Cigarette smoking has been known for years to impair health of smokers and nonsmokers exposed to smoke in various ways such as by damaging the lungs and circulatory system. Nicotine, present in mainstream and sidestream smoke, is believed to be one of the most toxic components of tobacco. In 1994, David Kessler, commissioner of the FDA, launched an attack on tobacco companies, claiming they deliberately increased nicotine levels in cigarettes. Nicotine has been shown in various experiments to induce tolerance in smokers by its effects on the CNS and dopaminergic receptors. David Kessler believes nicotine to be addictive and desires the FDA to regulate nicotine as any drug such as cocaine. If the agency can prove that more content... Cleavage of the 2 N or 5 bond yields NNK. These nitrosamines are among the most toxic and are present in both mainstream and sidestream smoke. (F2) They are converted to unstable electrophiles that react with DNA to form mutations which can lead to cancer. More than 300 nitrosamines have been shown to be carcinogenic in one or more of 40 animal species. (F3) It has been shown that a smoker has a greater chance of endogenously forming nitrosamines than a nonsmoker. (F4)
There is much experimental evidence that nicotine is an addictive drug and that it causes a level of tolerance in lab animals and humans, through its effect on the CNS. For a drug to produce dependence, it must rapidly enter in to the blood steam, must be psychoactive, must readily cross the blood brain barrier and the psychosomatic effects must be related to levels of drug in the brain. All of the above is true for nicotine. Tolerance is when, after repeated doses, a given dose of a
Nicotine Essay
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Speech on Smoking
Good afternoon ladies and Gentlemen I am here today to illustrate the points against banning smoking in public places.
I will be addressing the following issues
1. Whether passive smoking has a significant impact on our health
2. The Economic factor
3. The unenforceability of the act
4. How this proposition will affect society
Turning to the first issue: its impact on our health.
The strongest argument in favour of banning smoking in public places is that it is harmful to people who work in that environment and those who don't smoke however the reality is that we still have no conclusive evidence to suggest that passive smoking is as harmful as to more content...
Those good doers who are concerned about the impact of environmental smoke on workers health need no reminding that no one has forced these people to work in smoke filled pubs and clubs; we are in the situation of near full employment in this country meaning these people have a choice of what career they wish to peruse.
Addressing the second issue: the economic factor:
Speech on Smoking Essay
If we ban smoking in public places eventually smoking would be reduce in general. Smokers through taxes contribute a staggering 12 billion to the NHS, and take back only 4 billion in health treatment giving the government 8 billion to spend on our welfare system, NHS, and education. I propose to you without this 8 billion what situation would our already resource starved education system be in?!
Ireland has banned smoking in public places just two days ago, and the hospitality industry is already reporting a 20% downturn in profits, I suggest to you that if this ban is implemented in England will result in closure of bars and restaurants, causing massive job loses. In this already economically turbulent era do we really want to peruse such measures?
Turning to the third issue: The enforceability of the act
One has to take into consideration the effects of introducing such a policy, will all 12 million smokers happily comply with schemes that take away
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Cigarette smoking is something people all over the world have been doing for about 2000 years. Back in 2003, the first electronic cigarette was successfully created by a gentleman named Hon Lik. Lik was a 52 year old pharmacist at the time, whom of which was also a smoker. The inspiration behind making the electronic cigarette came after Lik's father passed away from lung cancer due to him also being a heavy smoker. "A Historical Timeline of Electronic Cigarettes." Consumer Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association, 15 June 2017. The idea behind creating this device was to give smokers a way to still ingest nicotine, the most addictive chemical in tobacco cigarettes, without the countless negative health effects more content...
"E–cigarettes."–cigarettes–toxic–chemicals–research–finds–lung–damage. The Guardian, 4 Feb 2015, 17 June 2017. That would require you to vaporize more e–liquid than you breathe oxygen every day in order to equate to the toxicity level ofsmoking cigarettes.
