HIR Winter 2015

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WINTER 2016 The magazine that reflects the healthy lifestyles of the residents of the Rockdale County area and beyond.

Ten Tips for BETTER HEALTH Healthy Pizza Recipe INSIDE


Serving Rockdale & Newton Area Over 16 Years!




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Winter is in the air Another January, Another Diet


He Said — She Said Hormones PAGE 15

Personalized Healthcare PAGE 23

Who is at Risk for Heart Failure? PAGE 38




WINTER 2016 CONTENTS  6. Another January, Another Diet?  7. Recipe for Veggie Pizza  9. Know Your Numbers 10. Pain-Free Treatment Available for Hemorrhoids 11. What is Sleep Apnea? 13 . Medical Conditions That Affect Your Hearing 14. Controlling Cholesterol 15. He Said — She Said — Hormones 16. What is Laparoscopic Surgery and Its Benefits? 18. Mohs Surgery 23. Personalized Healthcare 25. Why Do You Get a Colonoscopy at 50? 26. Flu Season is Here 27. Treating Peripheral Artery Disease with Hyperbaric Oxygen

DID YOU KNOW? One 20 Oz Soda Is Equal to 22 Packets of Sugar!

29. Preventing Colon Cancer 30. Eating Healthy During Pregnancy 31. The Change of Life — Menopause! 33. Are You at Risk of Skin Cancer? 35. What Is a Wound Center? 37. Urogynecologic Surgery



38. Who is at Risk for Heart Failure?

The magazine that reflects the healthy lifestyles of the residents of the Rockdale County area and beyond.


ANNETTE GODWIN Manager CAROL MASSEY Graphics/Layout Design AMANDA ELLINGTON Circulation Supervisor LEE UDELL, FIONA ZWALD, MD Writers


No portion of this issue including publisher designed advertisements may be copied, scanned or reproduced in any manner without prior written consent from the publisher. Healthy in Rockdale accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork or pho­tographs. To advertise in Healthy in Rock­dale, please call 770-728-1436 or email Annette Godwin at agodwin@healthyinga.com.

•women's health FEATURE


Urogynecologic Surgery 26 By Lee Udell, Reporter


35% of women who visit their gynecologist’s office for routine care have urinary incontinence (UI), while 40% experience moderate to severe pelvic organ prolapse.

very day, millions of women silently wrestle with issues that cause untold embarrassment, inconvenience and discomfort.

While many people think that urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse are uncommon issues, affecting only a small number of elderly or disabled women, the truth is that these issues


are remarkably common.


In fact, data from Yale University shows that about 35% of women who visit their gynecologist’s office for routine care have urinary incontinence (UI), while 40% experience moderate to severe pelvic organ prolapse. Prolapse and incontinence frequently occur together. And, indeed, pelvic floor conditions are more common than hypertension, depression, or diabetes in women. Yet, if you’re like many women, seeking help for these conditions can be a source of embarrassment or fear – or even hopelessness. The stigma of UI and other pelvic floor conditions is enough to keep many women from admitting their concerns, even to their own physicians. And living with these conditions can be devastating psychologically, as well as socially, emotionally and physically. The good news is that, while problems like these are common, they aren’t considered normal or inevitable, regardless of age or health, and many effective forms of treatment are available. The field of urogynecology is a specialized area of both urology and gynecology that focuses on treating women who are faced with these sensitive issues. Urogynecologists receive extensive training in the treatment

exam and discuss with you which tests are appropriate. electrically stimulates the nerves that influence the Your physical examine may reveal signs of medical bladder, used to treat urge incontinence and bladder conditions that can cause incontinence, like treatable frequency and urgency blockages from bowel or pelvic growths. Tests may • Vaginal reconstruction for prolapse, with or withinclude an ultrasound, cystoscopy (using a tiny camera out mesh implantation to see inside your urethra and bladder), a urinalysis, and • Botox therapy – injections to help block the urodynamics to measure pressure in the bladder and the unwanted contractions of an overactive bladder, while flow of urine. leaving surrounding muscles able to function properly Depending upon your diagnosis, the severity of your These are just some of the procedures your doctor symptoms and your overall health, your physician may may consider to treat your incontinence or prolapse. Of recommend conservative, non-surgical therapies as the course, your physician’s recommendations will depend first approach to treat your pelvic floor disorder. These on your diagnosis. include medications, pelvic muscle exercise, lifestyle and So, rest assured, if you’re one of the millions of dietary modifications, use of a vaginal support device women faced with the embarrassment and discomfort of called a pessary, and biofeedback. incontinence or prolapse, there are solutions. SchedIf your condition doesn’t improve, your doctor ule an appointment to see your gynecologist today may suggest surgery. Many of the available surgical to discuss your situation and your options. If you procedures for incontinence and prolapse are minimally don’t have a gynecologist, get to know Dr. invasive, including some robotic-assisted surgeries that Stephanie Gordon of The Women’s Center in may offer a more effective treatment option. Using tiny, Conyers. At the Women’s Center, Dr. Gordon 1-2 cm incisions, your surgeon can operate with greater and her all-female staff are uniquely trained WINTER 2016 | HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE precision and control, so your recovery is faster and less to help you. They understand the sensitive painful, with a better clinical outcome. and difficult nature of the many different




Another January. Another Diet.

But Will It Work This Year?


e all make promises to honor a daily routine and count every calorie. But soon, you’re eating cupcakes at the office and grabbing happy hour mojitos and thinking: “Whoops…the diet’s over.” So, what if this year it could be about getting healthier? Swapping the all-or-nothing approach for one or two healthy switch-ups in your daily routine. You’ll be surprised how much easier it is. And losing weight will be a bonus. Plus, you’ll feel better too! Here are a few tips to help you take control of your health: 1. Fit in small bouts of exercise whenever you can. Take the stairs or park at the end of the shopping center. Do jumping jacks or crunches during television commercials, or dance while you’re washing dishes. You’ll burn extra calories and keep yourself from mindlessly munching in front of the TV. 2. Eat about 300 calories of a healthy mix of protein and whole grains for breakfast. Try this good go-to meal: a sandwich with natural peanut butter and apple butter. It keeps your hunger down so you snack less throughout the day. 3. Clean out your pantry, your fridge and your freezer. Get rid of the high-carb and high-fat foods you’ve overindulged in, like ice cream or cookies. Then replace those foods with lower-cal snacks, such as roasted sunflower seeds, nuts or Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal. When you have a selection of delicious, healthy foods at your fingertips, you’ll begin making better choices automatically. 4. When you go out to eat, share a meal with the person you’re with. Or, if you can’t agree on a menu choice, ask the waiter to place half of your meal in a to-go box before they bring it to the table. You’ll be amazed at how full you feel – and you’ll have a delicious lunch to take to work the next day! 5. Budget for the treats you love. We never think about the calories we drink, but there are more calories in a glass of soda than in a piece of chocolate cake! If you want cake for dessert, eat a larger portion of vegetables and drink water instead of soda or sweet tea.


6. Speaking of drinks, if you drink a lot of soda, milk, tea or juice with your meals, change it to water one or two meals a day. Water will fill you up just as much, but you’ll avoid all the extra calories of those other, high-sugar drinks.   7. Write down what you eat for one week, and you’ll lose weight. Studies have found that people who keep food diaries wind up eating about 15 percent less food than those who don’t.   8. Eating less without feeling denied is as close as your dinnerware. That’s because while a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual signal that you already have more. A smaller plate full of food just feels more satisfying than a large plate with that same amount of food on it.   9. Get some sleep. Strange as it may sound, sleep deprivation may make you fat — and not just because you give in to the late-night munchies. Research has shown that women who get less than four hours of sleep per night have a slower metabolism than those who snooze for a full eight hours. 10. Practice simple food swaps. Whether it’s leaving the cheese off a hamburger or switching from mayo to honey mustard, there are lots of little things you can do over the course of a day that can add up and save calories, without costing you any extra time or effort. Everybody knows there’s no such thing as painless weight loss. If you’re desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there’s nothing pain-free about it. But these 10 tips can make it easier. Sure, eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, but it really doesn’t have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time.


