2011-03-31 Southern Calvert Gazette

Page 1

March, 2011



Southern Calvert Everything Solomons, Lusby, Dowell, and St. Leonard

100’s Turn Out to Help Fill ‘Empty Bowls’ Story Page 10

Nuclear Officials Tout Plant Safety Story Page 3

Photo by Victor Marquart

Gourd Orchestra Coming for Earth Day Story Page 7

Local Teacher Gets Nod From Obama Story Page 14

On T he Cover

Austin Clark, of Owings, takes time deciding which hand-made bowl he will choose during the 11th Annual Empty Bowl Supper for Project ECHO held at St. John Vianney’s Family Life Center.


Also Inside

Local News

5 Business 6 Community 8 Letters 9 Sports 10


Jason Linett uses the power of suggestion to get his on-stage participants to do hilarious things. Linett and his show are returning to Calvert County this weekend.

Cover Story

11 Locals 12 Obituaries

During a meeting at the Charlotte Hall Veterans’ Home on Monday, Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) talked about progress on veterans’ issues.

14 Education 16

On Water


Out & About

out & about

18 History 19 Entertainment

local news

Anissa Swanzy, left, and Kelly Downs are co-owners of SKD Studios in Lusby Commons, and now also in Dunkirk.

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or e-mail us at info@countytimes.net Thursday, March-2011


April 1-3 2011 Island s n o Solom eport Tide R


High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time /Low Time Feet Sunset Visibl

F 1 1 1 1

High Low High Low

1:27 AM 1.3 6:51 AM Rise 5:35 AM 8:03 AM 0.1 7:29 PM Set 6:00 PM 1:59 PM 1.2 7:59 PM 0.2


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2:09 AM 1.4 6:50 AM Rise 6:00 AM 8:46 AM 0.1 7:30 PM Set 6:56 PM 2:33 PM 1.1 8:26 PM 0.1


Su 3 3 3 3

High Low High Low

2:47 AM 1.5 6:48 AM Rise 6:26 AM 9:28 AM 0.1 7:31 PM Set 7:54 PM 3:06 PM 1.1 8:52 PM 0.1


April 8-10 2011 Day

High Tide Height Sunrise Moon Time /Low Time Feet Sunset Visibl

% Moon

% Moon

F 8 High 5:48 AM 1.6 6:40 AM Rise 9:27 AM 8 Low 1:02 PM 0.2 7:35 PM 8 High 6:22 PM 1.0 8 Low 11:52 PM 0.2


Sa 9 High 6:34 AM 1.5 6:39 AM Set 12:40 AM 9 Low 1:51 PM 0.3 7:36 PM Rise 10:21 AM 9 High 7:12 PM 1.0


Su 10 Low 12:47 AM 0.2 6:38 AM Set 1:29 AM 10 High 7:27 AM 1.5 7:37 PM Rise 11:21 AM 10 Low 2:42 PM 0.3 10 High 8:06 PM 1.1


K9, SWAT End Cove Point West Manhunt Residents of Cove Point West, in Lusby, who happened to be outside near 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 20, witnessed Calvert County Sheriff’s Office deputies in a manhunt for an armed robber. The activity centered around one particular house. According to residents on the street, that particular homeowner was out of town and not aware of the incident until their neighbors called them. The Cove Point West neighborhood has one road, which had as many as six law enforcement vehicles parked along the street while officers and K9 units searched for a black male wearing a black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. Sheriff Mike Evans said the office used the “Reverse 911” feature to alert residents in the area about the hunt. One resident received the call at 6:59 p.m. stating, “This

message a message from the Calvert County Sheriff’s office. Residents in the area of Comanche Road and Gun Smoke Trail (on the back side of Cove Point West) in Lusby should be aware of that law enforcement is looking for a black male … The subject is armed with a gun”. The Southern Calvert Gazette expected to receive specific details about the robbery and suspect via a press release, which had not arrived by press time. One officer, who was aware of the situation, said the Sheriff’s K-9s tracked the suspect to the attic of a residence. Protocol requires the K-9 officer to call in SWAT to extract suspects from enclosed spaces. SWAT was able to confirm the suspect in the attic with use of a camera. Shortly after 8:30 p.m. residents received a second call


stating the suspect had been caught without incident. Earlier that day a liquor store in Solomons was robbed. A K-9 unit tracked the suspect down Newtown Road, behind the Solomons Food Lion to the parking lot of Rita’s where the dog lost the scent. At press time, no further information was available about this situation. From staff reports.


Constellation Officials Tout Reactor Safety Officials with the Constellations Energy Group (CENG) and Calvert County emergency management said last week that, Calvert Cliffs, the only nuclear reactor facility in Maryland, is sturdy enough to resist natural calamities like the kind that hit reactors in Fukushima, Japan. Also Constellation and county officials drill regularly to hone their emergency response skills in the event of a reactor accident, they said during a presentation Friday. In the aftermath of a massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan, questions have swirled about the effectiveness of nuclear emergency response protocols here as some lawmakers have become more vocal about holding off on building any new nuclear reactors, of which the proposed third reactor at Calvert Cliffs is one. George Gellrich, vice president for CENG at the reactor site, said Friday that the facility is built on a 45-foot hill above sea level, making it resistant to tsunami waves and that the fuel for backup generators used to keep the flow of cooling water to reactors is housed in a concrete bunker designed to handle tornado force winds as well as flying debris that such a storm could bring. “It’s a very robust design,” Gellrich said. “We know what’s important and we stay on top of it.” Bobby Fenwick, emergency management director for Calvert County, said that there were more than 92,000 doses of potassium iodide available for Calvert residents in the 10-mile emergency radiation fallout zone that surrounds the reactor. About 30,000 doses have already been distributed and there are still 62,000 available. Fenwick said that the county’s emergency operations center would keep in constant contact with its Constellation counterpart on Skipjack Road in Prince Frederick in case of a reactor accident or emergency. Of the four levels of emergencies for the facility, the third, a site area emergency activates the two emergency response centers, and also alerts schools and parks within the 10-mile zone to possibly close down. At this level of emergency, radiation release from the nuclear reactors is possible. At the fourth and highest level of emergency, a general emergency, the redundant safety features at the facilMatt Laidley ity have failed and a radiation release Gary Simpson is a real possibility. Katie Facchina Officials could then open up 7800 Crain Highway La Plata, MD 20646 evacuation routes as well as advise 301-934-8437 sheltering animals and taking potassium iodine pills. The reactor plant has only ever had one alert in its history, said Rick

Woods, senior emergency preparedness analyst for CENG, when all outside power sources to the plant failed. This is a reactor emergency of the second kind, Woods said, and backup generators at the plant activated to forestall the emergency while main power was later restored; the situation did not call for the emergency centers to activate. “Everything worked as designed,” Woods said. “But that’s not a situation we want to be in.” Reports have surfaced of a Calvert Cliffs plant manager warning of lax safety standards at the plant, specifically roof leaks, which were linked to a February 2010 shutdown of the reactors after back up power generators failed. Thomas Trepanier, general manager at the plant, noted in an internal presentation to the company that staff at the plant had become complacent. “The station had developed a reactive culture rather than a preventive strategy on dealing with roof leaks, thereby eliminating an increased sensitivity to and tolerating degraded roof conditions,” Trepanier stated in his presentation, though he praised plant personnel with ensuring last year’s failure

did not get worse. “Good human performance, fundamental behaviors and training prevented the situation from deteriorating,” Trepanier stated in the presentation. By Guy Leonard (CT) info@ somdpublishing.net

Bobby Fenwick, emergency management director for Calvert County, talks with members of the media about the county’s emergency response plans in the event of a radiation release from Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. Behind Fenwick is an electronic display of a 10-mile radius for predicted fallout around the plant.

Thursday, March-2011


LOCAL NEWS Shoreline Preservation Meeting Calvert County residents with property on the Chesapeake Bay are invited to a community meeting on shoreline erosion control on Saturday, April 2, at 10 a.m. at Crossroad Christian Church, Route 4 & Ball Rd., Saint Leonard. Planned by an ad hoc group of interested county residents, the meeting will explore your rights and possible remedial action you can take to save your home. Hear what actions have been taken by government officials in the past year since Del. Tony O’Donnell hosted a town hall meeting on erosion control. Learn more about applying for a permit to control erosion. Find out what constitutes a “taking” of your property, which reduces its market value. Hear what DC attorneys with Saltman & Stevens, PC, think can be done to help Chesapeake Bay homeowners in Calvert County. For additional information or questions, contact protectourcliffproperty@gmail.com

Veteran’s Forum


Photo by Guy Leonard During a meeting at the Charlotte Hall Veterans’ Home on Monday, Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) talked about progress on veterans’ issues and ongoing opportunities for further collaboration to support troops returning home from service.

Thursday, March-2011

Patuxent River Cleaning to Start The annual Myrtle Point Park cleanup is getting ready to start. On Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon the public is welcome to join the Friends of Myrtle Point Park in their annual cleanup effort. To get involved, come to the park picnic area where we will have a sign in sheet. Here people will get their assignments, trash bags and work gloves. It is advisable to wear sturdy work clothes and sturdy shoes and volunteer registration is required. The cleanup efforts have been once per year, in the spring, but they’re planning to do another cleanup in the fall, Bob Boxwell the Executive Director of Cove Point Natural Heritage Trust, said. Boxwell said the Patuxent River Cleanup is one of several across the state for both the Patuxent and the Potomac Rivers. He said the efforts at Myrtle Point Park have been

going on for a few years, but last year there was an “incredible increase” in the amount of trash at the site that coincided with the increase of traffic through the park. “We find an unusual assortment of junk out there,” Boxwell said. There is also a large assortment of people who show up to the Myrtle Point cleanup. Families, college students and even a local Cub Scout troop come to help get the garbage out of the park, Boxwell said. “It’s a good way to spend your morning, weather permitting,” Boxwell said. He said the cleanup is a good way to introduce people to Myrtle Point Park and get them to care about the park and its wellbeing. Here are also plans to have attendants at the park on weekends and a larger staff overall. “This is a fulltime park with part time employees,” Boxwell said. “It doesn’t work.” By Sarah Miller (CT) info@