Most e–liquids contain four simple ingredients: vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, food grade flavorings, and liquid nicotine concentrate. Vegetable glycerin, which is extracted from vegetable oil, is already being used in many different food products that we ingest on a regular basis. The primary use for it is to sweeten and maintain moisture, as it is hygroscopic. With vegetable glycerin having a natural sweet taste, its often used as a sugar substitute due to its lower calorie count. Propylene glycol is found in many well–known cosmetic products as well as a large number of processed food products. You can also find propylene glycol in many medications, serving as a way to help your body absorb chemicals more efficiently. "In past years, there has been concern on whether or not propylene glycol is a harmful substance to the body. No definitive answer has come up yet, but according to a fair amount of research, the effects of propylene glycol are rarely negative and generally
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Essay On Cigarette Smoking
Addictions to Smoking and Alcohol
A lot of people suffer from the consequences of smoking and drinking alcohol, which often leads to addiction. The word 'addiction' is a very powerful word in this sense, as it means the physical and psychological craving for a substance that develops into a dependency, and continues even though it is causing the addicted person physical, psychological and social harm. The disease of addiction is chronic and progressive; it can lead to extremely dangerous outcomes. This applies to both smoking, and alcohol addiction.
Smoking is not just a bad habit, but also a complex addiction. Experts believe that nicotine exerts its powerful addictive effects more content...
Smoking increases the risk of suffering from heart diseases, stroke, other lung diseases and other respiratory illnesses. The body develops horrific reactions to the daily onslaught of smoking. It damages the blood vessels in the legs and arms for example, which lead to restricted circulation and even amputation of the limbs. Also, a smoker addict will eventually start getting eye irritations (which leads to blindness), foul smelling hair, hair loss and even start developing a loss of smell. All of these reactions are due to the dangerous chemicals cigarettes contain. One example of such a chemical is hydrogen cyanide, which can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
Whilst breaking the physical addiction to nicotine is hard, for many smokers breaking the habit – the psychological addiction – is much harder. This is mainly because smoking is likely to have become deeply ingrained over many years, and has therefore become an integral part of many emotional occasions. Sad or unhappy, bored or having to concentrate hard, happy and relaxed with friends– cigarettes are likely to have played a part in almost all of these situations. Some people smoke because of the way cigarettes are advertised, and where they are shown. Another reason
Essay on Addictions to Smoking and Alcohol
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Smoking And Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, cigarette and cannabis are pretty popular with teens and students underage nowadays like a trend. And the reasons why they start trying and doing it it are many like depression, anxiety, family issues, for fun....etc. but nobody actually know why. The age of students start drinking and smoking is around at least 11 to 13 years old. What leads them to doing it? Which are more likely to smoke and drink, the younger teens or the older teens? What types of teens and students underage do it? Will they stop at a certain age? How does smoking and drinking affect students? How can we get more information? Where is the information from?
There are many articles that write about this situation but I've chose one that has very good information and sources. The name of the article I chose is " Top Students
More Likely To Smoke Pot, Drinking Alcohol, Study Says.", an online article from website "". The source of this article is from website "" with the
From Adolescence Into Early Adulthood: Longitudinal Study Of Young People In England."
In summary, this article says according to the source from website, high test scored British students are less likely to smoke cigarettes and more likely to drink alcohol compared to lower scored students. Some argue that "these patterns of substance use may continue Get
title "Childhood Academic Ability In Relation To Cigarette, Alcohol And Cannabis Use
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Why One Should Stop Smoking
Smoking is a huge problem in today's society. Many people don't understand the consequences that come with smoking. Cigarettes and marijuana are very common uses of smoking. As a college student I am able to the effects these two drugs have on students mental and physical abilities. People shouldn't smoke because not only does smoking affect your everyday way of live but they may also kill you. People who become addicted to these certain substances know the risks but don't care because they are mentally attached to the drugs that destroy their body. Marijuana affects the brain the most while tobacco affects organs in your body. According to the article "Weed Smoke VS.Cigarette Smoke: Which is worse?" By Delilah Butterfield "When it comes to the of smoking, research suggests that tobacco is far more harmful to the lungs than cannabis. Both marijuana and tobacco increase the chances of lung cancer. "People who are under 55 had an increased chance increased chance in forming a type of lung cancer" (Morris). If are diagnosed with asthma then these two substances can make your breathing problem 90% worse than what it was. Most smokers don't even know what they are smoking in reality. Tobacco and marijuana are made to calm the nerves of the human body (They are downers) but, they also are made of multiple poisonous and chemical substances. Tobacco contains chemicals like " Nicotine (the addictive drug that produces the effect that people are looking for and one of harshest chemicals in tobacco smoke), Hydrogen cyanide, Lead, Arsenic, Ammonia, Radioactive elements, carbon monoxide, etc." (3, The American Cancer Society) All of these elements put together form one of the deadliest products that is sold all over the world, called a cigarette. Companies created E– Cigarettes claiming that they were less harmful to the body but these products also contain addictive nicotine that can cause mental dependence on nicotine (The American Cancer Society). In the last paragraph we learned multiple chemicals that create tobacco but marijuana also is made with dangerous chemicals. "Marijuana contains at least 60 chemicals called cannabinoids. Researchers
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Persuasive Essay On Stop Smoking
The Effects of Smoking
Smoking cigarettes damage the body in a number of different ways. Over several years, the American Council on Science and Health and many others have documented the effects of smoking. Everyone knows that it is bad for you, but not many know how it affects the body. There are many myths about smoking, which mainly occur with all of the teens that are smoking. Most teens don't know that the effects of smoking are mostly permanent. They think that they can smoke for a few years and then quit without suffering any long–term effects. This is most worrying to me, because the recent finding, reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), claims that teen smoking rates more content...