Veggie Pizza 1 can (11 oz) refrigerated thin pizza crust ¼ cup cream cheese 16 oz sour cream 1 packet Ranch dressing 8 oz shredded mild cheddar cheese fresh very small broccoli florets fresh very small cauliflower fresh very small carrots Steps 1 Heat oven to 400° F. Grease 12-inch pizza pan. Unroll dough; place in greased pan. Starting at center, press dough to edges of pan. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until golden brown. Cool crust, about 30 minutes. 2 In small bowl, combine cream cheese, sour cream, Ranch Dressing mix until blended. Spread over cooled crust. Top with broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top and refrigerate until serving. Option: You can use any vegetables your family prefers.





general health FEATURE

Resolve to

Know Your Numbers in 2016 By Eagles Landing Family Practice


he New Year is always a great time to refocus on your health after a busy, sometimes over-indulgent holiday season. And while you can resolve to lose weight, exercise more or get the proper amount of sleep, knowing certain key markers will go a long way toward ensuring your health in 2016 and beyond. Cholesterol Blood cholesterol is waxy substance produced by the liver. Cholesterol level can be affected by your age, gender, family health history and diet, among other risk factors. When too much LDL (bad) cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries, causing blockages. High blood cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. A total cholesterol score of less than 180 mg/dL is considered optimal. Blood Pressure Blood pressure is defined as the force of blood against the arteries when the heart beats and rests. High blood pressure can lead to serious health problems. It is sometimes called the “silent killer” because often there are no symptoms, even though it may be causing damage to your arteries, heart and other organs. A blood pressure reading of less than 130/80

mm Hg is considered normal. Blood Sugar Blood sugar is the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood and serves as the body’s main source of energy. Blood sugar levels vary throughout the day but typically remain within a normal range. Levels outside the normal range may be an indicator of a medical condition. Diabetes is a disease in which your blood sugar levels are too high. Normal fasting blood glucose levels for nondiabetics should be between 3.9 and 5.5 percent. BMI A person’s ideal body weight is determined by characteristics including gender, age, height, and frame. Your body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are good indicators of whether you are at a healthy weight. A BMI of 18.6-24.9 and a waistline smaller than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men is considered a normal or healthy weight. Under the Affordable Care Act, most insurance plans must provide coverage for preventive care without copays, co-insurance or deductibles, including annual physical exams, recommended immunizations, and age/ risk appropriate screenings such as lab tests, mammograms and colonoscopies.

At Eagles Landing Family Practice, we believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit www.elfp.com.

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general health


Pain-Free Treatment Available for HEMORRHOIDS


hanks to a non-surgical procedure called the CRH-O’Regan Disposable Hemorrhoid Banding System, patients do not need to suffer in silence from hemorrhoids. This safe and effective technique enables patients to be treated quickly, return to work the same day and resume normal activity with very little discomfort. Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women – especially pregnant women – and about half the population will get them by age 50. Hemorrhoids are actually swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus and can be extremely uncomfortable. For most women, hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy are a temporary problem resulting from the pressure of the fetus on the abdomen, hormonal changes and pressure on the blood vessels during childbirth. For both men and women, they can be caused by constipation, diarrhea, obesity, heavy lifting, or long periods of sitting. Most patients only decide to see a gastroenterologist when the bleeding, pain, burning or itching becomes unbearable. When

symptoms do become a problem, the physicians at Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates (AGA) have been trained and certified in the CRHO’Regan Disposable Hemorrhoid Banding System to offer patients relief. In the past, surgery was frequently recommended to treat internal hemorrhoids. But this method uses a small rubber band to strangulate the base of the swollen vein and cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid. Some patients may need more than one treatment, but they can be spread out a couple of weeks apart. The procedure itself is minimally invasive and is over 90% effective. Plus, it does not require anesthesia, lasts less than five minutes and is typically performed in the office. Many patients go back to work after their appointment and resume normal activity. With this procedure, patients can finally end their discomfort for good. The physicians at Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates see patients at more than 35 locations across metro Atlanta. To make an appointment, call 1.866.GO.TO.AGA [468.6242], or visit www.atlantagastro.com.

Advantages of the O’Regan Banding Technique • Highly effective treatment for hemorrhoids • Minimal pain or discomfort • Patients can quickly resume normal activity and return to work • No anesthesia needed • Very quick procedure lasting about 5 minutes • Performed in office or endoscopy suite

1501 Milstead Road • Suite 120 • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • 678.745.3033 1.866.GO.TO.AGA [468.6242] www.atlantagastro.com AGA is a participating provider for Medicare, Medicaid and most healthcare plans offered in Georgia.



general health


What is SLEEP APNEA? written by Lee Udell


leep apnea is a disorder characterized by a reduction or pause of breathing (airflow) during sleep. It is common among adults but rare among children. Although a diagnosis of sleep apnea often will be suspected on the basis of a person’s medical history, there are several tests that can be used to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment of sleep apnea can be either surgical or nonsurgical. An apnea is a period of time during which breathing stops or is markedly reduced. In simplified terms, an apnea occurs when a person stops breathing for 10 seconds or more. If a person stops breathing completely or take less than 25% of a normal breath for a period that lasts 10 seconds or more, this is an apnea. This definition includes complete stoppage of airflow. Other definitions of apnea that may be used include at least a 4% drop in oxygen in the blood, a direct result of the reduction in the transfer of oxygen into the blood when breathing stops. Apneas usually occur during sleep. When an apnea occurs, sleep usually is disrupted due to inadequate breathing and poor oxygen levels in the blood. Sometimes this means the person wakes up completely, but sometimes this can mean the person comes out of a deep level of

sleep and into a more shallow level of sleep. Apneas are usually measured during sleep (preferably in all stages of sleep) over a 2-hour period. An estimate of the severity of apnea is calculated by dividing the number of apneas by the number of hours of sleep, giving an apnea index (AI in apneas per hour); the greater the AI, the more severe the apnea. Sleep apnea is formally defined as 15 episodes/hour in a patient if he or she does not have medical problems that are believed to be caused by the sleep apnea. This is the equivalent of approximately one episode of apnea every 4 minutes.

If you’re ready for a good night’s sleep it’s time to call Walton Pulmonary and set up an appointment at their new office in Conyers. Dr. Michel Jeannot is known for his dedication to patients and his passion for medicine. He will make you feel comfortable from your first visit, so call his office today to schedule your appointment at 866-562-1866 or 678-928-9700.

NEW TO CONYERS Dr. Michel Jeannot is Board Certified in Sleep Medicine and Pulmonary Disease.


+ Pulmonary (Lung) Consultation + Sleep Disorder Evaluation with Sleep Center + Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program + Allergy Test (Skin Test) + Sleep Apnea Maintenance (CPAP set-up) + Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea + Trilogy Ventilation We provide everything you need for all your respiratory concerns

2390 Wall Street, Conyers Open Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

678-928-9700 or 866-562-1866

Call Us to Set Up an Appointment • www.waltonpulmonary.com



If you experience difficulty hearing, now is the time to schedule your appointment with one of our high qualified, certified Audiologists. How’s Your Hearing? Have you noticed more difficulty understanding family and friends? Does everyone just seem to be mumbling? Are you asking people to repeat themselves often? Are you having to turn the TV volume up? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may need to check your hearing…

Did You Know? • Untreated hearing loss is associated with isolation, depression, memory problems, loss of income and marital problems leads to a better quality of life, according to a 1999 study by the National Council on Aging. • At least 29 million Americans have a hearing impairment; 20% in adults ages 48-59; over 50% in adults over 75. • Patients with diabetes are more than twice as likely to have www.entspecialists.net hearing loss. Dr. Arthur Torsiglier • Dr. Donald Cote • Exposure to noise is the leading Dr. Adam French • Donna McGough, F-AAA cause of tinnitus, and almost Kristyn Meade, F-AAA • Susann Shriver, CCC-A always accompanies hearing loss.

1370 Wellbrook Circle, Conyers, Georgia / 770-922-5458 4181 Hospital Drive, NE, Suite 102, Covington, Georgia / 770-385-0321 Call today for an appointment! 12 HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE | WINTER 2016


general health


MEDICAL CONDITIONS That Affect Your Hearing Health Many medical conditions, such as those listed below, can affect your hearing health. Treatment of these and other hearing losses can often lead to improved or restored hearing. If left undiagnosed and untreated, some conditions can lead to irreversible hearing impairment or deafness. If you suspect that you or your loved one has a problem with their hearing, ensure optimal hearing healthcare by seeking a medical diagnosis from a physician. OTITIS MEDIA The most common cause of hearing loss in children is otitis media, the medical term for a middle ear infection or inflammation of the middle ear. This condition can occur in one or both ears and primarily affects children due to the shape of the young Eustachian tube (and is the most frequent diagnosis for children visiting a physician). When left undiagnosed and untreated, otitis media can lead to infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear, a ruptured ear drum, and hearing loss. If treated appropriately, hearing loss related to otitis media can be alleviated.

loss is accumulated earwax. Using cotton swabs or other small objects to remove earwax is not recommended as it pushes the earwax deeper into the ear, increasing buildup and affecting hearing. Excessive earwax can be a chronic condition best treated by a physician.

