high-dimensional representations of neural networks.


In the first step we tried to train a model by a datasets containing numurus voxelized chair models. Then, we have generated 100 instance with our trained model.

After selecting the four instances that had special features, we decided to interpolate these models to combine these chairs. The results were new models that didn’t exist before, in addition, they have the features that we liked them to have.

At the end, we visualized them with some different algorithms in Rhino/Grasshopper.

Date : July 2020 - Digital Futures Workshop - Tutor: Dr. Immanuel Koh - Teammate: Hamid Estejab



Nowadays, artificial intelligence algorithms are used in different ways in architecture. For instance, generative adversarial networks are used as a new approach in generative design. Generative adversarial networks work in various ways. Some of them extract features to combine and create new samples. Some others learn the relationship between two samples to generate a new sample from the given one. In this project, we wanted to design a city, with the assist of AI, which is a combination of Delhi with its grid layout streets and Masoole which is formed naturally on a hillside. In this process, we have used two GAN models and some grasshopper scripts to create a pipeline that can produce several outputs, based on the datasets we chose to give to this pipeline.


Interpolate samples


Masoole Village

① Extract some features

from two cities like urban grids and mountain textures

⑥ Convert the interpolation to the Black&White

② Train a StyleGAN model to interpolate two different textures


Delhi City

StyleGAN Trained Model ⑦ Use the Black&White

image to generate a 2D voxelized image

Mountain Aerial Photos

③ Convert hightmaps to 3D voxelized model


④ Train a Pix2PixGAN

model to convert heightmaps to 2D voxelized texture


Delhi Aerial Photos

⑧ Convert the

2D voxelized image to 3D voxelized model

Pix2PixGAN Trained Model

Voxelized Hightmaps

Date : July 2021 - Digital Futures Workshop - Tutor: Dr. Daniel Bolojan - Teammate: Luigi Armogida


AR: SculpAr SculpAr is an endeavor to employ mixed-reality features using cardboard headsets and a mobile phone. Accessibility to new technologies has been challenging in developing countries, especially when they are under some strict sanctions. As a result, this pipeline helps people to use their phones and a cardboard headsets instead of mixed-reality glasses. First, the camera embedded at the back of the phone captures the environment. So, the captured images are projected into two viewports for each eye to help watch outside when the phone is in front of people’s eyes inside a headset. Then, when the application realizes a sign, it will visualize the related object in the scene. On the other hand, There is a Kinect that scans the model for each step and sends it to a computer that compares the real model with the ongoing one. After that, the results of this analysis will be sent to the mobile phone, and they will be visible through the headset in real-time. Finally, there is a turn-table that helps to rotate the object that eases building and analyzing the other angles of the model. Furthermore, An Arduino is attached to this turn-table to measure the angle of rotation and send it to the computer, which would be helpful in the process of comparing models.

Project augumented model on the turn table

Compare the model made with the virtual model

White triangles

Red triangles

Blue triangles

Sections that are in their own place

Sections that are behind their own place

Sections that are ahead of their own place


1 Watch

the model through VR headset on the right place

Server 3


2 Scan the model on the turn table



Turn Table 1

VR Headset


3 Send scaned data to server 4 Campare scaned data and model. Send the analysis through router


5 Send analysis to every clients


Turn Table 1 If you rotate the turn table


VR Headset


2 5


send 2 Potentiometer the rotation value to arduino 3 Arduino Read the data and send it to server 4 Server Rotate the original model and compare it again 5 Router Send the new analysis to clients




Date : January 2020 - Digital Design - Master: Dr. Morteza Rahbar



Medical simulations have done a special role in the health community of the world. Due to the sensitivity of the conditions related to the life of humans, simulations can be very helpful in training medics or even patients about the process of treatment. Junior doctors are able to learn to use any devices like CT Scan, Linac, MRI, and etc. step by step through these simulations. Also, patients who experience anxiety get familiar with their treatment’s procedure in this way to overcome their fears. In these projects, we simulate the whole actions that need to be taken during a CT Scan and Linear accelerator process. Using VR headsets, users can see his/her self in the space while a voice conductor guides him/ her through every step. In addition, some red pointers appear above the objects whenever the voice conductor says their name. Moreover, some animations like destroying some tumors in the colon using rays have been added to these projects to familiarize sick people with how these devices are going to help them to get better.

