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A tsunami is a series of water waves (called a tsunami wave train ) that is caused when a large volume of a body of water , such as an ocean , is rapidly displaced.


That is

When a large volume of a body of water


Effects Deaths

Is a serie of Water waves

Homeless Generate

Such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced Earthquakes , volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (detonations of nuclear devices at sea), landslides and other mass movements , bolide impacts , and other disturbances above or below water


The term tsunami comes from the Japanese, meaning " harbor " ( tsu ) and " wave ". (nami). •

•Tsunami are sometimes referred to as tidal waves

•A tsunami can be generated when convergent or destructive plate boundaries abruptly move and vertically displace the overlying water •Earthquakes , volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (detonations of nuclear devices at sea), landslides and other mass movements , bolide impacts , and other disturbances above or below water

Characteristics the a tsunami on the high seas •Velocity 800 km/h. •Longitude of wave of 300 km/h. •Period 10 a 45 minutes.

•A tsunami cannot be prevented or precisely predicted—even if the right magnitude of an earthquake occurs in the right location. Geologists , oceanographers , and seismologists analyse each earthquake and based upon many factors may or may not issue a tsunami warning. •One of the most important systems that is used and constantly monitored are bottom pressure sensors. These are anchored and attached to buoys.


Water waves: Olas Ocean: Océano Earthquakes: Terremoto Volcanic eruptions: Erupciones volcánicas Underwater explosions: Explosiones subacuáticas Landslides: deslizamientos de tierra Mass movements: movimientos de masas Meteorological conditions: Condiciones meteorológicas Tropical cyclones: Ciclones tropicales Atmospheric pressure: Presión atmosférica Tidal waves: Maremotos Tides both: Mareas Plate boundaries: Limites de las placas Water: Agua Devastating: Devastador

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