AUTOIMMUNE INNER EAR DISEASE Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED) is an inflammatory condition of the inner ear. It occurs when the body’s immune system attacks cells in the inner ear that are mistaken for a virus or bacteria. Prompt medical diagnosis is essential to ensure the most favorable prognosis. Therefore, recognizing the symptoms of AIED is important: sudden hearing loss TINNITUS in one ear progressing rapidly to the second and continued loss of Tinnitus is the medical name indicating “ringing in the ears,” which hearing over weeks or months, a feeling of ear fullness, vertigo and includes noises ranging from loud roaring to clicking, humming or tinnitus. Treatments primarily include medications but hearing aids buzzing. Most tinnitus comes from damage to the microscopic endings and cochlear implants are helpful to some. of the hearing nerve in the inner ear. The health of these nerve endings is important for acute hearing, and injury to them brings on hearing CHOLESTEATOMA loss and often tinnitus. Hearing nerve impairment and tinnitus can A cholesteatoma is a skin growth that occurs in the middle ear behind also be a natural accompaniment of advancing age. Exposure to loud the eardrum. This condition usually results from poor eustachian tube noise is probably the leading cause of tinnitus damage to hearing in function concurrent with middle ear infection (otitis media), but can younger people. Medical treatments and assistive hearing devices are also be present at birth. The condition is treatable, but can only be often helpful to those with this condition. diagnosed by medical examination. Over time, untreated cholesteatoma can lead to bone erosion and spread of the ear infection to localized SWIMMER’S EAR areas such as the inner ear and brain. If untreated, deafness, brain An infection of the outer ear structures caused when water gets trapped abscess, meningitis, and death can occur. in the ear canal leading to a collection of trapped bacteria is known as swimmer’s ear or otitis external. In this warm, moist environment, PERFORATED EARDRUM bacteria multiply causing irritation and infection of the ear canal. A perforated eardrum is a hole or rupture in the eardrum, a thin Although it typically occurs in swimmers, bathing or showering can membrane that separates the ear canal and the middle ear. A perforated also contribute to this common infection. In severe cases, the ear eardrum is often accompanied by decreased hearing and occasional canal may swell shut leading to temporary hearing loss and making discharge with possible pain. The amount of hearing loss experienced administration of medications difficult. depends on the degree and location of perforation. Sometimes a perforated ear-drum will heal spontaneously, other times surgery to EARWAX repair the hole is necessary. Serious problems can occur if water or Earwax (also known as cerumen) is produced by special glands in bacteria enter the middle ear through the hole. The physicians at Ear, the outer part of the ear canal and is designed to trap dust and dirt Nose and Throat Specialist can advise you on protection of the particles keeping them from reaching the eardrum. Usually the wax ear from water and bacteria until the hole is repaired. Visit accumulates, dries and then falls out of the ear on its own or is wiped their website for more information or set up an appointment away. One of the most common and easily treatable causes of hearing today for a consultation. 770-922-5458. n WINTER 2016 | HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE



general health


Controlling Cholesterol written by Lee Udell


eart disease is the top killer of Americans, and experts say there’s no doubt that high cholesterol plays a big part. But, high cholesterol has no symptoms, so many people are at risk for heart disease and don’t realize it. As many as 42 million Americans have high cholesterol, and another 63 million have borderline high cholesterol. High cholesterol levels can run in families, and women generally tend to have higher levels of HDL than men. But, if you’re one of those affected, you can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease by taking responsibility for your health, making healthy lifestyle choices and following your doctor’s treatment plan. • Eat a heart-healthy diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish and nuts, while limiting red meat and sugary foods and beverages. • Get physically active. Only 40 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise – like brisk walking or a dance class – done

3-4 times a week can lower both cholesterol and high blood pressure. • Stop smoking. • Understand drug therapy options. If diet and lifestyle changes aren’t enough, your doctor can assess your risk and develop a treatment and prevention plan that’s right for you. Medications, such as statins, may be prescribed to help lower cholesterol. Your doctor can help you understand the risks and benefits of medication. Be sure you follow instructions for taking medication, because it won’t work if you don’t take it as directed. Working with your doctor is key in controlling cholesterol. Dr. Kuttappan Muthu has served patients in Rockdale and Newton counties for over 20 years, providing care for not only high cholesterol, but also conditions such as diabetes, asthma, emphysema, hypertension, and much more. Call 770-788-7777 today to schedule an appointment at Dr. Muthu’s office, and take control of your cholesterol – and your good health.

Serving Rockdale & Newton for 20 years! • Geriatric Care • Diabetes • Asthma • Emphysema • Thyroid • Hypertension

• High Cholesterol • Physicals • Cardiac Stress-Test System • X-Ray on Site

Kuttappan Muthu MD 14779 Brown Bridge Road Covington, Ga 30016


liate of Rockdale Medical Center



general health


Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT)

written by Lee Udell


ormones serve a variety of important functions – in both men and women – but their work is often subtle. When they fall out of balance, however, the effects can be anything but. While there are similarities between the effects of hormonal imbalances in men and women, each presents its own symptoms and progression. He Said She Said Unlike the more dramatic hormone plunge that occurs in women Menopause is a biological process that all women will experience in during menopause, hormone changes in men occur gradually. their lifetimes. The term menopause encompasses a gamut of changes The term “male menopause” – or andropause – is sometimes used that generally occur in a woman’s fifties or sixties, but the symptoms to describe decreasing testosterone levels or a reduction in the of change often become noticeable in her forties. During this time, bioavailability of testosterone related to aging. the ovaries stop producing eggs, menstrual cycles become less frequent Testosterone levels gradually decline throughout adulthood — and eventually stop, and estrogen and progesterone decline. about 1 percent a year after age 30 on average. A blood test is the The hormonal decline that occurs with menopause causes only way to diagnose a low testosterone level or a reduction in the uncomfortable symptoms, such as: bioavailability of testosterone. Low testosterone might cause: • Hot flashes and night sweats, the most common signs of • Changes in sexual function, such as erectile dysfunction, menopause. reduced sexual desire, fewer spontaneous erections and infertility. • Sleep problems, including insomnia. • Changes in sleep patterns. • Increased risk of heart disease. • Physical changes, including increased body fat; reduced muscle • Vaginal changes, which cause dryness and painful intercourse. bulk and strength; and decreased bone density. • Bone loss, which can cause osteoporosis, a condition that • Emotional changes, such as a decrease in motivation or self- increases the risk of bone fractures. confidence, depression or trouble concentrating. • Weight gain. What to do? Bio-identical hormone replacement (BHRT) has proven to be a safe and effective means for men and women to find relief. Hormone replacement in women has also been proven to decrease risk of heart disease and decrease bone loss, resulting in fewer bone fractures. In men, the treatment provides increased testosterone levels and improves quality of life. If you’re dealing with the symptoms of hormone imbalance, learn more about hormone-replacement therapy from your physician, or visit an endocrinologist, a doctor who treats hormonal imbalances. Dr. Sumana Reddy, endocrinologist, is available to help you today. Call 770-679-1280 to schedule an appointment at her office, 1567 Milstead Ave, Suite B, Conyers.

