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ThelategreatHonorableBishopWayneSDavisoncedeclared thateverynowandthenwe,thepeopleofGodneed: ANEWVISION,ANEWUNCTIONANDANEW COMMISSION!

This is what I call…”A NEW HORIZON!” It’s the grace to have a fresh start in life. You know, a NEW Beginning… whether It is a NEW job, a NEW opportunity to travel, NEW relationships, anything at all that’s a change from the way things were previously.

Stay alert… It’s HARVEST Time! A TIME to start over again in life/business/love with NEW goals and a NEW view of your future. It’s a TIME to Expand your perceptionoflifeand setNEWgoalsandNEWchallengestoconquer.

As we enter into this month of September, it brings us to 122 days left in this Calendar year of our Lord 2024. The uniqueness of this time is the effects of 2024 being a Leap year which brings additional space for Grace to prepare for our upcoming holy month of October where we will celebrate and commemorate the sacred acknowledgement of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We have actually received the grace of God inasmuch as we have an additional 30 days during this sacred season to re-evaluate the type of NEW Beginning of life/business/love with NEWgoalsandNEWviewsofthefuture.

I encourage you to take a SELAH moment this month…Expand your view of life and PRAY for NEW goals and NEW challenges to conquer. As you do… you will begin to seeyourNEWHORIZONthatGodhasalreadypreparedforyou.


As a Travel professional both naturally and spiritually; trust me when I tell you… when you are inflight to a specific destination you need to make sure your navigation system gives you accurate Direction, Instruction and Guidance to ensureanon-timearrival.

Prophetically speaking, this month of September has landed us at the doorstep of a NEW SEASON. Encompassed therein is a NEW HORIZON which shines the lightupontheroadtoourNEXTLEVELofSUCCESS.

Therefore, you must understand the instructions for a successful embarkation. OurpropheticinstructionsinEXITINGonthisNEXTLEVEListogetintheRIGHT LANE!

God has taken us to a NEW Place of Destiny… make sure upon arrival that you proceedintheRIGHTLANEasthatistheonlyEXIT.

In other words, you and I have no other choice/option… the only Lane we should nowbeinistheRIGHTLane. (YOUAREWHEREYOUARESUPPOSEDTOBE!)


“Andanhighwayshallbethere,andaway, anditshallbecalledThewayofholiness;” Isaiah35:8abc(KJV)


By Valerie Kudjoe

London, England UK

No matter what else we are successful at or what we achieve in life, the most important success we can have is that our soul prospers. Prospers… in other words, continues to prosper, regardless of situation and circumstances.

Success takes work, continuous work, dedication and commitment. There is currently a lot of emphasis and importance placed on being successful on a secular level and we are constantly bombarded with messages from the media of how we can have more material wealth and be famous or have some notoriety. These messages demand that we consistently strive to have more, be more and then desire to have even more still.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to succeed in our professional life, our careers, education, business or ministry, however, the area we must constantly work on being successful at is our spiritual life. We must constantly work at staying connected to God and practise His ways, to ensure our soul's destiny is secured.

So, while we are doing our daily routines of physical exercise, concocting and consuming various nutritional liquids to enhance our physical ability and mental agility, we must also focus on and even prioritise our spiritual routine of prayer, reading and meditating on the Word of God.

A daily smoothie of an old testament Scripture, a Psalm, one of the new testament accounts in the Gospels, mixed with the lubricant of prayer and worship, will keep our minds on track and our hearts towards God, thus ensuring our ultimate success in remaining steadfast, unmovable in the eyes of the Lord, giving glory to God and receiving His blessings.

The Bible says bodily exercise brings minimal profit.

For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. I Timothy 4:8 NKJV

The effects of exercising and drinking natural juices every day will only last for a while but feasting on the living Word, living in the Will of God for your life and working on your Godgiven assignment will bring a much better reward.

Nutritionists and fitness coaches will tell you it takes hours of physical exercise to burn off that burger or those fries, but one moment in the presence of the King can transform your life forever and transport us from darkness into His marvellous light.

We have all been given an assignment and tools with which to carry out and complete that assignment.

Accepting the righteousness and salvation of God brings the greatest success which is eternal life and which can only come through accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master. In the words of the honourable Bishop Norman L. Wagner: “If He's not Lord of all then He's not Lord at all.”

Surrender your total life to Christ, be dedicated and commited to working for Him and enjoy real success on a higher level.




