Life After Death Essay

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What is going to happen to us when we will die? Some people never considered what it could happen to them after life. For many people, death is a redoubtable event because they do not know what to expect after their death. However, other persons, such as religious people are conscious of what to expect after their death because of their beliefs. Each religion has different ideas and different ways of looking life. Death, therefore, is viewed by different religions in many ways. Although, different religions have a distinct conception of death, they all have something in common: they all give hope to people. Among all different religions in the world, four of the most common ones– Catholic, Jewish, Islamic, and Hindu–view death more content...

One source explains that the final day of life every person accounts for what he or she has done in her life (World Religions index, 3). В‘Every man В‘s actions have we hung around his neck, and on the last day shall be laid before him a wide–open book' (3). In addition, for Muslims the divine decree is Allah. According to Chris Richard, the author of the book "World Religions", "All the laws that govern the universe belong to Allah, and He controls the destiny of all things, including the time and the place of each person's birth and death: all things issue from Allah, whether sweet or bitter ". "The rightness will be rewarded with the bliss of Paradise"(Richard, 155) . Heaven is depicted in terms of worldly delights. For instance, who fallowed and accepted Allah's guidance will be rewarded with the bliss of Paradise. In the contrary, those who refuse to accept and fallow Allah's guidance in this present life will suffer painful punishment in hell fire. Therefore, death can be viewed in the Islamic religion. Death can also be viewed in the Hindu religion. Hindu considers that they have many incarnations ahead of them before they can find final salvation. There are three main concepts in the Hindu religion: Samsara, Moksha, and Karma. The concept of Samsara is the belief on the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. According to Chris Richard, " The universe is also subject to cynical processes of change, from birth to death and

Life After Death
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Life After Death and Christianity

Existence of life after death is an important part of Christian belief. Most Christians believe that everybody has a soul and a body. The soul is immortal, which means it will not die and after life on earth, it will either go to heaven or hell. Some believe heaven is a place where you are re–united with friends and family and live with them and God and hell a place where you are made to suffer and inflicted with pain. Other Christians believe heaven and hell to simply be states of mind. In heaven you are happy and living with God. Whereas in hell you are unhappy and living without god.

Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in more content... But almost everybody has committed a sin in their life, so does that mean everybody will go to hell?

I believe only the people who have committed relatively evil sins should be sent to hell before heaven. If a person has committed a murder, they should stand a longer sentence without God.

In life now, it is almost impossible to obey the Ten Commandments, I can't think of any person I know who doesn't do anything on a Sunday, the Sabbath. If a person doesn't obey the Ten Commandments, are they likely to go to hell for a period. In my opinion it would be unfair.

As there is no scientific evidence to suggest there is anything beyond death, nothing can be proved. The only light evidence we have is people who claim to have had near death experiences. Some of these people say they rose from their body and moved towards a bright light, but is this enough evidence to say there is anything beyond death? Perhaps the person was a strong believer in life after death and they wanted to see themselves rising from their body.

I think the bible inspires most Christians and motivates them to believe there is life after death. We believe Jesus rose from the dead, so this encourages us to believe we will live after death. However there is still a doubt in my mind that there is nothing after death. I believe in God and

Death and Christianity Essay
Life After
the devil, heaven and hell, but I cannot help to think maybe I
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Evidence For Life After Death

Synoptic pt. b – Evaluate the idea that there is no compelling evidence for life after death. (30) Life after death is a concept that humanity has been trying to understand for millennia. It is an area where science, religion, and philosophy intersect, with conflicting yet powerful views and evidence that has formed and changed views in different sections of society. For religious believers, the evidence is based upon God(s) and their solid faith in holy texts yet, all people, including religious believers are influenced by the views put forward by science, experience, philosophy and individual upbringings. 49 per cent of 9000 surveyed in 2012 by the University of London believe that there is 'definitely' or 'probably' life after death, more content...

