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State of Maryland Fiscal Year 2012 Federal Priorities

Moving Maryland Forward: Making the New Economy Ours Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Global Competition ▲ Thirty years ago, the United States ranked #1 in high school graduation among our global competitors. Today we are 11th ▲ The total annual federal investment in research in mathematics, the physical sciences and engineering is now equal to the increase in U.S. healthcare costs every nine weeks. ▲ American consumers spend significantly more on potato chips than we devote thru our government to energy R&D

Creating Jobs in the New Economy through Innovation & Leadership Creating OPPORTUNITY Advancing Public Safety & Homeland SECURITY Advancing Environmental SUSTAINABILITY Advancing the HEALTH of our People

Moving Forward: Our Goals

Opportunity Security Sustainability Health


Create, Save or Place Residents into 250,000 Jobs in Maryland by 2012

II. Improve Student Achievement and College and Career Readiness in Maryland by 25% by 2015

III. Increase the number of Marylanders who receive skills training by 20% by 2012

Moving Forward: Our Goals IV. Reduce Violent Crime in Maryland by

Opportunity Security Sustainability Health

20% by end of 2012

V. Reduce Violent Crimes Committed Against Women and Children by 25% by 2012

VI. Make Maryland the National Leader in Homeland Security Preparedness by 2012 (Across the 12 Core Capacities)

Moving Forward: Our Goals VII. Accelerate Bay Restoration Efforts to Reach the Healthier Bay Tipping Point by 2020


VIII.Double Transit Ridership in Maryland by end 2020

Security Sustainability Health


Reduce Per Capita Electricity Consumption in Maryland by 15% by 2015


Increase Maryland’s Renewable Energy Portfolio by 20% RPS by 2022


Reduce Maryland’s Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 25% by 2020

Moving Forward: Our Goals

Opportunity Security

XII. End Childhood Hunger in Maryland by 2015 XIII. Establish Best in the Nation Statewide Health Information Exchange and Electronic Health Records Adoption by 2012


XIV.Reduce Infant Mortality in Maryland by 10% by 2012


XV. Expand Access to Substance Abuse Services in Maryland by 25% by 2012

INNOVATION: ASSETS #1 in Federal R&D Obligations (per capita) #1 concentration of PHD Scientists and Engineers #2 in Technology and Science #2 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Innovation Ranking #3 Kauffman New Economy Index


Maryland’s Strongest Job Growth Sectors

▲ Biotechnology ▲ Information Technology

(including Cyber Security) ▲ Clean Energy & Green Tech ▲ Health ▲ Trade ▲ Aerospace

Creating OPPORTUNITY LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES Creating Jobs Multi-year reauthorization of surface transportation programs: Boost transit-oriented development Improve rail infrastructure Reform the Appalachian Development Highway System program Through the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, leverage our State investments to prepare our students to win in the new economy Creating Opportunity WIA Reauthorization Create competitive grants for the “innovation economy” Continue our commitment to developing a highly-skilled workforce pipeline for the estimated 45,000 - 60,000 BRAC related jobs

PROGRAM PRIORITIES We ask your help to restore CDBG to FY 10 levels. The projects will benefit 173,666 people, rehabilitate 281 homes, and retain 317 jobs.

Creating OPPORTUNITY LEGISLATIVE & PROGRAM PRIORITIES FOR INNOVATION Creating Jobs Protect agencies that spur and strengthen innovation: NASA’s SBIR & STTR programs NIH NSF Creating Opportunity Support and fund programs and initiatives that spur and strengthen innovation: Startup America Provide more access to capital Expand entrepreneurship education and mentorship programs Expedite commercialization of federally-funded R&D America COMPETES Act Funding key agencies and STEM education programs

Advancing Public Safety & Homeland SECURITY PROGRAM PRIORITIES Level fund the Byrne-JAG program to help us meet our violent crime reduction goals. With this program, we’ve seen sharp reductions in crime, including a 21% reduction in murders. Maintain the FY 10 funding levels for Maryland's share of key Homeland Security Grant Programs and achieve core homeland security capacities to protect the public’s safety and national security.

Advancing Environmental SUSTAINABILITY LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES Pass the Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Restoration Act (S. 1816 [Cardin], H.R. 3852 [Cummings]) Invest in the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant

PROGRAM PRIORITIES Please Incentivize Offshore Wind Development by Extending the authority of the General Services Administration (GSA) to enter into power purchase agreements from 10 years to 30 years, specifically for offshore wind Extending the investment tax credit for offshore wind through at least 2016

Advancing the HEALTH of our People PROGRAM PRIORITIES ƒ

Maintain LIHEAP funding at the level of $5.1 billion recognizing the impact of the economy and high costs of all sources of energy on vulnerable households. Please help us maintain our caseloads, which have continued to increase with 134,691 families receiving benefits in FY 2010.


Preserve the $612 million authorized for the TANF Contingency Fund for FY 2012.


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