LLA General Brochure

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LIZ LAKE ASSOCIATES Chartered Landscape Architects Urban Designers Landscape Planners

Liz Lake Associates

St Botolph’s Priory

Herringswell Manor

Colchester Garrison

With growing interest in our environment, the desire for high-quality and well-planned outside spaces has never been greater. From public parks to private gardens, and from town squares to office schemes, elegant, inspiring and safe places provide a positive and lasting benefit to our quality of life. No matter how large or small the project, at Liz Lake Associates we believe that the art of the landscape architect is to discover the special sense of place‌ and then to enhance it. Our approach is a holistic one. From the outset we come with a fresh vision, take a broad view to assess the context and challenges, look for local inspiration, propose creative solutions and devise a strategic, sustainable approach. At all times we are mindful of the financial, and sometimes also the emotional, investment of the client. Every scheme begins with a site visit. We then work with clients to develop the brief and explore the creative and planning scope of the scheme stage by stage. We will anticipate local planning and environmental requirements, identify the necessary surveys and reports that will be required, negotiate with all interested parties, draw up plans and submit them, produce a full and accurate budget report and propose realistic time schedules to see the project to completion. Our practice is small enough to offer individual attention from highly experienced professionals, and large enough to offer a comprehensive range of skills for even the largest and most complex schemes.

Bentley Priory

Bridge End Garden



Herts and Essex Hospital

At Liz Lake Associates, we involve our clients in a collaborative and multi-disciplinary process. With any new development, we believe that the design of the public realm and the location of open spaces must be seen as equally important to the location of the built form - this will ensure a functional and meaningful integration between the two. Liz Lake Associates Residential Landscape Design Team is at the forefront of public realm design for both residential new build and mixed-use schemes. With the recent publication of the ‘Manual for Streets’, design excellence for external space is now high on the agenda for those involved in creating new and exciting residential environments. As well as providing a competitive standard landscape design service, we specialise in the detailed design of the signature public open spaces that are so often at the heart of our clients’ new developments. These open spaces are vital in setting the tone for a positive sales environment and creating a strong sense of location. Liz Lake Associates has been working with a number of far-sighted developers to create high-quality and sensitive landscape settings for restoration and conversion projects. Current government guidelines actively encourage, where possible and appropriate, the re-use of existing buildings to help meet targets for the provision of new homes. These properties are often key buildings within the local urban fabric and are an integral part of the area’s history. The key to our success in this process has been in understanding the historic importance of these properties, whilst interpreting the developer’s vision for their potential clients. We have been able to balance historic landscape details with the creation of high quality, contemporary and easily maintainable planting design. The result has been sensitive and stunning landscape settings for properties that are starting a new and exciting chapter in their history.


The new urban courtyard at Capital Square won the What Housing Awards 2006 Gold Award for Best Landscape Design


Capital Square CHELMSFORD, ESSEX Capital Square is a mixed-use development of 108 luxury apartments, retail units, and a day care nursery, built around two landscaped courtyards. A Section 106 Agreement with the planning permission required a water feature within a mixed-use urban square. The brief was to provide a calm space that would create a communal area for residents as well as appealing to the wider community. The square is overlooked by the balconies and winter gardens of the surrounding apartments.

Approach The western fountain courtyard provides a contemporary landscape space with seating to view feature fountains. The primary landscape objective for the site was to create a high-quality, safe, fountain courtyard that was complementary to the surrounding architecture. Outcome The BALI Award adjudicators described Capital Square as a “stunning urban courtyard�. The scheme is popular with residents and has won our client a number of prestigious national housing sector/landscape awards, including the What Housing Awards 2006 Gold Award for Best Landscape Design.

Client | Barratt Eastern Counties | Location | Chelmsford, Essex | Architect | PRP Architects | Landscape Contractor | Oakview Landscapes | Fountain Contractor | Miles Waterscapes Ltd | Looking across the fountains towards the second courtyard

Uplighting the crystal water columns

Night view of the fountain courtyard


A new contemporary courtyard which fuses the new building fabric within the existing architectural character, creating an exciting pedestrian friendly space


Clare Hall College CAMBRIDGE Clare College is the second oldest in the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1326, it is now a college for Advanced Study. Liz Lake Associates was appointed by the client to help create a bespoke setting for a new, contemporary accommodation block designed by award-winning Cowper Griffith Architects. The existing swimming pool and grounds were to be incorporated into the overall project to ensure the new development proposals were acceptable to the council.

Approach Liz Lake Associates developed a master plan which responded to the immediate context whilst ensuring the setting had a distinct character. The proposals include a new contemporary pedestrian courtyard which is overlooked from the new accommodation block and forms a new heart to the campus. Outcome The scheme was granted planning permission and we prepared production information for implementation on site.