In on September 5th 1998 she was cured of a stomach tumour after her husband couldn't afford further medical treatment. On the first anniversary of Mother Teresa's death, two nuns tied an oval medallion with a picture of Mother Teresa to her stomach, and she was cured. This could be seen as reliable evidence for life after death as Mother Teresa seemingly performed a miracle from beyond the grave. The family even took the step of converting to Christianity after her recovery in their conviction that this was reliable evidence. Mother Teresa is on the path to sainthood after this miracle and her tomb is a shrine where people are receiving grace and strength today. Cases of afterlife, resurrection and reincarnation are commonly found amongst religious believers, leaders, and influential individuals sacred texts. Most notably, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ in the Bible. After being killed, three days later, Jesus was resurrected and first appeared to Mary Magdalene. Described as recognizable and with a body of flesh and bone. Jesus told the disciples, "Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have" (Luke 24:39). He was not a ghost, despite having qualities that are supernatural, such as appearing and disappearing at will. E.P. Sanders points out in The Historical Figure of Jesus

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This passage of scripture focuses on the importance of the afterlife and what happens after we die our physical death. Understanding this passage is crucial because it lays the foundation and base word for the Christian faith. Understanding scripture is important in general because it is the word of God and it is his message to us, our earthly duty as Christians is to share it and spread the gospel to those who have not had exposure to it or have no access to it. It is God's instructions for us. The thesis that sums up this passage is, all of those who are followers of sin will suffer in the second death but those who are followers of Christ will be given a place on the new heaven and earth because we were all made new through the first harvest which was Jesus dying on the cross for our sin. The passage of scripture mainly about the physical and spiritual death of humans and how it can be prevented.

All of those who more content...

Due to this we all die a physical death where the physical and spiritual components of our bodies are separated. Those who don't accept Jesus into their heart and deny him go to hell and burn in the lake of fire with Satan. But if you decide to accept God and believe that he sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins and the Trinitarian beliefs, then you will go to the new heaven and earth where you are judged and rewarded based on what you did with your time on the old Earth. The content in this verse makes me reflect on the contributions that I have made to spread the gospel and how I have applied the teachings to my life. One way I have applied this verse to my life is through accepting Jesus as my lord and savior last year and it has helped me to understand a lot. I can't say I have experienced a drastic change in my everyday actions and what I speak about but I try every single day to live like Christ wants me to live and to strive for spiritual

Life After Death Passage Essay
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Descriptive Essay On Life After Death

Quyen Phan

Mr. Jeff Jordan

Descriptive Essay

21 September 2017

What will happen after we dead ?

Death is a fact of life that everyone have to go through. There are around 150,000 people die each day worldwide. A person is considered dead when the heart stops and the brain is no longer able to perceive things around. The departure is the result of many factors: illness, accident or simply due to aging. There are many questions about "life after death". One of the seemingly authentic answers based on scientific research is "the man who gives nature back what has taken from nature." Results from several studies have shown that the human body, after a period of time buried underground, decomposes into chemicals that nourish other organisms more content...

It also causes contraction in other tissues, making the hair appear longer. From the next four to six hours, purple covers the entire body, the body has a slight convulsion. One to five days later, the body softens. Inside, the stomach begins to digest itself. Bacteria begin to grow very quickly, causing bloody bubbles to drain in the nose and mouth of the corpse. Eight to ten days later, the bacteria in the intestine will eat dead tissue and release gas, causing the pancreas to rise. Bacteria in the intestine will join in the party, releasing putrescine and cadaverine– compounds that make the body smell after death. At this time, the body begins to produces an unpleasant odor. The tongue protrudes from the mouth due to swelling of the tissues of the neck and face. The red blood cells break down causing some parts of the body to turn green. This is the second stage of the decomposition process: Bloat. The third stage is called active decay, which starts a few weeks after death. Nails, hair, and skin begin to dry out and fall off easily. Depending on the buried environment, the skin begins to liquefy from the inside, rot or dry. Underground, this is also the time of the body subject to attack by insects, bacteria and external environment. The last stage is called skeletonization. It lasts months to years. Fat in the body begins to decompose. If a corpse is exposed to soil or cold water, adipocere

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Do you believe in life after death? It's a pretty controversial topic. Although it has not been proven that the afterlife is 100% legitimate, many people still believe in it. Some may consider that it is real due to religious teachings. Others have an inclination that paranormal activity and ghosts seem to be a palpable source of evidence that the soul continues to live even after the body has died. However, these views have not been proven. Although the idea of an afterlife seems far–fetched to the practical minded, it can be justified due to a variety of authentic arguments.

