The Pride: Senior Edition Spring 2020 Hickory Grove Christian School

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Sophia Joseph Exodus, Editor-in-Chief Gracie Pyke Editor Zanetta Sirleaf Journalist Jessica Toukmaji Consultant Leah Guercio Consultant

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Gracie Pyke Editor

This issue of the senior news magazine may look a little different than those in years prior. Although we haven’t been in school, those of us in student media still wanted to create a senior news magazine to highlight our class and to have as a keepsake. Even with all the uncertainty from COVID-19, Sophia, Zanetta, and I committed to working on this online edition for all of us. Even though it's not the traditional, physical news magazine that student media usually produces, it is one fewer thing that has to be 2


skipped due to coronavirus. Working from home provided some challenges but ultimately, we were able to create something we are proud of and something that celebrates the achievements of our class. Class of 2020, we didn’t have the exit we wanted, but I hope that we will all learn valuable lessons from this time spent apart. The fanfare of senior year was taken from us, but not the friendships, memories, or those sweet high school diplomas we’ve all been working hard for.

Although I’ve only been in student media for a short time, I have loved getting to create and represent our class in the pages of the yearbook and now in this news magazine. As our high school careers come to an end in a way none of us could have imagined, we press on, only to be made more resilient in the face of adversity. It is my hope that as you turn through these pages, you feel proud and celebrated as you reflect on our final year of high school. Here’s to us!


Gracie Pyke Editor #Keepteachingkeeplearning was Hickory Grove Christian School's theme for the transition to remote learning. It took a little time for everyone to get used to the changes, but after the first week, everyone began to adjust. Class looked a little different. Google Meets were now how classes "met" for instruction and interaction. High School Principal Adam Hamilton sent out daily video updates in lieu of greeting students in the hallway. High School Office Administrator Michele Wilson also sent out daily announcement videos where she taught things like simple workouts or how to make scrambled eggs. The school also began a weekly fitness challenge and a weekly dance challenge in an effort to keep everyone moving. Online Spirit Week featured themes like "Bring Your Pet to Class Day." HG managed to not only boost morale but kept students engaged through creative activities and the genuine care from teachers who reached out to students asking for feedback and prayer requests. For their final week of high school, the seniors experienced "senior appreciation week," full of personal encouragement from past teachers of theirs. Even after the novelty of online school wore off, students and teachers carried on via Zoom and Google Meet, still learning and preparing for finals and AP exams. Everyone, from kindergarteners to seniors, was able to keep learning thanks to the amazing faculty and teachers at HGCS who truly care.



A Letter to Seniors

Dear Class of 2020,

As a Bible teacher, it is impossible for me not to start with a Bible verse. In Philippians 4:11-12 Paul says that in Christ, he learned to be content in any and every circumstance. Now as seniors it is truly unfortunate to finish your K-12 school career absent of the many experiences for which you have waited years. Probably prom is at the top of the list for many of you, but also your last year of sports, musicals, or simply just being with your closest friends for a couple more months. However, your senior year is one of thirteen (my math is not that crooked; I am including Kindergarten here) and memories, good and bad relationships, laughter, tears, drama, struggles, and accomplishments form part of who you are now. So do not let the circumstance of these last couple of months erase all those moments that built all of you as people. Many of you were saying that you would like to be back at school (who knew, right?). But what if we take Paul’s advice and we determine ourselves to be content in every circumstance? And I am not talking just about the present, but also about the future. I want you to think about all the past school years and meditate on all those times that you were not content in different situations. How many of those moments truly matter today? I guarantee you that life is going to bring many moments in which you are going to be tempted not to be content, and maybe being away from school these last months is one of them. But now I want you to think about the future and encourage you to take a different attitude from now on. And as Paul learned to be content in every situation, you can also learn to do the same in the future. The question is, how do you do that? The answer is simple: always look at the big picture of God’s plan of redemption, something much bigger than your circumstances. That is what Paul did while in prison writing to the Philippians. Seniors, It was a great privilege to get to know each of you for the past two years. You guys left a mark in my heart, and those of you that know me better know that I am not just saying this. It is my prayer that you were also marked, not so much by me because I am flawed like anyone else, but by Him whom I tried to emphasize these past couple of years. Whatever you do, go ahead and glorify Him, always. With great love, Mr. Rogante


Missing Out

The Reality of Covid-19 Gracie Pyke Editor

Cap and gown photos. Prom. Senior Recognition Chapel. Lifer Breakfast. Senior Fun Day. Running the halls. Graduation. The Class of 2020 is missing a lot this year. Many things we’ve been looking forward to for years are up in the air, have been postponed, or are outright cancelled. We never thought we’d be trying to graduate in the midst of a global pandemic, and it’s a surreal experience. These past two months, we’ve been grieving our senior year and now at the time that we’re supposed to be graduating, we’ve passed through all of Kübler-Ross’ five stages of grief. 1. Denial: “This can’t be happening!” School won’t be cancelled!” Coronavirus will only keep us away for 14 days!” Most of us didn’t expect COVID-19 to alter everything so drastically. We thought maybe we’d do online school until everyone could learn to wash their hands. 2. Anger: “I can’t believe they’re cancelling everything!” “What do you mean we can’t have prom?!” “I can’t believe my senior year is being ruined.” As we began to realize the virus was seriously affecting Charlotte and the implications that came along with community spread i.e. Governor Cooper closing all schools and limiting social gatherings, things became less fun. Online school wasn’t fun anymore. We became angry that Corona was out to get us and OUR year had been taken. 3. Bargaining: “Please God, if you let me finish out my school year, I promise that I'll work harder in all my classes.” “What if we just wore masks and went to prom anyway?” “Can we at least have a social distancing graduation ceremony?” We wondered what could have gone differently and if there was anything that could still be salvaged. We tried to make deals with God about opening everything again. 4. Depression: “I’ll never have a graduation like everyone else.” “What was the point of all my AP classes if colleges don’t even count these shorter tests?.” “Our class always gets overlooked...this is just another example.” We started moping about how we wouldn’t get to experience these aforementioned rites of passage like literally every other Hickory Grove senior before us. All the adults posting their old graduation photos on FaceBook to “support” us just felt like a low blow and anything about how “at least we’d have a special story” just felt like idle talk. 5. Acceptance: “Yeah, but we’re still leaving and going to college.” “At least we’ll get to graduate some time this summer.” “I’m over it at this point.” Acceptance doesn’t mean that we think “it’s okay that we won’t have a normal graduation,” but rather, “We won’t have a normal graduation, but we’re going to be okay.” We’ve moved past crying about things that won’t be. We know to be patient and everything will eventually be all right. We are finding new ways to celebrate and connect while apart. We’ve managed to cope during this difficult season, with memes, zoom calls, and extra sleep. Some of us have discovered new hobbies or had more time for old ones. We’re missing a lot and nothing can truly replace these things, but we’ve also had time to reflect on the high points of the year. We still got to have a senior retreat, go to the DR and Ecuador, and make enough memories together to make up for this time apart. We've managed to stay relatively positive, which is quite an achievement. We are strong. We are resilient. We are the Class of 2020.

