Argumentative Essay Outlines

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As a Christian I view abortion to be of a murderous act, but I am definitely on the fence of this controversial issue. I am in no way telling you to never have sex again, but to simply take the proper steps to preventing an unwanted pregnancy.

B.Relate to Audience: Maybe you or someone you know may be considering having anabortion.

A.Thesis Statement/Controlling Thought + Main–Points: Today I will discuss my view on abortion and bring information on the primary problem with abortion, the reasons why a woman would consider having an abortion, and the steps to reduce abortion from increasing.


A.Main–Point #1: Primarily, I am going to discuss exactly what the problem is with abortion. After so much research on my topic, more content...

a. Joseph C. Howard, the director of the American Bioethics Advisory Commission gave strong evidence "Studies involving ultrasoudonography, electronic fetal heart monitoring b.

B.Main–Point #2: Now that I have informed you about the primary problem with abortion, I will now discuss the causes and reasons why a woman would consider having an abortion

1., "U.S. Abortion Statistics", 12 July 2017

a. 1,209 post–abortive women were anonymously surveyed from nine different abortion clinics across the country.

b. Of the women surveyed, 957 provided a main reason for having an abortion.

2. 3% was fetal health problems

a. Many woman decide to get an abortion because of the doctors birth defect testing. Some birth defects include Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, heart defects, neural tube defects and countless more.

Essay Outline On Abortion
5. a. b.

b. There are children of all ages, an adults too, who are alive today and are living through all manner of disease and disability.

3. 0.5% was victim of rape

a. And this is where I become on the fence about abortion, because my only exception to this horrible act is if it was a case of rape. It is not in my place to make the decision for a woman to conceive a product of a rape baby.

b. But even in the case of abortion only about less than 1% of abortion cases are rapes. The vast majority of pregnancies are Get

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Climate Change, An Outline Essay

Climate Change Topics:

1) What is climate change?

2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

3) Causes of climate change

4) Effects of climate change?

5) International Panels on Climate Change

6) What can be done at home?

1) What is climate change?

Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.

2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand more content...

Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.

2) Human Activities

A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing.

Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions.

B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees Get

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To protect the well–being of customers, a comprehensive overview of transit bus laws, must be provided, as well as information on how the state departments of transportation (DOT) regulates the operation of transit operated by public transit, to help us understand our legal responsibilities with respect to emergency planning and disputes involving federal, state, and local laws.

BASIC QUESTIONS: o How do we navigate local laws and regulations? o How do we prepare and review transportation contracts? o How do we Investigate transportation accidents o How do we prepare defense or resolution of claims? o How do we know what documents are legally required?


We recommend that all transits, including buses: o Conduct more content...

oWhat's the population requirement for funding public transportation in area of less than 50,000 populations? o What's the population requirement of urbanized area? o What's the obligations of the private party? o What's the obligations of the public party? o Whose is eligible for the fund?

REQUIREMENT: o State may not receive more than 5 percent of the amount apportioned for land area. o The State must use 15 percent of its annual apportionment to support intercity bus service o The project must meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act o Under PPP contracts, Policy will remain enforceable until the end of the term of each contract o Private parties are required to invest equity o Private parties are required to provide a share of equity

We recommend Private Partnerships fund to be used as a form of financing transportation projects in the public sector: o Transit safety improvements o Transportation control measurement. o Public transportation capital

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On 6–1–2016 I Pltm. Butram made a traffic stop with a vehicle that failed to use it's turn signal.

I made contact with the driver from the driver side of the vehicle. Michael Mccandless was identified as the driver, and the vehicle owner. I advised Michael that I stop him because he failed to use his turn signal on three separate occasions. Michael stated his turn signal's do not work. Michael stated he knows the other reason I stop him. I asked Michael what that reason was, he stated "because my driver's license was suspended". I asked Michael why his license is suspended, he stated for not paying child support. I ran Michael's vehicle registration (GGA2844) and driver's license number (RF451520) through dispatch. Dispatch confirmed Michael' more content...

Michael stated he was at Township park, meeting with a social worker from Job and Family services, but was unable to provided their name. I asked why he did not meet with the social worker at his residence. Michael stated his children were at the Township park, hanging out with friends. I advised Michael that he should have called them home instead of driving. Michael stated he agrees. Michael's children were in the vehicle at the time of the stop. The children were identified as Baileigh,Kelsie,and Reagan Mccandless.

Michael stated on 6–1–2016 he made contacted Candice Jones from Job and Family services. Michael stated Candice advised him that she would be looking into his driving license issue by the end of the day. Michael stated Candice has yet to make contact with him.

I attempted to contact Candice Jones by phone, but was unable to. I left Candise a voicemail, asking her to contacted me at the Madison Township police department.

Michael was cited for 4510.111B Child support suspension, 4510.12A1 no OL,and 4511.39 use of a turn signal. Michael was given a court date of 6



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