the magazine Issue 15>> October 2012
showcasing our members’ news
As we celebrate Independence day this October, we will be remembering Betty Kaunda, Zambia’s first ever first lady (from 17th November 1928 - 19th September 2012) Image credit:
New members on >> Afrikolo Baticks
Chamboniza Bedding
Page 10 for all the latest!
MS Fire Services
— Special offers Northlands Equipment Ltd
— Up ‘n’ coming events — Latest news
Roadscan Bus Services
From the editor >> Hello and welcome to the October issue! This issue features a great article on Livingstone - town of contrasts on page 8. As usual find the latest offers, news and events - there’s a rather large selection, starting from page 10. This month we interviewed Mr. Benjamin Katubiya, Managing Director of BUK Truck Parts, who gave us an entertaining and heart warming narrative. Find copies of the magazine on our site, on the blog and on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Make it the place to go for the latest bargain to bag or event to attend. Have a fantastic month of October and enjoy your Independence Day celebrations!
Contents >>
— Interview >> 4 With Mr Benjamin Katubiya of BUK Truck Parts across Zambia and in the Democratic Rebpublic of Congo
— Made to order wedding dresses >> 6 Featuring the House of Couture’ Dream and Signature offers
— A town of two contrasts >> 8 Today Livingstone is to be congratulated. It won the bid to host the UNWTO General Assembly partnering with Victoria Falls town a few kilometres away on the Zimbabwe side of the Falls.
Sara Drawwater, Managing Editor
— Hot off the press >> 10 All special offers, events and news are now gathered together towards the back of the magazine.
Nambeye Katebe, Assistant Editor
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— Health Corner >> 20 Health tips for Riverview Wellness Centre
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Please note: For further information, please refer to our full terms and conditions which are published on our website.
This month’s interview An interview with Mr. Benjamin Katubiya, Managing Director of BUK Truck Parts One of the biggest challenges we faced when setting up was actually having the company registered with PACRA. At the time registering a company was a nightmare. There were so many certificates and licences one had to get just to be legal but I’m happy to say in these modern times setting up is not so complicated. NAMBEYE: The company is now clocking 14 years in the industry, what would you say have been some of your achievements at BUK over this period of time?
Nambeye Katebe, our MultiMedia Journalist, gets an insight into BUK Truck Parts. NAMBEYE: Mr Katubiya, as the face behind BUK Truck Parts we would like to know a little bit more about you. Could you give us a brief personal background about yourself? MR KATUBIYA: I know that question always requires me to give a hint about my age but I’m not going to tell you exactly when I was born, suffice to say I am of full age! (Laughs). I was born in Ndola and went to Kaloko and Chilengwa Primary Schools. I did my Secondary School education from Chiwala Boys and later on went to the Copperbelt University. I am married with three children. NAMBEYE: Have you always been interested in trucks and spares and if so where did this interest spring from? MR KATUBIYA: Yes, I’ve always had an interest in motor vehicles in general. I was driving by the age of thirteen. My father never owned a car but we lived next to people who had a taxi business and I would spend a lot of time there and learned some mechanics. Even before that I enjoyed making wire cars and driving them around. I even sold a few!
NAMBEYE: I can tell you have been business minded from a very young age then! What exactly made you decide to venture into the industry of truck parts? MR KATUBIYA: When we opened BUK we started by selling general motor vehicle parts, particularly for Peugeots and Land Rovers. However, at the time, a number of people in Zambia had the same idea and were opening up similar businesses so I found a lot of competition. So I decided to narrow it down and focus on truck spares which I was getting from East Africa at the time , reselling them to big companies like CH and ZCBC. NAMBEYE: The name BUK does not give away much. What exactly does it mean? MR KATUBIYA: It is a combination of my and my wife’s name. My wife is a shareholder. Her name is Upendo and she is Swahili, from Tanzania. BUK stands for Benjamin Upendo Katubiya. NAMBEYE: BUK first started its operations in 1998. What were some of the challenges you faced in setting up the company? MR KATUBIYA: Firstly, let me correct you by saying we registered BUK as a company on October 5th in 1997 but we begun operations officially in 1998.
MR KATUBIYA: Our biggest achievement has been our growth. When people venture into business their greatest ambition is to see the business grow. We are happy to say we are not at the same level we were 14 years ago and the goals we set 14 years ago have been met.
We now have our own premises and the company has diversified and embarked on quarry mining. We have set up a quarry mine of our own, so we are constantly growing. NAMBEYE: That’s interesting. What made you diversify into quarry mining? MR KATUBIYA: I believe in the saying “never keep all your eggs in one basket.” You might just trip and break all of them! We were looking for a viable way to keep money aside by investing it into another business. We recognised the need and potential of quarry mining, particularly because Zambia is currently one of the fastest growing countries in the region. We want to contribute to this growth by playing an active part as a Zambian company. NAMBEYE: In September last year, BUK partnered with an American company known as EquipXP to sell and distribute
heavy duty construction, mining, agriculture and hospital equipment. How has this partnership progressed since then and what impact has it made? MR KATUBIYA: It has been a year since we committed to distributing equipment on behalf of EquipXP here in Zambia. So far we have made some sales which we are happy with. But it has been slow as the price of the machinery we are distributing is expensive and sometimes clients are not always able to access funds. But we are getting there. We feel that with the changes the Zambian Government is making to make it a conducive business environment in the country, our sales should double this year. NAMBEYE: How important do you think networking is in the business world and has it been relevant to your company? MR KATUBIYA: I think networking is extremely important in business. It is one of the best ways to grow a company. Networking allows you to tap into the resources of bigger companies; a case in point is our agreement to distribute equipment on behalf of EquipXP. It also allows you to use the experience of others who have made it in the industry. However, I must add that there is an amount of risk in partnering with other businesses, especially if it is a foreign business as not everyone is genuine. It is important to ensure that the business deal is legal and that the other company has the same ethics as you. NAMBEYE: The industry of truck parts and spares is constantly evolving with new technologies being introduced , how do you keep up with these changes in the industry and stay relevant? MR KATUBIYA: That’s a very good question. As you can see, my desk is in a mess surrounded by this pile of books! I believe in research, I often come to the office to read so that I am up to date.
