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Advertisement Analysis Essay Throughout our lives, we're constantly coming upon advertisements. As you watch TV, listen to the radio, or scroll up and down on social media you're more than likely to come upon advertisements that involve athletics. Sports and ads are two things that most likely could be heard or seen. Most people relate to these as well. Normally, an advertisements purpose is to give away a message as well as promote what they are wanting you to buy. My first advertisement is a Nike commercial. It is called "This Is Us". It is promoting their Nike clothing products. The audience of this ad is targeted towards women athletes. It talks about how girls aren't just for the stereotypical things people picturing them doing. For example, they say we have "delicate hands" or how we're just supposed to smile pretty and not be heard. The implied argument is that girls can accomplish things just like men can. This advertisement shows women can do more than what has been expected of them since the olden days. This ad helps to persuade the people watching because it shows many different parts of what people put us out to be, and what girls really can be. For example, in this ad one of the first parts shown is a woman dressed up, it says "you know us, we smile pretty". It then goes to show that same girl standing up and smiling for the camera and training in the gym for a boxing match. The next part shows a woman using her hands to cook she says, "our hands are fine
Advertisement Analysis
Expenditure on UK television advertising in 2002 was ВЈ3.7 billion. This comes as no surprise considering the overwhelming effect advertising can have on its audience. Adverts can have an effect on our subconscious by using different techniques such as offering us not just a product, but a lifestyle. They give us motivation to buy a product: Wearing this perfume will make you more attractive, eating this food will make you funnier, your children will love you more if you buy them this toy. Every one of our emotions is played on so that we will feel obligated to buy the product.
Personally, I think that the actual effect thatadvertising can have on society is...show more content... This brings me to my chosen adverts for comparison. 'LancГґme Paris Teint RГЁnergie Lift', 'Yves Saint Laurant–Eau de toilette', and 'Chanel'.
The first, 'LancГґme Paris Teint RГЁnergie Lift', is a foundation which claims to firm and reduce lines on your skin. It uses some copy but generally, the effect of the advert comes from the picture which takes up about two thirds of the A4 sized advert. The picture is of a woman tying the foundation to a rose with a piece of gossamer fabric. This picture is extremely persuasive and each object shown implies something different about the product.
The woman pictured has very subdued make–up, the advert's intention is not to make her look exciting and full of personality like many make–up adverts, but to make her fresh faced and young to appeal to the correct target market– slightly older women perhaps entering their forties. The advert also uses a certain level of sophistication to reach this market. The woman is looking directly at her audience, her expression is confident and engaging to draw us in to the advert.
The rose carries with it many connotations. The rose is generally associated with love and beauty. It implies youth and has a very powerful impact. It being tied to the foundation shows its closeness and similarity to the product and so the connotations are carried through. The colour of the rose is also very
As stated in this statement marketing is often understood to make people buy things that they don't need, want and can't afford. Marketing does take a big part in why people buy things, but the one thing that it doesn't do is force people to buy a product. In fact, it is illegal for salespeople to mislead people into buying a product or service. I am going to focus on the advertising in marketing as the amount a product is advertised in the media is going to drive and individual to make a purchase. What one person needs, another person doesn't, but if a person needs a certain product they are going to buy it whatever the cost or how much it is advertised. It is unfair to say marketing is all to blame, the individual's personality and...show more content...
On the other hand sales promotions can save consumer a lot of money if they buy products in bulk whilst the product is on promotion such as offers like 3 bottles of wine for ВЈ10 with a long life. Shock appeal is often used in the hair and beauty industry to advertise their new product on the market. These companies portray how nice a product looks on a model when in fact the products won't look the same on most consumers. Companies advertise their product as the best on the market, showing how good it looks on a glamorous model used. One thing the company doesn't advertise, for example when a company is advertising mascara is that the model will be wearing false eyelash inserts thus making the public buy the mascara thinking their natural eyelashes will look as fabulous by using this product. Big brands use celebrities to promote their products which will see an increase in sales through people buying the product following their celebrity idol. This could be seen as unethical as it's making the public buy a product they don't necessarily need but think it must be good if a certain celebrity is using the product. L'Oreal uses shock appeal and celebrity endorsement to maximise their sales. Cheryl Cole a very popular celebrity was used in a television advert and actually appeared on the can of volumising hairspray. Aimed Get more content
A Comparison of Two Advertisements
Advertising is a way of publicizing a product that you want to sell. There are many of different things to advertise, such as clothes, shoes, cars, watches etc. Advertising promotes the latest goods that are out in the shops. Advertising effects me everyday because every time I see a advertisement it attracts me to the product and I think about buying it or saving up to buy it.
In this assignment, I will be talking about two different car advertisements; one car advertisement, the Fiat Stilo advert comes from FHM magazine, a publication aimed at young men aged sixteen and over. The other car, the Rover Streetwise advert comes from the Radio Times which is...show more content...
