Epm complete guide rev 3

Page 1

Monitoring of Results Appraisal

Talent Review Meetings

Performance Feedback

HRD/LDV – Performance Management Handbook, 10/02/2013)

Planning of Goals


Performance Management

Employee Performance Management Handbook

Talent Review Meetings Performance Feedback


Employee Performance Management


Employee EmployeePerformance PerformanceManagement Management

Monitoring of Results

1. Performance Management 1. Planning of Goals 2. Monitoring of Results 3. Appraisal 4. Talent Review Meetings 5. Performance Review Feedback of the Employee 2. CareerPoint User Guides 1. Nominating and Approving Feedback Providers 2. Carrying out a Performance Assessment (for employees and Feedback Providers) 3. Carrying out a Performance Assessment (for People Managers) 4. Carrying out a Performance Assessment (For Matrix Supervisors) 5. Closing the evaluation 3. How to provide effective feedback 4. Policies 5. Individual Development Plan (IDP) 6. Frequently Asked Questions 7. Who to contact

Planning of Goals

Employee Performance Management Handbook

Performance Management

Table of Contents Employee

Monitoring of Results

Planning of Goals Monitoring of Results Appraisal Talent Review Meetings Performance Review Feedback of the Employee

Planning of Goals

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Performance Management

Employee Performance Performance Management Management Handbook

Appraisal Talent Review Meetings


Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

Employee EmployeePerformance PerformanceManagement Management Employee Performance Management

Fostering effective performance; Encouraging professional and technical


Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

development; Optimizing the contribution of each employee to the attainment of the Bank's goals and work programs; and Rewarding top performance and managing low performance

Talent Review Meetings

EmployeePerformance PerformanceManagement Management Employee Employee Performance Management

By managing employee performance, the Bank aims to strengthen the organization and enhance its productivity by:


The framework consists of the following five phases. Please refer to the guides published under related links for more information on each phase in the process.

Monitoring of Results

The IDB employee performance management framework is a multi-rater feedback system, where feedback on employee performance and behaviors is gathered from line and matrix supervisors, peers and subordinates. The framework also provides employees with performance ratings on goals and core & leadership competencies based on a common definition. To facilitate the documentation and evaluation of employee performance, the Bank uses CareerPoint.

Planning of Goals

The purpose of employee performance management at the IDB is to provide a framework for supervisors and staff to clearly set performance expectations, align individual results with organizational goals, and help cultivate high performing talent by fostering year-round dialogue and feedback.

Employee Performance Management Handbook

Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management

Employee’s contribution does not consistently meet expectations – performance fails to meet expectations in one or more areas of responsibility, and/or one or more goals are not met according to expectations.

Solid Contributor Rating: 3

Employee’s contribution consistently meets expectations in all areas of responsibility, at times possibly exceeding expectations, and the quality of work overall is good. Most annual goals are met.

Strong Contributor Rating: 4

Employee’s contribution consistently exceeds expectations in all areas of responsibility, and the quality of work overall is very good. Annual goals are met.

Top Contributor Rating: 5

Employee’s contribution far exceeds expectations due to exceptionally high quality of work performed in all areas of responsibility, resulting in work that is outstanding.


Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

Basic Contributor Rating: 2

Talent Review Meetings

Unsatisfactory Rating: 1

Employee’s contribution is consistently below expectations in most areas of responsibility, and/or reasonable progress toward goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more important areas.



Monitoring of Results

Category and Rating

Planning of Goals

EmployeePerformance PerformanceManagement Management Employee Employee Performance Management

Employee Ratings and Categories Performance Management Handbook Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management

Monitoring of Results

Planning 2014 Appraisal 2013

Planning of Goals

Employee Performance Management EPM - Handbook Timeline Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management

Appraisal Talent Review Meetings


Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Management Employee Performance Management

Talent Review Meetings Performance Feedback


Employee Performance Management


Employee Performance Management Employee Performance Management

Monitoring of Results

 The definition of work programs aligned with organizational goals helps to focus the performance of the employees on those tasks and project that are a priority for the organization.  Further, clearly stated results expectations allow measuring the achievement between targeted and actual performance, hence line supervisors can give more specific feedback on the employee’s performance and have an action plan for the employee.

