CMIS 102 CMIS102 CMIS/102 Assignment 1 Salesman Weekly Pay – University of Maryland Global Campus

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CMIS 102 CMIS102 CMIS/102 Assignment 1 Salesman Weekly Pay – University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC)

DOWNLOAD SOLUTION The first assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the weekly pay for a salesman. Your program should prompt the user for the number of hours worked for that week and the weekly sales. Your program should compute the total pay as the sum of the pay based on the number of hours worked times the hourly rate plus the commission. You should chose a value for the hourly pay. The commission should be computed as a percentage of the weekly sales. You should choose a value for the percentage. Your program should output the pay based on the hours worked, the commission and the total pay for the week. Your program should include the pseudocode used for your design in the comments. Category: Assignments Help Experts Tags: CMIS 102 Assignment 1 Salesman Weekly Pay, cmis 102 assignment 2, CMIS 102 Assignment 2 Compute Theater Ticket Price, CMIS 102 Assignment 3 Compute Cost of Carpeting a Room, CMIS 102 Assignment 4 Compute Average quiz Grade, CMIS 102 Assignment 5 Secure Password, CMIS 102 Assignment 6 Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, CMIS 102 CMIS102 CMIS/102 Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design - University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC), CMIS 102 Final Project Body Mass Index, cmis 102 week 2, cmis 102 week 2 lab, CMIS 102cmis 102, python 



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