DOWNLOAD SOLUTION CISS 242 B Programming II Course Description This course introduces more advanced steps to program design and is a continuation of CISS 241. A disciplined approach to problem solving and algorithm development will be stressed using top down design. Topics include strings, pointers, recursion, classes, and methods, and operator overloading. Course Overview This class is the second in a three course sequence, a continuation of CISS 241, introducing computer programming using the C++ language. This class uses the C++ programming language, but the principles learned and skills obtained are applicable to programming in any language. In fact, one of the objectives of this course is to instill the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills to programming in any domain, with any language. CISS 242 CISS242 CISS/242 ENTIRE COURSE HELP - COLUMBIA COLLEGE quantity Category: Assignments Help Experts Tags: CISS 242 CISS242 CISS/242 Programming II Columbia College, CISS 242 Week 1 Searching and Sorting Arrays, CISS 242 Week 2 Pointers, CISS 242 Week 3 Characters Strings and the String Class, CISS 242 Week 4 Structured Data, CISS 242 Week 5 Advanced File Operations, CISS 242 Week 6 Introduction to Classes, CISS 242 Week 7 Classes, ciss242 week 1, ciss242 week 2, ciss242 week 3, ciss242 week 4, ciss242 week 5, ciss242 week 6, ciss242 week 7, CISS242ciss242 programming assignment 1, CISS242ciss242 programming assignment 2, CISS242ciss242 programming assignment 3, CISS242ciss242 programming assignment 4, CISS242ciss242 programming assignment 5, CISS242ciss242 programming assignment 6, CISS242ciss242 programming assignment 7
CISS 242 CISS242 CISS/242 ENTIRE COURSE HELP – COLUMBIA COLLEGE CISS 242 B Programming II Course Description This course introduces more advanced steps to program design and is a continuation of CISS 241. A disciplined approach to problem solving and algorithm development will be stressed using top down design. Topics include strings, pointers, recursion, classes, and methods, and operator overloading. Course Overview This class is the second in a three course sequence, a continuation of CISS 241, introducing computer programming using the C++ language. This class uses the C++ programming language, but the principles learned and skills obtained are applicable to programming in any language. In fact, one of the objectives of this course is to instill the ability to transfer your knowledge and skills to programming in any domain, with any language.
CISS 242 Week 7 Classes Assignment 1 Payroll. Write a class name Payroll, with the class declaration in a file called Payroll.h and the implementation in a file called Payroll.cpp. The class will have data members for an employee’s hourly pay rate, number of hours worked and calculate the total pay for the week. All of the data members will be doubles. The class only needs one constructor which can be a default constructor that sets all data members to zero. Then add the mutators and accessor for the class. The program will have an array of 7 Payroll objects. The program will prompt the user for number of hours each employee has worked and will then display the amount of gross pay each has earned. Before asking the user for the hours, the program
should set the pay rate for each employee without user input. Validation: Do not accept values greater than 60 for the number of hours worked. Assignment 2 Cash Register. This program will use two classes; one of the classes is provided in the assignment description for week 7 in the course site. Write a class name CashRegister, with the class declaration in a file called CashRegister.h and the implementation in a file called CashRegister.cpp. This class will interact with the InventoryItem class that has been provided. The program should display a list of items that are available to purchase. The program will ask the user for the item and quantity being purchased. It will then get the cost of the item from the InventoryItem object. It will add 30% profit to the cost of the item to get the item’s unit price. It will then multiply the unit price times the quantity being purchased to get the purchase subtotal. The program will then compute a 6% sales tax on the subtotal to get the purchase total. It should then display the purchase subtotal, tax and total on the screen. The program will then subtract the quantity being purchased from the onHand variable of the InventoryItem class object. InventoryItem will need to be modified to handle this. Validation: Do not accept a negative value for the quantity of items being purchased.
CISS 242 Week 6 Introduction to Classes Assignment 1 Employee Class. Write a class named Employee, with the class declaration in a file called Employee.h and the implementation in a file called Employee.cpp. The class should have the following data members:
name – A string that holds the employee’s name idNumber – An int variable that holds the employee’s ID number department – a string that holds the name of the department where the employee works position – A string that holds the employee’s job status
The class must have the following constructors:
A constructor that accepts the following values as arguments and assigns them to the appropriate member variables: employee’s name, employee’s ID number, department and position. A constructor that accepts the following values as arguments and assigns them to the appropriate member variable: employee’s name, employee’s ID number. The department and position fields should be assigned an empty string (“ “). A default constructor that assigns empty string (“”) to the name, department and position member variables and 0 to the idNumber member variable.
Write the appropriate mutator functions that store values in these member variables and accessor functions that return the values in these member variables. Once you have written the class, write a separate program that creates 3 instances of the Employee class. Each instance of the class should use a different constructor than the other 2 objects (so all three constructors must be used). Main should use a function called displayEmployee that has one parameter which is a pointer to a constant Employee object. Main will call the function 3 times to display the information for each of the 3 instances of the Employee class. void displayEmployee(Employee* const e); The output of the program must be in the form of a table. Assignment 2 Circle Class. Write a class name Circle, with the class declaration in a file called Circle.h and the implementation in a file called Circle.cpp. The class will have two data members, a double that holds the radius of the circle and a double called pi which will be set to the value, 3.14159 (data member cannot be set in the class declaration, pi should not be set via a parameter but set in the constructor). The class must provide the following member functions
Default Constructor – that sets the radius to 0.0 Constructor – that accepts the radius of the circle as an argument setRadius – a mutator function for the radius variable getRadius – an accessor function for the radius variable getArea – calculates and returns (as double) the area of the circle using the formula
Download Full Course Solution: CFDI-320 Week 3 Assignment – Another Day on the Job You are a digital forensic examiner working at a firm and your next job is to conduct a digital forensic analysis on a forensic image created of a disk drive. You will need to use the department report titled Week 3 – Assignment Report.docx download to conduct an examination on the forensic image week3assignment1.e01 located in our class directory CFDI-320 on the S:\ drive.
Download Full Course Solution: PSY 215 PSY215 PSY/215 Module Two Milestone. Shaina Dado.docx According to the findings of the Pew Research study, there are several potential costs and benefits that result from frequent exposure to social media. oDescribe one psychological benefitof frequent social media use. Social media usage can have several effects on us whether it be bad or beneficial. We use social media as a way to connect with others. Living alone after moving to a new place can be overwhelming and can make you feel lonely. Being able to connect with your loved ones, old colleagues and family through social media can help you rememberthat you aren’t alone. Seeing how others are doing through their posted photos or even through what they post can make you feel like you aren’t missing out on much.
oDescribe one psychological costof frequent social media use. As there are positives to social media use, there are some costs that come with it. The frequent need for attention can become a cost when it comes to social media. Download Full Course Solution: UNLOCK THE SOLUTION AT 14.95 ONLY UNLOCK THE SOLUTION AND DOWNLOAD THE SOLUTION NOW YOU CAN ALSO GET PLAGAIRISM FREE PAPER BY OUR EXPERTS THROUGH ORDER NOW PAGE Download Full Course Solution: CFDI-320-45 Week 3: Assignment – Another Day on the Job You are a digital forensic examiner working at a firm and your next job is to conduct a digital forensic analysis on a forensic image created of a disk drive. You will need to use the department report titled Week 3 – Assignment Report.docx downloadto conduct an examination on the forensic image week3assignment1.e01 located in our class directory CFDI-320 on the S:\ drive