We're All in This Together

Sophia Joseph Editor-in-Chief

Chris Leonard who has a role in Seussical Jr. just like Abby Torres who is rooming with Zanetta Sirleaf who is on the yearbook staff this year like Jacob Troutman who is in the National Honors Society like Jackson Bobinski who is also in Rho Kappa like the president Bethany McVey who went on a cruise with Samantha Bearden who is in the new club “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” with Taylor Graham who used to do theatre like Gracie Pyke who works at the Albemarle Chick-fil-A like Kathlynn Tucker who took ASL like Sophia Joseph who is in Ukulele Club like Leah Guercio who took photos for yearbook like Ayrton Bury who won a superlative like Logan Fisher who is in Chess Club with Danny Grabowski who went to the Dominican Republic for the senior mission trip like Lily Schroeder who signed to play at a college like Ethan Moore who is in choir like Ashley Hammonds who is in Mrs. Nelson’s 4th block English class with Tori Pope who did tech for Miracle on 34th Street like J.D. Richardson who did Track like Zack Brown who likes cars like Cameron Helmendach who took AP classes like Faith Carpenter whose sibling is an HG alumni like Luke Farthing who went to Ecuador for the senior mission trip like Will Massengale and Franciso Cox who is in Veteran’s Appreciation Club

like Marcus Truss who is in JROTC just like Austin Williams who is the cousin of Jaden Williams, but that is not like Michael Wilder who is the twin of Amanda Wilder who won best dressed like Harris Russell who plays soccer like Matt Kunik on the same team as Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera who is in the same AP Gov class as Ellie Stevens who helped make the cheer team happen this year just like Haley Price who loves Disney just like Ivy Angle who won the best friends superlative with Juliana Herberg who does theatre like Rachel Toadvine who plays the guitar like Trey Wolfe who was in Hutch’s psychology class with Alex Johnson who is in Boyz Club with Kendall Stitt who is in AP Art with Issy Kneisl who won the most artistic superlative like Hayden Swiderski who took AP Research like Jessica Toukmaji who swims like Myles Barbour on the same team as Isabelle Sanz who went to Governor’s School like Collin Royal who was on the homecoming court this year like Chance Baucom who is a Lifer like Madison Jones who has the same name as Maddie Sehen who is in Spirit Club like the president Grace Hardman who is on the soccer team like Bekah Fogal who is the only HG student going to her college like Hannah Conard who is a senior graduating this year from Hickory Grove Christian School. Connected









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Dear Class of 2020,

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The day of graduation is drawing near and I want to challenge you to think back over the years that you have spent in the classrooms and hall of Hickory Grove Christian School. Although you are ready to take on the world out there, there are many things that you will miss about your daily routine here. Think about the moments of worship that we had together. Think about the mission opportunities and activities that we completed together. Think about all the other sporting and school events that took place over your years here. Think about the friendships that you formed.Think about the laughter and the tears we shed together. Think about the faithfulness of God to answer the many prayers we prayed together. Just know that you will most likely grieve the loss of what has become so familiar to you as you move to your next steps. Don’t be anxious about the future and afraid of what’s ahead. Be proud of the decisions that you have made, pray about future decisions and ask for wisdom and discernment from the Lord to do what is right. Graduation is a bittersweet celebration. u look forward to the experiences ahead, but you grieve the loss of what you are leaving behind. May you someday treasure the experience that you were provided at Hickory Grove Christian School because it comes with a special community of teachers and staff who will continue to pray for you and will always welcome you home. You guys entered the world on the heels of 9/11 and spent your last semester in high school surviving a pandemic. That tells me that you are prepared to handle adversity in our world. Remember during these days of uncertainty that only your salvation is certain. Know this. You have a friend in me. I will always be interested in where you are and what you are doing, and I will pray for you! Congratulations, Class of 2020.I am cheering you on.

1. Two classes, Honors Philosophy and Bible IV, join together to take a picture for Spirit Week to send in for the competition of Best Dressed with Mr. Rogante dressed as Maradonna. Seniors ended up winning the most points during Spirit Week as they won Powderpuff and the float decorating contest (Although they never got rewarded). 2. Seniors Logan Fisher, Michael Wilder, Bethany McVey, Amanda Wilder, and Lily Schroeder pose for a picture after winning the Powderpuff game. This was the first time this class won Powderpuff. 3. Seniors smile for a picture in their newly decorated parking spots. This tradition occurs before the school year starts and is a favorite. 4. Seniors on the Dominican Republic trip smile for a picture before packing food to hand out to families. "The Dominican Republic trip is my favorite memory. The fellowship that I shared with my classmates was the best experience of my life. It was cool to see my classmates open up and get out of their comfort zones," senior Samantha Bearden said. 5. Seniors heading to Ecuador for their mission trip smile before getting on their plane. "The Ecuador mission trip was a really fun mission trip. I loved getting to serve God and others alongside my friends," senior Leah Guercio said. 6. The Seniors on the Dominican Republic Trip smile on the bus heading to a village. These seniors visited two to three villages a day to share the gospel, pass out food, and play with children. 7. After the senior night Senior night soccer game, the seniors on the team (and Santiago the icon) pose for a photo with those who came to support them. 8. The senior homecoming court drives by as soon to be crowned homecoming queen, Tori Pope, waves at the crowd. 9. Billy Hutchinson's Philosophy class pose during Tacky Tourist day. 10. Seniors, Ayrton Bury, Bethany McVey, Austin Williams, and Gracie Pyke head down to the ropes course at Camp Lurecrest. "My favorite memory is when the whole class went to camp lurecrest. It was ana amazing trio that allowed us to step back and actually bond as a grade(and it was funny watching me take an hour and a half to jump off the tower ha!)," senior Amanda Wilder said 11. Seniors on the Ecuador trip gather around to eat dinner after serving food to the pastors. 12. Seniors Michael Wilder, Chris Leonard, Madison Jones, Harris Russell, and Cameron Helmendach smile in their matching outfits. 13. A group gathers for a photo with the mountains in the back at the Senior Retreat. "My favorite memory is from Camp Lurecrest. It was really nice to start off our last year by getting to just hang out and share fellowship with everyone before life got too crazy," senior Isabelle Sanz said. 14. Seniors Chance Baucom, Harris Russell, Logan Fisher, Kendall Stitt, and Danny Go make your mark for HIS glory, Grabowski pose for a photo in the photo booth at the homecoming dance. Mrs. Staples All photos submitted by the Class of 2020

Photo Collage


A Letter to Seniors


Dear Seniors,

There are over 170,000 words in our language. I have been teaching English for over 25 years. Writing this letter -- these words of encouragement, gratitude, and heartfelt emotion -should come easily. It has not. I, like many students around the globe, have told myself everyday for the past three weeks that I will get to a certain task-- in my case, penning this letter to all the seniors who I truly care for and wish the greatest of God’s blessings. Is it procrastination that holds us back or the huge learning curve to juggle classes online or simply the “weariness” of the unknown?

