Waaree Renewable Technologies Limited announced that it has securedasignificantLetterofAward(LOA)fortheexecutionofan Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) project for a solar power plant. The project, awarded by one of the world’s leading utility companies in renewable energy, entails the development of a 412 MWp /335 MWac solar power plant on a turnkey basis.Thecontract, valuedat ₹547.5crore, encompasses theEPCworkalongwithOperationsandMaintenanceservicesfor aduration oftwoyearspost-handover takeover, valuedat ₹6.798 crore.
Tata Power Solar Systems Limited (TPSSL) a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited (TPREL) has facilitated over ₹3,500 crore in customer financing for solar projects over the last 45 years This has strengthened Tata Power’spositionasIndia’sforemostgreenenergypartner,driving themainstreamadoptionofSolarEnergy TPSSL’scollaborations with more than 20 financing partners, including PSUs, Private Banks,andNBFCs,havebeeninstrumentalinachievingthisfeat
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has successfully raised ₹125 billion, approximately $150 million, through its largest local currency green bond issuance to date Structured as a 4-year currency-linked bond with a fixed interest rate of 672% per annum, the bond is denominated in Indian rupees but settled in United States dollars This innovative bond, often referred to as masala bonds within India’s financial circles is indexed to the performance of the Indian currency The proceeds from this milestoneissuancearededicatedtofundingADB’sprivate-sector renewableenergyandgreenfinanceprojects
Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited (TPREL) has signed a power delivery agreement with Tata Communications Limited (Tata Communications), a leading player in communications technology,foran1875MWACgroupcaptivesolarpowerplant The project, facilitated through a special purpose vehicle (SPV) calledNivadeWindfarmLimited,hasanestimatedordervalueof ₹105 crore Situated in Aachegaon, Maharashtra, the plant is expected to generate around 40 million units of power while offsettingover30,000tonnesofCO2emissionsannually
In a recent international webinar hosted by The World Bank’s Geneva office, Shri Pradip Kumar Das, CMD of the Indian RenewableEnergyDevelopmentAgencyLtd (IREDA),stressedthe urgent need for substantial investments to meet India’s NDC goalsby2030,estimating ₹30lakhcrorerequiredbetweenFY2430 He highlighted initiatives like the “PM Surya Ghar Mu Bijli Yojana,” aiming to solarize 1 crore households and propel the rooftop solar sector Emphasizing Indias global leadership in renewables, he outlined governmental schemes and IREDAs role innurturingthesectorfor37years
TheHonorablePrimeMinisterShriNarendraModiinauguratedthe 300 MW Nokhra Solar Project of NTPC Green Energy Limited via video-conferencing. Located across 1,550 acres in the Bikaner district of Rajasthan, this project is being developed under the CPSUScheme(Phase-II)withaninvestmentof ₹1803crore,aimed atprovidinggreenpowertothestateofTelangana.
ENERPARC AG has successfully obtained bridge financing for a diverse project portfolio comprising solar PV and hybrid projects, along with battery storage (BESS) facilities, totaling 325 MW in capacity Thefinancingwassecuredthroughacollaborationwith the esteemed French investment firm, Eiffel Investment Group, with Capcora serving as ENERPARC’s exclusive financial advisor throughouttheprocess
SJVNLimitedsuccessfullyconcludedareverseauctionfora1,500 MW wind-solar hybrid project on February 20, 2024, marking a pivotal step towards achieving India’s clean energy goals The auction witnessed competitive bidding, resulting in the establishmentofanopeningL1tariffof ₹343perkWh
In a significant stride towards India’s renewable energy targets and the aim for achieving Net Zero by 2070, Prime Minister Shri NarendraModiinauguratedtheconstructionofa300MWSolar Power Plant in Karnisar-Bhatiyan village, Poogal Tehsil, Bikaner, Rajasthan, via video conferencing on February 16, 2024 The project,spearheadedbyNHPCLimitedundertheGovernmentof India’sCPSUSchemePhase-IITranche-III boastsaninvestment exceeding ₹1732crores
AdaniGreenEnergyLimited(AGEL)hassuccessfullycommenced operationsofa551MWsolarcapacityfacilityinKhavda,Gujarat, contributing power to the national grid This significant achievement was realized within a mere 12-month period since theinitiationofworkontheKhavdaRenewableEnergy(RE)Park
CleantechSolarhassuccessfullycommencedoperationsofopenaccess solar PV projects totaling 24 MWp at its state-of-the-art solar park in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra Power from these projects is being procured by leading corporates on a captive basis to meet energy needs for their manufacturing operationsinthestate
Chhattisgarh inaugurates India's largest battery energy storagebased solar plant near Rajnandgaon district. Featuring 239,000 bifacial solar panels, each at 660 watts capacity, it ensures uninterrupted power supply with daily production surpassing 500,000units.SpearheadedbyCREDA,the100MWplantaimsto mitigate450,000metrictonsofcarbonemissionsannually.
Avaada Energy has successfully acquired approximately 1,400 MWpinsolarenergyprojectsthroughrecenttendersfacilitatedby both central and state government agencies in India Avaada Energy secures capacities of 421 MW, 280 MW, and 700 MW in tenders issued by esteemed state-owned agencies such as SECI, GUVNL, and NTPC, respectively These forthcoming projects, slated for development in the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan, underscore Avaadas unwavering commitment to expanding its renewableenergyfootprintnationwide
SJVN Limited concluded a reverse auction for 1,500 MW of solar powercapacityonFebruary8,2024 SolarcraftPowerIndia8Pvt Ltd secured 300 MW at 252 ₹/kWh, followed by GRT Jwellers (India)Pvt Ltd andFuriesSolrenPvt Ltd atthesametarifffor150 MW each JSW New Energy Limited secured 700 MW at 253 ₹/kWh NTPC Renewable Energy Limited secured 50 MW at 254 ₹/kWh
SECI Unveils India’s Largest Solar-Battery Project with 40MW/120MWhCapacityinChhattisgarh
The Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI has inaugurated the nation’s most extensive Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) The BESS, characterized by its impressive 40 MW/120 MWh capacity, is paired with a solar photovoltaic (PV) plant boasting an installed capacity of 152325 MWh and a dispatchable capacity of 100 MW AC (15502 MW peak DC) This innovative project aims to bolster Chhattisgarhs peak energy requirements using sustainable sources while simultaneously aidingthestateinfulfillingitsrenewablepurchaseobligations
SJVN Green Energy Limited (SGEL) has finalized a Power Usage Agreement(PUA)withtheJammu&KashmirPowerCorporation Limited(JKPCL)onFebruary23,2024 Thisagreement,signedin Jammu outlines the supply of 300 MW of solar power from the expansive 1000 MW Bikaner Solar project currently under construction The project which is part of the Central Public SectorUndertaking(CPSU)SchememanagedbyIREDA involves an investment of ₹5491 Crores and adheres to the Domestic ContentRequirement(DCR)criteria
Gensol Engineering Limited has recently secured two important EPCcontracts,andhasbeenawardedaprojecttodevelopa250 MWac/350 MWdc ISTS solar power facility in Rajasthan, highlighting its growing prominence within the sector and its support for India’s shift towards sustainable energy solutions Additionally, Gensol has been entrusted with a 50 MWac/725MWdc solar power project in Maharashtra, further cementingitspositionasakeyplayerinthesolarenergymarket
NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NTPC REL) achieved a significant milestone with the commercial operation declaration ofitsinauguralsolarprojectinChhattargarh,Rajasthan,boasting a capacity of 70 MW The Chhattargarh Solar project, with a slated full capacity of 150 MW, is projected to be fully commissionedbyMarch2024
The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) has responded to concerns from telecom operators regarding metering LT connections under the Green Energy Open Access (GEOA) Regulations, 2022. In a proactive move, the KERC introduced temporary measures until the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) establishes standards for smart meters with ABT facilities.Distributionlicenseesareinstructedtospecifytechnical standards adhering to IS norms, allowing consumers to install smart meters with ToD and communication capabilities. This decision streamlines data collection processes and temporarily waives the requirement for 15-minute data intervals, ensuring accurate billing and monitoring of energy consumption while promotingtheadoptionofgreenenergysourcesinKarnataka.
DelhiElectricityCommissionRevampsGuidelines ForGroupAndVirtualNetMeteringOfRenewable Energy
The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has announced updates to guidelines on group net metering and virtual net metering for renewable energy systems aiming to boostsustainableenergyadoption Ground-mountedsystemsare now capped at 25 times the consumer load while rooftop solar systems have no limit, enhancing flexibility Until March 31, 2027, renewable projects enjoy full exemption from various charges, gradually increasing thereafter Distribution licensees must provide transparent updates on available capacities quarterly, fostering informed decisions These amendments signify a proactive push towards widespread renewable energy adoption, streamlining regulations, and incentivizing investment for a cleaner,greenerenergylandscapeinDelhi
The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has suspended the Compulsory Registration Order for Solar PV Modules until further notice, pending new directives The decision, approved by the Hon’bleMinister(Power&NRE) comesaftertheALMMOrderwas suspendedforFY2023-24 TheALMMwillnowresumefromApril1 2024 with exceptions for government-sponsored projects while privateinitiativesareexempt Projectswithmoduleordersbefore March31 2024 arealsoexempt pendingverification
MERCissuedguidelinesonGenericRenewableEnergyTariffsfor FY2024-25underRegulations2019,settingtariffsforwind,solar, biomass, and hybrids For Rooftop PV, MERC adopts grid-scale solar tariffs due to a lack of bidding Biomass charges are determined via TERI study with stakeholder input sought for transparency These efforts reflect MERC's commitment to promoting renewable energy while ensuring fair pricing and stakeholderengagement
The Indian government approved the "Green Energy Corridor Phase-II" project to bolster transmission infrastructure, evacuating power from a 13 GW Ladakh renewable energy initiative Estimated at ₹20,77370 crore, the project receives 40% CFA POWERGRID will implement it aiming for completion by 2029-30 The plan includes 713 km transmission lines two 5 GW HVDCterminals anda12GWhBESS MNREoverseescoordination with POWERGRID ensuring systematic execution and monitoring forachievingrenewableenergygoals
The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) has raisedthecapacitylimitfornet-meteringarrangementsfrom500 kWto1MW,aimingtoboostrooftopsolaradoptionandalignwith renewable energy targets. This adjustment addresses the state's energy needs, encourages sustainability, and supports initiatives like the PM Suryodaya Yojana. The RERC remains open to future measurestofurtherfacilitaterooftopsolargrowth,demonstrating itscommitmenttoadvancingrenewableenergyinRajasthan.
Tamil Nadu faces challenges in curbing curtailment of solar and wind energy, prompting the release of guidelines for feedback The aim is to prioritize renewable energy dispatch, ensure transparency in curtailment instances, and address operational constraints to promote grid stability and RE deployment statewide
The Ministry of Power’s recent amendments to the Renewable Energy Bidding Guidelines, effective February 2, 2024, signify a strategic overhaul, particularly targeting Clause 143 to address delays in power supply commencement Notably, the removal of Clause 143 (b) (ii) aims to expedite project initiation These changes reflect the governments commitment to streamlining renewableenergyprocurement,enhancingoperationalefficiency, and aligning with sustainability goals Additionally the revisions eliminate penalties such as PBG encashment and PPA termination formerlyfacedbyREGenerators Thismovefostersa more favorable environment for RE Developers participating in SECI FDRE tenders offering increased flexibility and averting debarringconsequences
The Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) has introduced new regulations (Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Group Net Metering and Virtual Net Metering) Regulations, 2024) aimed at promoting group net metering and virtual net metering These regulations enacted under the authority granted by the Electricity Act 2003 underscore the commitment to fostering co-generation and renewable energy-based generation aligning with the national policy framework advocating for energy security through renewablesources
The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has issued new regulations concerning the forecasting, scheduling, anddeviationsettlementforwindandsolarenergygeneratorsin thestate Theseregulationsaimtoensurethesmoothintegration ofrenewableenergysourcesintothegridwhileupholdingstability and security The regulations emphasize the importance of accurately forecasting wind and solar generation for various operational timeframes This includes week-ahead day-ahead and intra-day scheduling as well as longer-term planning forecasts TheStateLoadDispatchCenter(SLDC)playsapivotal role in considering these forecasts and utilizing conventional generating units and inter-grid tie-lines to accommodate renewableenergygenerationwhilemaintaininggridsecurity
Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) aims to establish equitable charges for consumers utilizing open access, ensuring all fixed electricity costs are covered. Proposals include setting different fixed charges to replace surcharges and promoting fairness in tariff distribution. Stakeholder feedback is soughtuntilFebruary11,2024,withapublichearingscheduledfor February 12, 2024. The objective is to create a balanced tariff system where consumers contribute proportionately to electricity costs.
TheMNREclarifiedthatCentralFinancialAssistanceforFeederLevel Solarisation under PM-KUSUM continues until further notice addressing state inquiries Components A B and C aim to solarize agriculture, with Component C focusing on feederlevel solarisation The notification maintains existing CFAs of Rs 105 crore/MW for General States and Rs 175 crore/MW for NER/Hilly Region and Islands Additionally, the requirement for indigenoussolarcellsunderComponentCisrelaxeduntilMarch 31,2024
Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd (KSEB Ltd) filed a petition (OP 56/2023) for approval of procedures under KSERC (Renewable EnergyandNetMetering)Regulations,2020 Duringahearingon December 14, 2023, KSEB Ltd representatives presented Regulation 63 authorizing detailed procedure development and Regulation 18 concerning feasibility certificates Proposed extensionscoversystemsexceeding1MWandcaptiveconsumers, with a suggested Rs 1000 application fee The Commission directed KSEB Ltd to revise procedures by January 31, 2024, emphasizing online facilitation and streamlined subsidy programs Concernsaboutverbatimregulationsandstakeholder input were raised, prompting the need for KSEB Ltd to address themintherevisedprocedurebeforethefinalhearing
The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) has issued guidelines for peer-to-peer energy transactions, aiming to promote renewable energy use and generate additional income forconsumers Theseguidelinesallowprosumers(consumerswho also generate energy) and eligible consumers to buy and sell electricity securely and reliably The regulations apply to prosumers and consumers with a sanctioned load of up to 200 kW, using renewable energy systems capped at 500% of their sanctionedload
The Ministry of Power has amended Renewable Energy Bidding Guidelines removingClause143(b)(ii)toaddressdelaysinpower supplycommencement Thischangeaimstostreamlineprocesses and encourage grid-connected renewable energy projects, aligning with sustainability objectives and benefiting developers participatinginSECItenders
AndhraPradeshStateElectricityRegulatoryCommission(APERC) finalized regulations for Grid Interactive Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems (SRTPVS), addressing consumer and DISCOMSconcerns.KeypointsincluderetentionofGrossMetering definition, payment adjustments, and acceptance of group net metering systems. Regulations also emphasize technical standards, eligibility criteria, and periodic reviews for effective implementationandpromotionofrenewableenergygeneration.
Ministry of Power introduces Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Amendment Rules 2024 enhancing consumer rights and distribution processes Amendments clarify ownership terms empower Resident Welfare Associations and set timeframes for newconnections DistributionlicenseesmustprovideEVcharging connections and adhere to transparent processes for associations'electricityprovision
GERC introduces a new tariff framework for Wind-Solar Hybrid Projects in Gujarat, effective for projects post-June 19, 2023 It extends previous regulations emphasizing renewable energy promotion and competitive procurement. Tariffs for larger projects undergo competitive bidding while smaller ones follow weighted average tariffs GERC aligns control periods with previousorders addressingstakeholders'concernsongridsafety andtransmissioncapacity
Recent amendments to the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020 by the Indian Government aim to streamline new electricity connections and rooftop solar installations Changes include exemptions for smaller rooftop solar systems from feasibility studies, reduced timelines for larger systems' studies, and distribution company funding for system upgrades Separate EV charging connections, shorter waiting periods for new connections, and transparency in connection choices for residential complexes are also introduced, alongside measures toaddressmeteringaccuracyconcerns
TheGujaratElectricityRegulatoryCommissionhasintroducedthe GujaratElectricityRegulatoryCommission(TermsandConditions for Green Energy Open Access) Regulations, 2024, aimed at facilitating Green Energy Open Access (GEOA) in the state Applicable to consumers, generators, and licensees with a demandofatleast100KW theseregulationsensurefairaccessto renewableenergysourceslikesolarandwind Categoriesinclude Long-term Medium-term and Short-term access with an applicationprocessthroughacentralportal
India'sdriveforrenewableenergyinfrastructure,backedbygrants andpolicies,foreseesasurgeinbatterystoragecapacityto4GW by 2028. Government initiatives like viability gap funding (VGF) aimtoreduceprojectcosts,potentiallyimprovingreturnsby200300basispoints.Fallingbatteryprices,currentlyat$140perkWh, and supportive policies are expected to boost returns on standalone storage projects by 300-400 basis points. With renewable capacity set to surpass 20% by 2028, effective energy storage solutions are vital for grid stability. Over 1 GW of battery storage capacity has been auctioned, signaling early sector traction.