Some organs in the body will never recover fully from the damage the smoke has done. These consist of the respiratory system, heart, eyes, mouth and even the urinary and digestive organs.
Respiratory System
Smoking directly irritates and damages the respiratory tract. Each year, a person who smokes one–pack–a–day smears the equivalent of one cup of tar over his or her respiratory tract. This irritation and damage cause a variety of symptoms, including bad breath, cough, wheezing, and respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. These effects can be reduced, but not entirely reversed, by quitting.
Smoking is the principal risk factor for developing chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Emphysema is characterized by permanent structural changes in the lung tissue. The deterioration in lung function associated with chronic bronchitis and emphysema is directly related to duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked. Smoking during childhood not only increases the risk of developing chronic bronchitis and emphysema in adulthood, but also lowers the age of the life.
The Effects of Smoking
Every person in the world, smoker and nonsmoker, experiences a slow decline of lung function starting at about age 30. In smokers this gradual decline starts both with a lower amount of functioning and at an earlier age. Smokers suffer from decreased lung reserve, meaning they are unable to run, or even walk as far or as fast as their peers who have never
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Smoking cigarettes can have such an harmful effect on the individuals who abuse it and the people who are in around them. A cigarette abuser is likely to become addicted to the drug resulting the person to face with lung cancer. There are many close people in my life who are trying their hardest to quit this specific addiction. Making it ridiculously easy for me to identify and choose the topic in which I chose. Although, before I chose my original topic I had to focus directly on "tools" and strategies that could possibly help individuals quit smoking. Instead of my initial topic thesis statement which was "Smoking cigarettes can be prevented and there are various tools to help quit smoking." My final thesis statement for the this specific final project is now "Smoking can lead to various diseases although a nicotine patch, nasal spray, and vaporizers are the best tools to help quit smoking."
My plan was to go in depth in my research and find valuable information relating to my topic. In the beginning, I was extremely confident in my abilities to learn which tools will help the best to quit smoking and had no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be able to get it all figured out. I've investigated several different sources. Some of the sources I checked out fit perfectly with my topic and a couple other sources we're awfully helpless during my research. After lots of tough thinking about what source I'm going to choose I decided to pick sources that have the most scholarly Get
Thesis Statement On Smoking
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Introduction Tobacco use is one of the major health indicators according to the Healthy People 2010 program. Community Health Nurses are aware that tobacco use is the world's leading single avoidable cause of death. Many major diseases are caused by cigarette smoking including different types of cancers. If the current trends of tobacco use in the United States continues, it is estimated that five million people under the age of 18 will die prematurely from a smoking related disease. Studies also show that maternal tobacco use is associated with mental retardation and some birth defects in the new born babies (CDC grand rounds, 2010). Intervening to the problem and evaluating the results are utterly important to control and treat more content...
Health professionals are the best people who can educate the public. During the education classes, participants should be given information about the effects of the tobacco use on their health and its effect on others.
