India History
Why do they speak English in India? A British trade company began to trade with India in the 17th century. They mostly bought cotton, silk, salt, tea and opium. The trading company had its own fleet and army. They set up more and more colonies in India and in 1858 the whole of India was a British colony.
Pink = once British colonies
How did they manage to colonise India? It was not a peaceful process to colonise India. The British empire forced the leaders and the people of India to give up the land. What happened to the people of india? .
As many as 10 million indians met their death too soon due to the brutal British army. The British destroyed everything in their way such as people, houses and fields. Why did they want so many children? Many of the people died from diseases and starvation. In the late 1800 the poor people began to give birth to as many children as they could to be able to support themselves when they became older and couldn’t work any more.
What did the people in India do to fight back?
In the beginning of 20th century the people of India had had enough and began to fight for justice. People from the west were attacked, shops and other properties were destroyed. Soon the workers went on strike to force the British out of India. As many as 100 -200 million people died, one of the biggest genocides in the history of the world.
Describe Gandhi! Mahatma Gandhi, was an indian lawyer, politician and spiritual leader. He led India to independence and inspired movements for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world. Why was he killed? He was born in 1869 in a wealthy family. He was murdered at the age of 78 short after the Indian independence in 1948. The murderer was a hindu that didn’t like Gandhi’s attempt to create peace between the muslims and the hindus. Mahatma_Gandhi
Wordlist trade = handelsutbyte cotton = bomull fleet = flotta peaceful = fredlig process = process empire = kungsrike forced = tvingades fields = åkrar starvation = svält be able to = kunna support = stötta
justice = rättvisa went on strike = gick i strejk genocides = folkmord lawyer = advokat independence = självständighet inspired = inspirerade movements = rörelse civil rights = medborgerliga rättigheter attempt = försök