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Advertisements Essay
We see advertisements all around us. They are on television, in magazines, on the Internet, and plastered up on large billboards everywhere. Ads are nothing new. Many individuals have noticed them all of their lives and have just come to accept them. Advertisers use many subliminal techniques to get the advertisements to work on consumers. Many people don't realize how effective ads really are. One example is an advertisement for High Definition Television from Samsung. It appears in an issue of EntertainmentWeekly, a very popular magazine concerning movies, music, books, and other various media. The magazine would appeal to almost anyone, from a fifteen–year–old movie addict to a sixty–five–year–old soap opera lover. Therefore the ad...show more content...
In addition to the beautiful looking imagery, the ad also uses some clever words to entice the reader. Jeffrey Schrank's "The Language of Advertising Claims" explains wonderfully the most common techniques that advertisers use in their ads. In the advertisement for the High Definition Television by Samsung, three of Jeffrey Schrank's techniques are used: the "Weasel" claim, the "Unfinished" claim, and the "Vague" claim.
The claim that is most apparent is the "Weasel" claim. A weasel word is one that appears to be pretty significant and meaningful but if analyzed further really don't mean much at all (Shrank par. 9). The High Definition Television advertisement claims that it as a flat screen that is "virtually distortion and glare free" (Entertainment Weekly). The ad doesn't say that the TV has no distortion or glare. Instead what is says really has no meaning since virtually can be interpreted in many different ways. The ad does give the impression, though, that the television has no distortion or glare.
Another claim that is used is the "Unfinished" one (Shrank par. 10). An example of that in this television advertisement is when it says that the picture on these TV's is "bolder, brighter and more exciting" (Entertainment Weekly). It doesn't, though, say
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The main purpose of any advert is to make the advertised product sell more. Therefore, any advertising producer will do everything possible to ensure that he or she ends up with an effective advert. An effective advert in this context is one that will sell out a product or even services through fulfilling promises made about it. For that reason, an effective advertising will have to adhere to the following characteristics. They include, creativity, hard–hitting, memorable, clear, informative and distinctive (Dahl 167). It is through adherence to these features that some of the worldwide products like Coca–cola have managed to stand out among others. This explains another fact about effective advertising, which is brand establishment. For example, when an individual mentions the term beverage in any context, Coca–cola will be among the first things to pass through the minds of people. This is because of the branding made about it through advertising. Consequently, effective advertising can also be used to promote sales of inferior products (Hahn, Davis and Magill 141). On the other hand, for an advertisement of a product or service to be effective as intended, the media and the format through which the advert is conveyed matters a lot. This is because advertisement of some products can only be effective when they are conveyed either through print, some through television or even radio broadcasts. Among the types of advertisements that advertisers use include, Get more content