Supported by the Christian belief in heaven and scientific research, there is life after death. There are many different types of Christian denominations; however, more content...

However, there is one inspiring story of an actual encounter with heaven and Jesus himself; this story is called Heaven is for Real.

Todd Burpo's inspiring story of his son's experience with heaven exemplifies the religious faith playing a role in real life and death. Colton Burpo, three–year–old preacher's son, had a close call with death due to a burst appendix (Newton). During his emergency surgery, he recalls visiting heaven where he talked to Jesus, encountered angels, and even met his sister who had been miscarried by his mother before he was born. Some may be skeptical of Colton's story, dismissing it as an imaginative dream, but his father, Todd, thinks that it is much more. During Colton's procedure, Todd sulked in a small room and had a meltdown with God. No one knew he was there; yet, Colton was able to recall seeing his dad in that room. According to neuroscientist Kevin Nelson, children tend to let their imagination go awry, whereas adults tend to look over their life in near death experiences since they are more sagacious. The things that Colton recalled are far beyond something that his developing brain would have absorbed from his father's church services. Thus, Colton's recollection appears to be far more than a fantasy. Some may say that science does not support the theory of an afterlife; nonetheless, there are studies being revealed that support this idea after all. Recently, the largest medical

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Do You Believe? Life After Death?

The living body and the mind of human can't get through the concept of death because no human can explain it through their concepts unless they already experienced death itself and came back to life and explain everything if there would be immortality of the soul, the theory of reincarnation to other bodies, where does the spirit of human's go, if death would be the true end of human, if death is real or not, or if there would be life after death. What would be the next after death? All humans know just the limit that all of us are curious which is an about the nature of life that entailed by the ending of life which is the death. There could be no one that can explain life after death, not even those who study the death process. All human knowledge or thinking about death are all just the same and equal. The concept of death is it is only a part of human nature. There are so many possibilities like, it could be a termination of human body or it could be a portal to another life. Death could be a process wherein our life is continuing to extinguish until it would be gone or more content...

Why? Because only dead people can answer those questions because they are the only one who had experienced death. No human can be dead and came back to life and explain their experience and the concept of death in the time they were dead. Human's thought cannot have the idea and answers in the question related after death because we don't know what is behind the death, we do not know what would happen next after death, we do not know what comes after death, and we do not know what happens in death because none of us living humans had experienced death, but in the end human body have an end, human thought about death could be answerable already when they reach this end and the answers would just be within

Speech On
Life After Death
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Life After Death

Life after Death

Benjamin Franklin once said, "In this world nothing can be certain, expect death and taxes". ( Death is something a lot of people are scared of, even though it a natural life cycle and it happens to everyone and everything. Everybody agrees death happens, but not everyone agrees what happens after death. Different people have different views of what happens after death, but one thing they all agree on is that it happens to everybody and there is no way around it, you don't know when or where it'll happen but it will always happen.

The Buddhism Life after Death Theory Not everybody has the same beliefs about certain things. The world is a big place with billions of people and a lot of them have their own beliefs. One belief about death is the way Buddhism people see it and their belief is reincarnation. Today, Buddhism is found in Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and China and in India, Sri Lanka Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, Cambodia, also in the European countries and the USA. It is believed that the Buddhist population of the world is over five hundred million. Five hundred million people believe that if you die it is not the end of your life but the beginning of a new one. Your new life would be reborn in one of six realms which are: heaven, human beings, Asura, hungry ghost, animal and hell. This all depends on the karma of your life; the better your karma is, the better your reincarnation would be, and that is called the

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Life after death is a topic of controversy in which Bertrand Russell and John Hick discusses the idea of whether it is possible to have life after death. Russell addresses his argument against the idea through his brief essay titled "The Illusion of Immortality" (1957). In addition, Hick also discusses the topic through his work "In Defense of Life after Death" (1983) of why life after death is a plausible idea. In this paper I will be discussing Russell's argument against the belief of life after death. As well, I will also be addressing the opposing view by explaining Hick's argument in defense of life after death. My goal in this paper is to highlight through the analysis of life after death how Russell in my opinion holds the more content...