It is important to let the people know that even after quitting the chances of developing lung cancer remains high. The only difference is that as time goes the chances of getting lung cancer decreases. When comparing a smoker to a person who quit smoking, both of them are in danger. But the person who quit smoking has reduced his or her chance of developing lung cancer. "The prevention of smoking initiation among nonsmokers and the encouragement of smoking cessation among smokers lead to a decline in lung cancer incidents and mortality, which recently has been seen in states instituting aggressive anti– smoking campaigns" (Kelly, & MacCrory, 2003, p.55s). As an alternative, pamphlets are handed out with phone numbers that link a patient to smoking cessation programs. These pamphlets are provided by the American Heart and Lung Association and can be ordered for free. Are the participants aware there is a quit line available to them for free accessed by dialing 1–800–QUITNOW (1–800–784–8669). Substitute to help reduce smoking. By providing alternatives to help reduce
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Smoking and Health Essay
Smoking and Its Effects Essay
Smoking and Its Effects
Most people know that smoking is bad for your lungs and causes cancer. But few are aware of the effects of smoking on their heart. When you smoke, toxic chemicals from tobacco enter your blood stream. These chemicals send signals to your heart to beat harder and faster, causing blood vessels to constrict and forcing blood to travel through a smaller space.
Both of the effects cause high blood pressure. A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested that the benefits of quitting smoking are enormous, particularly lowering the risk of heart disease by almost 50%. Besides causing lung cancer, it has been linked to bladder and more content...
· The best way to reduce the risk of getting cancer whilst simultaneously improving your general health and appearance is to stop smoking.
Definition Asthma is defined as variable obstruction or narrowing of the main breathing tubes, the bronchi, in response to a number of different insults or stimuli. The variation in the airways can occur spontaneously or as a result of treatment.
The incidence of asthma is a increasing in the UK and Europe, a trend attributed to a variety of causes. Recent surveys have suggested an incidence of asthma in children of around 1:5 and 1: 10 in adults.
The cause of asthma is described as "multifactorial", which fact means that there are probably very many different causes including hereditary factors and no one simple way to deal with them. In some older individuals exposure to something at work can cause asthma this is termed occupational asthma. Asthma and all allergic diseases are clearly increasing. This is almost certainly linked to changes in our lifestyle,. Whether, however it is possible to reduce the risk of developing asthma in children
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Don't let people treat you like a cigarette; they only use you when they are bored and step on you when they are done. But still I did. I inhaled the bad parts of myself and exhaled them into people, and soon the toxic smoke surrounded them and suddenly the bad parts of me left and rooted in others. Ashes fell from each flick, one after another I was slowly killing myself. People wondered why I smoked so much and why my body always smelled like an ashtray. The truth is, I was trying to kill something inside of me but instead I was killing myself. Those addictive sticks of cancer where the only thing that never left me, it was like food for my broken soul that I was sure would never be mended back together. Late at night, at three in the morning, smoke circling in the cold air and I couldn't help but stare at the sky. Shooting stars fell into the sky and my mind goes back to that cigarette, carelessly sitting between my index and middle finger, and the ashes falling to the ground. As time goes on I am becoming that sinister little stick. I am that cigarette, that long drag, that tireless craving. You see I am that cigarette, everyone uses me but when i'm gone they soon start to miss my presence. They can't help but spark that lighter and inhale that nasty smoke. I am that sickening toxic mixture, the badness that people need around for some quick relief. Constantly changing my levels of toxicity making people crave me more but as soon as i don't give them that high they so long for i'm crushed into the ground. Left there to decay and die because once they get their fix I no longer matter to them. For some odd reason I can't get over being used, maybe it's because when they come back I finally feel like I matter again. But yet, how can something that causes so much damage be craved so much? I ask myself that whenever someone needs me. If I am just a temporary high then why am I even needed. That first morning drag is enough to keep wanting that evil temptation throughout the rest of the day. I don't understand why people become addicted to this annoying substance that does nothing but suck the life out of a person, but that's me, people act as if I am so terrible to be around, but can't help but keep me nearby
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Descriptive Essay About Smoking
Informative Speech : Effects Of Smoking
Kevon Jones
Professor Stennett
SPC 2608 B02
17 July 2017 Informative Speech
Title: Effects of Smoking
Speaker: Kevon Jones, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University student
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to avoid smoking
Thesis Statement: Smoking has many dangerous effects on a smoker 's health and the health of those around them; it harms every organ in the body and leads to premature death.
I.Attention getter: According toTobacco–Free Kids, "about 400,000 people die from their own smoking each year, and about 50,000 die from second–hand smoke annually. Smoking kills more people than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders more content... Additionally,nicotine tightens the blood vessels which slows down blood flow. The health effects of smoking are frightfully damaging and in many cases, deadly. The chemicals in tobacco smoke are breathed in into the lungs and then travel throughout the body.
(Internal Summary/Transition: Moreover, smoking is not only bad for your health, but also the health of the people around you.)