Dear Sister,

It is so amazing that the Lord’s promises for us is yes and amen! We often find ourselves balancing the demands of the home, and all that it entails, work, and all it entails, our health and wellbeing, and whatever life throws at us. There are days, and sometimes even weeks that the weight of it all becomes overwhelming, which affects the mental and emotional health. The economy has went haywire and inflation has skyrocketed. I’m sure it has even shaken the best of us. If you’re not careful, the cares of this world will cause you to become numbed, and sometimes forget about self care.

Yet, even though life’s battles show up, and most unannounced, we MUST remember that Jesus is our battle ax, our strong tower, and whatever else that we need. He came that we may have life and that more abundantly. The God we serve is faithful, and His promises stands true that if we call on Him in the time of need and the time of trouble, He will answer.

So that being said, in 3 John 1:2, we find a important reminder which says: "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" (KJV).

The New International Version: "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. Our Father desires not just for our spiritual well-being, but for our overall life prosperity.

For the woman struggling with her health issues, know that God's will for you is healing and to be made whole. If your body is being attacked & the challenges seem overwhelming call on the God of the impossible. He is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord that heals. I am a living witness! He will do just what He said He will do. Jesus’ healing power is greater than any doctor’s diagnosis or their prognosis. If you need proof just ask the woman with the issue a blood when she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment immediately she was healed. He not only heals the body, but he also heals the mind.

For the woman facing family issues, remember that God is a God of restoration. If you’re dealing with a challenging relationships turn it over to the Lord and let Him work it out. If your finance are under attack remember Philippians 4:19 says But my God shall supply all our need according to His riches in glory. There’s not a bill that the Lord can not handle. Wealth and riches abides in my house. Tell yourself that. It’s the word of God. We should meditate on His Word day and night until you see the manifestation of God’s word. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God.

The Lord sees your tears, hears your prayers, and is working behind the scenes on your behalf. Oh come on somebody! Why? Because He’s our Father and if He sees about the Lilly of the fields, surely he will come and see about you. I’m here to encourage you, and to say hold fast to the WORD of GOD when you feel like all hope is gone, remember that Ephesians 3:20 says God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can ask or think. So don’t be afraid to ask our Father who loves to give His children good things.

In my conclusion, the service you render to God, even when you feel weary and worn, it is not in vain. God sees your faithfulness. He sees your service that you render to Him. Stand strong and keep holding to God’s unchanging hand. Keep on praying knowing that what God has promised He will do! You have got to keep on believing, and keep trusting knowing the Lord wants His children to live in the abundance. Let the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ fill your heart and mind, and let the joy of the Lord be your strength. God is faithful and His word stands true and will not return to Him void. So my dear Sister and friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well in Jesus name amen.


Reaching “next level” success is not about accumulation but about a transformative journey. It's actively aligning your “personal construct” with the will of God, nurturing your relationships, and fostering a deep, abiding peace that reflects a Kingdom connection. Based on spiritual growth and the word of God, this journey should be the basis for your personal construct, offering hope and inspiration for your future.

What is a personal construct? It is like a mental filter that helps you make sense of the world. Imagine you have a set of categories or labels, such as "capable vs. incapable" or "knowledgeable vs. ignorant." You use these categories to judge people, events, and situations. These constructs, which we often take for granted, play a significant role in shaping our perceptions and responses, making us more self-aware and enlightened about our mental processes and how we judge ourselves or feel judged by others – especially when you transfer your perceptions onto others and, as a result, talk yourself out of purpose.

Listen, God can lead you into rooms you may not qualify in the human sense or sit at tables where you may feel like a fraud. Welcome to NEXT-LEVEL SUCCESS.

As a therapist, I believe everyone could benefit from working with a trained practitioner. A Christian counselor educates on theories focused on healing, such as the “concept of self,” “personal construct,” and the elements of “psychological behavior.”

This guidance can h their perceptions w providing a sens understanding in th

Many expect extern , career milestones, financial benchmarks, personal achievements, and satisfaction in meaningful relationships, to bolster their perception of success. However, faith in Christ testifies that the true essence of success transcends worldly measures alone. As you reflect on the wisdom in 3 John 2-3, understand what it means to reach NEXT-LEVEL SUCCESS. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” This verse elucidates a Kingdom view of success rooted in the will of God. His will can place you in positions for which you do not qualify, according to man’s standards, and place answers to problems within you that brilliant minds have not been able to solve. NEXT-LEVEL SUCCESS will cause you to pass tests and set new records, even if you can’t read.

Beloved, live authentically as a Christian, BASED ON GOD'S WORD, aligning your actions, words, and thoughts with the principles outlined in scripture. Seek His presence daily to find your place within His will, as reflected in His word, as your full-time occupation. Live life authentically as His Kingdom-daughter, reflecting Christ's love and grace in every aspect of your life. Rooms are waiting. Issues remain unsolved.