Basically, he says that when something interrupts us like how for instance if death occurs our brain and all the elements that make up the brain are gone very much like the path of a riverbed it stops flowing when it is interrupted, it ends. The mind and soul of a person ceases when one dies. In reference to memory, memory is brain dependent. It is acknowledged that if there is injury to the brain it often results in a temporarily sometimes permanent loss in memory depending on how severe the injury is. For the reason that memory is brain dependent it is a hind to us that our memory does not continue after we cease to exist. This led Russell to believe that the best explanation of life after death is that death is the end and the there is not possibility for life after it.

The next argument that Russell make is that "He claims that the inclination to believe in immortality comes from emotional factors, notably the fear of death" (Russell 1957, 377). This idea is in reference to if death is simply the end, then why do so many people fear it? Here he gives a quasi explanation that death is adaptive. According to psychologist it is due to the fact that humans can imagine others not existing, but are incapable of imagine themselves being out of existence (Russell 1957, 378). The stress factor in result from the fear of death sometimes misleads people to believe when they are dreaming about their dead loved ones that the dead is trying to contact

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Life after Death Essay

The Belief Of Life After Death Essay

Many different religions around the world see the importance in life after death but these beliefs do vary a lot and each religion will believe completely different things. Two core religions in this essay that will be looked into are Islamic and Catholic. What do they believe will happen when someone dies? Is there another life after they die? Heaven? Hell? Or Paradise? Through this you will the importance in the belief of life after death, and the practices, rituals, and prayers that provide evidence and physical proof of how they show this belief. Then to go onto to discuss the wider implications holding onto these beliefs can have.

Catholics believe that the resurrection and death of Jesus have changed the meaning and the effect of human death. Death is no longer the end of an individual's human identity, because thesoul continues on after death. The Catholic Church teaches that a soul may go to heaven, purgatory or hell, depending on the quality of a person's life on earth. "That the body dies, death is a normal natural process" (Ecclesiasticus 3:1–2) Based upon the sacred scripture and teachings of the Church, we know what Catholic believes after death and what follows it. When someone dies, their soul is separated from their body and no longer sustains any order within the natural body. As a result of this, the human body begins to corrupt and is left to decompose on its own. The soul however is completely different as it is immortal and will never cease to exist

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Life After Death

All of the major religions believe in life after death. However the ideas from religion to religion can vary greatly. I am going to look at Hinduism and Christianity, two religions that I have been surrounded by all my life, and the different perceptions they have of life afterdeath, and then I will give my own view.

"For certain is death for the born and certain is birth for the dead; therefore, over the inevitable thou shouldst not grieve." This quote from the Bhagwat Gita (Hindu holy book) sums up the Hindu perspective on life after death. Hindus believe that the time they will spend on earth is decided from the moment they are born, and that how long they will live, more content...

It also meant than human beings would not be immortal and would eventually die. There was no suggestion that they would go toheaven. Christianity developed from Judaism. This religion believed originally that when people died they went to a dark place under the earth called Sheol. Later, Jews began to believe that they might share some sort of eternal life with God after death. When Jesus died on the cross he was giving up his life for other people's sins and demonstrating the love of God. When Jesus rose again he proved that it was possible to overcome death and live with God for all eternity. Christians were freed from the burden of original sin if they followed Jesus' teaching and example and believed in him as the Son of God. Jesus said, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies' – John 11:25–26. Many Christians believe that one day Jesus will return to earth. This second coming of Jesus is called the Parousia. At the Parousia God will judge everyone and decide whether they will be given eternal life with God or whether they are to be punished in hell.

Many Christians have different ideas about heaven and hell. Some follow a very traditional belief that heaven is a wonderful garden paradise where they will live for ever with God and Jesus. These people often believe that hell is a real place where people will suffer eternal

Life After Death Essay
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Life After Death Analysis

To what extent does it make sense to talk about life after death? Nobody likes the idea that we are going to die. It's one of those things that pop into your head whenever you get comfortable, possibly as a subconscious motivational tool. Just in case you ever get really, truly at ease with your life it strikes you that it will all come to an end (possibly quite horribly) without your say–so or even prior notification. Many people find this not only rude but also decidedly inconvenient, and refuse to accept that their lovely lives could ever end. Others are content to allow existence is occasional bout of poor manners and go quietly. This essay is about the main more content...

