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Jacinda Beckham 11131 SW 71 st Lane 1.352.949.7936 Jacindakrivak@gmail.com

Objective: To find employment with a company where I can use my extensive medical knowledge to provide excellent patient care to benefit not only myself, but also my employer. Education: 2002-2005 City College, Gainesville, FL • Associates Degree in medical Assisting • Certificate of completion for HIV/AIDS 104 • 1996-1998 On the job training at local nursing homes, now defunct Experience: 1998-1999: North Florida Rehab as can 1999-2002: TJ Maxx 2002-2005: In-home health care to an elderly patient while continuing education. 2006-2007: Medical assisting for Endocrinology clinic, Homer Knizely, MD 2005-2009: Solantic Shands/ formerly Urgent Care Center, Gainesville, FL Lead medical assistant whose duties included, but were not limited to: Patient assessments Responsible for inventory and stocking clinic Trained medical personnel Venipunctures and injections In-house labs ie: HCG, CBC, strep, flu, UA, etc. Minor medical procedures Certified for drug screenings, BAT, PFT

2009-current: In-home health care for elderly patient, whose duties include, but are not limited to: Wound care dressings Medication dispensing and monitoring

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