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Liberty University Haley Price

Jaden Williams


I believe it is the latter for most of us--students, parents, and teachers. These weeks, soon to be nine, have taken their toll on us with the many unanswerable “will” and “when” questions. Will we have prom? Will the spring play go on? Will spring sports be played? Will graduation take place? When can I see my friends? When will this quarantine end? When will life be back to normal?

Lee University Amanda Wilder


Some of these questions have been answered; many have not.

Grand Canyon University Ivy Angle Juliana Herberg

The Unknown. It’s pretty scary sometimes, but it's also pretty thrilling and exciting and limit-breakingly wonderful. Before all the world was blindsided by the coronavirus, weren’t you about to embark on a great unknown adventure after graduation? God has put you in that unknown land a bit sooner than you expected. The framework of the familiar-the hallways of HG, your teachers, your friends--would have been taken away at the end of May.

New York

Now is the time to set your compass on something that does not change, that cannot be taken away with an ordinary graduation ceremony or with an extraordinary pandemic. Leaving behind the familiar and heading to an unknown future is indeed scary. But remember you have the Almighty God of the universe with you. You are His child. Believe in this God of miracles. The miraculous is not limited to Bible stories. Though we may not see the cloud of protection God gave Moses and his followers nor the daily manna from heaven, His protection of you is no less real. He is with you in this unknown land. Allow Him to lead. You are loved. Blessings, Mrs. Tammy Nelson


College Map

United States Merchant Marine Academy Cameron Helmendach

North Carolina

University of North Carolina Queens University of at Charlotte Charlotte Faith Crpenter Grace Hardman Matt Kunik Gracie Pyke Jessica Toukmaji

Central Piedmont Community College Samantha Bearden Zack Brown Taylor Graham Harris Russell Kendall Stitt Kathlyn Tucker

North Carolina State University Leah Guercio Alex Johnson

University of North Carolina at Pembroke Lily Schroeder

Appalachian State University Madison Jones Ellie Stevens

Maddie Sehen

Pfeiffer University William Peace University Marcus Truss

Wingate University Ethan Moore

Bekah Fogal

North Carolina Agriculture and Technical State University Myles Barbour

University of North Carolina University of North Carolina at Wilmington at Chapel Hill Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera

Western Carolina University Chance Baucom Logan Fisher

South Carolina

Clemson University University of South Sophia Joseph Carolina Michael Wilder

Central Carolina Community College

Chris Leonard Hayden Swiderski

Jackson Bobinski

Anderson University Coastal Carolina Rachel Toadvine University

Ashley Hammonds Tori Pope

Duke University Collin Royal Isabelle Sanz

Johnson & Wales University Issy Kneisl

Stanly Community College Hannah Conard

West Virginia

West Virginia University Zanetta Sirleaf Abby Torres

Danny Grabowski Bethany McVey College Map



Performing Arts Outstanding Achievement in Dance Haley Price

Haley has shown excellence in dance throughout high school at Hickory Grove. She has participated as a leader in dance class and on the dance team. She had participated in numerous musicals. This school year she interned with musical theatre to choreograph the Spring Musical. She also used dance as a form of worship in Christmas Chapel. She has done this for many years. Thank you, Haley, for being a leader with excellence in dance.


Outstanding Service in Backstage Theatre Rachel Toadvine Rachel has been involved in the performing arts throughout high school. Over the past few years she has stepped up to serve as stage manager for several shows. She stands out in her commitment to care for others and organize well. As stage manager, Rachel helps to hold many of the pieces of a show together. She leads the crew well. She also takes her role as a Christian leader seriously, always commits to praying for the cast and crew, and is willing to work for the glory of God. Thank you for your servant mindset.

Theatrical Excellence Ivy Angle Ivy has been involved in performing arts since 6th grade. She has been dedicated to developing her skills in acting, but has also stepped into the role of students directing and designing. Ivy has an excellent ability to create props and design a show. She takes any leadership role she is guaranteed seriously and enjoys pouring into those younger than her. This year she launched a new group called “Books to Broadway”. She led a group of students to act out books for elementary students. Ivy stands out in her commitment to excellence in all areas of Theatre. Thank you for your creativity and leadership.

Excellence in Acting Juliana Herberg Juliana has been involved in the performing arts since 6th grade. She has played many roles in various different shows, each of them being unique. Juliana stands out in her ability to perform with excellence as an actress in many different scenarios. Her commitment to acting with excellence has been evident throughout high school. Thank you for your dedication.

Vocal Excellence Chris Leonard

Christopher stepped into Choir just this year but has stood out with excellence since August. He began participating in Choir Club, participated in Christmas Chapel, and then joined Choir class. Christopher has also been preparing as one of the lead characters in Seussical the Musical, where he uses his vocal abilities in the role of Horton. Christopher’s commitment to singing with excellence has been greatly appreciated this year. His positive and encouraging attitude in the classroom and online and on set of the musical has influenced classmates and castmates for the good. Thank you for stepping up your senior year to sing with excellence.

Senior Recognition

Student Media Lions' Pride Award Sophia Joseph The first time I met Sophia, she was shyly walking into my English IV classroom. She introduced herself as the Editor-in-Chief of The Exodus, our school yearbook. At the time I had no idea just how blessed I was about to be. It’s never easy walking into someone else’s place, in someone else’s footprints -especially when the teacher was as well-loved as the one before me. The transition was rocky at times for our class. I am perfectionist as an English teacher at heart. Sophia, with her kind, sweet spirit, was always there to smooth out the rough edges, to make everyone feel comfortable and at ease. With her seven-year background in journalism, she became not only our encourager but our expert, our foundation. Intense after-school meetings, lunch meals eaten over yearbook spreads, and LATE (and I mean LATE) night texting and facetimes ensured that we met EVERY deadline. With Sophia’s dedication and leadership, we not only met deadlines, but we also paid off our debt and made money. Sophia never complains, never makes excuses, never disrespects others. She truly has the heart of Christ that I was blessed to see played out every day. Thank you sweet, sweet girl … young lady … for walking into my class and changing my life for good.