II.Main Idea 2
A.You do not have to be an active smoker to experience the harmful effects of smoke. Breathing in the smoke of active smokers is enough to cause you serious health issues. Non–smokers who breathe in secondhand smoke take in nicotine and other toxic chemicals causing them serious health issues. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke damages their organs, mainly the lungs and brain.
B.According to the book Health Psychology by Naima Khatoon, "Short term exposure to tobacco smoke also has a measurable effect on the heart in non–smokers. Just 30 minutes exposure is enough to reduce coronary blood flow."
(Internal Summary/Transition: Smoking can not only ruin your health, but also cause economic destruction. We will examine the impact of smoking on the economy.)
III.Main Idea 3
A.As discussed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, "tobacco use costs the United States billions of dollars each year. The total economic cost of smoking is more than $300 billion a year, which include nearly $170 billion spent on tobacco–related
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Argumentative Essay About Smoking
Patrice Tseh
Professor Jones
Argumentative Essay Draft #1 Smoking
When did smoking become so normal that almost everyone in society smokes. Smoking is a practice that is common in every society in the world. One of the most commonly smoked products that comes to mine when talking about smoking would be tobacco, which used to produce cigarettes. Marijuana and meth are examples of products that people will smoke today. The reason cigarettes are so abundant is because the tobacco in cigarettes can be cultivated in large amounts. Thus, different industries are involved in the production and distribution of tobacco. Furthermore, some people continue to claim that there are no dangers of smoking. Sometimes people smoke while drinking, because of this most bars also sell cigarettes. According the article "Bars fear Smoking ban will hurt business," from The Washington Times, "Restaurants and bar owners say their customers will likely take dining dollars outside the District if a smoking ban up for a vote in the D.C. council today is enacted" (1). Thus, bar owners feel that they would lose customers if smoking were to be banned. On the other hand, most people start smoking at a young age because they find it pleasurable but, it eventually becomes an addiction after a longer period of smoking. The article "Tobacco Use is a Serious Problem," states that, "Nearly all tobacco use begins in childhood and adolescence. In all, 88% of adult cigarette smokers who smoke daily, Get more content
Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Smoking has been proven to be very dangerous to health. Nonetheless 40 % of the population smokes. Actually I am a non smoker, although I used to be a smoker.
Most people try out smoking when they are young ; many youths think smoking is a good grown–up habit. Furthermore many young people begin smoking as an act of rebellion and independence. Youngsmokers start smoking at their age of 12 or 13 just to get a taste of , what it is like. Some of them find it disgusting and unhealthy and some of them find it cool.
Fact's and Figures
Tobacco use kills about 420, 000 smokers each year. According to recent studies 53.000 nonsmokers die each year more content... In my opinion they should introduce them at the earliest possible moment. I totally agree with the decision, that somebody wants to smoke the company must set up a smoking areas in the workplace. I don't think it takes away some of their freedom, because they take my freedom in that i must breathe the cigarette smoke every day. Many people will agree that smoking is easy to start and hard to quit. By the way they don't even think about whether they disturb non–smokers with their smoke. Personally this is the major problem with some smokers.
Disadvantages of smoking
As far as I am concerned, the main problem with smoking is that it causes lung and mouth cancer, and not just in smokers. I dislike yellow teeth or bad breath. From my point of view there are a large number of impressionable people who are easily influenced and might try to pick up their peers habits. As they want to be similar to them. In my opinion this is a foolish thing. I don't want to be somebody else, and I don't want
Smoking Essay example
to be suitable for somebody either. Hopefully in the future people are going to give smoking careful thought.
