Thursday, april
, 2010
School Officials Rally Against Budget Cuts Hundreds of people turned out for a public hearing on the county budget Tuesday night, with most of the group rallying behind schools Superintendent Michael Martirano. PAGE 4
Joint Strike Fighter Program May Grow As many as 100 more employees may be added to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. PAGE 9
Local Teacher Traveling to Study Climate Change Spring Ridge STEM teacher Tamarah Dishman is part of a Northrop Grummansponsored group heading to remote places in the world for climate studies. PAGE 14
Hundreds Attend Caregivers Conference Senior depression, health care legislation changes and long-term care financing were among the topics of this year’s Southern Maryland Caregivers Conference. PAGE 18
Photo By Frank Marquart
Law Changes May Help Cliffside Homeowners During legislative session in Annapolis, a law tweak may help homes in danger of falling off eroding cliff into Chesapeake Bay. PAGE 21