Honorary Student Media Award Jacob Troutman, Gracie Pyke, & Leah Guercio Jacob -- It’s not easy being a guy in a classroom full of girl drama, otherwise known as Yearbook Class. I had to plead with Jacob to stay in our class. To this day, I am still not sure he thinks he made a good decision or not! I, on the other hand, believe he made a wonderful decision that made my “yearbook life” so much better. No matter what I gave Jacob to do, he did it. He did it without whining or complaining. When he didn’t understand something, he asked...politely. I was so impressed with him that I made him an editor. Jacob is a rare find in this informal, casual, sarcastic world. He’s a gentleman. Thank you Jacob.

Gracie -- Gracie was a legend at my house before I ever formally met her. Who doesn’t love a girl dressed in a red crab costume playing Sebastian from The Little Mermaid? Good rumors travel quickly at HG. Teachers whispered in the halls about Gracie’s writing ability: “You just wait until you get her in AP English,” I was told. Waited I did and was rightfully rewarded. I was twice blessed this year: I had Gracie in AP Lit and Yearbook. The moment she entered my second semester yearbook class, my stress level dropped, and my late-night editing sessions were curtailed. I had a copywriter and editor. Gracie thank you for making my life brighter, better, and blessed. Leah -- Firstly, I should be upfront and transparent: Leah isn’t EVEN in Yearbook class. Secondly, she worked circles around most of us. “Who can snag pictures for… “ was heard daily in Yearbook. When no one else could go to this game or capture that class activity, Leah was there. “Who can write this copy for…” was often answered by Leah as well. She also joined us on late-night deadline sessions -- all with a sweet smile and kind word. Leah, thank you for helping us -- not for a grade or a brownie point in AP Lit -- but because you love our school and give 100% to everything you do.

Senior Recognition


Extracurriculars Excellence in Aquaponics Leah Guercio

Leah Guercio has been the cornerstone in the Aquaponics Lab over the last three years! Her passion for agriculture, people, and the Gospel shines bright in all she does! She has not shied away from any challenge and often goes above and beyond all expectations to make a difference for the cause of Christ. Her hard work and ownership will be sorely missed next year. I can not wait to see how God uses her passions in the future for His renown and glory! Job well done Leah! - Mr. Hamilton

Excellence in Aquaponics Francisco Cox

Francisco regularly took lead roles in the lab. When work needed to be completed, he was there with his flip pad, ready to make notes on the project's guidelines. Never afraid to lead a small group of peers through a building project or just managing harvest time, he was out front ready to get the job done!

Global Ambassador Award Gracie Pyke & Isabelle Sanz The Global Ambassadors were led this year by two young ladies with unique leadership styles. Isabelle Sanz and Gracie Pyke were the force behind the many activities the Global Ambassadors were involved in with our international students this year. It is never easy to bridge the gap between different cultures, but Gracie and Isabelle created a welcoming environment to our international students by organizing activities that our Global Ambassadors could do with our internationals throughout the school year. Ultimately this created opportunities for new friendships and new experiences for Hickory Grove students overall and for our international students. Isabelle Sanz has been a Global Ambassador for 4 years and Gracie Pyke for 3 years. I am grateful for their willingness to “be uncomfortable”(GA motto) as they learned and diligently served our international community.

Student Council Outstanding Senior Service Award Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera & Haley Price

Rodrigo has a quiet approach and leads by example. As our Student Body President, Rodrigo has an incredible sense of what needs to be done, and he leads with a positive attitude. Rodrigo served well as president of his Junior class last year, but I have seen tremendous growth in his role as Student Body President this year. He possesses a maturity that is far beyond his years. He appreciates the legacy of hard work within his family, and it has served as a source of motivation to set goals to live out his mission to serve his classmates during his final year at Hickory Grove. Haley Price In our years together, Haley has always been a hard-working student who seeks opportunities to serve. Haley is currently serving as a Senior Class Officer and representative on our school’s Student Council. Haley led her Senior Class to victory during our Spirit Week competition with her design and presentation of the Senior Class Homecoming parade display. When I learned that Haley is considering a career in nursing, the selection made perfect sense to me – she loves serving others. I imagine the adult Haley will be such a wonderful patient advocate in her profession.

Inspiration in Art Bekah Fogal & Kendall Stitt

These students have shown incredible dedication and personal growth in art. I could not be more proud of them. Bekah Fogal was one of the hardest working students in Art 3. On one of her first projects, she claimed she could not paint; by the end of the semester, she had created a series of absolutely beautiful beach paintings. She has a lot of natural talent that I hope she will continue to develop.Kendall Stitt has shown incredible growth in art. His dedication has taken him all the way to Art 4, and I have watched him develop a new level of focus and patience which shows in the quality of his work. He has truly been an outstanding student. 12

Senior Recognition

Advanced Placement Courses

AP Art Zack Brown, Madison Jones, Issy Kneisl, Matt Kunik, Christopher Leonard, Lily Schroeder, Zanetta Sirleaf, Hayden Swiderski, Amanda WIlder, & Michael Wilder These students have reached the highest level of art Hickory Grove offers. They have shown outstanding dedication and a commitment to excellence. Zack Brown created a portfolio exploring the appeal of mustangs through photography. Madison Jones developed her portfolio around the issues of anxiety and depression. Issy Kneisl focused her portfolio on the plight of reptiles. Matt Kunik will be the first student at Hickory Grove to submit a 3D Portfolio. His portfolio honors heroes in sports. Christopher Leonard created a portfolio exploring passion. Lily Schroeder’s portfolio expresses the unique traits of animals. Zanetta Sirleaf’s portfolio expresses the complexity of life through photography. Hayden explored the topic of self perceptions and interpersonal relationships in his portfolio. Amanda Wilder focused her portfolio on the experience of heartbreak. Michael Wilder’s portfolio explores what it takes to be athletic.

AP Research Isabelle Sanz & Faith Carpenter

Isabelle’s work was always top-notch. She was dedicated to her topic and has produced a paper worthy of being published. Isabelle was quick to assist others and provide feedback in only the way she could honestly and straightforward, which brought a smile to my face. Isabelle was driven to complete her research in an efficient and thorough manner. But whenever things got intense, we knew we could rely on Isabelle for a laugh. All we had to do was play the video of the little boy trying to prank his dad. Isabelle has set the standard for AP Research. Faith was the quiet one in the class, but her ability to think like a researcher is unparalleled. Faith’s research project captured the essence of solving a real-world problem by investigating an issue from a different perspective and is also worthy of being published. What I appreciate the most about Faith is her willingness to help others. She is always helping other students to think through different components of their projects. Furthermore, she also gave up much of her time during the second semester to assist this year’s Seminar students and to provide tips on how to prepare for AP Research.

