2013-05-09 Calvert Gazette

Page 1


May 9, 2013



Everything Calvert County

O’Donnell Will Stay His Course See Page 3

Man Sentenced for Racist Vandalism See Page 10


Local Clydesdale Team Going to The Preakness

On Future of Prince Frederick Page 12

See Page 13

The Calvert Gazette

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Mother’S daY SaLe

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Thursday, May 9, 2013


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On T he Cover

The county is planning a charrette for the Prince Frederick Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance update. Charrettes are designed to involve the community on a daily basis in updating such documents.

3 County News 8 Business 9 Education 10 Crime 11 Letters Feature Story 12 13 Newsmaker 14 Steppin’ Out 16 Obituaries 18 Community 19 Sports 20 Entertainment 21 Games 21 Classifieds 22 Out & About

Check Out Our Mom and Grandma Tervis® Tumblers!

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Xander Dailey gets into character during the grand re-opening of North Beach’s Bayside History Museum on May 4.

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county news

Mary Embry, left, and Keri Lipperini cut out fabric for a pillowcase to donate to community groups in need.


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

O’Donnell Will Stay His Course By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Del. Anthony J. O’Donnell says he will continue to uphold Republican Party principles in the wake of a vote in the GOP House Caucus that resulted in his ouster as minority leader more than a week ago. The vote was reportedly very close among GOP delegates but Anne Arundel Del. Nicholas R. Kipke was chosen to be the new minority leader. Harford County Del. Kathy Szeliga also replaced Del. Jeannie HaddawayRiccio as minority whip in the Maryland State House. Being out of the leadership position means be can now focus more closely on his own goals both political and personal and be more free in how he expresses his positions in the legislature, O’Donnell said. As minority leader for six years, he had to work to accommodate many divergent points of view. But much of what he does will remain the same, he said. “I will continue to vigorously represent the citizens of Calvert and St. Mary’s counties at a high level,” O’Donnell said. A continuing focus on fiscal prudence

and protecting personal freedom would be at the core of his agenda, he said. “From that perspective nothing will change,” O’Donnell said. He made no comment on why the vote came to oust him from his longtime leadership position but he said it was expected. “It was not a surprise, we knew it was going to be close,” O’Donnell said. O’Donnell’s tenure as House Minority Leader was marked by some successes and high-profile losses. During his leadership Republicans actually gained six seats in the House of Delegates during the 2010 election at a time when former Gov. Robert Ehrlich lost his reelection bid to Gov. Martin O’Malley by 15 percentage points. Despite O’Donnell’s efforts at party unity and strong opposition to tax increases and sweeping gun control his party still went to defeat. Political observers said that the change in leadership was likely more about weariness with the party’s lack of success than having a problem with O’Donnell personally. “It’s an act of frustration,” said Todd Eberly, professor of political science at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

Commissioners Vote for Metropolitan Designation By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The Board of County Commissioners voted Tuesday to approve an agreement that would make a portion of the county part of a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) that would put the county in line to receive larger amounts of federal transportation funding, but one commissioner dissented because he believed it gave the federal government too much control over land use decisions here. Planning staff recommended moving ahead with the agreement to participate with the state and federal government on the designation, though in St. Mary’s County elected leaders rejected the proposed agreement and appealed the designation of Lexington Park and California as part of the MPO along with the Chesapeake Ranch Estates in Calvert. According to staff reports the

consequences of not taking part in the agreement would mean the loss of about $454,000 in public transportation funding or about half of the budget allotment for that line item. Other counties reported that they had received money for planning watershed implementation plan retrofits and other enhancements by taking part in the agreement. The MPO process came about from U.S. Census data that claimed the areas in both Calvert and St. Mary’s had become so populace as to designate them as a single planning area for transportation purposes. Commissioner Jerry Clark voted against the agreement. “It’s just silly and a waste of time,” Clark said. “It’s just more federal intrusion in local stuff.”


The problem for Maryland Republicans, though, is that their numbers are so few in the House and the Senate that dominant Democrats don’t need to compromise with them no matter what leadership changes the GOP makes. “You almost have to say ‘Who cares who their leader is?” Eberly said. “If they don’t change their message they’re screwed.” Eberly said Republican intransigence on laws like the Dream Act and same sex marriage put them at odds with an increasingly liberal Maryland. And while much of rural Maryland supported Republicans, especially when it comes to their staunch opposition to gun control, it doesn’t follow them in urban areas. In essence, the state GOP is becoming the party of “no,” he said. “They don’t offer any credible alternatives,” Eberly said. “Republicans basically need one cohesive message that completely backs off social issues. “It’s always what they’re against.” By constantly being in the opposition, he said, Republicans have been forced to constantly react to Democrat political offensives. “If all you’re doing is reacting you’re not building your numbers.” Increasing their numbers in the senate, where they could actually use the filibuster if they had 19 votes to hold open debate, is where Republicans should double their efforts, Eberly said. O’Donnell’s release from the minority leader allows him to run for the Senate, he said. “That completely frees him up to run

against [Sen. Roy] Dyson,” Eberly said. “If he doesn’t do it now I don’t know when he would.” Eberly said that Dyson’s narrow victory in the last election made him vulnerable in an increasingly Republican St. Mary’s despite being a conservative Democrat. O’Donnell seemed to put little stock in that option. “Any plans along those lines are speculative at best,” O’Donnell said. Frank McCabe, a member of the Calvert County Republican Central Committee, lamented O’Donnell’s ouster. “I was obviously very disappointed in the change of leadership,” McCabe said. “He was always a stalwart in defending common sense fiscal policy.” McCabe said O’Donnell’s aggressive opposition to certain policies may have soured him to younger delegates but he counted the former minority leader’s aggressive and conservative stances as needful. “The leader of the [House] Republicans has to be a bulldog,” McCabe said. “He had to be a fighter, we’re in the minority.” O’Donnell declined to comment on the future of the new leadership, only that he would continue to be a loyal GOP member. He noted however, that while the last leadership team was from rural areas of the state, the new team was from an urban setting. “I hope and pray we focus on protecting the interests of rural areas from a very hostile administration.” guyleonard@countytimes.net


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COUNTY NEWS Maryland State Police and Sheriff’s Office Go Head to Head

The Calvert Gazette



Bayside History Museum Open Again and Ready for Business

By Sarah Miller Staff Writer Four months of work culminated in a ribbon cutting for grand re-opening of North Beach’s Bayside History Museum on May 4. “We moved from one historic house to the old North Beach fire department,” said museum president Grace Mary Brady. In addition to the North Beach fire department, the build-

By Sarah Miller Staff Writer For years, the sheriff’s office and the state police have faced off in November for the annual Turkey Bowl. Last year, game organizer DFC Andre Mitchell suggested adding a new sport to their repertoire – a spring basketball game. Money from the basketball game benefits the DARE program. Mitchell, the new president of the Maryland DARE Officers Association, found sponsors to pay for incidental costs, such as tee-shirts for the players. Sponsors help ensure all proceeds go to DARE, he said. “It was very unofficial last year,” Mitchell said, adding the event was meant to gauge the level of interest in the game. This year’s basketball game was May 8 at 6:30 p.m. at Huntingtown High School. In addition to the basketball game, police nation wide are preparing for National Police Week, the week of May 13. In the five years since Mitchell joined the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office, the county always hosted a ceremony for the Southern Maryland agencies. During the ceremony, fallen officers from Southern Maryland and nation wide receive recognition, Mitchell said. Typically, corrections workers were the only ones not honored during National Police Week, having a separate time to honor them the week before. This year, corrections workers who have fallen will be honored at the ceremony, Mitchell said, adding the first casualties in the line of duty this year were corrections officers. The ceremony used to be in the afternoon at Calvert Pines Senior Center. Two years ago, the sheriff’s office changed the ceremony to an evening affair, which Mitchell said allows more family members to attend. This year’s memorial is May 14 at 7 p.m. in Calvert Lighthouse Church in Prince Frederick.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Senator Mike Miller celebrated the Bayside History Museum’s grand re-opening.

ing housed the Twin Beaches library in 1981 for approximately 10 years, then multi purpose space for the Department of Parks and Recreation. This weekend’s grand reopening “was successful beyond our expectations,” Brady said. They welcomed more than 350 visitors in less than three hours on Saturday, and the museum packed on Sunday. People came from as far away as Florida, New York, and locally from Washington, D. C., Baltimore and Easton, she said. The new location is 10 times the size of the former one and handicapped accessible, Brady said. The new space allowed the museum to expand and add exhibits. Old exhibits that received facelifts included the Camp Roosevelt display, which now holds a canoe and artwork from a movie that was shot there, and the “A Day at the Beach” exhibits, which includes a display of fishing rods and lures from the 1920s to now. They built a merry go round and a facsimile of the amusement park that used to call the beaches home. The most important addi-

Photos courtesy of Grace Mary Brady Museum volunteer Caroline Grace Garrett takes a break with one of the new carousel animals.

tion is the museum gift shop, which the museum never had before, Brady said. Volunteer Diane Harrison ordered merchandise for the gift shop, including miniature carousel horses and tobacco barn, jewelry, toys and “something for everyone,” Brady said. One of the new exhibits features the War of 1812 and Francis Scott Key. Items in the War of 1812 display include old ship’s logs from the area. Work on the museum was completed in four months, using more than 70 volunteers, Brady


“It’s a real act of love.” Volunteer Hilary Dailey has been with the museum since 2006 and has been excited to take part in the move and the new exhibits. “It’s looking wonderful,” Dailey said. For more information, visit www.baysidehistorymuseum. org, e-mail president@baysidehistorymuseum.org or call 301-855-4028. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Victims of Lyme Disease Warn of Debilitating Effects By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

great difficulty and often requires assistance. Her speech has been hamA former county employee, pered since the disease spread, a local Boy Scout, both suffering she said. from the crippling effects of Lyme “The disease went to my Disease told the Board of County brain,” Cook said. “But the disCommissioners Tuesday that ease not only affects the patient public officials needed to ensure but their family as well.” residents were fully aware of the She read a text message from danger of tick bites or they could her son who lamented the fact that suffer the same fate. there was nothing he could do to Corinne Cook, former clerk help assuage her ailment. for the commissioners, was diag“My story is one of many,” nosed with Lyme Disease in Feb- Cook said. ruary of last year and has since Nikolas Stout, a Boy Scout Commissioner Evan Slaugenhoupt presents a proclamation to Division of Corsuffered neurological and physical from Troop 451 in Lusby, said he rections commanders in honor of Correctional Officers Week trauma. She can only walk with had removed ticks many times and can’t know when or where the said the neurotoxins common to bacteria that caused the disease Lyme Disease were just like the entered his body even though he kinds found in mold, from which was finally diagnosed with it in she herself has suffered. June of last year after seeing more She said Calvert County than 70 different doctors to find needs physicians who were familthe cause of his pain and lethargy iar with treating patients suffering “I haven’t been to school from neurotoxins. because of this disease since last “We’re working on getting year,” Stout said. “It’s not some- some doctors here who are up to thing you can push through.” speed,” Shaw said. If treated early enough the According to information symptoms of the disease, includ- from the Maryland Department of ing fatigue, muscle weakness, Health and Mental Hygiene there joint pain and even heart and neu- were 24 cases of Lyme Disease rological ailments can be cured. reported in Calvert in 2011. The If treated too late the prob- highest number of cases reported lems can linger and even cause was 84 back in 2007. Photos by Guy Leonard eventual death. Corinne Cook, blue and green dress, spoke about the affects of Lyme Disease Commissioner Susan Shaw guyleonard@countytimes.net to her former employers the Board of County Commissioners.


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

COUNTY Savings Just In Time For Mother’s Day NEWS Local Crafters Serve Community with Pillowcases 25 25 30 Knockout Roses


Encore Azaleas





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By Sarah Miller Staff Writer

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Two yards of fabric make two pillow cases, according to Mary Embry. For the Southern Pines Senior Center sewing circle, this means one to take home and one to donate. The group started making clutch bags at the beginning of the year. Since then, they began making handmade gifts for local transitional homes and shelters. Embry found this idea in a magazine and presented it to the group. The women embraced the idea and ran with it, choosing to make handmade pillowcases. The idea was just a suggestion. Nobody is required to make a donation, but the group was enthusiastic. Embry was “surprised at how many came in.” The group made their first donation on May 1 to Ruth’s Miracle Group Home, a transitional home based out of Lusby. Their next project is a larger batch to give to Safe Harbor in Prince Frederick, once they receive approval from the shelter. “These pillowcases are something personal to keep,” said group member Eloise Evans. Embry credited her with making contacts with groups homes in the area. Some pillow cases are made for the children who come to Safe Harbor with their

Photos by Sarah Miller Mary Embry, left, helps Keri Lipperini cut fabric.

mothers. When children are taken from home in the middle of the night, it is frightening. In a situation like that, “little kids, the first think they do when they get a pillow or a stuffed animal is hug it,” Embry said. Recipients are allowed to take the pillow cases home with them. Embry is working on a pattern to make superhero capes for children who come into Safe Harbor, in addition to children in the hospital. Some of the fabric the group uses is donated. Embry inspects and cleans cloth before they use it for pillow cases. Group members purchased juvenile prints to use for children’s items. The group meets every Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Southern Pines sewing room is open to the group every day of the week when it is not otherwise occupied. “We’d love to have anybody who wishes to join us,” Embry said, adding the group welcomes crafters of all skill levels and will teach necessary skills.