Now Open In Conyers Rockdale Endocrinology Associates


Specializing in the treatment of: • Metabolic Disorders • Thyroid Disease • Menopause • High Blood Pressure • Osteoporosis • Cholesterol Problems • Infertility • Diabetes Disorders • Hormonal Imbalances

Sumana Reddy, MD

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Most Insurance Accepted Including Medicare

Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM; Friday 8:00 AM – 12 Noon

Affiliate of Rockdale Medical Center

Rockdale Endocrinology Associates 1567 Milstead Road, Suite B Conyers, GA 30012 WINTER 2016 | HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE



women’s health FEATURE

A Q-and-A About

Laparoscopic Surgery written by Lee Udell WHAT IS LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY? Laparoscopy is a method of performing surgery using small incisions (usually no more than ½” long). Laparoscopic surgery sometimes is called “minimally invasive surgery.” In traditional “open” surgery, incisions can be several inches long. HOW IS LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY DONE? Laparoscopic surgery uses a special instrument called a laparoscope. This long, slender device is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision. An attached camera allows the obstetrician–gynecologist (ob-gyn) to view the abdominal and pelvic organs on an electronic screen. If a problem needs to be fixed, other instruments can be used. These instruments are usually inserted through additional small incisions in the abdomen. FOR WHAT SURGICAL PROCEDURES CAN LAPAROSCOPY BE USED? Laparoscopy can be used to perform tubal sterilization, as well as hysterectomy. In a laparoscopic hysterectomy, the uterus is detached from inside the body and can be removed in pieces through small incisions in the abdomen or in one piece through the vagina. WHAT PROBLEMS CAN LAPAROSCOPY BE USED TO DIAGNOSE AND TREAT? Laparoscopy may be used to look for the cause of chronic pelvic pain, infertility, or a pelvic mass. Problems revealed during the procedure can often be treated during the same surgery. Laparoscopy can also be used to diagnose and treat: • Endometriosis —If your physician suspects endometriosis but medications haven’t helped, a laparoscope may be used to look inside your pelvis for endometrial tissue, which can be removed in the same procedure. • Fibroids —Fibroids are growths that form inside the wall of the uterus or outside the uterus. Most fibroids are benign (not cancer), but a very small number are malignant (cancer). Fibroids can cause pain or heavy bleeding. Laparoscopy may be used to locate and remove them. • Ovarian cyst —Cysts which develop on the ovaries in some women often go away without treatment. But if they don’t, your ob-gyn may suggest that they be removed with laparoscopy. • Ectopic pregnancy — When a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, laparoscopy may be done to remove this ectopic pregnancy.

• Pelvic floor disorders — Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse can be treated laparoscopically. • Cancer—Some types of cancer can be removed using laparoscopy. WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE PROCEDURE? After you are given a general anesthesia, the surgeon will make a small incision below your navel or another area of your abdomen. The abdomen will be filled with gas, so the reproductive organs can be seen more clearly. The laparoscope is inserted, and the camera shows the organs on a screen. Other incisions may be made for surgical instruments. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE PROCEDURE? The instruments and most of the gas are removed, and the incisions are closed. You’ll be moved to the recovery room, where you’ll likely remain until you can stand without help and empty your bladder. You’ll probably go home the same day, but someone will have to drive you. WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT DURING RECOVERY? You may feel tired and uncomfortable for a few days, with soreness around the incisions. Pain in your shoulder or back from the remaining gas in your abdomen will go away in a few days. You may have a slightly sore throat from the tube inserted during surgery to help you breathe, but throat lozenges or gargling with warm salt water usually soothes your throat. HOW LONG AFTER LAPAROSCOPY CAN I RESUME REGULAR ACTIVITIES? Your ob-gyn will let you know when you can return to your normal activities. For minor procedures, it may be 1–2 days after surgery. More complex procedures, such as hysterectomy, can take longer. You may be told to avoid heavy activity or exercise. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF LAPAROSCOPY? There are many benefits to a laparoscopy versus open surgery. There’s less pain after laparoscopic surgery than after open abdominal surgery, which involves larger incisions, longer hospital stays, and longer recovery times. Recovery from laparoscopic surgery is typically faster than recovery from open abdominal surgery. The smaller incisions that are used allow you to heal faster and have smaller scars. And the risk of infection is also lower than with open surgery.

At Advanced Gynecology Associates in Conyers, the physician’s perform advanced laparoscopic surgery, and also provide a wide range of other gynecological services. If you suspect you may be a candidate for laparoscopic surgery, call Advanced Gynecology Associates today at 678-609-4913 to schedule an appointment.


Providing Women with Advanced Gynecological Care Dr. Sharon Hodges and Nurse Practitioner, Regina Bogle NP-C, have joined the Advanced Gynecology Team! We’ve Moved To A New Location! 1301 Sigman Road, NE, Suite 180, Conyers

Thomas L. Lyons, MD Gynecology & Gynecologic Surgery 1301 Sigman Rd. NE Suite 180, Conyers, GA 30012 678.609.4913 cwcrs@mindspring.com • www.thomasllyons.com

Sharon Hodges, MD Gynecology 1301 Sigman Rd. NE Suite 180, Conyers, GA 30012 678.609.4913

Erin Mayfield, DO Gynecology 5154 Cook Street, NE Covington, GA 30014 770.788.1778

To schedule an appointment with our doctors, please call our office today at

678.609.4913 Afliate of Rockdale Medical Center WINTER 2016 | HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE



general health



for the Treatment of Skin Cancer An estimated two million new cases of skin cancer in the U.S. are projected each year.


he most common skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. With early detection and treatment, skin cancer is highly curable. Skin cancer is easily diagnosed with a skin biopsy. There are different treatment options for skin cancer including excisional surgery, cryosurgery (freezing), electro surgery (burning), radiation, prescription medications, and the specialized surgical technique of Mohs Micrographic Surgery. The Mohs surgery procedure has proven to be up to 99 percent effective for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, the most common types of skin cancer. Mohs surgery, developed in 1938 by Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, is microscopically controlled surgery that involves the complete evaluation of the surgical margins for skin cancer removal. Mohs surgery is typically an office-based procedure performed safely under local anesthesia, which reduces recovery time and has fewer side effects than general anesthesia. During Mohs surgery, the skin cancer is removed layer by layer and the tissue is processed at an on-site laboratory. The tissue slides are examined by the Mohs surgeon who performs the pathology services, all while the patient remains in the office. If more cancer remains, the Mohs surgeon removes more tissue precisely from only the area with remaining cancer and this additional layer of tissue is processed and microscopically examined. This process continues until all of the cancerous tissue is removed. Mohs surgery allows for the complete removal of the skin cancer, yet minimizes the removal of healthy tissue leaving the smallest possibly surgical wound. After Mohs surgery confirms that all of the skin cancer has been removed, the surgical defect is immediately ready for repair. There are several options for repair that include allowing the wound to heal on its own or surgically repairing the defect. Frequently, the Mohs surgeon also performs the


reconstructive surgery with a sutured linear repair, skin graft, or skin flap. In some cases, the repair of the wound is performed by another surgical specialist. Mohs surgery is appropriate and often the best treatment option for basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers that are located in cosmetically sensitive or functionally critical areas such as around the eyes, nose, lips, ears, face, scalp, hands, feet, or genitals. Additionally, Mohs surgery is appropriate for large, recurrent, aggressive, rapidly growing, and ill-defined skin cancers. However, Mohs surgery is not warranted for all skin cancers, particularly small or superficial skin cancers located on the trunk, arms, and legs. Determining the best treatment option for skin cancer involves careful consideration by the patient and the dermatologist or other skin care provider. The diagnosis of skin cancer can cause significant concern and fear for patients. Many times, the involvement of the cancer beneath the skin may be much more than meets the naked eye. If left untreated or if incompletely removed, the skin cancer can continue to progress and be disfiguring or even potentially life-threatening. Of the many treatment options for skin cancer, Mohs surgery is considered the “Gold Standard� because it offers the highest potential cure rate (99 percent for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) and it offers superior cosmetic results by leaving healthy tissue intact. Mohs surgery is a highly effective advanced technique for the treatment of skin cancer that provides the patients with quick resolution, rapid recovery, and peace of mind. Dr. John Fountain, Dr. Darryl Hodson, Dr. Allen Filstein and Katharine Simmon, PA-C at Georgia Dermatology offer general and surgical dermatology to you and your family. Call the office today at 770-785-SKIN (7546) to schedule an appointment or visit the website at GaDerm.com for more information.



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Dr. Michael Manning

Affiliate of Rockdale Medical Center 22 HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE | WINTER 2016


general health


BRIDGEWATER... personalized healthcare written by Lee Udell


ridgewater Family Practice has been in the Conyers area for over 10 years. Our doctors have over 30 years combined experience. We strive to be up to date with technology and information while still keeping old fashion values of compassion and care. Our staff is dedicated to treating all of our patients like family and is always available to assist you with navigating the sometimes stressful waters of healthcare, especially in this ever changing environment. We specialize in Family Medicine serving all members of your family from infancy to the golden years. Our providers can help with a wide range of medical and personal needs, with an emphasis on preventive medicine. Bridgewater Family Practice has committed time and resources to transform our practice into a Patient Centered Medical Home. The concept is for all patients regardless of insurance and payment abilities. The only requirement on the

patient’s part is to agree to be part of the team and work with our staff to improve their health. Our providers are Board Certified by their respective disciplines which mean they regularly update their education and training, recertifying every 10 years. The practice actively seeks ways to improve healthcare to their patients through participation in national and local initiatives like the Patient Centered Medical Home. A Patient Centered Medical Home does what it says: it centers on the patient. You are an integral part of your healthcare team, using a personal physician, medical assistant and administrative personnel to provide comprehensive care and health maintenance using the most up to date medical information, studies and technology. It becomes the responsibility of your team to engage you by discussing and implementing treatment options and lifestyle changes. Using the team approach allows us to better care for our patients and coordinate their care with other providers and suppliers.

