November 2012 Best of Zambia magazine

Page 1

the magazine Issue 16>> November 2012

showcasing our members’ news

Zambia Fashion Week 2012

New members on >> Animal Medics Ltd

Chamboniza Bedding

Direct Link Car Hire


Mac Recruitment

Nzito Furnishers


Page 8 for all the latest! — Special offers — Up ‘n’ coming events — Latest news


Sign A Rama


From the editor >> Hello and welcome to the November issue! Fresh from Zambia Fashion week we’re really excited to have interviewed Karen Nakawala, Executive Director of the Zambia Fashion Week and Afro Media Productions. Read about her views on the Zambian fashion scene on page 4 and 5.

Contents >>

— Interview >> 4 With Karen Nakawala, Executive Director of Zambia Fashion Week

— Staff news and opinions >> 5 Every month we share the latest news and opinions from the Best of Zambia team.

As usual find the latest offers, news and events on page 8. Find copies of the magazine on our site, on the blog and on Facebook. Make it the place to go for the latest bargain to bag or event to attend. Have a fantastic month of November!

— Hot off the press >> 8 All special offers, events and news are now gathered together towards the back of the magazine.

Sara Drawwater, Managing Editor

Nambeye Katebe, Assistant Editor

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Please note: For further information, please refer to our full terms and conditions which are published on our website.


This month’s interview An interview with Karen Nakawala, Executive Director of Zambia Fashion Week From left to right: House of Courture designer Jessica Brown, House of Courture apprentice Erma Hausheer and Zambia Fashion Week Executive Directo, Karen Nakawala

is not all we do - but I guess it is an all encompassing word. NAMBEYE: Afro Media Productions has been handling Zambian Fashion Week for the past three years, how did you get involved in fashion?

what or who I become I will always be me. That keeps my feet firmly on the ground. I am a single mother of two girls, Mwiche who is 16 and Owami who will be 3. I was raised by a single mum but grew up surrounded by lots of happy people. In school I participated in drama, sport, cultural dancing, music and anything that required me to be on stage - this was a way of expressing myself. In a nutshell, I don’t think out of the box, I have completely gotten rid of the box.

KAREN: My involvement with fashion started from when I was a little girl growing up watching my mother turn fabric into beautiful garments.

NAMBEYE: Where does your true passion lie?

The weekend saw Lusaka light up stylishly as the Zambian Fashion Week took place from the 31st October to 3rd November. To get all the glamorous details our multi-media journalist Nambeye caught up with Karen Nakawala, the Executive Director of Zambian Fashion Week and Afro Media Productions. NAMBEYE: You seem to have a whole string of titles to your name. You’ve been on radio, television and worked for various organisations. Who would you say Karen Nakawala really is? KAREN: I am just ordinary! I have gone through life believing that no matter


KAREN: I am more at home on radio because I touch so many lives through the music I play. The stage is my second love. It’s what really gives me a kick! Television ranks third because it is very stressful. You have to look a certain a way and act a certain way. This is hard for me because I hate wearing straight jackets, or rather I hate the rules that go with television. NAMBEYE: You are the head of Afro Media Productions. Could you tell us what this company is all about? KAREN: Afro Media is a lifestyle company that aims at enriching people’s lives through their own God given talents. Our company aims to create events that will bring a difference to whoever we work with. We aim to add glitz and glamour to everyday life and touch as many lives as possible . I always ask myself why I called it Afro Media because media

She would use me as a model when she went to sell her clothes. My mother started making wedding dresses in 1977. I was a favourite flower girl because I came with readymade dresses! My mother has always been a snazzy dresser so you could say I was born and brought up in fashion. I used to make clothes for my friends at school and when I moved to South Africa with my ex husband, I made clothes before I got a job. I have done a course in design and tailoring. When I came back to Zambia I met Gillian Baker and she asked me to be her MC for the first fashion week. I did that for the next five years and that is how I cemented my involvement in the Zambian fashion industry. When Gillian gave it up she asked me to take over. I was more than happy to, and have never looked back. NAMBEYE: What has your experience been organising this prestigious event? KAREN: Organising the Fashion Week has always been challenging because the world of fashion is always evolving. We always bear in mind that people are now exposed. So when you talk about Fashion Week they are expecting nothing but the best from

us. The other challenge is getting sponsors and convincing them that this is a project worth supporting. However, we have always managed to come through and I am glad to say that we now even have the support of the Government through the Zambia Tourism Board. NAMBEYE: That sounds like great progress! Does Zambia have an official board that takes care of things like fashion and design and regulates the industry? KAREN: Not as yet but it is one thing I want to help with. The creation of the Tourism and Arts Ministry is just the beginning. We hope to work with them to come up with such an entity and to give the arts a major facelift.