AP Seminar Jessica Toukmaji

Jessica tried her best to drop the course. On the first day, she stood outside my door and cried. She was pretty upset for the first week that we made her stay. But as the days went by, Jessica really grew. In the middle of her very first presentation, you could visibly see her holding back tears because she was so stressed and so nervous about being in front of people. By the end of the course, she was one of the top students in the class. She wrote well and presented well. She even went as far as recruiting others to take the course. Jessica made the class a lot of fun. We are so proud of how hard Jessica worked in the course. She overcame a lot of obstacles when others would have folded and quit. This type of perseverance will take her very far in life.

AP Biology Faith Carpenter, Francisco Cox, Hayden Swiderski, & Marcus Truss Faith Is one of the sweetest and hardest working students I have had in AP Biology. She always came to class prepared to learn and did her very best every single day. Francisco was a pleasure to have in class. His love for science always was evident each and every day. Hayden’s desire to learn and understand the difficult concepts of AP Biology was second to none. I was impressed by the high level of questions he would ask in order to understand concepts at a deeper level. Marcus was a true pleasure to have in class. He always came to class with a great attitude and was always prepared to learn. Senior Recognition


AP Chemistry Isabelle Sanz & Will Massengale Isabelle is one of the top 5 science students I have taught in my 32 years as an educator. She is highly motivated and takes her education very seriously. The one thing I loved most about Isabelle was, it was never about the grade. It was always about gaining knowledge and understanding. Will was such a pleasure to have in class. Everyday he came with a smile and was prepared to learn. Will always added humor to class and always asked the best questions. Will has a true passion for science and its understanding. AP Environmental Science

Faith Carpenter & Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera Faith is one of the hardest working students I have ever taught. I could talk for hours about her amazing work ethic; however, I am more impressed with Faith’s heart. She is always willing to help her classmates and does so in such a kind manner. Students like Faith do not come along everyday, so I truly feel blessed to have had the opportunity to teach Faith. Rodrigo is a dedicated student. I appreciate his willingness to learn and his extraordinary work ethic. Along with his work ethic and determination to excel, Rodrigo is a very respectful and trustworthy young man that is an absolute joy to teach.

AP Government & Politics Leah Guercio, Collin Royal, & Isabelle Sanz

The first time I met Leah, I was impressed by her sweet spirit. When the semester began, I saw a young lady with a strong work ethic that was consistent to the end as her mastery of the material grew. It has been a joy having Leah as a student this year. Collin's quiet determination to excel and do well was obvious from the first day of class. His work ethic is impressive and his high marks almost seem effortless. It has been an honor having Collin as a student this year. Isabelle has an impeccable work ethic, so it was no surprise when she consistently ended each quarter with the top grade in her class. Her love for learning and mastering the material is always evident and a joy to observe. It has been a blessing having Isabelle as a student this year.

AP Human Geography Leah Guercio, Gracie Pyke, & Isabelle Sanz

Leah’s organization skills and study habits enable her to be successful in this course. Leah’s desire for success does not end with herself. Quite often Leah could be found leading impromptu reviews with her classmates. Leah earned a 4 in AP Human as a sophomore. Gracie Pyke is one of the most enthusiastic and joyful learners that I know. Gracie’s positive outlook and determination to succeed enable her to earn a 5 in the AP Human Geography as a sophomore. Isabelle is one of the hardest working students I know. Isabelle has high expectations of herself but this is not limited to a grade. She truly has a desire to understand the material she is studying, Isabelle earned a 5 in AP Human as a sophomore. Each of these girls have unique life experiences with travel and missions that just enhanced the class and many of the topics studied.

AP United States History Collin Royal & Isabelle Sanz

Both Collin and Isabelle maintained an A average all semester as well as made a 5 on the exam. In addition, both made strong contributions to our daily class discussions.

AP Statistics Gracie Pyke & Collin Royal Gracie, not surprisingly, picked up the material quickly, was helpful to her peers, and has a natural curiosity for learning. I’ve been thrilled to have such an amazing student in AP Statistics! Collin is the quiet one who grabbed on to AP Statistics with dogged determination and grit. It came very easily to Collin, and I was not surprised when he scored a 5 on the exam. He was a pleasure to teach and remarkable in that he passed the exam during his sophomore year. Many seniors don’t do nearly as well! 14

Senior Recognition

AP Calculus Faith Carpenter, Michael Wilder, Collin Royal, Isabelle Sanz, Rodrigo Hernandez- Farrera, & Leah Guercio Faith is such an incredible student with a great work ethic and true humility. She is such a joy to have in class. Michael Wilder can liven up any room he is in with his quick wit and playful attitude. He’s also quite brilliant and breezed through AP Calculus. Collin’s maturity and intellect is remarkable in a high school student. I can’t wait to see what he does out there in the real world. Isabelle is a stellar student with a real love for learning. I am glad to have been part of her education experience so far. Rodrigo amazed me by the depth of his understanding of Calculus concepts. Most students are warned not to say too much on the exam when answering a question in case they say something wrong and forfeit points. Not Rodrigo - he knew his stuff and could express it well. Leah’s unassuming manner and sweet spirit combined with her overall academic excellence make her a pleasant addition to any class. I’m so glad she was in mine.

AP Language and Composition Faith Carpenter

Faith entered my class topsy turvy, upside down. Like her choice of taking AP Literature before taking AP Language, Faith is unique. Never be fooled by her quiet demeanor. She is a raging intellect with a wicked sense of humor. I was a bit concerned when Faith was placed into AP Literature her junior year. AP Lit is no walk in the park even for an experienced senior. Here was a junior -- and a junior who rarely spoke the first month of class. But as I slowly took the time to peel back the layers of Faith Carpenter, I found it not only worth the effort, but found a rare pearl.

AP Literature and Composition Isabelle Sanz

Students who score 5’s in any AP English class are gifted from God. We teachers may help with the occasional semicolon here-- add more detail there -- but really great writers are born great writers. Isabelle is truly a gifted writer who is able to weave together words and phrases and create magic. Though born with a rare gift, she practices hard to hone her skills. She never missed one assignment. Not one. She desires to be the best Isabelle she can be. She possesses insightfulness and analytical abilities that serve her well in AP Literature. She is able to see into the heart of text and pluck out the very marrow of the story. But more important than these wonderful abilities, Isabelle is a kind, patient, and honorable young lady who carries a ready smile and a gentle laugh. Her analytical mind will open many doors and windows in life; however, it is her personality that will forge the lasting relationships.

AP Computer Science Luke Farthing

Luke was hesitant to take AP Computer Science last year because he had never done any coding before. He tried to drop the class several times before the second semester class began. But then….he took off as if Java were his native tongue. There wasn’t a coding challenge in class or on that AP exam that Luke couldn’t tackle.