Planning of Goals

Employee  The planning phase is a crucial Performance component in the performance management cycle. Management  It can be a powerful mechanism to ensure that strategic objectives of an Handbook organization are realized. Planning of Goals

Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Key Concepts

The development goals are related to the personal development of the employees associated with their work. The development goals can be linked to one of the behaviors.

Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Management

Development Goals Talent Review Meetings

Work program is a description of the expected results and development goals of the individual employees. The work programs should reflect the results that the employees are accountable for achieving during the performance cycle. Employees must be familiar with the core behaviors expected of them.

Each stated result has to be measurable, time specific and be aligned to an organization goal (please see: SMART methodology for more information).


Work Programs

Expected Results

Monitoring of Results

The organizational unit goals are statements describing your unit’s objectives to accomplish in the upcoming performance cycle, stemming from the business priorities from the BSC and/or the business plans.

Key Concepts

Planning of Goals

Organizational Unit Goals

Planning of Goals

Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Cascading Goals

Planning of Goals

Cascading Goals

Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Planning of Goals Talent Review Meetings Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Management


The employee work program should be tied to the organization goals. Once the strategic direction of the bank is known, it can be used to sequentially drive lower-level goals within an organization. A cascading goal approach typically follows this process: Senior executives formulate strategic goals through the strategic planning process People line managers prepare the organizational unit goals, making sure they are aligned with the organization's strategic goals This process cascades down to the development of the work program of the individual employees

Monitoring of Results

Mission and Values

Employee Performance Management

Planning of Goals

SMART Methodology


Time Specific: A specific date for the achievement of the goal should be set within the review period (“Can this goal be achieved within the 12 month performance review cycle?”) Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback


Realistic: The goal should be challenging, but realistically attainable (“Does this goal present a realistically attainable challenge?”)

Talent Review Meetings


Aligned: Each goal should support the strategic objectives and organizational unit goals (“Does this goal contribute to the organization unit goals?”)


Employee Performance Management


Measurable: The (unit of measure) indicators and targets to be used to monitor and measure the goal should be clear. (“How will I know that I have achieved my goal?”)

Monitoring of Results

 Specific—what is the concrete outcome you are looking to achieve?  Measurable—how will you know your result has been achieved?  Aligned—does this contribute to the strategic/organizational unit goals?  Realistic—does this goal present a realistically attainable challenge?  Time specific—can this goal be achieved within the 12 month performance review cycle?


Specific: The goal should be as precise as possible about what is to be achieved, including expectations on quality and quantity (“Does my goal statement express a concrete outcome?”)

Planning of Goals

Articulating goal statements and expected results using the “SMART” characteristics will help ensure that they are actionable.

SMART Methodology

Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Planning of Goals

SMART Methodology

Monitoring of Results Appraisal

Download a Quick Reference Card for SMART Goals Creation (click on the icon)

The Human Capital Strategy establishes that “staff members, in collaboration with their supervisors, should more precisely design work programs to maximize their contribution to departmental and ultimately to organizational goals. Therefore, a tighter alignment of individual contribution to overall organizational goals is required, as well as an increased focus on collaboration and on delivering results”

Planning of Goals

Do you know that…

Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Talent Review Meetings Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Individual Goals

Individual Goals

Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Company Goals

Planning of Goals

IDB-9 Mandates and Institutional Strategy Organizational Unit Goals VPs → Department → Divisions Individual Results

Monitoring of Results Appraisal




Talent Review Meetings


Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

Think about how your goals contribute to the organization’s goals

Planning of Goals

2. Assign weights if some goals have more relative importance:, i.e. they have more impact on the organization/client, or the level of effort is significantly higher 4. Consider your work role accountabilities in defining the program; the higher the work role level, the higher expectations of your role 6. Add goals that have been identified as part of your development plan

Talent Review Meetings

5. Add a stretch goal to help you for differentiation of relative performance


3. If you assign weights, all goals must be weighted

Monitoring of Results

1. Have between 3 and 10 goals

Planning of Goals

Rule of thumb to create Individual Goals

Performance Management

Planning of Goals

Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Performance Management Planning of Goals

Monitoring of Results Appraisal

Talent Review Meetings

Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Management Employee Performance Management

Monitoring of Results

Monitoring of Results

Appraisal Phase

Performance Management

Appraisal Phase

Planning of Goals

2 2.

