Actinic keratosis: pre-cancerous lesion. The main assessment technique is INSPECTION, which will show as flesh colored, hard and sand paper like.
TX: cryotherapyoRisk factor: sun exposure, can progress to squamous cell carcinoma
oReferrer pt to dermatology to prevent progression
Fungal skin infection: assess rash and satellite lesions.
oDX: based on clinical presentation, most common is candida albicans
oTx: antifungal cream, pills, keep area as dry as possible. The fungus likes moisture and poor air circulation
oAt risk: opportunistic, pts who are immunocompromised, older and younger pts, diabetics, and antibiotic therapy.
oRefer patient if there’s no improvement
Common types of fungal infections:
oTinea vesicolor: flat to slightly elevated brown papules and plaques that scale when they are rubbed a