CSM Joins Campus Compact for Student Veterans The College of Southern Maryland has joined community colleges and public four-year institutions in signing the Maryland Campus Compact for Student Veterans. The compact aims to improve on-campus services for veteran students. Participating institutions pledge to designate an office or staff person as a ‘goto’ for all student veterans to help them navigate everything from GI Bill paperwork to behavioral health counseling. “Our student body has one of the highest percentages of veterans in the state,” CSM President Dr. Brad Gottfried, said in a press release. “We value their service and work closely with them to ensure that they are getting the service they need to be successful.” In Annapolis, CSM President Dr. Brad Gottfried, left, signs the Maryland Campus Compact Student Veterans. With more than 600 students receiving veteran certification since the At the beginning of the for beginning of the 2010-11 academic year, CSM has one of the highest percentage of veterspring 2011 semester, CSM pro- ans in Maryland. The college has had a veteran’s affairs coordinator since 2008. vided veteran certification for 456 “Veterans bring a unique maturity and life experience students, according to CSM Veterans Affairs Coordina- to the classroom--an experience that in most cases entor Christine Deen. For the 2010-11 academic year to date hances classroom discussions and benefits every student’s more than 600 students have received veteran certification learning,” said Brown in his opening remarks. “We have status at CSM. an obligation to serve those who served and we must do Among those students is Madison Gardner of Holly- more to ease student veterans’ transitions from combat to wood who served in the U.S. Navy. campus.” Gardner enrolled at CSM in September 2009, using The Compact calls on Maryland’s higher education her GI benefits to pay for tuition. After four years of ser- community to do more for the men and women who have vice in the Navy, Gardner decided to transition out of the served in the U.S. Armed Forces and seeks to ensure the military to pursue an early childhood education degree. “I educational success of veterans who choose to return to a wouldn’t be a student right now,” Gardner said, without Maryland school. CSM’s student support services team that assisted her in The Compact also requires campus officials to proobtaining Post-911 GI benefits certification, enrolling at vide training for faculty, staff and student leadership to CSM and registering for classes. “Through CSM’s Online promote greater awareness of veteran issues; and it encourServices, I was able track each step in the process. It was ages campuses to create student veteran organizations to a huge help.” provide incoming veteran students with necessary support Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown, a colonel in the U.S. from their peers who are also transitioning back into our Army Reserves and the nation’s highest-ranking elected communities. official to serve a tour of duty in Iraq, convened a signing More than 22,000 Iraq-Afghanistan veterans and ceremony in Annapolis to bring together veteran advocates more than 15,000 Maryland veterans received GI Bill eduand higher education leaders including CSM’s President, cation benefits during the fall 2010 semester. to forge the important partnerships that will ease student For information on CSM services available to student veterans’ transition to campus life. veterans, visit http://www.csmd.edu/Current/Veterans.

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SKD Expands; Now in Lusby and Dunkirk

“We know who we are, what we do, and we not only do it well, we enjoy every minute of it,” says Swanzy. “We have been doing this for so long, we have relationships with some of the best reps in the business giving us access to amazing products from all over the world. It is nothing for us to call one of our tile reps and say ‘we need the perfect glass tile that is turquoise, with a touch of amber and it needs to sparkle like diamonds.’ We expect the best from ourselves as well as those that we work closely with.” In this economic downPhoto by Sean Rice turn, with the housing market Anissa Swanzy, left, and Kelly Downs are co-owners of SKD Studios in Lusby Commons, and now decline, it could be also in Dunkirk. that the home you “You don’t have to go to Annapolis or Washington DC any more for great design services,” says Anissa love is undervalued. While you’re staying Swanzy of SKD Studios. “We’re no longer Southern put, your kitchen and master bath are outdated, and you need a change. Or, it could Maryland’s best kept secret, either!” In fact, it now works the other way around. Their be that you’re a new homeowner, just havclients are now coming out here for help in creating ing purchased a home in the area, perhaps on a river or creek, for a great price in this beautiful spaces in DC and Annapolis. Swanzy, Kelly Downs and their creative, talented market. The only drawback to the deal is team of assistants now has a Northern Calvert office the dated kitchen and bathrooms. “That’s where we can help tremenin Dunkirk. Their Southern Calvert Studio houses dously,” Swanzy adds. SKD Studios will an extensive showroom in the new Lusby Commons come out for a complimentary consultation Shopping Center. Their firm offers world class design, as well as of your kitchen and/or bathroom spaces guidance and support for area homeowners desiring to include design suggestions and a home a renovation of their kitchens, bathrooms or any other measure. “If you are wondering if you can afford space in their home. to call us, think of it this way, can you afThese days, you go into a flooring store and they are selling cabinets in the back, or you go into a cabi- ford not to? The amount you spend depends net store and they have flooring samples all over the greatly on the desired result, and at SKD Studios we offer you a product you will place. That’s not the case with SKD Designs. love, on a budget you can afford, in a time

frame you can expect,” she says. “In just one meeting, you can clarify what you want and we can determine how it can be done within your budget. We are going to spend a lot of time together, so we have to trust one another and really just like each other.” She adds, “Our team approach has proven to be successful with each and every job. We bounce ideas off each other and feed off each others’ creativity. We know that together we will create a space that any one of us would love to live in . and we have a lot of fun while doing it.” Look for this dynamic team to be featured on HGTV’s Designers Profile and don’t hesitate to call them for your complimentary in home consultation. For more information call 443-404-5686 or visit www. skdstudios.com. By Diane Burr (CC) editor@chesapeak-


State Wants to Buy Back Crab Licenses Despite the rising levels in the crab populations in Maryland waters, officials with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) want to buy back as many commercial crab licenses that they can to further protect the species. The licenses DNR wants to buy back are the unlimited tidal fish and crab harvester variety and will use some of the $15 million in federal blue crab disaster funds from 2008 to do that. “We have all worked hard, sacrificed and invested money to nurse the ailing blue crab population back to health,” stated DNR Secretary John Griffin in a press release. “By offering to buy unused licenses, we are ensuring the number of watermen is not growing disproportionately to the blue crab population.” The buy-back program is voluntary, according to DNR officials, and has already brought back in nearly 700 limited crab catcher licenses. “At the moment, there are about 650 inactive watermen who hold [unlimited crab licenses], which presents a significant fisheries management challenge,” said DNR Fisheries Director Tom O’Connell.

“It becomes very difficult to manage the season. of a buffer [to keep enough crabs in the crab fishery to our annual target harvest “We wouldn’t have to have as much fishery] for safety,” Fegely said. By Guy Leonard (CT) info@somdpublishing.net level if even a fraction of these unused licenses choose to re-enter the fishery.” DNR will offer between $4,000 and $12,000 depending on the type of license and number of crab pots registered to the user; DNR states that they do not anticipate any action that would affect anyone with a license who did not take part in the buy-back program, LocaL Wines avaiLabLe • Large seLection of beer the release stated. DNR is currently working SaM adaMS FLyinG doG MGd 30PK on finishing the winter dredge 12 PK BottLeS 12 PK CanS survey, which indicates the crab population in the Chesapeake Bay and its surrounding watershed, but officials say they have no preliminary findings of the current survey efforts. Lynn Fegely, assistant director of DNR fisheries, said that trimming the number of licenses could actually result in higher Mon – Thurs: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. • Fri & Sat: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m. • Sun: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. catch limits for those watermen still harvesting this coming


Wine & SpiritS






Located in Lusby Commons Shopping Center

Thursday, March-2011


Community Annual Senior Arts Competition Underway Third Annual Calvert County Green Expo

Visitors are invited to join in a celebration of the environment, healthy living, community and social consciousness at the third annual Calvert County Green Expo on Saturday, April 9, 2011, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the College of Southern Maryland Prince Frederick Campus. The Green Expo is the place to learn about the latest in energy efficiency and sustainable living. The familyfriendly event will feature product displays and a host of exhibits on a wide variety of green issues. Visitors will find eco-friendly products and a wealth of ideas on how to apply green principles as a part of everyday living, a press release states. The event is organized by the Calvert County Citizens Green Team, an active and enthusiastic group of county residents working to promote green initiatives. More than 40 vendors are already signed on for the event. Locally sourced food will be available and door prize drawings will take place throughout the day. Admission is free and open to all ages. Exhibit space for vendors is still available for a registration fee of $60, or $20 for 501(C)(3) non-profit organizations. A table (two feet by six feet) and two chairs will be provided if needed. The Calvert County Green Expo is sponsored by Dominion, Bayside Toyota, Continental Services and Constellation Energy in partnership with the College of Southern Maryland and the Maryland Forestry Boards Foundation.

Saturday, April 9, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. College of Southern Maryland Prince Frederick Campus Join us for this third annual, FREE, family-friendly event. Learn how to: • Lower energy bills and reduce water usage • Find green products and services • Help reduce waste through easy recycling and composting • Identify tax incentives and rebates for weatherization, HVAC upgrades and solar/wind/geothermal installations • And much, much more!

www.calvertgreenexpo.org Sponsored by

Constellation Energy In partnership with CSM and the Maryland Forestry Boards Foundation


Thursday, March-2011

All Calvert County artists age 50 and older are encouraged to submit artworks for the annual Senior Arts Competition, a juried competition and exhibit organized by the Calvert County Office on Aging. Artwork submissions are due by 4:30 p.m., Friday, April 1. Seniors will compete across 53 overall categories in seven divisions: Fiber Arts, Two Dimensional, Paper Art, Hand Crafts, Three Dimensional, Ceramics and Just For Show. Ribbons will be award for first, second and third places in each category. The top three winners will be invited to showcase their works at the CalvART Gallery in Prince Frederick. Winners in the “Best in Division” category will receive $100 from the senior center councils and an opportunity to showcase their works at the CalvART Gallery. A “Best in Show” winner will receive a $500 check from the Arts Council of Calvert County and will also be invited to showcase their works. An Instructor’s Wall (Just for Show category) will display artworks not in competition. A “Volunteer Appreciation Party” hosted by Artwork must have been Patuxent Habitat for Humanity was held on Saturday, completed between April 2010 March 5, at Middleham St. Peter’s Parish in Lusby to and March 2011. Two-dimenthank all volunteers and businesses that support Habi- sional artwork must be ready for tat’s mission for affordable housing in Calvert and St. display and properly framed with Mary’s Counties. More than 100 volunteers attended hook and wire. Three-dimenthe event, which included prizes and over 70 awards. sional artwork must have its own Music was provided by DJ Johnny G! All of the food stand, be stable and have a cleanly and refreshments were donated by the following local finished businesses: Bob Evans, Bear Creek BBQ, Giant/First base. Artwork size must not Colony, WalMart, B.J.’s Wholesale, Guy Distributing, exceed 30 inches by 30 inches. Target, Panera, Applebee’s, Ruby Tuesday, Olive Gar- Entry forms must be completed den, WaWa , Starbucks, Food Lion/Lusby, Food Lion/ for each entry and entries are California, McKay’s, Cheeseburger in Paradise and limited to one per category. AdChick Fil-A. ditional rules are available at local senior centers. Southern Pines Senior Center 20 Appeal Lane Lusby, Md. 20657 410-586-2748 Awards will be presented by the Calvert County Board of County Commissioners at an awards luncheon on Tuesday, May 17, 1 p.m., to be held at the Calvert Pines Senior Center in Prince Frederick. For information on events offered by the Calvert County Office on Aging, contact Keri Lipperini at 410-535-4606 or 301-855-1170 or visit www.co.cal.md.us/residents/health/aging/ default.asp.

