power POINT ingles

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floods types



rivers coastal estuarines catastrophic

Excess of water

Dissolve contruction causes Rain fall Rivers rising Ice melting tsunamis Tides due To the moon

Kill animal and people

What are food?

How do floods occurr?

How do floods progress?


Principal types of flood

How do floods cause damage? ¿Qué nos gustaría saber?



Is a when the water level in an area

rises where there was normally little or nome before. All floods are not alike. Can be dramatic and quick or slow and creeping. Are natural phenomena common in many places around the world where there is either a river nearby or the local.

ďƒ˜A diagram of a normal water

ďƒ˜A diagrama of a flooded area.

HOW DO FLOODS OCCUR? Floods are caused by excess water: • Rain fall (cyclones or hurricanes) • Rivers rising. • Ice melting. • Tides due to the moon. • Tsunamis.

How do floods cause damage? ď śPlay water damage: This damage basically soaks everything sometimes it can dissolve foundations and make the ground unstable and muddy. ď śRushing water damage: Due to the water crashing into buildings, cars and other things, this is flood water that often kills people and animals.

How do floods progress? Can progress at different speeds: o Fast floods or flash flods ofeten ocurr in deserts where it rains in one place and water starts to. o Gradual floods may take a few days to build up to dngerous levels. Others may take a few years.

Principal types of flood Riverine floods • Slow kinds: Runoff from sustained rainfall or rapid snow melt exceeding the capacity of a river's channel. Causes include heavy rains from monsoons, hurricanes and tropical depressions, foreign winds and warm rain. • Fast kinds: include flash floods resulting from intense thunderstorms. Estuarine floods Commonly caused by a combination of sea tidal surges caused by storm-force winds. Coastal floods Caused by severe sea storms, or as a result of another hazard. Catastrophic floods Caused by a significant and unexpected event.

• The River Berounka, Czech Republic,

• Australia

• Florida, United States

• Flash flooding

GLOSSARY: • • • • • • • • • • •

DAMAGE: daño. DAM: dique. LEVEL: nivel. DEMP: basurero. MUD: barro. ICE MELTING: derretimiento de hielo. FLASH: repentina. RAIN: lluvia. DANGEROUS: peligrosos. STILL: calma. RIVER: río.

¿QÚE NOS GUSTARIA SABER? • Que podemos hacer para que estas

inundaciones no ocurran o por lo menos disminuyan en el mundo. • Que precauciones debemos tener si ocurren en los lugares donde vivimos. • Donde debemos acudir en estos casos. • Que consecuencias traerán en los próximos años y como avanzaran.

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