Linear Accelerator

VR: Barekat


Colon with Tumors

Control Room

Date : Jun 2021 - Freelance Project


Draw Curveture

Draw Polyline

Draw Circle

PhysicalComputing: GOD

Digital World affects our life in various fields. Architecture is one of this fields that promote a new perspective of themselves through this age. The computer is the main object of this vision. However it has numerous problems to build this architecture. Thus we come with this idea to develop a device to communicate interactively with this new era. At the beginning we thought about this concept combine traditional sketching and CAD (computer assistant design). Moreover finding a tool for this concept was our first step. After searching we found the only object which is common between all tools is human hand. Furthermore, the hand is part of the body that can be control easily by human brain. Thus we picked up a glove as our device. It can be send data to a computer. While the kinect read our hand position. As result their command drawing in the 3D applications. For instance this you can slip two fingers of your hand and move it in any direction you want. When ever you discharge your fingers, it draws a line for you in a CAD.



2D Drawing on 2D Plane

The future portray of this project is mix virtual reality and scheming. Scheming during a wandering in a city is joyful habit for architecture. However conveying paper and sketching tools may prevent them to do this. Moreover the idea could come to you suddenly. For illustrate this last time I went to a café I think it could be a specific lighting design for one of its wall. The concept of a simple pen which is recognizable for camera of the mobile and link the real time view of camera to my scheme. Then it outputs an Image with my scheme on it. Eventually, each of this combination is an unlimited land. It could be develop in various ways. Here we mentioned some however it might be dozen.




3D Drawing on 2D Screen Done!


3D Drawing on 3D Space


Bluetooth Module


Lily Pad Glove



Date : September 2016 - Fabrobot Workshop - Tutors: Dr. Rouzbeh Sheikhha, Dr. Ali Sheikholeslami - Teammate: Arman Najari 16

VR: Delirium According to Greek mythology, Daedalus, at the behest of King Minos, designed the Labyrinth to protect the king’s half-human and halfbull son against people who think he is a monster. Some believe that Daedalus created the first architectural practice in this project.

Moore’s law is an observation that is mentioned by Gordon Moore in 1965. He believed that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles every two years. After a couple of years, the correctness of his idea was proved to everyone and his idea has known as a “law”.

cal point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization. one of the effective technologies that support this process is “Nanotechnology”. Nowadays, nanorobots are made that can search and find cancer cells and fight against them. But the question is what if we can attach these nanorobots to our brain and extend its capability?


Singularity is a hypotheti-

-An illustration of Theseus and the Minotaur

-Transistor counts for microprocessors against dates of introduction


From that time, many researchers have found this kind of exponential growth in other industries too. For example, the capacity of hard disks, the network capacity, the ratio of pixel per dollar, etc. are all growing exponentially.


-Front View

-Right View

-Top View

-An exponential growth cahrt

In my opinion, at that moment we can live in a virtual world with no limitations and no pandemic! As a practice, I tried to redevelop the Labyrinth in a virtual reality where you can get around vertically as long as horizontally. So This is a game that you can play using mobile and cardboard VR headsets.


Date : December 2016 - Architectural Design (3) - Master: Dr. Ali Sheikholeslami


Programming: Smile

Smile is a card-based multiplayer game that can be played with 3-5 players. Michael Schacht has designed the gameplay while Atha Kanaani has the title of artist. In the late summer of 2019, I got a freelancing project to turn this card-based game into an online mobile game. So I did the whole UI/UX designs except the unique identical pictures of the original game, like the background of the main menu or the cards of the gameplay that we used the original copy of them to not lose the whole atmosphere of the main game. In addition, I did the front-end scripts in Unity so we could build this for any platform like Android or iOS. Due to the copyright restrictions, we changed all pictures and published this game as “HappyLittleFriends” on Google play store and App store so players could download and install this game anywhere. In this project, I collaborated with Rouzbeh Sheikhha as a backend developer who did the server-side of this project.

Date : April 2020 - Freelance Project, Unity Developer & Graphic Designer - Teammate: Rouzbeh Sheikhha



In the fall of 2020, I joined the Promodo team as a Unity Developer to complete and debug the project they had already. This project was an online Poker game that should be run on any platform without any bug. This project had lots of technical challenges such as security challenges, scalability, and being user-friendly that had made it unique for me and I have learned a lot from that. We worked as a team consist of a bunch of backend developers, front-end developers, graphic designers, testers, and lead managers that was my first experience with a large game industry team. Due to the commercial usage of this game, it should be competitive in features that were offered to players, so, we have created numerous features that made playing this game easy and delightful. For example, users can work with this app on portrait and landscape mode, they can customize their table design, or even they can watch and play several games at the same time with extra windows on PC platforms.

