PDF Pasifika Newsletter Issue 17 Sept - Dec 2012

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In This Issue: 

UN Honors Disability Champs

From the Editors Desk

5 Disability Day celebrations from around the Pacific

Women Leader meet in the USA

Human Rights training in Niue

Disability Policy and new DPO in RMI

Cross movement learning between indigenous people and persons with disabilities

PDF develops regional youth with disabilities programmes

Training on the embosser

Hero’s welcome for Iliesa Delana







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UN Honours Asia-Pacific Disability Champions Soloveni Vitoso - Information Officer ; Pacific Disability Forum

Mr. Setareki Macanawai, Chief Executive Officer of the Pacific Disability Forum (PDF) was recently named as one of the winners of the Asia-Pacific Disability Rights Champions Award. The award was presented on the 1st of November, 2012 at a high-level intergovernmental meeting in Incheon, South Korea. Mr. Macanawai saying a few words of The awards were hosted by the Appreciation during the award in Korea United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the Government of the Republic of Korea. Winners were selected by an international jury for the farreaching impact of their work, the wide support they have mobilized and their capacity to serve as role models. A total of 10 winners from the Asia-Pacific region were selected for the awards. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea, Kim Hwang-sik, who presented the award to Mr. Macanawai, called on the international community to strengthen cooperation to promote human rights of persons with disabilities and build a disability-inclusive society. “In order to protect and ensure the inherent dignity and fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities, we need to engage every level of society from governments to businesses to persons with disabilities themselves,” Mr. Kim said The Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Bob Carr was also inspired by Mr. Macanawai’s work. “Mr. Macanawai has played an instrumental role in the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights for persons with disabilities, particularly in Disability Pasifika Newsletter


the Pacific region. He helped shape Australia’s disability inclusive development policy Development for All,” Senator Carr said. An estimated 650 million persons with disabilities live in the Asia-Pacific region. They face many attitudinal, institutional, physical and information barriers, which the PDF works to address. From the Editor’s Desk Another year has come to an end and our achievements have been made possible by the support of our members, and partners across the Pacific. PDF is now based in its new office in Kadavu House, Central Suva, Fiji. The official opening of the PDF office was attended by members of the Pacific disability community, PDF staff, board members, members of the press and guest of honour Mr John Davidson, the Minister Counsellor from AusAID. On the 26th July 2012, PDF welcomed the following new board members into the team; 1. Ipul Powaseu - Female Co-Chairperson (PNG) 2. Jesaulenko Dowiyogo - Board Member (Nauru) 3. Rhema Masser - Board Member (Tonga) PDF would also like to acknowledge the following outgoing board members for their hard work and contributions in the past 2 years; 1. Savina Nongebatu (Solomon Islands) 2. Nofovaleane Mapusua (Samoa) 3. Teewata Rokete (Kiribati) The International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2012 celebration on the 3rd of December with the theme, “Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all” had DPOs all over the Pacific celebrating the day in their own ways. In this issue we will highlight some of these stories and likewise some of the best stories from the last 4 months. PDF would like to take this opportunity to thank the Australian Government for its support and likewise to all members, stakeholders and partners for their support which has enabled PDF to accomplish many great achievements in 2012. Wishing you all a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Soloveni Vitoso

Disability Pasifika Newsletter


Tuvalu Celebrates Disability Day 2012 in style Matakina Simii, Office Manager, FAA Tuvalu

Left - Right: Pastor Tevasa Iakopo, Hon Pelenike Isaia and Mine Pilikosi at the front table during the celebration

Tuvalu’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2012 programme was planned by Saini M Seluka of the Secretariat Pacific Community/ Regional Rights Resource Team (SPC/RRRT), Matakina Simii - Fusi Alofa and Lanieta Faleasiu from the government. The programme involved the Government, members of Fusi Alofa such as the President and the Board members and to all persons with disabilities who are at home in all islands of Tuvalu.