InfomericsRatingsForeseesaBright2024Future with ₹137,500CroreInvestmentinIndia’s RenewableEnergySector
Infomerics Ratings released 'India’s Renewable Energy Outlook: Navigating the Future' highlighting India's strides in renewable energy adoption Ranking fourth globally in installed capacity Indiaaimsfor500GWby2030 surpassing170GWby2023 Tamil Nadu Karnataka and Gujarat lead in renewable electricity generation, while Tripura, Mizoram, and Jharkhand face challenges Globally, renewable capacity is projected to grow by 107 GW in 2023 India expects ₹137,500 crore investment in 2024, focusing on solar and wind energy, supported by the Green Hydrogen Mission Despite progress, challenges like policy instabilitypersist,necessitatingasustainedeffortforasuccessful renewableenergytransition
India has unveiled the National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM), aimed at catapulting the nation into a global hub for green hydrogen production, usage, and export. Spearheaded by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy and Power, the mission boastsanimpressiveoutlayof ₹19,744crores.Underthisinitiative, pivotaltendershavebeenawarded,markingcrucialmilestonesin the mission’s implementation. The tender for Green Hydrogen Producers selection, facilitating the establishment of production facilities with a total capacity of 4,12,000 tons per annum, was grantedto10deservingcompanies.Simultaneously,thefollowing Manufacturers, per
NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL) and the Government of MaharashtrahavesignedanMoUfordevelopingGreenHydrogen, derivatives, Pump Hydro Projects, and RE projects, marking a significant step towards the state’s Green Investment Plan, with ananticipatedinvestmentofapproximately ₹ 80,000Crore.
The Indian Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has unveiled guidelines for the implementation of pilot projects promoting the use of green hydrogen in the steel sector under the National Green Hydrogen Mission Released on February 2, 2024, the guidelines aim to replace fossil fuels and feedstock with green hydrogen and its derivatives in the steel industry Under the National Green Hydrogen Mission, the MNRE, in collaboration with the Ministry of Steel and nominated implementingagencies,willfocusonthreekeyareas:integrating hydrogen in the Direct Reduced Ironmaking process, utilizing hydrogeninBlastFurnaceoperations,andgraduallysubstituting fossil fuels with green hydrogen The scheme also encourages innovativehydrogenapplicationsforcarbonemissionreduction inironandsteelproduction
Inasignificantstridetowardssustainableenergysolutions,Tehri HydroDevelopmentCorporation(THDC)hasrecentlylauncheda pioneering green hydrogen pilot project in Uttarakhand This venture marks a noteworthy step in embracing eco-friendly technologies to address the growing concerns of environmental sustainability The project is centered around cutting-edge electrolyzer and fuel cell technology, signifying THDCs commitment to exploring innovative avenues for clean energy production By introducing this pilot project, THDC aims to demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of green hydrogen productionintheuniquetopographyofUttarakhand
ThePresidentofIndiahasgiventhegreenlightfortheinitiationof theSchemeforPilotProjectsontheutilizationofGreenHydrogen intheShippingSectorundertheNationalGreenHydrogenMission (NGHM). The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Division, issued the directive dated February 1, 2024, outlining the objectives and guidelines for the implementation of this groundbreaking initiative. The primary objectives of the scheme include supporting the deployment of Green Hydrogen and its derivativesasshippropulsionfuelonapilotbasis,validatingtheir technical feasibility and performance in real-world operational conditions,andevaluatingtheeconomicviabilityoftheirusagein the shipping sector. The scheme also aims to assess the effectiveness of Green Hydrogen in ship propulsion, bunkering, andrefuelingsystemsatports,aswellastodemonstratesafeand secureoperations.
NTPC Limited, Indias premier power sector Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) and the countrys leading integrated power company, has taken a significant step towards achieving its green energy ambitions and supporting the Government of India’s energy transition efforts On 20th February 2024 NTPC GreenEnergyLimited(NGEL) asubsidiaryofNTPC enteredinto a Land Lease Agreement with the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (APIIC) for the establishment of an Integrated Green Hydrogen Hub This cutting-edge project will be developed over 1,200 acres near Pudimadaka village in Visakhapatnam’sAtchutapuramMandal
On February 22, 2024, a pivotal meeting was convened in New DelhibyShriR K Singh,theUnionMinisterforPowerandNew& RenewableEnergy,focusingontheGovernmentsGreenHydrogen ResearchandDevelopmentScheme Duringthemeeting,Minister Singh emphasized the critical need for concentrated research efforts under the National Green Hydrogen Mission, aiming to pinpoint primary research areas, support research institutions robustly develop necessary technologies and ensure their practical application A significant part of the discussion was dedicatedtoenhancingtheefficiencyofelectrolyzersasacrucial step toward reducing the cost of Green Hydrogen production Minister Singh urged the exploration of more cost-effective alternatives for the production and transportation of Green Hydrogen
Maharashtra secures monumental MoUs with seven major companies for Green Hydrogen projects, totaling ₹2,76,300 crore investmentsandaimingfor910KTPAofgreenenergy.NTPCGreen Energy Ltd. leads with ₹80,000 crore investment and 12,000 jobs, followed by JSW Energy Ltd. with ₹15,000 crore and 11,000 jobs. AVAADA Green Hydrogen Pvt. Ltd. and Bafna Solar & Infra. Pvt. Ltd.jointlypledge ₹50,000croreand8,900jobs.ReNeweFuelsPvt. Ltd. commits ₹66,400 crore and 27,000 jobs, while Welspun GodavariGH2Pvt.Ltd invests ₹29,900crorefor12,200jobs.INOX Air Products Pvt. Ltd. and L&T Green Energy Tech Ltd. contribute ₹25,000 crore and ₹10,000 crore, with potential jobs of 300 and 1,000,respectively.
The Hi-MO X6 Series – Stunning design and high
efficiency exclusively dedicated to the DG market
LONGi has announced an upgrade to the branding of its distributed products - Hi-MO X6 - highlighting its commitment to the enhancement of the user experience globally Hi-MO X6 module, designed for distributed scenarios, adopts advanced HPBC cell technology, and is committed to delivering a superior experience for distributed customers Having undertaken a thorough analysis of customer needs and expectations, the company has long recognized the market's requirement for the combination of quality and innovation, a need addressed by the Hi-MO X6 module, which incorporates advanced HPBC cell technology specifically designed for distributed scenarios
The Hi-MO X6 has been meticulously developed by LONGi's product team over two years of exhaustive end-user research, with the result being a tailored solution for the distributed market combining ultimate efficiency, maximum safety, and seamless integration with architectural aesthetics.
Built upon high-efficiency HPBC cell technology, featuring a frontal busbar-free design, the product's design maximizes the utilization of incident light, reduces optical losses, enhances conversion efficiency, and consequently optimizes levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
Encompassing cutting-edge HPBC cell technology, the Hi-MO X6 epitomizes LONGi's unyielding dedication to pioneering solar advancements. Beyond merely optimizing energy conversion, this revolutionary module heralds an era of unparalleled value, promising transformative benefits and setting an unprecedented benchmark in distributed solar solutions.
The efficiency of the standard version of HPBC cell climbs to 25 5%, and the efficiency of the HPBC+ cell reaches to 25 8% For Hi-MO X6, the adoption of this technology, brings customers a 6%-10% increase in power generation performance compared to traditional modules and a 23 3% maximum efficiency in mass production, delivering unparalleled value gains to customers In other part of the world where already Hi-MO X6 has stated performing, LONGi team has observed better generation yield in rooftop installations than other newer technologies.
In recent years, India has witnessed a remarkable transformationinitsenergysector,drivenbytherapidadoption ofdistributedsolarsolutions.Distributedsolar,characterizedby small-scale solar installations deployed closer to the point of consumption, is revolutionizing India's energy landscape by offering a sustainable, decentralized alternative to traditional centralizedpowergeneration.
TheproliferationofdistributedsolarinstallationsacrossIndiais fueledbyaconfluenceoffactors,includingdecliningsolarpanel costs, technological advancements, favorable government policies, and growing environmental awareness among consumers and businesses. This convergence of factors has created a conducive environment for the widespread adoption of solar energy, driving the decentralization of India's power generationinfrastructure.
Oneofthekeydriversbehindtheriseofdistributedsolaristhe declining cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. Over the past decade, significant advancements in solar panel manufacturing, economies of scale, and improvements in efficiency have led to a substantial reduction in solar module prices, making solar energy increasingly cost-competitive with conventional fossil fuels. This cost parity has incentivized consumersandbusinessestoinvestinrooftopsolarinstallations asareliableandaffordablesourceofelectricity.
Governmentsupportandpolicyinterventionshavealsoplayeda crucial role in accelerating the deployment of distributed solar solutions across India. Initiatives such as the National Solar Mission (NSM), launched in 2010, aim to promote solar energy adoptionthroughfinancialincentives,subsidies,andregulatory frameworks that facilitate grid connectivity and net metering for rooftop solar systems. State governments have complemented national efforts by introducing their own solar policies and incentives, further catalyzing the growth of distributedsolarinstallationsatthelocallevel.
The environmental benefits of distributed solar cannot be overstated.Byharnessingabundantsunlighttogenerateclean, renewable energy, distributed solar installations help mitigate greenhousegasemissions,reduceairpollution,andalleviatethe strainonconventionalpowergrids.InacountrylikeIndia,where
energy demand is expected to surge in tandem with economic growth, distributed solar offers a sustainable solution to meet growingelectricityneedswhileminimizingenvironmentalimpact.
Moreover, distributed solar empowers consumers by providing them with greater control over their energy consumption and costs. Through net metering arrangements, consumers can offset their electricity bills by feeding surplus solar power back into the grid, effectively becoming prosumers who generate and consume their own electricity. This decentralized approach to energy generation enhances energy security, resilience, and selfsufficiency, particularly in remote or off-grid areas where traditionalpowerinfrastructureisscarceorunreliable.
Thebenefitsofdistributedsolarextendbeyondenvironmentaland economicconsiderationstoencompasssocialanddevelopmental impactsaswell.Byexpandingaccesstocleanenergyinruraland underservedcommunities,distributedsolarinitiativescontributeto poverty alleviation, job creation, and socio-economic empowerment. Solar microgrids, for example, enable off-grid villages to access reliable electricity for lighting, irrigation, education, healthcare, and small-scale enterprise, unlocking new opportunities for socio-economic development and improving qualityoflife.
Looking ahead, the future of India's energy landscape is undeniablyintertwinedwiththecontinuedexpansionofdistributed solar solutions. As technology advances, economies of scale improve, and regulatory frameworks evolve distributed solar is poisedtoplayanincreasinglypivotalroleinmeetingIndia'senergy needs sustainably and inclusively. By embracing the transformative potential of distributed solar, India can chart a coursetowardsacleaner,moreresilientenergyfuturethatbenefits bothpresentandfuturegenerations.
In conclusion, the rise of distributed solar represents a paradigm shift in India's energy paradigm, reshaping the way electricity is generated, distributed, and consumed across the country. From rooftop solar panels on urban homes to solar microgrids in rural villages, distributed solar is democratizing energy access, driving economic growth, and catalyzing social progress. As India embracesthissolarrevolution,itpavesthewayforabrighter,more sustainablefuturepoweredbytheabundantenergyofthesun.
Albania’s First Utility-Scale PV Plant Commences Operation Using Sineng Inverters
Fier, Albania, January 18, 2024 - The 140MW Karavasta solar plant, located in the Fier region of southern Albania, has been successfully connected to the grid, delivering electricity to the transmission system To date, this project is the largest photovoltaic project in Albania and the Western Balkans
Awarded to Voltalia through a competitive tender process initiated by the Albanian government, the Karavasta solar farm comprises 240,000 bifacial panels and 18 units of Sineng’s EP-6250-HC-UD/30 MV turnkey stations Sineng’s products, equipped with IP65 and C5 anti-corrosion protection rating, have proved their adaptability in the current wet winter
Each inverter undergoes rigorous testing before leaving the factory, including low voltage ride through (LVRT), high voltage ride through (HVRT), and weak power grid conditions, thus ensuring their exceptional reliability and safety Moreover, with the maximum efficiency of up to 99%, a DC/AC ratio of up to 1 8, and the ability to accommodate larger block sizes, these inverters maximize yields while significantly reducing Balance of System (BOS) costs
offset over 29,165 tonnes of CO2 per year, perfectly aligning with Albania’s ambitious goal of achieving 54 4% renewable energy in the final gross energy consumption by 2030
In a country where the majority of domestic electricity generation relies on hydropower and is susceptible to the challenges posed by frequent droughts, the project marks a strategic move to enhance energy resilience Jianfei Li, Vice President of Sineng, stated, “We are glad to be part of this project, facilitating Albania's transition towards a more diversified energy mix Beyond mitigating climate change impacts, the endeavor creates employment opportunities, fosters social development, and contributes to ecological sustainability within the local community "
About Sineng
SOFAR Unveils Ground-breaking 350kW Utility PV Inverter for the Indian Market
SOFAR, the global leading provider of all-scenario PV & ESS solutions, has launched PowerMega (350KTLX0) which is 350 kW for the Indian market at REI 2023.
This latest product offering is tailored for utility-scale projects both in India and globally
The innovative inverter is optimized for utility solar. The company firmly believes that the technology in PowerMega will be an important part of the solar industry’s future, given its unique advantages, including a maximum efficiency of 99 05% at 50 degrees Featuring the integration of ultra-high current, easy installation, and intelligent protection, it also characterizes 8*60A multiple MPPTs, compatible with 500Wp+ highpower modules and various utility-scale designs, which ensures lower LCOE and higher yields for end-users
Driven by the optimistic expectation in upcoming C&I and small-scale utility applications, SOFAR also introduced the brand-new 100-125KTLG4 to the audience Currently, high-power modules are the dominant technology in the PV industry Equipped with 40A*10 MPPTs ultra-high currents, the perfectly compatible inverter is expected to enable optimal yields and lower LCOE in complex terrains for end-users Meanwhile, the inverter provides comprehensive protection through AFCI, Type II SPD, and I-V curve scanning, effectively enhancing system safety and avoiding potential financial loss
Jesse Lau, Head of APAC & MEA Region, points out that high efficiency, easy installation, and maintenance, in addition to local technical support and global acceptance, are some of the critical reasons why customers choose SOFAR “By H1 2023, our shipment to India has reached over 2.5GW. We’re pleased to provide our pioneering solutions for different EPCs, IPPs, and C&I customers In the future, we’ll keep working on technological innovations and service optimization, further expanding our business layout to satisfy the demands of localized service support in India ”
SOFAR is a global leading provider of all-scenario solar and storage solutions and is committed to being the leader of digital energy solutions with a comprehensive portfolio, including PV inverters, hybrid inverters, BESS, utility ESS, micro inverter systems, and SOFAR Monitor smart energy management system for residential, C&I and utility applications. By 2021, SOFAR entered the TOP5 Global Hybrid Inverter Brands, establishing a global R&D network with three R&D centers and two manufacturing bases In 2022, SOFAR's annual production capacity reached 10GW for inverters and 1GWh for batteries By 2022, SOFAR has shipped 18GW+ inverters to 100+ countries and regions worldwide. Learn more: https://www.sofarsolar.com/
SMA's Sunny Tripower CORE2 110 kW: A Pioneering Leap in India's Solar Landscape
In an era where solar energy is the way forward, SMA Commercial Energy Solution is spearheading advancements in India with its flagship product, the Sunny Tripower CORE2 110 kW, boasting AFCI approval
Tailored for medium to large-scale commercial PV systems, the Sunny Tripower Core2 stands out as a cutting-edge string inverter, offering unparalleled flexibility for diverse commercial initiatives Its design caters to the intricate needs of business clientele, making it the preferred choice for various commercial applications
The CORE2, a key component of SMA Commercial Energy Solution and ennexOS, showcases future readiness for evolving business landscapes It comes as an out-of-the-box solution with integrated PV performance optimization, ensuring efficient installation and top-notch customer service
Key Features that Define Excellence:
Innovative Plant Design: Scalable from compact installations to mega-watt ranges.
24-String System with Sunclix Connectors: Robust and reliable connectivity.
Integrated AFCI: Enhanced safety features.
Over-dimension Capability: Up to 150% for PV array.
Compatibility for Bifacial Modules: Supports reaching up to 1,100 VDC
Seamless Integration for Future-Ready Businesses
The CORE2 not only fits into the present solar landscape but is tailormade for the future. Integrating seamlessly with SMA Energy System Business and ennexOS, it ensures that businesses stay at the forefront of solar technology
Highlights of Integration:
SUNNY DESIGN Planning Tool: Renowned for effective planning
Easy Expandability: Catering to diverse use cases.
Comprehensive ennexOS Integration: Simplified plant commissioning via DATA MANAGER M
Monitoring through SMA SUNNY PORTAL: Powered by ennexOS
Access to SMA's Online Services Suite: Dedicated to optimizing solar performance.