In this he dismissed the soul as a category mistake, or a misuse of language. He even went so far as to coin a scornful phrase for his nemesis "the ghost in the machine" – a beautifully elegant term as it embodies both his belief of the body/mind (as for Ryle, the mind is physical organ and so part of the body) as a machine and the soul as the long jibed–by–science notion of ghosts. Ryle implored us to consider the poor foreigner who asks why the team spirit is late for the sports match, only to be mocked by those of us who understand that "team spirit" is merely a colloquial term for the collective banter of many men – not a separate entity of its own. Ryle saw talk of a soul in a similar fashion, as a way to describe the way a man behaves in the world and acts around others and that to say a soul is something separate is trying to justify something that isn't there. Unfortunately for Ryle he was speaking shortly after a very bloody war, to a nation who had just lost many loved ones, who were not really all too willing to accept they had simply been thrust into oblivion by the Nazi war machine. However we live in an altogether different time, far from any front line where we can keep the idea of death at a hypothetical arm's reach. So enters Richard Dawkins. Dawkins appears to be the classic godless heathen atheist, holding totally to his beliefs in the science of

Essay on Life After Death Analysis
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Life after death can neither be proved nor disproved. This is because one would have to undergo physical death in order to prove or disprove it (and by its very nature, disproving it would not be possible). This is in contrast to something like astrology where one could undertake a study of people born at the same time and evaluate their personality traits and life outcomes at a later time to see if there is any correlation with time of birth.

There is no actual direct evidence against an afterlife – only arguments refuting the specific examples of evidence for life after death as not being sufficient proof. Although it can easily be argued that not having direct knowledge of an afterlife constitutes evidence against life more content...

Why do we exist at all? What is the purpose of our existence and our life in this world? If we are reincarnated so that we may improve our souls, then should we not know this? If, as taught by Christianity this is our only life on earth, then why do we not have direct knowledge of this? Why is God not in direct contact with us? Maybe not knowing is a better 'test' for us. Going into this life on earth maybe we know the answers to the preceding questions, but once here this knowledge is 'taken' from us and we only can speculate – we therefore live our lives differently possibly and are not motivated by some selfish reward for a good life lived and the suffering we endure is of greater benefit to us. In other words, having direct knowledge of the afterlife would mean we would be motivated by reward (spiritual improvement) in our actions and would not suffer as much and therefore would not improve as much spiritually.

I don't think it was the intent of God or the 'universal consciousness' (assuming there is such) to reveal all to the satisfaction of everyone of us. For if it had, then surely we would all be believers. It all seems to be part of a greater plan to have it all this way.

I don't agree with some who believe mankind is not capable of understanding or comprehending this. For mankind not only has a great understanding of many difficult and complex areas of say science, but also

Life After Death в€
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On Sunday at my place of worship, I began to chat with a friend in order to find out about the topic of like after death. I was interested in knowing if she knew what would happen after we die and how she know that and how she believes or not believe she will be prepared to handle that. Questions asked included: In order to uncover this mystery I began to ask her questions like, what do you belief happens to us after we die? And how do you know that whatever happens to us actually happens if we have no one to ask to whom it has occurred to? How do you prepare for that which happens after death? Is it important to prepare now or does it not matter how we live now? Is life after death important to you? Is there really something as life after death? Or is it death after we have lived? why do you believe in this? What proof is there of this occurring or more so not occurring after death? If there is life after death why are you afraid to die, why not be happy to die in order to start a new one? If there is life after death, do we remember what happened in our previous life? And does life actually ever ends for us? Life after death has always been a mystery to me. I have read a lot on many religions and what they belief and all seem convincing but I am not sure what to believe. I am not saying that nothing happens after you die, but because no one can definitively proof what happens I still am unclear of what to think of the meaning of life after death. Because being a Hindu I

Argumentative Essay On Life After Death
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Life After Death

The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians all share many common beliefs such as the belief in the Gods, spirits, souls and ultimately life after death. Although, these cultures share common beliefs, there are still very different ideas and ways in which they related and communicated with the dead. The Egyptians believed the idea of eternal and actual death was incomprehensible. As for the Greeks and Romans, they also share a similar view of what life is like after death, because they believed death was seen as "nothingness". To all of these cultures death was just a mere interruption of life and not the actual end of a life. The Egyptians lived a similar life to those of the Roman and Greek cultures in that they believed more content...