The Rover streetwise advert has pictures of daily life things such as coffee, donuts, a football, children's Wellingtons boots and a shopping trolley with groceries inside the trolley. This indicates that the car is a family car and is aimed at married women mainly but can also be used by a family man to drive to and from work. The slogan for the advert "shrugs of life's little challenges" is related to the pictures for example the child's muddy Wellington boot. The donut would represent the father who is hungry on the way home or to work, the shopping trolley would represent that the car is useful for a family shopping spree. The advert also uses the word 'Bump' which is saying that even if a heavy load is in the car it can still go over speed bumps. I like the way the advert creates an image of characters in the readers mind, although you cannot see a physical person (image) but the pictures imply their existence. For example, like when I saw the picture of the Wellingtons, an image of a little boy was the first thing I thought of. The advert tells stories of different family lives because each picture relates to many things in everyday life. I wouldn't buy this car because it's Rover, and I don't like rovers I don't think they are good quality cars. However the way this car is designed is nice, it is an attractive car and I wouldn't mind driving it. I appreciate this
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Steamed Vegetables
The science behind advertising is something that is carefully crafted and a lot of thought research goes into it. When a company is trying to promote their product they have to come up with an ad that sticks out and catches your attention long enough for you to consider buying their product. One big factor they have to consider is who is the audience in particular they are trying to lure in. For example, if a sports drink company was trying to appeal to boys they would probably show boys playing something like football tackling each other and getting muddy because football is considered a male dominant sport and getting dirty and being tuff is just what is generally thought of when it comes to boys
The best and most effective type of advertising is the one that appeals to emotions because it is the visual part of the ad that makes you react on instinct. In the advertisement that I chose, the Bonduelle Food Service company is a company that predominantly sells vegetables. Like any food company out there they want to capture your attention and they want you to choose their food because it is the best and you will not find their product elsewhere. By taking a look at their ad, I'm immediately drawn in by their choice to use vegetables as if they were performing a regular human task. The texture and colors used in the advertisement makes me consider that they have perhaps have the best, clean, and maybe even softest vegetables. This is one good example of
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Advertising has been defined as the most powerful, persuasive, and manipulative tool that firms have to control consumers all over the world. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. Its impacts created on the society throughout the years has been amazing, especially in this technology age. Influencing people's habits, creating false needs, distorting the values and priorities of our society with sexism and feminism, advertising has become a poison snake ready to hunt his prey. However, on the other hand, advertising has had a positive effect as a help of the economy and society. In the business market, the main and...show more content...
The problem of such purchasing is that the natural satisfaction of needs is replaced by the artificial. A good example is the marketing of milk products in the Third World. In the 1970s the multinational food company Nestle advertised powdered milk for babies as an alternative to breast feeding in countries such as Kenya. The attractiveness of the product was enhanced by the positive image of development, modernity and technology that businessman projected to mothers. In this case, however, the results were tragic, because the product required sanitary conditions that were not available in those times. Therefore, many infants who were fed in this way faced illness and even death. Far from offering a diversity of choices for the satisfaction of needs, advertisement offers only one message: "purchase a commodity." Since advertising must create new demand, it must also continually produce unsatisfied costumers. Those customers are more likely to look for products to fulfill their happiness, even though they do not reach that point. Mander writes that "the goal of all advertising is discontent,...an internal scarcity of contentment." Advertising plays on our fears, insecurities, and anxieties, always reminding us that our lives could be better only if we buy this or that. The purpose is to make us slaves of commercials, and as slaves, do as they please. This is the reason for its existences,
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This is a report prepared for MKT337 course on advertising analysis. The purpose of this report on Advertisement analysis is to thorough analyze of electronic, print, outdoor and direct mail ads and look for elements that tell the reader something about that specific product or service of the ads. The report is focused on these basics in order to present a clear argument on how these advertisements can influence people's attitudes towards a certain object or idea, and then analyze them carefully to discover if the message implied is successful or not. An important fact to keep in mind developing this report is the appeal of the ads. The appeal refers to the argument that, in this case, the advertisement is presenting about a specific...show more content...
At the top of every billboards there is the message, Change The Game. My Findings and comments: After analyzing all the ads I found that Pepsi has actually developed a very good IMC campaign which can ultimately increase their sales. In the time of the world Cup fever, every people would love to drink a Pepsi and think that I am in the part of changing the game. Moreover, the TVC message matches the positioning of the Brand and it has convincingly contributed to match the Brand Image with the Brand Positioning. In essence, the ad perfectly hit the need of the target audience. By drinking a Pepsi, every fan would think that they are drinking a beverage which Shakib used to drink. Thus they partially fulfill their esteem need. Maggi masala: Maggi masala is a new product of Maggi Company, before magi masala there were ads of Maggi noodles and soup. Here we are going to discuss about the ad of Maggi masala. TV commercial: The TVC shows that a little boy gets scholarship and journalists of many newspapers come to their home to take photographs of that boy with his parents. Then his mother said about the secret of her son's merit that she cooks with Maggi masala full of various types of vitamins. The objective of the commercial is to inform audience and customers about their new product. The features the model talked about in the ad are various vitamins included iron, vitamin B etc. She informs audiences that to make sure the Get more content