Peak Performance with Simplified Installation
The CORE2 reflects SMA's commitment to efficiency and userfriendliness With no need for a DC combiner, a fuseless design, and multiple handling grips, the installation process becomes both time and cost-effective
No DC Combiner Requirement: Streamlining setup
Fuseless Design: Reducing consumable items
Benchmark-Setting 110 kW Output: At a standard 400 VAC
Sturdy Construction: Ensuring longevity in challenging environments
Quick Plant Commissioning: Facilitated by Data Manager M
Innovative Features Exclusive to SMA
SMA ShadeFix: A patented, software-first approach to optimizing energy yield in PV plants
SMA Smart Connected: An automated inverter monitoring system ensuring optimized services
SMA extends an invitation to industry experts, partners, and solar enthusiasts to experience the future of solar management with the SUNNY TRIPOWER CORE2 For further information or inquiries, please contact marketing@sma-india com
Recognition for Exceptional Contributions
Recognition for Exceptional Contributions
Recognition for Exceptional Contributions to the State Leadership in Telangana to the State Leadership in Telangana to the Leadership in Telangana
Solar EPC Company of the Year - C&I
Natsakee Incorporation
State Technology Innovation of the Year
FuelON State Technology Leadership Award - Inverter
Dr. Akash Garg
Natsakee Incorporation
Best Project Management Team of the Year
Natsakee Incorporation
For their outstanding contribution to the development of Renewable Energy in Assam
Assam Electricity Regulatory Commission
Assam Power Distribution Company
For their outstanding contribution to the Research & Development of Renewable Energy in Assam
WRI India
GoodWe Expands Utility Portfolio Capacity with
Launch of 320/350kW String Inverter, Lowering LCOE
GoodWe, a renowned global provider of solar products and energy solutions, has launched its new three-phase 1,500V utility string inverter, the UT (320/350kW) The inverter is designed to meet the demands of large-scale power plants, offering high power efficiency, streamlined operation and maintenance (O&M), and reliable system stability With this addition, GoodWe strengthens its utility segment portfolio by providing increased capacity and significantly reducing Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
The series offers options of 12 MPPTs and 15 MPPTs and boasts a maximum efficiency of 99.01%. With a maximum string input current of 15/20A, it is compatible with bifacial modules, optimizing energy yields for power plants
The UT series provides anti-Potential Induced Degradation (PID) and PID-recovery functions, effectively mitigating energy losses caused by PID effects, especially in high-temperature and high-humidity conditions With an IP66 rating and up to C5 protection, the inverter demonstrates resilience in harsh environments. The 320kW UT can operate without derating for ambient temperature of up to 45 degrees Celsius
The use of mid-band power line communication (HPLC) technology decreases installation costs without extra communication wiring The UT can also be equipped to compensate reactive power during the nighttime to maintain the voltage stability of the system, eliminating the need for a costly external compensation system Moreover, the UT inverter supports a low SCR of 1 0, which ensures the power plant remains stable even in weak grid conditions
The UT inverter, when paired with other essential components for utility projects offered by GoodWe, such as the MV Stations (MVS), and advanced communication devices, can form a one-stop solution that excels in various outdoor environments This integrated solution optimizes energy yields, simplifies O&M, thereby maximizing the return on investment for the power plants
The MVS, conveniently housed in a transportable container, incorporates essential LV and MV switchgears and a transformer to ensure seamless power transformation In the system, after the UT inverter converts DC energy to AC, the MV Station further transforms the AC energy voltage for easy grid connection and distribution
For system monitoring, the communication devices, such as SCU3000 series, enable data acquisition and transmission within the power plant Furthermore, the solution facilitates comprehensive O&M through a station-level monitoring platform known as GoodWe’s SolarOS, making remote system management accessible and effective.
“With the introduction of the UT inverter, we have fortified our ability to meet the diverse requirements of EPCs, power plant developers and investors, assuring them a secure return on investment Looking forward, GoodWe remains committed to advancing technological innovation, bringing a more bankable product portfolio and turnkey solutions for large-scale solar projects ” Commented Ron Shen, Vice President of GoodWe.
GoodWe is a world-leading PV inverter manufacturer and smart energy solution provider listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 688390) The company has more than 5,000 employees worldwide and has a track record of over 52 GW of installations in over 100 countries and regions GoodWe offers an extensive range of products and solutions tailored for residential, commercial and industrial, and utilityscale PV systems, delivering reliable and high-performance solutions across its entire portfolio In 2021, GoodWe was recognized as one of the top three hybrid inverter suppliers worldwide by Wood Mackenzie For more information, please visit goodwe com
A Glimpse into EnerMAN's IoT-driven Products for Renewable Energy
Can you briefly introduce EnerMAN and outline the products and services it provides for IoT-based AI & MLdriven digital and SCADA solutions in the solar PV plant sector?
EnerMAN is a leading provider of innovative, IoT based AI & ML driven SCADA and Energy Management products and solutions at affordable prices to the Renewable Energy Industry EnerMAN Technologies is founded in May 2019, with the vision to “Provide innovative products to manage energy and decarbonize the world” EnerMAN is contributing towards achieving net zero goal by providing innovative products to digitize Renewable Assets
Our key products are.
ETi-LOG: is an IIoT Data logger, which collects the data through RS 485 (RTU/TCP) from Solar PV plants' end equipment (inverters, SMUs, WMS, Transformers, Trackers, Breakers/Relay panels) and sends data to Local PC/Servers or to the cloud Servers through RS485/Ethernet (Modbus RTU/TCP) or RF or Wi-Fi It has in built storage to ensure no data loss during internet failure.
ETi-SOL®: is a cloud-based software Monitoring platform which acquires data from the field IoT devices for Monitoring, Controlling, Analysis and Reporting (DGR & others reports) of Solar PV plants /rooftops It is also a Centralized Remote Monitoring platform -Integrate multiple SCADA into single dashboard Users can monitor through web apps, mobile apps (Android, and iOS)
ETi-Edge: is a local monitoring SCADA solution. ETi-Edge can be installed in local plant server to avoid data storing in 3rd party cloud server and no dependency on internet
ETi-PPC: is a Power Plant Control system that will control active power, reactive power, and
CEO & MD EnerMAN Technologies Pvt Ltd.
At EnerMAN, we're not just providing products; we're pioneering a digital revolution in renewable energy management
EnerMAN's ETi-SOL platform offers real-time monitoring and control, transforming data into actionable insights for optimized plant performance
In a world striving for sustainability, EnerMAN's products contribute directly to reducing carbon emissions and nurturing a greener future
power factor of Solar Inverter (Solar Plant, Solar-Wind Hybrid Plants) PPC is a combination of Software Logic and Hardware which continuously monitors and controls the Solar inverters
ETi-SLDC: This software product can be installed in local PCs/Servers to collect data from the Solar PV plant’s equipment and can send important processed clean data to SLDC in a few seconds as per SLDC guidelines
ETi-ZES: Zero Export system which will ensure Zero Export from Solar PV plants / Rooftops to Grid, as per DISCOM policy guidelines, to avoid penalty This product collects the data from Solar PV plants' end-equipment and controls/limits the out-going power of Solar Inverters based on load/consumption at factory/manufacturing unit
ETi-LMS: Load Management System is an IoT Solution for DG-Sync which is a universal Solution for all Inverter brands (Supports Heterogenous Make) Controls Active Power of Inverters
ETi-CAST: Energy Generation & Forecasting solution which is a cloud-based forecasting tool for solar power plants/rooftops.
How does EnerMAN incorporate IoT, AI, and ML technologies into its digital and SCADA products for optimizing solar PV plant performance?
EnerMAN IoT SCADA product ETi-SOL, monitors the performance of key equipment 24/7 with sampling frequency of 1 minute and notify the alerts / alarm in few seconds This will help Engineers/Technicians to attend the alerts/alarms to reduce the loss of generation / damage of assets.
EnerMAN provides analysis on Inverter ranking based on Inverter performance on various KPIs This will help Asset Owners / O&M site
Engineers/Technicians to initiate the comprehensive maintenance work to improve the low ranked Inverter performance, which will enhance the performance of Solar PV plants
EnerMAN provide analysis of Equipment downtime, keep track of equipment downtime throughout its lifetime, which will help Asset Owners / O&M team to take timely preventive and corrective action to reduce the downtime, which will enhance the performance of Solar PV plants and Inverter downtime loss
EnerMAN products will help in improving the efficiency / generation by more than 2% Our products are deployed over 1 8GWp Solar plants which will directly contribute to generating more than 2% i e , 45 million units out of 2.25 billion units (18 MT of Co2 reduction or equivalent to nurturing 7 1 lakhs mature trees)
What common challenges do solar PV plant operators face in the renewable energy sector, and how do EnerMAN's products provide solutions to these challenges?
Reliable, affordable, end-to-end, easy to use, SCADA solution providers (quick supply and support service) to fulfill all regulatory compliance and remote monitor the performance of the Solar Assets is big challenge in India and in the world EnerMAN trying to address these challenges
Can you outline EnerMAN's future roadmap for product development and market expansion? Are there any exciting features or upcoming products for customers to anticipate?
We are planning to develop software products for Energy Storage management, Advance Analytics of Asset Performance Management, EV and Building Load management in future.
EnerMAN Technologies: Revolutionizing Renewable Energy Management
EnerMAN Technologies is founded in May 2019, with the vision to “Provide innovative digital products to manage energy and decarbonize the world” EnerMAN is a leading provider of innovative, IoT based AI & ML driven SCADA and Energy Management solutions at affordable prices to the Renewable Energy Industry EnerMAN is contributing towards achieving net zero goal by providing innovative products to digitize Renewable Assets.
From data acquisition at the site equipment level, to analysis of data that provides meaningful insights to plant performance & health, EnerMAN provides end to end solutions to digitize and manage PV assets
EnerMAN has successfully deployed ETi-SOL® IoT SCADA Monitoring, Control and Analysis solution to more than 1 8GW (1,800MW) of Solar PV plants and Rooftops, 500+ sites, in 8 countries
EnerMAN’s Software products are Made in India products, which are reliable, easy to use with user-friendly dashboards (GUI), timely & accurate alerts on breakdowns, automated reports and backed by quick customer service support from a professional team.
The company’s broader vision for the renewable energy sector is to “Provide innovative digital products to manage energy and decarbonize the world”.
EnerMAN is on a mission to be a global leader for Energy Monitoring & Managing Products and solutions Our goal is to install a smart IoT data logger at plant to get clean live data with zero data loss and store all data in a cloud platform for the lifetime of the plant EnerMAN provides Energy Management Dashboards that is simple, easy to use and affordable
In the first year of operations EnerMAN did lot of retrofit projects –replacing few expensive and nonfunctional SCADA systems which lacked service support and was also very expensive to maintain Now that we have proven our technical competitiveness, and we have the presence in the global market with our affordable solutions.
Our strategy is to partner with local players who have a strong regional presence to expand footprint in the global market.
Business Concept
EnerMAN provides end-to-end solutions i.e., Hardware, Firmware and Software systems that are developed in-house by an experienced team This removes the dependency on third party suppliers and helps us sell at an affordable cost
Our key products are.
ETi-LOG: is an IIoT Data logger, which collects the data through RS 485 (RTU/TCP) from Solar PV plants' end equipment (Inverters, SMUs, WMS, Transformers, Trackers, Breakers/Relay panels) and sends data to Local Server or to the cloud Server It has in built storage to ensure no data loss during internet failure.
ETi-SOL®: is a cloud-based software Monitoring platform which acquires data from the field IoT devices for Monitoring, Controlling, Analysis and Reporting (DGR & others reports) of Solar PV plants It is also a Centralized Monitoring platform -Integrate multiple SCADA into single dashboard Users can monitor through web apps, mobile apps (Android, and iOS) Unlike PLC based SCADA, ETi-SOL does not have any limitations on number of tags being monitored You can read & display unlimited number of parameters from all equipment ETi-SOL can be integrated with third party SCADA using REST APIs or any other standard data exchange protocols like OPC / FTP
ETi-Edge: is a local monitoring SCADA solution Eti-Edge can be installed in local plant server to avoid data storing in 3rd party cloud server and no dependency on internet
ETi-PPC: is a Power Plant Control system that will control active power, reactive power, and power factor of Solar Inverter (Solar Plant, SolarWind Hybrid Plants) PPC is a combination of Software Logic and Hardware which continuously monitors and controls the Solar inverters
ETi-SLDC: This software product can be installed in local PCs/Servers to collect data from the Solar PV plant’s equipment and can send important processed clean data to SLDC in a few seconds as per SLDC guidelines.
ETi-ZES: Zero Export system which will ensure Zero Export from Solar PV plants / Rooftops to Grid, as per DISCOM policy guidelines, to avoid penalty This product collects the data from Solar PV plants' endequipment and controls/limits the out-going power of Solar Inverters based on load/consumption at factory/manufacturing unit
ETi-LMS: Load Management System is an IoT Solution for DG-Sync which is a universal Solution for all Inverter brands (Supports Heterogenous Make) Controls Active Power of Inverters.
ETi-CAST: Energy Generation & Forecasting solution which is a cloudbased forecasting tool for solar power plants/rooftops.
Team & Management
Team EnerMAN has hands on experience building & operating Solar PV Plants & Rooftops The team used their experience to create value for the customer in terms of saving energy, reducing opex and improving plant performance. The business and technology leadership has seen them create innovative products & solutions in the Solar Energy space for more than a decade The core team has many years of global experience in MNCs developing products for the Networking, Telecom, Semiconductor industry Much of this knowledge about technology & process has been replicated at EnerMAN to churn high class reliable products and solutions.
Customers & Projects
From Rooftops to large Utility PV plants, we have diversified clientele. Few of the Solar PV industry leaders from prestigious Govt organizations with whom we are proud to associate with are BHEL, BEL, NTPC, HAL, MES, NFC, AIIMS, IISc, NLC & GSECL in India Apart from this we have also deployed our solutions to many top private industry leaders
Apart from this, our Wind-Solar Hybrid PPC (Power Plant Controller) solution is implemented in some of the Wind-Solar Hybrid plants in Karnataka and our PPC is implemented on 350MW single largest plant in Kurnool, AP
Power Plant Controller - ETi-PPC solution to ensure the Grid Stability by EnerMAN
The Indian Central Govt launched the National Solar Mission in January 2010, under which the total installed capacity target of 20 GW by 2022 and in 2015, it is further increased to 100GW Later in August 2021, the govt increased the target to 300 GW for 2030 & now India aims at the target of installed renewable capacity of 500GW by 2030 Integrating a large amount of renewable energy such as wind or solar PV power adds several challenges as they depend on the availability of natural resources that fluctuate constantly, making them unpredictable To promote renewable power integration, it is important that renewable power plants contribute positively to the grid stability, especially during system disturbances
What is Grid Stability?
“There needs to be a balance in production and consumption within an electrical grid”. In other words, energy generation must be equal to energy consumption.
For the stability of the grid, there must be a balance between the demand and supply of electricity at all points of time If the demand is more than the supply, the frequency and voltage would dip and vice versa. In extreme cases, it may lead to tripping of the entire grid unless load shedding is carried out Normally The Indian grid has two peaks A smaller peak in the morning between 9 to 11 am, when the offices and factories start functioning, and a higher peak in the evening between 7 to 9 pm when the domestic & commercial lighting demand kicks in The demand reaches its lowest point some time in between 1AM-4AM in the night, depending upon industrial development and with variations in weather For optimum, economical, and efficient operation of the grid, the Electrical energy generation should vary based on the peaks
How does Renewable Energy impact on grid stability?
The generation from renewable energy is highly dependent on the weather conditions and as it the asset owner, or maintenance team has no control Variations and uncertainty in the generation, lead to instability on the grid. Vast mismatch in the generation and demand. To overcome this, govt regulatory bodies have defined grid codes to ensure stability and to benefit from renewable plant capabilities
Maintaining Grid Codes:
Individual state electricity boards define their grid codes, and all the power producers must adhere and comply to the same Huge penalty is levied on the power producers on non-adherence, and it can lead to isolation from the grid.
Power Plant Controller [PPC] is mandatorily to be implemented to meet this requirement While there’s no standardized capacity threshold, as its completely under state electric judiciary But normally any solar power plant hits 10MWp+, the requirement for a plant controller becomes important. Some of the states in India insist even for 5MW+.
What PPC does and what types of PPC in industry?
PPC is a combination of Software Logic and Hardware which continuously monitor the healthiness of grid and automatically acts in case of any abnormality There two types of PPC:
PLC Hardware based PPC which controls the field devices based on the pre-programmed logic in it.
IoT Based PPC, which is latest Software logic based PPC which can monitor and control the field devices with pre-programmed logic as well as it supports manual inputs
EnerMAN’s In-house developed Power Plant Controller [ETi-PPC] can be installed on a server or PC compared to expensive PLC hardware’s and complex logics
What all control EnerMAN ETi-PPC does?
Active Power Curtailment.
Reactive Power Control
Power factor Control
Reactive power control at night
Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)
ensure grid stability during Non-Generation Hours?