The Minister of Home Affairs Hon Pelenike Isaia with her opening remarks state that this was the 4th time Tuvalu has celebrated this day. For the Government this was the first time to join and fully participated in organising the program together with other stakeholder such as SPC/ RRRT and Fusi Alofa. She also stated that Government will begin working closely with Fusi Alofa to support and to lobby for the signing and ratification of the Convention. She encouraged all Ministries to take into consideration the issue of accessibility and to enable all persons with disabilities (PWDs) to have access to everything. “Barriers have to be removed to enable PWDs to fully enjoy their rights. Thus, we need to build our environment in friendly way,” she said. She acknowledged the support from the Pacific Disability Forum and Tuvalu Red Cross in the establishment of Fusi Alofa and emphasised government to remember that always. She then handed over the Certificate of Registration to Mine Pilikosi, the

Hon Pelenike Isaia hands over the Certificate of Registration to Mine Pilikosi after her speech

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President of Fusi Alofa Association. Mine also had a chance to say few words where she thanked the Government for the Certificate and lobbied for Government support in the years ahead. After the official opening, PWDs, supporters, families and friends were able to hear from Filipo Masaurua from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) who talked about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Saini Seluka spoke on the outcome of the PNG Ministerial Meeting while the Office manager for Fusi Alofa Tuvalu (FAA Tuvalu), Matakina Simii spoke on the Incheon Strategy and its 10 goals. Persons with disabilities, supporters, families and friends at the FAA Tuvalu Celebration

FAA Tuvalu members then ended the program by performing an emotional drama to show the real life scenarios of PWDs in Tuvalu and the discrimination they had to go through within their own homes; such as parents not allowing them to go to school and preferring to do things for other sibling but not them.

FAA Tuvalu would like to acknowledgement Filipo Masaurua and Motulu Pedro from PIFS, Efren Jogia from Attorney General ‘s Office, Saini M Seluka from SPC/RRRT, Lanieta Faleasiu and to all the volunteers who were there to support. Pacific Cultural Group/Consumer’s Group Christmas Party a resounding success! Amerika Wilsoni, Spectrum Care, New Zealand

Held at Takatimu Hall, 9 Tanners Road (Mangere Bridge) on Monday 3rd December, the 2012 Pacific Cultural and Consumer’s Group Christmas Party had more than 300 people attending and continued the grand tradition of getting bigger and better every year! This year, the Christmas Party was planned to coincide with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and featured an array of highlights including sports and games, special guests and carols, a blessing

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and feast and, perhaps most importantly, Brett Marsh from our Leadership Team who stood in for Santa and distributed a spectacular assortment of gifts, all kindly donated by The Warehouse. After a spectacular lunch, straight from the umu, and a delectable dessert of fruit salad and ice cream, the Pacific Cultural Group launched into renditions of all the Christmas classics, from I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus to Rocking around the Christmas Tree, ably performed by our very own Service Managers Amerika Wilson and Maui Paraki, as well as a special guest appearance by Spectrum Care’s Chief Executive Chris Harris. All in all, it was a wonderful day celebrating not only the festive season, but also our deep cultural connections with our South Pacific home via the Pacific Cultural Group, ‘ability’ and self-advocacy for the people we support via the Consumer Group, and equality, understanding, dignity and rights for people with disabilities via the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. PWDSI celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the Solomon Islands Savina Nongebatu, PWDSI Office, Solomon Islands

Persons With Disabilities in the Solomon Islands (PWDSI) joined millions around the world in celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Honiara on the 3rd December. This day also falls in the 16 day activism. This year is extra special as youths with disabilities were tasked with organizing the celebrations. Edidie Babanisi and Jabis performing during the celebration

Mr. Charlie Maeke who is the Youth with

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Disabilities Chairperson and his committee have worked tirelessly for the last week to seeing a successful day of celebrations. Hats off to him and well done!! Charlie Maeke performing with his group called the Mulatuz

The day saw members of PWDSI gathering at Bodo’s Field. Youth with disabilities showed off their skills in singing but most importantly advocating for their rights and challenging the public to look at people with disabilities as people who are capable of doing great things and achieving much more given the opportunity. A few members took to the stage and performed to much excitement and admiration from those watching. The Solomon Islands’ only paralympian Ms. Helen Saohanga spoke on her lived experiences and her journey to the Olympics. She urges all members to never give up on their dreams or abilities.

Helen Saohanga - Solomon Islands only Paralympian sharing her story

The highlight was seeing Charlie performing on stage with his group (Mulatuz); wowing the audience. Another famous group which brought members on their feet, wheels and crutches was Dezine. The President spoke on the ability of PWDSI as a DPO which has developed so much in the last 5 years and assured the members that he and his executive will continue to work hard. He also highlighted the priorities for PWDSI and looks forward to working with all stakeholders, especially the Government.