Sewers from Southern Pines Senior Center are ready to donate more pillowcases to groups in need.


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Thursday, May 9, 2013

COUNTY NEWS Garrett Music Academy Donates $5,000 to Libraries

The Calvert Gazette

Orthopaedic Care That Fits the Pace of Your Life Win the Race Against Joint Pain Constant pain can affect your mood and prevent you from enjoying life and family. Fortunately Dr. Usman Zahir, of the MedStar Georgetown Orthopaedic Institute, specializes in orthopaedic conditions of the joints, back and neck. His expertise and affiliation with MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital allow him to treat you, surgically or non-surgically. Even better, his practice is conveniently located nearby in Leonardtown. Fellowship trained at the University of Maryland Medical Center, Dr. Zahir is backed by the full resources of the MedStar Georgetown Orthopaedic Institute.

“We have always had very important partnerships with the library and they have been great neighbors for us at GMA! Families stopping at the Academy for their weekly music classes almost always stop at the library as well.” “We were inspired by the decision of the local government to make a large initial investment in a new interim branch in Solomon’s while we get a few years of economic recovery under our belt,” said Nick Garrett, Dean of Students at the Garrett Music Academy. The Academy offered a $5,000 contribution to the new project, dedicating the contribution to the development of the new nonfiction section. “There was supposed to be a new branch built and when the economy went south the project was deferred. That did not address the fact that the south county residents needed a new facility now. Our commissioners over the last several cycles acted, and so should those businesses who want to have an impact on education in our community, said Garrett of the expansion.” All it takes is one trip to the current branch and the question as to why we need “another library” is answered clearly. The library is one of the most important public institutions available to citizens. Families that use the library regularly are well-prepared and active members of the community. “We are honored to be able to support the mission of the library and to share with our families that these types of causes are where our investments go, not to frivolous ventures. I hope our families, teachers, staff, and students, are proud of this support and get a chance to go check out the new branch when it opens.” If you too would like to show your support for the new library in southern Calvert County, please visit www.calvert.lib.md.us. To learn more about your community's only bona fide music school visit www.garrettmusicacademy.com

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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Flying Pigs and Pizza The Flying Pig Eatery Has it All By Sarah Miller Staff Writer After an argument about the lease in his previous location, local business owner Ken Abate said he would re-open in a different location. “When pigs fly,” was the response he received. Pigs have taken wing, and in honor of this accomplishment, Abate dubbed the new St. Leonard restaurant The Flying Pig Eatery, which opened March 18. The Flying Pig Eatery offers a wide variety of cuisine, from crab balls and cheese steaks to New York style pizza and pulled pork. The menu is designed to offer something for everybody, Abate said. They offer an “outstanding club sandwich,” and they “can’t keep cheese steaks and pulled pork in the restau-

rant,” due to the popularity they have found in the area. From their menu, Abate would recommend the pizza, cheese steak and crab balls. “In my opinion, we have the best crab balls around,” he said. Abate and his business partner, Stacey, acquired the St. Leonard restaurant in November 2012. Since then, they cleaned and painted the interior from top to bottom, replaced the stove, hood and other kitchen equipment and installed new tables and chairs. A chicken statue outside has become a popular photo opportunity, Abate said. The new pizza oven is a deck style, which makes the best New York style pizza, he said. The Flying Pig offers event catering. For more information, including a full menu, visit www.flyingpigeatery.com or www.facebook.com/flyingpigeatery. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Photos courtesy of Ken Abate The Flying Pig is open and ready for business

Local Chef Offers Cooking Classes Learn to Cook with Confidence Have you always wanted to learn how to cook, or maybe spend some time in the kitchen with your kids? Looking for a different way to spend date night? No Thyme to Cook, a local personal chef service in Prince Frederick, now offers cooking classes to suit

every palate. Owned and operated by Prince Frederick native Gwyn Novak, No Thyme to Cook began in 1998 by providing in-home personalized gourmet meals to clients. Due to overwhelming interest, the company has expanded to

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include seasonal cooking classes as well. “Each month we offer a variety of classes for every type of cook – from the novice to the more seasoned chef. All of our classes are hands-on. I think the best way to learn anything is to do it yourself,” Novak explains. No Thyme to Cook’s students agree. "I definitely feel more comfortable in the kitchen now and not so intimidated by it,” said Allie Rice. “A kitchen used to be so overwhelming to me, but once you become more familiar with it, you learn that you can own the kitchen and the kitchen doesn't own you. It was so fun, and I'm excited to learn some more!" This month’s schedule of classes features Knife Skills (part of the Cooking 101 series), Family Meal Makeovers, Pies & Tarts, Fighting Diabetes with Food, and the Mediterranean Diet. “Our

most popular class is our monthly Couples in the Kitchen,” Novak states. “One Saturday night a month we offer a 4-course themed meal. In May it’s Great Grilling. The couples prepare the courses, and we all enjoy it together. It’s a great way to spend a date night.” In addition to the regular schedule of classes, No Thyme to Cook also offers private, in-home cooking classes. You choose the topic and invite your friends to learn a technique or cuisine you are interested in mastering or some recipe or food problem you want to conquer. Each class is personalized to the client’s individual needs. No Thyme to Cook brings all of the equipment and food needed. It’s perfect for book clubs, girls’ night out, and even Mother’s Day gifts. “We are all about making cooking fun,” Novak explains. “There’s a misconception that cooking is a time-consuming

chore. I think people and families who don’t cook and eat together are really missing out. There’s a real pleasure about sitting down together and enjoying something you made yourself – no matter how simple or elaborate it is. I always tell my students – ‘you can’t mess it up – too badly – there’s nothing we can’t fix. Don’t worry – just enjoy it.’” A graduate of the Baltimore International Culinary College and a member of the United States Personal Chef Association, Novak has been cooking and writing about food for more than 20 years. She has worked in numerous B&Bs, country inns, and country clubs on the East Coast. To learn more about No Thyme to Cook’s cooking classes, visit them on the web at www.NoThymeToCook.com, on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/nttcook or call 443.624.5048 or email info@ NoThymeToCook.com.


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Calvert County Continues Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration Calvert County Public Schools has started the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration process for eligible students for the 2013-2014 school year. The following elementary schools are now enrolling students: Plum Point, Sunderland, Huntingtown, Dowell and Beach. Individuals residing in these school districts should contact the school to arrange a time to complete the registration process. The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration process at the remaining schools will begin on the following dates: • May 9 Calvert Elementary • May 13 Barstow Elementary • May 14 Mutual Elementary

Calverton Offers New Diploma By Sarah Miller Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of The Calverton School Spence Taintor, Head of The Calverton School, and Susan Dice, the school’s IB Coordinator, announced the new offering.

The Calverton School will offer a prestigious new diploma option during the next school year. The school announced their accreditation for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The school applied to participate in the program three years ago, said Head of School Spencer Taintor. The program is comparable to AP courses, though more writing intensive. Students who want to get the IB diploma still have the option to take AP

By Sarah Miller Staff Writer Mutual Elementary School welcomed parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles and other special adults to spend a day in the classroom during the school’s second VIP Day on May 3. This was Brian Frankel’s first time spending the day at Mutual. VIP day was an opportunity to “see what she does all day, since she never tells us,” he joked. His daughter, Sarah Frankel, is a fourth grader.

Registration Times: 9:30 am—2:00 pm

For More Information Contact: Cheryl Yates, Supervisor of Early Childhood and Adult Education Calvert County Public Schools 1305 Dares Beach Road Prince Frederick, Md. 410-535-7264

courses. Students who enter the program and drop out will still be awarded a diploma as long as they have met minimum requirements, Taintor said. IB is a twoyear program. IB is an academically challenging and balanced program of education with final examinations that prepares students, ages 16 to 19, for success at university and life beyond. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well being of students, according to a Calverton press release. Students in IB take tests similar to AP tests, in addition to

completing 500 hours of volunteer work and write an extended research essay. The program began overseas 45 years ago and was introduced in the United States approximately 30 years ago, Taintor said. There are currently 2405 schools around the globe authorized to offer the IB Diploma. Of those schools, 788 are in the United States, 27 are in Maryland, and The Calverton School is the only school authorized to offer such a diploma in Southern Maryland, the press release states. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Very Important People Welcomed at Mutual Elementary

• May 15 Windy Hill Elementary

*IMPORTANT NOTES: Children registered for prekindergarten must be four years old by Sept. 1. Parents must complete the application process and receive an eligibility letter before registering a child for the pre-kindergarten program Children registered for kindergarten must be five years old by Sept. 1. Details and information regarding Early Entry requirements can be found in CCPS Policy/Procedures #2915. Candidates for early entry to kindergarten must be five years old on or before Nov. 1 of the school year for which they apply for entrance. As stated in the policy, the intent of the assessment for early admission, as specified by the State of Maryland, is to identify exceptional students, not simply students who may be capable of completing kindergarten work. The Supervisor of Early Childhood Education must receive written requests for candidates to participate in the early entry to kindergarten assessment process by June 1.

Spotlight On

Photos by Sarah Miller Heidi VanEsselstyn watches her son, Max, paint.

Heidi VanEsselstyn spent the day with her kindergartener, Max VanEsselstyn. “It’s fun to be back here,” she said. VanEsselstyn is a product of Mutual Elementary School, and enjoyed seeing what changed and what stayed the same at the school. VIP Day is a combination and expansion of Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads and Grandparents Day, according to Principal Lisa Wisniewski. Previous events only allowed parents to come in during the morning. VIP day “provides an opportunity for all families to come share a day with their important little person,” she said. Other school events are planned and overseen by the school PTA. VIP Day was planned by teachers and the school’s student council. “Student council leaders were encouraged to take point,” Wisniewski said. When the PTA asked how they could help, Wisniewski told them they were to be guests this time. Fourth grader Jackson Carswell directed incoming visitors to the office to check in then escorted them around the school to find their child. He enjoyed helping out during the day. “I’ve never seen the kindergarteners so excited,” he said. This year, in addition to following their children around parents could participate in a cultural arts assembly. A photographer was on hand for professional student photos. Wisniewski said the day was “a little bit of a challenge,” but the school will likely stick with

Ian Applegate, left, and his VIP Beth Carter stretch during gym class.

the format in coming years. VIP Day is a chance for parents to be actively engaged in their children’s school day, and for the school to encourage parental involvement. “The little people are very important to us, and so are the big people,” Wisniewski said. In addition to student’s guests, county officials, such as County Commissioner President Pat Nutter, came to VIP Day. Wisniewski said. She was pleased to welcome them. “It’s very important to the community to realize that children are our hope for the future,” she said. For more information about Mutual Elementary School, visit mesweb.calvertnet.k12. md.us. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Calvert High Wrestling Team Hosts First 5K Fundraiser

By Sarah Miller Staff Writer When the Calvert High School wrestling team was thinking of new fundraiser ideas, they decided to go with something during their off season, finally settling on hosting the first ever Calvert Wrestling Spring Sprawl 5K Fun Run. For their first time hosting a 5K, the level of interest has been high, said Wrestling Coach Mike Free. “I’m excited to see the turn out,” he said. The race will be May 11 at 8:30 a.m. The path will start at the football stadium and will be run entirely on the Calvert High School Cross Country training course. Each mile will be marked and there will be a water stop at approximately 1.55 miles. Proceeds benefit the Calvert High School Wrestling program. Calvert Wrestling ended their 2012-2013 season with a record of 12-10, placing fifth in the SMAC Duals and 6th in the 2A South Regional Tournament with Sean Kinney as the 182 lb. Regional Champion. Community support will help the team move closer to a SMAC and Regional championship, Free said.