Client | Clare Hall | Location | Cambridge | Architect | Cowper Griffith | Flood plain to River Cam improved

Raised walkway with simple planting scheme

Ramped access route

Illustrations produced by F10 Studios Ltd. www.F10Studios.co.uk © 2011

Bespoke play areas, public spaces all set within a hierarchy of pedestrian friendly routeways will transform this once iconic stadium

Walthamstow Stadium WALTHAMSTOW, LONDON Opened in 1933 by William Chandler this iconic stadium eventually closed in August 2008. Having been featured in the Blur album Parklife and in the film Snatch the site is to be transformed into a stunning development of approximately 300 flats and houses by L&Q. Set within the London Borough of Walthamstow the development is intended to be an exemplar for the Borough and a catalyst for redevelopment in the area.

Approach Working closely with the client, design team and Waltham Forest Council, the scheme was developed around the retained and to be restored Tote buildings. The scheme was developed to incorporate a series of open spaces linked by a hierarchy of activity circuits and trim trials both within the site and the surrounding area. These pedestrian/cycle friendly trails are intended to give the scheme a unique sense of place with the provision of specific leisure and play facilities. Outcome The completed design respects the character and unique heritage of the site whilst incorporating bespoke leisure facilities catering for all age groups and fitness levels. The proposed de-culverted River Ching and other ecological improvements will create important green links throughout the site and within the local area.

Client | L&Q London Housing Association | Location | Walthamstow, London | Architect | Conran and Partners | River Ching enhancements

The famous sign

Proposed allotments


These pedestrian courtyards have been restored to their original glory using plants of historic associations unified with natural hard materials

The Galleries BRENTWOOD, ESSEX The Galleries is a former Victorian asylum, set within extensive grounds and situated in a prominent position in Brentwood in Essex. Being Grade 2 listed, its historic buildings comprise an important part of the local urban fabric. City & Country Residential recognised its potential and is currently converting the existing buildings into a high-quality, residential development incorporating 130 apartments. Liz Lake Associates was commissioned to develop conceptual design ideas for the external landscape.

Approach A detailed survey was undertaken of all existing trees within the site, noting those protected by Tree Preservation Orders which were to be retained within the development design. A design strategy was then conceived to create a sensitive yet stunning landscape to surround the historic buildings. Outcome Important trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders, have been retained within the development design to enhance external spaces. The existing core buildings, combined with the new extensions and underground parking, have created eight courtyard spaces. The design philosophy was to give each courtyard a distinct character while maintaining a harmonious feel to the overall proposals. Two courtyards have been restored close to the original historic design, while the remainder are contemporary in style.

Client | City & Country Residential | Location | Brentwood, Essex | Architect | Brewster Bye Architects | Engineer | Roberts Hay Partnership | Pedestrian Courtyard

Original airing courtyard now restored

High quality planting to frontage


Tenants cite the new garden as a major reason in their choice of location



National Extension College PURBECK ROAD, CAMBRIDGE When the National Extension College, an educational trust for distance learning, acquired new premises in Cambridge, it asked Liz Lake Associates to design a workplace garden. On the site of a former stonemason’s yard, the brief was to create a garden for staff and visitors that responded to the site’s historic connection with stone carving. It was also to provide a setting for sculptures that would be created in situ.

Approach Original hard standing and some associated structures and machinery were incorporated into the scheme, and provided a series of axes and vistas which combined with water features to form focal points within the garden. Our sustainable solution limited excavation, transportation and the dumping of large quantities of materials. Outcome The garden is a great success and now forms the focal point for other office development on the site. Many of the tenants on the site are in design related professions and some have said the garden is a major reason for their choice of location.

Client | National Extension College | Location | Cambridge | Building design | RDA | Sculptor | Cardozo Kindersley Workshop | Project in 2000, just after completion

Fountain flowing into main pool

Project in Summer 2011


The fountain courtyard is a focal point for the development and has already won two gold national awards