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He stated that PWDSI has been instrumental in various regional and international events and in lobbying at the national level. The Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Dr Lester Ross in his remarks stated the government’s commitment in addressing disability in the country and encouraged all stakeholders to work together. He was surprised and encouraged to see so much development in disability in the region.

PWDSI Staff dancing - Solomon Style!

PWDSI would like to thank the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs for funding the day’s celebrations. PNG International Day for Persons with Disabilities Celebration Ipul Powaseu, PNG ADP

Papua New Guinea Association of Disabled Persons (PNG ADP) in collaboration with the Cheshire Disability Services, Saint John for the Blind, the Red Cross Inclusive School for the Deaf and Hohola Deaf School staged a successful program filled with speeches and talent shows. Distinguished guests from World Health Organisation (WHO), Strongim Pipol Strongim Nesen, AusAID, Department for Community Development, the Education Department and other government and service provider agencies were present. During the day's activity, WHO launched its Disability Toolkit. There were two highlights for this day. The first lady of PNG, Ms Linda B. O'Neil was the Guest of Honour when she presented the opening speech and was also officially accepted the title of Matron of the PNG Assembly of Disabled Persons. The day ended with a talent show titled the "A" Factor (Ability factor); seeing children and adults with disability performing songs and dances in two categories; group and individual. Disability Pasifika Newsletter


2012 Fiji Paralympics Games Stephanie Hubbard, PDF Marketing and Communications Officer

The 2012 Fiji Paralympics Games were held in Suva between the 2nd and 4th December. 22 teams made up of members of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) from across Fiji came to Suva to compete at the games. Sports included Boccia, Goalball and Sitting Volleyball. To mark the opening of the Maurice McCarthy delivering the Opening speech at Games, and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Games an opening ceremony was held rd on 3 December. The event started with a parade through downtown Suva. Marching were the National Youth Band, representatives of DPOs from across Fiji, games sponsor Digicel, and the Fijian Rugby 7’s team. After the march, attendees were transported across town to the Fiji Sports Council Complex for the opening ceremony. Maurice McCarthy, CEO of event sponsors Digicel Fiji, was chief guest. In his speech, Mr McCarthy said that the Paralympics Committee has done exceptionally well at promoting sports at the grass roots level. He said that great progress has been made, shown by the number of athletes competing today, more than twice as many as the last Fiji Paralympic Games. “I want to acknowledge and thank the work of the organisers; you have done a marvellous job.” he added. The games were then opened by a demonstration of Boccia. Iliesa Delana’s coach Freddy Fatiaki showed Mr McCarthy how to play. The Boccia tournament was won by the Tailevu North team from the Central Division. The Serua team from Central Division claimed the top spot in Goalball, while the Suva based Fiji Association for the Deaf team were victorious in the Sitting Volleyball. Congratulations to all teams who participated, we look forward to appreciating your skills again at the next Fiji Paralympic Games. Disability Pasifika Newsletter


Women leaders with disabilities meet in the USA Lanieta Tuimabu, Board Member, PDF

Mobility International USA selected 26 women leaders with disabilities from 26 countries in South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Pacific for a 3 week leadership program. The Women’s Institute on Leadership and Disability (WILD) program was held from 6th to 27th August 2012 in Eugene, Oregon, USA. We attended workshops, seminars and discussions, visits, team-building activities and looked Ms. Lanieta Tuimabu - President of the United Blind Persons of Fiji for ways to leadership opportunities and participation of women and girls with disabilities in international development. We learnt about international policies and legislation, including the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the American Disability Act. Other areas included creating change, educational rights and opportunities, leadership for economic empowerment and health and family issues. There is a real need for awareness on these areas in Fiji and the Pacific region for women with disabilities. Our culture is as such that these are not addressed publicly, but I see the need for more women to be more vocal on these issues. We were hosted by families in Eugene, which helped us in learning the local culture. I gather that we have to be appreciative with one another’s cultures and having the respect to learn from them. One evening the women cooked traditional food from the different regions. I was the leader for the Pacific region dish, fish in coconut milk with round cabbage and sweet potatoes. Even though we had some problems with communication, the Pacific dish turned out to be the best of the evening. The other highlight was using recreational facilities for persons with disabilities, I never dreamt I would ride on a tandem bike or go camping. This was a very good leadership program for learning and experiencing what leadership is all about. We learnt we should always be positive, use a rights based approach, be inclusive and be loud, proud and persistent. As Pacific is a small region, we strongly recommend that we should not be forgotten and be included.