To learn more about Bridgewater Family Practice in Conyers, visit its website at: http://www.mybfp.com. Or call 770-922-3522 today and schedule an appointment to discuss your medical concerns.




DIGESTIVE DISEASES & NUTRITION • Colorectal Cancer Screening and Prevention • Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) • Esophageal and Swallowing Disorders • Non-Invasive Hemorrhoid Therapy • Pancreatic and Billiary Disorders • Inflammatory Bowel Disease • Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Video Capsule Endoscopy • IV Infusion Therapy • Chronic Constipation • Liver Disease








1269 Wellbrook Circle • Conyers, GA 7229 Wheat Street • Covington, GA 1075 South Main Street Suite 200 • Madison, GA 30650





1000 Cowles Clinic Way Cypress Building, Suite C-300 • Greensboro, GA



general health


F I FT Y O R O LDE R? GE T S CRE E NE D FO R CO LO N CANCE R. written by Lee Udell


o you’re not looking forward to turning 50. And just to add to your sense of dread, remember this: One of the joys of turning 50 is that your doctor will start recommending a colonoscopy. Seriously, though, there is good news about that first colonoscopy: The incidence of colorectal cancer in people over 50 has dropped 30 percent in the last 10 years, and deaths have also declined, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Colorectal cancer (cancer of the colon and/or rectum) is the third most common non-skin cancer in adults and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women in the United States. Colorectal cancer is both preventable and treatable if detected early. Studies show that regular screening could prevent one-third of colorectal cancer deaths in the U.S. The five-year survival rate is 90% if detected early. That’s why, beginning at age 50, both men and women at average risk for developing colorectal cancer should have a baseline colonoscopy, says the ACS. Screening tests that look for and remove polyps and lesions in the colon can prevent colorectal cancer. Because these polyps are found most often in people 50 years of age and older, experts recommend universal screening of average risk people in this age group. (About 90 percent of new cases and 95 percent of colon cancer deaths

occur after age 50.) Unfortunately, colonoscopy exams get a bad rap. Even though the exam is brief and painless, many people fear and avoid them. Roughly 40 percent of Americans for whom they are recommended are not getting colonoscopies. For all of its perceived drawbacks, a colonoscopy is typically completed once every 10 years. If the test detects precancerous polyps, the physician will recommend that colonoscopies be repeated more frequently, typically every five years. So, if you’re approaching 50, go ahead and bite the bullet – visit your doctor to get a referral for that first colonoscopy. It’ll give you peace of mind and your doctor a baseline for evaluating your risk when compared to future screenings. The five physicians at East Atlanta Gastroenterology are board-certified gastroenterologists serving the area for over 30 years. Specializing in digestive diseases and nutrition, the doctors of East Atlanta Gastroenterology have specific expertise in colorectal cancer and prevention. To schedule an appointment call 770-922-0505 for any of their four offices located in Covington, Conyers, Madison or Greensboro.






general health


FLU SEASON is Here written by Lee Udell


h, fall. Colorful leaves, crisper temperatures, pumpkin spice and – the flu! Doctors anticipate a nasty flu season this year, but there’s plenty you can do now, and throughout the winter, to protect yourself and your family from the fever, chills, body aches and overall misery that comes with the flu. • Get the vaccine. The CDC recommends the flu vaccine for everyone over 6 months of age. Even if you end up getting the flu, the vaccine helps protect you by regulating your immune system so you don’t suffer from a more severe case of the flu, or potentially even death. • Start the season strong. Fatigue, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet all affect your immune system. Start flu season healthy and stay healthy by getting plenty of rest, managing stress, exercising, and drinking plenty of water. • Look around you. We often infect ourselves by touching

contaminated surfaces and transferring the virus to our eyes, nose, and mouth. Also, people who are ill may unintentionally “share” their germs. So watch what you touch and keep your distance – 3 to 6 feet – from someone with the flu. • Wash your hands – a lot. The number one way to prevent the spread of all kinds of disease is hand-washing. Doctors recommend you use plain soap — not antibacterial — and warm water, and rub your hands as long as it takes you to sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” • If you do get sick, stay home. Don’t be “That Guy,” the stoic who keeps working through your illness. You’re spreading disease, maybe even to people at greater risk, such as babies, the elderly, or those with suppressed immune systems. Antiviral drugs like Tamiflu can work well to shorten the course of your flu, provided they’re given promptly. The sooner you get in to see your doctor, the better, because that’s your best chance at trying to fight it off.

Call (770) 922-3023 to schedule your flu shot at Internal Medicine Associates of Rockdale, 1301 Wellbrook Circle NE.


Dr. Trinidad Osselyn

Dr. Wyllie-Adams

• • • • •

Hypertension • Diabetes High Cholesterol Physicals • Asthma Emphysema • Thyroid Women’s Health and more

INTERNAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES OF ROCKDALE Marshall Almand, MD, Elizabeth de Give, MD, James de Give, MD, John Entrekin, MD Debora Goodrich, DO, Trinidad Osselyn, MD, Jack Sorg, MD, Mary Stephens, MD, Sabrina Wyllie-Adams, MD, and Jason Anderson, PA

1301 Wellbrook Circle, Conyers, GA 30012 770-922-3023


Internal Medicine Associates Of Rockdale, P.C.


John Hyland, MD, Virginia Hyland, MD, Grace Loy, MD

2800 Highway 138 SW Conyers, Georgia 30094 770-602-2970 ROCKDALE PHYSICIAN PRACTICES Remarkable People. Remarkable Medicine.

Affiliate of Rockdale Medical Center



With Hyperbaric Oxygen

Many medical conditions affect the network of arteries and veins that carry blood to and from the body’s tissue. Such damage is generally referred to as peripheral artery disease (PAD). Compromised peripheral blood supply leads to tissue ischemia (lack of circulation) and tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen). As the result of those effects, there is a change in microcirculation and occurrence of edema (swelling). Edema further compresses capillaries and aggravates ischemia and loss of sensitivity (neuropathy). Warning signs of PAD are pain, swelling, skin discoloration, itching and decreased hair. Frequent cold hands and feet, as well as dry flaky skin, are usual signs of poor circulation. In such cases, little cuts or wounds may not be able to heal in a “normal” period and may become “chronic,” with frequent complications leading to infections and possibly even to gangrene of the limb. If left untreated, gangrene can progress, and limb amputation (partial or complete) my be unavoidable. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is effective in correcting ischemia and hypoxia caused by PAD, promoting microcirculation, reducing

swelling and inflammation and directly fighting infection to speed up wound healing. Benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy include: 1. improves tissue oxygenation and elimination of toxic substances, that were accumulated due to poor circulation and hypoxia 2. relieves pain, reduces swelling and inflammation, improves sensitivity and reduces numbness, 3. triggers new capillary formation for improved local circulation and blood supply, 4. improves quality of blood and prevents blood clotting and chances of thrombosis 5. enhances immune system response and increases the effect of antibiotics 6. prevents/reduces infection rate 7. reduces incidence of ulcer development Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is beneficial in: 1. stopping further tissue damage 2. prevents and stops infection 3. provides optimal oxygen environment for all phases of wound closure 4. promotes new tissue growth and fast wound closure 5. prevents excessive scar formation (caused by slow healing) 6. prepares a host for skin grafting and increases chances of graft survival

ROCKDALE VASCULAR ASSOCIATES The Vein Center 1301 Sigman Road, Suite 130 Conyers, GA 30012

678-609-4927 OUR SPECIALTIES: • Peripheral Artery Disease • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair • Peripheral (Legs) Arterial Angioplasty/Stenting • Varicose and Spider Vein Treatment • Carotid Artery Repair • Pacemaker Placement • Dialysis Access • DVT Treatment



ROCKDALE PHYSICIAN PRACTICES Remarkable People. Remarkable Medicine.