I give the government's enactment my full support, because I am a nonsmoker. In addition we non–smokers restricted by smokers, in that I had to suffer smoke where I didn't want to. If I were in their shoes, I would put up with the Get more content
What is smoking? Smoking is an unhealthy act in which a substance is burned and the resulting smoke to be breathed in and absorbed into the bloodstream. Smoking is an addiction that can be extremely difficult to break. It can cause many major negative effects on a persons life in a short amount of time. Smoking is a harmful and financially reckless addiction that should be prevented at all costs, especially in young teenagers. Cigarettes are made from a variety of harmful substances. For starters, there are over 4000 chemicals in one single cigarette. Nicotine, Carbon Monoxide, and Arsenic are only three of the many poisonous structures within a single cigarette. These few things alone can already cause such damage. A question someone might ask would be: "If smoking is so harmful, why would someone pick up their first cigarette in the first place?" Smoking is a big deal this time of age. Teenagers describe smoking as something cool and fun to do. People see everyone around them smoking, making it seem like smoking is okay. Sometimes seeing a parent or a role model smoke can make it seem okay as well. Other times the person may not want to smoke but feel pressured into it because of peer pressure; this happens to be more common with teenagers. A few teenagers smoke for the attention of it. Others smoke because of their curiosity on what its like to smoke. Many people smoke because they are stressed or nervous; this is mostly common with adults. Lastly, a simple reason
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Persuasive Essay On Teenage Smoking
One of the largest issues today is adolescent smoking. According to a heath based website, nearly 90% of adult smokers start while they are still teens and they never intend to get hooked. They may start by bumming a cigarette or two from a friend at a party, and then go on to buying an occasional pack. Soon they realize that they can't go without that pack. They've gotten used to reaching for a cigarette first thing in the morning, after meals, or during any stressful time. They become addicted, both physically and psychologically. According to the American Lung Association, each day 6,000 children under the age of 18 smoke their first cigarette. Almost 2,000 of them will become regularsmokers – that's 757, 000 new smokers annually! more content...
These teens may think that smoking shows that they are old enough to make their own decisions.
To make matters worse, thetobacco companies are making millions from teen smokers. Tobacco companies use advertising to manipulate both teens and adults. They present images that are hard to shake, even when you know the truth. Have you ever seen a cigarette ad where people are wrinkled, middle–aged or coughing and in the hospital dying of lung cancer? Of course not! In most ads, smokers are shown the way that teens would like to be: attractive and hip, sophisticated and elegant, or rebellious.
A 2002 study performed by the Research Triangle Institute states that the tobacco companies make 1.8 billion dollars annually from underage sales. It is interesting that they are making such large profits when it is illegal for a person under the age of 18 to purchase cigarettes. A recent survey by the The American Lung Association indicated that among students under 18 years old who were current smokers, 69.4% reported never being asked for proof of age when buying cigarettes in a store, and 62.4% were not refused purchase because of their age. The tobacco industry kills more people in North America from Monday to Thursday of each week than the terrorists murdered in total on September 11, 2001. That sounds unrealistic, doesn't it? Well, smoking is an epidemic that affects us all, whether you are a smoker or you aren't. In order to stop this epidemic, we need to Get more content
Teen Smoking Essay
Problem And Solution Of Smoking
Lena Ali
Diana Saprikina
Writing and Editing 5
July 19, 2016
Problem And Solution Essay
Danger Of Smoking
Smoking was not known in ancient world , America has discovered smoking in the 16th century , the colonialist transferred this bad habits to Europe , People resisted smoking in a strong way, however, the traders wanted to sell cigarettes because they will get a huge profits from selling it , so they attracted people to smoke , this bad habits spread widely specially in English men , smoking spread from England to Europe, then from Europe to the rest of the world (Prochaska ,1992). Scientist fought a lot to let people quit smoking despite that the danger of smoking was not known like nowadays. Many people today smoke from different ages , these bad habit will harm them , so smokers must to quit smoking although it is not easy to quit smoking, however there is many solution could help to reduce the numbers of smokers of course the government should help to reduce this problem , people environment and organizations .
Cigarettes consist of 4000 types of gases, the most important gasses emitted from cigarettes are Carbon oxide and Hydrogen, and the suspended elements nicotine which is the main cause of addiction, benzene , tar and carcinogens elements, all these elements are harmful for human.
Smoking is the biggest epidemic for a long time, it killed million people every year since it started to spread (Edwards,2004 ). According to Gundogan, he said that
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Smoking Addiction
Smoking is an extremely addictive habit that usually forms in the early teen years. We should be targeting our children from the time they enter elementary school to prepare them for this temptation and encourage them to steer clear of this problem (Schoebel 287). There is no sure cure for smoking, and every method requires willingness, dedication, and will power. Smokers should recognize the serious health risks they are facing every time they light a cigarette and accept that quitting such an addictive habit would only come with some amount of discomfort. Is there anyone who does not know someone who smoke's? Everyone has a family member, friend, or coworker who smokes. They have chosen to smoke, but by just more content...