Time Travel Adventure Fair Enjoy a day of fun for children, youth and adults at the Time Travel Adventure Fair, organized by the Calvert Crusade for Children and Youth on Saturday, April 30, 10 am to 4 pm at King Memorial Park in Old Prince Frederick between the Old Library on Duke Street and the Gazebo on Church Street. The Honorable Bernie and Mrs. Betty Fowler are the honorary family. In the park’s amphitheater youth groups and school choirs will perform. Throughout the park, Living History Encampments, fun activity booths, face painting, service provider information, and handouts will add to activities. Historic skits from the County’s 350th anniversary will be performed on large front porch at the Phillips House at the top of the

hill. Good food and beverages will be available. Historic Linden, across Church Street and next to Trinity United Methodist Church, is joining the celebration beginning with a Maypole Dance at 10 am, and continuing with old-fashioned children’s games, wool-spinning demonstrations, a living map of the county, herb-planting and “Children of Yesteryear” family stick-your-face-through-the-hole photograph opportunities until 2 pm. Treasure hunts with prizes and a drawing cost a small fee: children ages 2 – 12 ($3) and older youth and adults ($5), with no family to exceed $15. These are a fundraiser to benefit the child and youth-centered activities of the Calvert Crusade for Children and Youth. More information is available at: http:// www.calvertkids.org.

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Rock & Roll for Rescues Was the Cat’s Meow

The Humane Society of Calvert County reports that the second annual Rock-n-Roll for Rescues a success. This event featured the Fabulous Hubcaps and fans came from as far away as Delaware and Pennsylvania to see and hear them. All the proceeds benefit the animals waiting for permanent homes at the HSCC, après release states. The event was made successful by sponsors, including: Abby Bell-Mills, PNC Mortgage; Jason McGee, McGee Fence and Deck; Mike Tennity, Century 21 New Millennium; Mary Beth Gates, Peppers Pet Pantry, Jack and Barbara Brown and Holiday Inn Select Solomons. Sponsors helped defer expenses and raise more money for the rescued animals in our care. A special thanks goes to Jeff Shepherd, Melissa Bless, and David Sarkissian. Along with the Holiday Inn we would like to thank Jim Godbold, Calvert County’s own Rockin’ Elvis, for donating his time and talent for the evening. As usual he rocked the house! Maggie Mudd-Stewart of Maggie Mudd Photography graciously donated her time and took many pictures throughout the evening. And a big thank you to Becky Phillips-Heuman for offering to teach swing dance lessons

Gourd Orchestra Performing for Earth Day When was the last time you heard a Gourd Orchestra, planted a terracotta starter pot, made a tree print or took home a free tree? The answer is most likely, not lately!! Celebrate Earth Day and Honor Arbor Day with Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center on Saturday, April 16, 2011 from 11am-4pm. All of these tree-mendous activities are FREE with admission. New to the Earth Day Celebration at Annmarie is the Richmond Indigenous Gourd Orchestra. The Gourd Orchestra, according to their words, are a band of musicians with dirt under their fingernails! The Gourd Orchestra puts the “cult” back into culture, and “culture” back into agriculture. “In an age prone to technological idolatry and cultural narcissism, where electronic media seems endlessly fascinated with itself, the Gourd Orchestra directly reaffirms their relationship with nature,” a Gourd Orchestra spokesman said in a pres release. They will perform, keeping environment and place in tune with worldly musical themes. Annmarie is honoring the Earth and celebrating the environment with the following activities on this day: 11am - 2pm, join the Calvert County Master


during our Meet and Greet with the band. Thank you to Peppers Pet Pantry for selling tickets. The SPOT Thriftshop also sold tickets and donated many of the essentials we needed to make the evening a success. HSCC would also like to thank everyone who donated items to our silent auction that evening. Cheryl Golden; Maertens Fine Jewelry and Gifts; David Lewis; Countryside Pet Paradise; Viviane Flaherty; Sherry Dennison-Sherry’s Dance Center; Washington Redskins; Baltimore Ravens; Lee Ammenhauser; Betty Mudd-Bette’s Bags; Tinder Box in Waldorf; Tiki Bar; EmbroiderMe; Edward T. Hall Aquatic Center; Diane Nape; Robert and Sandy Meicht; The Fabulous Hubcaps; Outback Steakhouse; Don “Reedman” Mark of The Fabulous Hubcaps; Bonny Woltz; the Prom family; Pat Harvey; Digiovanni’s; Jerry’s Place; Barbara Barker; Dunkirk Wine and Spirits; Dudley and Gail Prisel; Kerry Prisel of Kerry Out Designs; Bowie Baysox; World Gym; Julie Jacobus-Training By Julie; Sally Lounsbury; Sheron Watson; Kelly St.Marie; Sacchetti Music; and Debbie and Becky Samler. To all of HSCC’s dedicated volunteers, thank you so much for all your help in the planning and putting together of this fantastic event. A big thank you to Abby BellMills, Gail Prisel, Kelly St. Marie, Sally Lounsbury, Sarah Lounsbury Jill Lee, Gary Lee, Sheron Watson, Kristy Anderson, Elleen Kane, Steve Donaldson, Debbie Samler, and Janet Gibson. Visit our website for pictures of the event, www.humanesocietyofcalvertcounty.org. By the Humane Society of Calvert County Fundraising Committee.

Gardeners in a fun Paint-n-Pot activity. Paint your own unique terracotta starter pot, and learn how to plant and care for native plant species at your home. Embark on an Azalea Search and Find as you explore our varied collection of Glenn Dale Azaleas. 11 am - 4pm -- Free Trees to the first 50 families to pay admission! Take home an Eastern White Pine seedling to plant in your yard in celebration of Arbor Day. Learn about native trees in our area, and explore the garden in search of our favorite specimens with our TREE-mendous Scavenger Hunt! 11am-4pm TREE-HUGGERS UNITE! Kids and families can bring a white t-shirt, pillowcase, or use a large sheet of paper to paint and hug their way to a fabulous tree-bark printed painting. All activities free with admission. 1pm-4pm -- Gourd Orchestra & Gourd Petting Zoo. Get ready to groove with gourds. Enjoy a fun family concert, featuring the Richmond Indigenous Gourd Orchestra (www.gourdorchestra. com). Annmarie Garden Sculpture Park & Arts Center is a sculpture park and arts center located just off Route 2-4 on Dowell Road in Solomons.

Applications Sought for Farm Guide The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) announces that it will be updating the printed version of the So. Maryland, So Good Farm Guide. Since 2002, the Farm Guide has been a popular and proven resource for connecting the area’s farming community with consumers. The guide is a comprehensive listing of Southern Maryland farms (including equine farms), and also of restaurants, stores and other institutions that feature Southern Maryland farm products, a press release states. SMADC is now accepting applications for new participants and also renewal applications for those currently listed in the guide. There is no charge to farms and businesses to be listed in the guide; however, advertising opportunities are available for participants and any other interested businesses at affordable rates. From arugula and alpacas to zinnias and beyond, the So. Maryland, So Good Farm Guide provides a remarkable inventory of the vibrant diversity of Southern Maryland’s agricultural community, and directs customers to some of the region’s finest and freshest farm products and services. To be listed in the farm guide, or to purchase ad space, download an application at www.smadc.com or call SMADC staff at (301) 274-1922. The deadline for applications is April 4, 2011.




Please join us for the 3rd Annual Southern Maryland Hunger Conference. This event is being hosted by the Southern Maryland Food Bank. If you are a food service provider such as a pantry, soup kitchen, shelter, non-profit or government agency, then we encourage you to attend for a day of learning and fellowship !

The Hunger Conference will consist of informational guest speakers and presentations relating to the increasing issues of hunger in Southern Maryland and what we, as providers, are and can do to meet the growing demand. It will offer a great opportunity to network with fellow providers in and around Southern Maryland! Date: April 20, 2011 Where: Calvert County Fair Grounds 140 Calvert Fair Drive Prince Frederick, MD 20678 Time: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm Program Fair: 8:00am - 9:15am (sign in during this time) Guest Speakers begin at 9:30am Light Lunch Provided Seating is limited, to register for this FREE event or for more information please call 301-274-0695 or email Brenda.DiCarlo@CatholicCharitiesDC.org RSVP by April 6th! Together We CAN Make A Difference!


Thursday, March-2011



Calvert Cliffs Has an Unwavering Commitment to Safety



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By Brew Barron, President and CEO Constellation Energy Nuclear Group

Churches Oppose Same Sex Marriage

As a Christian, I was very pleased to hear that the same-sex marriage bill was withdrawn in the House of Delegates, effectively killing it for this session of the General Assembly. I was even more pleased to hear that some churches finally got off their pews and opposed this sin. For too long many churches have remained silent on sins, such as homosexuality and abortion. This is especially true of black churches, who supposedly have influence in the black community. And yet, 90 percent of black votes go to the pro-homosexuality, pro-abortion Democrat party. That’s the party that recently cancelled the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and that controls the Maryland General Assembly where the gay marriage bill was almost passed and is expected to pass in the future. And Democrat President Obama has told his Attorney General not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act. The Democrats are also the party that supports abortion and funds Planned Parenthood, who sets up abortion facilities in poor and minority (black) neighborhoods. By 2010 approximately 18,000,000 abortions (35% of 52,000,000) had been performed on black women since the Supreme Court decisions in 1973. Besides decreasing the black population, many women suffer physical, medical, emotional/spiritual harm from abortions. And since most blacks are Christian, unless they repent they will have a very difficult time explaining to God at the Last Judgment why they murdered their innocent unborn babies. It is good that the black churches are finally awakening and taking a stand against homosexuality. They should also open their eyes and see the damage that abortion has done and is still doing to their community. And they should also remember that God is merciful and forgiving. If you are truly sorry, repent and ask His forgiveness for your involvement with abortion/homosexuality, He will forgive you. Lent is an appropriate time for a Christian revival in this country. I hope the churches’ opposition to the same-sex marriage bill is the beginning of one. Robert Boudreaux Waldorf, MD Publisher Thomas McKay Associate Publisher Eric McKay Editor Sean Rice Office Manager Tobie Pulliam Graphic Artist Angie Stalcup Advertising cjlea@somdpublishing.net Email info@somdpublishing.net Phone 301-373-4125 Staff Writers Guy Leonard Sarah Miller Chris Stevens Corrin Howe

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Contributing Writers Joyce Baki Keith McGuire

As a leading producer of safe, reliable and economical electricity from nuclear energy in Maryland and New York, we take seriously our role to communicate how the Japan situation impacts our industry and energy facilities. On behalf of my colleagues at Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC (CENG), I extend our sincere sympathies to those suffering due to the tragic earthquake and tsunami. Our hearts are with those in Japan and those who have family and friends in the region. Our shareholders (Constellation Energy and the EDF Group) are providing financial donations, and the world’s nuclear industry is providing supplies, and technical and humanitarian support. Thanks to the heroic efforts of the plant employees and emergency response workers at Fukushima Daiichi, we understand conditions at all six of the reactors have significantly improved. The primary reactor containment structures of each of the three reactors that were in operation at the time of the tsunami are all reported to be intact. We also understand that radiation levels both on and off-site are decreasing. Nuclear energy is our nation’s current largest source of low carbon electricity and is a significant producer of 24/7 electricity. It helps preserve our Earth’s climate, avoids ground-level ozone formation and acid rain. The 104 U.S. reactors produce about 20 percent of our country’s electricity, with safety and environmental stewardship as our goals. I have worked in the nuclear energy industry for four decades. Safety is our passion. Nothing comes before the protection of our employees and communities. As one CENG employee mentioned to me recently, safety is part of our DNA. We will never waver from our safety commitment. Our industry’s highest commitments are safety and continuous improvement. CENG employees live by these overriding principles, and as a result, our nuclear power plants are safe. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, all U.S. nuclear energy facilities underwent comprehensive reviews. The objective of these safety and security assessments was to evaluate severe scenarios that are beyond existing regulatory requirements to identify extraordinary and additional protective measures that assure U.S. plants can withstand extreme events. We have invested millions of dollars into CENG’s Calvert Cliffs facility in Maryland, and Ginna and

Southern Calvert Gazette P. O. Box 250 . Hollywood, MD 20636

Southern Calvert Gazette is a bi-weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of Southern Calvert County. The Southern Calvert Gazette will be available on newsstands every other Thursday of the month. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. Southern Calvert Gazette does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its news coverage. Articles and letters submitted for publication must be signed and may be edited for length or content. Southern Calvert Gazette is not responsible for any claims made by its advertisers.