Review your work program. If you used relative weights among your goals make sure ALL goals are weighted.

Employee Performance Management

Your people manager must approve any changes before the assessment period begins (December 1).

Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

4 4.

Talent Review Meetings


3. If any modifications to the work program are required due to changes in business priorities along the performance year, discuss them with your people manager and make the changes.


You have selected the correct people manager. Go to HR Self Service and verify your EPM people manager.

Monitoring of Results

1 1.

Step by Step

Appraisal Phase


What Select Feedback Providers

People Manager

Approve Feedback Providers


Carry self-assessments

Feedback Providers

Carry out evaluation

Matrix Supervisor

Carry out evaluation Carry out evaluation

Talent Review Meetings Feedback Sessions

People Manager

Update Evaluation (if applicable)


Sign Off Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

People Manager and Employee

Only the assigned MTS can view the self-assessment and final evaluation of a matrix staff member. If desired, you can email a PDF version of either document.

Talent Review Meetings

People Manager

For HQ staff who have more than one MTS they can nominate “Additional Matrix Supervisors” as feedback providers who can now rate and comment on the relevant competencies and goals.



Monitoring of Results


For staff who report to HQ and are assigned to the field, the Country Representative of the respective COF will be assigned automatically as MTS (Main Matrix Supervisor)

Planning of Goals

A Matrix Supervisor is defined by:

Performance Management

Appraisal Phase

Employee Performance Management

Appraisal Phase

Performance Management

Appraisal Phase

Planning of Goals

Key Points

Monitoring of Results

Ensure your work program is up-to-date:  Once the review begins, you cannot edit your goals or make changes to the work program  Any change must be approved by your people manager by November 30th Nominate Feedback Providers on time:

 You should select between 2 and 5 feedback providers that are approved by your supervisor. Your supervisor can add more relevant feedback providers

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

 If you have a matrix supervisor, it will be automatically assigned to you based on your COF location. If more than one matrix is needed, you must select them as feedback providers so they can assess your results and competencies

Talent Review Meetings

 Ensure you have nominated a well rounded set of feedback providers who have observed your work and competencies: peers, internal clients, subordinates and other team members


 If you used weights, make sure ALL goals are weighted

Talent Review Meetings

Talent Review Meeting

Performance Management

Talent Review Meetings

Planning of Goals

 Calibration of performance criteria (i.e., ensuring that performance criteria have been applied accurately and consistently)

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Performance Feedback

 Review and discuss the preliminary population of talent that has been identified for promotion or changes of track, and connect this information to the long-term business needs.

Talent Review Meetings

 All talent related issues for the short and medium term needs are discussed, i.e. Performance ratings, top and underperformers, promotions, transfers, work assignments. In the future: mobility, high potentials, succession planning, etc.


Talent Review Meetings are carried out in XXX and do YYY

Monitoring of Results

 Management team reviews the strengths and development areas of their staff as well as talent needs to achieve business goals.

Performance Review Feedback of the Employee

Performance Management

Performance Review Feedback of the Employee

Planning of Goals Monitoring of Results Appraisal Talent Review Meetings Performance Feedback

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Feedback Providers Performance Assessment Performance Assessment

1. Nominating and Approving Feedback Providers 2. Carrying out a Performance Assessment (for employees and Feedback Providers) 3. Carrying out a Performance Assessment (for People Managers) 4. Carrying out a Performance Assessment (For Matrix Supervisors) 5. Closing the evaluation


CareerPoint User Guides

Performance Assessment Closing the Evaluation

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Nominating and Approving Feedback Providers

Nominating and Approving Feedback Providers

Feedback Providers Performance Assessment Performance Assessment Performance Assessment Closing the Evaluation

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

How to provide effective feedback

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

How to provide effective

How to provide effective feedback

Giving Feedback

Feedback is one of the most important and valuable components of performance management. Both positive and negative feedback is helpful because it gives us a great opportunity to have a better understanding of ourselves and to work further to reinforce our strengths and improve our weaknesses. Here are tips you can effectively leverage in giving and receiving feedback.

