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DOWNLOAD SOLUTION CIS339 Entire Course includes:       

CIS 339 Week 1 Lab System Request CIS 339 Week 2 Lab Use Case Diagram and Use Case Description CIS 339 Week 3 Lab Class Diagram and CRC Cards CIS 339 Week 4 Lab Behavioral Model and Diagrams CIS 339 Week 5 Lab Package Diagram CIS 339 Week 6 Lab CRCs Contracts and Method Specifications CIS 339 Week 7 Lab Object-Oriented Programming Language

CIS 339 CIS339 CIS/339 ENTIRE COURSE HELP - DEVRY UNIVERSITY quantity Category: Assignments Help Experts Tags: CIS 339 CIS339 CIS/339 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - DeVry University, cis 339 week 1 ilab, CIS 339 Week 1 Lab System Request, cis 339 week 2 ilab, CIS 339 Week 2 Lab Use Case Diagram and Use Case Description, cis 339 week 3 ilab, CIS 339 Week 3 Lab Class Diagram and CRC Cards, cis 339 week 4 ilab, CIS 339 Week 4 Lab Behavioral Model and Diagrams, cis 339 week 5 ilab, CIS 339 Week 5 Lab Package Diagram, cis 339 week 6 ilab, CIS 339 Week 6 Lab CRCs Contracts and Method Specifications, cis 339 week 7 ilab, CIS 339 Week 7 Lab Object-Oriented Programming Language, CIS 339cis 339 




CIS 339 Entire Course CIS339 Entire Course includes:       

CIS 339 Week 1 Lab System Request CIS 339 Week 2 Lab Use Case Diagram and Use Case Description CIS 339 Week 3 Lab Class Diagram and CRC Cards CIS 339 Week 4 Lab Behavioral Model and Diagrams CIS 339 Week 5 Lab Package Diagram CIS 339 Week 6 Lab CRCs Contracts and Method Specifications CIS 339 Week 7 Lab Object-Oriented Programming Language


CIS 339 Week 7 Lab Object-Oriented Programming Language Your demonstrations of how to create both method contract and the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class were very well received by your team members. They then asked you for one final demonstration of how to implement the method specification using an object-oriented (OO) programming language and see the method actually execute. You realize that it is easy to implement the method specification in an OO programming language, but it is hard to test it because the rest of the application is not developed yet. You decided, therefore, to write two pieces of code:  

Code that implements the GetCourseByCourseID() method Code that implements a unit test for that method alone (outside of any other application code)

This way you can demonstrate the method implementation and also verify its correct behavior. You are under a deadline constraint for this deliverable, so you asked some of your peer architects for help. They each are well versed in different OO languages like VB.NET, C#, and Java and they all have done unit testing before so they are familiar of how to construct one.

Your peer architects provided you with partially-completed shells for your demonstration. Each shell contains:   

complete code for the Course class; partially completed code for CourseList class; and complete code for the CourseListTest class that unit tests the CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method.

Your task is now easy. Just select one of these shells and complete the code for the partially completed CourseList by coding it GetCourseByCourseID() method. When you compile and run the shell, it will automatically test your GetCourseByCourseID() code to ensure its correct behavior. Deliverables One Word file that contains the following:  

 

A copy of the code you wrote for the GetCourseByCourseID method() of the CourseList class in your favorite OO programming language A screen shot of the output of running the provided unit test in the shell (the CourseListTest class) showing that your code works as expected. Note that these unit tests only print out messages of testing problems. If your code is correct, the unit tests will succeed silently without any success messages. An explanation of your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed code A zip file of the completed shell after you added your code so that the shell could be executed on a different machine

iLAB STEPS STEP 1: Review the Method Contract, Method Specification for the GetCDByCDID() Method, and Coding & Unit Testing GetCDByCDID() Method using Java (not Graded)  

Download the Method Contract for GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to reviewing this week’s video tutorial. Download the Method Specification for the GetCDByCDID() Method and review it prior to reviewing this week’s video tutorial

STEP 2: Code & Unit Test the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class Decide on your OOP programming language that you will use for this lab and then download the corresponding shell from the following:   

Visual Basic Shell C# Shell Java Shell

Both the Visual Basic and C# shells are Visual Studio projects while the Java shell include only the *.java source files that could be loaded into any Java IDE. Code and unit test the CourseList.GetCourseByCourseID() method in your favorite programming language. You only need to add code for the GetCourseByCourseID() method and then run the application (the unit test will automatically test your code), then print out problem messages, if any Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution. STEP 3: Submit your assignment Copy and paste into a Word document:   

your code for the GetCourseByCourseID() method; a screen shot of running your unit test; and your explanation of your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your code.