NAMBEYE: This Fashion Week saw 15 designers showcase their collections, all of which were stunning. How can other designers who are interested in taking part in the Fashion Week get involved and what criteria do you follow to choose participants?

all. Remember we mix the old and the new so it will be unfair for us to do that. Our job is to give them a platform on which they showcase their talent. NAMBEYE: Do you feel that Zambia should do more fashion weeks leading up to a main event?

KAREN: We try to be as inclusive as possible but we can only work with so many at a time. So to make it easier, we work on a first come basis. Before we sign them on, especially if they are new, we always ask for their portfolio and also look at what they have done as in actual products.

KAREN: I think the designers should put up shows to launch their labels and lines. I don’t think the market is ready for more fashion weeks.

NAMBEYE: Are the designs that are showcased during Fashion Week available for sale?

KAREN: Everything that is NAMBEYE: What would you say is on stage during Fashion the position of Zambia fashion in the Week is for sale. This year global scenario? most of the designers got orders as soon as they KAREN: I think Zambian got off stage. That makes fashion is slowly making its me very proud indeed and mark on the international when that happens I feel stage through designers my job is done. such as Charity Nyirongo of Mo Couture Creations, NAMBEYE: Do designers fear what Towani Clarke of Kutowa, they showcase may be copied? and Smart Phiri. Is there any sort of copyright They have in the last year attended so many international shows. My dream is to see them at shows such as the Paris, London and New York Fashion Week. I can see that happening soon. NAMBEYE: This year’s Fashion Week was interesting as it had no theme. Was this a deliberate move and what exactly were you hoping to achieve? KAREN: It was deliberate because I wanted the designers to get as creative as they could without boundaries.

infringement that protects them against cheaper imitations? KAREN: That fear is always present. We are trying to engage PACRA so that they can educate the designers on issues of copyright infringement. We are organising a workshop where different aspects to the fashion business will be addressed. NAMBEYE: Does Zambian Fashion week put designers against each

NAMBEYE: What exactly do you hope to achieve during these fashion weeks and do you feel that you have met those expectations with this year’s show? KAREN: The shows are about the designers. All I want is for them to get recognition from fellow Zambians. I also want to give them international exposure. NAMBEYE: On a lighter note, when it comes to such events, appearance is everything. How do you decide what to wear during these events? KAREN: If you want to see crazy, confusion, mayhem, madness all rolled into one come to my room just before I go on stage or TV! I always wear an outfit made by one of the local designers because I believe that I have to walk the talk. I am proud to be a walking and talking fashion billboard. There are also times when I actually end up making something for myself. I have a separate wardrobe for stage, television, office and everyday wear. If that’s not crazy, I don’t know what is! I love dressing up and will always make sure I look my best.

other for an ultimate prize?


KAREN: No, it isn’t a competition at

+260 (0) 955 891 216


— Staff news and opinions ZMW: Zero Memory Widgets?

ZMW stands for what? Zero Memory Widgets? ZeroMode Waveguides? Zastava Motor Works? If you live in Zambia it means none of these. Zambian currency is being “rebased” by a factor of 1,000, meaning that something costing ZMK 20,000 will now cost ZMW 20 etc. New notes are being printed and coins are being re-introduced.

From January 1st 2013 ZMW will be the new ISO 4217 code for Zambian Kwacha – formerly ZMK. Here’s a preview of the new K50 note, which will have the same value as the current K50,000. So ZMK 50,000 = ZMW 50. That’s fine and dandy except, as illustrated by the picture, the ZMWs look so similar to the ZMKs.

And what about older people who could get really ripped off? On a more positive note, rebasing will make commercial calculations easier and help prevent fraud. These new notes will apparently have special features that will make counterfeiting extremely difficult; and money laundering during the changeover will be virtually impossible.

The new currency will be phased in and the old phased out over a period of time. There are two denominations that occur in both currencies – 100s and 50s – making these months of overlap a challenging time.

Lastly if you’ve buried an illegally gained stash of kwacha, now’s the time to come clean and confess, or else leave the notes in the ground forever.