The team typically holds a couple fundraisers per year, but this year they wanted to something extra. If it’s a success, Free sees the 5K becoming an annual event. All pre-registered participants (by May 1st) are guaranteed a Spring Sprawl t-shirt. The top 3 overall male and female finishers will receive award, in addition to a special team award for the largest team or organization participating. Teams must be comprised of five or more pre-registered runners. The entry fee is $15 for all Calvert High School students and $25 for all other registrations after May 1 and on race day. There will also be a one-mile fun run around the track for children. Entry for the fun run is $5. On-site registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. near the concession stand at the stadium and the 5K will begin at 8:30 a.m. Checks for pre-registration should be payable to Calvert High School Wrestling. Mail registrations to Calvert High School, Attention: Coach Mike Free, 520 Fox Run Blvd., Prince Frederick, MD 20678. For more information, visit the Calvert High School Wrestling team Facebook page, e-mail FreeM@calvertnet.k12.md.us or call 240-882-7517. sarahmiller@countytimes.net



The Calvert Gazette

Man Sentenced for Racist Vandalism By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Circuit Court Judge Gregory Wells sentenced a Sunderland man to threeand-a-half years in prison for initiating a spree of vandalism that focused racial epithets mainly against the African American community. Wells said that despite character references from his fiancée, her mother, and friends and co-workers who said they had never heard him use racial slurs and that he was trying to turn his life around from criminal behavior, Curtis Lee Millsap II’s recent crimes showed a different side to his personality. “This is the most disgusting and reprehensible drawings on a person’s house,” Wells said as he looked at pictures submitted into evidence by prosecutors. “That bespeaks a completely different attitude. “This occurred over several days almost a solid month.” Police charged Millsap with 10 counts of destruction of property and he was found guilty of five of those counts in a January bench trial. Millsap addressed the court to apologize for his actions; prosecu-

tors said that up until his sentencing he had denied any involvement in the vandalism. “Any body that was hurt by that [his crimes] I’m sorry,” Millsap said. Assistant State’s Attorney Alexandra Bynum said Millsaps crime had father-reaching affects than just damaging and defacing property. His spree of vandalism hit not only county road signs and guardrails but also private homes, some of which were nearly covered in graffiti. “This was not just a crime against property,” Bynum said. “This is a crime that harmed the community at large.” “He certainly shows no remorse and has denied any involvement.” Bynum said Millsap’s pre-sentencing investigation showed he exhibited manipulative behavior and a lack of ability to control his anger. Wells said after Millsap completed his prison sentence he would be placed on five years of supervised probation; if he chose to do community service after his sentence Well said he might reconsider reducing any back up time for Millsap. guyleonard@countytimes.net

Sheriff’s Blotter The following information is compiled directly from publicly released police reports.

During the week of April 29 through May 5 deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1,403 calls for service throughout the community. Citizens with information on the following crimes or any criminal activity in Calvert County who wish to report it anonymously can now access the Calvert County Crime Solvers link through the Sheriff’s Office website. Go to www.co.cal.md.us/residents/safety/law/sheriff/ and click on the Crime Solvers link to leave an anonymous tip on-line. Information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect could result in a $1,000 reward. Destruction of Property Case #13-25217: Someone caused $50 in damage to a white sign at the end of a driveway in the 900 block of Sollers Wharf Road in Lusby overnight between April 27 and 28. The sign was pulled up from the ground and broken into several pieces. Dep. S. Moran is investigating. Burglary Case #13-25221: A burglary to a home in the 12300 block of Algonquin Trail in Lusby was discovered on April 30 at 11:30 a.m. Over $1600 in property was stolen to include a black handled Survival knife, miscellaneous jewelry and a Black and Decker alligator saw. Dep. S. Moran is investigating. Disorderly Conduct Case #13-25812: Dep. N. Lenharr responded to the area of Huntingtown United Methodist Church and Hunting Creek Road in Huntingtown on May 3 at 6:02 a.m. for the Williamson

report of a naked man reading a book. Dep. Lenharr located a white male sitting in the grass near the roadway across the street from the church. He was clothed, however, admitted to Lenharr that he had been nude. The man, identified as Chase Daniel Williamson, 23 of Waldorf, was arrested for disorderly conduct. Upon arrival at the Calvert Detention Center, Williamson refused to exit the patrol vehicle and starting yelling. Williamson was eventually removed from the vehicle by Lenharr and several correctional officers. Burglary Case #13-25831: Someone broke into R&R Fabricators on Schooner Lane in Prince Frederick on May 1 at around 7:00 p.m. and stole welding leads valued at over $1,000. Anyone with information is asked to contact Dep. J. Brown at 410-535-2800. Theft Case #13-26101: An unknown subject(s) stole $120 worth of gasoline from a boat at the Flag Harbor Yacht Club in St. Leonard sometime during the month of April. Dep. J. Brown is investigating.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Local State Police Barrack Will Serve As Gun Turn-In Location This Saturday The Maryland State Police Prince Frederick Barrack will be one of a number of locations where persons can turn-in firearms this Saturday, May 11, as part of the Maryland Attorney General’s Gun Turn-In Day. The Attorney General’s 1st Annual Statewide Gun Turn-In Day on Saturday, May 11, will provide an opportunity for anyone to turn in unwanted handguns, rifles, shotguns, or air guns to law enforcement. There will be no questions asked of persons turning in firearms and no personal identification will be required. Gun turn-in hours at the Prince Frederick Barrack this Saturday will be from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Persons bringing firearms to the barrack should ensure they follow all safety precautions. Firearms should be unloaded. Upon

arrival at the barrack, go inside and contact the duty officer first, without your firearm. Inform the duty officer you have a firearm to turn in. The duty officer will then escort you to your vehicle, or give you specific instructions on how to turn in your firearm. Do not walk into the barrack carrying your firearm. The Prince Frederick Barrack is located at 210 Main Street in Prince Frederick. The barrack phone number is 410-535-1400. Contact Detective Sergeant Al Paton for questions and information. More information about the Attorney General’s Gun Turn-In Day, including a list of all turn-in locations, is available on-line at www.oag.state.md.us/gun_turn_in.html.

Maryland State Police Blotter

The following information is compiled directly from publicly released police reports.

Follow the Prince Frederick Barrack of the Maryland State Police on Twitter: You can now follow the Maryland State Police Prince Frederick Barrack on Twitter for important information affecting Southern Maryland. Traffic issues, criminal investigations, special traffic enforcement initiatives, law enforcement issues affecting Calvert County and the surrounding area, as well as questions and general information about the Maryland State Police can be found on our site. Check it out @MSP_Prince_Fred. Theft from Vehicle: On 4/26/13 at 06:48 am, Corporal Evans responded to the 8200 bock of Leigh Court in Owings for a reported theft from a vehicle. A black iPod and two DUBS 12” subwoofers were stolen from a vehicle. Investigation continues. Possession of Marijuana: On 4/28/13 at 11:38 pm, Trooper First Class Smith stopped a vehicle at Rt. 4 and Parker’s Creek Rd. in Port Republic for traffic violations. During the traffic stop, a search of the vehicle revealed Marijuana. A passenger in the vehicle, James N. Brady, 23 of Lusby was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. He was transported to the MSP Barrack for processing. Shoplifting: On 4/29/13 at 10:24 pm, Trooper First Class Esnes responded to the Fastop in St. Leonard for a shoplifting complaint. Investigation revealed that Latece C. Greer, 24 of Lexington Park, stole several items from the store without paying for them. Charges are pending. Trespassing: On 4/30/13 at 12:06 am, Corporal Stern responded to the 7000 block of Briscoe Turn Rd. in Owings for a trespassing complaint. Jeffrey M. Rocko Jr., 20 of Owings, came to the residence to confront an ex-girlfriend after previously being warned not to return to the property. Charges are pending. Possession of Drugs: On 4/30/13 at 8:03 pm, Trooper First Class Logsdon responded to the Super 8 Motel in Prince Frederick for a report of a disorderly subject. Joseph E. Craig, 3rd, 34 of Bowie, was located nearby. Craig was found to be in possession of prescription medication for which he did not have a prescription. He was charged and incarcerated at the Calvert County Detention Center.

Motor Vehicle Theft: On 5/1/13 at 3:39 pm, Corporal Stern received a complaint of a motor vehicle theft from the Food Lion parking lot in Solomons. The vehicle is a white 1993 Ford Crown Victoria. The investigation continues. Possession of Marijuana: On 5/2/13 at 3:10 pm, Trooper Oles stopped a vehicle for traffic violations on Rt. 4 near the Navy Rec Center in Solomons. While speaking with the driver, drug paraphernalia was observed in the center console. The paraphernalia was found to contain Marijuana residue. Victoria M. Taylor, 28 of Lusby, was arrested and transported to the Prince Frederick Barrack for processing. Possession of Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia: On 5/2/13 at 11:04 pm, Trooper First Class West stopped at the intersection of Mattapany Rd and St. Leonard Rd in St. Leonard to check the welfare of an intoxicated subject. Paul D. Compton , 57 of Washington, DC, was given a ride to Cliffs Motel in St. Leonard where he was reportedly staying. Upon arriving at the room, drugs and drug paraphernalia were viewed inside the room. Danielle M. Donahoo, 28 of St. Leonard, was found to be in possession of CDS and drug paraphernalia and was arrested. Eric J. Compton, 31 of Washington, DC was found hiding in the bathroom. He was to have open warrants through Calvert and Charles County. He was arrested and incarcerated at the Calvert County Detention Center. Possession of Marijuana: On 5/3/13 at 11:50 pm, Trooper First Class West stopped to check a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot of the Fastop in St. Leonard. A passenger in the vehicle, Maurice T. Massey, 28 of Lusby, was found to be in possession of marijuana. He was arrested and transported to the MSP Prince Frederick Barrack for processing. Trespassing and Destruction of Property: On 5/4/13 at 2:55 pm, Trooper First Class Sorenson responded to the 1900 block of Holland Cliff Rd. in Huntingtown for a reported destruction of property. The complainant advised that his property is posted with “no trespassing” signs, however a bonfire party was held on the property without the owner’s permission. Investigation continues.

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Christmas in April Thanks Volunteers On behalf of the Board of Directors of Christmas in April*Calvert County, I would like to thank the community for their overwhelming support of our Christmas in April annual work day, the last Saturday in April. April 27 found over six hundred volunteers improving twenty-seven homes of low-income homeowners in Calvert. In total, Christmas in April*Calvert County will improve the houses of 30 homeowners this year. What a wonderful feeling it was to experience the generosity of spirit and time of these volunteers as they transformed the lives of so many persons. Roofs were repaired and replaced. Homes were made more accessible for homeowners with disabilities. Plumbing and electrical work made homes more usable and safer. Painting and new flooring added brightness and cheer to the houses. Yard work and new shrubbery enhanced the outside appearance of the dwellings. These are just some examples of the work performed that day. This could not be done without the dedication of wonderful volunteers, churches, organizations, and businesses, and the financial support and donation of supplies from so many. If you wish to learn more about the program or obtain an application to benefit from the services, please check our website at www.christmasinaprilcalvertcounty.org, call us at 410-535-9044, or write us at P. O. Box 2761, Prince Frederick, MD 20678. We are an affiliate of Rebuilding Together and a United Way Community Partner. Bill Lloyd, Lusby President, Christmas in April*Calvert County

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Commissioner Celebrates Spring By Susan Shaw Calvert County Commissioner, District 2 Spring is always a busy time of year, as our focus shifts from in-doors to our outdoor living spaces. The Calvert Garden Club Plant Sale is always the last Saturday in April every year and a fundraiser that I look forward to with great excitement. The plants are grown in the yards of the members, so they are hale and hearty for our climate and growing conditions. I always find plant gems at this sale, and this year is no different. I found a pink magnolia that blooms in the fall, a pink and black watermelon day lily and many other treasures. I want to support the Calvert Garden Club because they are a very active group that decorates our community and especially the courthouse and the entrance to Prince Frederick at Christmas time. If you missed it this year, put it on your calendar for next and get there early, as the best selections go quickly. The last Saturday in April is also home to the Celtic Festival at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum and to Christmas in April, the non-profit that refurbishes the homes of low income elders and handicapped members of our community. An incredible amount of planning goes into the preparations for each house so that most, if not all, the rehabilitation work on a particular home can be completed in one day. Plan, supplies, and workers must be ready. I stopped by two houses undergoing the magic of Christmas in April volunteers this year. At one home in Huntingtown, a leaking chimney had already been removed by 8:15 a.m.

with a crew to repair the leaks, replace faulty sheaving, and replace siding where the chimney had existed. Gutters were also being installed already at that early hour. At a second house in Huntingtown, the homeowner rushed out to greet me to express her gratitude. Window replacement and interior painting, as well as exterior landscaping were under way. Our generous community comes through again for our less fortunate! Thank you, Christmas in April volunteers. I also made a stop in North Beach to check on the progress of Comcast Cares Day “Plant the Town” Volunteer Project. All the planter boxes along the waterfront looked terrific. I was told that so many volunteers showed up to help that they finished early. Way to go North Beach and Comcast! A detour took me by the Wilson Ennis Clubhouse to the Cup of Prevention Family Fest. I ended the day at the Calverton School Annual Auction, which is also always held on the last Saturday in April, and which is a highlight of every April. You may have seen a boat or a car sitting next to Route 4 to advertise the large items that cap off each year’s auction. This year, it was two boats. I never fail to find bargains that benefit the school—a terrific win/win. Finally, I got to savor a surprising turn of events. On Thursday night, I received recognition by all the elected officials in Southern Maryland’s three counties for National Volunteer Month for “Outstanding Leadership and Volunteerism” for serving as Chair of the Regional Veterans Advisory Committee. Of course, as usual, it is ALL the members of the Committee and past staff person, Wayne Clark of North Beach, that really earned the award. However, you can be extremely proud of all our collaboration to benefit our local Veterans and the recognition points that out. Happy Spring!

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The Calvert Gazette is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of Calvert County. The Calvert Gazette will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The Calvert Gazette does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its news coverage. Articles and letters submitted for publication must be signed and may be edited for length or content. The Calvert Gazette is not responsible for any claims made by its advertisers.