Save your document with the file name CIS339_Lab7_YourName. Then, zip all the lab file into one zip file so that the entire project would run on a different machine. Save your zip file with the file name


CIS 339 Week 6 Lab CRCs Contracts and Method Specifications The design phase of the SRS project is in full swing and every developer on the team is assigned a group of packages to work on and to complete the design details of the classes in the package. To help speed up the design process, you—as the software architect of the project—were assigned the task of providing a sample method contract and a sample method specification to demonstrate to your team how these two documents are developed. You decided to use the CourseList and the Course classes for your demonstrations. The CourseList class maintains and populates the current list of courses that the end user is working with while registering for clases. You will demonstrate the contract and the specification of the GetCourseByCourseID() of the CourseList class. The GetCourseByCourseID() method searches the current list of courses for a course whose CourseID matches the ID supplied to the method. If a matched course is found, it is returned by

the GetCourseByCourseID() method; otherwise a null value is returned, indicating there are no matching courses. Deliverables  

Method contract of the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class Method specification of the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class

iLAB STEPS STEP 1: Create a Public Method Contract    

Download the CRC Cards for the CourseList and Course classes and review them to prepare for your deliverables this week. Download the Method Contract Template and use it for your deliverables this week. Create the method contract for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.

STEP 2: Create a Method Specification   

Download the Method Specification Template and use it for your deliverables this week. Create the method specification for the GetCourseByCourseID() method of the CourseList class. Explain your work and the decisions you made to arrive at your proposed solution.

STEP 3: Save and Upload 

Copy and paste all assignments (method contract and method specification) into one Word document. Save your document with the file name CIS339_Lab6_YourName.

Download Full Course Solution: PSY 215 PSY215 PSY/215 Module Two Milestone. Shaina Dado.docx According to the findings of the Pew Research study, there are several potential costs and benefits that result from frequent exposure to social media. o Describe one psychological benefit of frequent social media use. Social media usage can have several effects on us whether it be bad or beneficial. We use social media as a way to connect with others. Living alone after moving to a new place can be overwhelming and can make you feel lonely. Being able to connect with your loved ones, old colleagues and family through social media can help you remember that you aren’t alone. Seeing how others are doing through their posted photos or even through what they post can make you feel like you aren’t missing out on much.

o Describe one psychological cost of frequent social media use. As there are positives to social media use, there are some costs that come with it. The frequent need for attention can become a cost when it comes to social media. Download Full Course Solution: CYBR-260: SECURITY SCRIPTING WITH PYTHONENTIRE COURSE HELP-CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE CYBR-260 Assignment Week 1: Discussion – Final Project Ideas Assignment, CYBR-260 Week 1: Assignment – Project Proposal Assignment, CYBR-260 Week 1: Programming Assignment Assignment, CYBR-260 Week 2: Discussion – Program Design Assignment, CYBR-260 Week 2: Programming Assignment Assignment, CYBR-260 Week 3: Discussion – Data and Manipulations Assignment, CYBR-260 Week 3: Assignment – Design Documentation Next Stage Assignment

Download Full Course Solution: MGMT566_01FA20AssignmentsM1: Discussion – Interview You are going to conduct a Mock Negotiation Exercise with your team partner using the Canvas conference next week. For this week, I want you to test on using Canvas Conference. In order to access your group conference, please follow the instructions below to test with your team partner by recording a short video (around one minute to introduce yourself with your team partner). Communicate with your team partner to schedule a time to start the testing. 1. Go to your group by clicking on the “People” tab on the left navigation. 2. Click on the “Groups“ 3. Find your group by clicking on “Visit“. Download Full Course Solution: [Solved] ENGL-315-40A: Writing in the Workplace – Fall 2016 (2016F7A)

Week 1 Sharing: Effective email Hello all, The goal for this activity is the sharing of information our class already possesses about the effective writing of email. To share this information, you should write and post one of the three options described below:

 

A concrete example of an email you’ve received, with your commentary on its effectiveness, based on your experience (Please copy in the sample email, but do remove identifying names and organizations.) A technological tip for revising and editing email, with the reasons you find it helpful (Using was a recent suggestion.) A website that can help us write more effective email, with your reasons for choosing to share it with us

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