At least the 50s are in different colours. My concern is with the 100s because a ZMW 100 note looks pretty much the same as a ZMK 100 note (but is 1,000 times the value). So when I pull out a ZMW 100 to buy a bus ticket to Livingstone, the guy at the counter may tell me it’s a ZMK 100 instead. And that will definitely confuse me.

The rebasing will certainly reduce the risks associated with carrying bulky amounts of money, as well as the time taken to input accounting information.

Or when someone pays me ZMW 500 for a bicycle I’m selling, maybe they’ll give me 5 ZMK 100 notes instead of 5 ZMW 100 notes! The first few weeks or months are definitely going to be interesting.


I believe the rebasing will benefit Zambia and people living here, but the changeover will be a nightmare. We can anticipate an interesting first few months of the New Year. I’m glad I’m not a superstitious person; else I would not be looking forward to 2013 at all. By Julia Brown, Operations Director

Are you a gold member of If so you can feature in the next issue of magazine for free! Send in your December events, offers and news by the 20th of November to be included. Email your content to

Not a gold member of Become a gold member in no more than 10 days from just K1,700,000 per year. Then send in your December events, offers and news by the 20th of November to be included in the next issue of magazine.

To join - Call +260 (0) 955 051 035 - Call +260 (0) 978 394 856 - Email -



— Hot off the press: OFFERS Emerald season start special from Kaingu

Reduced prices from Chunyu Tree Nursery

Complimentary rooms with Konzani Gardens

K800,000 per person per night sharing instead of K975,000. Favourable kids rates on request.

These healthy plants are outgrowing their pots. They need replanting hence the reductions!

Offer includes: »» Accommodation in luxury meru style tents or family house »» All meals, coffees and teas »» One activity per day (Extra activities are K160,000) »» VAT and service charge on food and beverages Offer does not include: »» Transfers to and from the lodge »» All drinks from the bar Kaingu has a stunning location on the Kafue River in the Namwala Game Management Area, five hours drive from Lusaka. Kaingu is a river based lodge with activities like canoeing, boat cruises, rubber boat explorations through a myriad of channels and islands, sun downer cruises or fishing. Bush walks are another speciality - like a late afternoon walk to a huge granite rock with a 360° views, a sun downer and a drive back to the lodge. Or the just relax on your private deck overlooking the river.

Reduced from K10,000 to K5,000 »» Orchid tree (Bauhinia Variegata) »» Mexican lily (Gliricidia Sepium) »» Ironwood (Senna Siamea) Reduced from K10,000 to K7,000 »» Yellow thorn (Acacia Kirkii) »» Wild mango (Cordyla Africana) »» Peeling bark (Diospyros Sinensis) »» White-leaved grewia (Grewia Bicolor) »» Wild syringa (Kirkia Acuminata) »» False marula (Lannea Schweinfurthii) »» Golden bean (Markhamia Obtusifolia) »» Bean tree (Markhamia Zanzibarica) »» Bastard baobab (Sterculia Africana) »» Flame creeper (Combretum Microphyllum) »» Knobbly combretum (Combretum Mossambicense) »» Entada (Entada chysostachys) »» Tailless tailflower (Strophanthus Courmontii) »» Jacaranda (Jacaranda Mimosifolia) Reduced from K10,000 to K8,000 »» Neem (Azadirachta Indica)

Book for a wedding or a kitchen party at Konzani Gardens between now and December and you’ll get a complimentary room of your choice free for one night.



+32 478 485029

+260 (0) 216 245 133


Konzani Gardens is a great venue for weddings, kitchen parties, come together parties, engagement parties and kids parties. There is limited space available for November and December so book now! Situated in Lusaka West, Konzani Gardens Lodge makes an ideal base for those with business to do on the west side of Lusaka in Zambia. This lodge offers a high standard of accommodation at very competitive rates. Come and enjoy a distinctly African theme, a good restaurant and rolling grounds, as well as facilities like internet access. All rooms at this family friendly lodge have en-suite facilities. Established in 2009, Konzani Gardens is built from excavated stone and Mukwa wood from Western Province.