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013



Prince Frederick Master Plan Update Incorporates Community By Sarah Miller Staff Writer After the success of shorter charrette models while updating the Lusby and Solomons master plans, the county is implementing a larger scale charrette for the Prince Frederick Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance update. “Charrettes have become sort of the standard for land planning and municipal processes,” said Department of Community Planning and Building Community Designer William Selman, adding they reduce the amount of time involved while increasing public participation in the process. The upcoming charrette is a five-day process. The county is working with consultant Craig Lewis with the Lawrence Group from North Carolina to develop the charrette. Planning for the charrette was a logistical challenge, Selman said. Planners sought a location with space for designers to work on the draft plans and designs and where they could hold nightly public meetings to discuss draft plans. They settled on St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Prince Frederick. The nightly community meetings are designed to allow everyone in Prince Fredrick, Calvert County and surrounding areas to voice their opinions on the future direction of Prince Fredrick. The team will spend five intensive days working on the Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance, taking community comments into consideration after every meeting, Selman said. At the end of the charrette, the updated documents should be complete and only require fine-tuning, Selman said. Particular emphasis will be given to the redevelopment of the former Calvert Middle School property and adjacent lands along Route 2/4 up to Calvert Memorial Hospital, according to Department of Community Planning and Building Principal Planner Jenny Plummer-Welker. Initial master plans and zoning ordinances have been developed together for the seven Calvert County town centers, but this is the first time the two documents will be updated together, Plummer-Welker said. The Department of Community Planning and Building decided this was the best procedure.

The master plan sets policy while the zoning ordinance allowed the policies to be carried out. The Prince Frederick Town Center is comprised of eight districts – entry, fairgrounds, forest, new town, old town, old town residential, old town transition and village. The update will use five-focus areas – north corridor, east side, old town, west side and south corridor. Each of the five focus areas incorporates one or more of the eight districts, according to Plummer-Welker. The study will be completed in two phases. Phase one will focus on the north corridor and phase two will focus on the south corridor, the west side, old town and the east side. The charrette will take place during phase one. The project will cost approximately $95,000. This cost covers a “multi-day design workshop” and “the assistance of a contracted team of professionals to jump start the project,” according to documents presented at the Dec. 11 Board of County Commissioners meeting. During the process, planers will study transportation in the town center, and focus on making it more pedestrian and biker friendly, Plummer-Welker said. To prepare for the five-day charrette, Selman is hosting a series of workshops at the Prince Frederick library. The first was on April 29 and 30. The topic was “Past, Present and Future: The Ingredients of Town Centers.” The second seminar was “Mixing and Arranging the Ingredients: The Menu of Town Center Design” on May 6 and 7. Upcoming seminars will address ways the community can work new ideas into the existing town center, the demographics and market in Prince Frederick and the aesthetics of the town. When talking about aesthetics, Selman plans to bring in examples of architecture and town accessories to decide what would fit with Prince Frederick. Each presentation is offered twice, once in the afternoon and once in the evening. Light refreshments are provided. All sessions are free and held at the Prince Frederick branch of Calvert Library, located at 850 Costley Way. Following each presentation materials are made available to the public on the county website. County Commissioner Susan Shaw has high hopes for

Photos By Frank Marquart

the charrette. She attended the first couple of workshops during the daytime sessions, and attendance was strong. She looks forward to an process that is “shortened from years to days and weeks,” referencing some master plan updates that took a span of a few years to complete. The Department of Economic Development is helping with additional promotion. In coming weeks, they will mail out postcards to Prince Frederick residents, posting information on the county website, Facebook and in the electronic newsletter, according to Department of Economic Development spokesman Mark Volland. Selman will participate in an interview with Comcast, which will be featured in the newsmaker section on channel 6, Volland said. The Prince Frederick Charrette will take place June 10 through 14 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, located at 25 Church Street in Prince Frederick. For more information, call Selman at 410-535-1600, ext. 2727 or visit www.co.cal.md.us. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Upcoming Charrette Seminars All seminars are held at the Prince Frederick Library Seminar III Current Trends: Retrofitting for Sustainability Monday, May 13, noon and 7:45 p.m. Seminar IV Implications and Implementation for Prince Frederick: Markets, Demographics and the New Trajectory of Town Centers Monday, May 20, noon and Tuesday, May 21, 7 p.m.

Map Courtesy of Calvert County

Seminar V Overview of Charrette Process and Visual Preference Survey Wednesday, May 29, noon and 7 p.m.

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Newsmakers Local Clydesdale Team Going to the Preakness


By Guy Leonard Staff Writer A team of Clydesdale draft horses, giant animals with prodigious strength and weighing nearly a ton each, have made appearances at the annual Preakness horse race in Baltimore but this time a hitch from St. Mary’s County will be making the trip. Wayne Mast and his son Danny will take the team up to the famous race for an entire week, they said, and preparations are coming down to the final days. “This will be our first year,” Danny Mast said. “We hope they’ll continue to enjoy us.” The Masts found out just a month ago that the famous Budweiser Clydesdales would not be able to attend the Preakness and the organizers reached out to the Chaptico-based team. While they were honored, the request set the clock ticking on getting the 53-foot trailer ready to take half a dozen horses up to the show for the enjoyment of the racing fans. “It usually takes two to three months to get horses ready for the show,” Danny said, noting that horses had to be trained and conditioned to pull as much as a ton of dead weight in teams of two to get in shape. Once they were conditioned to do that pulling a wagon that weighed more than a ton on wheels was more like play than work for them, which is what they would be pulling at the Preakness. Once there it will take the 10-person riding team four hours to groom the horses, braid their hair, harness them and then hitch them to their wagon. “We’ll be coming in between races and parading our horses in front of the grand stands,” Danny said.


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Photos Courtesy of Danny Mast. Suttler Post Farm

The Masts have been dealing with Clydesdales since 2001 and it came about as a personal request from a family member, Wayne Mast said. “We bought one at an Amish auction in Pennsylvania for $1,000,” Wayne said. “My daughter wanted it.” The horse, who has become known as Doc, will remain on the farm for the rest of his life they said as a valued and loved animal. As impressive and as powerful as they are Clydesdales are really gentle giants, Wayne said. You just have to know how to deal with them and don’t get under hoof. “They’re not aggressive, they’re not mean,” Wayne said. “Just don’t let them step on you.” guyleonard@countytimes.net

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The Calvert Gazette

Every Steppin’ Out Weekend there’s tons to do in Leonardtown! Find sales, specials, coupons, giveaways and activities at these fine participating establishments. Allen’s Homestead/Corncrib Studio Bellarus Boutique Best Western Plus Hotel Park Avenue Big Larry’s Comic Book Café Brewing Grounds Café Des Artistes Craft Guild Shop Crazy for Ewe Fenwick Street Used Books & Music Friends of the Leonardtown Theater The Front Porch Restaurant Fuzzy Farmers Market The Good Earth Guenther’s Bistro The Hair Company Kevin’s Corner Kafe Leonardtown Arts Center Leonardtown Galleria Maryland Antiques Center North End Gallery Oga’s Asian Cuisine Old Jail Museum Olde Town Pub Olde Towne Stitchery Opal Fine Art Patuxent Adventure Center Port of Leonardtown Winery Quality Street Kitchen and Catering The Tea Room Tudor Hall Yellow Door Art Studios Ye Olde Towne Cafe

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Moms Encouraged To Step Out By Alex Panos Staff Writer Moms are the focus of Steppin’ Out in Leonardtown this weekend, as the town features a fashion flea market and fashion show on Saturday. The yard sale will kick things off on Saturday morning, and consist of designer handbags, clothes, shoes, jewelry and other well known, name brand items. Pampering treatments, such as foot soak tub, will be set up for patrons to try products as they shop, said Carol Picon, one of the event coordinators. Along with the fashion shopping, Mystic Melissa will be on hand performing psychic palm readings. “It’s a great opportunity for the ladies and moms to treat themselves,” Picon said. Kimberly Hoctor, event coordinator and owner of The Handbag Consignment Shop, was inspired to bring the “up-scale yard sale” to St. Mary’s County after seeing the success it had while visiting friends in Seattle, Washington. After the event had a strong turnout and Hoctor received positive feedback from the debut show last fall, she decided to make it a semi-annual event – fall and spring. The “fashionista” is a great way for people to switch between their summer and winter clothing and accessories, Hoctor said. Picon added, along with helping local shops and restaurants, the fashion yard sale will be a great teaser to help the town get “geared up” for the evening’s event, a Charity Fashion Show on the Waterfront. Local resident Jackie Buckler, who works with seamstresses from Cambodia, will debut her new clothing line on

Saturday. She described her line of clothes as “classic with an edge,” with majority of her line designed for middleaged women. “Not a size 10, but not dead yet,” Buckler said describing the clothes, adding the line has pieces for younger ages as well. The runway will have multiple models – clients and staff of The Hair Company – on it at all times, wearing clothing appropriate for all ages – work clothes with some casual items mixed in. A boutique will remain open for an hour after the show ends, and feature door prizes. The show is being held May 11 at the Leonardtown Wharf, and will also feature fashions items from Bellarus and Isley boutiques, Liviya of Houston and Today’s Bride formal wear. The Fashion Flea Market will take place Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon in the parking lot behind the Best Western Hotel on Park Ave. The VIP cocktail party begins at 6 p.m. and the show starts at 7 p.m. People can purchase tickets to the event at The Hair Company in Leonardtown or Charlotte Hall. Tickets cost $10, and a portion of proceeds will go to Hospice of St. Mary’s and The Threaded Leaf Project. Along with the marquee events, other weekend deals include spa hand and foot treatments from port of Leonardtown Winery, a special Mother’s Day menu at Kevin’s Corner Kafe and “The Blind Side” showing on Friday Film Night at the Dorsey building. Go to visitstmarysmd.com for a full listing of Marvelous Mom’s Weekend events, deals and coupons. alexpanos@countytimes.net

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Calvert Gazette

2 1 0 1 Y MA SOMD FASHION FLEA MARKET PRODUCED BY 3 CHICKS PROMOTIONS Inside and outside at the Best Western Hotel Park Avenue. Over 65 vendors showcasing vintage, brand name and designer clothing and more. Saturday, 8 AM - Noon.

CHARITY FASHION SHOW ON THE WATERFRONT TO BENEFIT HOSPICE Leonardtown Wharf Park. Liviya clothing and accessory line. Sponsored by The Hair Company. Saturday, 7 – 8 PM.

WEEKEND SAMPLER… CRAFT GUILD SHOP Gift basket drawing, savings coupons. NORTH END GALLERY Complimentary potted flowering plant to moms. OPAL FINE ART Vintage Hatter’s exhibit.

The Calvert Gazette

The Calvert Gazette runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to news@countytimes.net after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Dorothy Virginia Greenwell, 77 Dorothy Virginia Greenwell, age 77, of Brandywine, Md. passed away April 26 at Washington Adventist Hospital, Takoma Park, Md. She was born September 26, 1935 in Baltimore, Md. to Thomas Milton and Mary Virginia (Perrie) Tippett. Dorothy was raised in Brandywine and attended Prince George’s County schools. She married Bernard Robert Greenwell, Sr. in 1968 and they resided on the family farm in Brandywine. She was a homemaker and farmer tending to the livestock and crops. She enjoyed growing flowers and cooking for her family. In her leisure time she enjoyed bowling, music and dancing. She enjoyed listening to her son play string instruments and sing. Dorothy was very dedicated to her grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents Thomas M. and Mary V. Tippett; her husband Bernard R. Greenwell; three sisters Melaita, Emma and Elizabeth Hattie Tippett and a granddaughter DoriBeth Tippett. Surviving are her son S. Gary Tippett and his wife Donna of Brandywine, Md.; two grandsons Jeff Jackson of Alexandria, Va. and James Tippett of Brandywine, Md. and a great grandson Stanley Jackson of LaPlata, Md. Friends were received on Sunday, May 5, at Rausch Funeral Home, where a celebration of her life was held on May 6. Interment followed at Maryland Veterans Cemetery, Cheltenham. For information or to leave a condolence visit www.RauschFuneralHomes. com

Louise Edwards Bowen, 94 Louise E. Bowen, 94, of Prince Frederick, Md. passed away May 1 in Marengo, Ohio. She was born February 4, 1919 in Olivet, Md. to the late William and Ella Victoria Lusby Edwards. Louise is predeceased by her husband, Raymond Edward Bowen, and her siblings; Gordon, William, Ronald, and Hazel Edwards, Carrie Denton and Marie Ireland. Louise enjoyed playing cards, soft crabbing on the Patuxent River and traveling with her sisters to North Carolina to go shopping at the outlets. She is survived by her sons, Raymond Brent Bowen of Clinton, Md., and Keith Bowen of Prince Frederick, Md. Grandmother of Clarice Bowen of Leonardtown, Md. and Michele Bayko of Marengo, Ohio, she is also survived by her great grandchildren, Andria Campbell of Waco TX, Mindy, Ben, and Taylor Bayko of Marengo Ohio. Louise was buried on May 8, 10 a.m. at Maryland Veterans Cemetery, Cheltenham, Md. Memorial contributions may be made to Prince Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squad. Arrangements by Rausch Funeral Home, Port Republic, Md.