“I appreciate my supervisor's comments regarding my deliverables, particularly the way he can give me feedback on improvements. I admire his sense of treating all his supervisees in a fair and considerate manner�

Remember, giving and receiving feedback are skills you can learn and earn! Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

How to provide effective feedback

How to provide effective feedback

Giving Feedback Use “GUIDE� to deliver feedback:


Gather verifiable performance examples


Understand goals and actions to achieve results


Identify strengths and development areas


Develop suggestions for performance improvement


Expect clarification and questions

Employee Performance Management

Giving Feedback Ten Keys to Conducting Effective Performance Review Discussion

1. 2.

Schedule sufficient time in a private setting Rehearse the conversation prior to the meeting 3. Provide my staff with performance review documentation 4. Begin with strengths and then discuss development areas 5. Focus development areas on behaviors, not personality traits 6. Provide examples to substantiate the review 7. Provide suggestions for performance improvement 8. Use clear and simple words during the discussion 9. Solicit questions and comments 10.End on a positive note and discuss next steps Employee Performance Management

How to provide effective feedback

Giving Feedback Constructive Feedback Preparation Questions

How to provide effective feedback 1. What is the essential message the employee needs to receive? What Result or Behavior is failing to meet expectations? Describe the impact to the Business, Relationships with Colleagues, or the professional Reputation of the employee? 2. What evidence do I have that supports this performance concern? (Important: Reference concrete facts. If feedback has been provided by coworkers or clients, verify the claim prior to presenting to employee) 3. Were there prior discussions with the employee regarding this issue? If so, please list dates and quick summary of the discussion(s). 4. Anticipate employee reaction to this feedback. (Will they be resistant? Will they shut down, or become emotional (angry or tearful)? Will they agree with the feedback and make excuses, or agree and provide ideas for improving the situation?) 5. List information regarding the benefits of correcting the situation and/or risks of failing to correct the situation. 6. What suggestions do I have to help this employee improve? (Important: It is considered best practice to solicit ideas for improvement from the Employee, but if they are unable to provide any ideas, it is useful to have suggestions readily available) REMINDER: Employees receiving a rating of 2 or lower must begin a Performance Improvement Plan.

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

How to provide effective feedback

Receiving Feedback

How to provide effective feedback

Giving Feedback Feedback is a two-way conversation. Here are some suggestions on how to receive feedback to help you effectively deal with the situation and get the most out of the input.

“Oh what a gift he could give us; to see ourselves as others see us.� Robert Browning, English Poet

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

How to provide effective feedback

How to provide effective feedback

Receiving Feedback Listen Actively

Make eye contact. Ask probing questions to make sure I understand what is being said.

Maintain composure

Don’t get emotional. Breathe deeply. Sit back. Adopt a relaxed body posture. Lower your voice. Speak slowly.

Stay open and positive

Don't get defensive-this is not aimed at you personally. Understand the perspective before presenting your side of the story. Ask for more details on points you don't agree with.

Accept the input

Even when you don't agree with all of it, there will be some good ideas. Accept the input.

Work to improve

Devote your energy to finding improvement rather than disputing observations. Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management


Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management



 PE-346 Employee Performance Management (Int.)  PN-9.02 Employee Performance Management (Nat.)

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Individual Development Plan

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Individual Development Plan


Implement and Monitor

Individual Development Plan




Create and Approve

IS bla bla bla bla

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Individual Development Plan

Employee Performance Management

Individual Development Plan

Employee Performance Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Put here an updated list of FAQs

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Who to contact?

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

Who to Contact?

Who to Contact?

Put here Business Partners pictures, names, extensions and emails + HRSC

Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management

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