The physical bodies of the dead were preserved with oils and wrapped in long strips of linen and placed within coffins and shrines. The Egyptians, Romans and Greeks believed the dead have to be buried in a particular way in order for their souls and spirits to rise and come back to life. Their belief was that if the dead were not buried properly their souls would be looked upon in a bad way. The Egyptians believed after leaving the earth as a human being the dead crossed a threshold of death into a beautiful place or afterlife. Their idea of the location or place where the dead lived after leaving earth was similar to that of the Greeks and Romans. Although, the names and meanings of the place where the dead were housed was different, they were still very much like that of the Greeks and Romans "underworld". The Egyptians believed the dead should be buried with all their materialistic possessions, so they may enjoy eternal life even after their death. They thought the dead should not only be buried with their materialistic goods but drinking vessels and dishes for food and earthly riches that surrounded them in the kingdom of the dead. The Greeks and Romans were able to directly communicate with the dead after conducting certain rituals or tasks. These rituals allowed them to see the dead and speak with them as though they were

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Life After Death Essay

Examples Of Life After Death

The Thought of life after death is comforting for some. For others, there is no life after death. Human beings are the only animals on earth who understand they will die, and throughout history have sought eternal life or that life will continue after death (Stewart–Williams). Steve Stewart–Williams, after looking at many arguments for and against life afterdeath, tends to believe that "he does not have a ghost of a chance" (Stewart–Williams). I tend to agree with this thinking as well. Stewart–Williams shows some cases for life after death and then shows some arguments against it.

Stewart–Williams looks at the examples of paranormal phenomena first. These are the ideas of out–of–body experiences, near–death experiences, ghosts, mediums who communicate with the dead, and past life memories. If these occurrences were what they appear, they would be proof of an afterlife, more content...

People may have the wishful thinking without evidence, but it could still be true. Wishful thinking is not a way of proving that life after death is false. One last argument is resurrection. This, for Stewart–Williams, has many holes. For one, if it is true the body is resurrected, and we are made of atoms possible from bodies of past people and possible your atoms go into others in the future, how would God resurrect everyone? Another question Stewart–Williams is maybe God uses other atoms, not within other people, then would you be the same person you were before death if not made up of the same material you were when alive. I like the thoughts put forth by Stewart–Williams, if we are atoms and those atoms spread after death, then we would not really be the same. Stewart–Williams uses the idea of the "you" after death is not the same "you" from before death you would be a replica. I agree with that, a replica or clone of you from different atoms would not necessarily be you, almost identically but could not Get more content

Is there life after death?

There are many different religions in the world and every religion has a specific set of beliefs surrounding life questions. One of the most commonly asked questions is 'is there life after death'. Almost all religions would have the same answer which is yes, but each religion has a different answer to what actually happens after death. In this essay I will compare the beliefs between Catholicism and judaism surrounding their beliefs on the topic of life after death, I will also look into the similarities between both religions beliefs of what happens after death.

Catholic's believe that at the moment of death the soul is separated from man's body, the body is then left to decompose. Another belief is that the soul is immortal and will always exist after being created. The main belief that Catholics have, surrounding life after death is that the soul continues on after death and the soul may either go to heaven, hell or purgatory; the soul goes to either place depending on how the person lived their life on earth and whether it was full of sin or not. "Romans 2:6–8: He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well–doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self–seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury." Catholics believe that once they make it to heaven, they will then meet God and live in his presence. In

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Is There Life After Death? Essay

What is going to happen to us when we die? Throughout history we've questioned if there is a life after death. Many religions have different views on what happens to us after we die but something they all have in common is that they offer hope of another life to those who believe. In this essay I will be looking at two of the biggest religions, Catholic and Islam, and how they respond to the significant religious question "Is there life after death."