This disease is killing people if it is not detected promptly. Another reason for quitting smoking is heart disease and its consequences. For example, many people suffer from heart failure, but even though they know about smoking and its dangers, they do not stop their habit until they become ill. Unfortunately, in many cases, people are at risk to live with heart complications for the rest of their lives. Lastly, another important reason for people to stop smoking is the risk of getting emphysema. This is also a deadly disease that affects their lungs and their whole respiratory system. These several reasons should prove to the smokers that this habit puts their health in danger, and causes many diseases that lead to death (Dhillion 198) .
Cigarettes also tend to be an appetite suppressant specifically decreasing the appetite for simple carbohydrates and disturbs the efficiency with which food is metabolized. People who use tobacco products frequently depend upon it to provide these side effects to help them accomplish certain tasks at specific levels. The reason cigarette smokers do not give up this harmful habit easily is simple; Nicotine is a highly addictive substance like many other drugs. Smokers are hooked as surely as is any heroin or cocaine addict; giving up cigarettes creates painful withdrawal symptoms and a craving that many people cannot overcome (Dhillion 212). Nicotine is carried to the brain via the bloodstream within a minute or
Smoking Addiction Essay
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Thank you for your warm welcome. Good afternoon. David, thank you for your introduction. To David, Dr. Cynthia Callard and all the others in the organization known as Physicians for a Smoke–Free Canada, thank you for having invited me to be part of this day.
Also, thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak with you about our common commitment against smoking. And let me also say how much I admire the work that has been done by the members of the Physicians for a Smoke–Free Canada.
As David mentioned, because of the nature of your profession, you see up close and first hand the effects of tobacco use. You have seen itstoll and you have decided to move beyond treating its symptoms to confronting its causes and by bringing more content... They are making services available to people who do smoke now but who want to quit. Each year, this week is an opportunity for health partners to assess our collective progress and to identify the work ahead of us.
And we all know there is much work to do. Smoking is, by far, the leading cause of preventable death in Canada today. As David Esdaile mentioned, the current estimate is that 45,000 Canadians lives end prematurely every year because of tobacco use.
The hundreds of young people who start smoking every day run the risk of developing a lifelong addiction that will sap their vitality, reduce their enjoyment of life and lead to an early death. And I am someone who knows the power of that addiction. I began smoking cigarettes when I was 13 years of age and I smoked heavily until I was 35. I tried in vain a hundred times to quit. And although it has now been 15 years since I quit, I can still understand vividly and very personally the difficulty that smokers face when they try to put it aside.
As a father of children who are now at the most vulnerable age in terms of the temptation to smoke, I want to do everything I can to keep them from that addiction. And like probably everybody in this room, my family has been touched by illness caused by tobacco. That experience lends a special sense of urgency to the work in which we are engaged together.
So, this National Non–Smoking Week presents an opportunity for the government of Canada and for this Minister
Essay about Smoking Cigarettes
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The Smoking Gun
Although the harmful effects of smoking are thought to be well–known, there are a surprising number of people who are unaware of these risks. People enter public parks and walk down the street smoking without thinking about everyone they are affecting. Although the number of smokers in the United States is much lower than it used to be, it is still much higher than it should be. The majority of people begin smoking because they are influenced by people around them, which leads to an addiction. If the amount that people are seen smoking is limited, then the number of new smokers should drop drastically. Smoking in public places should be restricted to specific spots due to thehealth hazards occurring not only to the smoker, but also to others around them in the form of secondhand smoke and the influence on the younger generation.
Smoking is typically known to be dangerous and unhealthy, so why are people still smoking and why did they ever smoke? Smoking began around 6000 BC, when it was thought to be helpful for medical purposes, such as balancing the four humors, because the smoke was hot and dry (Wright 408). Currently, science shows that the four humors are not what balances health and this practice is no longer relevant. So why do people still smoke? According to the Cancer Research center, smoking was thought to be more beneficial than harmful, due to the stress relieving and appetite suppressing qualities; smoking began to decline in the 1970's due to the realization of all its damaging effects (Wright 408). Only fifty years ago smoking was thought to be healthy, so societies addiction to smoking has not quite subsided, but it is time thegovernment lends a hand by outlawing smoking outside of designated areas. Other factors, such as societal influence, affect the fact that people are still smoking even though the evidence shows it is harmful. Although the number of smokers has decreased since 1970, smoking is yet to be eliminated and continues to be a presence effecting today's youth.
By smoking in public places, like parks, smokers are causing harm they almost certainly never think about. Not only is it detrimental to the smoker themselves, but they are encouraging the next generation
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Argumentative Essay On Smoking