As a company we attend a lot of seminars and trade exhibitions. Every November we attend trade and exhibition shows in Las Vegas, in April we attend Motor Mechanic shows in Dubai and many more. We also subscribe to a number of auto magazines and newsletters. NAMBEYE: BUK currently has a presence in four towns in Zambia, that is Lusaka, Kitwe, Ndola and Chipata, as well as a branch in the DRC, do you have any plans to increase your presence further? MR KATUBIYA: We are constantly looking for opportunities to grow. We recently opened a branch in Choma about four months ago. We are considering opening up in Tanzania and Malawi by the next financial year in April 2013. NAMBEYE: Where do you see BUK in the next five years? MR KATUBIYA: We see ourselves growing like Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin group of companies! I admire his zeal to do business. We have a big heart to grow.
warranties because we believe in the quality of our goods and we provide excellent after sales services. We also pride ourselves on having everything under one roof. We are constantly adding to our stock and what we do not have, we acquire. NAMBEYE: Finally, what would be your most solid advice to young entrepreneurs looking to make a break in the industry? MR KATUBIYA: I would tell them not to come! Let them wait for me to make my money before they come! (laughs) Nambeye: Mr. Katubiya! MR KATUBIYA: On a more serious note, I would like to encourage young Zambian entrepreneurs to work hard and use their natural talents. In order to achieve success in anything you do, you have to change your mindset and believe in yourself. A positive attitude is vital. Even when you fail it is not the end. Every failure is a lesson, get up and try again.
When I started BUK I started with only $300 and today we have achieved so much. Financial discipline must be at the heart of anyone looking to start a business.
Though our main aim is And most importantly, you must be to make a profit we also honest with both your clients and your want to contribute to the suppliers in order to establish a business nation’s growth by providing that can stand the test of time. employment opportunities and boosting the economy Information through our taxes. +260 (0) 211 845 792 NAMBEYE: With other similar companies coming up in Lusaka why would you encourage people to make BUK a preference?
MR KATUBIYA: At BUK we do business differently. We have one of the best packages for our clients which includes reasonably priced quality goods,
— Hot off the press: FEATURE Made to order wedding dresses in Zambia
The House of Couture are excited to introduce two unique bridal offerings specially for Zambian brides to be. Every girl dreams of the perfect dress for her big day and every bride has her own personal style. Having launched their Signature and Dream offerings in September, The House of Couture aim to identify their clients’ specific needs. Whether your wedding is at a civil registry, held in a private estate or garden, in a church, on a beach abroad, on safari or at the mighty Victoria falls – the idea behind this addition is to enhance the House of Couture’s existing personalised services. No bride wants a budget to affect their idea or concept on how they really wish to look on their very special day. To realise that perfect dress, the House of Couture is introducing their Signature and Dream offerings. These two offerings open up more inspiring ideas for brides, so every bride who takes on the House of Couture’s bridal service can realise their dream wedding dress.
The Signature offer – Made to order bridal gowns, boleros and veils starting from K7,000,000 This is a luxurious offering. Gowns and accessories are created from the finest fabrics, silks and French laces which are sourced from select international suppliers. Part of the
Signature Collection offering includes the opportunity to commission specialist embroidery and beading on your wedding dress. The House of Couture work with a specialist who creates intricate lavish pieces exclusively for high end bridal and couture markets.
The Dream offer – Made to order bridal gowns, boleros and veils starting from K3,500,000 An affordable bridal service, creating gowns and accessories made in high quality synthetic fabrics and laces. These are sourced locally or imported from select quality fabric and trim suppliers.
House of Couture services also includes Mother-of-the-bride, bridesmaids dresses, evening and party wear. Don’t forget to ‘like’ their Facebook page: You’ll find real bride photos, new developments and offers and be able to post a comment or question.
Information +260 (0) 979 967 970
Are you a gold member of If so you can feature in the next issue of magazine for free! Send in your November events, offers and news by the 20th of October to be included. Email your content to
Not a gold member of Become a gold member in no more than 10 days from just K1,700,000 per year. Then send in your November events, offers and news by the 20th of October to be included in the next issue of magazine.
To join - Call +260 (0) 955 051 035 - Call +260 (0) 978 394 856 - Email -
— Hot off the press: City feature Livingstone: town of contrasts
The town of Livingstone is named after David Livingstone, the intrepid explorer and Christian missionary. Out of respect for Dr Livingstone, the town retained its name when Zambia achieved independence in 1964, unlike many other places in the country with new names extolling heroes and key moments of the independence struggle.