Information +260 (0) 211 845 237

Buy one get one free at Kariba Bush Club

November is Buy One, Get One Free month at Kariba Bush Club! Book to stay in any of their accommodation options and you will get another night in the same accommodation for free. Kariba Bush Club accommodation options include: »» Lake view chalets »» Economy rooms »» Dorms »» Baobab House »» Marula House »» En-suite tent on Maaze Island Kariba Bush Club is a unique destination along the idyllic shores of Lake Kariba. Enjoy lots of activities with the family like Tiger fishing and safaris, or opt for a

Homenet properties for rent and sale across Zambia

Properties for sale

Properties for rent

Livingstone lodge


10 acres of bare land with a 100

Three bedrooms, two bathrooms,

meters of river frontage and beautiful

along Blue Boar Road. K12 million.

sandy beach. Good all weather road. Asking price K1 Billion.

Property that is ideal for offices or as Lower Zambezi land Victoria Falls and from Livingstone

House in Roma

central business district and 15

Top notch four bedroom house.

kilometres from the airport. Proximity

K20 million.

to the Falls and its related adventure activities makes the lodge and site an ideal Investment in the fast growing tourism sector of Livingstone and Zambia. Asking price K9 Billion. Commercial building and land This commercial building and adjoining bare land is for sale in a prime area of Kabwata, Lusaka. The building is currently being used as a bar of approximately 153.3m2 in size and bare land of 306.6m2. The area boasts of high patronage and as such, guarantees a stable investment return. Asking price K1,071,000,000

Travelers to Lake Kariba in search

Nyumba Yanga

will love Kariba Bush Club’s Maaze Island bush camp. Situated on a private and secluded island, it is

A three bedroom corner flat, one bathroom and space for parking. Asking price K450 million

also stocked with prime game.

Chelston Palm Drive Road


back garden. Flat size is 78.1 square

+260 (0) 979 493 980

K1.8 million. Asking price is K 320

a lodge. K25 million.

Situated just five kilometres from the

romantic getaway on a house boat.

of spectacular wildlife and fishing

Olympia Parliament area

This is a three bedroom flat with a meteres. Current rental income is million.

Flats in Roma Newly built flats with three bedrooms. K5 million. Eureka Upmarket area not to be missed. The property has three bedrooms, study, kitchen, lounge, dining room, private garden and with one room for staff quarters. K9 million. Villa Elizabetha Three bedroom furnished house with two bathrooms, lounge and a kitchen. K8 million. Foxdale This property has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, laundry room in a complex with own garden quarters. K7 million.

Information +260 (0) 211 250 920


— Hot off the press: NEWS Christmas shopping with Mercury Zambia

Chikumbuso Christmas book drive

Christmas events with Jackal and Hide

This Christmas get access to the best brands and prices in the USA, UK and South Africa by using the Mercury Mailing Address Service.

Can you help give each child at Chikumbuso Women and Orphans Project a book for Christmas?

From the 15th of November Jackal and Hide will be happy to take bookings for Christmas lunch parties. In addition, for the run up to Christmas, the shop will be open until 20.00 hours on some Fridays.

Click, shop and ship with the Mercury Express Logisitics’ Mailing Address Service, from any online site directly to you. Deliveries are from as little as: »» K47,000 from the USA »» K14,200 from the UK »» K21,000 from South Africa To pay for the order online, you will need a suitable credit or debit card. When entering a delivery address you will need to enter your name followed by your Zambia telephone number. Then complete the delivery address as ‘C/O Mercury Express Logistics’ and their address in the country you are ordering in. Mercury Express will then ensure that your order is delivered speedily to Zambia. You can then collect your parcel from a Mercury Express office convenient to you, or arrange for them to deliver to your address in Zambia.


Chikumbuso is a grassroots project in Ng’ombe Township in Lusaka, Zambia. In the spirit of Christmas the Chikumbuso team would like to give each of their 350+ students a book. As Bell Hooks said, “Lifetransforming ideas have always come to me through books”. It would be wonderful if you could help each student find some life -transforming ideas by giving them a chance to read their very own book. To take part please supply gently used and brand new books you feel would be suitable for those between Kindergarten age and grade 12. Your books will be greatly appreciated. Books can be dropped off at Blue Moon Café, the American School and both America Commissaries.


+260 (0) 211 257 361

+260 (0) 977 690 984


Christmas lunch parties This Christmas take the office out for a pucker traditional Christmas meal with all the trimmings. Roast turkey, sausages, stuffing, roast potatoes and mixed vegetables, gravy, bread sauce and cranberry sauce all topped off with Christmas pudding and brandy butter. Bookings are being taken from the 15th of November onwards. Late night shopping On November 30th and December 7th, 14th and 21st, you can do your Christmas shopping in style with a glass of wine and a plate of scrumptious snacks at The Design House. Jackal and Hide is on Sugarbush Farm, on the outskirts of Lusaka.

