in h t u r T e h T OLD WIVES' TALES
f you’ve had a baby or are due to have one, chances are you’ve heard a few ‘old wives' tales’ along the way. Things like if you crave salty foods, you’re having a boy or if you carry your bump in a certain way it can tell you the gender of your baby. These myths are usually just a bit of fun, based on nothing substantial, however, some are rooted in truth. We look at old wives' tales and the science behind them and those that you should take with a pinch of salt. 10 somethingNew THE PARENTING MAGAZINE FOR DORSET FAMILIES
Who Were ‘Old Wives’? There are no specific ‘old wives’ as each tale has its own origin, these ‘tips’ and insights are the result of generations of storytelling. Some of the tales we still hear today date back as far as the ancient Egyptians while others have roots within the last few decades (think ‘watching too much TV makes your eyes go square’). Many of our sayings and lore come from the historic ‘wise women’. These medieval