Livingstone has the same atmosphere as most other provincial capitals in Zambia – quite busy, quite run down, quite relaxed, quite functional. But overlaid on this quiet bustling activity is another layer, a tourism layer, a layer of luxury and affluence. For Livingstone is a stone’s throw from the magnificent world heritage site the Victoria Falls, which Livingstone named after his Queen of the time. The local people call it Mosi-oa-Tunya – the smoke that thunders – an apt name a lot more eloquent than ‘Victoria Falls’. This amazing tourism site has attracted not only Zambian hospitality entrepreneurs but also major players like Sun International, a South African company that has built the Royal Livingstone Hotel and its sister hotel the Zambezi Sun right next to the Falls. At the Royal Livingstone you feel like you’re on the film set of the Titanic. This is where you can enjoy high tea with a choice of 20 cakes to the sound of soft live piano music. A far cry from the pot-holed streets of Livingstone a few kilometres away.
Today Livingstone is to be congratulated. It won the bid to host the UNWTO General Assembly partnering with Victoria Falls town a few kilometres away on the Zimbabwe side of the Falls. (See blog This high profile event is scheduled to happen towards the end of 2013. Plans are underway to upgrade Livingstone in honour of the occasion.
This presents an opportunity for Livingstone to narrow the gap between their own community and the affluent tourists that pass through the town on their way to the Falls, between its buildings, shops and frontages and the luxury hotels in its vicinity. Meanwhile, come to Livingstone to get an authentic feel of provincial Zambia. Enjoy the warmth of the people, the relaxing atmosphere and the Mediterranean-like weather. Get a K20,000 taxi ride to the Falls (less than half an hour’s drive away) and savour the amazing views, get soaked by the heavy mist on Knife Edge Bridge, enjoy the site of multiple rainbows, take a trip to Livingstone Island to see the Falls from the other side. It’s all pretty awe-inspiring stuff.
The whole accommodation spectrum is there – choose from simple authentic in the town itself right through to blatantly opulent around the Falls, and anything in between. Here are our special recommendations: Tours and transfers Euma Tours This tour operator offers chauffeur driven transport from your accommodation to adventure activities and sightseeing attractions. Euma Tours organises a wide variety of personalised local tour packages, customised to meet your individual and family needs. Groups are deliberately small to keep services customer-focused, friendly, and fun! Transfer services are also available including to and from Livingstone Airport. +260 (0) 213 322 550
Junior Leisure Resort A professional activity booking service, with a small fleet of well-presented vehicles available for local transfers, game drives and tours. With vehicles suitable for Livingstone Airport and city transfers, as well safari vehicles for more rough terrain, Junior Leisure Resort can ensure your transport and tour needs are covered. +260 (0) 213 323 090
Lodge accommodation Chanters Lodge Accommodation in Livingstone doesn’t get much friendlier than this. It’s a gem of a place, with 12 affordable and comfortable rooms and a much loved restaurant. A peaceful, quiet place where you’ll get personal attention throughout. +260 (0) 213 323 412 Guestmate Inn This lodge offers attractive grounds with a twist of Zambian culture in an old colonial residence. It provides a good standard of budget accommodation with five rooms in the main building and five separate chalets dotted around the gardens. +260 (0) 213 323 939 Junior Leisure Resort For family friendly, affordable accommodation go to Junior Leisure Resort. Guests can easily enjoy Livingstone and Victoria Falls from this welcoming base. With its own professional tours and transfer service. +260 (0) 213 323 090 Kwesu Guest Lodge Kwesu simply means ‘my home’ and this lodge aims to provide a homely service to individuals and groups. It is a modern newly built guest house offering friendly, no frills accommodation. +260 (0) 955 844 763 Limbo Guest Lodge This lodge reflects a touch of local culture. It’s simple and affordable accommodation situated on the outskirts of
Livingstone town, one of the first guest houses you’ll come to when travelling from Lusaka. +260 (0) 213 322 096 Ngolide Lodge With its African inspired approach and traditional thatched roofing, Ngolide Lodge offers a location conveniently close to town on the Falls side of town. The superb, very popular Golden Leaf restaurant serves authentic Indian meals inspired by Mughal tradition. +260 (0) 213 321 091 Pumulani Livingstone With a name that means to rest, take it easy or to sleep, “Pumulani” Lodge is an ideal spot for a leisurely break. It is also great as business accommodation as it is within easy reach of the Livingstone central business district. A range of exciting activities can be arranged for guests to suit their interests and budget during their stay. +260 (0) 213 320 981
Apartment accommodation Victoria Apartments Simple and comfortable self-catering accommodation. Each fully equipped apartment can accommodate up to four people. The proximity to Victoria Falls, combined with the budgetfriendly price, make Victoria Apartments the perfect choice for Livingstone vacations or even longer term lets. +260 (0) 213 321 437
Backpackers accommodation Jollyboys Backpackers Zambia’s original and award-winning backpackers lodge has been catering to budget travellers since 1995! Groups are most definitely welcome here, and you’ll get to meet a diverse crowd of people moving from one adventure to the next! +260 (0) 213 324 229
— Hot off the press: OFFERS Independence Day special from Kaingu
Specials at the Cozy Lodge Restaurant
Massive savings on all new memberships
Kaingu Safari Lodge are offering five days and four nights for just K3 million per person sharing. Shorter stays are available at K800,000 per night, per person sharing.
Enjoy free drinks and great value meals at Cozy Lodge Restaurant on weekends - Friday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s.
Universal Fitness are giving away discounts, as much as 50% on all new memberships for October (offer ends 31st October). Claim your offer by quoting the reference TBOZUNIFIT*.
