Nicholas Moore design portfolio
About Me: I am a designer, a thinker, a learner, a changer. I am a conceptual thinker who through research, thought, and innovation can bring new light and direction to design. In working with other people, I offer my experience in design and my passion for typography, imagery, and color to create innovative solutions that exceed the client’s expectations.
Sign & Symbol
Dèo / Gova: For Sign and Symbol as a class you break into groups and are tasked with working with your assigned group to come up with an identity for a new restaurant and retail space. Picking a culture and then making an identity that embodies that culture. Through this process, each of the team members are responsible for creating a logo for this space. These are the logos I created for this project. The group I was working with decided to do a Celtic themed space, so we split up and began looking for artifacts to gain ideas and inspiration from. I decided to look into Celtic artwork. Looking at their work I found a lot of intricate symbols that they cast out of metal and carved into stone. One of the symbols that I found the most examples of was the Triskel or the triple spiral so I worked with this symbol for my logo.
Dèo / Gova: Working with the triskel as my symbol I made a lot of different iterations of it some using only a piece of the symbol some make patterns with the symbol some just stylizing the symbol. And after a few rounds of re working and re touching I came up with these two logos. I took an outline of the Triskel and put it into a circle to give it more presence, and weight as a mark. It still retains it Celtic roots through the use of the Triskel, its intricate curves, and its weight relating back to there metal work.
3D Packaging
Re-Design Project: As an exercise in packaging we were assigned to find something that we though was poorly packaged and then re-design the packaging for this product. I picked these mouse traps for a few reasons, my first was as I was walking through the food store I saw these on the bottom shelf, on the bag they have a hole so they can be put on a hanging peg and yet there where inside of a display box. Secondly mouse traps or this sort are inexpensive and are made for economy so why was plastic in packaging them and multiple colors of ink. Keeping those in mind I wanted to make something simple, and economical, a paper package with a single ink color on it. It still tells you what the product is and on the inside of the package how to use the product, straightforward and to the point.
Packaging an Idea: This project was all about packaging something that wouldn’t normally be packaged, it was to make you think critically and out side of the box. I chose to package the seven heavenly virtues. I started off with making a list of things that I felt could become or already was an icon for each one of the virtues. An old work boot became my icon for humility, this boot shows hard work, dedication, and is something connected with the salt of the earth type of people. I used an old slide caliber for diligence. A hand bell for charity. A tangled ball of string for patience. An antique lock for chastity. An AA coin for temperance. And a chocolate chip cookie for kindness. All packaged in a simple white box.
Design Systems
Sandy Alexander Logo Work: For Design systems our client was Sandy Alexander, a prominent off-set printer based in New York. They were looking for an update of there identity, something that will help explain who they are and what they do. Keeping this in mind and thinking about the printing process the most basic part of it is the ink and the inks colors, CMYK. Keeping that in mind I wanted to use the CMYK to help the identity. I chose boxes to support the idea of a strong foundation Sandy Alexander has been around for a while and has established roots in the printing community.
Sandy Alexander Interactive Board: Also for Sandy Alexander one of the other things I set up was a touch sensitive interactive board that would tell the story of Sandy Alexander. It would tell about there history, there current environmental concerns and what there doing to be green, and also future plans to expand as a communicator and as a leader in green technology.
Sandy Alexander uses inks that contain 75% less VOC’s then conventional ink.