Carlton Bernard Wallace, 71 Carlton Bernard Wallace, 71, of Huntingtown, Md. passed away on April 21 at Calvert Memorial Hospital, Prince Frederick, Md. Carlton was born on February 19, 1942 in Huntingtown, Md., to the late Robert and Bertha Jones Wallace. At a young age, Carlton began attending Patuxent United Methodist Church where he was a member of the Junior Choir. As an adult, he became a member of the Apostolic Faith Church of Jesus Christ the Lord, Inc. On August 24, 1963, Carlton married his high school sweetheart, Gloria Ann Jones. From their union, they were blessed with twin daughters, Doanda Lee and Floanda Dee. Carlton received his education in the Calvert County Public School system, graduat-

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

ing from William Sampson Brooks High School in 1962. At Brooks High, he excelled in track and field and was known for his friendly demeanor. He later earned college credits from the University of Maryland in the area of highway engineering. He was employed by the Gly Construction Company in Prince George’s County. He later began employment at the Grand Union Food Distribution Center. In 1991, he began working for the Calvert County Government’s Department of Highway Maintenance. There he served as a crew leader until his retirement in 2008. Subsequently, he worked part-time for building and grounds in the court house and sheriff’s office. Carlton was also the community handyman, always helping with landscaping and mechanical work. He was a true perfectionist in all his endeavors, completing each job meticulously. He was well known for his animated personality, and his ability to make people laugh. He was always telling funny stories or acting out some comedic role. He enjoyed all sports, but particularly loved rooting for his favorite football team, the Philadelphia Eagles. Carlton will be greatly missed. He leaves to cherish his legacy: his loving wife, Gloria; daughters, Doanda Wallace and Floanda Jackson (Darryl); two grandsons, Charlton “CJ”, and Brandon Jackson; one great granddaughter, Adrianna Rose; two brothers, James O. Jones (Martha), and Kenneth W. Wallace (Renee); three sisters, Mildred Young (Leonard), Bertha Young (Amos), and Jean Moore (James); brothers-in-law, James Duckett, Sr., Eugene Spears, Joseph Rayfield Jones (Alberta), William Edward Jones (Vonda), Lorenzo Thomas Jones (Susan); sisters-in-law, Della Wallace, Lena Mae Jones, Betty Jacks, Barbara E Jones (Paige), and Paulette Parker (Arnold); godchildren, Lafonso Young, Monica Carrington, and Danene Duckette; a paternal Aunt, Doris Armstrong; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, family and friends. Carlton was preceded in death by his parents, Robert and Bertha Wallace; parentsin-law, Rudolph Jones Sr. and Theo Jones; brother, Robert “Happy” Wallace; sisters, Dorethea Johnson (Louis) and Vitenia Spears; and brothers-in-law, Rudolph C. Jones, Jr. and William “Billy” Jacks. Funeral service was held on April 26 at 11 a.m. at Dunkirk Baptist Church, Dunkirk, Md. with Elder Quentin U. Jones, Sr. officiating. The interment was at Southern Memorial Gardens, Dunkirk, Md. The pallbearers were Brandon Jackson, Charlton Jackson, Robert Gray, Quentin Jones, Jr., Anthony Young and Justin Young. The honorary pallbearers were Ike Briscoe, Leroy Chase, Donas McCready and Kenneth Wallace. Funeral arrangements provided by Sewell Funeral Home, Prince Frederick, Md

Carl Aaron Pumphrey, Jr., 70 Carl Aaron Pumphrey, Jr., 70, of Lusby, Md. formerly of Takoma Park, Md. passed away peacefully at his residence on May 1, 2013. He was born on April 1, 1943 in Takoma Park, Md. to the late Carl Aaron Pumphrey, Sr. and Eleanor Bennett Pumphrey. He was the beloved husband to Laura Edith Pumphrey whom he married on August 5, 1969 in Takoma Park.


Carl graduated from High Point High School and went on to join the U.S. Army. He served his country honorably as a Green Beret from 1964 to 1966 and received the Vietnam Service Medal and the National Defense Service Medal. He went on to work as a steamfitter for Local 602 until his retirement. He moved to Calvert County in 1975 from Takoma Park, MD and was a member of the VFW, American Legion, and Moose Lodge. Carl is survived by his wife of 43 years Laura E. Pumphrey of Lusby, Md.; children: Diane Harvard, Daryl Ferrell, Kathy Ferrell, Chris Pumphrey, Tina Pumphrey all of Lusby, Md. and Douglas Ferrell of Jefferson, Md.; siblings, Elizabeth Gadd and Helen Gadd both of Graysville, Tenn, Eleanor Norton of Hagerstown, Md., and Joan Nail of Pikesville, Tenn.; 21 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; son, Donald Ferrell and siblings, Florence Semonco and Darlene Embrey. The family will receive friends on May 3 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Rausch Funeral Home, P.A., 20 American Lane, Lusby, MD 20657. They also received friends on May 6 from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Colboch and Price Funeral Home, 101 W. Main St., Rogersville, Tenn. where a funeral service was held. Interment followed in the Highland Cemetery, Rogersville, Tenn.

Janice Nimmer Janice Nimmer left this world on May 3, and left a legacy of great happiness to those who knew her and to her wonderful family. She was born in McKeesport, Pa. on November 12, 1940, the second of two children born to the late Irma Gregory Decker and John Ellsworth Decker. She grew up in Warren, Pa. and Owensboro, Ky. and graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1962. Following her graduation from the University of Kentucky, she married Donald Hite, now deceased, who worked for McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft. She lived several years each in southern California, Las Vegas, Nev., and for some 20 years in St. Louis, Mo. Janice moved to Maryland and married her current husband, David Nimmer, who worked for the federal government. She went to work there also and both she and David retired in 2004, she with some 17 years of service and he with 43 years of service, including service in the U. S. Army, from which he resigned his commission as Captain in the field artillery. Janice and David both enjoyed boating their entire adult lives and spent many happy years on the Chesapeake Bay together in their diesel motor yacht, Paradise II. Both were active members of First Lutheran Church in Calvert County, Huntingtown, Md. Janice was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and her college sorority. She is survived by her husband of 25 years, David C. Nimmer, her two children from a prior marriage, Pamela Lynn Gendell of Annapolis, Maryland and her


Thursday, May 9, 2013

husband Greg; Steven Lane Hite of Park Hall, Maryland and his wife Theresa; and two step-children, Kristen Lee Titus of Alexandria, Va. and her husband Andy; and Susan Carol Insisiengmay of Stafford, Va. and her husband Thirasit. Janice is also survived by eight grandchildren; Ben and Katie Gendell – ages 5 and 3; Elizabeth and Georgie Freeman – ages 12 and 11; Mason and twins, Carter and Chloe Insisiengmay – ages 9 and 4; and Tegan Titus – age 2. Janice made friends wherever she went and she and David became “snow birds” after their retirement, spending winters in southern Florida, where they made many new and exceptional friends. She was a truly loving wife and mother and will remain deep within the hearts of her family and friends. Visitation and services will be held at First Lutheran Church of Calvert County, 6300 Southern Maryland Boulevard, Huntingtown, Md. 20639, on May 9 at 12 p.m. until start of services at 1 p.m. Flowers may be directed to Lee Funeral Home Calvert, 8200 Jennifer Lane, Owings, Md. 20736. Interment services for the family will follow at Quantico National Cemetery at a later date.

Margaret Lorraine Catterton, 84 Margaret Lorraine Catterton, age 84, of Owings, Md. passed away May 4 at her home. Lorraine was born November 25, 1928 to James William and Hazel Irene (Walton) Cullember. She was raised in Calvert County and attended public schools. She married Joseph Samuel Catterton in June of 1946. The couple lived in Dunkirk for several years and moved to Chaneyville in 1955, now part of Owings. Besides working the farm with her husband Lorraine also worked at the former Handon’s Store in Prince Frederick, Calvert County Nursing Center, Wayson’s Bingo, and the former Calvert Meats in Owings. Most recently, she operated Candi’s Produce Stand in Owings from 1990 until 2011. Lorraine would sit at the produce stand awaiting and serving customers even in the most inclement weather. She loved being outdoors and around people. She also enjoyed playing the slots and people watching in Ocean City. She was preceded in death by her husband Joseph S. Catterton on August 12, 1999, a sister Janice Hall and a great great grandson Landon Sneade. Surviving are two sons Joseph S. Catterton, Jr. and his wife Debbie, Thomas Edward “Eddie” Catterton and his wife Janet and a daughter Candi Rogers and her husband Darrin, all of Owings; six grandchildren; six great grandchildren; two sisters Arlene Sherbert of West River, Md. and Anna Mae Bowen of Owings and two brothers Billy Cullember and his wife Marlene of Harrington, DE and Ronald Cullember and his wife Linda of Butler, Pa. Friends called on Tuesday, May 7 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Rausch Funeral Home, where a service and celebration of Lorraine’s life was held on May 8

The Calvert Gazette

at 11 a.m. Interment followed at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Cemetery, Lothian. Memorial donations in Lorraine’s memory may be made to Calvert Hospice, PO Box 838, Prince Frederick, Md. 20678 or online at www.calverthospice. org. To leave condolences visit www. rauschfuneralhomes.com.

Dorsey Leonard Commodore, 71 Dorsey Leonard Commodore, 71, of Lusby, MD passed away on April 24 at St. Mary’s Hospital, Leonardtown, MD. Dorsey Leonard Commodore, son of the late Leroy Commodore and Ellen Virginia Parker, was born on August 22, 1941 in Calvert County. He attended Calvert County public schools. As a young man, Dorsey attended the Greater Bible Way Church in Prince Frederick, Md. under the late Bishop Henry H. Brown and the late Apostle Joseph N. Brown DD. He served his final days under the leadership of Pastor Neil Gross and Co-pastor Delethian Gross. On June 25, 1962 Dorsey was united in holy matrimony to Lillie Mae Waul. God blessed them with one son, Leonard Darnell. They were married for over 50 years. He was a bus driver for the Calvert County school system, a construction worker, employee of Calvert Cliffs and a caregiver for Tom Axley and Hazel Hamit of Calvert County. He was a senior deacon at the Greater Bible Way Church, Prince Frederick, Md. Dorsey was a great husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and a child of the most high God. He was very humble and always knew how to make you smile. He was preceded in death by his father Leroy Commodore, his mother Ellen Parker and three brothers: Eddie, Rolland and Bobby Parker; grandparents, Lachester and Dorsey Carr and grandfather, Jack Johnson; three brothers-in-law, Joseph Middleton, James Gray and Clifton Chew. Dorsey leaves to cherish his memories: his lovely wife, Lillie Mae Commodore, devoted son, Leonard Commodore Sr. and daughter-in-law, Carlita; five grandchildren: Leonard Jr., Leondre, Latrice, Latreavan and Ryan Commodore; great-granddaughters, Ziyonna Commodore and Reanna Young; four brothers: Theodore (Irene), Phillip, Kenneth Parker (Janice) and Oscar Commodore (Helen); six sisters: Elsie Chew, Susie Middleton, Lachester Harris (Floyd), Evelyn Mackall (Carlton), Rosalee Gray and Dolline Jones (Clifton); three sisters-in-law: Cheryl, Irene and Donna Parker; five uncles: George Carr, Abraham Gantt, Thomas Commodore, Harry Commodore and Clarence Johnson; two aunts, Patsy Tyler and Julie Underwood; father-in-law, Elder Walter Waul, Sr. and mother-in-law, Thelma Waul; three brothersin-Iaw: Walter Jr. (Gail), Malcolm (Myra) and Timothy (Ruth); five sisters-in-Iaw: Alberta Gross (Lorenzo), Jeanette Chew (Marvin), Marcia Harris (Leonard), Lisa and Christine Waul; eight godchildren: Stacie, Madison, Denise, Beverly, Ebony, Whitney, Lashonda and Kaylynn. He leaves a host of nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Dorsey also leaves behind an extended family whom he loved very much; adopted sons Isaac Harris, III, Marvin Chew, Stanley Steward and Glenn Parran; adopted daughter Brenda Savoy; adopted grandchildren: Dakia, Ruth

and David Height and Shawn Crawford. Funeral service was held on Wednesday, May 1 at 11 a.m. at Greater Bible Way Church, Prince Frederick, with Pastors Neil and Delethian Gross officiating. The interment was at Greater Bible Way Church, Prince Frederick, Md. The pallbearers were Leonard Commodore, Sr., Leondre Commodore, Leonard Commodore, Jr., and Latreavan Commodore. The honorary pallbearers were the deacon board of the Greater Bible Way Church. Funeral arrangements provided by Sewell Funeral Home, Prince Frederick, Md.