Offer includes: »» Four nights in luxury Meru-style safari tent »» All meals, coffees and teas »» One activity per day »» VAT and service charge on food and beverages Offer does not include: »» Transfers to and from the lodge »» All drinks »» Extra activities at K160,000 per person »» Additional nights at K650,000 per person This year forget the hustle and bustle of Independence Day in town and escape to the Kafue National Park. Spend a wonderful 5 day weekend or mid-week on the banks of the Kafue River and enjoy fishing, guided walks, river cruises or simply relaxing on the deck. How about that for independence?
Friday evening specials Get a free glass of wine or beer when you order from the a la carte menu. Saturday lunch specials All you can eat pasta and pizza menu. K50,000 for adults and just K10,000 per child. Sunday lunch specials Enjoy a scrumptious Sunday family lunch for K60,000 per person. For this Sunday lunch, kids under 10 go free. The Cozy Lodge Restaurant offers an international menu with a decided Italian slant. Soak up polished surrounds and calming atmosphere. Adjacent to the Cozy Lodge restaurant is a small garden ideal for outdoor relaxation. The car park is spacious and secure.
Rates and October savings: »» One day - K100,000, now K50,000 »» First month - K600,000, now K300,000 »» One Year - K4,800,000, now K3,000,000 »» Six months - K3,000,000, now K2,000,000 Universal Fitness gym is in Lusaka and offers state of the art gym equipment, fitness classes and facilities like sauna and steam rooms. Universal Fitness boasts the most comprehensive range of gym equipment in the country. It operates within a 1,200 square meter facility and offers a comprehensive and dynamic range of services that help clients to get into shape. All equipment at Universal Fitness is from the quality Life Fitness range of products. The gym is open from Mondays through to Fridays from 05:00 to 22:00 hours, Saturday from 6:00 to 18:00 hours and on Sundays from 8:30 to 17:00 hours. *Terms and conditions apply.
+32 478 485029
+260 (0) 211 262 471
+260 (0) 979 366 310
Pumulani Livingstone Independence specials
Exciting discounts at Shamilimo Lodge
October specials from Umoyo Natural Health
This year, celebrate Zambia’s independence in Livingstone with Pumulani’s October accommodation specials!
Get a 7% discount from your stay at Shamilimo Lodge near Ndola.
Sign up for a 7 day intensive program from Umoyo Natural Health and get selected therapies free for the month of October.
Get your 7% discount by quoting Until the 31st of October, rates at Pumulani are discounted to K230,000 per room per night. That’s a saving of K20,000 to K120,000 per room per night! Pumulani offers an ideal spot for a leisurely break in Livingstone. It is also great as business accommodation as it is within easy reach of the Livingstone central business district. Pumulani offers neat accommodation with spacious airconditioned, en-suite rooms. Each room boasts crisp, clean linen and a fusion of African and modern decor. Digital satellite TV and Wi-Fi internet is offered in every room. Spacious and secure parking is also available. The lodge has a traditional restaurant that is set in the lodge gardens serving authentic Zambian cuisine. A range of exciting activities can be arranged for guests to suit their interests and budget during their stay. Stay in Livingstone or visit the Chobe Game reserve in Botswana and the Okavango National Park in Namibia.
Information +260 (0) 213 320 981
promotion code TBOZSHAM43D. Offer ends on October 31st 2012. Shamilimo Lodge offers secluded accommodation, restaurant and conference venue in a gorgeous rural setting of Zambia - for the travelling businessman or holidaying family. Conveniently close to the main road between Kapiri Mposhi and Ndola with a uniquely African ambience. Enjoy genuine Zambian hospitality at Shamilimo Lodge - just 20 minutes drive from Ndola. The unpretentious traditional-style self-contained units are set in lawned grounds amongst tropical plants. The lodge comprises seven twin-bedded rondavels and five double-bedded rondavels. All rondavels have TV, fridge, en-suite shower and separate toilet, and are
Umoyo’s 7 day intensive programs include: »» Weight loss pro »» Diabetese reverse »» BP reduce »» Deep cleanse Sign up to a 7 day program and qualify for free selected therapies which include: »» Health consultation »» Bio-resonance »» Quick health check »» Anti smoking »» Inversion table »» Colon hydrotherapy »» Far infra red sauna »» Electromagnetic therapy »» Detox mineralizer Specials are also available at the Umoyo Health Shop for purchases over various values. Umoyo also runs a spa where facials, body treatments, massages and foot treatments are available.
immaculately clean.
+260 (0) 977 306 099
+260 (0) 955 800 601
— Hot off the press: OFFERS Bush Buzz travel specials
Incredible one and two night bat season specials with Kasanka Trust
Five of the best from travel specialists, Bush Buzz!
The countdown has begun. Ten million straw-coloured fruit bats will soon begin their journey from Central Africa, ending up at Kasanka National Park. Book a front-row seat to this unique event with Kasanka’s bat safari spectacular.
Close to home! K800,000 per person per night for October 2012 - minimum two nights, Mukambi is offering a super deal. Meals, bed and cruise all included. Three hours drive from Lusaka. Got visiting friends or family? The perfect mini break from K4.5 million for three nights. All inclusive except drinks. Choose between Kafue or Lower Zambezi with set departure dates. Calling all beach lovers! Seven nights Mauritius package from K12,880,000. Valid for November only. Great beach in Zambia too! (Pictured) Lake Tanganyika, Ndole Bay - three nights package from K4,850,000. Fly-in, full board, dhow transfers, a cruise and snorkel trip. A week with the kids to SA! Three nights Joburg and four nights Durban or Cape Town from K2,785,000. Kids under 12, stay and eat free! B&B basis including airport transfers. Flights not included. Valid to 15/01/2013.