Affiliate of Rockdale WINTER Medical Center 2016 | HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE



change life-limiting to life-affirming. Key Facts about Colorectal Cancer - Colorectal Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. - Early detection is key; when caught in the beginning stages, colorectal cancer is highly treatable. - Beginning at age 50, colorectal cancer screening is recommended. - People with a family history should begin screening even earlier, as recommended by their doctor. - A diet rich in vegetables, legumes and whole grains and limited in processed and red meat has been correlated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.




Be Proactive GCS is The Cancer Answer速 and provides patient-focused care anchored by prevention, early detection, advanced treatment, clinical research and compassionate caregivers.

ROCKDALE OFFICE 1501 Milstead Road, Suite 110, Conyers, GA 30012 (770) 760-9949






general health


Colorectal Cancer:

Understanding Your Risk and How to Prevent It Provided by Georgia Cancer Specialists


olorectal cancer, or cancer of the large intestine, is the second highest cause of cancer-related deaths and the third most diagnosed cancer among men and women. Luckily, modern technology makes screening for colorectal cancer much easier and, when detected early, it is a very treatable disease. Risk Factors of Colorectal Cancer Your risk of developing colorectal cancer is a combination of controllable and uncontrollable

factors. People older than 50 as well as those who have a family history of colorectal, uterine, or breast cancer have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer than others. Luckily, there are many things you can do to reduce your risk of developing this disease, even if some of the risk factors you have are unmanageable. In fact, researchers believe that eating a nutritious diet, exercising, and controlling body fat could prevent nearly 45% of colorectal cancers.

Dramatically reduce your risk of getting colorectal cancer by following these five simple rules. 1. Exercise. In a recent study, exercise was linked to a 24 percent decreased risk of developing colorectal cancer. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week. 2. Eat nutritious foods. Mounting evidence shows that a diet high in red and processed meats can increase your colorectal cancer risk. A largely plant-based diet rich in fiber, fruits, veggies and whole grains, on the other hand, has been linked with decreased risk. Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily, limit consumption of red and processed meats and choose whole grains whenever possible. 3. Get screened. There are often no obvious early warning signs or visible symptoms for colorectal cancer. Subtle symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, rectal bleeding, unexplained weight loss, constipation and fatigue may only appear when the disease is in an advanced stage, which is why it is so important to have regular screenings. Beginning at age 50, schedule routine colonoscopies at least every 10 years. 4. Manage vices. People who consume more than seven alcoholic beverages a week have a 72 percent increased risk, whereas long-term smokers have up to a 164 percent increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. Kick the smoking habit and limit alcohol to no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women. 5. Keep your weight in check. Obese people (those with a BMI over 29) have a 20 percent increased risk of developing colorectal cancer, compared to those of normal weight.

Georgia Cancer Specialists Georgia Cancer Specialists is a national leader in advanced cancer treatment and research. GCS’s 46 physicians provide care in 27 Northside Hospital Cancer Institute locations across Metro Atlanta, North and Central Georgia. GCS is The Cancer AnswerŽ. For more information, please go to gacancer.com. n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n




women’s health

written by Lee Udell FEATURE

High-Risk Pregnancy


elcome to pregnancy! Your baby is growing, your body is changing – and so is your life! And while every pregnancy has some degree of risk, you and your doctor can manage your pregnancy to minimize your risk and keep you and your baby safe and healthy. Causes of a high-risk pregnancy can be conditions you already have or they may be conditions you develop during your pregnancy. Factors that can contribute to a high-risk pregnancy include: • Being pregnant with more than 1 baby • Being over the age of 35 • Having problems in previous pregnancies • A history of other health problems If you have a chronic condition, talk to your health care provider about how to minimize your risk before you get pregnant. If you’re already pregnant, your healthcare team can monitor your pregnancy and make sure everything goes smoothly with your health and your baby’s health while you’re expecting. Examples of common conditions that can complicate a pregnancy include: • Heart disease • High blood pressure • Kidney problems • Autoimmune disorders • Sexually transmitted diseases • Diabetes

• Cancer • Infections Other conditions that can make pregnancy risky can happen while you are pregnant – for example, gestational diabetes and Rh incompatibility. Good prenatal care can help detect and treat them. Some discomforts, like nausea, back pain, and fatigue, are common during pregnancy. Sometimes it is hard to know what is normal. So, if something is bothering or worrying you, call your doctor or midwife. What else do I need to know about high-risk pregnancy? Consult your health care provider about how to manage any medical conditions you might have during your pregnancy and how your health might affect labor and delivery. Ask them to discuss specific signs or symptoms to look out for, such as: • Vaginal bleeding • Persistent headaches • Pain or cramping in the lower abdomen • Watery vaginal discharge — in a gush or a trickle • Regular or frequent contractions — a tightening sensation in the abdomen • Decreased fetal activity • Pain or burning with urination • Changes in vision, including blurred vision Also, find out which signs or symptoms should prompt you to contact your health care provider and when to seek emergency care. A high-risk pregnancy might have ups and downs. Do your best to stay positive as you take steps to promote a healthy pregnancy. The doctors at New Beginnings Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare are happy to answer your questions and help you manage your pregnancy. New Beginnings’ advanced technology and techniques ensure you and your baby receive optimal care, from your first prenatal appointment to your delivery. Call (678) 413-0858 and schedule an appointment today.

New Visions...New Horizons...

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1415 Milstead Road, Suite A • Conyers, GA 30012 • 678-413-0858 • Se habla español



written by Lee Udell



women’s health FEATURE

“the change of life”

or many women, menopause not only brings “the change of life,” it also brings along a host of unpleasant side effects, like hot flashes and night sweats. But, if you’re wrestling with these kinds of menopausal symptoms, you don’t have to just accept them as an inevitable part of the process. Bio-identical hormone replacement has been used and studied in the U.S. since the early 1940s, and the case for this type of treatment is a strong one. Research consistently shows that replacing a woman’s missing hormones effectively reduces symptoms like: • hot flashes • night sweats • vaginal dryness • sleep problems • mood swings • and foggy thinking. In fact, scientific evidence shows that women may also see many health benefits, such as reduced risks for bone loss, heart disease, breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

SottoPelle® is bio-identical hormone replacement that effectively delivers a steady dose of hormones for optimal, consistent therapy. Unlike other forms of hormone replacement therapy, SottoPelle takes into account the complexities of restoring healthy hormone levels. Rather than randomly using a hormone or other substance in an arbitrary amount and expecting to achieve hormonal balance, SottoPelle helps you regain a natural balance. The method uses precise dosages delivered 24/7 and based on replacing the essential missing hormones with those that are biologically identical. For decades, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in pellet form has been positively researched and accepted worldwide as the most effective delivery system available for women suffering from the side effects of menopause, as well as men facing andropause (male equivalent of menopause). When the body is in need of estrogen or testosterone, these tiny implants placed under the skin consistently release small physiologic doses of hormones, providing optimal therapy.

Dr. Veronica Garrett, at New Beginnings Comprehensive Women’s Healthcare, offers SottoPelle® therapy in her Conyers office. Learn more about how SottoPelle® can help you overcome the challenges of menopause and achieve better health. Call (770) 918-1619 today and schedule your appointment with Dr. Garrett, and take the first step in restoring more balanced health and wellness in your life.

BOTOX Cosmetic is administered by a healthcare professional as a simple, nonsurgical treatment that is injected directly into the muscles between the brows. It works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle activity that causes moderate to severe lines to form between the brows.