The olympics is always inspiring to watch. Athletes involved have trained for months for the event in hopes of making history. We all watch in anticipation, hoping to see the witness the next champion. However, we often dont take into the account of the obstacles many olympians faced in preparing and becoming a champion.. Olympian Sharcari Richardson faced some challenges in her journey to become a champion. I'm sure she never expected the battles foreseen in the future.

Consequently, our plans can fail and life hurdles can throw your off your original path. Things like the death of a love one, the loss of a job or toxic relationship. The bible says the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. There is a way to pivot and regain your footing even in a landslide.


God says He wish we would prosper and be in good health even that our souls prosper.

Everyone witnessed her humiliation, as she was disqualified from competing in the olympics due to illegal substances being found in her system. After that her name and reputation seemed ruined. The news broadcasted how she had failed. People saw her life was messed up. Im sure people were saying she would never be anybody and people looked down on her. Subsequently, I love to meet the people that didnt give up on her and stood in her corner when she was down. There had to be a great support system and people that believed she could win again. It is possible to lose your faith and confidence after public humiliation and shame. However watching her life, I am so inspired by her resilience and strength. At some point she had to decide to take her personal power back.

She had to decide that she could win again. Winning is all about mindset. You have to believe that somehow you can regain your footing. The bible talks about having feet like a deer or hindfeet. Hindfeet helps you to regain your footing when you slip. I believe its supernatural, the ability to recover or comeback after losing your footing. Well its not always supernatural so people rely on there natural strength but Im definitely leaning on His strength. I tried doing on my own, but discovered I needed Him. So whether, its health, wealth, or relationship. God can give us strength after we had a blow to our lives that knocked us to our knees. In prayer and on your knees is the heart posture to regain strength. God allows obstacles, challenges and mishaps so we may be conditioned for was all for our good. So I'm finding my back, the comeback.


IenvisionmyNEXTLEVELOF SUCCESSasbeingabletoSEE theMANIFESTATIONofwhat GodPromised.



Africa is the world's second-largest continent.

Yeshua Millennium Ministries International

Learn Hebrew ✍ Learn Truth

… Rakhel came with her Father’s sheep, for she was a shepherdes. Genesis 29:9/amp


Too often in today's distractive world, many believer's think that ministry work is about titles, fame, money or controlling people. All these perspectives, which many unfortunately focus on - are temporal. When we look at the biblical text through Language, Culture, & History, we discover something much greater than these per-spec gives or opinions. An insight eternal & greater than ourselves. Heaven’s Kingdom perspective.

Thus, it is this perspective that I share with you from Genesis 29:9 and my Kingdom journey, continuing now from the Mother/Father Land. And don't worry, I did not misspell her name. In the Hebrew language there is no letter ‘C’.

(Study link:

Rakhel understood these Kingdom perspectives. She lived her daily life without fear or worry. She knew her purpose & as she worked in the fields, she understood & knew who owned the very lives of the animals for which she daily cared for.

Being a servant is about understanding your eternal purpose & who HE IS that sent you into this world to work while it is day. Your life is literally in the hands of The Almighty Creator. He is with you to guide you & teach you - if you will be willing to release your opinions based upon the traditions of men, & allow HIM to deepen your experience of a true servant of the Kingdom of Yah.

“Thy Kingdom come - Thy Will be done...” is the perspective by which Rakhel used to care for her Father’s sheep. She did not live to make a reputation for herself - sound familiar? Rakhel was exactly where she needed to be when the fullness of time came & her blessing(s) arrived!

There are many Kingdom-Servant opportunities all around us everyday. Here in the Mother/Father Land of Ghana West Africa I found servants who pray daily for just a little help.

When I met Brother Kwaku from Good Faith Word Earth & Ship Outreach* I thought I would have the opportunity to teach him the Hebrew language as that is part of my earthly purpose. However, remembering the instructions in Matthew 25:31-46, I soon realized that I was being given both an opportunity to serve & an opportunity to learn.

I’ve served by assisting GFWESO with their Prison Outreach & I’ve learned more than I could have ever hoped to through Bro. Kwaku sharing his life’s journey with me & his simple yet amazing insights about creation from Yah’s perspective.

I’m thankful everyday for this renewed journey - living now on the continent of the Promises of Abraham! May you find through your fearless obedience to the Kingdom perspectives of Yah - a RENEWED & LIVING WAY!

Shalom Shalom. (in Hebrew Shalom means - The Energy of Yah which Destroys all that causes Confusion)

Shepherdess L. Naomi Morris




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