Date : Jun 2021 - Full-time Job, Unity Developer - Company: Promodo Group


DM & DV: Tehran-now

Tehran-now Tehran-now is a project that investigates the apocalyptic futures of Tehran through Future Studies and Speculative Design. As a part of this research, several workshops and studios have been occupied that I had the chance to participate in some of them as a workshop instructor.

Tehran’s Data Narrate

#Tehran #Night #Blackout #Moon #Milda #Tower #Telecomunication #Infrastructure #Electricity #RedLight

In these workshops, participants learned how to speculate the probable futures of Tehran that can be destructive and catastrophic. Then, after some discussions about possible futures, they tried to find the causes that can end up in those situations. For example, one of the groups that had come up with the idea of the water shortage of Tehran tried to aware citizens of their water consumption. In this process, they moved around the city and asked people about their imagination about their consumption and compared them with the actual numbers on the water meter of their houses. The results of this data gathering were visualized through the techniques they had learned through the duration of this workshop.

Instagram Effect In this project that I did by myself, Tehran was imagined with a blackout. So we wanted to know what would look like if the whole electricity of the city goes down. In this way, I wrote a script to crawl all images with the hashtags related to this subject and collect the ones that have the location inside Tehran. The collected data were presented in a web-based platform where you can see an icon for every image at the position it had been posted and when you click on each of them, a pop-up will be open and you can see the image, in addition to its caption, and hashtags.


Twition In the next attempt, I tried to crawl Twitter this time with the same hashtags and same limitation on geo-locations. The collected tweets were separated with space and individual words were extracted. There were so meaningless combinations of letters that should have been removed from the set of words and their repetition counts. So after cleaning the data they were visualized using one of the d3’s examples called word cloud. You can find the word and their repetition counts from their size and color. Also, major words related to this subject can be found easily through this technique.

Date : October 2017 - Tehran-Now Workshop - Tutors: Mahan Mehrvarz, Pouyan Bizeh, Soheil Bagheri


IOT: CLight This project is an effort to learn and connect with the world of the Internet of Things. Every day we see new devices connecting to the network. This connection and integration make control more and easier. In this project, we have used an Arduino board and a Bluetooth module to connect a desktop lamp to the network. Using this feature, we can turn the light on or off using our phones. Using two different relays allows us to increase or decrease the light. The general structure of the project is such that using the same modules we can control other electrical devices using our phone.

2.8 mm Plexiglass SMD Lights

Wooden Case

5v Adapter

2Pole Relay Module HC-05 Bluetooth Module Arduino Uno

Date : September 2016 - Fabrobot Workshop - Tutors: Dr. Rouzbeh Sheikhha, Dr. Ali Sheikholeslami - Teammate: Amir Javdan 23

Spring:Fabrication Spring is the name of a residential apartment locates in the North of Tehran. It has 8 stories and 12 units. As a computational designer, my duty was to design and fabricate some elements to make this building look different from other apartments nearby. The ceiling of the lobby was designed as a wavy waffle with a pattern of apertures that control the amount of light in each cell to emphasize more on the undulating part. There were some challenges to build and install this on the ceiling, for example, the space above that was too short that made us not to be able to put it in its place by rotating it. So I designed it in 3 pieces that can move along the rails that we provided on 4sides, and we put them one by one and slide them to be on their positions. The second element that I designed for this project was a plate that had to show the building number and name. So as the number of this building was four, I made a chamfer, just parallel to the number which had been cut from the plate to be visible during the nights using a ring of LED lights which were provided inside it. The challenge in building this was the CNC couldn’t bend it perfectly because the edges were tending to zero. As a result, the edges were extended and cut off after the bending.

Date : May 2019 - Full-time Job, Fabrication Expert - Company: Panah


Research: 101

Today, with the advancement of technology and its integration with physical space, architecture is no longer a rigid entity and has embodied flexibility and responsiveness. As a result, in the discourse of architecture, architects seek to create a meaningful relationship between the human mind, body, and the environment surrounding them. In this issue of TUIC 101, we have attempted to demonstrate a taxonomy of interactive projects and a brief description of each of the categories. Followed by that, we have demonstrated examples of each category.

You can read this issue here!

Date : December 2022 - Tehran Urban Innovation Center - Supervisor: Dr. Nashid Nabian


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