AP Psychology Gracie Pyke Gracie was the first sophomore at HG to take AP Psychology, and she easily earned a 5. Her hard work and dedication overshadowed the upperclassmen taking the course. She consistently earned among the highest grades and was always quick to ask questions about the application of the concepts. Such an inquisitive mindset is rare for many students and even more so for underclassmen. I appreciated Gracie’s approach to all her work: she strove for perfection. I am grateful for the opportunity to teach Gracie over the last three years. Senior Recognition


College Board Awards AP Scholar Granted to students who achieve scores of 3 or higher on at least three full-year AP Exams.

Faith Carpenter

Francisco Cox

Sophia Joseph

Will Massengale

Hayden Swiderski

AP Scholar with Honors Granted to students who achieve scores of 3 or higher on at least four full-year AP Exams, and whose average AP Exam grade is at least 3.25.

Cameron Helmendach AP Scholar with Distinction Granted to students who achieve scores of 3 or higher on at least five full-year AP Exams, and whose average AP Exam grade is at least 3.5.

Leah Guercio

Rodrigo Gracie Pyke Collin Royal Isabelle Sanz Jessica Hernandez-Farerra Toukmaji AP Capstone Students These students have earned a qualifying score on 4 or more exams in addition to earning a qualifying score on AP Seminar and completing all requirements for AP Research. If they earn a qualifying score on their AP Research task, they will receive the AP Capstone diploma.

Faith Carpenter 16

Francsico Cox

Senior Recognition

Rodrigo Hernandez -Farrera

Gracie Pyke

Collin Royal

Isabelle Sanz

Ellie Stevens

Hayden Swiderski

Jessica Toukmaji

Senior Advice

Before leaving HGC and heading off to colleges across the country, the Class of 2020 has a few final words of advice to underclassmen.

"In light of corona, my advice is DO NOT TAKE A MOMENT IN HIGH-SCHOOL FOR GRANTED! Hug your friends a little longer & thank your teachers for ALL they do for you, because you never know when you will have to be quarantined to your house! Be grateful for how hard the staff/faculty of HG works & how LOVING they are! Be grateful, stay rooted in the Lord, & enjoy every minute of high school." Juliana Herberg "Don't peak in high school. Cherish your time there, but don't let those four years define you for the rest of your life. The future has so much more to offer, so use your time in high school as a stepping stone for you to become the best you can possibly be." Collin Royal "Hold on to as many memories as you can. Embrace the mundane (because we've all learned that even the monotonous daily routine can be deeply missed). Try to accept and enjoy every change that will inevitably come your way. And be the light, even and especially when no one else is." Rachel Toadvine "Although academics are important, make sure to go hang out with your friends and participate in social activities from time to time. Enjoy every second of high school while it lasts." Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera "Do not be scared of Mr. Hutchinson even though he seems really scary; he's not. Also, take APUSH with Mr. Coltrane to hear some of the best stories of your life." Jessica Toukmaji "I wouldn't say there is anything huge that everyone needs to know, mainly just to stay on top of work and making sure to balance your work schedule with sports and if you have a job." Austin Williams

"Get what you came here to get!! FOCUS. and turn your eyes to the Lord earlier in life because He makes your life even better and smoother. Jesus is the way!!!" Zanetta Sirleaf "I advise everyone to take the AP Capstone program and push yourself in all of your classes! It pays off when you are rewarded nice scholarships from colleges." Hayden Swiderski "Spend more time enjoying what you have in the moment and don't stress about the future. You'll get to the place you're meant be eventually." Haley Price "Don't write a poem about lifted trucks for your English class, It won't get a high grade. Also, don't fall asleep in Mr. Rogante's 1st block." Matt Kunik "It's okay to make mistakes, don't be too hard on yourself. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will absolutely help you get through." Issy Kneisl "Just be 'you' I wish I would have known how to prepare for how hard high school would be." Zack Brown "You never know when the last time you walk through the halls will be. #ronasnz" Ashley Hammonds "Don't tell Mr. Atwell 'sorry"" Kendall Stitt "You can always bribe Mr. Hutchinson with Garfield" Leah Guercio "Don't take any AP classes you're not interested in." Gracie Pyke

Senior Advice


Dear Seniors,

A Letter to Seniors


Zanetta Sirleaf

Eight years ago, I saw most of your 4th-grade faces staring Journalist back at me each day. Six years ago, you arrived in my 6th-grade classroom and we began the awkward middle school years To Logan Fisher, Matt Kunik, Austin Williams, Bekah Fogal, together. Sometimes, when I pass you in the hallway or when you Leah Guercio, Grace Hardman, Tori Pope, Zanetta Sirleaf, Lily come by my office to ask a question, I still see glimpses of those Schroeder, Maddie Sehen, Jaden Williams, Zack Brown, little 4th graders standing by my desk, or I see the anxious faces Cameron Helmendach, Ethan Moore, and Marcus Truss: of middle-schoolers who were trying to find their way and gaining more independence. Today, I see faces of young men and young women who are headed off on a new adventure beyond the You did well. From the late night bus rides home, to the hard classrooms and hallways of Hickory Grove Christian School. games, you did extremely well. I know ending your senior I don’t know if students ever realize the love that their teachers was so sudden and unexpected— but remember God season have for them. We quickly become a part of your fan club and has you and is always looking out for you. You did so well. I enjoy hearing about all the things you’re accomplishing once you leave our classrooms. For me, it’s been such a gift to watch you know keeping up with AP classes and trying to make your finish your time at Hickory Grove. I count it a privilege to have coach proud each day was so very hard. But you did it, and that cheered you on from this vantage point. For some of you, it’s been is not going unrecognized. March 13 was the last day you would a tough road, but you made it. For others, the last four years have been easier and you’ve excelled, but friendships and relationships be with your teammates and coach, but it is okay. You rocked it, have been hard. However, you learned from those struggles and and you did well. When you go on to college— whether it be to have emerged a better friend, a better person. play your sport or to just specialize in a certain major or even go For all of you, this year is not ending as you had hoped; to the army, just always remember you did well and everyone everything looks a bit different than you’d imagined for your senior above and below you has seen your hard work. Your place on year, but we know God’s word tells us that when we walk through that team is not forgotten or going to be unrecognized. hard things, we grow in our ability to persevere. Perseverance is something you will need throughout your life. Don’t quit when you Logan Fisher, your funny personality and strength on the field face obstacles. Face each challenge knowing that God is your will not be forgotten, strength when you feel weak or overwhelmed. Persevering will Matt Kunik, your support for your teammates and hard work will produce strong character. During your time at Hickory Grove, you not be forgotten, have been taught what it looks like to live a life of strong character Austin Williams, your tremendous work ethic on the team will -- a life modeled after Christ. Strong character is needed as you head off to college or begin a career. You must daily decide how not be forgotten, you will live your life. No one can make that choice for you -- not Bekah Fogal, your focus and determination will not be forgotten, those of us who’ve taught you over the years, not your parents, Leah Guercio, your kind and strong spirit will not be forgotten, not your friends. The choice is yours and it’s the most important Grace Hardman, your funny jokes and life you brought to the choice you will make in college. You have the wonderful opportunity to point your future roommates and classmates to the team will not be forgotten, truth. Don’t squander that privilege. Tori Pope, your leading spirit will not be forgotten, Seniors, you have amazing potential. Use it well. Make a Zanetta Sirleaf, your encouragement will not be forgotten, difference in the world around you -- whether that be on a college Lily Schroeder, your determined spirit will not be forgotten, campus, in the workplace, or in your home. Love others. Think Maddie Sehen, your hard working spirit will not be forgotten, before you speak. Speak the truth in love. Make it a point to listen more than to be heard. See the needs around you and be willing Jaden Williams, your outstanding skills will not be forgotten, to serve and to give more than you take. Live your life on mission Zack Brown, your willingness to do your best will not be wherever you are. Remember that each day is a gift and that forgotten, eternity is real. Most of all, love Jesus. It all begins and ends with Cameron Helmendach, your continuous determination will not Him. I hope that one day, you will look back on your time at Hickory be forgotten, Grove and tell your future families how your days as a Lion Ethan Moore, your dedication will not be forgotten, and influenced your life. I hope the biggest parts of that story include Marcus Truss, your encouragement and spirit will not be how we loved you well and pointed you to the One who loves you forgotten. most. I believe that our collective prayer at Hickory Grove is that which is expressed in 3 John verse 4, that we would “have no greater joy than to hear that you are walking in truth.” You all did so well and should be proud despite all the I love you and will be cheering you on from here! Go do great challenges you faced throughout your four years at Hickory things! Love, Mrs. Bennett