Information +260 (0) 211 841 081

Chit Chat Café - chilled out entertainment

New menu and Summer stir fries at News Café

November menus and it’s nearly party season!

Warmly decorated in a chilled out style, Chit Chat Café is a popular restaurant in Lusaka, Zambia. Owned by patron chef Kevin Riddiford, this restaurant has good food and beverages, a relaxing bar and a restaurant shop.

The Summer Stir Fry section at News Café is fully equipped with a flat grill top and fresh ingredients, allowing you to customise your very own culinary creation!

The Plates team are pictured creating delicious desserts!

Things to remember about Chit Chat Café: »» Regular happy hours on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays »» A constantly refreshed menu the latest menu includes t-bones, gammon steaks, salads and pastas »» Serves guest beers - currently Phoenix from Mauritius »» Regular cocktail nights with mojito, margarita and pina colada »» Holds monthly quizzes »» Themed music nights, often demanding fancy dress »» Chit Chat Café has a children’s area complete with toys, rides and regular colouring competitions »» Has an outside beer garden »» Big screens for football and cricket games


It must be time for you to try their new Eastern specialty menu which is filled with all of your favorite far dishes from the East. Be sure to join News Café for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night! News Café is an edgy restaurant amongst a choice of eating places in Acacia Park - a cool place to eat. News Café’s trendy approach makes it a great place to hang out, and enjoy food and entertainment, with a touch of exclusivity in their premier lounge. The premier lounge area in the News Café in Lusaka, Zambia, is an exclusive space offering an exclusive service. Here you can elegantly entertain business colleagues, or host small private parties. With obscured glass walls, this private area is only available to those who have made a prior reservation.


+260 (0) 977 774 481

+260 (0) 211 258 217

Because it is so hot, Plates have added special menu items to help keep you cool. This November visit Plates to sample lemon and coriander prawn skewers - fantastic as an appetizer. The prawns are marinated in garlic, lemon and fresh corriander. This dish goes well with a glass of Spanish Finca Rumiendo Albanico! Plates have also brought back their famous calamari misto - tender squid patagonia lightly battered, then fried crisp and served with peppadews and spicy marinara sauce. There are also a few new additions including a killer steak sandwich, a sundried tomato fusilli pasta, and a few more classics like the spinach and bread dumplings and the steak frittes salad. With the holiday season fast approcahing, remember that Plates do all types of functions from christmas parties, to holiday cocktail hours, birthday bashes, and corporate functions. Make it an event to remember!

Information +260 (0) 211 841 015


— Hot off the press: NEWS Metropolitan School students win prizes

Woman Entrepreneur of the Year 2012

Roma Park phase 3 now available for sale

Metropolitan School lays a firm foundation for their pupils’ future not only through education but extra-curricular activities such as Sport and Science Fairs.

Introducing Kabwe’s Woman Entrepreneur of the year 2012 Chankwakwa founder and director Dorothy Eriksson!

Be amongst the first in Zambia to benefit from this world class mixed use development.

Jets prizes Recently, Metropolitan School took part in the Jets affair hosted at Kabulonga Girls on 29th June 2012. Students won 1st prize in the junior chemistry project with the entry title “Recycling Waste.” Metropolitan School students also scooped 2nd prize in the senior agricultural science project with the entry title “Integrated Farm Plan”. The two students went on to win prizes at National Level in a competition held at Kasama College for Teachers.

Dorothy Eriksson of Chankwakwa received the award from Kabwe Chamber of Commerce and Industry during their Annual Awards and Gala Dinner. Chankwakwa produces jams, marmalades, soya products and sun dried fruit for both the Zambian and international market. It works with out growers to give an income to rural people. Besides local dignitaries, guest of honor at the event was the Swedish Ambassador to Zambia, Lena Nordström. At the event several local enterprises were rewarded but this was the only prize given to an individual rather than to a business.

Student selected by FAZ A Metropolitan grade 10 female student was picked by the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) to play for the under 17 national team. The pupil was spotted at the school’s sports day.

It has been a year of travel, learning new things and lots of hard work for Mama Dorothy. The Chankwakwa team are so proud as Dorothy truly deserves the title of “Woman Entrepreneur of the year 2012”!



