Smart Energy, Summer 2022: Smart Actions - Plugging more renewables into the grid

Page 66


To achieve Australia’s emissions reduction target of 43% by 2030, it’s estimated that we will need to install about 40 (forty) 7-megawatt wind turbines every month until 2030. For solar, we still need to install more than 22,000 five hundred-watt panels every day – and 60,000,000 by 2030… we need to act so rapidly. Achieving our climate change targets will require an energy revolution… an energy revolution that we are engineering. CHRIS BOWEN, Minister for Climate Change and Energy

We’re bringing forward our net zero target to 2045 and slashing our emissions by 75-80% by 2035 – one of the most ambitious targets in the world. We’ll have 95% renewable electricity in Victoria by 2035 – bringing an end to polluting, coal-fired electricity. This will slash emissions and our power bills while supporting 59,000 jobs. This is what ambition looks like. Because we don’t just talk about climate change, we deliver real climate action. LILY D’AMBROSIO, Victorian Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Minister for Solar Homes

The Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan is founded on expert advice, science and evidence-based policy. Its aim is to shape Queensland as a serious, dedicated energy superpower… [we have] the renewable resources above the ground [and] critical minerals below the ground to be a renewable energy superpower and support nearly 100,000 more jobs [and] deliver average wholesale electricity prices of $56 a megawatt hour over the next decade. As Queensland expands additional renewable power and storage, existing coal-fired power stations will progressively become clean energy hubs from 2027. In total Queensland’s economy is expected to grow by an additional $25.7 billion. Queensland, it’s our time to shine ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK, Queensland Premier and Minister for the Olympics

Saul Griffith has laid out the plan for the people and households of Australia to achieve real zero emissions within a decade. Now our governments – local, state and federal – need to earnestly coordinate to support the will of the people. NICOLETTE BOELE, Expert Adviser, Electrification of Everything, Smart Energy Council

We [global leaders] have a credibility problem all of us: We’re talking and we’re starting to act, but we’re not doing enough. We must see the so-called ‘dash for gas’ for what it really is: a dash down a bridge to nowhere, leaving the countries of the world facing climate chaos and billions in stranded assets. We have to move beyond the era of fossil fuel colonialism. FORMER US VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE speaking at the COP27 climate conference in Egypt

The community independents – the teals – were the biggest story of the 2022 federal election. They represent arguably the biggest change in Australian politics over the past generation, and they mark a new era in our politics… Climate200 was an important piece of a wonderfully complex, amorphous and dynamic movement that upended traditional polarised politics in a range of previously safe seats in 2022. Extract from The Big Teal by SIMON HOLMES À COURT

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Articles inside

Membership services

page 69

Positive Quality

pages 70-72

Maximum Energy unleashing carbon free energy

page 59

The Big Teal and other books

page 67

BASF and NAS containerised batteries

page 61

Q&A with ‘reality checker’ Ketan Joshi

pages 64-65

Engineering the energy revolution: notable quotes

page 66

Solar Citizens forging a bright future

page 58

PV market wrap

pages 55-57

Acceleration of EV sales; The Good Car Co

pages 38-39

ThinkPlace’s staff carbon reduction incentives

page 54

Spotlight on Safeguard Mechanism and carbon offsets

pages 50-53

Meet the new SEC team members

pages 46-47

Collaboration with Indian businesses

pages 44-45

The strong case for electrification of everything

pages 48-49

Energy savings schemes to drive electrification

pages 36-37

Hydrogen’s role in heavy transport

pages 30-33

Key messages from SEC’s Brisbane Summit

pages 16-19

News and views

pages 6-9

World first for Yara’s Pilbara plant Yuri

page 29

Forewords by CEO Eytan Lenko of Boundless

pages 4-5

First Nations Clean Energy Network in action

pages 24-27

The Conversation: Reducing energy consumption

pages 34-35

Developments in green hydrogen

page 28
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