Disability Pasifika Newsletter


Human Rights Training in Niue Setareki Macanawai, CEO, PDF

Between 21st and 23rd August 2012, PDF conducted a three-day training event on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with a Disability (CRPD), policy development, advocacy and good governance in Niue. Attendees included 20 representatives from various Government Departments and the national DPO, Niue Tolomaki Auloa Association. Mr Frederick Miller and Mr Laisiasa Merumeru from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat teamed up with Angeline Chand and Setareki Macanawai from the Pacific Disability Forum and Cristina Ricci from the Australia Human Rights Commission. The PDF Co-Chairperson, Latoa Halatau and his wife Tewai Halatau also took time out from their Niue holiday to join us. Participants learned about the CRPD and the Pacific Regional Strategy on Disability as well as ensuring the voice of women and girls with disabilities are given equal recognition and respect. Angeline Chand, PDF’s DPO Development Officer conducted training on effective advocacy whilst PDF’s CEO Setareki Macanawai shared on good governance, leadership and planning. This is the 13th Pacific Island country where we have conducted this training. The PDF is grateful to the Government of Australia through AusAID for providing the necessary funding for this activity. It is anticipated that the Government of Niue and Niue Tolomaki Auloa Association can work together more effectively and efficiently to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities in Niue. Disability Policy and New DPO for Marshall Islands Katabwena Tawaka, Programme Manager Pacific Disability Forum

A draft Disability Policy has been developed and a DPO established for the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI). This was made possible through an invitation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in RMI. The team consisted of PDF CEO Mr Setareki Macanawai, Mr Fred Miller, Mr Katabwena Tawaka (PDF Programme Manager), Ms Angeline Chand (PDF DPO Development Officer) and Mr Nelbert Perez of Pohnpei in the Federal States of the Micronesia (FSM). The development the Disability Policy and DPO for RMI were part of Government's

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celebration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and December 4 - 7 was declared National Disability Week. More than 30 participants attended the 2 day workshop and had the opportunity to develop their understanding on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (CRPD), developing national vision, priorities and objectives for the Disability Policy. Close to 15 persons with disabilities also attended the workshop and were part of the initial discussion in the establishment of the DPO. Mr Perez provide insights to how they developed their DPO in the FSM. Mr Macanawai, Mr Miller and Ms Chand also contributed to sharing their experience that motivated persons with disabilities in RMI to form their organisation. RMI is the last of the Pacific Island countries to join the PDF family. PDF looks forward to expanding their services to Pacific Islands Territories. Cross Movement Learning between Indigenous People and Persons with Disabilities Setareki Macanawai – CEO, PDF

6 leaders of the disability movement from the Pacific, Asia and Latin America were invited by the Disability Rights Fund (DRF) to participate in the 11th UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held in New York, USA in May. The Chairperson of Papua New Guinea Assembly of Dis- Mr. Macanawai and abled Persons, Ms Ipul Powaseu, Office Manager for Peo- Ms. Powaseu in discussion ple with Disabilities Solomon Islands and PDF female CoChair, Ms. Savina Nongebatu and the PDF CEO, Setareki Macanawai represented the Pacific. The leaders successfully advocated for the Pacific Indigenous Peoples Caucus to support the formation of an Indigenous People with Disabilities Caucus within the Pacific Caucus and at the international level. Mr. Macanawai was also invited by the DRF to attend the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples Conference held in San Francisco, USA. Seta advocated for the inclusion, greater visibility and increased attention by the donor community and civil society to the issues facing persons with disabilities within the indigenous people’s movement. Disability Pasifika Newsletter


PDF Develops Regional Youth with Disabilities Programme Naomi Navoce – Gender and Youth Officer, PDF

PDF believes that youth with disabilities are the DPO leaders of tomorrow. With this recognition, PDF have started investing in building their capacities.

The 6 young interns with their certificates after successfully completing internship training with PDF for 3 weeks in May

It all began in September 2011 with a 3 days Regional Youth Planning Meeting for Youth with Disabilities with the funding support from Pacific Leadership Program (PLP).

2 Representatives from Fusi Alofa Tuvalu, Naunau ‘OE’ Alamaite Association Tonga (NATA), Nuanua Ole Alofa Association (NOLA) and Fiji Disabled Persons Federation (FDPF) attended. The FDPF affiliates from the United Blind Persons of Fiji, Fiji Association for the Deaf, Spinal Injuries Association and Psychiatric Survivors Association attended as observers. A PDF youth working committee were elected, a PDF 2011 - 2016 Youth Action Plan and the Terms of reference for the working committee were part of the final Outcome Document from these Youth Planning Meeting.