Phase 3 has now started selling and phase 1 and 2 sites are now nearly sold out. Set on 118 hectares of virgin land in Lusaka, Roma Park offers commercial, retail and residential estates. It is exclusive and sophisticated and offers a variety of plot sizes to choose from. It is six kilometres from Lusaka town centre, three kilometres from Arcades Shopping Mall and 20 kilometres from Kenneth Kaunda International Airport. It is one of the first privately owned, multi facility developments in the country. It is developed by CPD Properties, one of the leading property and real estate agents in Zambia. By using Zambian and international architects and experts for its design and construction, Roma Park is a residential and corporate property development of international standards with longterm investment value.


+260 (0) 211 223 988

+260 (0) 215 223 848

+260 (0) 211 291 791


Large format printing now available

High standards from MS Fire Services

Keep cool with the help of Polar House

Phoenix Photographics have launched a brand new service - large format printing on canvas, photo paper and poster paper.

All MS Fire Systems products are in accordance with national and international standards and are of the highest possible quality.

Keep yourself and your customers cool with refreshingly cold drinks and ice from a Polar House refrigeration system.

MS Fire Services specialise in fire protection equipment and with such high standards, you can talk to this team about all your firefighting equipment needs at an affordable price.

Polar House Ltd imports and distributes COLDPOINT domestic and commercial refrigeration products from Swaziland. From domestic fridges and freezers of all sizes to commercial refrigerators including bottle coolers, under bar fridges, island freezers, camping fridges and refrigerator spares, Polar House has it covered.

Now you can get your family portraits, favourite pictures and special memories printed up to size A2 (that’s 18 x 24 inches). Large format printing prices »» Canvas: K250,000 »» Photo paper: K125,000 »» Poster paper: K85,000 »» A2 frame: K195,000 »» VAT included With two outlets in Lusaka, one on Cairo Road and the other at the Manda Hill Shopping Mall, Phoenix Photographics Ltd provides professional photography, graphic design and instore photo processing in Zambia. This family-owned business has been running since 1980. Phoenix Photographics Ltd provides professional photography services using equipment purchased from major international brands. The company aims to be Zambia’s leading photo studio.

Information +260 (0) 211 221 916

MS Fire Services provide research, development and sales, consulting and engineering, installation and maintenance of systems such as fire alarm systems, smoke control systems, fire extinguishing systems, network systems, and security systems. Located along Lusaka’s Sheki Sheki Road, MS Fire Systems has over 10 years of experience. The company is registered as a grade 1 member of FIDA and PSIRA of South Africa. The company is currently undergoing ISO 9001/2000 Certification.

‘Keeping Africa Cool’ is the aim of Polar House! Most major malls in Zambia use Polar House refrigerators or bottle coolers in one or more outlets. Polar House holds the patent rights for the COLDPOINT brand name in Zambia and is the COLDPOINT sole supplier countrywide. Polar House also supplies other brands, making it a one stop shop for all refrigeration requirements.



+260 (0) 211 244 581

+260 (0) 211 233 580


— Hot off the press: EVENTS IN DATE ORDER DJ Waxxy of Channel O at News Café

Live R&B at Chicago’s Bistro Lounge

Enjoy the party season with salsa

This November, News Café, in collaboration with HOT FM and Zamtel, will be hosting DJ Waxxy of Channel O.

Every Wednesday night Chicago’s have live R&B music courtesy of Zu from 21:00 hours till late. To fit in with Chicago’s all American Hollywood theme, Zu hails from Philadelphia, USA.

Rhapsody’s are bringing back salsa to its African roots. Events will feature DJ Clive and SalsAfrica. Now you can learn to salsa with the professionals!

Event details »» Date: 9th November 2012 »» Place: News Café »» Tickets: K50,000 News Café is a new and edgy restaurant and it’s one of the latest places to eat in Lusaka, Zambia. News Café’s trendy approach makes it a great place to hang out, and enjoy food and entertainment, with a touch of exclusivity in their premier lounge. The premier lounge area in the News Café in Lusaka, Zambia, is an exclusive space offering an exclusive service. Here you can elegantly entertain business colleagues, or host small private parties. With obscured glass walls, this private area is only available to those who have made a prior reservation. News Café has an exciting itinerary throughout the week to keep guests entertained.