Kasanka bat migration offer is K3.5 million for one night or K4.5 million for two nights Take to the sky with Proflight Zambia from Lusaka. Accommodation is in en-suite lake-side rondavels with stunning views over Lake Wasa. The adventure begins with a guided game drive through the park, where puku, warthog and baboons command the dusty tracks. Climb the BBC bat hide overlooking the dense mushitu. Sunset sundowners are served and the swarm begins. In a dramatic exodus, the bats form a winged whirlwind in the skies before dispersing to feed on wild fruit. Cited as one of the world’s ‘ultimate wildlife experiences’, the event takes place again at dawn as the bats return to the forest. Get the chance to see the rare Sitatunga on the return to Wasa. A full English breakfast awaits you and a three course meal is yours in the evening. Kasanka Trust and Proflight are taking bookings for the following dates: »» 24th-26th October - 2 nights, K4.5 million per person sharing »» 12th-13th November - 1 night, K3.5 million per person »» 19th-20th November - 1 night, K3.5 million per person sharing »» 12th-14th December - 2 nights, K4.5 million per person sharing »» Different dates and single bookings are available Terms and conditions 1. Bookings to be made with Proflight or a registered travel agent 2. Proflight/agent to book flight in system and issue client with a provisional itinerary 3. Flight price includes accommodation, meals and activities (1 or 2 nights depending on dates), return flight Lusaka- Kasanka- Lusaka 4. Bookings held provisionally for 7 days, then must be confirmed or will be cancelled 5. Not available to book within 48 hours of travel date 6. If cancelled after confirmed (ticketed) 100% cancellation fees
+260 (0) 211 256 992
To book, contact Proflight Zambia on +260 (0) 977 335 563, book on line at and pay by credit card, contact Kasanka Trust at or use your favourite travel agent.
Hot off the press: NEWS — Latest news from Jackal and Hide
Inspirations Furniture goes social
One year on for the Golden Leaf Restaurant
Jackal and Hide has its latest handbags on show at the Design House. Also available for purchase are travel, beach and wash bags made from old advertising banners - these are the Emotional Baggage campaign.
Inspirations Furniture has launched their presence on Facebook and Twitter. You are invited to join them.
The Golden Leaf Restaurant is directly opposite Ngolide Lodge which it is part of. On October the 6th it celebrated its first birthday.
Jackal and Hide handbags This beautiful summer collection is constantly evolving with new designs and colour ranges appearing on the shelves every week. This month’s new colour range is Down to Earth, a sumptuous range of rich, red brown handbags and luggage. Emotional Baggage campaign The Jackal and Hide Emotional Baggage campaign has been set up to help support Old MacDonald’s Farm for vulnerable children. Jackal and Hide joined together with Prime Media who donated all of their old advertising banners, from which Jackal and Hide designed a new range of fun, practical and stylish weatherproof travel, beach and wash bags. All profits will be donated to Old Macdonald’s Farm.
Information +260 (0) 211 841 081
Like Inspiration on Facebook: Follow Inspirations on Twitter: Inspirations will be sharing their latest news and specials, as well as posting fabulous pictures and interior design tips. Inspirations Furniture has established a reputation for quality free-standing furniture and custom-made soft furnishings. Inspirations inspires its customers from the moment they step into the Inspirations furniture shops. Visit the two Lusaka outlets on Cairo Road and in Manda Hill Shopping Mall.
There has been a restaurant at Ngolide Lodge since 2001. In 2011 the team wanted to make the restaurant more accessible to the general public. It’s already been a year since the new restaurant opened and the restaurant is gaining a great reputation and becoming very popular for its Zambian style food and authentic Indian cuisine. Some would say it is the best Indian restaurant in town. It is recommended for its standards of excellence and exquisite taste. The restaurant originally opened with a chef recruited from India. He taught his craft to the Zambian chef that runs the restaurant today.
At Inspirations you can buy solid wood furniture, interior accessories and gifts. You can also source sofa construction, re-upholstery and tailoring service for curtains and blinds.
The Golden Leaf Restaurant first birthday celebrations were shared with customers on the 6th of October, when they enjoyed a free glass of wine and mixed platter per table. Here’s to the future success of the restaurant!
+260 (0) 211 229 869
+260 (0) 213 321 091
— Hot off the press: NEWS The one stop shop for travel - Juls Africa
A range of books from Zambia Adventist Press
Rooney’s introduce 15 meter bay tents
With regular great deals, Juls Africa defines a full service travel company. It is a one stop shop for booking accommodation, conferencing, air travel tickets, travel insurance, tour packages and car hire.
The Zambia Adventist Press sells Christian books through Adventist Book Centres (ABCs) throughout Zambia.
Rooney’s Hire Zambia now have stunning 15 meter bay tents for your events. These marquees can be decorated to suit whatever event you might have on the cards.
Juls Africa is an established and trusted family business. The Juls Africa guest house accommodation is conveniently located just off the main road from the Lusaka International Airport.
Passionate Love For couples who want a lasting love and passion filled marriage.
The Juls Africa conferencing services offer a convenient and central location for up to 30 delegates in quiet and peaceful surroundings which are great for board meetings, seminars and workshops. As a trusted agent Juls Africa arranges tickets, insurance and packages for local and international travel.
Women and Marriage Explores why marriage means ‘everything’ to a woman.
Enjoy Your Marriage vol 1 African Lessons on marriage - walk through the timeless, profound, secretive, and sometimes meaningless African teachings on marriage. Enjoy Your Marriage vol 2 Wise African teachings to enhance or rejuvenate your marriage. Things to come A verse by verse explanation of the book of Revelation.