The young Interns with the PDF Gender Officer Naomi Navoce at the opening of the APTC disability studies centre

The youth committee started corresponding via email since then before having quarterly meeting via teleconference from 2012.

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The youth working committee have increased to 6 members with Te Toa Matoa and Persons with Disabilities Solomon Islands coming in. A 3 week internship program was then initiated at the old PDF office in May 2012 and the interns came from Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu.

Bimal Narayan facilitates an accounting and finance session with 3 of the young interns

These young people with disabilities hold positions within their DPO Board and Youth Committee and likewise the PDF Youth Committee. For a number of the interns, this was the first time in their lives that they had travelled independently. Honiara Disability Stakeholders Meeting Participants 2012

The main objective of internship program was to develop young people with disabilities as future leaders of their organisations. Over the course of the program, the interns learnt about many aspects of governance, administration, communication and leadership. A lot has been achieved in terms of youth with Disabilities, as partnerships have developed seeing our youths represented in national, regional and international trainings and meetings. PDF will now host its Inaugural Youth with Disabilities Regional Forum in New Caledonia in 2013.

Charlie Maeke - from the Solomon Islands (second from left) leading discussions with Naomi Navoce (PDF Gender Officer), Celesiga Drauna (Interpreter) and Ofeina Leka (Tonga)

Disability Pasifika Newsletter


Training On the Index Basic-DV4 – Braille Embosser Angeline Chand– DPO Development Officer, PDF

The United Blind Persons of Fiji (UBP) would like to heartily extend its sincere gratitude to Tewai Halatau of the Vision Pacific for availing herself for a three days training to the staff of the organization during her trip to Fiji in late July this year.

Ruci Senikula (left) with Tewai Halatau (right) during the Embosser training at the UBP Office in July 2012.

UBP had purchased a Braille embosser in February this year, with the assistance of the AusAID’s Capital & Infrastructure grant.

Mrs. Sisi Faktaufon (integration teacher from the Fiji School for the Blind provided some basic training to Ruci Senikula, Project Officer at UBP on how to use the embosser. Fortunately, Mrs. Halatau was able to visit the UBP office during her visit to Fiji and offer her expertise on the usage of the machine. “I have learnt so many important things during the 3 days training” said Ms. Ruci Senikula. “This includes proper formatting of the initial source document using the Duxbury Braille Translator as well as making sure that the .dxt file is correctly set before embossing.” She added more by saying that, “Before when I embossed notes on this machine, it still gave me minor problems. But now, after going through the three days training, I am better equipped with handling the machine as well as making sure that Braille readers will be able to get their information upon their request!” Now, Ms. Senikula is confident in using the machine, especially to help her with preparing meeting documents and other requests from the membership.

Disability Pasifika Newsletter


Hero's Welcome for Iliesa Delana Stephanie Hubbard - Marketing and Communications Officer, PDF

The Fijian disability community has welcomed home local hero Iliesa Delana with a celebration at the Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation in Suva. The event was attended by representatives from many DPOs, special schools and related organisations in Fiji.

Iliesa Delana with the Gold Medal he won after the London Paralympics 2012

Speakers at the ceremony included representatives from DPOs and associated organisations around Fiji and the Pacific as well as Iliesa’s coach, Mr. Freddy Fatiaki.

Fiji Disabled Person Federation President Sumasafu Vilsoni said that people with disabilities have come out of their shell because of Iliesa Delana’s victory. He also said Delana “fulfilled the theme of the Paralympics: Inspiring a Generation”. When we asked Iliesa if he anything to say to PDF members and the Pacific disability community, he gave a statement. “Thanks for your support; I couldn’t have done it without you. What I did in London was not only for Fiji, but for all of the Pacific. I hope ties between our teams will continue for the upcoming games and that leaders start investing in disability sports as we gear up for Rio 2016,” he said. After the ceremony, guests were invited to enjoy some entertainment, socialising and lunch. Entertainment was provided by students at the Fiji Vocational and Technical Training Centre and the Police Jazz Band.

Iliesa Delana waving the Fiji Flag after being declared the winner of the 2012 Paralympics Men's High Jump

Disability Pasifika Newsletter


Disability Pasifika Newsletter

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