Yes ETi-PPC’s intelligent Reactive power Control logic monitors the grid data 24x7 and during night, it controls the inverters and makes work as Capacitor Bank or Inductive Bank as on requirement
EnerMAN’s ETi-PPC is a Software based IoT Power Plant Controller which can be installed on any Solar PV plant regardless of type of SCADA which has been already installed. It allows user to:
Change the Set Point
Control the inverters at plant lever, block level and individually
Schedule the control operation
Analyze the trend and download the data
User-Defined Performance Monitoring.
Monitor Data Locally and Remotely
Hybrid PPC:
EnerMAN’s PPC can be deployed not only to Solar Power Plants It can be deployed to Hybrid Power plants like Solar-Wind, Solar-Storage Etc For more information reach out to: sales@enerman in
Navitas Solar partners with Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) as its official renewable energy partner for T20 season 2024
Navitas Solar, one of India’s leading solar panel manufacturing company has signed a new partnership with one of the most loved T20 teams Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB)
Navitas Solar decided to establish a successful collaboration with Royal Challengers Bangalore as the renewable energy partner during T20 season 2024
Mr Rajesh Menon, Vice President & Head of Royal Challengers Bangalore, said, “RCB is pleased to partner with Navitas Solar This collaboration underscores our belief in advancing awareness about sustainability ”
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Saurabh Aggarwal of Navitas Solar said, “We are excited to announce a new partnership with Royal Challengers Bangalore for the upcoming T20 season. We are confident that working together with the team will yield outstanding results, and we are excited to expand on this success to further support sustainability efforts within the cricketing community This collaboration will not only increase our visibility and brand recognition, but also align with our goal of promoting a more sustainable future. By teaming up with one of the T20's most popular teams, we aim to influence cricketers and cricket enthusiasts to encourage global adoption of renewable energy solutions and environmental conservation”
About Navitas Solar
Navitas Solar, India’s leading solar panel manufacturing company is based in Surat. It was founded in 2013 by young entrepreneurs Vineet Mittal, Sunay Shah, Ankit Singhania, Aditya Singhania and Saurabh Aggarwal Navitas Solar is a leading solar module manufacturer in the country with a total manufacturing capacity of 2 GW pa It specializes in Mono PERC and High-efficiency TOPConsolar modules ranging from 5 watts to 710 watts per panel.
Navitas Solar is among the few solar module-manufacturing companies in the country to have backward and forward integration Its subsidiary Navitas Alpha Renewables Pvt Ltd manufactures EVA sheets to provide backward integration ,Navitas Planet Pvt Ltd , its solar EPC wing, provides project execution & full-fledged EPC services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients on rooftops as well as open access solar parks
Navitas Solar is ranked among the top 10 Indian solar manufacturers by JMK Research & Analytics Navitas Solar has served thousands of customers pan India, including governments, semi-government agencies, and commercial enterprises Navitas Solar is actively looking to grow in other geographies like the USA, Europe, and Africa Navitas Solar is committed to contributing to the worldwide clean energy movement through sustainable solutions
For more information, please visit www navitassolar com
About Royal Challengers Bangalore
The Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) is owned by Royal Challengers Sports Private Limited, a subsidiary of Diageo India.
The Royal Challengers Bangalore (often abbreviated as RCB) are a franchise cricket team based in Bangalore, Karnataka, that plays in the Indian Premier League (IPL). One of the original ten teams, the team has made three final appearances in the IPL and reached the Playoffs for three consecutive years in 2020, 2021 and 2022 The squad consists of a fine blend of proven stars of the international arena and emerging talent
Royal Challengers Bangalore won the rights to own and operate a team in Women’s Premier League with a bid of 901 Crores in January 2023 RCB shaped a bold squad in the auction with the buy of distinguished Indian opener Smriti Mandhana (INR 3 40 CR), who also happened to become the most expensive buy not only at WPL but among all other women’s cricket leagues in the world.
RCB has evolved in their journey of brand building with multiple business ventures like RCB Hustle (a fitness product by RCB), Dash of RCB, a premium line of non-alcoholic cocktail mixer which is launched as an extension to an already successful venture, RCB Bar & Café which saw an expansion by a new opened outlet at the T2 terminal of Bengaluru’s Kempegowda International Airport recognized as the ‘World’s most beautiful airport’ by UNESCO’s Prix Versailles in 2023
RCB has adopted the philosophy #PlayBold which resonates both on and off the field – ‘Defeats don’t defeat us, the Challenger Spirit keeps us alive'. Download RCB Mobile Application to know more.
Navitas Solar launches its next generation Ntype TOPCon at Intersolar India 2024
Gujarat, 22nd February’2024 - Navitas Solar, a Surat based leading module manufacturing brand in the India with manufacturing capacity of 2 GW p a launches its latest next generation N-Type TOPCon modules at The Smarter E India - Intersolar India 2024 N-type TOPCon technology is well known for its remarkable energy yield and low temperature coefficient and improves the overall efficiency and lifespan of the solar modules
N-type TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contacts) technology is a new method in module manufacturing that helps to enhance the efficiency of solar panels that is essentially the next generation of PERC. TOPCon is a technology that involves adding a very thin layer of silicon dioxide (sio2) and a layer of phosphorus-doped polycrystalline silicon, which is done to create passivated contact structures on both front and the back surfaces. This additional layer helps to reduce losses and improve the extraction of carriers by using passivated contact structures on both the front and back surfaces
These panels can continue generating power for a longer period. Additionally, TOPCon cells have better conversion efficiency, which means they can potentially lower the cost of manufacturing per watt TOPCon technology helps to decrease surface recombination and enhances the durability and consistent performance of the panels over time. TOPCon solar panels have a low power degradation rate in the first year of operation and for the next 30 years too
Utilizing bifacial technology is one of the unique features of Navitas Solar’s N-Type TOPCon The module's ability to receive sunlight from both the front and backsides greatly increases its energy yield and overall efficiency Revolutionary Navitas N-Type TOPCon Solar Modules offer power from 560 watts to 630 watts per panel These modules offer efficiency >22% with higher power generation and reliable characteristics resistance These panels provide efficient productions under extreme weather conditions along with bifaciality with lower degradation These bifacial modules generate significantly more power per watt (kWh/kW) over 30 years of life
Navitas N-Type TOPCon module comes with 12-year product warranty and a 30-year performance warranty It is built with 182 mm (M10) 16BB, half-cut cells. The panel can be used with a maximum system voltage of 1,500 V It has an operational temperature ranging from -40°C to 85°C 560 to 580 watts panels are available with dimensions of 2,278 mm x 1,134 mm x30 mm 590 to 630 watts panels are available with dimensions of 2,466 mm x 1,134 mm x30 mm
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ankit Singhania, Director, SalesProcurement & Co-founder, Navitas Solar said,“We are delighted to introduce our next generation Navitas N-Type TOPCon in our portfolio with our expanded manufacturing capacity of 2 GW p.a. With 144 & 156 half-cells & 16 bus bars available in 3 2 mm ARC Glass with transparent back sheet & 2 mm in glass-to-glass combinations, our latest technologies modules can generate power from 560 watts to 630 watts per panel offering module efficiency >22% This innovative addition has the potential to reinvent the solar industry in the upcoming years with its high performance completely and superior technology We believe Intersolar 2024 is the perfect venue for Navitas Solar to introduce our new module series because it will be the hub of conversations about the most recent developments in the solar industry. With this development, we are sure that Navitas Solar will establish new standards in the solar industry and we believe that Navitas N-type TOPCon modules will be the choice of consumers in the upcoming years ”
The Smarter E India- Intersolar Exhibition 2024 is a major event that brings together industry leaders, specialists, and enthusiasts from all over the world It is scheduled to take place at the Helipad Exhibition Centre in Gandhinagar, Gujarat from 21st February to 23rd February’2024.
About Navitas Solar
Navitas Solar is a fast-growing solar panel manufacturing company based in Surat It was founded in 2013 by young entrepreneurs Vineet Mittal, Sunay Shah, Ankit Singhania, Aditya Singhania and Saurabh Aggarwal. Navitas Solar is a leading solar module manufacturer in the country with a total manufacturing capacity of 2 GW p a It specializes in polycrystalline, Mono PERC & TOPCon solar modules ranging from 5 watts to 720 watts per panel
Navitas Solar is among the few solar module-manufacturing companies in the country to have backward and forward integration Its subsidiary Navitas Alpha Renewables Pvt. Ltd. manufactures Solar Encapsulants & Backsheets providing backward integration, while forward integration is provided by project execution & full-fledged EPC services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients on rooftops as well as open access solar parks
Navitas Solar is ranked among the top 10 Indian solar manufacturers by JMK Research & Analytics Navitas Solar has served more than 1000 customers pan India, including governments, semi-government agencies, and commercial enterprises Navitas Solar is actively looking to grow in other geographies like the USA, Europe, and Africa. Navitas Solar is committed to contributing to the worldwide clean energy movement through sustainable solutions
For more information, please visit www navitassolar com
Navitas Solar: Navigating
Market Dynamics, Policy Shifts, and Financial Resilience in India's Solar Module Industry
How do you perceive the current market trends and demands in the solar module manufacturing industry, especially in India?
Current market trends and demands in the solar module manufacturing industry in India are changing daily Solar developers are more aware of the changes in the technologies Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities are also adopting solar aggressively day by day. TOPCon technology will slowly take over PERC technology’s market in upcoming time
How will you align financial strategies with market dynamics to keep Navitas Solar competitive in India's dynamic solar PV module industry?
We’re an 11-year-old company in the solar industry So, by the time we know the market dynamics thoroughly. According to that, we align our financial strategies to be competitive in the market We are having manufacturing capacity of 2 GW p a and we’re one of the top 10 module manufacturing companies of India by JMK Research & Analytics.
In the ever-changing landscape of solar module manufacturing, we're witnessing a dynamic shift towards TOPCon technology, signaling a promising future for solar developers in India.
Director-Finance & Strategy, Navitas Solar
Navitas Solar leverages its 11 years of industry experience and 2 GW annual capacity to lead amidst evolving market trends
Vineet Mittal emphasizes proactive financial strategies to navigate policy shifts and supply chain disruptions, ensuring sustained competitiveness
By aligning financial insights with market dynamics, Navitas Solar capitalizes on demand for solar PV modules while driving long-term sustainability
How do you plan to navigate recent policy changes and trade dynamics, specifically Basic Customs Duty (BCD), impacting Navitas Solar?
With the implementation of BCD and ALMM, domestic manufacturing is encouraged ALMM-Approved List of Models and Manufacturers provides for enlistment of eligible models and manufacturers of solar PV cells and modules complying with the BIS Standards and publishes a list. But, even though after announcement from the government for multiple times, ALMM is still not implemented We hope that such policies should be implemented as soon as possible to make India Aatmanirbhar in a true sense
How would you manage financial risks amid ongoing disruptions in the solar supply chain to safeguard Navitas Solar's operations and financial performance?
Of course, supply chain disruptions in the solar industry are very difficult to predict and manage It affects our operations and financial performance directly. But as we have the experience of the solar industry and our team is quite young and adaptive, it helps us to adapt the market trends quickly that help us to manage our finances amid supply chain disruptions
How will you utilize financial insights and analytics to identify opportunities, optimize costs, and drive strategic decisions for Navitas Solar?
Being from a financial background and with 11 years of solar industry’s experience, we have now understood optimizing costs and managed strategic decisions for Navitas Solar We thoroughly analyze the ongoing market trends and according to that we make rigorous strategies to identify the opportunities and take futuristic decisions for the company
How do you envision the evolving role of finance and strategy at Navitas Solar to capitalize on the demand for solar PV modules while ensuring long-term financial sustainability?
Solar panels’ manufacturing process and technology keep evolving day by day With the evolving technology, our roles are also evolved with time. Financial decisions and strategies are also evolved to capitalize the demand for solar PV modules Solar panel is a product which lasts for 25 years As we’re into sustainable industry, we tend to take financial decisions also sustainably
The Pivotal Role of PIXON EVA Films in Solar Technology- PIXON's Trio of Innovations
In the realm of solar energy, where innovation and sustainability intersect, PIXON emerges as a beacon of excellence with its Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) film These film represent not just a material but a commitment to enhancing the efficiency, durability, and longevity of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules With an unwavering dedication to quality and sustainability, PIXON is lighting the way towards a greener future, making solar energy more accessible and reliable than ever before
The hallmark of PIXON's EVA films is their remarkable adaptability and resilience Designed for ease of lamination, these films exhibit outstanding UV and damp-heat stability, ensuring that solar modules can withstand the rigors of various environmental conditions without compromising their performance The PID-resistant nature of these films, coupled with their lower shrinkage rates, translates into exceptional durability and transparency, setting new benchmarks in the industry
In the dynamic landscape of solar technology, PIXON has established itself as a front runner with its advanced EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) films. These films are not just components; they are catalysts in enhancing the efficiency, durability, and longevity of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules Among its innovative offerings, three models stand out: PIX FAST CURE, PIX ULTRA FAST CURE, and POE, each designed to meet the specific needs of the solar industry
PIX FAST CURE: Speed Meets Efficiency
The PIX FAST CURE model is a testament to PIXON's commitment to enhancing the manufacturing efficiency of solar modules. Engineered for rapid curing, this model significantly reduces the time required for encapsulation without compromising the quality or durability of the solar module Its excellent transparency ensures maximum sunlight penetration, optimizing the energy-harvesting capabilities of the solar cells.
Furthermore, its adhesive properties guarantee a strong bond, contributing to the longevity and reliability of the solar modules Ideal for photovoltaic panel manufacturing and BIPV applications, PIX FAST CURE is a versatile solution that accelerates the production process while maintaining high standards of quality and durability
PIX ULTRA FAST CURE: Setting New Standards
Building on the strengths of the FAST CURE model, the PIX ULTRA FAST CURE takes efficiency to the next level with its unprecedented curing speed This model is designed for applications that demand not just speed but also reliability and durability in solar encapsulation.
With its optimal transparency and robust adhesive qualities, the ULTRA FAST CURE model ensures that solar modules are not only produced more swiftly but also perform better over their lifespan It is particularly suited for large-scale photovoltaic manufacturing and off-grid solutions, where production efficiency and module reliability are paramount
POE: Flexibility and Durability Combined
The POE (Polyolefin Elastomer) model represents a significant innovation in solar encapsulation technology, offering enhanced flexibility and durability This model is engineered to withstand temperature fluctuations and minimize the risk of delamination, making it an ideal choice for solar modules installed in harsh environmental conditions.
Its excellent adhesion properties and resistance to UV radiation further ensure the longevity and efficiency of solar modules. The POE model is particularly suited for residential rooftop installations, commercial and industrial projects, and solar installations in challenging environments
Each of these models undergoes rigorous quality testing and verification to ensure they meet PIXON's high standards of durability and performance By offering a range of solutions tailored to different aspects of solar module encapsulation, PIXON is not only addressing the immediate needs of the solar industry but also paving the way for future advancements
Maintenance and care for modules encapsulated with PIXON EVA film are straightforward, requiring only periodic inspections to maintain peak efficiency. This ease of maintenance, combined with the films' inherent durability, means that solar modules can continue to operate at optimal levels for extended periods, contributing to the sustainability and costeffectiveness of solar energy systems
In conclusion, PIXON EVA film, with their innovative features and unmatched performance, are at the heart of the solar industry's evolution Whether through the rapid curing of the PIX FAST CURE and PIX ULTRA FAST CURE models or the enhanced flexibility of the POE model, these films are setting the standard for solar module encapsulation As the world moves towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future, PIXON's commitment to quality, efficiency, and sustainability ensures that its EVA film will continue to play a pivotal role in the advancement of solar technology.
Harnessing Innovation: Insights into PIXON Energy's Advanced Solar Manufacturing Facility
Co-Founder & Director, Pixon Green Energy
Quality assurance is paramount at PIXON, ensuring our solar modules consistently meet the highest industry standards
Our marketing strategy is anchored in innovation, sustainability, and a deep focus on customer needs, aligning with the latest trends in the solar industry
PIXON's preparation for future market trends is centered around innovation, deep customer understanding, sustainability, and organizational agility
In light of the escalating concerns about global climate change, can you elaborate on the strategic initiatives
PIXON Energy has undertaken to significantly contribute to the solar energy movement and offer customized solar solutions?
Certainly, it's my pleasure to discuss the strategic initiatives PIXON Energy has adopted to make a substantial impact on the solar energy movement and provide customized solar solutions, especially in the context of the escalating concerns about global climate change
PIXON comprehensively acknowledges the critical necessity of shifting to renewable energy sources to mitigate climate change and minimize our environmental impact In response, we have concentrated our efforts on several vital areas
Our company has been steadfast in its commitment to research and development, ensuring that we remain at the cutting edge of solar technology innovations The
introduction of our latest 1GW manufacturing line with Multi-Busbar Modules exemplifies our dedication to meeting our customers' diverse requirements
Moreover, we recognize the varying energy demands of different regions, industries, and businesses Therefore, we specialize in offering customized solar energy solutions tailored to these specific needs. Our goal is to lead the transition to solar energy, fostering a cleaner, more sustainable, and greener future for upcoming generations
Could you provide insights into PIXON's advanced turnkey manufacturing facility, particularly its ability to generate 1GW of solar modules? Additionally, how does PIXON maintain the quality and efficiency of these modules?
