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Sustain able competitive economies/nation-states are characterised by high efficiency – i.e. systems and policies that enable and foster efficiency. We need efficient systems of governance, free of any religious, political or special interest views

Sustainable governance


Efficient governance systems that have built-in guarantees against authorism with clear assigned and shared responsibilities Direct democracy (citizens can not only elect politicians, but also vote on legislation and policies) Efficient legal framework and judicial system that is available and equal for and to all Financial markets that serve the real economy, not vice-versa Simple tax regime that taxes all forms of income equally. Public services, including health, education and infrastructure, are financed through progressive income taxes Harmonised tax rates across regions and countries Efficient and well-maintained transport infrastructure, and other public infrastructure (health, education, recreation) Corruption prevention Wise allocation of state resources, balancing social, environmental and economic interests


Equal quality education for all, constantly adjusted to changing requirements, including vocational training A national/regional economic development strategy/vision supported by government policies, co-ordination, and incentives An environment that supports and rewards investment in R&D Curbing the power of monopoly-like entities

Social cohesion

Universal public health services for all, with additional private health services beyond the basics Respected law enforcement deeply integrated in local communities and related services to curb crime Treatment of diseases as diseases, not as crimes (e.g. drug addiction) Equal opportunities for all genders, races and minority groups New models of employment and public participation in public services in light of increasing automatization (robotics and artificial intelligence)

Resource intensity

Introducing sustainable balance-sheets for all economic activities (integration of externalities): polluter pays principle for all substances and activities. Cost to the environment and/or society are factored into the cost of all products and services

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