Is organic finally going mainstream?
credit:Yeo Valley
Living Earth: on the ground Living Earth: Green Minds
Organic farmers have long known that nature has the answer but are we about to witness the biggest mainstream shift to organic in our lifetime? This Organic September, Tim Mead from Yeo Valley explains why the brand is launching their rallying cry to consumers, ‘Put Nature First’ and championing the benefits of regenerative organic farming as the solution to help slow down climate change. Tim says: “Some of the worlds biggest brands whether it’s Patagonia, General Mills or Danone, are all starting to shout about the overwhelming benefits of regenerative organic farming. Is the current publicity a sign that the double potential of producing healthy food, increased diversity and bio abundance (by not using chemical fertilisers and sprays) and the potential to sequester large amounts of carbon into the soil an opportunity that is going to propel organic into the mainstream?” It’s a thought that’s
dominated Tim’s mind as he’s watched, read and listened to the videos, articles and papers from some of the world’s biggest brands attempting to find the balance between food production, the environment, their communities and profit. For him, leading Britain’s largest organic brand and supporting British organic farmers for over 25 years, regenerative organic farming is hugely exciting, “in a way this is returning organic to its grass roots and the fundamental choice of soil not oil, as a basis of producing food” he says. Degraded soils have become a major contributing factor to climate change and now we’re seeing some of the world’s leading consumer brands including Yeo Valley shine a spotlight on this important topic.