Juls Africa also have a range of airconditioned vehicles, both self drive and chauffeur driven. Those travelling to South Africa, Namibia or Botswana may book their car hire with Juls Africa.
Children Picture Roll For children from 0-5. Learning through active involvement and imitation focusing on seeing and touching.
+260 (0) 211 292 979
+260 (0) 211 231 884
Rooney’s hire out quality equipment for indoor and outdoor events such as corporate cocktail parties, international conferences and weddings. Based in Lusaka, they pride themselves in having the latest innovations — from marquees and chairs to lighting and airconditioning. Rooney’s Hire specialists can create a memorable function with a sophisticated atmosphere, and comfortable and luxurious furnishings. Rooney’s goal is to provide an international standard event equipment hire service with a professional range that is constantly refreshed. Rooney’s have marquees, tables, chairs, lighting, electrical equipment, cutlery, crockery, glassware, heaters, air conditioning and carpets available for hire.
Information +260 (0) 211 222 571
Air Zimbabwe offers charter flights service
NAC2000 works with Ethiopian Airlines
Exciting launches for Chankwakwa
In exchange for preferential charter rates, Air Zimbabwe is now able to be the first choice charter operator for any large groups of passengers travelling from Lusaka.
Ethiopian Airlines recently had an inaugural flight with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner on the Addis Ababa – Harare - Lusaka route. NAC2000 are proud to be the aircraft ground handlers and cargo handlers for Ethiopian Airlines at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport.
Chankwakwa Ltd has recently launched their new brand together with their Danish partner who buys Chankwakwa’s dried mango product to put in their ice cream. Chankwakwa are also now on Facebook.
A charter commitment fee of 50% is required a fortnight in advance and the balance settled one week before charter operation. This will allow Air Zimbabwe to take responsibility for charter related: »» Flight clearances, plans and dispatch »» Crew and aircraft with valid certificate of airworthiness issued by the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe »» Insurances including all standard aviation insurances »» Passenger and airport taxes »» Jet A1 fuel »» Landing, ground handling, technical handling, parking and navigation charges »» Full catering »» Crew transport and accommodation »» Carriage of passengers subject to the rules and limitations of liability as provided by the Warsaw Convention
Ethiopian Airlines is the fastest growing airline in Africa and the first airline outside Japan to own a Boeing 787. Benefits of this new aircraft include: »» A better view from bigger windows »» New technology window dimmers rather than window shades »» More comfort as the 787 will be pressurised to 6,000 feet (instead of the average 8,000), meaning you won’t have as much trouble adapting.
Like Chankwakwa on Facebook Part of the Chankwakwa team is pictured above with the Chairman of its Danish partner Hansens ice cream (far left) and District Comissioner Patrick Chisala (far right).
Enjoy the benefits of charter flights with Air Zimbabwe
NAC2000 Cooperation Ltd provide ground handling, freight and forwarding and passenger handling services. It is extremely proud to be working with Ethiopian Airways who is leading the way in this field. NAC2000 also provide ground handling services to KLM and Kenya Airways.
Chankwakwa produces jams, marmalades, soya products and sun dried fruit. They also export organic certified sun dried mangoes from Zambia. The company works with out growers to give an income to rural people. Chankwakwa products can be found in many reputable supermarkets in Lusaka and the Copperbelt. Established in 1973, Chankwakwa is a fully developed farm along the Great North Road, 25 kilometers out of Kabwe, along the Mulungushi River.
+260 (0) 211 225 431
+260 (0) 211 271 012
+260 (0) 215 223 848
— Hot off the press: EVENTS IN DATE ORDER American R&B singer at Chicago’s weekly
Umoyo natural health and spa day
Sundowners at Jackal and Hide’s Design House
Every Wednesday night Chicago’s have live R&B music courtesy of Zu from 21:00 hours till late. To fit in with Chicago’s all American Hollywood theme, Zu hails from Philadelphia, USA.
Rejuvenate yourself with a full day of spa treatments, detox mineraliser treatments, health talks by Kim Otteby, physical life coaching by Andi Daniels, quick health checks and get the chance to sample the fabulous Skin range of products.
What better way to welcome in the summer than with another of Jackal and Hide’s successful mellow sundowners. .
Chicago’s draws its inspiration from 1940’s and 1950’s icons such as the legendary American gangster Al Capone and famous actress Marilyn Monroe. Since Chicago’s trades under a tourism license they are open till late everyday. Located within Lusaka’s largest shopping mall, Manda Hill, Chicago’s Bistro Lounge is a stylish place to eat, wine and dine. It is a first-rate host for corporate events or parties . Chicago’s Bistro Lounge comes alive at night as the bar opens up, serving an amazing variety of drinks, from cocktails to shooter, hot drinks and cold drinks and a selection of tangy foods. Chicago’s Bistro Lounge is famous for its large variety of Cuban cigars and customers can also enjoy a variety of flavors from a wide choice of hubblies.
Information +260 (0) 976 204 852
Event details »» Date: 13th October »» Time: 10:00 to 16:00 hours »» Place: Nagwaza Farm, Chisamba »» Tickets: K150,000 »» Book: Call Anja, +260 (0) 979 380 660 or Kim, +260 (0) 966 255 180 Umoyo is a natural health centre in Lusaka that specialises in detox treatments. It offers a range of alternative therapies and health training programs. The focus is on producing a genuine and significant improvement in health rather than treating the symptoms of disease.