Franklin Milford Johnson, 55 Franklin Milford Johnson, 55, of Prince Frederick, Md. passed away on April 23 at Southern Maryland Hospital, Clinton, Md. Franklin Milford Johnson affectionately known as Milford, son of the late Conroy and Susie Butler, was born on May 4, 1957 in Calvert County, Md. Milford was educated in the Calvert County public schools system. He had various jobs to include Calvert Memorial Hospital, Solomons Pier, and Body & Soul Landscaping. Milford loved and lived life to the fullest. He was an avid fan of Parliament Funkadelic. Once at a Funkadelic’s

concert, he was invited to join the band on stage. Milford loved his family and church family (Church of God). Milford had many names such as Uncle Rye Rye, Big Greasy and Smutler. Milford leaves to cherish his memories: three brothers, Kenneth (Adriane), Conroy (Deirdra) and Andre (Anissa); six sisters, Ellen, Dorothy, Ysedria, Susan, Harriet (Michael), Linda and Keyona; sisters-in-law, Lora Ann Johnson and Donna Johnson, along with a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends; special friends, Gerald Rawlings, Lee and Dana Barnes, Mark Wallace and Cherise (of Calvert Dialysis). Preceding him in death were: his parents, Conroy and Susie Butler; sister, Muriel Bonita; brothers, Richard Sylvester and John Gardner. Funeral service was held on Thursday, May 2 at 11 a.m. at Healing and Deliverance Church, Prince Frederick, Md. with Pastor Ronald Hawkins officiating. The interment was at Brooks UMC Cemetery, St. Leonard, Md. The pallbearers were Kenneth R. Johnson, Conroy N. Butler, Andre D. Butler, Don Washington, Sylvester Willett and Lloyd Theodore Washington. The honorary pallbearers were Frank Gray, Gerald Rawlings, Terrence T. Washington and Andre D. Butler, Jr. Funeral arrangements provided by Sewell Funeral Home, Prince Frederick, Md.

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The Calvert Gazette

Calvert Hospice Honors Volunteers

Calvert Hospice as part of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization salutes the estimated 450,000 trained hospice volunteers providing more than 21 million hours of service to hospice programs each year. Those dedicated individuals offering support, companionship and hope to those facing a life-limiting illness deserve special recognition for the difference they make in America. More than 1.65 million patients in the U.S. are cared for by hospice every year. “Hospice volunteers play an indispensable role in enabling hospice organizations to offer the best care possible for patients living with life-limiting illness, their families and caregivers and over the years working in hospice, I’ve seen firsthand the comfort, love and respect hospice brings to all the people they care for. I offer my thanks to all the hospice volunteers who are doing so much for our community,” said Executive Director of Calvert Hospice Brenda Laughhunn. Hospice volunteers often serve patients and families at the bedside but they also assist in the office, help raise awareness, contribute to educational programs, and provide fundraising support such as Festival of Trees and more. It is federally mandated under Medicare that five percent of all patient care hours be provided by trained volunteers. This regulation reflects the vital role that volunteers play in the hospice philosophy of care and ensures that a hospice program has roots deep in the community. By sharing their time, energy, and expertise, volunteers bring compassion and caring to the lives of those in need. To learn more about being involved contact Calvert Hospice at 410-5350892 or visit our website at www.calverthospice.org

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for new Republican Headquarters The Calvert County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) is excited to announce their new location in Prince Frederick. The public is invited to join the Calvert County Republican Central Committee, the Calvert County Commissioners, elected officials, and members of the Chamber of Commerce for a ribbon cutting ceremony on May 21, 4:30 p.m. The new Headquarters is located at 424 Solomons Island Road near the Radio Shack. Chairman Ella Ennis of the Central Committee is thrilled with the move and is particularly pleased with the visibility it gives the GOP from Route 4. “We plan on hosting many events here and encourage our fellow Republicans to stop in and visit,” said Ennis. The new location gives the Central Committee more room for their monthly meetings and additional offices to conduct training classes, to hold club meetings, and much needed storage space. In addition, there is ample parking behind the building. Following the ribbon cutting ceremony, light refreshments will be served. For further information, please visit www.calvertgop.org or call 410-535-9100.

Together For Youth Finds Fun, Safe Activities for Local Youth From “Together for Youth,” a new collaborative formed in the Twin Beaches in Calvert County representing local businesses and organizations wishing to get the word out to families about “fun, local things for kids to do!” The new Beaches Collaborative, “Together for Youth” will meet Tuesday, May 21 at the North East Community Center in Chesapeake Beach from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Local organizations interested in attracting youth to their services, such as dance classes, acting classes, day cares and the Young Marines, will network and share their upcoming calendars. All attendees will be offered a booth at a “Youth Fun Fair” planned for August in Chesapeake Beach. All interested businesses or organizations are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please contact Marie Andrews marieandrews@comcast.net for more information.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Everyone is Special, Everyone is a Champion

Ben Lash of Northern Middle (right) and Jason Reed of Calvert Country (Left) compete for the lead in the 10m wheelchair race. Lash narrowly beat Reed, but both athletes boasted bright smiles on their way to the awards podium.

By Marcus Reid Contributing Writer Many people overlook the most important Olympics of all, the annual Special Olympics. It is held every year, it elevates the winner in all competitors, and, most importantly, it helps us recognize the pure compassion that still exists among our society. This year’s Calvert County Special Olympics was held on April 24. Calvert County's Special Olympics brings special needs students from elementary, middle, and high school levels together and has them compete in an array of events. The event provides students with opportunities that they are usually unable to pursue. No matter their situation, all Special Education students were welcome to participate. Whether a kid was socially handicapped, in cases such as autism, or physically limited by a wheelchair, no one was denied the chance to be recognized as the champion they are. The Special Olympics provides these unique kids with a haven, a chance to get away from the limitations. Here, at this time in moment, they were not defined by their disorder or disability. They were not discriminated upon simply because they behave or look differently compared to a typical person. These characteristics became obsolete. The Special Olympics celebrates the content of the participants' character. The opening ceremonies included a National Anthem duet, a Pledge of Allegiance recital, and the Lighting of the Torch, all performed by special needs students. Just like the traditional Olympics, the Special Olympics consisted of track and field events. Running events included the 10-meter wheelchair race and runs ranging from ten to 200 meters. Field events included standing long jump, running long jump, tennis ball throw, softball throw, and shot put. Separate events were held for athletes seven years old and younger. Spectators, including teachers, parents, and fellow students, cheered on the athletes as they raced towards the finish line. After completing their event, the competitors headed over to the awards tent to receive their ribbons and stand on the podium in front of the supportive crowd. No matter their placing at the end of the race, each athlete was recognized during the brief award receptions; nobody left empty-handed. The Special Olympics is not the only recreational activity available to these unique kids. Challenger Baseball provides students with disabilities an opportunity to have fun and temporarily disregard their limitations. Challenger operates parallel to Calvert Little League every spring. The teams practice once a week, then have games every Saturday during the season. Just like Special Olympics, anyone is allowed to participate. During the game, everyone steps up to the plate once each inning, and is guaranteed a shot to hit the ball. No outs or score is recorded, although many of kids like to boast an undefeated record. Most games only last two or three innings, and are

characterized by the support of the spectators and the joy and determination expressed on the participants' faces. Events like Special Olympics and Challenger Baseball not only benefit the participants, but also the spectators and volunteers involved. The majority of individuals grow up surrounded by people that would be coined as "normal." So, we experience different reactions whenever we encounter a person or group of individuals that are handicapped. Some people are very insensitive, and judge whenever a person does not assimilate to our accustomed culture. This, sadly, is the case for many kids with "invisible" disorders. At first glance, they appear to be a normal kid; however, these normal looks mask atypical behavioral patterns or learning impairments. So, when these kids begin to act or perform in a way that is considered unacceptable, insensitive people immediately place the blame on poor parenting or on the child itself. Hence, hidden disabilities can be very difficult for the individual and family of the individual. Instead of taking such a judgmental position, our society should try to become more welcoming of those who look, act, think, and behave differently. Events like Special Olympics and Challenger Baseball give others not directly associated with special needs students a chance to interact with these kids and understand their different situations a little better. They also provide personal insight. We truly do not understand how hard life can be until we witness people in struggling through tougher situations. Seeing kids who can never truly live the lives of typical American kids smiling and having fun despite coping with various disabilities makes a person count his/her blessings. By holding and supporting events such as Special Olympics and Challenger Baseball, Calvert County is making strides to a more equal community, one ribbon at a time. news@countytimes.net

Dillon Barber of Northern Middle (near) surges past his competition from Calvert Country to win his heat of the 25 meter run.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Calvert Gazette

“Ritter Out-Guns Strong Field for Friday Potomac Win” Alvey Collects Second in Street Stocks By Doug Watson Contributing Writer Stephens City Va.’s Brad Ritter, the defending Winchester (VA) speedway Limited Late Model track champion, was triumphant in last Friday nights 30lap Potomac/Winchester Limited Late Model challenge event. Ritter, who was making his first Potomac start of the season, netted $1000 for his second-career Potomac speedway feature win. Ryan Hackett and class rookie Jimmy Jesmer Jr. shared the front-row for the start of the event. As the pack raced off turn two, fourth-starting Brad Ritter split the cars of Jesmer and Hackett to take the top-spot as the mob raced down the backstretch. Ritter lead until Jesmer snared the race lead from Ritter on lap-9. As Jesmer lead, Ritter was in his tire tracks and would re-take the lead for good on the 16th-circuit. A lap-28 caution gave Jesmer and the rest of the field one last shot at Ritter, however, Ritter was not to be denied and would take the win by five car-lengths over Jesmer. “This sure will make the ride home not seem so long.” Ritter stated in Potomac’s victory lane. “I have to thank my car-owner Leo Nichols for the chance to drive his car.” Said Ritter. “He kind of took me out of retirement and gave me a shot, and I’m glad to be able to win for him and the whole team.” As the track started to take some rubber deep in the feature, Ritter had his hands full holding the top-spot. “Those cautions there at the end didn’t help.” Ritter bottom-lined. “My car was getting tight and I had to stab the brakes going into the corners to get the car to turn, but it all worked out, and here we are.” Derrick Quade finished third, Jonathon DeHaven was fourth with Dominic DeFino scoring his career-best Potomac effort taking fifth. Heats for the 28-cars entered went to Hackett, Jesmer and DeHaven with Michael Alderman winning the consolation. Current Street Stock point leader Darren Alvey became the first repeat winner of the season with his win in the divisions 16-lap event. Alvey took the lead on lap-9 and had to fend-off the challenges of one-time class winner Barry Williams Sr. over the final 8-laps to preserve the win. Kyle Nelson came home third, Eric Johnson was fourth with Jimmy Randall placing fifth. Mike Latham was the heat winner. Jamie Sutphin was victorious for the first time in his career as he was the winner of the 15-lap Hobby Stock main. Sutphin started second and would go on to lead the distance over eventual runner-up Brian Adkins. Point leader Matt Tarbox was third, John Burch was fourth with Greg Morgan rounding-out the top-five.

Burch was the heat winner. Continuing the list of new winners, Billy Hill also became a first-time Potomac winner with his win in the 12-lap U-Car feature. Ryan Clement lead the first 7-laps before Hill slid into the topspot on lap-8. Hill would then lead the distance to post the break-through win. Clement held on for second, Speed Alton was third, Erica Bailey fourth with Megan Mann rounding out the top-five. Hill was the heat winner. In the nightcap 20-lap strictly stock feature Ray Bucci wired the field for his first win of the new season. Bucci took the race lead from JJ Silvious on lap-2, and would then have to survive a laterace rush from eventual second place finisher Buddy Dunagan to post the win. John Hardesty was third, Silvious hung on for fourth with Larry Fuchs completing the top-five. Heats went to Dunagan and Nabil Guffey. Limited Late Model feature finish 1. Brad Ritter 2. Jimmy Jesmer Jr. 3. Derrick Quade 4. Jonathon DeHaven 5. Dominic DeFino 6. Scott Adams 7. Robbie Emory 8. Tyler Emory 9. Rodney Walls 10. Bubby Tharp 11. Richard Hawkins 12. Walt Homberg 13. Mike Bennett 14. Keith Walls 15. Jimmy Richards 16. Kevin Deremer 17. Ryan Hackett 18. Michael Alderman 19. Jacob Burdette 20. Mitch Miller 21. Pat Wood 22. Billy Farmer 23. Dave Adams 24. Kyle Lear DNQ- Race Alton, Andy Anderson, James Carte, Walter Crouch Street Stock feature finish 1. Darren Alvey 2. Barry Williams Sr. 3. Kyle Nelson 4. Eric Johnson 5. Jimmy Randall 6. Troy Kasiris 7. Johnny Oliver 8. Mike Raleigh 9. Mike Latham 10. Ed Pope Hobby Stock feature finish 1. Jamie Sutphin 2. Brian Adkins 3. Matt Tarbox 4. John Burch 5. Greg Morgan 6. Matt Krickbaum 7. Jerry Deason 8. Tommy Randall 9. Phil Lang 10. Ken Sutphin 11. Jonathon Raley (DQ) U-Car feature finish 1. Billy Hill 2. Ryan Clement 3. Speed Alton 4. Eric Bailey 5. Megan Mann 6. Corey Swaim 7. Cori French 8. DJ Powell 9. Samantha Raley Strictly Stock feature finish 1. Ray Bucci 2. Buddy Dunagan 3. John Hardesty 4. JJ Silvious 5. Larry Fuchs 6. Nabil Guffey 7. Jimmy Suite 8. Paul Jones 9. Megan Emory 10. Justin Meador 11. John Hardesty Jr. 12. Joseph Meador 13. Ed Pope Sr. 14. Josh Blocker 15. Joey Abbott