Grove Christian. You did it, and you made it.

Congratulations Class of 2020 Senior Spring Athletes. 18

Spring Athletes

PROM 2020

Prom 2020


Class of 2020 20

Senior Quotes

Ivy Angle "Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself." — Luna Lovegood

Myles Barbour

Chance Baucom

Covid-19 saved my gas tank

God's plan

Samantha Bearden

Jackson Bobinski

“Sometimes life makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me cry. But it never fails to make me hungry.”

Ayrton Bury Congratulations Class of 2020

Francisco Cox Congratulations Class of 2020

Congratulations Class of 2020

Zack Brown Congratulations Class of 2020

Faith Carpenter

Hannah Conard

I’m not actually angry all the time, that’s just my face

They say money can’t by happiness, but it can buy Taco Bell, and that’s basically the same thing

Luke Farthing

Logan Fisher

Congratulations Class of 2020

Look at Curry man!

Bekah Fogal Congratulations Class of 2020

Ashley Hammonds

"Better to not know which moment may be your last. Every morsel of vour entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all." -Captain Jack Sparrow

Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera Live your life now the way you want to look back at it in the future.

Issy Kneisl Be lazy, but not so lazy that you have to catch up.

Danny Grabowski

Taylor Graham

Congratulations Class of 2020

Leah Guercio

hold fast ;)

Can I get one Garfield-shaped pizza and a Garficcino?

Grace Hardman

Cameron Helmendach

Juliana Herberg

I'm screaming I made it!!

Who knew?

Congratulations Class of 2020

Madison Jones

Sophia Joseph

Alex Johnson I don't go like that

Matthew Kunik I wanna know how much gas I've burned flying through my neighborhood at 7:40 on my way to school.

Congratulations Class of 2020

I'm just living that Tega Cay Life #oxygentank

Christopher Leonard

Will Massengale

“The� - Nelson Mandela

Congratulations Class of 2020

Senior Quotes


Bethany McVey My biggest accomplishment was going 204 days and never failing to disappoint Hutch with my Tik Tok references.

Gracie Pyke "There is no greater discovery than seeing God as the author of your destiny." -Ravi Zacharias

Isabelle Sanz “The limit does not exist” Mean Girls

Ellie Stevens Jeez Louise that was unfortunate... I suppose.


Senior Quotes

Ethan Moore Remember my name

Tori Pope “Is mayonnaise an instrument?” - Patrick

Haley Price "Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way" - Michael Scott

Collin Royal "Anything's possible, you gotta dream like you never seen obstacles." - J.Cole

Harris Russell The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence

Lily Shroeder

Maddie Sehen

"Slow down you’re doing fine. You can’t be everything you want to be before your time." - Billy Joel

Blah blah this and that

Zanetta Sirleaf "Yes, I am the only Black Girl in my grade LOL" -me

J.D. Richardson Welp... this isnt what I expected.

Kendall Stitt Imagine dressing up everyday senior year to not win best dressed, could be me

Hayden Swiderski "This gunslinger's loaded." - Jesse McCree

Rachel Toadvine Sustained by nothing else but the grace of the One who saved me.

Abby Torres Congratulations Class of 2020

Jessica Toukmaji "No tea, no shade, just facts" -Billy Hutchinson

Jacob Troutman What can I say? The camera loves me. - Mike Wazowski

Marcus Truss When is this due?

A Letter to Seniors

Class of 2020, Here is my final TFYD (Thought For Your Day) in the form of a list of thoughts: Kathlynn Tucker Congratulations Class of 2020

Michael Wilder “Classic” -Michael Wilder

Amanda Wilder quarantine has me eating good.... started freshmen 15 a lil early #ineedtoworkout

Austin Williams Congratulations Class of 2020

Read carefully and adhere to FULLY! (1) Do more than is expected (2) Don’t be stingy with positive remarks (3) Forgive others (4) Drink eight glasses of water a day (5) Say “thank you” a lot (6) Whistle (7)Spend more TIME with others and LESS money (8) Don’t tailgate (9) Be kinder than necessary (10)Be thankful for every meal (11)Call your mother (12)Keep good company (13)Never refuse chocolate chip cookies (14)Don’t interrupt (15)Wave at children on the school bus (16)Say “I love you” a lot (17)Never give anyone a fruitcake (18)Live so that your life reflects HIS worth And mostly remember: Life is about making much of Christ and less of you! Remember who you belong to and where you come let the adventure begin!