Thursday, March-2011

Nine Mile Point sites in New York to make them even more secure and safe. We agree that a fresh review of the industry with a focus on protective actions in the event of unusual natural events is appropriate. We are a business built on a foundation of continuous learning and reaching new levels of operational excellence. As nuclear energy facility operators, safety is our number one priority, and our job is to protect the public and the environment. Even before there are lessons learned from the events in Japan, all U.S. companies with nuclear power plants are already verifying their capability to maintain safety even in the face of severe challenges, including natural disasters. Our CENG sites are designed, built and maintained to sustain severe man-made and natural disasters. We also have multiple safety and security features and redundant backup systems. An integral part of our safety commitment is to keep the public and government officials fully informed in the unlikely event of an accident impacting any facility. We routinely conduct intense training exercises and drills to test our ability to effectively implement our emergency response plans with local, state and federal government officials as well as with the media. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) independently measures our performance in these areas and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) evaluates the state and local responses to those scenarios. The communities in which we operate are important to us. Our outstanding employees are actively involved donating time, money and talent to many charitable organizations, mentoring students, coaching youth sports teams, and supporting other civic, charitable and religious groups. CENG’s roots are deep in the communities we serve. We operate with the community’s consent and value our strong partnerships with local, state, regional and national leaders and organizations. We feel fortunate to operate our business and employ thousands of outstanding people in Maryland and New York. Our dedicated employees are committed to performing work at the highest levels of safety and operational excellence in producing electricity for millions of homes and businesses. Our Calvert Cliffs facility in Lusby, MD, employs more than 900 people. Its reactors are licensed until 2034 (Unit 1) and 2036 (Unit 2). The site has also received numerous honors for its achievements, including the ISO 14001 certification and the American Nuclear Society (ANS) award for stellar Operational Excellence. At Calvert alone, we have invested nearly $27 million in security and safety upgrades. We are proud of the difference our employees are making. Rest assured, we will maintain our unwavering commitment to safety and our staunch support for the continuous application of lessons learned.

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Panthers Coach Hopes for Chemistry on Lacrosse Field With their regular season opener delayed a few days due to rain, Patuxent boys’ lacrosse coach Cliff Hunsicker was slightly disappointed that the Panthers had to halt last Monday’s game with Chopticon because of a quick but heavy storm that zipped through the Southern Maryland area that night. The game resumed Wednesday with the Panthers leading 6-3 with 1:42 remaining in the first half. “It was a momentum swing to the bad, the team was just started to get comfortable in the game,” Hunsicker explained. “It’s tough to start up where we left off and still have the same momentum.” Hunsicker was happy with the way the Panthers came alive in the second period after a 1-1 tie with the Braves after one period of play. “I was really pleased with the unselfish play,” he said. “The offense started moving the ball and we really looked like a lacrosse team.” Teamwork is what Hunsicker is hoping will carry his team to an improvement on last season’s solid 7-7 overall record (5-5 in Southern Maryland Athletic ConPhoto By Frank Marquart ference games). Jacob Hayden makes a move toward the goal in a recent boys’ lacrosse “Team chemistry is going to be a key with under- Patuxent’s match against Chopticon. classmen and seniors working together,” he says. Those underclassmen include sophomores Jacob previous six lacrosse playing schools in the conference is the adHayden, Eric Brauner and Travis Weldon and seniors Kieran dition of Charles County’s public schools to the mix. After three Kelly, Zach Kane and Jordan Haines, who all scored goals in years of club play, Charles County is fielding varsity teams this Monday’s abbreviated season opener. season, which means teams have to be even more ready for the “I am really counting on the underclassmen as a group. A traditional SMAC powers. lot of my starters (which are underclassmen) are seeing the var“We take on a football schedule of sorts, only playing each sity field for the first time,” Hunsicker says. “To go with that, team once. This means there is only one chance to beat the betthe underclassmen success goes along with senior support and ter teams in the league so we will need to be on each and every leadership.” game,” Hunsicker said. By Chris Stevens (CT) info@somdpublishng. A new wrinkle in this season for the Panthers and the other net

Sabres Midget Team Takes Championship

The Sabres Midget U18 team took home the CBHL Patrick Lower A Division Championship trophy on March 6 by defeating the Metro Maple Leafs 7-3. Under the leadership of first-time head coach Brian McCarthy, assisted by coaches Dean Schultz and Brian Keelan, the Midgets finished the regular season in 2nd place behind the

Virginia Wild after losing only two games all season. The championship weekend kicked off with a 10-1 win over the Bowie Bruins in the semi-final round, with just about every Sabre scoring a point and without incurring a single penalty minute. After the 1st seed Wild fell to 4th seed Metro on Saturday, the stage was set for the championship match on Sunday. Metro scored first but the Sabres followed it up with 5 unanswered goals and overwhelmed Metro with a total of 43 shots. Goalies Jeff Fuhr and Brett Kibler did a superb job minding the net and together stopped a total of 23 shots. Matt Fischer (not pictured) was unable to play due to injury but was nonetheless a valued contributor on defense during the regular season. The Southern Maryland Sabres Hockey Club is based in Waldorf and draws players from Charles, St. Mary’s, Calvert, Prince George’s counties and beyond. Travel teams play in the Chesapeake Bay Hockey League (CBHL) and recreational teams play in the Capital Corridor Hockey League (CCHL). The Sabres also offer Learn to Play Hockey, Little Stars, Spring and Summer Skating Skills programs, goalie clinics and summer camps at the Capital Clubhouse in Waldorf. For more information, visit www.somdsabres. org

Sp rts Spring Fling Tennis Tournament

The Spring Fling Tennis Tournament will be held at Cove Point Park on April 16th and 17th. There are mens singles, 3.5 mens singles, womens singles along with womens doubles and mens doubles. There will also be mixed doubles. The proceeds from this event will fund clinics for mentally and physically challenged. To find more information check out our web site at www. calverttennis.com or call Pete Siegert at 410 326 4822. Also you can call Bryan Howell at 410 586 3115.

Patuxent Panthers Visit Appeal Elementary The playground looked smaller, the halls seemed shorter, and some of the faces had changed. That was the sentiment of some members of the Patuxent Football team that made a special trip to Appeal Elementary school last week to visit with some students and play some touch football. The trip was initiated by Appeal teacher Ms. Kim Blackistone and Patuxent Offensive Line coach Nick Allen. The experience was part of the Appeal Elementary “Buckets of Fun” event which raffles different prizes for students in support of the school’s PBIS program. Blackistone and Allen coordinated the “Football Visit” and two students were chosen to participate, in addition they were able to choose three of their friends to share in the fun. While the experience was exciting for the young students of Appeal, Coach Allen said it also had and impact on his own players. “It is important for our high school players to give back to a community that gives so much to them! It is especially nice because a lot of these guys were reminiscing about their days at Appeal as they walked through the hallways. Now they are the ones being looked up to, it is an amazing thing to see these kids begin to accept their positions as role models for the players of the future,” Allen said in a press release. Anyone interested in having a “Patuxent Football Visit” can contact Head Coach Steve Crounse or Nick Allen at Patuxent High School. The football program is continuously looking for experiences like these to build character and give something back to their community.

Celebrity Basketball Game for Autism

Saturday April 9, “Team AIP” (Anything is Possible) will be hosting the 2nd annual celebrity basketball game at Patuxent High School in Lusby to raise money for Autism awareness. Team AIP was founded in 2001 by world renown basketball star Patrick Robinson aka Pat the Roc in hopes to inspire kids to utilize their talents and pursue their dreams. Team AIP hosted the 1st annual game last February and sold out the gym. Players consist of streetball stars, NFL players, and entertainers. Pat the Roc, Baby Shaq, White Choc-

olate, Kyle Arrington (New England Patriots), Bobby Maze (Univ of Tennessee), and more. Come on out and support the cause. There will also be a $5 clinic for kids prior to the game from 3-4pm hosted by the streetballers. Merchandise, giveaways, and raffles available at the game. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., with a local All Star game at 6 p.m. and the celebrity game at 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets are $7 for students, $10 for the public and $12 for VIP tickets. Call 401-535-7865 for information.