Event details »» Date: 19th October 2012 »» Place: The Design House at Jackal and Hide »» Tickets: K175,000 The evening will consist of a Spar wine tasting, Tikka Tiffin supper, live music, an exhibition of paintings by Soo Piercy and late night shopping. Jackal and Hide will also be showcasing its Emotional Baggage campaign range which gives back to the children of Zambia.
Umoyo also runs its Health Shop in Arcades Shopping Centre. It specialises in whole foods and organic products for health, skincare and cleaning.
Following on from this, the Design House Café will soon be open for Friday Sundowners twice a month from 17:00 until 19:30. Celebrate the end of a hot and busy working week by stopping by to meet up with friends and family for a sundowner and start the weekend off in a good mood. Jugs of Pimms and light snacks will be on offer in addition to the normal bar service.
+260 (0) 955 800 601
+260 (0) 211 841 081
Casino for conservation in aid of CLZ
Wine tasting event and Book signing at Planet featured menus at Plates Books in Arcades
Conservation Lower Zambezi invites you to the official Elephant Charge 2012 kick off. The Elephant Charge is an annual off-road motor sport challenge held in the Zambian bush to raise money for conservation and wildlife education causes.
The October wine tasting event will feature an array of South African wines.
Event details »» Date: 23rd October (Elephant Charge takes place 27th October) »» Time: doors open 19:00 hours, tables and live music 20:00 to 23:00 hours and prizes 23:30 »» Place: Roma House, Lusaka »» Tickets: K100,000 and includes casino chips, canapés, welcome drink and the chance to win one of many grand prizes Top prizes include a luxury safari package in the Lower Zambezi at Chiawa Camp and Chongwe River Camp. Casino tables kindly provided by the Great Wall Casino. All proceeds go to Conservation Lower Zambezi benefiting the wildlife, environment and local communities of this area. Everyone’s a winner!
Information +260 (0) 977 193 564
Event details »» Date: 25th October 2012 »» Time: 18:30 »» Plates Restaurant »» Tickets: Free but reservations essential Plates have partnered with Kazuma ( to bring a tasting of Franschoek wines from South Africa. Franschoek is one of the finest regions in the Western Cape, adjacent to Stellenbosch. Franschoek is renowned for its quality in wine making. There will be all the South African favorites: Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, and Shiraz, not to mention a wonderful Merlot. Featured menus at Plates »» 8th to the 13th: Moroccan Chicken, full of flavour »» 15th to the 20th: Muffelata Sandwich, a New Orleans specialty! »» 22nd to the 27th: Surf & Turf, the best of both worlds!
Zambian author, now living in Germany, Hilda Sangwa Schwaiger, will be at Planet Books for a book signing in November. Event details »» Date: 2nd and 3rd November 2012 »» Time: To be confirmed »» Place: Planet Books in Arcades Shopping Mall Gazed on by Angels in Flight: Victoria Falls follows the story of vivacious and gorgeous models, Sofia and Cocoa, and a journalist, Jody, who are drawn, as if by fate, to the magical falls where life will test them as the world’s famous Miss Victoria Falls pageant is underway. Exorcism of the Demon Child: African Ndoki is a novel set in D.R. Congo. It speaks about how thousands of children are mercilessly expelled into the streets by family members after accusing them of being witches.
So, make sure you make it to Plates Restaurant at least once this October!
This will be an exciting Planet Books event. It is your opportunity to speak to Hilda and get your books signed by the author.
+260 (0) 211 841 015
+260 (0) 211 256 714
— Hot off the press: EVENTS IN DATE ORDER November junior fishing competition at Nsobe
2012 Zambia Art and Design Show
African Pitta birding safari in November 2012
Nsobe Game Camp are running a junior fishing competition for under 16’s on Saturday 3rd November 2012.
The Zambian Art and Design show is in its fifth year and firmly established as one of the biggest events in the craft calendar in Zambia.
Let Rory McDougall take you on an amazing adventure into South Luangwa National Park in search of the elusive African Pitta.
Event details »» Venue: Nsobe Game Camp, just off the road from Kapiri Mposhi to Ndola. »» Date: 3rd November 2012 »» Time: Full day »» Rates: K255,000 per team of three (Includes competition entry, lunch, bamboo fishing rod, bait, t-shirt and cap) »» Team entries close on 20th October 2012.
Event details »» Date: 18th November 2012 »» Time: 09:00 to 16:00 hours »» Place: Polo fields, Lusaka Showgrounds »» Tickets: K25,000. kids under 12 go free
Event details »» Venue: South Luangwa »» Date: November 2012 »» Booking: Limited places available and booking is essential
Entry categories »» Under 7’s »» Under 12’s »» Under 16’s
It brings together unique and amazing artists and artisans from around the country and region. Over 2,000 visitors are expected to come along This year the show will host over 40 exhibitors and their products, ranging from photography, fine art, confectionary, textiles, jewellery and handbags to furniture, pottery, clothing and cosmetics.
This is a delightful six night safari to locate the beautiful and sought after African Pitta who arrives in late November every year. Enjoy fantastic birding and prolific wildlife in this remote part of the Great African Rift Valley. This fabulous trip will take you to the award winning Mfuwe Lodge and a stunning bush camp. Rory is one of Zambia’s premier birders, and a member of the Zambia Ornithological Society (ZOS). He is also an artist. Specific trip information:
Limited accommodation is available so book now to make this a weekend of fun for all the family. Restaurant and cash bar open on the day. Nsobe Game Camp, in a setting of lakes and beautifully maintained parkland, is home to significant wildlife.