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Two-Run Lead Turns Bittersweet In 7-2 Defeat Against Sugar Land The Southern Maryland Blue Crabs were defeated by the Sugar Land Skeeters 7-2 tonight at Regency Furniture Stadium. Despite jumping ahead 2-0 early as starting pitcher Ian Marshall threw a no-hitter through three, the Skeeters strung together a late game rally, which the Blue Crabs could not recover from. With the loss the Blue Crabs fall to 6-12, while Sugar Land’s winning streak stretches to nine straight games and a Atlantic League-best 15-2 record. After starting out the game glistening and retiring nine consecutive batters, pitcher Marshall unraveled in the fourth inning as he allowed six runs (six earned) on nine hits and taking the loss for the Blue Crabs in six innings of work. Marshall (1-1) struck out a season-high seven batters in the losing effort. For Sugar Land pitcher Matt Wright earned the win tonight, lasting six innings, while only allowing two runs (two earned) on five hits in his third win of the season. The night began promising for Southern Maryland as the Blue Crabs scored back-toback runs in the first and second innings. Shortstop Renny Osuna’s blooper to right field, followed by outfielder Brian Barton’s single put runners on first and third base in the bottom of the first. Outfielder Cyle Hankerd then came to the mound, hitting the sacrifice fly, which allowed Osuna to score and put the Blue Crabs up 1-0 after one. The Blue Crabs managed to get runners in scoring position again in the second inning as second baseman Wladimir Sutil’s single helped the team capitalize on a walk to catcher Jose Salas and a 2-0 lead. That would be all the offense the Blue Crabs would be able to produce however, as a fourth inning, five-run rally gave the Skeeters the lead that Southern Maryland would be unable to recover from. Hankerd extended his hitting streak to a season-high five games tonight, going 1-for-4 and notching his team-leading 10th RBI of the season. Salas and Osuna also tallied the Blue Crabs only runs in the game. UP NEXT: The Blue Crabs will remain home tomorrow amidst a four-game home stand that runs through Thursday, May 9. Left-handed pitcher Michael Ballard is slated to make his second start of the season for the Blue Crabs as he squares off with Sugar Land’s left-handed pitcher Jason Lane in a 7:05 p.m. game. Fans can listen to the Blue Crabs live broadcast tonight by tuning in to www.phoenixintermedia.com with pre-game beginning at 6:40 p.m. Fans can also follow the Blue Crabs on www.somdbluecrabs.com.

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Calvert Gazette is always looking for more local talent to feature! To submit art or band information for our entertainment section, e-mail sarahmiller@countytimes.net.


Entertainment Calendar Thursday, May 9 • Josh Morales Acoustic Tequila Grill & Cantina (30320 Triangle Drive Charlotte Hall) – 7 p.m.

Friday, May 10

Symphony Coming to Southern Maryland

• Smoke Creek Rounders Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 8 p.m.

By Alex Panos Staff Writer

• The Not So Modern Jazz Quartet The Westlawn Inn (9200 Chesapeake Avenue, North Beach) – 7:30 p.m.

COSMIC Symphony will utilize a repertoire that covers over 160 years, in order to bring a night at the opera to Southern Maryland, during its season finale performance this month. COSMIC President Jackie Hahn said the symphony plays the original version of songs people are familiar with, but may be unaware the piece has been altered several times. For example, Hahn explained, when COSMIC plays The Bridal Chorus, the commonly known lyrics “here comes the bride” are replaced with the original German lyrics. COSMIC is comprised of local community members, and conducted by professional music director Vladimir Lande. Hahn is a violinist in the orchestra in addition to COSMIC President. She had been playing violin since she was 8 years old, but took a break from the instrument after high school – COSMIC provided an outlet to resume her hobby, and she says the orchestra is geared toward helping local people follow their passion. Soloist Sofiya Schug is a member of the Leonardtown community who joined COSMIC as a way to continue pursuing her dreams as a vocalist – she takes college courses on vocal performance as well. Lande has been instrumental in the group’s overall development and improvement, Hahn continued, the Russian worldclass conductor has been telling the musicians they play at a higher level than they give themselves credit for. “I think we’re finally starting to believe it,” Hahn said. The audience has noticed the group’s improvements too, and often comments on the increased quality of the playing, said Hahn, adding they also appreciate the fact that COSMIC is a community orchestra, comprised of people from middle school students to retirees.

“The shear sound and high quality of performances, considering we are a community organization,” Hahn said when asked why the audience enjoys the concerts. “They love us...We regularly get a standing ovation.” According to Hahn, the symphony’s increasing popularity has helped it evolve over the years into a full orchestra, and conduct a number of selections from open chorus. “It’s an extremely interesting program,” Schug concurred, adding the concert is unique because it produces quality and diversity “all in one package.” Hahn is looking forward to playing challenging music for the crowd, as well as continuing to improve as a violinist. She said Lande teaches a great deal about musical expression. “We’re incredibly lucky to have him [Lande],” Hahn said. The performance at Great Mills High School on Saturday, May 18, begins at 7 p.m. The Sunday matinée on May 19 at College of Southern Maryland LaPlata campus is slated for 3:30 p.m. The concert will last about two hours. Tickets cost $10 each, and $8 for military, students and senior citizens. Family tickets are available for $25, which allows access to an unlimited number of people – Hahn said this is practical for families of three or more. Visit cosmicmusic.org for more information alexpanos@countytimes.net

Saturday, May 11 • Big Boy Little Band Veterans of Foreign Wars (23282 Three Notch Rd., California) – 8 p.m. •15 Strings Morris Point Restaurant (38869 Morris Point Road Abell) – 5 p.m. •Contra Dance Christ Episcopal Church Parish Hall (37497 Zach Fowler Rd, Chaptico) – 7 p.m. • Mitch Morrill Running Hare Vineyard (150 Adelina Road
Prince Frederick) – 12 p.m. • The Colliders Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 8 p.m. • Hate the Toy Toot’s Bar (23971 Mervell Dean Road, Hollywood) – 8:30 p.m. • The Not So Modern Jazz Quartet The Westlawn Inn (9200 Chesapeake Avenue, North Beach) – 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, May 12 •Country Memories Band Vera’s White Sands Beach Club (1200 White Sands Drive, Lusby) – 7 p.m. •Fran Scuderi Running Hare Vineyard (150 Adelina Road
Prince Frederick) – 1 p.m.

Saturday, May 18 • Musician Protection Program The Westlawn Inn (9200 Chesapeake Avenue, North Beach) – 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, May 19

COSMIC will perform their season finale this May

• Country Memories Band Vera’s White Sands Beach Club (1200 White Sands Drive, Lusby) – 7 p.m.

Monday, May 20 • Family Karaoke Tequila Grill & Cantina (30320 Triangle Drive, Charlotte Hall) – 7 p.m.

Monday, May 27

COSMIC Director Vladimir Lande

Photos courtesy of COSMIC

• Superheroes of Southern Maryland Meet and Greet with Iron Man Tequila Grill & Cantina (30320 Triangle Drive, Charlotte Hall) – 5 p.m.


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Last Week’s Puzzle Solutions

1. Selects 5. A cutting remark 9. Teaspoonful (abbr.) 12. Having two units or parts 13. Quality perceptible to the sense of taste 14. Expression of surprise 15. Italian Island 16. A coarse cloth with a bright print 17. Propose a price 18. Sedimentary material 19. Tree toad genus 20. Passed time agreeably 22. Custodians 24. 3rd largest city in Zambia 25. 18th Hebrew letter (var.) 26. Coasted on ice 27. Libyan dinar 28. Displayed exaggerated emotion 31. Andalusian Gypsy dances 33. Material 34. Article 35. Ballplayer Ruth 36. 5th largest Greek island 39. Hand drum of No. India 40. A style of preparing food 42. Former ruler of Afghanistan 43. AKA Cologne 44. Not generally occurring 46. Auto 47. Print errors 49. Interspersed among 50. Electrocardiogram 51. Churns 52. Ice hockey feint 53. Drive obliquely, as of a nail 54. Dried leaves of the hemp plant 55. Ardour


1. Lyric poems 2. Hungarian sheep dog (var. sp.) 3. A pad of writing paper 4. Lists of candidates 5. Base, basket and foot 6. Samoan capital 7. Mythological bird 8. Urban row houses 9. Sensationalist journalism 10. Carried on the arm to intercept blows 11. Estrildid finch genus 13. PA 18840 16. S.W. English town &

cheese 21. Runs disconnected 23. Mourners 28. Old world, new 29. Atomic #25 30. Sweet potato wind instrument 31. Legend 32. 3rd tone of the scale 33. Russian jeweler Peter Carl 35. Capital of Mali

36. Extremist sects 37. Violent denunciation 38. Tooth covering 39. Music term for silence 40. Smoldering embers 41. Writer Jong 43. Actor Kristofferson 45. Adam and Eve’s 1st home 48. Fish eggs


Email your ad to: cindijordan@countytimes.net or Call: 301-373-4125 or Fax: 301-373-4128. Liner Ads (No artwork or special type) Charged by the line with the 4 line minimum. Display Ads (Ads with artwork, logos, or special type) Charged by the inch with the 2 inch minimum. All private party ads must be paid before ad is run.

Real Estate for Sale 2.8 secluded acres overlooking a pond. Hardwood floors. Fireplace in family room is great place to spend the holidays. The kitchen has many stainless upgrades and over looks the family room. Separate dining room and living room. Large master with a room that could be used for an office. Large detached 3 car garage/shop w/ 800+ sq ft overhead storage. Hot tub and large back deck. Price: $439,000. Call 240-561-2144.

Real Estate Rentals Older 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 story house with a large living room with fireplace and separate dining room. Family room with fireplace in finished basement that can be used as 3rd bedroom. Please email if interested. References required. Rent: $1000. rentalhouse20628@gmail.com

Publication Days

The Calvert Gazette is published each Thursday. Deadlines are Tuesday at 12 noon Office hours are: Monday thru Friday 8am - 4pm

Apartment Rentals Large 2BDRM apartment with sep kitchen and living room area. 20mins from Waldorf and Lexington Park. Electric included with monthly rent. Pets are allowed, no yard access. Price: $1200. Call 301-399-0413 or email bbmangel36@gmail.com. Prince Frederick, Maryland (Calvert County). Nice room in private home with 2 closets and storage area. Less than 1 mile to all shopping, and CSM. Public transportation across the street. Includes utilities, AC, WIFI, and cable. Available immediately. Call Rick 443968-4727. Rent: $600.00

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The Calvert Gazette will not be held responsible for any ads omitted for any reason. The Calvert Gazette reserves the right to edit or reject any classified ad not meeting the standards of The Calvert Gazette. It is your responsiblity to check the ad on its first publication and call us if a mistake is found. We will correct your ad only if notified after the first day of the first publication ran.



Local Refuse Company is looking for a P/T Driver w/CDL class B for Roll-Off and rear load Trash Truck, must have a least 2 years experience. Some knowledge of heavy equipment good but not necessary. Must have own transportation. 301-855-3078. somdrecycling.com

Carpenter needed for a local Home remodeling company. Must know all the aspects of home remodeling. Send resume to dipietricontractors@ hotmail.com or fax to (301)855-2584

We are looking for a full time cashier/ receptionist to begin immediately! Seeking a very responsible, outgoing, self-motivated team player with great customer service skills! Experience is plus! We offer excellent benefits including health care, competitive salary (with experience), paid holidays/vacations and a fun work environment! If you are interested, please contact Turk at #301449-5900 or email your resume to turk@ clintoncycles.com.

General contractor seeks excavator, block & finisher for addition project in Calvert County. Applicants must pass background check and have at least 5 years experience. Subcontractors must be licensed and insured. Please call Mid Atlantic Contractors 410-414-3100.

Yard Sales Kid’s Clothing, Washer, Dryer, E-reader, Television, Fish Tank and more May 17th 9-2, May 18th 7-1 9030 Cabin Court, Owings, MD MAYFEST Huge indoor yard sale Saturday May 11 6:30am-12:30pm Middleham-St. Peter's Parish Hall 10210 H. G. Trueman Road, Lusby

TEL: 301-373-4125 • FAX: 301-373-4128 • cindijordan@countytimes.net

Out&About All Month Long

• Clay at the Bay 9100 Bay Ave. North Beach, May 1 to 27 Artworks@7th is a cooperative gallery with 30 productive artists in media ranging from pottery, ceramics, sculpture, silk, glassware, custom art jewelry and stained glass to landscape paintings in oil, acrylic, pastel and watercolor, scratchboard, and pencil drawings and photographs with views of Chesapeake Beach and North Beach, of local scenery, barns and farmland, water views, animal themed art and contemporary art as well as wonderful florals and still life imagery. Consider original art for your home or business decorating and as an investment. Special Cinco de Mayo opening reception Sunday, May 5 from 2p.m. to 6p.m.