Information +260 (0) 211 258 217


Chicago’s draws its inspiration from 1940’s and 1950’s icons such as the legendary American gangster Al Capone and actress Marilyn Monroe.

Event details »» Date: 17th November and 22nd December »» Time: After dark »» Place: Rhapsody’s Lusaka

Since Chicago’s trades under a tourism license they are open till late everyday. Located within Lusaka’s largest shopping mall, Manda Hill, Chicago’s Bistro Lounge is a stylish place to eat, wine and dine. It is a first-rate host for corporate events or parties .

Rhapsody’s restaurant in Lusaka, Zambia, with its sophisticated ambiance, varnished brickwork and terracotta décor, is the kind of place in Lusaka where you’ll want to be seen. It also holds the PMR Diamond award for best executive restaurant in Zambia for 2011.

Chicago’s Bistro lounge comes alive at night as the bar opens up, serving an amazing variety of drinks, from cocktails to shooter, hot drinks and cold drinks and a selection of tangy foods. Chicago’s Bistro Lounge is famous for its large variety of Cuban cigars and customers can also enjoy a variety of flavors from a wide choice of hubblies.

Whether it’s a quiet drink or a big celebration with friends, you’ll find stylish surroundings and a wide selection of exotic cocktails at Rhapsody’s in Lusaka, Zambia. The ambiance suits every taste, making you want to come back for more. Rhapsody’s restaurant caters for clientèle who are trend setters not followers.



+260 (0) 976 204 852

+260 (0) 211 256 705

2012 Zambia Art and Design Show

22nd November 2012 Thanksgiving in Africa!

Liuwa Plains safari end of 2012

The Zambian Art and Design Show is in its fifth year and firmly established as one of the biggest events in the craft calendar.

Thanksgiving weekend special for expatriate Americans, Zambians and anyone who wants to take part in this all American tradition.

Robin Pope Safaris are offering a magnificent Liuwa Plains safari which they describe as the safari of your life! Dates are to be confirmed for November and December 2012.

Event details »» Date: 18th November 2012 »» Time: 09:00 to 16:00 hours »» Place:Polo Club, Lusaka Showgrounds »» Tickets: K25,000. Kids under 12 go free. It brings together unique and amazing artists and artisans from around the country and region. Over 2,000 visitors are expected to come along. This year the show will host over 40 exhibitors and their products, ranging from photography, fine art, confectionary, textiles, jewellery and handbags to furniture, pottery, clothing and cosmetics. There is a food court, full bar, children’s entertainment area, band, ATM machines and safe parking. What a great way to get all your Christmas shopping done while enjoying a fun filled day with family and friends.

Information +260 (0) 978 605 620

Event details »» Venue: Chrismar Hotel Livingstone »» Date: 22 November 2012 »» Price: K200,000 per person »» Booking: Limited places available and booking is essential. Thanksgiving is an American event giving thanks to God for blessings throughout the year. It is celebrated with a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Providing ESPN shows them, Chrismar will be showing the thanksgiving football games. Special offer Turn the event into a weekend! Chrismar Hotel Livingstone are offerings a massive 20% off accommodation rates from the 21st to 25th of November 2012.


To register your interest in the up and coming safari experience, contact the Robin Pope team. Packages will be based on per person per night sharing and the safari trips run for four or five nights. Included in the package will be accommodation, meals, drinks, all game viewing activities, laundry and park fees. Offers generally exclude airport tax and various conditions will apply. You can currently travel to Liuwa Plains by air from Lusaka to Kalabo for around $625 per person return. Robin Pope Safaris is one of the most established tour operators in Zambia, with years of experience, specialising in tailor made safaris.

+260 (0) 213 323 141 guestrelations@livingstone.


+260 (0) 216 246 090


Noteworthy tweets from those we follow @Zambezi_Safaris Recycle recycle recycle the new buzz word from emerging nations - Africa has known how to recycle anything and everything for a long time

@Africvillemagaz New post: Zambia: K1 Billion Zambian Music Awards Launched U8nAKq

@Bradleychingobe I always say go abroad, acquire wealth, skill or education & come back & invest/ implement at home

@kush_v11 Christopher Katongo shortlisted for African footballer of the year! VNGamL

@JohnFMoore Excellent. In #Zambia, a Phone App Allows Citizens to Participate in Drafting Their Constitution | TechPresident http://buff. ly/SM9cWq

@zambia_travels Zambia’s top holiday hot spot scoops more awards - African Business Review



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