somethingNew L oves Zero Waste Shops
This year, we really need to step up our eco-saving. Everyone needs to do their part and one of the most fuss-free ways to do that is by ditching the plastic wrap on the products you buy. Zero waste shops have been a game-changer for many, as they offer everyday goods minus the packaging. We've rounded up some of the area's zero waste stores so you can see where is easiest for you to get to.
Almond & Co. Located in the heart of Westbourne, Almond & Co. sells fresh groceries and household products - just without the packaging! Each item has been carefully selected to offer the best quality and widest variety - so pop down and get some of your favourite brands AND try some new ones... almondandco.co.uk Our Planet Zero Waste This shop on wheels brings zero waste shopping to areas that don't yet have a dedicated shop, as well as making day-to-day products easily accessible. 'Olive' is the company’s commercial van. She's kitted out with (reclaimed) shelves which are filled with all kinds of goodies, from dried foods to laundry detergent. Olive visits carparks, markets and food fairs, so check the website to see where you can catch her next. www.ourplanetzerowaste.co.uk Two Rivers Refill Tucked away in Christchurch is the lovely Two Rivers Refill. Stocked with delicious dried foods, liquids (like soap, oil & drinks) and sustainable products, this shop will help you make an impact on Dorset's waste reduction. Head on over to see what goodies you can enjoy! tworiversrefill.co.uk somethingnewmag.co.uk