IIT-Madras introduces master’s programme on electric vehicles. IIT-Madras introduces master’s programme on electric vehicles. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras will before long send off an expert's program on electric vehicles. The interdisciplinary double degree (IDDD) will support the students' commitment to emobility and will be presented for its BTech and dual certificate students. The program will improve the exploration capacities in this astonishing field.
Understudies are relied upon to try out this program from January 2022 during their third year of BTech and double degree programs. The underlying admission is relied upon to be 25 students. The students moving on from this program will have the range of abilities needed to seek open positions in EV item improvement, including EV mix, vehicle total designing, correspondence and alignment, confirmation and approval, and item and portfolio arranging. T Asokan, Head, branch of the designing plan, IIT Madras, said, "The substance offered is cautiously arranged to assemble adequate profundity in every space, beginning from vehicle nuts and bolts and going to quite certain EV totals including batteries and engines." While the
division of design plan will secure the program, it will be conveyed as a joint exertion from different offices.