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Sol Lang
I have decided to make my photographs available for sale, both framed and unframed. Just log on to Imagekind. http://sollang.imagekind.com I was interviewed for Magic Places Fine Art on-line photography magazine. I invite you to read the article. http://www.magicalplacesfineart.com/blog/2008/05/the-erotic-photography-of-sol-lang I also recorded one of my shooting sessions. A Rainy Day with Milena http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x5zyj0 My book, Gentle Vulnerability is a series of erotic photographs. http://www.blurb.com//images/uploads/catalog/41/76341/196140-0a33270e914c8354c154bc7e09eeaadb.jpg I've been earning my living doing graphic design with my wife and partner, Mary Bogdan. We own Crayon Design & Communication, a design firm in Montreal. We have both been artists for as long as we can remember. Photography has been my medium and I've used it for self expression as well as professionally in my commercial work as a communications tool. My personal photography site is at http