Thursday, May 9 • Maryland Boating Safety Education Class County Services Plaza, 150 Main Street, Prince Frederick, 7 to 9 p.m. The class includes boat nomenclature and identification, trailering, rules and regulations, legal responsibilities, handling emergencies, and more. A Maryland Boating Safety Education Certificate (blue card) will be issued upon successful completion of the course. Cost is $20. Call 410-5352035 to register. • MBE/DBE Certification Workshop Calvert Library: Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick, 10 a.m. to noon Check in begins at 9:30 a.m. Presented by the Maryland Department of Transportation’s Office of Minority Business Enterprise. The event is free, but registration is required. For more information, contact Maria Dorsett at dorsettm@co.cal.md.us or 410-535-4583

Friday, May 10 • Musician Protection Program 9200 Chesapeake Ave., North Beach, 7:30 to 10 p.m. As usual for music nights, reserva-

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Community Events

tions are highly recommended. Seats are available but are going fast. Since we are a small venue, it is wise to reserve your table early. Call 410-257-0001 to reserve. Email reservations are also accepted. Provide your name, the date and time you’d prefer, the size of your party and a phone number. We will call or reply to confirm your reservation. • Calvert County Coffee Connections The Sassy Shoppe, 10082 Southern Maryland Blvd, Dunkirk, 8:30 to 10 a.m. POC is Kim Shoe at 410-980-5771

Saturday, May 11 • Calvert Arts Festival All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Rtes. 2 and 4, Sunderland, 11 a.m.to 6 p.m. Sample the best Patuxent Wine Trail Wines ($15 fee) with souvenir tasting glass at the 6th Annual Calvert Arts Festival (formerly the Calvert Wine & Art Festival). There is no admission fee to shop from outstanding local juried artisans. Tour our 1692 church and labyrinth. Rain or shine! Save money and reserve your wine glass at www. brownpapertickets.com/event/331645. Age verified for wine tasting by picture ID at the festival. Proceeds benefit parish and community projects. Plenty of free parking will be available at All Saints’ Episcopal Church. • Historic Passages: Ray and Phyllis Noble CalvART Gallery, 110 Solomons Island Rd S, Prince Frederick, 5 to 8 p.m. Join us at CalvART Gallery for an evening with local artists Ray and Phyllis Noble and their unique show, “Historic Passages”, featuring handcrafted stained fused art glass representing a Path to Freedom though the Underground Railroad. • Not So Modern Jazz Quartet 9200 Chesapeake Ave., North Beach, 7:30 to 10 p.m. As usual for music nights, reservations are highly recommended. Since we are a small venue, it is wise to reserve your table early. Call 410-257-0001 to reserve. Email reservations are also accepted. Provide

your name, the date and time you’d prefer, the size of your party and a phone number. We will call or reply to confirm your reservation.

meals all day -so go for lunch & come back again for dinner!

• North Beach Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary Yard Sale North Beach Volunteer Fire Department, 8536 Bayside Rd, Chesapeake Beach, 8 a.m. to noon Tables are available for $15 each or $25 for two. Must be reserved in advance, for additional tables, check with Diana. To reserve a table, please contact Diana 410-231-1775.

• Dan Brown Public Appearance Live Stream Calvert Library: Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick, 7:30 p.m. Dan Brown, author of the controversial and immensely popular novel, The DaVinci Code, will be making only one public appearance for his upcoming novel, Inferno, due to be released on May 14. He will be at the Lincoln Center in New York City and Doubleday is making the video stream available to libraries across the country. Dan Brown as named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by TIME Magazine in 2005. Editors have credited his book with, among other things, “keeping the publishing industry afloat… and spiking tourism to Paris and Rome.” His book also created quite a hubbub among the Cardinals in Rome and triggered a number of books repudiating the assertions made by Brown in the novel. Will there be copies of his new novel for sale at the event? That remains to be determined. Calvert Library Public Relations Coordinator said, “I hope to obtain a couple signed copies to use as a fundraiser so let’s keep our fingers crossed and bring your checkbook just in case!” For more information, call the Calvert Library Prince Frederick at 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862 or check the website at calvert.lib.md.us.

Sunday, May 12 • Mother’s Day Brunch and Dinner 9200 Chesapeake Ave., North Beach, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. As usual for music nights, reservations are highly recommended. Since we are a small venue, it is wise to reserve your table early. Call 410-257-0001 to reserve. Email reservations are also accepted. Provide your name, the date and time you’d prefer, the size of your party and a phone number. We will call or reply to confirm your reservation.

Monday, May 13 • Maryland Boating Safety Education Class County Services Plaza, 150 Main Street, Prince Frederick, 7 to 9 p.m. The class includes boat nomenclature and identification, trailering, rules and regulations, legal responsibilities, handling emergencies, and more. A Maryland Boating Safety Education Certificate (blue card) will be issued upon successful completion of the course. Cost is $20. Call 410-5352035 to register.

Tuesday, May 14 • Kim Stone Scholarship Fundraiser Next Tuesday - May 14th at the Green Turtle in Prince Frederick will be our next Kim Stone Scholarship fund-raising dinner. For the Green Turtle you do NOT need to turn in a flyer AND we get credit for

Wednesday, May 15

• Watercolor Class Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center, 13480 Dowell Rd, Solomons, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Annmarie Garden will present a Watercolor Class, a two class series taught by Nancy Thompson. Great for any level (no experience necessary), paint a picture-perfect scene and learn all the tricks to painting with watercolor. Cost is $135 for nonmembers; $125 for members. Visit www. annmariegarden.org or call 410-326-4640 to register.

Library Events Thursday, May 9 • Calvert Conversations Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch (3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach) – 10 to 11 a.m. An informal discussion of local history of interest to long-time Calvertonians and newbies. Complimentary coffee and tea. Come, relax in our living room, and share or learn something new! 410-257-2411 • Kids Just Want to Have Fun Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick) – 2 to 3 p.m. Reading, discussion and projects for children in K - 3rd grade. Please register. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862 • Evening Storytime Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch (3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach) – 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. This storytime is for the family with children of multiple ages. Children enjoy books and language through short stories, songs, crafts and more. An adult

must accompany child. This week’s theme: Storytime Celebration. 410-257-2411

Friday, May 10 • On Pins & Needles Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick) – 1 to 4 p.m. Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting, crocheting, or other project for an afternoon of conversation and shared creativity. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862

Saturday, May 11 • Interview Skills One-on-One Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick) – 9 to 11 a.m. Sharpen your interview skills with an HR professional from Microsoft. Please register for a one-hour session at 9, 10 or 11 a.m. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862 • Garden Smarter: Bay Wise Gardening Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick) – 10 to 11:30 a.m.

Learn the small changes you can make in your gardening habits to lessen your impact on the bay and surrounding environment, thus improving the health of the bay. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862 • Playtime Calvert Library Fairview Branch (Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings) – 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Playtime is learning and discovery time for you and your child. Engage in interactive play, connect with other parents and caregivers, and have fun! Bring a non-battery operated toy to share. No registration. For ages birth through 5 years old. 410-257-2101 • Playtime Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch (3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach) – 10:45 to 11:15 a.m. Playtime is learning and discovery time for you and your child. Engage in interactive play, connect with other parents and caregivers, and have fun! Bring a non-battery operated toy to share. No registration. For ages birth through 5 years old. 410-257-2411


Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Calvert Gazette

Breathe. Smile. Laura Joyce Contributing Writer I went to Tampa this past weekend, and for complicated reasons, I was going to spend all of Thursday in airports or on airplanes. With all of the stresses of travel these days, it’s enough to drive your average wellbalanced person over the edge. Add to that my slight claustrophobia (which rears its ugly head when I’m crammed into an undersized metal tube with hundreds of other people and sent hurtling through the air at 30,000 feet: go figure), and I knew the day would be challenging. So, I promised my-


self before I set off that I’d approach the day with two strategies. Breathe, and smile. With these two secret weapons in hand, I set off. The first flight went well, but the second was delayed, leaving me only moments to get from one terminal to another. As my day veered off course, I took a deep breath, smiled…and a golf cart materialized. I explained my hurry to the driver, Miklos, who nodded somberly and took off, pushing the cart to its limits. He honked, clearing a path, while calling out, “Beep, BEEP!” in a Czech accent while laughing maniacally, but despite his best efforts, the plane had just taxied away. Miklos seemed personally offended and even tried to convince the gate agent to have the airplane return for me. By this time I was nearly in tears, but from laughter, not distress. Having adopted me as his cause, Miklos took me to Customer Service and waited in the cart, arms folded on his chest and a stern

Senior Citizen News

Giant Indoor Yard Sale Stop by the Indoor Yard Sale sponsored by the Calvert Pines Senior Council, Saturday, June 1, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. to find some great bargains. Tables are $15 if you have items to sell. Call 410-5354606 or 301-855-1170 to reserve a table. Don’t Be a Victim Be aware of a new scam! Scammers have been reported calling individuals claiming to be a jury duty coordinator. When the individual protests that they have not received a summons for jury duty the scammer may ask for a Social Security number, date of birth or even credit card number stating that he/she will verify the information and cancel an arrest warrant. As a rule, court officials will never ask for confidential information over the phone. Simply hang up the phone and avoid being scammed. Feel Like A Super Hero Only nine spots remain for the Intergenerational Camp at Calvert Pines Senior Center! Enjoy a week of activities with your elementary-age grandchild(ren), July 15 - 19, 10 a.m. Brochures are available at all three senior centers with a list of classes like “Super Heroes” and “Lego Mania”. Fee: $35 per grandparent/grandchild pair, $15 each additional person, includes all supplies and one DVD. Registration forms must be received by May 25. For more information call 410-535-4606 or 301-855-1170. Calvert Pines Senior Center (CPSC) Register now to show off your classic car for free, Friday, June 14, 5 – 7:30 p.m. at the Father’s Day Classic Car Show. This event will have live music, food for sale and more. North Beach Senior Center (NBSC) Sign up to bring your car to the Maryland Clean Car Clinic, Thursday, May 16, 9 a.m. – noon. Receive a free 15-minute, 26-point inspection on how “clean” your

car is, conducted by ASE-certified technicians from the University of Maryland. Southern Pines Senior Center (SPSC) Sit back and enjoy the Charles County Show Troupe, Wednesday, May 15, 10:30 a.m. There will be light refreshments and dancing entertainment. Local Trips Take a trip to the Newseum, Tuesday, July 2. The Newseum blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits. Lunch will be provided by Wolfgang Puck Catering. The $62 fee includes transportation, entrance fee and lunch. Enjoy Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament, Thursday, August 1. Costumed staff will serve lunch while we are entertained by spectacular horsemanship and pageantry. The $61 fee includes transportation, show and meal. Eating Together Menu Lunches are served to seniors aged 60-plus and their spouses through Title IIIC of the Older Americans Act. Contributions are suggested. For reservations or to cancel your reservations call: Calvert Pines Senior Center at 410-535-4606 or 301-855-1170, North Beach Senior Center at 410-257-2549, or Southern Pines Senior Center at 410-586-2748. Monday, May 13: Meatloaf, Wheat Bread, Mashed Potatoes, Lima Beans, Fresh Fruit Tuesday, May 14: Lemon Herb Chicken, Tossed Salad, Sweet Potatoes, Rice, Roll, Fresh Fruit Wednesday, May 15: Oven Baked Fish Sandwich, Black Bean Salad, Pears, Peanut Butter Cookies Thursday, May 16: Salad w/Chicken Strips, Pickled Beets, Pickle, Breadsticks, Oatmeal Cookie Friday, May 17: Roast Turkey w/Orange Glaze, Mashed Potatoes, Zucchini, Roll, Fruit Salad

glare on his face, as if daring the airline to about to forget to breathe or smile, I was leave me hanging. rescued by others who must have made the I could tell you all the details of the rest same promise, and must know it changes of that day: how that rescheduled flight was everything. So, next time I travel I’ll renew delayed so many times that it caused me to the vow, and hope I’ll again have help from miss every one of my remaining flights; how Miss Olivia, and Justin Case, and, of course, I was seated next to a 6’5 behemoth who Miklos. My last sight of him caught his sattook up his seat and half of mine when I fi- isfied grin (Mission Accomplished) as he nally did fly; how an out-of-control toddler putt-putted off, no doubt looking for somescreamed from one end of the East Coast to one else to save. the other. Instead, though, what I most remember I love hearing from you; feel free to are a few people making the best of circum- contact me at thewordtech@md.metrocast. stances that so often bring out the worst in net if you have comments or questions about all of us. There was Miss Olivia, the ticket the column. agent who somehow got me to Tampa early, despite all of the delays. There was the captain Politics Night May 9th who announced that he Results of Arab Spring: was sharing the flight deck with Second OfFirst Step to Stability or Boon to al-Queda? ficer Justin Case. There was the flight attendant Meeting Location: who laughed (hard) at Hosted at Calvert County Republican Party HQ my lame joke: when she 424 Solomons Island Rd (Rt. 4 Prince Frederick, told me the flight would MD) 8—9pm take an hour and thirteen minutes, I said, “If it takes an hour and fourContact Mr. Scheiber teen minutes, I’m going (kenneth.scheiber@smrhs.org) to be really pissed.” In the end, in the moments when I was

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hanging Basket for




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