Thursday, March-2011



“Here is an empty bowl,” Project ECHO’s Executive Director Trisha Gipson laughed in a mild panic as she looked at the clock. “It’s only 5:30 and we’ve already sold 341 tickets. We have an hour and a half left. I hope we have enough food.” The 11th Annual Empty Bowl Supper fundraiser for Project ECHO packed Prince Frederick’s St. John Vianney’s Family Life Center on Saturday, March. All the tables were filled. People sat in six rows of blue bleachers balancing their pottery bowls of soup and salad while a dozen teenagers quickly served a double line of people backed out the gym doors. More people lined two sides of the gym walls looking at silent auction items while additional teenagers walked around serving spicy smelling hot wings from Hooters in Waldorf. Paul America entertained the room with the melancholy song “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera. America was just one of several students from Huntingtown High School’s musical/theater group performing the first 30 minutes. “We set up 26 tables which seat seven each. We also have the bleachers pulled out, but I don’t think we are going to have enough room. Next year we’ll have to find a bigger place. Or some other solution,” said past Board of Director President Bill Stanton who has participated in all the homeless shelter’s annual fundraisers. “The first year (11 years ago) we raised $500. Last year we raised $22,000. This year we hope to raise at least that much,” he said. Gipson said the Empty Bowl Supper is the largest fundraiser they hold all year. The money raised goes toward paying for maintenance at the homeless shelter, which is approximately $200,000 a year. New ECHO Board of Director President Henry Trentman wrote in the program, “We will also have two new fundraisers this year – Camp Out for Calvert and an Annual Appeal campaign. The first one will be lots of fun and educational to boot.” According to Stanton, Project ECHO provides temporary shelter up to 90 days for 20 men and a combination of 20 women and children. Although the Empty Bowl Supper does not raise all the funds necessary, he is proud of the fact that everything they raise “is pure profit.” Everyone one involved in the dinner was quick to point out that everything was donated and everyone was a volunteer. Approximately 19 local restaurants donated soups, breads, salads and cakes. “I picked up soup from one restaurant who said the pot they gave us was the equivalent of $700 worth of soup,” said Craig Langrall, one of ECHO’s Board of Directors, whose job for the day was providing transportation and any needed manual labor. “The unsung heroes are the restaurants. It is amazing to get so much food.” There were plenty of heroic efforts to pull off the event, according to Gipson. The $20 price of admission buys a handcrafted bowl. “Made from dirt, water and a potter’s wheel.” Thirty-seven individuals listed in four different organizations and Huntingtown High School Donna Baker’s class made 600 bowls available this year. Sharon Sirman brought her three daughters to the Empty Bowl Supper for the fifth year in a row. Sofia, 4, said she likes to come for the bowl and desserts. Sirman and her daughters spent their time walking up and down the table full of bowls picking out the right one. She says the girls have their own collection of bowls, which they use all year long. Lynn and Brett Hanson, of Lusby, said they missed last year, but have been attending the fundraiser for four or five


Thursday, March-2011

400 Pack St. John’s For Empty Bowl Supper

years now. “I think this is the most people I’ve ever seen of our parents for helping out at the shelter,” said Katie. here,” said Brett. Gipson mentioned the community efforts also includStanton said the last couple of years the function has ed public student art work used for placemats, Girl Scout averaged 225 to 250 people. Although the formula for their Troop 3144 walking around to make sure everyone received event “is essentially the same this year, we added a time for an original piece of art, the catholic church’s donation of appetizers.” The first half hour, as people gathered, found the building, the local performers and artists who donated their bowls and places to sit, they could help themselves works to the silent auction. to one of the many types of appetizers floating around the Project ECHO’s dependence upon volunteers and doroom. nations doesn’t stop at the Empty Bowl Supper. Recently “A lot of people come year after year. And they don’t someone donated all the necessary equipment to keep the leave until 7,” said Stanton, who bounced a baby girl on his grounds around the house. Between staff and residents, lap. Gipson said this saves them $75 each time they had to hire The rest of the money to fund Project ECHO’s elec- someone to take care of the yard. tricity, insurance, utilities, and other typical household ex“Three hundred and sixty five hot meals come from the penses come from federal, state and county grants, private community each year.” organizations, estates, and Calvert Interfaith Council, to Gipson said on Monday, following the fundraiser, name a few sources. they sold 400 admissions and know they collected at least Both Gipson and Stanton were excited to be announc- $32,000 but might be closer to $38,000 by the time they ing a $10,000 donation from HELP at the end of the evening. finish counting the money. This included the $10,000 check Norma Houston, President of HELP Association, Inc., from HELP. a thrift store in “the beaches” said her 40 member organiza“We exceeded what we brought in last year even withtion votes where they want to give their profits. A non-profit out the donation from HELP.” By Corrin M. Howe (SCG) info@ since 1973, the organization sells new and gently used cloth- somdpublishing.net ing, housewares, books and more and then gives the money Photos by Victor Marquart back to Calvert County. She had never been to the Empty Bowl Supper before and wanted to come Marissa Cirillo, of Huntingtown, while holding and see it for herself. her brother Andrew, found a suitable bowl to Besides money, her organization has given use. Project ECHO blankets and coats to the residents who needed them. “We’ve given to 90 organizations but by far we give the most to End Hunger in Calvert and Project ECHO.” The silent auction is a relatively new addition to the event, according to Stanton. This year they limited the number of items because many things didn’t sell well in the past. Among one of the featured items was an authenticated signed ice hockey puck from Capitols’ Alex Ovechkin. Project ECHO’s Executive Director was also excited about a starter guitar donated by a former resident of the house who has gone on to do well for himself. Four years ago he got down on his luck. He was an alcoholic or drug addict, according to Gipson. He came in for a couple weeks and got the help he needed to get back on his feet. “Little stories like this really make the event,” she said. Katie and Danny Tress, children of ECHO board members/volunteers Kathy and Neil Tress, were roped into helping out at the event. Katie, a graduate of Northern High School, walked around the tables selling raffle tickets for the 32 inch Samsung television while her brother, a student at Huntingtown High School, alternated between following his sister with a roll of tickets or serving salad. “I think it’s a great cause. We are really proud






Women of The Hour The power and influence of a handful of Calvert County women resonated as the moderator read their accomplishments out loud. The first woman trained in radar development at MIT during the Second World War; the first woman to receive a mortgage in her own name in her hometown; the first woman elected judge in Southern Maryland; and a former teenage girl who led the protest for girls to wear pants in junior high school. Yet none of these women were being formally recognized that day. Instead they participated in a chance to share their “firsts” as women. Approximately 100 women (and about five men) filled St. Paul’s Episcopal Church fellowship hall in Prince Frederick on Saturday, for the Ninth Annual Women of the World Awards Luncheon. The entire luncheon featured and celebrated women. A local Girl Scout Troop presented the flags, Rev. Julie Wizorek gave the invocation, Debbie Hammond, Expressions Catering, made the food while Makayla Seay, 9, and Abigail Seay, 2, sold the raffle tickets to build the scholarship fund for women. Inspired by International Women’s Day but celebrated during March, Women’s History month, the Calvert County League of Women Voters, Calvert County Commission for Women and other local organizations joined together to honor the contributions of women in Calvert County.


Among the few men in the room were U.S. Senator Mike Miller, a male representative for Maryland Delegate Mark Fisher’s representative, and Calvert County Commissioners Evan Slaughenhopt and Pat Nutter, who formed a receiving line to congratulate the dozen honorees. Barbara Milkulski sent a letter which mentioned her recent accomplishment as the longest serving woman in the U.S. Senate. “I took on City Hall to stop a road from destroying Baltimore’s ethic and black home ownership neighborhoods. In other countries they put protesters in jail. In American, they put you in public office,” she wrote. The day’s guest speaker Jane Walters’ resume listed a 40-year history of firsts, including being the first woman in an engineering world dominated by men. “I was often the only woman in the meeting.” She briefly shared her secrets to success saying she learned to “ask permission, be resilient, do good work and be flexible.” Praising women in business for already being “collaborative, inclusive, flexible and emphatic,” Photos by Corrin Howe Walters encouraged women to do a better job WOW Guest Speaker Jane Walters, who is a Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton and at “networking, developing a personal brand, tak- Founding Member of Women in Defense. ing credit for what you do and assuming leadership roles.” Former Maryland Delegate Sue Kullen received the only standing ovation during the ceremony. Stating she was humbled by the response, she stepped up to the podium and said, “Hell hath no fury like a woman American Association of University Women honoree Norma scorned.” Powers Next year’s Women of the Brem Foundation to Defeat Breast Cancer honoree Kasia World celebration planning is alSweeney ready underway with intentions to Calvert County Commission for Women honorees: combine the U.S. Girl Scout’s 100th Advocacy: Sue Kullen Anniversary and the 10th Annual Business: Carolyn McHugh WOW Awards Luncheon. By Corrin M. Howe (SCG) info@somdpublishing. Advocacy: Rev. Margaret VanAuker net Calvert Chamber of Commerce honoree Victoria Ronan Community Medication Center honoree Vicki Rhodes Concerned Black Women honoree Annette Funn Daughters of Abraham of Southern Maryland honoree Julie Wizorek Girl Scouts honorees Laura Belkofer and Carol Harrision League of Women Voters honoree Sue Kullen

Award Recipients:

Brem Foundation to Defeat Breast Cancer honoree Kasia Sweeney shakes hands with BOCC Evan Slaughenhopt.

In the center is Concerned Black Women honoree Annette Funn, who has an extensive 40 history of volunteering, leading and managing. She believes “the best in life is yet to come.”

Thursday, March-2011


Katina Giles, 66

Katina Wills Giles, 66, of Forestville, Maryland, was born on January 17, 1945, to the late Edward and Lola Wills. She was “coined” Aunt Tee by family and friends. On January 29, 2011, God sent an angel to take her home. Her physical body that is before us will one day be changed into a perfect glorified body. Katina was educated in the Calvert County Public School system. Earlier in life, she attended Mt. Hope United Methodist Church. Later in life, she attended special events at various churches. However, God was merciful. He stood waiting with outstretched hands beckoning to her, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Family and friends we announce to you that Christine, Elizabeth, Diane, Carla, Pastor Titus, and Joanie can attest to the fact that on January , 2011, on her hospital bed at Prince George’s Hospital Center, Aunt Tee accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. She was gloriously saved and her soul is in heaven today. From that day forward, she requested from those who visited her prayer and Bible reading. When she went home from the hospital, her niece, Carla, went to

her bedroom to check on her. To Carla’s surprise she was alone and singing, this is The Day That the Lord Has Made. Aunt Tee was showing those around her that God’s Word, found in 2 Corinthians 5:17, is true. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” She had been given the grace to leave this world and enter into her eternal abode - Heaven. Aunt Tee was proud of her youthful days and loved telling us about her mischievous ways. She wanted her hair short and asked permission from her mother to cut it. She was told no and was promised a whooping - not a spanking - if she were to cut her hair. Aunt Tee was not threatened by the promise from her mother. So, she cut her hair and took her whooping from her mother. She was proud of the fact that she hated doing chores - especially getting water from the well. Aunt Tee knew her parents weren’t going to let her go to the well after dark alone so she purposefully waited until dark to go to the well. Her sisters were made to go with her. They too got into trouble because she waited too late to get the water. Her parents had a rule that the girls, when going out, must go out together. One night her mother told her that she could not go out with her sisters. Aunt Tee cried all night long. In the morning her eyes were swollen and her pillow was soaking wet. Her mother thought she was sick and began attending to her - hoping she would feel better. Aunt Tee loved the special attention she got that day. Therefore, she saw no need to set the record straight. Aunt Tee loved life and had fun living it. Her family was very special to her. She made it a point to attend all family gatherings and she was the life of every one of them. She instituted a sisters’ night out and looked forward to it each time they got together. She loved sports and enjoyed watching tennis with her sister, Elizabeth. In her younger years, A u n t

Tee “attempted” various jobs. The most memorable one she talked about was driving a metro bus for Montgomery County Department of Transportation - the passengers got on her nerves - so she quit. In November of 1984, she was hired by the VA Medical Center in Washington, DC. During her 21- year tenure there, she worked in radiology and fiscal services performing a variety of duties. She retired from there in 2005. It was God’s divine plan that she retire. Aunt Tee was needed to take care of her baby sister, Audrey Mae, whose health was failing. She leaves to mourn: one brother - Lee S. Wills (Melvalee) of Upper Marlboro; four sisters-Geraldine Holloway (Roy) of Sunderland, Christine Wills of Forestville, and Madeline Spriggs of Dunkirk; two god-children, Jynell Madison and JaJeanna Eason; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. She had a special place in her heart for the Giles family (Edwin, Glenn, and Benjamin; Gilbert and Margie Ann Booth; Wilbert and Mary Booth; and James and Thelma Barnett. She also loved and adored the Shields’ family and considered them to be some of her dearest friends. Preceding her in death were her parents Lola and Edward Wills; four brothers, Carroll and Nathaniel Holland, Leroy Jones, and Montgomery Wills; and two sisters, Rita Wills and Audrey Hall. Funeral service was held on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 11:00 AM at Mt. Hope United Methodist Church, Huntingtown, MD with Pastor Ronald A. Titus officiating. The interment was held at Brooks United Methodist Church Cemetery in Saint Leonard, MD. The pallbearers were Greg Clark, Robert Hall, Damian Wills, Lynn Holloway, Derrick Spriggs, and Dwayne

Spriggs. The honorary pallbearers were Rodrickus Spriggs, Donald Rawlings, and Andre Williams. Funeral arrangements provided by Sewell Funeral Home, Prince Frederick, MD.