Muslims believe that the present life is a trial in preparation for the next realm of existence. "And Allah grants respite to none when his appointed time comes. And Allah is All–Aware of what you do."

#11. This quote from the Qua ran tells them that Allah is always watching them and sees what they do in their lives and he will judge them on that when their time comes."Allah is all in all. Allah sees you, and is with you, wherever you are, whatever you do." Muslims believe in the continued existence of the soul and a transformed physical existence after death. Islam teaches that there will be a day of judgment when all humans will be divided between the eternal destinations of Paradise and Hell. Until the Day of Judgment, Muslims souls remain in their graves awaiting their resurrection. Muslims believe they begin to feel immediately a taste of their destiny to come. Those souls bound for hell will suffer in their graves "In front of such a one is Hell, and he is given, for

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Is There Life After Death? Essay
ШіЩ€Ш±Ш© Ш§Щ„Щ…Щ†Ш§ЩЃЩ‚Щ€Щ† , Al–Munafiqoon, Chapter #63, Verse

'The concept of life after death is incoherent'. Discuss. (35) For millennia, humanity has been plagued by the issues surrounding life after death because the only way of truly knowing what happens is to actually experience it, by dying. This means that we can only theorise possible outcomes and discuss key issues such as personal identity or immortality of the soul. Theories about life after death are all interested in whether or not there is a part of the human body which survives the death of all the physical parts and where or when it goes.

Dualism states that there is a distinction between our body and our actual self, commonly referred to as our soul. Generally, in dualism, the soul is viewed as immortal, and therefore our more content...

It is unclear on to what extent he believed the soul was separate to the body. In his De Anima, he makes it clear that he believes the intellectual part of the soul can be separable from the body and is eternal. This makes it a bit confusing on whether the soul is part of the body or separate, or is it some part of the soul that is separable. Aristotle separated the intellectual sense into the 'calculative' or 'deliberative' or 'theoretical' or 'scientific'. The first part is art meaning outside man hence the result of his activity. The other part is prudence that is the activity–referred to as the 'art' of doing. Prudence concerns what men are supposed to do with the future. The part of scientific understanding is the top activity of the faculty and of man himself since it's man's intellectual ability that separates him from other creatures. I do not believe Aristotle's view of the soul is completely coherent because he does appear to contradict himself, as mentioned above. It also seems that there is no clear understanding of life after death, making the concept incoherent.

John Hick thought of a way of presenting the concept of resurrection from a non–dualistic viewpoint, which he called the Replica Theory. Hick believes that the body and soul cannot be separated; human beings are a 'psycho–somatic unity'. The replica theory claimed that resurrection is a divine action in which an exact replica of ourselves is Get more content

Life After Death Essay

The Afterlife

Considering my thoughts on the afterlife is something I have done several times in my life. My views and beliefs have changed over the years regarding this subject. My Catholic upbringing was probably where my first views came from. They were the traditional heaven and hell beliefs and also of purgatory. Today my thoughts are not so black and white.

I am not sure what lies beyond this life. I do believe that we just don't disappear but that we change forms. I personally struggled with this subject because I have researched several different religions. I saw each had unique beliefs about the afterlife but all believed in one. For me I believe that we are more content...

What is in my heart and what drives my actions is what I believe my Creator looks at. Questions like: Am I trying to be a better person? Am I living in harmony with Gods will for me? In other words are my values and actions aligned with Gods will. And I am motivated to live by these values because they bring me peace of mind and a sense of right living. I don't follow it because of how it will affect me at the time of my death but because of how it affects me today. I believe most people will at the moment of death have an awakening to how they have lived there life and this can bring either fear or peace. So I guess that there is more of a personal judgement than anything else. I want to be able to say that I did my best to live to good purpose and contributed to life instead of just taking from it. I was raised as a Christian and believe in the tenets of the faith. I also know that many other religions also share the same tenets, while differing in there views of the afterlife. So I try to personally refrain from judging others ( and it is not easy). I do believe that what goes around comes around and if I want to be forgiven I must forgive. And when it comes to the afterlife that will hold true there too. So in conclusion the afterlife is a place of forgiveness and acceptance. A place of peace and love and glory. I read a statement from Joseph Cambell that I agree

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Afterlife Essay

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