Smart Energy, Spring 2021: A Smarter Future: Home Energy Generation

Page 54

OBSERVATION AND CONTEMPLATION “Simply put: the world needs to cut emissions – greenhouse gas CO2 emissions particularly – by at least 45 per cent by 2030 in order to be on a credible scientific path by mid century to net zero. That’s what the IPCC showed us. 45 per cent – not just in some countries or some regions, but the world over. They found that 45 per cent is the minimum that the world must reduce.” And referencing countries’ plans for new coal plants: “To paraphrase Einstein – Insanity is continuing to do something that will kill you even when you know it will.” John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate “If all countries adopted Australia’s own climate policy it would take us towards 3 degrees. Even on present settings we are going to go over 2 degrees.” Climate scientist Will Steffen, emeritus professor at ANU

“Under my leadership, AEMO will work closely and collaboratively with governments, industry and communities to design the affordable, reliable energy system that Australia needs. An energy system that’s capable of handling 100 per cent renewable energy, at any moment of the day, by 2025.” Daniel Westerman, chief executive, Australian Energy Market Operator, noting the acceleration of technical innovation, economics, government policies and consumer choice driving the energy transition ““We have all recently become aware of another insidious danger. It is the prospect of irretrievable damage to the atmosphere, to the oceans, to earth itself. “What we are now doing to the world… adding greenhouse gases to the air at an unprecedented rate – all this is new in the experience of the earth. It is mankind and his activities that are changing the environment of our planet in damaging and dangerous ways. It is no good squabbling over who is responsible or who should pay. We shall only succeed in dealing with the problems through a vast international, co-operative effort.” Former UK PM Margaret Thatcher, addressing the UN in November 1989

“If the world is to achieve or get close to meeting net zero by midcentury, then we need to accelerate deployment of the low-carbon solutions we have this decade – that means even more wind, solar and storage [solar PV needs to treble to 455GW a year, and battery storage ramp up to 245GWh a year solar] and electric vehicles, as well as heat pumps for buildings, recycling and greater electricity use in industry, and redirecting biofuels to shipping and aviation… there is no time to waste.” BloombergNEF chief economist Seb Henbest “I believe that if the general public had a better understanding of engineering then we would make better political decisions with respect to action on climate change.” Rosie Barnes, Pardalote Consulting 52 SPRING 2021

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Articles inside

Positive Quality

pages 70-72

Membership services

page 67

Installer roadshows

page 66

Smart Energy Council’s new website

page 65

The ACT Renewables Hub spotlights the CIT

page 64

RACV Solar activities

pages 56-58

Selectronic spreads goodwill

page 59

Observation and contemplation

pages 54-55

Meet the SEC team

pages 62-63

The world on a precipice

page 53

Its Time for solar PV in the Pacific

page 52

Beyond the Burn: celebrating large scale solar

pages 50-51

FIMER takes on ABB and Australia

pages 44-45

Engineering with Rosie the renewables fan

pages 48-49

Western Union’s foreign exchange services

pages 46-47

The future of shipping emissions

pages 40-43

Highlights of hydrogen developments

pages 37-39

Scoping green hydrogen and state advances

pages 30-35

Global regeneration and policy shifts by Tim Buckley

pages 26-29

Death, destruction and denial

pages 22-23

News and views

pages 6-9

SEC in action for members and industry

page 21

Distributed energy a powerful and beneficial force

pages 14-18

Bigger picture: infographic

page 19

Key messages from Smart Energy State Summits

page 20

Forewords by CEO and Cristina Talacko

pages 4-5
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