June Gott, 84

June Frances (Moreland) Gott, passed away peacefully, on March 14, 2011, at Asbury Retirement Community in Solomons, MD. She was born on June 5, 1926, in Owensville, MD, and grew up on the family farm in Lothian, MD. June graduated from Southern High School in 1943, and graduated from Church Home Hospital as a registered nurse in 1946. She worked as a nurse at Calvert Memorial Hospital for five years. Later she became a teacher’s aide at Tracy’s Landing Elementary School. She enjoyed spending time with her family, playing games, making arts and crafts, and cooking. June married Edgar Leslie Gott, of Owings, MD, on June 7, 1947. She is survived by her three children, Edgar L. Gott, Jr. (Nancy) of Lusby, MD, Linda Horsmon (Frank) of Solomons,

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Thursday, March-2011

MD, and Dennis Gott (Loren) of Dunkirk, MD. She was the proud grandmother of seven grandchildren, a great-granddaughter, and step great granddaughter. She took great pride in her family, with whom she enjoyed spending time. She was preceded in death by her mother, Minnie Rogers Moreland, father, Benjamin Wallace Moreland, and brother David Moreland. She is survived by her husband, Edgar Leslie Gott of Solomons, MD, brothers Benjamin Moreland of Annapolis, MD, and Everett Moreland of Lothian, MD, and her sister, Betty Rae Gott of Lothian, MD. Viewing for friends and family was at Rausch Funeral Home, P. A., 20 American Lane, Lusby, MD, on Thursday, March 24, 2011. A celebration of June’s life was held on Friday, March 25, 2011, at Asbury~Solomons Auditorium, 11100 Asbury Circle, Solomons, MD. Interment followed at Mt. Harmony United Methodist Church, Owings. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Asbury~Solomons Benevolent Care Fund, c/o Melissa Carnes, 11100 Asbury Circle, Solomons, MD, 20688.

Joseph Jones, 74


Joseph Ennis Jones, 74, known as “Paddle Head” was born December 27, 1936 to the late Warren E. Jones and Blanche E. Jones of Hunting Creek, Maryland. He departed this life on Friday, March 18, 2011 at Community Hospices in Washington, D.C. He was united in holy matrimony to Shirley C. Harvey. Out of this union six children were born. Joseph was educated in the public schools of Calvert County. He attended Young’s United Methodist Church at an early age. He worked as a construction worker for many years until his health began to failed. He was a member of Local Union 657, formerly Local Union 74. He was an avid sports fan, although wrestling was his favorite. He was also a great sports commentator in the presence of his living room. He would often call Francis, Sharon and Tawana after the games were over to comment on the highlights or just to tease them if their favorite team lost. He also loved to hunt and fish and would travel lengthy distances to get a good catch. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Warren, Wallace and Wesley Jones and sisters, Mary and Janie Jones and Marian Fauntleroy. The memory of Joseph Ennis Jones will live forever in the hearts and minds of: three sons, Joseph Michael of Prince Frederick, MD, Francis of Port Republic, MD and Nathan Jones of Tacoma, WA; three daughters, Shirlene Jones of Baltimore, MD, Sharon Jones of Prince Frederick, MD and Tawana Daniel of Baltimore, MD; one brother, James Samuel Jones of Huntingtown, MD; three sisters, Gertrude of Baltimore, MD, Maude of Lusby, MD and Alice of Washington, DC; one sister-in-law, Eva Jones of Huntingtown, MD; two daughter-in-laws, Gladys and Frances Jones; thirteen grandchildren, Jermaine, Laverne, Joseph, Jr., Brian, Marcus, Andrea, Asiha, Tyrone, Rudy Lee, Nyesha, Trey, Denzel and Andre; twelve great grandchildren; a long-time friend, Margaret Roberts and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Funeral service was held on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 11:00 AM at Patuxent UM Church, Huntingtown, MD with Rev. Tunde E.O. Davies, eulogist. The interment was at Patuxent UMC Cemetery, Hunting-

town, MD. The pallbearers were Dwight Giles, Laveille Jones, Clarence Hall, Rusty Jones, Douglas Jones, and Tyrone Jones. Funeral arrangements provided by Sewell Funeral Home, Prince Frederick, MD.

Robert Lee King, III Robert Lee King, III, of Lusby, came into this world for a very brief stay on Monday, March 14, 2011. He was the son of Robert Lee King, Jr. and Lashawn Alana Reed. He is survived by his siblings; Maria King, Ashlyn King, Shantel King, Kaylee King and Dayonna Jones. He is the grandson to Josephine Reed and the late Joseph Campbell and Loretta and Kenneth Smith. He is also survived by many other loving aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Funeral services were private.

Mildred Pennington, 84 Mrs. Mildred Delores Pennington, 84, of Port Republic, MD died at her home on March 15, 2011. She was born on December 9, 1926 in Mitchellville, MD to the late Francis and Jessie Farrell Hall. She had lived in Calvert County for 25 years and had worked as a bank manager. Her hobbies included watching the game show network and sewing. She is survived by her son, Donald Beyer of Port Republic and his former wife, Karen Pitcher; daughters, Sharon and husband Larry Cooper of Romney, WV and Ann and husband Tom Parker of Loveville, MD; sister Margaret Smith of Lewes, DE; nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Her husband, Clarence Pennington predeceased her. Funeral services were held on Friday, March 18, 2011 at Raymond-Wood Funeral Home. Deacon Ed Chrzanowski of St. John Vianney Catholic Church officiated. Entombment followed at Southern Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers were Dereck Hall, John Hurley, Michael Cooper, Larry Cooper, Jr., Michael Cooper and Donald Michael. Arrangements provided by

Raymond-Wood Funeral Home, Dunkirk.

Helen Tippet, 87

merous items for her family. All of these brought much joy to her life. Helen was a member of the First Lutheran Church in Huntingtown, Maryland and a former member of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. To know Helen was to love her and witness her love of God, family and life. The love Helen had for and received from her family enabled her to get through many difficult times. It also gave her many blessings, wonderful memories and lots of laughter. A Memorial Service was held at the First Lutheran Church in Huntingtown, Maryland on Friday, March 18, 2011. Memorial contributions may be made in Helen’s memory to: ASPCA, 520 8th Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, New York 10018, 800-628-0028. Friends are welcome to visit the Lee Funeral Home Website at leefuneralhomes.com to sign Helen’s memorial register book under the obituary section of our home page.

Knox, KY. From this union they were blessed with 9 children. Alice heard about the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Bethel Way of the Cross Church by the late Bishop Jacob Green. The words of life pierced her heart and soul and lead her to be baptized in the precious name of Jesus Christ in 1961. She later received the gift of the Holy Ghost. In 1996 she moved her membership to Mount Gethsemane Holiness Church in Huntingtown, MD. She leaves to cherish her memories: two devoted daughters, Casaundra (Nathaniel Easton), Gloria (Elder Caroll Spriggs); seven sons, Eugene (Gurlene), Terry (Alice), Elsworth (Regina), Dwight (Monica), Wardell (Cheryl), William (Gloria), Scotwyn Plater (Virginia); one sister-in-law Willa Mae Plater; Learlean Cannon, her niece whom she grew up with as a sister; forty grand- children; fifty great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. She also leaves a host of nieces, nephews cousins, and her church family and friends. Mother Plater leaves her earthly family to join her husband Wardell Plater that preceded her in death in January 1992. Funeral service was held on Saturday, March 5, 2011 at Bethel Way of the Cross Church, Huntingtown, MD with Bishop Darnell Easton officiating. The interment followed in the church cemetery. The pallbearers were Ronnie Plater, Edwin Plater, Tony Plater, Gerald Plater, Kenneth Plater, and Tyrone Plater. The honorary pallbearers were Deacon Chester Mackall, Brother Jeffrey Long, Deacon John Long, and Deacon Irving Cook.

Helen Marie Tippet, age 87, of Huntingtown, Maryland died on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at the Calvert County Nursing Center. Helen was born in Waterloo, Iowa to Beulah and Paul Andresen, on March 21, 1923. In 1947, Helen married the late Paul E. Tippet. While residAlice Plater, 86 ing in Elkhart, Indiana, Helen attended Nursing School and reAlice Gilbert Plater, 86, of ceived her RN degree. She was Sunderland, MD passed away on the loving mother of Michael A. March 1, 2011 at Holy Cross HosTippet, Carol Ann Raffensperger pital, Silver Spring, MD. She was and Paula Marie Fogleman. She born Alice Gilbert on December was a devoted grandmother of 14, 1924 in Limestone Co., AlaSteven Tippet, Harvey Raffens- bama. Alice was the youngest of perger, Christina Cox, Danielle 9 children born to the late William Raffensperger and Susan Marie and Gentry Gilbert. All of her sibFogleman. Helen was the lov- ling preceded her in death. ing great-grandmother of five Alice left home at an early great-grandchildren. age to obtain employment in LouIn 1958 the family moved to isville, KY. While living there the DC area, then to the David- she met her “soul-mate” Wardell sonville area in 1971. In 1997, W. Plater who was serving in the Paul and Helen celebrated their United States Army. They were 50th Wedding Anniversary. Af- married on April 8, 1944 in Fort ter 54 years of marriage, Paul passed away in 2001. Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated Helen was always busy. As a member of the Blackeyed Susan Cat Club, she demonstrated her love of Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults, animals, espeCremation Services and Pre-Need Planning cially her cats. Family Owned and Operated by She enjoyed Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross bowling at the Dodge Park www.RauschFuneralHomes.com Bowling Alley, watching the wild birds 8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane in her yard and 410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400 crocheting nu-