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Veronica Garrett M.D. 1415 Milstead Road N.E., Suite B Conyers, GA 30012 Call Today 770-918-1619 WINTER 2016 | HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE



Michelle Juneau, MD

Dione Marcus, MD

Fiona Zwald, MD

Kate Kaufman, PA-C

Dermatological Services Available Full Body Skin Exam Dermatological procedures & services Aesthetic services dermatologyconsultants.org

770-784-0343 32 HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE | WINTER 2016


general health


Prevention of High Risk Skin Cancer and Patients Who Are at Risk Fiona Zwald MD, MRCPI Dermatology Consultants, PC | Piedmont Transplant Institute


quamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common skin cancer. Patients that are at high risk for SCC development include those that have a life time history of sun exposure and who have had a large number of sun burns, patients with leukemia or lymphoma, patients who have received a bone marrow transplant, patients who are on chronic prednisone therapy and patients with a history of psoriasis who have had PUVA or other forms of light therapy. SCC has a 50 to 250 times higher incidence in organ transplant patients than in the general population. SCC in organ transplant patients are also more aggressive, with higher rates of metastatic disease and local invasion. This phenomenon becomes more apparent every year as the number of transplantations performed and the life expectancy of our organ transplant patient population increases. The development of a first SCC portends an almost 100% likelihood of developing a second SCC. Initial Evaluation of the High Risk Patient For patients with a prior history of SCC, at Dermatology Consultants PC, we outline a plan for multiple follow-up visits and a time frame in which they need to occur. We also consider various preventative strategies that could be used in the future e.g. topical treatments, photodynamic therapy or systemic retinoid therapy. For those patients that present with many sun induced skin lesions we focus first on rapidly growing lesions and those in high-risk locations (face, scalp), lesions that are of larger size, or if the patient reports a history of tenderness or bleeding. For our organ transplant patients, Dr Zwald and Dermatology Consultants PC have a close working relationship with the Piedmont Transplant Institute. If a patient is seen before or immediately after transplantation, the initial visit includes a detailed risk assessment to provide a risk assessment of subsequent skin cancer development. Sun prevention education is provided and a complete skin cancer screening examination is performed. At Dermatology Consultants PC we establish a long-term relationship with the patient and educate him or her about the need for regular, ongoing follow-up. Best Sun Protection and Self Screening Strategies Best sun protective strategies include, sun protective clothing e.g. wide-brim hat, ultraviolet protective sunglasses ultraviolet protective factor clothing (long sleeves and trousers) and proper sunscreen use. Proper sunscreen use includes the use of high sun protection factor sunscreen (SPF 50+), daily use of sunscreen

on sun-exposed skin of the face, ears, neck, and back of hands regardless of season or weather, not going out during the peak hours of 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and avoidance of tanning bed use. We also advise monthly self skin examinations and self referral to your dermatologist if you are concerned about any new lesion on the skin. Management of SCC in High Risk Patients: At Dermatology Consultants PC, we believe that primary and preventive treatments must be considered every time a patient at risk for SCC is evaluated in our office or diagnosed with cutaneous precancer (actinic keratosis) or SCC. Primary Therapy Actinic keratoses and wart-like lesions should be treated with destructive techniques such as liquid nitrogen or curettage and electrodesiccation. All lesions that are vaguely suspicious of being in situ or invasive SCC require a skin biopsy. If the skin biopsy is positive, the skin cancer requires surgical removal with Mohs Micrographic surgery. Dr Zwald is a Fellowship trained Mohs surgeon and serves on the board for the American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS). For widespread areas of extensive precancer, use of topical therapies (5-Fluoruracil cream) should be considered. After these lesions are addressed, concerted efforts need to be made to prevent new lesions from arising. Preventative Therapy Preventative treatments include topical therapies (5-Fluoruracil cream), photodynamic therapy (PDT) and oral retinoids. The choice of treatment often depends on several factors, including extent of disease, severity of disease, the patient’s ability to tolerate therapy, compliance and cost. Multiple preventative therapeutic approaches can often be combined. At Dermatology Consultants PC, we discuss with the patient before choosing a specific preventative oral therapy (retinoid therpay), that if instituted and tolerated this treatment will need to be continued indefinitely. Topical therapies, on the other hand, will be applied for finite periods of time but will then need to be reinstituted, cyclically at annual intervals. Summary Treating high risk patients who are developing actinic keratoses and SCC can be a challenge to busy practicing dermatologists. At Dermatology Consultants PC, we develop a long-term relationship with our patients to manage and prevent high risk SCC. WINTER 2016 | HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE




& Wound

Brian D. Allen M.D.


Healing Center

ockdale Medical Center’s Comprehensive Hyperbaric & Wound Healing Center specializes in the treatment of chronic, non-healing wounds.

The Hyperbaric & Wound Healing Center is an out-patient, hospital-based program. Each patient receives a customized comprehensive care plan developed in conjunction with our physicians and your primary care physician or specialist. Our team includes vascular and plastic surgeons. Advanced wound care therapies to speed your recovery may include: Specialty wound ointment and gels ~ Total contact casting ~ Wound vacs Bioengineered Tissue grafts ~ Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric & Wound Healing Center ~ Rockdale Medical Center 1412 Milstead Avenue ~ Conyers, Georgia 30012 ~ PHONE 678-413-7738 ~ FAX 678-413-7739



general health


Hyperbaric Medicine


yperbaric medicine, also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, is the medical use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure. The equipment required consists of a pressure chamber and the means of delivering 100% oxygen. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or tube. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a wellestablished treatment for decompression sickness, a hazard of scuba diving. Other conditions treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy include serious infections, bubbles of air in your blood vessels, and wounds that won’t heal as a result of diabetes or radiation injury. Your body’s tissues need an adequate supply of oxygen to function. When tissue is injured, it requires even more oxygen to survive. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. An increase in blood oxygen restores normal levels of blood gases and tissue function to promote

healing and fight infection. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is used to treat several medical conditions. Your doctor may suggest hyperbaric oxygen therapy if you have one of the following conditions: • Anemia, severe • Brain abscess • Bubbles of air in your blood vessels (arterial gas embolism) • Burn • Decompression sickness • Carbon monoxide poisoning • Crushing injury • Deafness, sudden • Gangrene • Infection of skin or bone that causes tissue death • Nonhealing wounds, such as a diabetic foot ulcer • Radiation injury • Skin graft or skin flap at risk of tissue death • Vision loss, sudden and painless

Hyperbaric and Wound Healing Center, Brian Allen, MD Rockdale Medical Center, 1412 Milstead Avenue, Conyers, GA 30012 678-413-7738



Dr. Stephanie Gordon

Specializing in Gynecology & Urogynecology Surgery Board Certified in Urogynecology Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Trent Rice

Care We Provide:

Procedures We Provide:

• Well Women Health Care and Comprehensive Annual Exams

• Davinci Robotics Gynecological Surgery

• Pap Smears, Breast Exams, and In-Office Ultrasounds

• Traditional Abdominal Hysterectomy, Vaginal Hysterectomy, and Laparoscopic Assisted Hysterectomy

• Full range of Contraception Options

• Myomectomy for Fibroid Tumors

• Menopausal Management - Traditional and Alternative

• In-office ESSURE Tubal Ligation

• Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology • Infertility Workups Marcia Harmon, CNM

• Hormone Replacement Therapy (including pellets, injections and compounding cream)

• Hysteroscopic Surgery

• Bladder Problems and Incontinence

• Repair of Pelvic Prolapse, Relaxation and Surgery for Bladder Leakage

• Accidental Bowel Leakage or Chronic Constipation Management • Pelvic Relaxation or Prolapse Management • Treatment for Fibroids, Endometriosis, Abnormal Bleeding, and Ovarian Cyst Maria Epling, CNP

• Laparoscopic Surgery for Ovarian Problems, Endometriosis, Tubal and Adhesive Diseases

• Osteoporosis Screening and Treatment • Screening for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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•women's health k

Urogynecologic Surgery

women’s health FEATURE

By Lee Udell, Reporter


very day, millions of women silently wrestle with issues that cause untold embarrassment, inconvenience and discomfort.

While many people think that urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse are uncommon issues, affecting only a small

35% of women who visit their gynecologist’s office for routine care have urinary incontinence (UI), while 40% experience moderate to severe pelvic organ prolapse.

number of elderly or disabled women, the truth is that these issues are remarkably common.