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is designed with cutting-edge technology and adheres strictly to the highest industry standards, emphasizing efficiency, scalability, and the capacity to meet the growing global demand for solar modules.
PIXON Energy's commitment to fostering a cleaner, more sustainable future extends beyond mere acknowledgment; it's our driving force, propelling us to lead the transition to renewable energy sources.
Our facility boasts the capability to produce 1GW of solar modules annually. This significant production capacity is part of our commitment to advancing the adoption of solar energy worldwide and fostering a shift towards a cleaner, more sustainable future
At PIXON, we place utmost importance on the quality of our products. To this end, we have established a comprehensive quality assurance program to ensure that our solar modules consistently meet the highest standards We also focus on maximizing the efficiency of our manufacturing process by implementing lean manufacturing techniques and incorporating the latest technological advancements
Through our stringent quality control measures, efficient production processes, and adherence to top industry standards, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality solar modules These modules are designed to enable individuals and businesses to transition smoothly to sustainable energy solutions
Could you provide an overview of PIXON Green Energy's current approach to marketing their solar modules, particularly in terms of how it aligns with current trends in the solar industry?
PIXON’s contemporary marketing approach for our solar modules, which is intricately aligned with the latest trends in the solar industry Our strategy is anchored in innovation, sustainability, and a deep focus on customer needs
A primary aspect of our strategy is the emphasis on developing and promoting highly efficient solar modules We've introduced a new 1 GW manufacturing line featuring Multibusbar Modules, focusing on enhancing the efficiency and performance of our modules This ensures that our customers enjoy superior performance and optimal energy output
Our product range includes cutting-edge monofacial M6, M10, and M12 bifacial series PV modules, notable for their impressive output capacities ranging from 420 Wp to 600 Wp and an efficiency rate of 21 29% This variety caters to diverse energy requirements and preferences
Environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of our approach We are dedicated to manufacturing solar modules with minimal environmental impact, using eco-friendly materials and efficient manufacturing processes This commitment not only aligns with the global shift towards sustainable practices but also appeals to environmentally conscious consumers
Understanding the importance of customization, we offer a range of solar modules that can be tailored to suit various project requirements This flexibility enables us to address the needs of a broad spectrum of applications, from residential setups to extensive commercial projects
To keep pace with the digital transformation in the industry, we have robustly invested in digital marketing and online platforms This includes leveraging social media, online marketplaces, and digital channels to enhance brand visibility and effectively engage with our audience
In summary, PIXON's marketing strategy for solar modules is a blend of technological innovation, environmental stewardship, customer focus, and alignment with the evolving trends of the solar energy sector Our aim is to be at the forefront of the solar revolution, contributing significantly to a sustainable energy future
What strategies does PIXON Green Energy employ to foresee and adapt to upcoming marketing trends in the solar module sector?
As the Co-Founder & Director of PIXON, I'm keenly aware of the ever-evolving landscape of the solar module industry and the critical importance of staying ahead of market trends Our approach to anticipating and adapting to these trends is comprehensive and multifaceted.
A primary strategy of ours is the substantial investment in research and development We're constantly pursuing advancements in solar module efficiency, durability, and their adaptability to diverse environments
We leverage advanced tools and techniques for market analysis and forecasting. This includes meticulous monitoring of industry reports, consumer behavior, and emerging technologies Recognizing and responding to our customers' evolving needs is paramount We actively engage with our customers through various channels to collect feedback and insights, ensuring our offerings are aligned with future demands.
Our ability to swiftly adapt to market changes is crucial We maintain a flexible business model, which enables us to respond to new market opportunities quickly and challenges
We place great emphasis on our workforce, our most valuable asset Through continuous training and development, we ensure our team is well-versed in the latest industry trends and technologies
In essence, PIXON's preparation for future market trends is centered around innovation, deep customer understanding, sustainability, strategic collaborations, and organizational agility
Navigating Solar Innovation: Astronergy's ASTRO N Series
General Manager of Global Product & Technical Services, Astronergy
In the Asia-Pacific's dynamic market, our ASTRO N7s product leads the charge in residential solar solutions
With a focus on Asia-Pacific, Astronergy is poised to meet the region's soaring demand for solar energy
Astronergy's commitment to innovation shines through with our advanced TOPCon 3 0 technology
Can you provide an overview of Astronergy's n-type TOPCon product and its key technical features?
ASTRO N is the product series of Astronergy’s n-type TOPCon PV module products The series includes four groups of products, they are ASTRO N5&N5s and ASTRO N7&N7s To better satisfy global markets’ various demands, N7 and N7s are optimized based on N5 and N5s
Benefiting from the utilization of rectangular wafers and Astronergy’s independently developed TOPCon 3 0 tech, N7 and N7s products have higher power, and higher efficiency and could lower customers’ spending per watt
The adaptations of double-layer hightransmittance glass and non-destructive cutting technology improve the module products’ transmittance and environmental durability and increase the bending strength of PV cells
ASTRO N7 can reach a maximum power of 615 Wp, and the module efficiency can reach 22 8% With the support of SMBB technology, the product’s welding strips and main grid welding joints are increased, so then the stress distribution is more uniform to boost the product’s reliability
Thanks to the SMBB tech we use, the current transmission path of the product is shortened, which reduces the power loss of the module. Meanwhile, the double-glass gap lamination technology is applied, which makes full use of the solar light reflected from the gap of the cell to the front side, and improves the power of the module. From the side of solar system
design, compared to the traditional 182*182 square cell products, ASTRO N7 can effectively reduce cable usage, dilute tracking bracket costs, and achieve lower BOS costs and lower LCOE
Designed for residential application scenarios, ASTRO N7s product is powered by ZBB-TF technology, which enables the product with only thin grid lines on the front and back of the cells, and without pad points. The new tech dramatically reduces the happen risk of products’ hidden cracks and increases products’ appearance aesthetics Compared with competitors' products of the same size, N7s’s power is 5 10W higher, and at the same time
In the future, all silicon wafers utilized in our products would be thinner, and frontier manufacturing techs such ZBB-TF tech would help reduce more consumable materials, the carbon emission per watt of our products will be lower
How does Astronergy plan to position and differentiate its n-type TOPCon product from other solar technologies available in the Asia Pacific region?
ASTRO N n-type TOPCon product is a series of TOPCon PV modules which could apply to all possible scenarios For the floating scenario in APAC, the double-glass structure improves module products’ sealing features and weather resistance. Powered by an optimized encapsulation process, the double-layer coated glass prevents water vapour infiltration and improves light transmittance of the module products
All Astronergy modules have passed the humidity and heat performance test and wind
tunnel test (60m/high wind speed, which is equivalent to a level 17 super typhoon environment), and have obtained the PIT (Pressure, Immersion and Temperature) test certificate
Compared to the traditional 182*182mm square TOPCon cell, the rectangular wafers adopted by Astronergy products can make better use of the container space.
Due to the utilization of rectangular wafers, the loading rate of a single container increased by 4 3%, and the transportation cost of a single watt can be reduced by about 4 1% At the same time, the rectangular wafer product has a feature of low voltage, which can effectively increase the installed capacity of a single string at a solar plant, thus realizing a lower BOS cost.
Except for TOPCon tech, we’ve been developing HJT, xBC, heterojunction and other cell techs But, at least for the time being, the market demands, cost performances and application scenarios of the other techs are not better than TOPCon
Although HJT cell technology could make a module with a higher bifaciality rate and lowtemperature coefficient However, the techpowered module has a higher cost, which limits its further development
The xBC cell technology has higher conversion efficiency and could ensure the module with a beautiful appearance. However, the xBC product is mainly applicable to high-end residential scenarios with higher requirements for appearance and better price premiums The complexity of the manufacturing process, low yield, high processing cost, and low bifaciality rate will limit its further development
Can you discuss any recent advancements or innovations in Astronergy's n-type TOPCon product line that are particularly relevant to the Asia Pacific market?
For the Asia-Pacific market, Astronergy focuses on the development of floating project solutions and high wind load solutions to meet the market's diversified scenarios. To meet the special needs of customers, Astronergy focuses on strengthening the reliability of PV modules in extreme environments such as high salt spray, high temperature, high humidity, and strong ultraviolet radiation, and developing supporting materials such as glass, frames, and high-sealing junction boxes to strengthen module products’ characteristics of mechanical load, corrosion, and water vapor resistance
The newly launched ASTRO N7& N7s series products are supported by the double-layer high-transmittance glass. The upper layer is a closed-hole film to improve the transmittance, and the lower layer is a dense silicon dioxide layer, which can effectively isolate the water vapor
The upper and lower layers of the film have different refractive indices, to realize the transition of the refractive index from the air side to the glass gradually from low to high, to achieve a better transmittance enhancement effect, and at the same time improve the durability of the products in the environment of high salt spray, high humidity.
During the manufacturing process, we adopt non-destructive laser cutting, which needs to heat the cell with the laser and then cool the cell, then the thermal stress makes the cells naturally crack to achieve a smooth crosssection without cracks The process improves the bending strength of PV cells and ensures the overall mechanical load of our modules
Given the dynamic nature of the solar industry, how does Astronergy stay ahead of technological trends and ensure that its n-type TOPCon products remain competitive in the Asia Pacific region?
Astronergy is firmly optimistic about the ntype TOPCon product as our mainstream technology product in the next 3-5 years As one of the first companies in the industry to realize mass production of n-TOPCon PV modules, Astronergy has built the ASTRO N series with n-TOPCon technology as the core
The entire series gives full play to the advantages of diversified main grid technologies such as SMBB and ZBB, and is characterized by high efficiency, high power and high reliability, which enables the series of products to achieve extreme power and efficiency performance and meet the needs of multiple scenarios
Relying on strong R&D strengths of research centers in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and North Africa, and R&D center in headquarter, Astronergy owns 355 Granted Patents, including 268 utility model patents, 77 invention patents (including 3 international patents) and 10 appearance patents
Astronergy's dedication to reliability means our modules thrive even in extreme environments.
How do you envision the role evolving in the next few years, particularly concerning the growth and evolution of Astronergy's n-type TOPCon product line in the Asia Pacific market?
The average efficiency of our TOPCon cell in R&D pilot lines has reached over 26 45%, which is at the leading level in the industry
We have been keeping a long-term and stable focus on the Asia-Pacific market, especially in terms of product competitiveness
In terms of the supply chain, we have a mature manufacturing base in Thailand which could help us to supply the neighboring Asia-Pacific region as quickly as possible to meet the requirements of our customers.
As an international company, we employ many local professionals They have in-depth research and understanding of local market needs and provide advice on the latest technology trends and more diverse scenarios, which lays the foundation for product optimization and iteration and maintaining competitiveness
According to a report by S&P Global Commodity Insights, the Asia-Pacific region, excluding India and China, will see a significant increase in installed capacity of more than 80GW in 2024, with demand from more emerging countries still being tapped As a Tier 1 PV module supplier, Astronergy will continue to pay close attention to the AsiaPacific market and accelerate the development process.
The nominal production capacity of TOPCon cells is expected to exceed 600GW by the end of 2023 (data from PV Info link), and is accelerating the replacement of PERC capacity, with TOPCon cells accounting for about 25% of overall shipments in 2023. It also proves that the n-type TOPCon technology, as a more cost-controlled and mature technology route, has been widely recognized by the market
Carbon neutrality is the only great goal for us to strive for, Astronergy said at an industry event
During the must-done process of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutrality targets and Paris temperature goal, new energy demand will keep rising, related market will quickly develop and change, said Dr. Chuan Lu, Astronergy CEO, at an industry event on Jan 11, to fulfil the ultimate goal of a net-zero carbon world, Astronergy and other green energy companies of CHINT Group will keep chasing the tech frontiers for a better green and sustainable future though the market is changing and challenging.
As an important part of the CHINT Group’s green energy sector, Astronergy is dedicated to high-efficiency PV module research and development, manufacturing, and sales It has gained great advantages due to CHINT Group’s layouts in the complete PV industry chain from silicon to solar generation station operation and maintenance
Facing the ongoing currents of fierce competition, over plus manufacturing capacities, tightened policies, and geopolitical issues, Dr Chuan Lu said in his presentation that, three paths lie in front of us for high-quality and sustainable development
As a green energy sector player, Dr. Chuan Lu announced that moves must be made to promote the integrated development of various new energy forms to maximally utilize new energy’s advantages in different application scenarios for a real zero-carbon society He added that nowadays’ research is still not enough for the formation of a closed new energy loop which could influence every industry and each citizen, concrete actions must be taken
According to Dr Chuan Lu’s presentation, there are still many chanc i some developing areas to develop new energy-supported facilitie each form of agriculture, and links in daily life. And all these could al a critical part of a net-zero carbon world
Nowadays, manufacturing bases of Astronergy in the U S and Turke under construction After these two bases are ready, intell manufacturing techs and frontier solar techs of Astronergy will bene
Expanding its global footprint, Astronergy's investment in manufacturing bases abroad signifies a commitment not only to technological advancement but also to local empowerment, underscoring its pivotal role in shaping a cleaner, more inclusive world
locals from aspects of employment, frontier energy tech and intelligent manufacturing techs From then on, three overseas bases and nine in China will enable the company with a manufacturing capacity of over 75GW
Said Dr, Chuan Lu, “We are expanding relations with companies worldwide to develop overseas capacities upstream and downstream of the PV industry chain to help local development through techs, employment chances, taxes It is an essential path for almost all new energy companies to expand businesses to the whole world and to benefit the goal of a zero-carbon future”
As a new energy company expanding worldwide, Astronergy is still on its fast-growing path and certainly will be a critical play for a greener world
Chairman&CEO Astronergy
India's C&I Solar Revolution: Insights, Challenges, and Future Prospects
What drives C&I adoption of distributed solar and how has the post-pandemic market changed?
Distributed solar market in C&I category can be divided into two, rooftop solar and open access. Further, open access market is divided into captive OA and third-party OA For all three markets, high energy costs have been main driver Government of India has been insisting on implementation of Green Energy Open Access and easy rules for rooftop. Further, Hon Supreme Court providing clarity on majority of issues associated with captive power This has forced distribution licensees to soften their opposition to distributed solar While policies are still neither ideal nor uniform across the states, they are much better as compared to prepandemic period Further, some big states have adopted pro-renewable regulations recently For example, Maharashtra has raised upper limit of installation to 5MW for net metering As a result, the market is expanding rapidly.
What key tech enhances C&I solar efficiency and cost-effectiveness
The Solar PV sector has been diligently focusing on improving efficiency of PV modules while simultaneously working towards achieving greater affordability While PERC modules are already commercially viable, other technologies like TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact), HJT (HeteroJunction Technology) will further push efficiency beyond 25%. The Bifacial, CIGS and CdTe technologies are also marking their advancements Apart from PV technologies other advancements that would be crucial for distributed solar in C&I are:
Incorporation of Solar Technology into Building Materials – The future may see solar technology embedded directly into solar technology embedded directly into building materials, such as solar windows or solar tiles This could make every building a potential power generator.
Advances in battery energy storage systems
Decreased costs would help integration of storage system not only for stabilized and efficient power supply but also to deal with time of day tariffs
Managing Director, Idam Infrastructure Advisory
Post-pandemic, improved policies like net metering and Green Energy Open Access are driving rapid distributed solar adoption.
Advancements in PV efficiency, storage systems, and AI applications crucial for enhancing affordability and efficiency of installations.
Successful financing models like CAPEX, OPEX, and emerging trends in deferred CAPEX are propelling C&I distributed solar uptake.
AI and Machine Learning Applications: As in many other fields, AI and machine learning could play a significant role in the future of solar power. These technologies could be used to optimize energy production and consumption, manage grid systems, and even predict system failures before they occur
How do regulations and incentives impact C&I solar project growth in India, and what are the key barriers?
There are several regulatory roadblocks hindering the growth of the rooftop solar market But, probably the most serious issue is inconsistent net metering policies across states and their varied implementation. Net metering is a crucial parameter that influences the financial viability of a rooftop solar plant Fearing loss of revenue from their high-paying C&I consumers, state owned electricity distribution companies (DISCOMs) sometimes delay the net metering approval or fail to provide approval altogether.
Several new metering mechanisms such as gross metering, behind the meter, virtual net metering, group net metering, etc are emerging in rooftop solar sector Many state regulators have not permitted these metering mechanisms It’s important that regulators realize importance of development of distributed solar energy and enables such mechanisms
Lastly, the issue is related to implementation of Green Energy Open Access Many states have put roadblocks in implementation of GEOA Where GEOA is allowed, state regulations don’t allow a consumer to avail both GEOA and rooftop solar simultaneously The regulators need to take cognizance of this issue and change regulations to allow both
India's C&I solar market: challenges & opportunities vs others?