Balls Park HERTFORDSHIRE The Fountain Courtyard is the centerpiece of a prestigious development within the historic parkland at Balls Park in Hertfordshire, a former university campus. Balls Park Mansion is Grade 1 listed and the associated historic gardens and parkland are registered Grade 2. New apartments were developed looking inwards over the courtyards and outwards over the historic parkland. The client’s brief was to provide a high-quality fountain courtyard that would function as a communal garden with car parking and provide an attractive leafy outlook into the courtyards from the adjacent apartments. Approach The parking was arranged around the perimeter of the courtyard so views from the apartments are over the cars towards the green island of the fountain gardens in the middle of the wider courtyard space. The small mop-headed trees and railings around the perimeter provide an attractive outlook from the apartments, whilst creating a perceived sense of enclosure from the fountain seating area. The lighting installation has been designed to create an entirely different feel to this space at night whilst extending the hours that it can be enjoyed. The Outcome The fountains form the focal point of the main courtyard. They have been detailed in granite with a multi-tiered fountain in the upper bowl and with four bronze lion heads spouting water from the fountain bowl down into the lower pool. There is a lily-pad themed pond cover finished in a verdigris colour, which will in time match the patina of the lion-head water spouts and the copper lanterns which are suspended from the entrance archways. The fountains are surrounded by a paved seating area. There are four granite benches and the lower pool surround also provides seating opportunities. The courtyard has been a great success and is already a Gold Award winner for Best Communal Garden/Landscape and a Gold Award winner for the Best Garden Landscape - Brownfield Development - Daily Express New Home Gardens Awards 2010 for our client Explore Living.

Client | Explore Living | Location | Hertford | Landscape Contractor | Oakview Landscapes | Fountain contractor | Miles Waterscapes Ltd | A view from one of the surrounding apartments

Water spouts from four bronze lions heads into the lower pool

Close up of one of the lion heads


The new proposals are aimed at ensuring development which will help to fund the restoration of these unique historic buildings and surrounding parkland


St Osyth Priory ST OSYTH, ESSEX St Osyth Priory is one of the most important collections of historic buildings in East Anglia but is in a poor state of repair after years of neglect. Our client’s aim is to find a sustainable future for a Scheduled Ancient Monument, 22 listed buildings and 154 hectares of land which includes 93 hectares designated as Grade II on the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest where at least a third of the park had been ravaged by mineral extraction. As part of a multidisciplinary team Liz Lake Associates role was to contribute to proposals for enabling development that would help to fund the restoration of the buildings and the parkland. Approach The project was landscape led with early involvement in the siting of new residential development and replacement buildings in the park. This was informed by extensive ecological surveys and historic landscape studies which have been undertaken and reviewed over the last ten years. The proposals are based upon the protection, conservation and restoration of remaining historic features complimented by new proposals to improve the financial and ecological long-term sustainability of the estate. Outcome In spring 2011 seven planning applications were submitted to Tendring District Council for new residential development, the rebuilding of follies and lodges, a visitor centre and function room and the restoration of the park. The application included a statement of significance, a comprehensive Conservation Management Plan for both the park and the Priory precinct, extensive ecological and tree surveys, a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment that formed part of the Environmental Statement and landscape proposals for each area of development. The outcome of the applications is expected in autumn 2011.

Client | Private | Location | St Osyth, Essex | Architect | Brewster Bye / City & Country Residential | The Rose Garden

Darcy House

The Chapel and the Ruins


The central focal fountain provides an inclusive and attractive area for the residents and the public


Harlow Gateway HARLOW, ESSEX Our client Barratt North London already had a planning permission for 530 new houses when Liz Lake Associates was appointed to the consultant team. Our brief was to redesign the key public-realm open-space areas as part of a new uplift planning application for 750 dwellings.

Client Brief Here, the client brief was to design an inclusive, focal open space, with pavement fountains and gentle mounds to give the feel of a green oasis, where residents and the local community would want to spend time. The park forms the pedestrian hub of a new urban development and successfully helped to support an uplift planning application for an extra 190 homes by our client, Barratt North London. Outcome Construction was completed in early 2009 and the park is now established and well used.

Client | Barratt North London | Location | Harlow, Essex | Architect | Grafik Architects | The fountains are set within a raised star shaped cut granite plaza

Sketch aerial view of the pocket park

The paths to the fountains cut through a gentle mounded landscape

Graphic by Architech Animation Studios Ltd


Expert witness evidence from Liz Lake Associates identified the unacceptable landscape harm that the proposed wind farm development would bring to Stanton Moor


Derbyshire Dales MATLOCK MOOR, DERBYSHIRE Working on behalf of Derbyshire Dales District Council, Liz Lake Associates provided expert landscape and cultural heritage evidence contributing to the dismissal in 2010 of an appeal for wind turbine development on Matlock Moor, close to the Peak District National Park. A nearby proposal at Carsington Pastures had been granted on appeal in 2008 and it was feared that a precedent had been set for wind energy developments close to the Park boundary. Michelle Bolger, a Senior Associate who has gained a countrywide reputation as an exceptional expert witness, was asked to prepare the evidence. Approach Michelle’s evidence always begins with a thorough and sensitive understanding of the landscape context of proposed development; of particular importance in this case was Stanton Moor within the National Park. Michelle prepared an honest appreciation of the landscape, drawing on an informed understanding of current planning approaches regarding landscape sensitivity to wind turbine development. A careful and detailed assessment of the evidence of others and thorough preparation for the inquiry itself are at the heart of Michelle’s approach. The Outcome The appeal was dismissed and the Inspector concluded that there would be unacceptable harm to the landscape and to the special qualities of the National Park, in particular to Stanton Moor, which she agreed was one of the jewels of the National Park. The Inspector also concluded that there would be adverse impacts on the setting of a number of heritage assets and on the living conditions of the closest residents. The decision helped to confirm that the Carsington Pastures decision was site specific and did not establish a principle with regard to the acceptability of wind turbine development on the boundaries of the National Park.