Jaden Williams Congratulations Class of 2020

Trey Wolfe Congratulations Class of 2020

I have been blessed beyond measure to interact with you daily and am constantly inspired by your countless activities and endless energy. Mrs. Missy Smith

Senior Quotes


Last Will & Testament I, Ivy Angle, leave Drama Club to Jessica Mendlik and Connor Jones. And I, Ivy Angle leave the role of Mrs. Robertson's school daughter to Katie McWhorter. Also, the part of the dorky senior to Jessica Mendlik.

I, Taylor Graham, leave being a pro-life queen to the next Lions For Life officials!!

I, Leah Guercio, leave not flooding the aquaponics lab and being the best aquaponics intern for three years to Andrew Flynn, and I I, Myles Barbour, leave the leave ukulele club to swim team to Dexter Donald whoever has a ukulele and a and Timothy Paskal. friend group that needs a smartlunch. I, Chance Baucom, leave being the coolest kid at I, Ashley Hammonds, leave Hickory Grove to Sean my parking spot to whoever Dickey. is five feet and under. I, Samantha Bearden, leave Aniah Stitt the knowledge that tears don’t come from your throat. I, Faith Carpenter, leave my lightly salted hash browns to Christian Wilson. I, Hannah Conard, leave it to Aniah Stitt to break everything in our biology labs. I, Logan Fisher, leave my student of the month responsibilities to Riane Franklin 24

Last Will & Testament

I, Grace Hardman, leave Spirit Club to Julia and Johanna.

I, Rodrigo Hernandez-Farrera, leave the ability to lead the aquaponics lab to Andrew Flynn.

I, Sophia Joseph, leave stressing about meeting yearbook deadlines to Brooke Bamberg, Cole Bennett, Sophia Park, and Caroline Liebler. Also, I leave my loud, knock-off hydroflask to whoever always drops theirs in class too. I, Issy Kneisl, leave the management of Art Club to whoever can't stand freeloaders either. I, Matt Kunik, leave the soccer team to Jake Ottinger.

I, Cameron Helmendach, leave the title of ‘Best I, Bethany McVey, leave the Aquaponics Intern’ to Andrew aux to Sydney Wray and Flynn. Melissa Lewis on the bus to volleyball games I, Juliana Herberg, leave the theatre department to I, Ethan Moore, leave the title Jessica Mendlik and Connor of being Coach Coble’s Jones. I leave my sass for favorite to Jordan Rowell! Mrs. Robertson to Labria Williams. Lastly, I leave my I, Tori Pope, leave the TikTok career to Sophia Varsity Women’s Golf Team Park. You got this girl! to Addie Blazi, Aniah Stitt, Madison Massie, & Jenna Green. :)

I, Haley Price, leave what is left of the Varsity cheer team to Tristen Quarles and Ashleigh Jones.

I, Ellie Stevens, leave the remnants of the cheer team to Ashleigh Jones and Tristen Quarles.

I, Gracie Pyke, leave the honor of being Global Ambassadors President to Spencer Conner. Be uncomfortable! And I leave the role of being the "cool" musical theatre kid who is nice to middle schoolers to my Shells: Abby Sampson, Kendall Maye, and Amy Headrick.

I, Kendall Stitt, leave my parking spot to whomever has a real muscle car. I,Hayden Swiderski, leave the box job to whoever fills my position next.

I, Rachel Toadvine, leave the role of stage manager to whomever is willing to be totally responsible for totally I, Harris Russell, leave best everything. Oh, and go on dressed to Jordon Nelson! I, coffee runs daily. also, leave cutest boy and the soccer team to Jake I, Jessica Toukmaji, leave Ottinger. I'll leave my love the swim team to Dexter and spirit to Melissa Lewis. Donald, Timothy Paskal, Lastly, I leave Mr. Hamilton and Stephanie Toukmaji. intern to NO ONE. I, Marcus Truss, leave the I, Isabelle Sanz, leave the track team to Coach Stover. Science National Honor Society to whomever is I, Amanda Wilder, leave my fascinated by the world. wonder fourth graders in After School and my I, Lily Schroeder, leave the morning mile duty to best rake for the next Madison Massie. catcher because I never had it first. I, Michael Wilder, leave the title of “Rocket League I, Zanetta Sirleaf, leave all Master” to Santiago of my black girl magic to Hernandez-FarreraI. Zaria Ziglar and all of my black queens below me. I, Austin Williams, leave the football and baseball teams to my underclassmen whom I've played with for the past few years.

A Letter to Seniors

Class of 2020,

As I sit here and reflect on the past academic year, I can say that without question this has been the most unique year I have experienced as an educator. Who would have imagined I would be driving some of you guys in a Range Rover for the 25th-anniversary parade, taking shelter in the basement twice in a 30-minute span hoping the tornados pass over us, or completing 25% of your senior year virtually because we were quarantined for a global pandemic? I guess the one thing this COVID 19 situation has taught all of us is that high school is a lot like toilet paper, you don’t know how much you will miss it until it is gone. That being said, Class of 2020, you will be greatly missed. While I look back at the great things you have already accomplished, I look forward to the great things you will accomplish. You are some of the smartest, most athletic, funniest, and outright talented students I have ever encountered. But don’t settle for seeking out the accolades of this world. You think they matter, but in actuality, they are pretty insignificant in light of eternity. As I told you guys at Lurecrest, I have a trunk full of academic medals that I pursued (and earned) in high school. What I thought mattered, didn’t. Truth be told, I’ve not looked at those items in over 20 years. So take my advice, pursue that which matters. In his first letter to the church at Corinth, Paul instructs them to “whether you eat or drink, do all things for the glory of God.” This means that you should pursue your passions, as God has given those to you. Use your intellect, your talents, your athleticism, and your personality to bring glory to God. The world is a cold and unforgiving place. College is great, but it is designed to prepare you to be productive members of the global society. The things that are emphasized and pursued are rarely, if ever, aligned to the things that God desires. Please do not misunderstand me, you will learn more about life in the first semester of college than you can imagine. College is a good thing. You will meet some of the most amazing people and form friendships that will last a lifetime. But you will be pushed socially and intellectually in ways that you could have never imagined. But you are ready. Your teachers have poured into your lives for the moments that lie ahead. I know you didn’t like it, but you have been taught how to think, and how to think well. No matter what you face, Jesus is enough. Never forget how much God has demonstrated his love for you through the person and work in Christ. Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. Even when you cannot see the way forward, trust in Christ. If you have not trusted in him, please do not delay. God is worth it. Lastly, know you are loved. If you ever need me, you know where to find me. Know that not just me, but all your teachers are in your corner, and we are rooting you on. Lay yourself aside and seek the glory of God above all things. Fight against sin. Love your neighbor. Become agents of reconciliation. Make disciples and fulfill the Great Commission. If you do these things you will live a good life. All my love, Hutch

Last Will & Testament


Class of 2020 26

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