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Port Republic


Thursday, March-2011


Spotlight On

Local Teacher Recognized By President Obama Out of 103 math and science teachers recognized across the country, two are from Maryland. Of those two, one was from Calvert County. Radhika Plakkot, a biology teacher from Huntingtown High School, as named by President Barack Obama as one of the recipients of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. She said she applied for consideration in 2009, and it came down to three finalists in 2010. All the finalists were biology teachers from schools that were similar in size and makeup and they all had leadership positions in the schools they taught at, Plakkot said. “I wasn’t sure what would set me apart from them,” Plakkot said. Something set Plakkot apart, because she was the one science teacher chosen to receive the recognition in Maryland. Plakkot said she has also been the Calvert County Teacher of the Year, the


Maryland Teacher of the Year, the STEM Teacher of the Year and the recipient of the SMECO Outstand Science Teacher award. She said the school has been supportive of her and she feels “really blessed” to be teaching at Calvert County Public Schools. “She’s an outstanding teacher and works really hard,” said Rick Weber, the principal at Huntingtown High School. He said Plakkot works constantly to improve her teaching and find ways to engage her students, which reflects well on her and the school. Plakkot said she cares about her individual students and believes every child can learn if the right environment is given to them. She said she keeps her expectations for the students high, lets them know about her high expectations, and works with the students to help them be the best they can be. By Sarah Miller (CT) info@som-


Thursday, March-2011

Calvert Students Get Ready For Envirothon who have been involved in Envirothon for four years “We only have one shot,” Subda said. She said the Calvert County team normally places around the mid-range in the state competition, which will be held at St. Mary’s College of Maryland this year. The winner of the state competition will move on to the national competition in Canada. “The Envirothon program is an effective educational tool, capable of supplementing environmental education both inside and outside the classroom. Led by a volunteer advisor, teams usually meet from late autumn until spring. Teams work collaboraPhotos courtesy of Linda Subda tively to develop their knowledge Students preparing for the Envirothon learn to identify different species of of ecology and natural resource birds. management and to practice their It’s that time of year again. Schools are preenvironmental problem-solving paring to go against one another and test students’ skills in preparation for Envirothon competienvironmental knowledge in the annual Envirothon. Linda Subda, the environmental educator for second and seventh graders with Chespax, said the schools are involved with the Envirothon as a part of the Maryland Green Schools Program. According to the website, www.envirothon.org, the Canon Envirothon is a 501(c) 3 not-forprofit organization established to coordinate the delivery of an environmental education program for high school students throughout North America. The environmental education program consists of the annual Canon Envirothon Competition in which winning teams from participating states and Canadian provinces compete for recognition and scholarships by demonstrating their knowledge of environmental science and natural resource management. The competition is centered on four universal testing categories and a current environmental issue. Subda said the four topics Photos courtesy of Linda Subda that stay the same form year to A Calvert County student learns to identify the slope of a hill. year are forestry, wildlife, aquatics and soil. The fifth topic changes tions,” according to the Envirothon website. every year, and this year’s topic is Subda said while it would be nice to have estuaries. Calvert County go to the national competition, the Some districts have teams of stu- real goal is teaching students and raising awaredents who view Envirothon as a club, ness about the environment. but in Calvert County, the AP EnvironFor more information about the nationwide mental Studies students are the ones Envirothon, visit www.envirothon.org. For inforwho compete in Envirothon. Because mation about Maryland’s Envirothon, visit www. of this, the students change every year mascd.net/envirothon. By Sarah Miller (CT) info@ and Calvert County doesn’t have the somdpublishing.net benefit of having students competing

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Careful Catch By Keith McGuire

The trophy rockfish season opens on April 16th to kick off the fishing year for most anglers. Purveyors of products needed to support our sport are fully stocked and ready to sell. If you have done your homework like I suggested last week, you will be ready for the Fishing Fair at the Solomon’s Fire Hall on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 AM ‘till 3:00 PM. All manner of fishing and boating products will be sold. Look for me at The Tackle Box booth. Also last week, I told you about the terrific catch and release opportunity at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. The attached picture is my son, Scott McGuire, posed with a fine fish that was caught and subsequently released last Friday. Jigging was the name of the game. He used a ¾ ounce jig head adorned with a 10” Bass Kandy Delight for the bigger fish and a 6” Bass Kandy Delight for smaller ones. Capt Steve Seigel will have a complete selection of BKD’s at the Solomon’s show. Stop by his booth and check them out. Scott practices “Careful Catch” with the stripers – a method of hooking, landing and releasing the fish unharmed. He uses a barbless hook and does not use a net. The barbless hook allows for easy hook removal because there is no barb to prevent the hook from easily backing out. Scott frequently chooses to remove the hook from the fish while it is still in the water beside the boat – a

The Ordinary


task that is only practical with barbless hooks. When he pulls a fish onto the boat for a picture, he grabs the lower jaw of the fish with his left hand and pulls it out of the water with the support of his right hand under the body of the fish. The hook is quickly removed, a picture is taken, wows are exchanged and the fish is gently lowered back into the water in a matter of seconds. His guideline is holding his breath. If Scott has to breathe during the process, he has had the fish out of water too long. A glove makes the process easier and prevents unnecessary abrasions to fingers and thumbs. You’ll notice in the picture that he’s using a glove on his left hand that is marketed by Rick Long of Pax River Products called the Fish-Off Glove. Look for Rick at the Solomon’s Fishing Fair this weekend for good demonstration of the specialized glove. Should you decide to try catch and release fishing be-

fore the season begins and decide to use a net, use one of the rubberized or knotless nets available from our local tackle shops. These nets will also be available at the Fishing Fair. Unlike a regular landing net, these nets do less harm to the protective slime that coats the sides of fish. Lots of folks believe that catch and release fishing harms the fish, but the harm is most often nonfatal when done correctly. Every sport fishery in the country can and does benefit from catch and release fishing. For the best practices in catch and release fishing check out www.carefulcatchmaryland.com, a website sponsored by the Coastal Conservation Association Maryland, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Boat U.S. Foundation and others. These techniques can even be used during the regular season starting in April. riverdancekeith@hotmail.com. Keith has been a recreational angler on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries for over 50 years; he fishes weekly from his small boat during the season, and spends his free time supporting local conservation organizations.

Why Teach History? By Sherrod Sturrock We are raising a generation of children that can’t identify the symbols on the American flag. -Social Studies Coordinator I have always believed that history is important ― not because memorizing dates and names improve our quality of life, but because of the lessons history teaches us. People who know history will look at the revolutionary spirit abroad in the Middle East and hearken back to another era when revolution swept the world in 1848. Or they might recall the American Revolution, which in its turn helped spark the French Revolution. Learning about the history of America instills understanding of what it means to be an American. Knowing about the hardships that the early


Thursday, March-2011

settlers endured to gain a foothold in the New World, and the impossible odds faced by the colonists revolting against the overwhelming might of Britain, make us value the independence that they won, and we enjoy. The long, bloody Civil War waged to keep the country united and to abolish the dehumanizing institution of slavery annealed the nation. The constant effort to maintain the precarious balance between church and state, federal vs. state’s rights, to strive for fair representation in government, to ensure civil rights for all Americans, all of this is all grounded in our history, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights. Knowing our story arms us against anyone who would rob us of these hard won civil rights and freedoms. And yet, in today’s public school classrooms, precious little time is spent learning the critical lessons of history. The No Child Left Behind legislation, designed to ensure that every child can read and compute on grade level by the year 2014, has had unintended consequences. Initially only math and reading were tested, with science a recent addition. Each year schools test students, and each year they are expected to show “Adequate Yearly Progress” (AYP). Failing to make this mark has direct implications on funding, staffing, and ultimately job security. As a result, there is less emphasis placed on teaching non-tested sub-

jects like history, the arts, and literature. Even the national voluntary standards do not include history. In 2009, on the most recent national history test, only 47 percent of the students tested reached the “basic” level (The Economist, February 19, 2011, p.36). In Governor O’Malley’s proposed 2012 budget, the requirement for high school seniors to pass an American government test in order to graduate has been eliminated to save money ― because it is not federally mandated. Teachers receive little professional development in history. Part of the mission of the Calvert Marine Museum is the collection, preservation, research, and interpretation of the cultural history of Southern Maryland. Instilling a respect for our history is ingrained in our work. We, and our cultural partners across the state and the country, must reach out and do more to backfill the void left by public education. We must find creative ways to help children understand and appreciate the critical, absolutely central necessity of this sadly neglected subject. Sherrod Sturrock is the Deputy Director of the Calvert Marine Museum. Send comments to: sturrosa@ co.cal.md.us.

Join the Calvert Marine Museum as they celebrate Kite Day Saturday, April 2. Wings Over Washington returns to Solomons to fly kites in Glascock Field, directly across the street from the museum from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bring your own kite or make one at the museum. You may purchase a kit for $5 (cash only). (www. calvertmarinemuseum.com) Spring Temptations offers the irresistible art of Ellen Robinson and Megan Richard at CalvART Gallery, Prince Frederick Shopping Center. Primarily a watercolor artist, Megan finds inspiration from the natural world. Hours spent walking in the woods behind her home, hiking with her husband and three children and long summers spent on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron have all influenced her work. A ceramic artist, and a retired art teacher, Ellen Robinson is known for her functional pottery as well as her “textural crab dishes.” Ellen’s new works are rich in color, dynamic and very useful. The show will run from April 6 to May 1. Join the artists for their opening reception on Saturday, April 9, from 5 to 8 p.m. (www.calvartgallery.com) The Calvert Library will host an American Girl Tea Party at each of their branches for doll lovers ages 7 to 11. Learn about the life and times of Felicity through activity, craft and a tea party. American Girl dolls are welcomed. Dress as your favorite doll and bring along other generations of doll lovers from your family. Because this activity is so popular, the Calvert Library will offer it at all of their locations. On Saturday, April 9, tea parties will be hosted at the Prince Frederick Branch at 10 a.m. and the Southern Branch beginning at 2 p.m. On Saturday, April 16, the Fairview Branch will host their tea party at 10 a.m. and the Twin Beach Branch tea party will begin at 2 p.m. Reservations are required. For more information or to register please call 410-535-0291, 301-855-1862 or 410-257-2411. (http:// calvert.lib.md.us/)

“Swing into Spring” with the Chesapeake Swing Band at the Calvert Elks Lodge, Saturday, April 9, from 7 to 10 p.m. This alcohol-free event, sponsored by Kelly’s Tree and Landscaping, will benefit the Adult Day Care of Calvert County. Hot and cold hors d’oeuvres will be available. Tickets are $20 per person and each ticket purchased enters you to win a free iPad, donated by Delegate Mark Fisher. To buy or reserve tickets call 410-535-0133. (www.adcofcalvertcounty.org) Did you know that parrots make up their own jokes and mice giggle when they’re tickled? On Sunday, April 10, journey into the world of animals to learn how they communicate, play and survive at the Calvert Marine Museum. The Sunday Conversations with Chesapeake Authors series will conclude with Dr. Karen Shanor, neuropsychologist and co-author of “Bats Sing, Mice Giggle” at 2 p.m. in the auditorium. The book explores the surprising science of the inner lives of animals. Books are available in the museum store and a book signing will follow the presentation. (www.calvertmarinemuseum.com) On Sunday, April 10, the College of Southern Maryland Ward Virts Concert Series presents Keith Wright on flute accompanied by pianist Stephen Johnson. A faculty member at the College of Southern Maryland, Wright received a doctorate at the University of Kansas with a focus on applied flute, music appreciation, chamber music and music technology. The concert will be held at 3 p.m. at the Prince Frederick campus, Room 119, 115 J.W. Williams Road, Prince Frederick. For more information call 443-550-6011. Ever wonder what archaeologists do? Join the staff at Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum Saturday, April 16, for Discovering Archaeology Day. Discover the where, what and how of archaeology. Tours of the museum grounds and the Maryland Archaeological Con-

Cinema Café Film Series On Wednesday, April 6, 2011, join Calvert Library Prince Frederick as we continue our Cinema Café film series with an Italian film that takes a moving look at the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love in the face of adversity. Lights go down at 6:30 p.m. and the film, presented in high definition, will be followed by a short discussion ending by 8:30 p.m. The 1997 film, set during World War II, tells the story of bookkeeper Guido, a man who has a fairytale life

with his wife and young son until the Nazis turn their world upside down. Finding himself and his son trapped in a concentration camp, Guido turns to his marvelous sense of humor to try to protect his son from harm. Academy Award winner Robert Benigni directs and stars. Light refreshments and coffee will be served. For more information call Molly Crumbley at (410) 535-0291 or (301) 855-1862.