There is a food court, full bar, children’s entertainment area, band, ATM machines and safe parking. What a great way to get all your Christmas shopping done while enjoying a fun filled day with family and friends.
+260 (0) 212 671 008
+260 (0) 978 605 620
+260 (0) 966 763 172
22nd November 2012 Thanksgiving in Africa!
Liuwa Plains safari end of 2012
Thanksgiving weekend special for expatriate Americans, Zambians and anyone who wants to take part in this all American tradition.
Robin Pope Safaris are offering a magnificent Liuwa Plains safari which they describe as the safari of your life! Dates are to be confirmed for November and December 2012.
Event details »» Venue: Chrismar Hotel Livingstone »» Date: 22 November 2012 »» Price: K200,000 per person »» Booking: Limited places available and booking is essential. Thanksgiving is an American event giving thanks to God for blessings throughout the year. It is celebrated with a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Chrismar will be showing the thanksgiving football games (dependent on ESPN coverage). Special offer Turn the event into a weekend! Chrismar Hotel Livingstone are offerings a massive 20% off accommodation rates from the 21st to 25th of November 2012.
To register your interest in the up and coming safari experience, contact the Robin Pope team.
Follow us on Twitter! Questions Comments Opinions
Packages will be based on per person per night sharing and the safari trips run for four or five nights. Included in the package will be accommodation, meals, drinks, all game viewing activities, laundry and park fees. Offers generally exclude airport tax and various conditions will apply. You can currently travel to Liuwa Plains by air from Lusaka to Kalabo for around
Debate Conversation Laughter Discussion
$625 per person return. Robin Pope Safaris is one of the most established tour operators in Zambia, with years of experience, specialising in
It’s all
tailor made safaris.
Information +260 (0) 213 323 141 guestrelations@livingstone.chrismar.
+260 (0) 216 246 090
— Health corner: FROM RIVERVIEW WELLNESS CENTRE How to treat a peptic ulcer 9. Take eight to ten charcoal tablets at the beginning of the fast, and once daily for one week. 10. Take one cup of fresh cabbage juice, no more than five minutes from the juicer, at the beginning of breakfast and dinner. II. Take four to six olives at supper time. Leave off supper for at least one month. 12. A good cereal to use is millet cooked like oatmeal with unsweetened apple sauce as a topping instead of milk. Millet is soothing to the gastrointestinal tract.
The official cause of peptic ulcers is unknown. However, it is though that they are caused by the improper use of the digestive tract. For several decades we have known that our concept of the cause and treatment of peptic ulcers has been less than ideal. Recently we have begun to understand more about how to treat this disease and treatment takes place by correcting the improper use of the digestive tract. Here are 15 suggestions that can help you bring health back to your digestive tract: I. Avoid stomach irritants such as spices, alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, over eating, eating too fast etc.
13. Test yourself for allergies by omitting the ten groups of foods known to cause most food sensitivities: (I) milk, (2) coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate, (3) citrus fruits and juices (4) corn, wheat, rice, and yeast, (5) eggs, pork, beef, and fish, (6) tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, and apples, (7) peanuts, soy products, and all beans, (8) cane sugar, cinnamon, and all spices, (9) lettuce, onion, and garlic, (10) nuts and seeds. After two weeks begin adding back groups putting at least three days between the reintroduction of food groups. 14. Strictly observe all principles on proper clothing and healthful body as chilled extremities cause reduced blood flow to the stomach. 15. Set up a program of vigorous outdoor exercise.
2. Chew food well – chew to a cream before you swallow. 3. Avoid all between meal feedings, putting at least five hours between the end of one meal and the beginning of the next. 4. Take no antacids, as these cause rebound acid formation.
Information Article by Juanita Pretorius +260 (0) 977 788 472
5. Since acid is formed most freely in response to the presence of protein in the stomach, eat a low protein diet. 6. Fast for twenty-four hours. Drink plenty of room temperature water, and do not fear that you will have pain. Most patients are surprised at the reduction of pain by fasting. Control any pain by hot applications over the painful area. 7. Have a set mealtime not to be varied by so much as five minutes during the first month. 8. Drink tap water freely between meals. Use no liquid foods (soups, juices, milks, or beverages) for the first month. Take food in small bites as dry as possible, and chew well.
Image credit:
Do you have any special offers to promote? To feature in the next issue of our on-line magazine, email hello@thebestofzambia. com with full details by 20th October. Special offers include things like buy one get one frees, special discounts, sales, free for children all next month etc Available free as part of gold membership —
Noteworthy tweets from those we follow @BritishMonarchy The Princess Royal arrived in #Zambia today for a five-day visit to mark The Queen’s #DiamondJubilee @mpelembe “My girl Betty ours was a journey of Happiness and love,” - Dr. Kaunda. http://kennethkaunda. org/ @ZibaniZambia R.I.P Mama Betty Kaunda, Zambia’s first ever fisrt lady (from17th November 1928-19th Sept 2012) @SeyaFK I have yet to discover tastier fish, than the fish found in my home country #Zambia For real! #FishForDinner @afrosocialite We have to work on making the border crossing process faster. It shouldn’t take 48hrs to enter a country. #ataforum @africatravelata “I think there is need for Africans to travel within countries and across countries.” - Hon. Sylvia Masebo of #Zambia #ATANYU @AMETrade Government officials say Zambia to start publicly declaring mining revenues this year #Zambia #Mining #AMETrade @ThePompi I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realized that we have to be more specific.