With positive moves like lifting the installed capacity limits to lowering the open access limit to 100kW, C&I sector is a Hot cake. Additionally distributed solar is a key component in C&I segment for fulfilling RE100 goals Share of C&I sector is 40-45% in all India
energy consumption, this itself explains the potential for deployment of distributed solar. Despite this, like discussed in earlier, the regulatory challenges will remain prominent barriers The charges levied by state regulators on GEOA will create barrier for adoption at least for LT consumers To some extent, financing has been a concern for MSME sector due to significant initial investment required
What are the key challenges and opportunities in India's C&I distributed solar market compared to others?
In rooftop solar sector, CAPEX is the largely favored and adopted business model The OPEX mode is preferred by C&I consumers not willing to invest upfront Another model picking up is deferred CAPEX (option of paying through monthly installments) There are several FIs and NBFCs offering financing products for small rooftop solar specifically targeting MSMEs These FIs/NBFCs have relaxed the stringent eligibility and collateral conditions to reduce the hesitation among MSMEs to opt for solar
How can cheaper batteries help with stable power supply and managing time-of-day tariffs?
With the falling costs of solar power and the decarbonisation goals of Commercial & Industrial (C&I) consumers, uptake of renewable energy is expected to increase continuously Further, pressure from international companies to green ‘supply chains’ is forcing MSMEs to adopt solar power Policies such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism or CBAM is putting additional pressure on export-oriented industries like steel and aluminum. Reducing costs of battery storage technology is creating possibility of round the clock using RE technologies which is attracting continuous process industries as well as new age businesses like data centres The preferred business models would be rooftop solar, captive, group captive and Open access mechanism Conducive regulatory and policy landscape, reasonable financing options will be kay drivers for future growth of RE in C&I sectors
Unlocking India's Residential Solar Potential: Insights and Perspectives
What factors drive the adoption of residential solar among homeowners in India, and how has the market evolved post-pandemic?
The residential rooftop solar sector is a B2C consumer segment where individual consumers make the purchase decisions Their decision predominantly depends on two key factors – first, consumer awareness and second, the economic viability of the investment The higher consumer awareness of government incentives, the quality of vendors and systems, discom processes, etc , leads to improved confidence in the technology. This will translate into higher organic growth in demand for rooftop solar panels Translating the interest into actual installations requires economically attractive value propositions for consumers Often, consumers expect the payback period to be within the range of three to five years This also significantly boosts consumer confidence as the shorter payback period gives them increased visibility and confidence in likely economic gains.
What technological advancements are crucial for improving the efficiency and affordability of residential solar installations in India?
In my view, technological advancements will help overcome the various barriers hindering the adoption of rooftop solar panels among residential households Considering the majority of Indian households ( 95%) will require rooftop solar systems in the range of 0 -2kW, micro-inverters and small-sized inverters will become essential for improved system performance and affordability Further, in the
Senior Programme Lead Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
Consumer awareness and economic viability drive residential solar adoption in India postpandemic
Technological advancements crucial for efficient and affordable solar installations.
Regulatory policies and incentives shape growth, while challenges like limited finance and cumbersome processes persist.
absence of due knowledge of system maintenance among households, solar modules often face extreme operating conditions such as hotspots, shadows, dust accumulation etc Modules less susceptible to such events will be a boon for the sector
How do regulatory policies and incentives affect the growth of residential solar projects in India, and what regulatory barriers exist?
Because of lower tariff rates for grid electricity in the residential sector, consumers are even more sensitive to economic returns on their investments in rooftop solar Along with capital subsidies from central and state governments, regulatory incentives in the form of metering regulation also greatly impact consumers' overall payback period Appropriate provisions for banking of excess power, compensation under net-metering guidelines, and compensation period will ensure the desired payback period, in the range of three to five years State regulations also become restrictive by assigning the minimum and maximum system size for rooftop solar and penetration ratios at the distribution transformer level
What are the main challenges and opportunities in India's residential solar market compared to other segments and regions?
CEEW’s recent study on rooftop solar potential in the residential sector presented more than 100 GW of economic potential for rooftop solar in India This presents a significant opportunity, compared to only 3 GW of rooftop solar installations by households Consumer awareness and willingness to adopt are still limited across
India. Gujarat demonstrates the highest willingness to adopt at 12 per cent However, except for the top four to five states, other states are at around 5 per cent This has also led to market concentration in Gujarat, whereas the economic potential exists across all states Limited access to affordable finance and the cumbersome discom process are two other significant challenges hindering the uptake of rooftop solar in India.
How will residential solar evolve within India's renewable energy targets and sustainability goals, and what are the key drivers of future growth in the residential sector?
In recent times, we have witnessed an increased impetus on Distributed RE (including rooftop solar) from the government of India and states The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the Ministry of Power have issued multiple orders, empowering solar consumers by addressing the regulatory asymmetry across states on net-metering eligibility, processes and paperwork needed The PM Surya Ghar Scheme is another major push to residential rooftop solar, which aims to reach 10 million households and achieve 30 GW of rooftop solar capacity More directed subsidy targeting small-scale deployments, will also help unlock the demand from the 100 GW of economic potential
Unlocking India's Solar Potential: Strategies and Insights from AmpIn Energy's CRO
Given the rapid growth of the solar market in India, how do you plan to capitalize on the increasing demand for solar energy solutions within the commercial and industrial sectors?
Over the past decade, the National Solar Mission has made significant strides, particularly in the commercial and industrial (C&I) market segment Initially, the focus was primarily on rooftop installations within societies However, a pivotal moment came in 2014-15 when Karnataka became the first state to offer exemptions for open-access solar projects This move sparked a surge in developer interest, with Karnataka emerging as a prime target for solar development over the following three years
During this period, the installation capacity in Karnataka's water gig industry alone saw substantial growth Despite uncertainties surrounding long-term exemptions, many customers were enticed by the potential savings and opted to trial solar solutions, leading to a capacity replacement rate of 15 to 20% These early adopters viewed solar adoption as a proof of concept, assessing whether promised savings would materialize on paper and if long-term exemptions would be viable
As time progressed, the proof of concept transitioned into a widely accepted economic reality Senior customers, in particular, recognized the financial and sustainability benefits of solar adoption. Consequently, the size of installations grew significantly, with single customer capacities now ranging from 5 to 200 MW, a marked increase from the previous 2 to 10 MW range Customers now seek solutions that can offset 100% of their conventional power usage
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) -Commercial & Industrial Business
AmpIn Energy Transition (Formerly Amp Energy India)
Over the past decade, the solar market in India has experienced significant growth, particularly in the commercial and industrial (C&I) sector
Innovative pricing like VPPAs propel AmpIn's solar sales.
AmpIn Energy aims to capitalize on the increasing demand for solar energy solutions by leveraging its eight-year presence and portfolio dominance in the C&I solar segment, coupled with favorable regulatory developments
A fundamental shift has occurred in the mindset of C&I customers, driving substantial market growth This shift is evident in year-onyear capacity additions, which have escalated from 1 5 GW in 2018-19 to approximately 3-3 5 GW annually Projections indicate that this trend will continue, with anticipated annual additions reaching 4 5 to 5 GW
As a seasoned player in the market, our company recognizes the immense potential within the C&I solar segment. With a strong presence spanning eight years and a portfolio dominance in this sector, we are wellpositioned to capitalize on the burgeoning opportunities Additionally, favorable regulatory developments, such as the introduction of green open access in June 2022 and the government's push for nationwide adoption, further bolster market prospects for developers, lenders, and suppliers alike.
The Indian solar market is highly competitive, with numerous players entering the space. How do you intend to position AmpIn Energy to stand out and capture market share amidst this competition?
In the realm of open-access transactions, our strategic focus lies in facilitating long-term contracts. When engaging with customers, we emphasize not only providing power supply but also ensuring the realization of promised savings through meticulous management of regulatory nuances A critical aspect of this approach is the crediting of renewable energy units to the customer's electricity bill monthly throughout the contract tenure
Our value proposition extends beyond mere supply; we offer comprehensive support to navigate regulatory intricacies and address interpretation issues For instance, in
Maharashtra, when some customers faced unwarranted wheeling charges despite regulatory provisions stating otherwise, we intervened on their behalf. Through persistent engagement with regulators and filing petitions, we successfully secured favorable outcomes, including the refund of erroneously charged fees
This proactive intervention underscores our commitment to safeguarding customer interests and delivering on our promises. By leveraging our deep understanding of open access dynamics and extensive experience in project development, we instill confidence in customers regarding the viability and sustainability of their investments
We differentiate ourselves by prioritizing transparency and accountability While others may focus solely on pricing, we remain steadfast in our commitment to long-term partnerships Our approach is anchored in providing added value through additional services and ensuring that the anticipated savings materialize consistently over the contract duration
Ultimately, our positioning in the market is rooted in our unwavering dedication to customer success By addressing operational challenges, providing reassurance, and delivering tangible results, we establish ourselves as trusted partners capable of delivering sustained value and fostering enduring relationships
Can you share innovative pricing or revenue models used to boost sales and revenue in solar, and how you'd adapt them for India?
Navigating the landscape of open access transactions presents inherent challenges, primarily centered around regulatory compliance As a company, we recognize the importance of operating not only in states with favorable regulations but also in those where open access policies are nascent or require refinement We actively engage with regulators to advocate for conducive regulatory frameworks, drawing from successful precedents in other regions to tailor solutions that benefit both customers and developers
Our proactive approach has enabled us to expand into untapped markets across the western, northern, and eastern regions, thereby diversifying revenue streams and capitalizing on emerging opportunities. One significant aspect of our strategy involves addressing the needs of customers who may be hesitant to invest equity in Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) like group captive or captive setups. In response, we've developed innovative solutions, such as Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs), which allow customers to achieve 100% renewable energy sourcing without physical power consumption obligations.
The VPPA model offers unparalleled flexibility, accommodating diverse customer profiles regardless of property ownership or contractual demands This approach has gained traction among Indian corporates seeking to enhance their sustainability initiatives and meet renewable energy targets. By leveraging VPPAs, businesses can bridge the gap in achieving full renewable energy adoption, thereby contributing to both government capacity addition programs and the growth of renewable energy projects.
In parallel, our commitment to flexibility extends to contractual arrangements, providing customers with tailored solutions that align with their unique requirements and risk profiles Looking ahead, we anticipate a broader adoption of VPPAs among Indian corporates over the next few years, driving significant growth in the renewable energy segment while facilitating our long-term revenue objectives
Ultimately, our focus on innovation and collaboration with stakeholders positions us at the forefront of the evolving open-access market, enabling us to seize opportunities, drive sustainable growth, and contribute to India's renewable energy transition.
How will you handle India's renewable energy regulations to maximize revenue for AmpIn Energy?
Electricity regulation in India operates under concurrent jurisdiction, with policies formulated by both central and state authorities This dual oversight often leads to frequent amendments and revisions in regulations across different states However, navigating these regulatory shifts is an integral part of the landscape for Independent Power Producers (IPPs) operating in the sector
The key for IPPs lies in maintaining continuous dialogue with regulatory bodies to advocate for policies that strike a balance between the interests of all stakeholders involved - the distribution companies, customers, and developers It's essential to foster an environment where all parties can coexist harmoniously within the energy ecosystem
While discussions around open-access customers sometimes paint IPPs as competitors to distribution companies, the reality is more nuanced Typically, the capacity allowed for open access is only a small fraction of the total power supply index in any given state, typically around 5 to 7% Instead of focusing solely on exemptions, a clear and consistent long-term policy framework is advocated Renewable energy sources, such as solar power, have evolved to become economically viable and self-sustaining, requiring more stability in policy rather than additional exemptions.
Moreover, IPPs are willing to pay reasonable charges for utilizing the distribution and transmission network operated by state companies. The emergence of the green open access revolution holds promise for streamlining regulatory processes and ensuring uniformity across states While its full adoption may take a few years, it's viewed as a positive step towards creating a conducive environment for capacity addition in the C&I segment
The evolution of Karnataka's solar landscape from rooftop installations to openaccess projects marks a pivotal shift in India's solar journey, showcasing the power of regulatory incentives to drive market growth.
How can AmpIn Energy effectively expand into tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India with strong commercial and industrial solar solutions?
We operate in 21 states, serving over 70 customers across seven sectors Our strategic approach involves not only operating in states with existing open-access regulations but also actively engaging with states to unlock new markets. Our programmatic strategy entails identifying specific customers, conducting a footprint analysis, and offering tailored energy solutions based on state-specific regulations and customer needs
Our focus on Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs) has been instrumental in enabling customers to achieve 100% renewable energy targets, particularly in states where renewable energy projects are limited Additionally, our robust rooftop and distributed generation teams cater to customers with smaller requirements or limited infrastructure, extending our reach to tier two and tier three cities
To enhance our market presence and responsiveness, we've established regional offices in key locations across India - Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Delhi, complementing our corporate headquarters This decentralized approach allows us to stay closer to customers and regulators, facilitating quicker response times and tailored solutions Our extensive presence in 21 states underscores our commitment to expanding renewable energy adoption and serving diverse customer needs across India's commercial and industrial landscape
How will AmpIn Energy integrate energy storage with solar installations to boost revenue in India?
The adoption of renewable energy by customers is primarily motivated by cost savings and sustainability concerns While battery storage is gaining importance, its commercial viability is contingent upon declining prices. Currently, discussions with commercial and industrial clients center around utilizing storage alongside solar installations to mitigate peak tariff costs Despite ongoing advancements, widespread adoption may take up to two years as the technology approaches a cost-effective threshold Once storage solutions align with economic considerations, they are expected to become a standard offering for commercial and industrial customers seeking to optimize their energy usage and reduce operational expenses while promoting sustainability
In the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, distributed solar systems have emerged as a game-changer, offering decentralizedsolutionstopowergenerationandfosteringenergy independence across India. At the core of this revolution are technological innovations that continue to drive the adoption of distributed solar systems in the Indian market, transforming the wayweproduceandconsumeelectricity.
Oneofthekeytechnologicaladvancementsdrivingthegrowthof distributed solar systems is the evolution of solar photovoltaic (PV)technologyitself.Overtheyears,therehavebeensignificant improvements in the efficiency, durability, and affordability of solar panels, making them more accessible to a wider range of consumers. Innovations in materials, manufacturing processes, and cell designs have led to higher energy conversion rates and reduced production costs, driving down the overall cost of solar powergeneration.
Moreover, advancements in energy storage technologies have played a pivotal role in enhancing the viability and reliability of distributed solar systems. Battery storage solutions, such as lithium-ion batteries, have become increasingly efficient and affordable, allowing consumers to store excess solar energy duringperiodsofsunlightanduseitduringtimesofhighdemand or low solar irradiance This capability not only increases energy self-sufficiency but also enables consumers to optimize their electricityconsumptionpatternsandreducerelianceonthegrid.
In addition to solar panels and energy storage, digital technologies are playing an increasingly important role in optimizing the performance and efficiency of distributed solar systems. Smart inverters, for example, enable real-time monitoringandcontrolofsolarenergyproduction,allowingusers to track their energy consumption, identify potential issues, and maximize energy output. Advanced monitoring and analytics platforms leverage data analytics, machine learning, and artificialintelligencetoprovideinsightsintosystemperformance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize energy managementstrategies.
Furthermore, innovations in financing and business models are helpingtoovercomebarrierstoadoptionandmakedistributed
solarsystemsmoreaccessibletoabroaderrangeofconsumers. Solar leasing and power purchase agreements (PPAs), for instance, allow consumers to install solar panels on their premises with little to no upfront cost, paying only for the electricity generated. Similarly, community solarprojects enable multiple stakeholders to invest in a shared solar installation, pooling resources and spreading costs across a larger group of participants.
Anotherkeydriverofdistributedsolaradoptionistheemergence of micro-grid and mini-grid solutions that provide reliable and affordable electricity to off-grid and underserved communities. These decentralized energy networks combine solar power generation with energy storage and grid management technologies to create self-sustaining energy ecosystems that can operate independently of the main grid. By empowering local communities to generate, store, and distribute their own electricity,micro-gridsandmini-gridsofferaviablealternativeto traditionalcentralizedpowersystems,particularlyinremoteand ruralareas.
However, despite the progress made in advancing distributed solar technologies, several challenges remain that must be addressedtounlocktheirfullpotential.Issuessuchaspolicyand regulatory barriers, financing constraints, and technical limitations continue to hinder widespread adoption and deployment. To overcome these challenges, stakeholders must work together to develop supportive policy frameworks, provide financial incentives, and invest in research and development to drive innovation and improve the scalability and affordability of distributedsolarsolutions.
Inconclusion,technologicalinnovationsareplayingapivotalrole in driving the adoption of distributed solar systems in India, revolutionizing the way we generate, store, and consume electricity. By harnessing the power of solar energy and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we can create a more sustainable,resilient,andinclusiveenergysystemthatempowers individuals, communities, and businesses across the country. As we continue to push the boundaries of innovation, distributed solarsystemswillplayanincreasingly importantroleinshaping thefutureofenergyinIndiaandbeyond.