In fact, data from Yale University shows that about In fact, data from Yale University shows that 35% of women who visit their gynecologist’s office for about 35% of women who visit their gynecologist’s routine care have urinary incontinence (UI), while 40% office for routine care have urinary incontinence experience moderate to severe pelvic organ prolapse. (UI), while 40% experience moderate to severe Prolapse and incontinence frequently occur together. pelvic organ prolapse. Prolapse and incontinence And, indeed, pelvic floor conditions are more common frequently occur together. And, indeed, pelvic floor than hypertension, depression, or diabetes in women. conditions are more common than hypertension, Yet, if you’re like many women, seeking help for these depression, or diabetes in women. conditions can be a source of embarrassment or fear – Yet, if you’re like many women, seeking help for or even hopelessness. The stigma of UI and other pelvic these conditions can be a source of embarrassment floor conditions is enough to keep many women from or fear – or even hopelessness. The stigma of UI and admitting their concerns, even to their own physicians. other pelvic floor conditions is enough to keep many And living with these conditions can be devastating women from admitting their concerns, even to their psychologically, as well as socially, emotionally and own physicians. And living with these conditions can physically. be devastating psychologically, as well as socially, The good news is that, while problems like these are emotionally and physically. common, they aren’t considered normal or inevitable, The good news is that, while problems like these regardless of age or health, and many effective forms of are common, they aren’t considered normal or treatment are available. inevitable, regardless of age or health, and many The field of urogynecology is a specialized area of effective forms of treatment are available. both urology and gynecology that focuses on treating The field of urogynecology is a specialized area women who are faced with these sensitive issues. Uroof both urology and gynecology that focuses on gynecologists receive extensive training in the treatment treating women who are faced with these sensitive of conditions that affect the female pelvic organs, as issues. Urogynecologists receive extensive training well as the muscles and connective tissue that support in the treatment of conditions that affect the female these organs. pelvic organs, as well as the muscles and connective Treatment for incontinence and prolapse – protrusion tissue that support these organs. of the bladder or vagina from your body – can be either Treatment for incontinence and prolapse – non-surgical or surgical. The first step in getting help protrusion of the bladder or vagina from your body is to see a physician who has experience treating these – can be either non-surgical or surgical. The first types of conditions and learn about what may be causstep in getting help is to see a physician who has ing your problem. Your doctor will ask questions about experience treating these types of conditions and your symptoms and medical history, conduct a physical

exam and discuss with you which tests are appropriate.

with you which tests are appropriate. Your physical Your physical examine may reveal signs of medical examine may reveal signs of medical conditions that conditions that can cause incontinence, like treatable can cause incontinence, like treatable blockages blockages from bowel or pelvic growths. Tests may from bowel or pelvic growths. Tests may include include an ultrasound, cystoscopy (using a tiny camera an ultrasound, cystoscopy (using a tiny camera to to see inside your urethra and bladder), a urinalysis, and see inside your urethra and bladder), a urinalysis, urodynamics to measure pressure in the bladder and the and urodynamics to measure pressure in the bladder flow of urine. and the flow of urine. Depending upon your diagnosis, the severity of your Depending upon your diagnosis, the severity symptoms and your overall health, your physician may of your symptoms and your overall health, your recommend conservative, non-surgical therapies as the physician may recommend conservative, non-surgical first approach to treat your pelvic floor disorder. These therapies as the first approach to treat your pelvic include medications, pelvic muscle exercise, lifestyle and floor disorder. These include medications, pelvic dietary modifications, use of a vaginal support device muscle exercise, lifestyle and dietary modifications, called a pessary, and biofeedback. use of a vaginal support device called a pessary, If your condition doesn’t improve, your doctor and biofeedback. may suggest surgery. Many of the available surgical If your condition doesn’t improve, your doctor procedures for incontinence and prolapse are minimally may suggest surgery. Many of the available surgical invasive, including some robotic-assisted surgeries that procedures for incontinence and prolapse are may offer a more effective treatment option. Using tiny, minimally invasive, including some robotic-assisted 1-2 cm incisions, your surgeon can operate with greater surgeries that may offer a more effective treatment precision and control, so your recovery is faster and less option. Using tiny, 1-2 cm incisions, your surgeon painful, with a better clinical outcome. can operate with greater precision and control, so Some common urogynecologic surgeries and proceyour recovery is faster and less painful, with a better dures include: clinical outcome. • Suburethral slings – small mesh slings placed Some common urogynecologic surgeries and under the urethra to help prevent urinary leaks procedures include: • Sacrocolpopexy – a robotic-assisted procedure • Suburethral slings – small mesh slings placed to surgically correct vaginal vault prolapse where mesh under the urethra to help prevent urinary leaks holds the vagina in the correct anatomical position • Sacrocolpopexy – a robotic-assisted procedure • Periurethral and transurethral bulking – injections to surgically correct vaginal vault prolapse where for treatment of stress urinary incontinence mesh holds the vagina in the correct anatomical • Interstim neuromodulation – a technique that learn about what may be causing your problem. Your position doctor will ask questions about your symptoms and • Periurethral and transurethral bulking – medical history, conduct a physical exam and discuss injections for treatment of stress urinary incontinence


electrically stimulates the nerves that influence the • Interstim neuromodulation – a technique that bladder, used to treat urge incontinence and bladder electrically stimulates the nerves that influence the frequency and urgency bladder, used to treat urge incontinence and bladder • Vaginal reconstruction for prolapse, with or withfrequency and urgency out mesh implantation • Vaginal reconstruction for prolapse, with or • Botox therapy – injections to help block the without mesh implantation unwanted contractions of an overactive bladder, while • Botox therapy – injections to help block the leaving surrounding muscles able to function properly unwanted contractions of an overactive bladder, These are just some of the procedures your doctor while leaving surrounding muscles able to function may consider to treat your incontinence or prolapse. Of properly course, your physician’s recommendations will depend These are just some of the procedures your doctor on your diagnosis. may consider to treat your incontinence or prolapse. So, rest assured, if you’re one of the millions of Of course, your physician’s recommendations will women faced with the embarrassment and discomfort of depend on your diagnosis. incontinence or prolapse, there are solutions. SchedSo, rest assured, if you’re one of the millions ule an appointment to see your gynecologist today of women faced with the embarrassment and to discuss your situation and your options. If you discomfort of incontinence or prolapse, there are don’t have a gynecologist, get to know Dr. solutions. Schedule an appointment to see your Stephanie Gordon of The Women’s Center in gynecologist today to discuss your situation and your Conyers. At the Women’s Center, Dr. Gordon options. If you don’t have a gynecologist, and her all-female staff are uniquely trained get to know Dr. Stephanie Gordon of to help you. They understand the sensitive The Women’s Center in Conyers. At the and difficult nature of the many different Women’s Center, Dr. Gordon and her allproblems that a woman can face during her female staff are uniquely trained to help life. Whatever problem you are experiencyou. They understand the sensitive and ing, Dr. Gordon and her staff will listen comdifficult nature of the many different passionately and work together to create a problems that a woman can face during solution that’s perfect for you. 

her life. Whatever problem you are experiencing, Dr. Gordon and her staff will listen compassionately and work together to create a solution that’s perfect for you. u





general health


About 5.7 million people in the United States have heart failure. The number of people who have this condition is growing. Heart failure is more common in: F People who are age 65 or older. Aging can weaken the heart muscle. Older people also may have had diseases for many years that led to heart failure. Heart failure is a leading cause of hospital stays among people on Medicare. F Blacks are more likely to have heart failure than people of other races. They’re also more likely to have symptoms at a younger age, have more hospital visits due to heart failure, and die from heart failure. F People who are overweight. Excess weight puts strain on the heart. Being overweight also increases your risk of heart disease and

type 2 diabetes. These diseases can lead to heart failure. F People who have had a heart attack. Damage to the heart muscle from a heart attack and can weaken the heart muscle. Children who have congenital heart defects also can develop heart failure. These defects occur if the heart, heart valves, or blood vessels near the heart don’t form correctly while a baby is in the womb. Congenital heart defects can make the heart work harder. This weakens the heart muscle, which can lead to heart failure. Children don’t have the same symptoms of heart failure or get the same treatments as adults. This Health Topic focuses on heart failure in adults.

You can take steps to prevent heart failure. The sooner you start, the better your chances of preventing or delaying the condition. For People Who Have Healthy Hearts If you have a healthy heart, you can take action to prevent heart disease and heart failure. To reduce your risk of heart disease: 3 o Avoid using illegal drugs. 3 o Be physically active. The more active you are, the more you will benefit. 3 o Follow a heart-healthy eating plan. 3 o If you smoke, make an effort to quit. Talk with your doctor about programs and products that can help you quit smoking. Also, try to avoid secondhand smoke. 3 o Maintain a healthy weight. Work with your health care team to create a reasonable weight-loss plan. For People Who Are at High Risk for Heart Failure Even if you’re at high risk for heart failure, you can take steps to reduce your risk. People at high risk include those who have coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. 3 o Follow all of the steps listed above. Talk with your doctor about what types and amounts of physical activity are safe for you. 3 o Treat and control any conditions that can cause heart failure. Take medicines as your doctor prescribes. 3 o Avoid drinking alcohol. If you or a family member may be at risk of heart failure, contact Atlanta Heart Associates for an evaluation today. They are located in Conyers at 1292 Well Brook Circle. Call 770-785-6317 for an appointment today. 38 HEALTHY IN ROCKDALE | WINTER 2016

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