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LIMERICKS Written by pupils in class 9 Foton:http://oďŹƒ


There once was a girl called Jill She always took it so chill She was short and fat Cause she ate her cat Then she went to Dr. Phil

There once was a crim named Jim. Whose dad was so grim to him. He wanted to rock. And that was a chock. And this is the truth of Jim.

There once was a boy called Greg He wanted to break an egg He kicked it around But fell to the ground And found that he’d broken a leg

There once was a girl named Jess She wanted to wear her new dress The dress didn’t fit So she got out a kit After that the dress were a mess

There’s once was a boy called Pete. He was fat and liked to eat. He went out and fell. And got hurt as well. Then his mom gave him a sweet.

There was a young fellow named Clyde who fell in an outhouse and died. Along came his brother and fell in another and now they're buried side by side.

There once was a boy called kim his dad taught him to gym He lifted some weight and he felt so great when he did not have to be slim

There once was a girl from Spain. She always went with the Train. Once she met a guy, Who started to cry, He had never seen the rain. There once was a boy called Jake Who lived in a very cold Lake He had his own Snake Who loved to eat Cake But he kissed his snake by Mistake There once was a girl from Rome ! She never want to go home ! She was a big brat ! And also so fat ! So now she drink roam with much foam

There once was a boy called Jake. When he was going to bake. He saw a bit rat. And screamed to his cat. And turned the rat to a steak.

There once was a boy called Jack His mother was happy and black His mother got sick She died of a brick Then Jack wanted her to come back

there once was a boy called Jack. he always bought him some crack. he started to moan he died all alone he tried to find the way back.


There once was a dog named Max He had a friend that was a tax He ate a lot of snacks It made him relax But one day he ate mineral wax

There once was a rabbit named Hank. Whose dad never taught him to prank. He fell off a boat And sunk like a goat and that was the end of Hank

There once was a boy named pat whose dad thought he was fat He ate up a tin and now he is thin and now he looks like a rat

There once was a boy called Hank whose friends made him a big prank They gave him a pig and kneeled to his wig and then they all robbed the bank.

There once was a fellow named pot All the girls thought he was hot He did many crimes But never did the times Later he got shot by swat

There once was a boy named rick whose mom never taught him to nick He always begin with a very small gin he love to take a free kick

There once was a girl named Jill She ate way too much dill Her life hang on a thread And soon she was dead Her parents thought it was chill.

There once was a man named Bill Whose dad never taught him to kill He fell of a boat And got a sore throat And his friend Jill took a drill.

There once was a boy named Pete. One day he walked down the street. He was happy and sang. Then he saw a gang. He ran but he dropped his feet.

There once was a boy named rum they tried to teach him to run He walked down the street got stuck in concrete and that was the end of rum

There once was a boy named Rick Whose friend acted like a dick They started a fight with bottles and knives and the blood ran red and thick


There once was a fellow named Kim whose dad never thought him to swim He fell in the sea and sunk like a pea and that was the end of Kim

Lasse was never good at playing drums Maybe because he always ate big plums He almost played jazz But couldn’t hold gas He always played with a dumb

There once was boy named Jim. He liked to go to the gym. He just liked to train, But not in the rain. And that was the end of Jim.

There once was a girl named hannah. Her idol was named Montana. They really liked school. But they was to cool. Montana had a nana.

There once was a dog named Peat whose owner never taught him to eat He got some new dolls but he want many bolls and that was the end of Peat

There once was a fellow named Kim Whose dad never taught him to swim He fell in the sea And sunk like a pea And that was the end of him

There once was a boy named Cloy whose loved to play with his toy He liked to eat food and he was a jude that was the end of the boy.

There once was a dog named Frog whose owner gave him a log He gave the log away went to a cafe but then he met a nice dog

There once was a dog named Troll his owner never thought him to bowl He got some new bolls but he want many dolls and that was the end of troll

There once was a girl named Anna. She liked to eat lots of banana. It was a nice fruit. She put on her boot. To go away to her nana.

There once was a girl named Pearl Whose friend thought she was a girl She ran away crying and the girl was dying and that was the end of her.

There once was a boy named Train he did not have an big brain He had a good toy but was a dumb boy But he liked to drink Champagne


There once was a fish named Jim, And he was training to be slim. He was a fat fish Because he liked chocolate swish But in the end he became thin.

There once was a dog called Jack. Whose master never taught him to quack. Then he saw a rat but it was a cat so jack took some crack

There once was a man named Bob, whose wife didn’t want him to job. He wiped like a kid. Because of what she did. In the end he became a snob.

There once was a fellow named pete Whose dad never taught him to eat He eat a bit brick and got really sick so now he sticks to concrete

There once was a guy named Mick. who had a really big dick. not rounded and pink as you possibly think but it looked like a big brick. There was a young woman named Ann That had a very big clan She set out one day, To find a new clan Now here new boyfriend is Chad

There once was a boy named Joe. People though he was really really slow. And its start to snow. So he want to plough. And know is he a big pro.

There once was a cat called Miss Whose master never taught him to kiss Then he saw a cat but it was a big rat he got so scared that he piss

There once was a cat named Belle The cat lived in a shell One day the shell broke The cat became soak Then the cat started to swell

There once was a man called kim He had a friend called jim He got stung by a bee and fell from a tree That was the end of him

There once was a dog named Plopp Whose owner never taught him to Stop He ran fast this day So his owner shouted hey! So he had to call the cop

There once was a girl called Anne who did not have a good plan so when she broke in into a housing she was hit with a big pan

There once was a girl named Jill Who always wanted to chill She fell of the bed Now are she stone dead When she died she received one drill

There once was a man from Swea But he said he came from Korea He had a black skin And a very big chin I think he is from Eritrea


A crazy god named Odd There once was a boy named Odd He was a big olympic god. He ran to the stars To fight in the bars With his dads big fishing rod

There once was a dog named Polly She was of the breed border collie. Her nose was so sweet she chewed on her meat. And that was the story of jolly.

There once was a boy named Slash Whoes dad told him he was thrash he smoked a good pot that his mother bought so his dad gave him a smash

There once was a boy named pete who slept on a big pink sheet He snored like a dog and look like a frog the sound was heard on the street

There once was a girl named Hoe whoes mom never taught her to blow. She jumped on a bock And fell on a block And she had to pay with snow.

There once was a man named dave then he climbed in a huge cave in the cave he fall and he started to crawl and he fall in to the grave

There once was a fellow named Jill whoes dad bought her a new grill Jill got little bit burned Now the dad got concerned And she had to pay the bill

There once was a boy named oscar who thought he would get very far then he started falling down and looked like a clown he knew he would never go far

There once was a boy named Max And he needed a new pair of slacks But they were too expensive And he got apprehensive So instead he bought snacks.

There once was a girl named Mia She and her mother went to Korea Mia rode on an elephant She fell and died elegant The story was told by Maria

There once was a boy named Jim whoes love to be on the gym. One day he get´s hurt, when a girl starts flirt And after that he the girl win.

There once was a boy named benny He never ever held a golden penny He had a rich dad, Father died it was bad. Then benny got more than many.

There was once a kid named Jack. Who lived in a white mans track. He once had a sheep Who was put to sleep And now he only owns a mac

There once was a girl named Lee and she was away at sea She fell off the boat But she didn’t float And so she begun to plea.

There once was a boy named Tom Who always wanted to build a atombomb. One day the bomb slide And then little tom died And then the whole world went blom.

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