Environmental Impact: From Rooftops to Rural Landscapes: How Distributed Solar is Redefining India's Environmental Landscape
As efforts intensify to enhance the electric grid's reliability, Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) are emerging as a crucial component of the energy infrastructure DERs are local, small-scale power sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, Hydro, biomass, etc , that supply electricity nearby, mostly off-grid, and support the local community’s power needs
Decentralized renewable energy systems or distributed microgrids can be tailored to suit various power requirements across different populations and scales, making them an inclusive solution for diverse economic segments. Microgrids enhance reliability by generating and storing power locally, enabling critical facilities to operate independently during grid failures and preventing blackouts, they also contribute to job creation, especially at the local level, while also generating new business opportunities
In remote and rural Indian regions, facing grid connectivity issues, offgrid solar systems, totalling 2,627 49 MW capacity, have proven transformative These decentralized solutions, including solar mini-grids and microgrids, will extend beyond last-mile connectivity, serving industrial captive power, commercial captive, and even individual residential clusters Increased investment in the community and the development of microgrids foster innovation by driving research into more efficient renewable energy technologies
Solar microgrids utilize renewable energy generation, along with energy storage, efficiency measures, and smart grid technology This helps communities decrease their carbon footprint, contributing to the fight against climate change. The overall level of climate hazards across four key areas (warming, floods, droughts, and tropical cyclones) can reveal varying degrees of exposure among countries Among IEA member and association countries, China, India, and Mexico rank as "high" in climate hazard exposure, while Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Singapore, and the United Kingdom are estimated to have a "low" overall level of climate hazards
Source: IEA
The distributed nature of renewable energy technologies can help increase community resilience in the face of extreme weather and other unexpected events To bolster the adoption of microgrids in India, the government has introduced a preliminary national policy focusing on renewable energy-powered mini- and microgrids The policy aims to establish a minimum of 10,000 renewable micro and mini-grid projects nationwide, with private players expected to develop 500 MW of generation capacity Solar microgrids totalling 1,899 kWp capacity have been set up across 63 villages, aided by 30% financial support from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE)
Various business models are being conceptualised to deliver Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) The key challenge is to ensure sustainability while maintaining quality and affordability Distributed Energy Systems
(DES) are pivotal in steering India toward an eco-friendly future. It is projected that rooftop solar could fulfil nearly 50% of the 450 GW renewable energy goal by 2030 Alongside other DES, this could significantly contribute to achieving India’s ambitious renewable energy targets As per the report published by CEEW, India's homes could potentially generate 637 GW of rooftop solar energy in which the rural areas have more rooftop potential (363 GW) than the urban areas (274 GW)
Globally, distributed solar constitutes approximately 40% of total solar capacity, while India’s share remains below 15%. Acknowledging this gap, the Indian Government has initiated a national scheme offering subsidies of up to 40% for rooftop solar installations Further, the PM-KUSUM program sets forth bold goals to expand decentralized solar infrastructure nationwide and enhance farmers’ earnings In addition, many states are their rural livelihood missions and woman self-help groups (SHGs) to support solar microgrids for individuals and communities and the funds are provided by state governments Distributed Solar Energy is already transforming India’s environmental landscape, marking a significant shift towards sustainable development. Several effects can be observed like –
Adoption of clean cooking by using induction cook stoves which is utilising solar power to have reduced health and environment impacts. Shifting from the traditional Diesel generators towards solar powered storage system to no longer incur high diesel expenses and also minimize the emission of GHG in the environment
Helping conserve water resources and reducing stress on water ecosystems.
Reducing reliance on fossil fuels and their associated emissions
Improved air quality by reducing harmful pollutants like particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides
Minimizing the need for large-scale land clearing associated with conventional power plants and infrastructure development.
Designed to minimize habitat disruption and preserve biodiversity, offering opportunities for co-existence with natural ecosystems and wildlife
Resilience to climate change impacts such as extreme weather events, ensuring continued access to electricity even during disruptions to centralized grid infrastructure
New job opportunities in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and related sectors, stimulating economic development and fostering local entrepreneurship
Supports India's goals for sustainable development, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and contributes to global efforts to combat climate change
There is a high probability that distributed solar is going to redefine India s environmental as well as economic landscape in the time to come and would be a space to watch out for
Recognition for Exceptional Contributions
Recognition for Exceptional Contributions
Recognition for Exceptional Contributions to the State Leadership in Telangana to the State Leadership in Telangana to the Leadership in Telangana
State Market Leader AwardModules
Saatvik Green Energy Private Limited
State Market Leader Award (Inverter) - Platinum
State Market Leader Award (Inverter) - Diamond
ShenZhen Growatt New Energy Co. Ltd.
State Technology Leadership Award - Inverter
State Channel Partner Award A&A Energy Corporation
mart Technology Innovation the Year elON
Emerging Distributor of The Year (Rising Star) - Solar Inverter
Best Project Innovation of the Year - Commercial
ASJ Solar Energy Pvt. Ltd.
Solar System Integrator of the Year
Solar EPC Company of the Year (C&I) - Platinum
Suntek Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Year - Ground Mount
Jayram Industries India Pvt. Ltd.
Solar EPC Company of the Year - Residential
Suntek Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Ajaykumar CSV
CEO, ASJ Solar Energy Pvt Ltd
Bhavani Suresh Charugundla
Director, Suntek Energy Systems Pvt Ltd
K. Rajesh Gupta Founder, Creative Energy Solutions
Pidilite Industries Limited CBRE
Neuland Laboratories LTD. Mars Inc.
Bhavani Suresh Charugundla Director, Suntek Energy Systems Pvt Ltd
Sandeep Vangapalli Founder & CEO, Arcedo Systems
Solar Rooftop in India Shifting Gears: From Laggard to Leader
DIRECTOR SouthAsia-InstituteforEnergy EconomicsandFinancialAnalysis
India’s share of renewable energy capacity has risen significantly over the years – including large hydro, it is 42% of the total installed capacity as on 31 January 2024 and 17% of total electricity generation in December 2023 Yet, in 2023, renewable energy growth slowed down Total renewables capacity additions fell by 20.3% to 13 gigawatts (GW) in 2023 from 16GW in 2022, far lower than the annual installations required to achieve the 500GW non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030
While solar power has been the major contributor to India’s renewable energy growth story, utility-scale projects have led the growth. As of December 2023, the solar rooftop capacity was just 11GW or 14 5% of the total installed solar capacity
As part of India’s overarching National Solar Mission, the government envisioned the installation of 100GW of solar capacity by 2022. Out of this, 40GW was to come from solar rooftops However, solar rooftop adoption has been abysmally low, especially by residential consumers
Several major roadblocks are hindering the growth of the solar rooftop market in India These include policy and regulatory issues, such as inconsistent net metering policies, green open access rules, imposition of duties, access and timely disbursement of subsidies and financing, which continues to be a major challenge for the solar rooftop market.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy launched a national portal on 30 July 2022 The portal acts as an e-marketplace where consumers, vendors and representatives of banks providing loans can interact It also serves as an educational and awareness-raising space for consumers Since the portal’s launch, the process has been streamlined and has helped more solar rooftop adoption Further, the government’s announcement of specific distributed renewable energy obligations by electricity distribution companies (DISCOMs) will drive more adoption of solar rooftops
For residential consumers, the announcement of the Suryodaya scheme by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a welcome step that will provide 300 units of electricity free of charge every month through solar rooftops to 1 crore, i e , 10 million households It would translate to setting up almost 30GW of solar rooftop capacity for a 3 kilowatt (kW) system Although big renewable energy service companies (RESCOs) like NTPC, NHPC, Powergrid, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), etc., have been given the responsibility to carry out this scheme, they may still face strong resistance from DISCOMs
Moreover, the transaction costs for the big players would be high as managing one crore power purchase agreements (PPAs) will be challenging Also, unless the power supply is round the clock, individual customers will have to stack energy, which will be a nightmare for DISCOMs, who have to manage the balance supply
While solar rooftop has been a laggard given the challenges with land procurement and transmission issues, it can play a big role in meeting India’s energy needs and renewable energy targets The government’s announcement of new schemes and infusion of capital will give a fillip and help India transform from a laggard to a leader in solar rooftop adoption
India'srooftopsolarsegmenthasbeensteadilygainingmomentum, markingasignificantmilestoneasitsinstalledcapacitysurpassed11 GW by the end of the calendar year 2023 This achievement underscoresthenation'sgrowingcommitmenttorenewableenergy adoption particularlyinthedecentralizedrooftopsolarsector
One noteworthy aspect of India's rooftop solar expansion is the predominant role played by the commercial and industrial (C&I) sectors Businesses, industries, and commercial establishments have emerged as key drivers of rooftop solar deployment, accounting for the lion's share of the installed capacity This trend reflects the increasing recognition among businesses of the economicandenvironmentalbenefitsofsolarenergyadoption
OneoftheprimaryfacilitatorsofrooftopsolargrowthinIndiaisthe net-meteringmechanism Net-meteringallowsconsumerstoexport excess solar power generated by their rooftop installations to the grid thereby offsetting their electricity bills This incentive mechanism has been instrumental in encouraging individuals and businesses to invest in rooftop solar systems as it offers a viable economic proposition and enhances the financial viability of solar projects
Moreover, the Indian government has implemented various policy measuresandincentivestopromoterooftopsolaradoptionacross thecountry Onesuchinitiativeistherooftopsolarsubsidyscheme, which provides financial support to residential, commercial, and industrial consumers to offset the initial investment costs associatedwithinstallingsolarpanelsontheirrooftops Thesubsidy program has been instrumental in making rooftop solar systems moreaffordableandaccessibletoawiderspectrumofconsumers
The rooftop solar subsidy scheme coupled with favorable netmetering regulations has created a conducive environment for rooftop solar expansion in India As a result, a diverse range of consumers, including residential homeowners, educational institutions, hospitals, and industries, have embraced rooftop solar as a viable means of meeting their energy needs while reducing theircarbonfootprint
The growth of rooftop solar in India is also supported by technological advancements and innovative financing models Thedecliningcostsofsolarphotovoltaic(PV)panels coupledwith improvements in energy storage solutions and grid integration technologies, have made rooftop solar systems more efficient andcost-effectivethanever before Additionally,the emergence of third-party financing models and leasing arrangements has made it easier for consumers to adopt solar energy without bearingtheupfrontcapitalcosts
Looking ahead, India's rooftop solar sector is poised for further expansion,drivenbyfavorablepolicyframeworks,decliningcosts, and growing environmental consciousness among consumers
The government's ambitious target of rooftop solar capacity underscoresitscommitmenttopromotingcleanandsustainable energysources However despitethesignificantprogressmadein rooftop solar deployment several challenges remain These includeregulatorybarriers,bureaucratichurdles,andtheneedfor greaterawarenessandeducationamongconsumers Addressing these challenges will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of rooftopsolarenergyandacceleratingitsadoptionacrossIndia
In conclusion, India's rooftop solar sector has achieved remarkablegrowth,surpassingthe11GWmilestonebytheendof 2023 With the commercial and industrial (C&I) segment leading thechargeandbolsteredbysupportivenet-meteringpoliciesand rooftopsubsidies Indiaiswell-positionedtorealizeitsvisionofa clean and sustainable energy future driven by rooftop solar As the nation progresses in its transition to renewable energy rooftop solar is poised to play a pivotal and enduring role in India's evolving energy landscape Additionally, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi's announcement of the 'Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana', promising rooftop solar installations for 1 crore households, further underscores the government's commitmenttosolarenergyexpansion
Re-defining Distributed Energy Technology In India: Integration And Implementation Beyond The
C&I Sector
HeadofBusinessDevelopment U-SolarCleanEnergy
Solar + Small Wind Microgrids
Rooftop solar has always been an underdog in India’s renewable energy transition story The central and state governments often have ambitious statements in support of the industry’s growth with contradictory policies that make on-ground implementation tedious and complex However, distributed solar has always been the first step in the energy transition process and in my opinion the true application of solar technology Generation at the site of consumption not only saves valuable land resource but also reduces the impact on the grid as well as losses The challenge to this has always been intermittency of power or mis-matched consumption profile against the bell curve of solar generation There are multiple modalities through which these problems could be solved, in this article, I list out three significant technologies that are changing the landscape of distributed energy beyond the C&I sector Many of these could potentially find applications in the energy access, residential as well as institutional segments Previously viewed complexities in policy adaptations are being resolved and we hope for more standardisation across states to enable the growth of the sector
Solar + BES Systems
While we have for long been waiting for the BES prices to reduce for small-scale implementation, allowing greater use of distributed solar energy and this is not too far from realisation As commercial tariffs continue to rise, we are seeing a blended LCOE for solar + BES systems competing with the grid rates. These systems are able to provide clean energy from the source during the evening peak hours as well as for night-time loads It is crucial to work with a BES manufacturer that provides long term operational and maintenance support and has longer battery life cycles Furthermore, financing support for these systems are still lacking although there is some interest from institutional parties.
Typically applied for energy access or as a replacement for diesel generators, small wind turbines integrated with solar is a novel solution to power facilities that require 24/7 steady energy supply These include telecom towers, remote hospitals, off-site resorts, island communities to name a few Small wind turbines are those that are 100 kWp or under, have a cut-in wind speed of approx 3 mt /sec and 200 sq mt or less swept area There are a handful of manufacturers globally that produce these turbines and only one that we have identified to have performance data to back their performance claims. It will be exciting to explore opportunities to develop these systems in India
Peer-to-Peer Trading Platforms
The integration of blockchain technology platforms has multiple potential applications for renewable energy micro-grid systems While India has P2P policies in few states (Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh), the real-time application is still lacking due to unclear methodology for exporting power to the DISCOM. Despite this, it is still a viable option to explore behind the meter power distribution between warehouses in industrial parks, homes in villa communities as well as towns or villages without energy access In the future, this technology could also be explored for energy & carbon trading as well In the meantime, we await to see more pilots and policy in application.
Building Integrated PV Systems
Clouded in misconceptions, BIPV technology is often wrongly compared to rooftop solar projects and rejected based on its “reduced performance” Firstly, PVs product replace materials that would have otherwise been used, and shares properties of its counterpart with the addition of energy generation Secondly, the process must begin at design concept stage else the system performance and economics suffers Finally, each system is unique based on orientation & function of the building so there aren’t “standards” that can be shared to technical teams of real estate developers If all of these are tackled at the right time and in the correct manner, a BIPV project can be economic as well as aesthetic.
The distributed solar industry in India is witnessing a surge in investmentactivity,drivenbyincreasingdemandforcleanenergy solutions, favorable government policies, and innovative financingmodels.Asthecountryseekstoaccelerateitstransition towards renewable energy, investment trends and financing mechanisms play a crucial role in unlocking the potential of distributedsolarprojectsacrossdiversemarketsegments.
One of the notable investment trends in India's distributed solar industry is the growing interest from both domestic and international investors. Institutional investors, including venture capital firms, private equity funds, and impact investors, are increasingly allocating capital to distributed solar projects, recognizing the significant growth opportunities and long-term sustainability of the sector. Additionally, strategic investments fromrenewableenergycompaniesandutilitiesarebolsteringthe developmentofdistributedsolarinfrastructure,drivinginnovation andmarketexpansion.
Furthermore, government-backed initiatives and incentives are playingapivotalroleinattractinginvestmentintothedistributed solar sector. Programs such as the Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme, Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism, and variousstate-levelpoliciesofferfinancialincentives,taxbenefits, and regulatory support to encourage investment in distributed solarprojects.Theseinitiativesnotonlymitigateinvestmentrisks butalsocreateaconduciveenvironmentforfinancialinstitutions andinvestorstodeploycapitalintothesector.
Intermsoffundingsources,adiverserangeoffinancingoptions is available to developers, businesses, and consumers looking to invest in distributed solar installations. Traditional sources of financing, such as bank loans, project finance, and debt instruments, remain prevalent, providing access to capital for large-scale solar projects and commercial installations.
Moreover, innovative financing models are emerging to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the distributed solar market. Solar leasing and power purchase agreements (PPAs) enable consumers to adopt solar technology without the need for upfront capital investment, paying only for the electricity generated by the system. These financing structures, often facilitated by third-party developers and financing companies, reduce financial barriers and accelerate the adoption of distributed solar solutions among residential, commercial, and industrialcustomers.
Anotherinnovativefinancingmodelgainingpopularityiscrowdfundedsolarprojects,wheremultipleinvestorscontributecapital towards the development of community-owned solar installations. Through crowdfunding platforms and peer-to-peer lending networks, individuals and communities can collectively finance solar projects, share ownership, and benefit from the revenue generated by the sale of solar energy. This democratization of investment enables broader participation in the renewable energy transition and fosters community engagementandownership.
Despite the promising investment outlook for India's distributed solarindustry,challengessuchasregulatoryuncertainties,policy changes, and market volatility remain key considerations for investorsandfinanciers.Tomitigaterisksandattractinvestment at scale, policymakers must provide long-term clarity and stability in regulatory frameworks, streamline approval processes, and enhance transparency in project development andfinancingmechanisms.