Client | Derbyshire Dales District Council | Location | Matlock Moor, Derbyshire | Inspector | Ruth V MacKenzie BA(Hons) MRTPI | Planning barrister | Timothy Jones (No5 Chambers) | Planner | Jonathan Bradbury | Stanton Moor (after)

Alicehead (before)

Alicehead (after)


This high quality award-winning development sets a benchmark for housing schemes in London and the South-East


Barnsbury Place ISLINGTON, LONDON This former Edwardian school has been converted into a prestigious collection of nine new houses, 15 new build and 80 refurbished apartments in one of Islington’s most desirable quarters. The sympathetic refurbishment of the three original Edwardian buildings married with the contemporary design of the new build apartments and houses creates a unique living environment within the established parish of Barnsbury.

Approach The design of the scheme included bespoke courtyard gardens set within a predominantly hard landscape scheme which responded to the site’s immediate context. Within the centre of the scheme a contemporary water feature is located which creates a unique pedestrian friendly core. Outcome With all of the 104 houses and apartments reserved, Barnsbury Place is now an established and highly sought after residential address in Islington. This outstanding development won the top accolade for the Best Conversion in the Evening Standard Homes & Property Awards 2011.

Client | Mount Anvil | Location | Islington, London | Architect | MGM Associates | High quality frontages

Stunning courtyards

Planting in the lobby area


This former historic stadium is to be transformed into a contemporary development with strategic planting and bespoke waterside park befitting this historic site


Stradey Park LLANELLI, WALES This strategic site in South Wales was once home to the Llanelli Scarlets Rugby Football Club and was where Wales famously beat the All Blacks 9-3 in October 1972. Taylor Wimpey asked Liz Lake Associates to develop a scheme which encompasses a former culverted water-course within a wildlife area which future residents could also enjoy. The site will eventually contain over 300 houses and flats many with views over open space or pocket parks making this a particularly attractive development.

Approach Developing a cohesive landscape design was paramount in the design approach for the site. Working closely with the design team, a robust master plan was developed based around a framework of open spaces and green routeways. The new watercourse is of particular importance and will become a haven for wildlife. Liz Lake Associates has also developed a detailed management proposal so the scheme will continue to be used by local residents and to develop as a sustainable landscape. Outcome The landscape proposals were worked up to detailed design stage and construction began in 2010.

Client | Taylor Wimpey | Location | Llanelli, Wales | Architect | Focus | Pocket Park proposals linking to heritage

Strategic masterplan

Memorial Park within site


The Grove, set in the Hertfordshire countryside in the south of England, is a very special luxury hotel...


The Grove Hotel, HERTFORDSHIRE Once the country estate of the Earls of Clarendon, The Grove mansion is a Grade II* listed building set in 126 hectares of parkland, laid out in the 18th century. Liz Lake Associates was invited to join the project as part of a team of design consultants helping to steer the proposed improvements, including a golf course, through the planning process.

Approach The conservation and enhancement of the site’s natural assets were key to our approach and following a call-in inquiry, planning permission was granted and construction of the golf course began. Outcome The Grove has undergone a major restoration to open as a five-star country hotel with a first-class golf course development. The buildings are now complemented by an all-embracing redesign of the parkland plus pleasure gardens. Liz Lake Associates worked on the detailed design and the construction stage of the project. The hotel won a BALI Principal Award for Soft Landscaping and has hosted the World Golf American Express Championships.

Client | Private | Location | Hertfordshire | Architect | Aukett Fitzroy Robinson | Engineer | Faber Maunsell | Planning consultant | GL Hearn | Bespoke Spa entrance

Temporary Sculpture to entrance

Golf integrated within landscape

Liz Lake Associates offers the following expertise: Landscape Design Urban Design Residential Landscape Design Landscape Planning Expert Witness Heritage Landscapes Nature Conservation Landscape Management Specialist Consultancy Graphic and 3D Design Training and Communication

LIZ LAKE ASSOCIATES Chartered Landscape Architects Urban Designers Landscape Planners

Western House | Chapel Hill | Stansted Mountfitchet Essex | United Kingdom | CM24 8AG T: +44 (0)1279 647044

E: office@lizlake.com


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