Out&About servation Lab will be available. Stop by the “Knap-in” at the Indian Village to discover how stone tools are made. Visit the ongoing excavations of an 18th century plantation site. The park will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with demonstrations, tours, displays and handson activities for all ages. Admission is free. (www. jefpat.org) Celebrate Earth Day and Honor Arbor Day with Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center on Saturday, April 16. Kids and their families can bring a white T-shirt, pillowcase or large sheet to paint and “hug” their way to a fabulous tree-bark printed painting. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. join the Calvert Master Gardeners to learn how to plant and care for native plant species. You will paint your own unique terracotta starter pot. Groove with the Gourd Orchestra and Gourd Petting Zoo from 1 to 4 p.m. The Richmond Indigenous Gourd Orchestra is a band of musicians with dirt under their fingernails who put the “culture” back into agriculture. All of these tree-mendous activities are FREE with admission. (www.annmariegarden.org) A new event comes to Chesapeake Beach this spring! The Chesapeake Beach Easter Festival will feature a 45-foot inflated caterpillar that children may crawl through, pony rides, a moon bounce and a trackless train. Headlining the event will be the Easter Bunny along with other “characters” from around town to pass out Easter eggs to the children. There will be a wide variety of games and prizes to add to the fun. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16, noon to 1:30 p.m. and don’t forget an Easter basket to gather your treats. For more information, contact Town Hall, 410-257-2230 or 301-855-8398. (Rain date - April 23) (http://chesapeake-beach.md.us/)

Asbury Solomons Sale There will be a sale on Saturday the 2nd of April from 9am to 3pm at Asbury Solomons Retirement Community, 11100 Asbury Circle, Solomons, in the auditorium. This will include Betty’s Closet a resale clothing boutique with better quality gently used clothing and accessories. We will also have a wonderful collection of evening gowns. Books will also be on sale from the Asbury library. All proceeds will benefit Asbury Solomons Benevolent Care Fund. For More information call 410-394-3483

Thursday, March-2011


New Location in Mechanicsville

P ages P


From Sandy Island to Solomons Island

By Joyce Baki


27725 Three Notch Rd. Mechanicsville, MD 20659


Thursday, March-2011

The town of Solomons covers the area south of Dowell Road and is surrounded by water – Back Creek and the Patuxent as it winds its way to the Chesapeake Bay. In 1680 the island of Solomons was known as Bourne’s Island, the name taken from the family that owned the land. When the Somervell family bought the land around 1740, the name would change to Somervell Island. In 1865 records show Solomons as an area of roughly 80 acres called “Sandy Island” when it was sold to Isaac Solomon for $6000. Isaac Solomon, born in 1819, dealt in oysters. He had established a canning factory in Baltimore in the early 1860s and was expanding his business. According to Islands in a River a book written by Richard Dodds, “this was the first large-scale canning factory on the Patuxent River, and in addition to the cannery business included a wharf, lime kilns, marine railway, and housing for 200 workers.” The home of Isaac Solomon is believed to be the building owned by the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory on the end of the island known as “Old Solomons House.” Solomons Methodist Church would become the first church in Solomons. It was built in 1870 and dedicated in June 1871 as the Solomons Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1968 it would be renamed the Solomons United Methodist Church. The first Catholic Church was Our Lady Star of the Sea, established in 1888. The first site of the church is marked by a cemetery in an area of Solomons that was known as Avondale. The church was moved to its present site in the 1920s. St. Peters Protestant Episcopal Church was built in 1889. It is the only surviving board-and-batten, Gothic style church in Calvert County. Board and batten is a style of exterior siding that has alternating wide boards and narrow strips, called battens. The boards are generally one foot wide, while the battens are usually ½ inch wide and placed over the seams between the boards. Shipyards developed to support the

fishing and oyster businesses. These shipyards built schooners and sloops, and became famous for its bugeyes, which through several conversions would become skipjacks. Solomons Island would also provide support for the Navy, first in the War of 1812 and again in World War II. During the War of 1812 Commodore Joshua Barney would sail his flotilla from Solomons Island into the Patuxent in an effort to slow or stop the British from using the Patuxent in its military efforts against Washington, DC. The flotilla consisted of armed shallowdraft barges that could fire upon the British then retreat into shallow waters where the British could not follow. During the month of June 1814, Barney’s flotilla fought the British in the waters of the Patuxent near Jefferson Patterson Park, retreating into shelter of St. Leonard’s Creek. Unable to defeat the well-armed British Navy, Barney would move the flotilla up the Patuxent to the town of Queen Anne near Upper Marlboro, where he would scuttle the remainder of his flotilla rather that let them fall into the hands of the British. If you would like to learn more, visit any of our Welcome Centers and ask for a Byways Map. You will be able to follow the path of the Chesapeake Campaign throughout Maryland. During World War II, Solomons was designated by Allied Command as the site to train amphibious invasion forces. This would be the nation’s first amphibious training facility and would be active for four years (1942-1945). More than 68,000 servicemen trained at this location. The lessons they would learn would prove invaluable on D-Day, in the Guadalcanal, at Iwo Jima, Normandy and other numerous military operations. At the end of Dowell Road, the former location of the base, a statue stands looking out to sea. “On Watch” commemorates all of the men and women whose lives were touched by the Amphibious Training Base. The monument was designed and created by Maryland artist and sculptor Antonio Tobias Mendez.

Weekend of Comedy Set for Southern Maryland Communities on both side of the bridge are preparing for a weekend bound to tickle your funny bone and leave you with a smile just in time for April Fool’s Day. First up is Jason Linett’s stage hypnosis show at 7 p.m. on April 1 at Calvert High School. Tickets will be $5 at the door, which goes to benefit the school. Linett’s show includes bringing people up to the stage, putting them under hypnosis and suggesting them to do things like pretend they’re on a beach, or a movie star. Unlike cinema hypnosis, where a person can be persuaded to do anything under the sun, Linett said in real life, people will not take suggestions they would not accept in their normal frame of mind. None of the volunteers are made to do anything embarrassing, or that could be seen as inappropriate even out of context. Because Linett performs at so many schools, he said he keeps his act family and kid friendly. Linett described his show as an “interactive comedy event where you can be the star of the show.”

Jason Linett

Ok, he never found God in a flower but it sounded cool. Despite that, he does talk about deeply personal experiences in a way that relates to everyone.” As an actor, Laurence has landed roles on both “Law & Order: CI” and “Forensic Files.” His film work includes “Shooter” with Mark Wahlberg along with key roles in Indie films like “Sheep Skin” and “Karma.” He is currently working on the sitcom pilot “Get a Grip” with 3PPG Productions.” For more information, or to make a reservation, call Mattingly at 301-475-5966 or email Rogr69@verizon.net. By Sarah Miller (CT) info@somdpublishing.net

Scott Angrave

He said he does between 60 and 80 shows a year, in addition to appearing at 120 schools across the country. He said it’s rewarding to go to a place he’s been in the past and find that people are still talking about what happened the year before. “It’s really great to go back for a second year,” he said. Linett is being brought to Calvert High School by the Parent, Teachers and Student Association (PTSA). For more information on Linett and his show, visit www.jasonlinett.com. For individuals whose thirst for laughter hasn’t been quenched by Linett on Friday night, there will be a double dose of comedy at the Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department on Saturday. Doors open at 6 p.m. for Attitude Adjustment, followed by dinner and “two really awesome comedians,” said Roger Mattingly, who helped to coordinate the event for the fire department. For $50, Mattingly said people can come have dinner, which consists of round of beef, crab imperial and roasted turkey and all of the trimmings. There will also

be an open bar all evening. All proceeds benefit the Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department. Mattingly said the show is meant for an adult audience and, while he said they steer clear of anything obscene, he would give the evening a PG-13 rating. He also said it is best to purchase tickets in advance. The comedians making an appearance at the fire department will be Laurence Mullaney and headliner Scott Angrave. Angrave’s website, www.comedymax.com, names him England’s funniest export. According to the website, “Scott Angrave is a college graduate, a former accountant and a ‘not-so-perfect’ English gentleman. Born in Liverpool some ‘fortyodd’ years ago, he is often asked about his connection to The Beatles. His only claim to fame to the Fab Four is that he ‘was born the same year George Harrison finally reached puberty.’ Since 1987 he has spent approximately seven months out of every year touring the United States making fun of the people that inhabit his ‘home away from home.’” Angrave also has a book published called “How To Speak Proper English (Like What I Do).” Mullaney is an actor as well as a comedian and will be taking the stage first to get he audience warmed up, Mattingly said. According to his website, www.laurencemullaney.com, “audiences are drawn to Laurence’s signature intensity as he explores topics from being in the Marine Corps to finding God in a flower.

Thursday, March-2011


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Nursing Home Alternative Taylor Farm provides a beautiful place for our residents to live.

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A one of a kind full care Assisted Living Facility. Come see why TheVillage at Taylor Farm is the fastest growing Assisted Living in Southern Maryland.

We Offer A New Approach to Alzheimer’s & Dementia All Private Rooms Best Caregiver To Resident ratio Visiting Doctor Non-Institutional Freedom in a peaceful country setting...

ASSISTED LIVING located in St. Mary’s County Call today and enjoy the peace of mind The Village offers. 301-769-3702 or visit us on the web at



Thursday, March-2011

www.TaylorFarmAssistedLiving.com TaylorFarm@hughes.net

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