In conclusion, investment trends and financing models are drivinggrowthandinnovationinIndia'sdistributedsolarindustry, paving the way for widespread adoption of clean energy solutions across the country. By leveraging diverse funding sources, embracing innovative financing structures, and fostering collaboration between stakeholders, India can unlock the full potential of distributed solar technology, accelerate its transition towards renewable energy, and achieve its sustainabilitygoalsintheyearstocome.
In a not-so-distant past, the residential rooftop solar landscape seemed confined to high-net-worth individuals (HNIs), as shared by the CEO of a leading rooftop solar company in a webinar two years ago. However, recent trends indicate a shift in dynamics, with an increasing number of households, regardless of social strata, embracing rooftop solar solutions The noticeable upswing in interest extends to the author, evident in messages received from industry colleagues enthusiastic about consulting for installation of solar systems for their residential use.
While the residential rooftop sector has long been subsidized by the government, the Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana, is highly likely to be a turning point Launched with the endorsement of the Hon'ble Prime Minister, this scheme not only facilitates public participation but also aligns with the imperative to meet the escalating energy demands projected for the coming years
The timing is critical, given the anticipated 6-7% annual growth rate, with peak demand projections reaching 229 GW in 2024, and estimates of 277 GW and 366 GW for 2027 and 2032, respectively, which largely follow the growth rate with CAGR as 6-7% The Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana recognizes the potential of rooftop solar in achieving energy independence, a key factor for economic growth, particularly as the surplus power generated can propel industrial sectors, contributing to GDP numbers
Implementing the scheme falls under the purview of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), with REC appointed as the program's execution agency REC will extend crucial line-of-credit support, amounting to ₹1 2 lakh crore, to state-owned power companies like NTPC and NHPC With an allocation of ₹15,000 crore each, these companies will act as renewable energy service providers, actively
installing solar panels nationwide Reportedly these companies shall execute this initiative through their new subsidiaries They may cover the installation cost as well as offer rents to roof owners with a recovery of investment provisioned through sale of excess power However, the detailed guidelines are still awaited
While REC faces a steep climb to reach the ambitious 40 GW target by 2026, the Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana for households presents a promising avenue With the potential to deliver over 10 GW within a year, it signifies a significant stride towards achieving national renewable energy goals
The initiative holds profound implications for household energy independence, even if with 1 kW installed over a crore households, translating to 10 GW, thus contributing substantially to the broader goal The vision of homes generating their own power is not only heartening but also promises a ripple effect across the residential rooftop ecosystem. The complete fraternity, from Distributors, channel partners to electricians and technicians, is poised to collaborate, ensuring quality deliverables in their respective domains, thereby energizing households and enhancing grid stability by reducing unwanted harmonics, frequency variations, and the need for reactive power compensation
The Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana emerges as a beacon, guiding us toward a future where homes become self-sufficient power hubs, and the entire residential rooftop ecosystem converges to brighten our collective energy landscape.
Intherealmofrenewableenergy,distributedsolarprojectshave emerged as a beacon of hope, not only for environmental sustainability but also for empowering local communities and catalyzing socio-economic development, particularly in rural areasacrossIndia.
At the heart of distributed solar initiatives lies a simple yet powerful idea: to democratize energy access and enable communities to harness the abundant solar resources available to them. Unlike centralized power plants, distributed solar projects involve the installation of solar panels on rooftops, community buildings, and unused land, bringing clean energy productionclosertothepointofconsumption.
One of the most significant positive impacts of distributed solar projectsistheirabilitytoprovidereliableelectricitytoremoteand off-grid areas that have historically been underserved by traditional energy infrastructure. In many rural communities, access to electricity can be transformative, enabling children to study after dark, powering healthcare facilities, and supporting smallbusinessestothrive.
Moreover, distributed solar projects have the potential to create local employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth atthegrassrootslevel.Fromtheinstallationandmaintenanceof solar panels to the development of supply chains for solar equipment, these initiatives generate jobs and income streams for local residents, reducing dependence on volatile fossil fuel marketsandcontributingtopovertyalleviationefforts.
Beyond the economic benefits, distributed solar projects also foster social cohesion and community resilience by empowering individuals and collectives to take ownership of their energy future. Through community-led initiatives and cooperative
In addition to their direct impact on communities, distributed solar projects play a crucial role in advancing India's broader energy transition goals and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigatinggreenhousegasemissions,theseinitiativescontribute toIndia'scommitmentsundertheParisAgreementandpavethe wayforamoresustainableandresilientfuture.
Furthermore, distributed solar projects have the potential to bridge the digital divide by providing access to clean energy technologies and digital tools in remote areas. Through the integration of solar-powered micro-grids and internet connectivity, communities can access educational resources, healthcare services, and market information, unlocking new opportunitiesforsocialandeconomicdevelopment. However, despite their immense potential, distributed solar projects face several challenges that must be addressed to maximize their impact. Issues such as financing constraints, regulatory barriers, and technical limitations can hinder the scalability and sustainability of these initiatives, particularly in resource-constrainedsettings.
To overcome these challenges, stakeholders must adopt a holistic approach that combines policy support, financial incentives, and capacity-building efforts to empower communities and facilitate the widespread adoption of distributed solar technologies. By fostering collaboration between government agencies, private sector entities, civil societyorganizations,andlocalcommunities,wecanunlockthe full potential of distributed solar projects and create a more inclusiveandequitableenergysystemforall.
In conclusion, distributed solar projects represent a paradigm
The distributed solar market in India presents a dynamic landscape filled with opportunities and challenges for investors, businesses, and stakeholders. Understanding the intricacies of this evolving sector is essential for navigating through its complexities and capitalizing on its potential for growth and impact.
At the core of India's distributed solar market are opportunities driven by the country's ambitious renewable energy targets, favorable policy environment, and increasing demand for clean and sustainable energy solutions. With the government's emphasis on solar energy and initiatives such as the National Solar Mission and Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme, there is a growing momentum towards the adoption of distributed solar systemsacrossresidential,commercial,andindustrialsegments.
For investors and businesses, the distributed solar sector offers attractive opportunities for revenue generation, market expansion, and long-term sustainability. With advancements in technology, declining costs of solar panels, and improved efficiency of solar systems, distributed solar installations have become more economically viable and competitive, offering attractivereturnsoninvestmentandfavorablepaybackperiods. Moreover, the decentralized nature of distributed solar projects presents opportunities for businesses to diversify their revenue streams, reduce energy costs, and enhance energy security. Commercial and industrial consumers, in particular, are increasingly turning to distributed solar solutions to mitigate electricity expenses, reduce carbon footprint, and demonstrate corporatesustainabilityleadership.
However, alongside the opportunities, the distributed solar marketinIndiaalsoposesseveralchallengesandconsiderations for investors and stakeholders. One of the primary challenges is the complex regulatory environment and administrative hurdles associated with project development, permitting, and grid integration. Navigating through regulatory frameworks, securing permits, and addressing interconnection issues require time, expertise,andresources,oftenleadingtoprojectdelaysandcost overruns.
Furthermore, financing distributed solar projects remains a significant challenge, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and residential consumers. Limited access to affordable financing options, high upfront costs, and lack of awareness about financing mechanisms deter many potential investors and consumers from investing in solar installations. Addressingthesefinancingbarriersrequiresinnovativefinancing models, public-private partnerships, and increased collaboration betweenfinancialinstitutions,developers,andpolicymakers.
Another challenge facing the distributed solar market is the variability and intermittency of solar energy generation, which can pose operational and technical challenges for grid stability and reliability. Integrating distributed solar systems into the existingelectricitygridrequiressophisticatedmonitoring,control systems, and grid infrastructure upgrades to manage fluctuationsinsolaroutputandensuregridstability.
Despite these challenges, the distributed solar market in India continuestoattractinterestandinvestmentfromdomesticand internationalplayers,drivenbythecountry'svastsolarpotential, supportive policy environment, and growing demand for clean energysolutions.Tocapitalizeontheopportunitiespresentedby thedistributedsolarsector,investorsandbusinessesmustadopt a strategic and holistic approach, leveraging technology, partnerships,andinnovationtoovercomechallengesandunlock the full potential of solar energy in India's energy transition journey.
In conclusion, navigating the opportunities and challenges in India'sdistributedsolarmarketrequiresadeepunderstandingof thesector'sdynamics,markettrends,andregulatorylandscape. By addressing key challenges, embracing innovation, and fostering collaboration across thevaluechain,stakeholders can drive sustainable growth, expand access to clean energy, and contribute to India's renewable energy goals while creating lastingvalueforsocietyandtheenvironment.
Solar Installations by State MARKET STATISTICS
India installed around 3 GW of rooftop Solar PV projects in the calendar 2023 from January 2023 to December 2023. The country's total Solar PV installation crossed 74 3 GW by the end of January 2024, while Solar PV Rooftop installed around 11,078 MW Gujarat installed around 2 9 GW, there is a growth of 28 17% from January 2023 to January 2022 with the installation of over 637 MW in the same period. Among the Top Solar PV rooftop States Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, and Madhya Pradesh stepped position ahead compared to their position in January 2022, while Rajasthan and Haryana went down and Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana maintained their previous position in the same period. There was a growth of over 16.3% compared to the total Solar PV installations of 63 89 GW by the end of January 2023, while the Total Solar PV rooftop grew by 34 81% in the same period
In the above pie chart, Renewable capacity additions continue to increase at a rapid pace in India, accounting for approximately 31 43% of total India’s power capacity at the end of January 2024. India’s total installed power capacity stood at over 429.96 GW at the end of January 2024 from all the sources, with renewables accounting for ~135 GW making up 31 43%, compared to cumulative renewable energy installations of 121 55 GW at the end of January 2023, which represented a growth of around 11 16% year-over-year. Solar power accounted for approximately 74.3 GW of installations, which represents 17 28% of the total installed power capacity Among the renewable, Wind and Solar constitute around 88 3% of the total renewable, Wind Power installed capacity at the end of January 2024 was around 44.969 GW, which represents 10.46% of the total power capacity installed.
SOLARQUARTERRESEARCH Gujarat Haryana Karnataka Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Rajasthan Telangana Punjab Madhya Pradesh
Monthly RE Generaton in India
Total renewable energy generations in December 2023 reached 16,768.08 million units, there is a growth of RE generations by around 7 52% year-over-year from December 2022, where the RE generations were 15,595 42 million units Solar Power generation has increased by around 4 72% year-over-year from December 2023 (8,594.51 million units) to December 2022 (8,207.51 million units), Wind Power generation has increased by almost 27 95% in the same period and reached 5,113 million units in December 2023
Solar Vs Wind Generation in India in 2022-23
Renewable Energy Vs Solar Generation
SECI Monthly payment to Wind and solar Generators in 2023
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) paid ₹126 44 billion (~$1 525 billion) to Solar and Wind developers for power purchased in the calendar of 2023 from January to December The disbursed amount was highest in October in the calendar year 2023 There have been many ups and downs in the payment to generators since the start of 2023 as shown in the above chart In the Calendar year 2023, there is a growth in the monthly payment to wind and solar power generators While SECI paid ₹68 98 billion for the purchase of Solar and wind in the second half of the calendar year 2023 The payments made to power generators such as wind and solar were quite high in the second half of the calendar year 2023 compared to the first half.
Indian Energy Exchange achieved its highest-ever total volumes in January 2024, reaching 10,893 million units (MU), a 26.1% increase from the previous year This includes 9,137 MU from the conventional power market, 236 MU from the green market, and 15 20 lakh Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) equivalent to 1,520 MU The country’s energy consumption reached 133 8 BUs, up 6% year-on-year according to government data from January ’24 The Market Clearing Price in the Day Ahead Market was Rs 5 83/unit, down approximately 6% year-onyear due to easing supply-side constraints Increased electricity consumption and easing supply constraints contributed to the rise in electricity trading volumes on the Exchange, expected to continue in the future
During the trading sessions on January 10th and January 31st, 2024, a total of 15 20 lakh RECs (equivalent to 1,520 MU) were traded at a clearing price of Rs 360/REC, marking the highest REC volume in the current financial year The REC price on the exchange has been on a downward trend and is currently at its lowest levels this financial year, offering obligated consumers (such as Discoms, Open Access Consumers, and Captive Power Producers) an opportunity to fulfill their Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO) at more affordable rates The upcoming REC trading sessions at the Exchange are scheduled for February 14th and February 28th, 2024
In January 2024, the IEX Green Market, including the Green Day-Ahead and Green Term-Ahead Market segments, recorded a volume of 236 MU Specifically, the Green Day-Ahead Market (G-DAM) saw a volume of 210 MU with a weighted average price of ₹5 87 per unit, attracting participation from 189 market participants Meanwhile, the Green Term-Ahead Market (G-TAM) achieved a volume of 26 MU, with a monthly average price for Non-Solar at ₹6 57 per unit
Trend of Solar Tariff, 2023-24
In light of the imposition of Basic Customs Duty (BCD) on Solar PV modules and Cells in India, the tariff rates for solar auctions have experienced fluctuations. The solar sector is grappling with challenges not only from BCD but also from currency exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainty around ALMM, and the geopolitical tensions arising from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, a silver lining for project developers is the government's decision to extend the commissioning due date, recognizing the disruptions in the solar supply chain
Several factors contribute to the variations in tariff rates, including advancements in solar technology, intense competition in bidding processes, regional differences, and the prevalence of large-scale solar projects Policy adjustments, the availability of viability gap funding, and growing interest in floating solar installations also play pivotal roles in influencing tariff rates, with long-term contracts offering a degree of stability amid market uncertainties.
In recent years, India's distributed solar sector has experienced significantshiftsinpoliciesandregulatoryframeworks,reshaping the landscape for investors, businesses, and consumers alike. These policy changes reflect the government's commitment to promoting renewable energy, enhancing energy security, and accelerating the transition towards a sustainable energy future.
Understanding the implications of these policy shifts and regulatory trends is crucial for stakeholders navigating the dynamicdistributedsolarmarketinIndia.
One of the key policy initiatives driving the growth of distributed solarinIndiaistheNationalSolarMission(NSM),launchedin2010 with the objective of promoting solar energy deployment across thecountry UndertheNSM,variousschemesandincentiveshave been introduced to incentivize solar power generation, including the Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme, which provides financial support to residential and commercial consumers installing rooftop solar systems. The NSM has played a pivotal role in fostering the adoption of distributed solar installations and expandingthecountry'ssolarcapacity.
Inadditiontonationalinitiatives,severalstategovernmentshave implemented their own policies and regulations to promote distributed solar deployment within their jurisdictions. States like Gujarat, Karnataka, and Maharashtra have rolled out favorable net metering policies, feed-in tariffs, and other incentives to encourage rooftop solar installations and promote selfconsumption of solar power. These state-level policies complement national efforts and create a conducive environment for distributed solar investments across different regionsofthecountry.
Furthermore, recent regulatory trends have focused on streamlining approval processes, standardizing technical requirements,andaddressinggridintegrationchallenges
associated with distributed solar projects. Regulatory bodies such as the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) play a crucial role in setting tariff structures, resolving disputes, and ensuring compliance with safety and quality standards in the distributedsolarsector.
One notable regulatory trend shaping the distributed solar landscape is the emphasis on grid stability and reliability in the wake of increasing solar penetration. With the growing deployment of distributed solar systems, grid operators are faced with the challenge of managing fluctuations in solar generation and maintaining grid stability. To address this challenge, regulators are exploring measures such as dynamic pricing, demand response mechanisms, and grid modernization initiatives to optimize grid operations and accommodate higher levelsofrenewableenergyintegration.
Moreover, policy shifts in India's distributed solar sector are driven by evolving market dynamics, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences. The emergenceofinnovativefinancingmodels,suchassolarleasing and power purchase agreements (PPAs), has democratized access to solar energy, enabling consumers to adopt solar solutions with minimal upfront investment. These financing mechanisms, coupled with declining solar panel costs and favorable regulatory frameworks, have accelerated the pace of distributed solar adoption across residential, commercial, and industrialsectors.
Despite the progress made in advancing distributed solar deployment, challenges remain in addressing barriers such as financing constraints, bureaucratic delays, and inadequate infrastructure. Enhancing access to affordable financing, streamlining approval processes, and strengthening grid infrastructure are essential for unlocking the full potential of distributed solar in India and achieving the country's renewable energytargets.
Inconclusion,policyshiftsandregulatorytrendshaveaprofound impactonIndia'sdistributedsolarsector,influencinginvestment decisions, market dynamics, and consumer behavior. By fosteringasupportivepolicyenvironment,addressingregulatory bottlenecks, and fostering innovation, India can unleash the transformative potential of distributed solar energy, driving sustainable economic growth, energy security, and environmental resilience. As stakeholders navigate the evolving distributed solar landscape, collaboration between government, industry,andcivilsocietywillbeessentialtorealizeIndia'svision ofacleanenergyfuturepoweredbythesun.