Semester Five Documentation

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five sonal roy | furniture & interior design| ug 2013

five months two seasons

and a ...

digital semester later...




historic, contemporary forms duration - 3 weeks faculty - tanishka kachru

if you would

define the



Study the past

future. ( Confucius )

Historic Contemporary Forms was based on the evolution of design over the years, consumption and production of an object, and how it reflected the lifestyle of that particular era. It also gave an insight to the cultural and social background of that time. In this course we also discussed upon the influence of society, technology and personal thoughts on design. Apart from the research work, quite a few museum visits were also conducted which helped to see and understand the past work.

the ancient times... Prehistoric art is all art produced in preliterate, prehistorical cultures beginning somewhere in very late geological history and generally continuing until that culture either develops writing or other methods of record-keeping.The creativity of human race was first portrayed on the cave walls and the tree barks. These evidences age back to 20000 - 80000BC. The evidences give us valuable facts about the various ancient civilization of the world. It helps us to know about the history and tradions, their rise and fall, etc. The simple stick figures find extensive use in the present day world. The intricate carvings on the stone find their place in elaborate interiors.

history of indian art

Ancient rock cut temple sculpture

Indian art form also has a major contribution. The origin of Indian art can be traced to pre-historic Hominid settlements in the 3rd millennium BC. Indian art has had cultural influences, as well as religious influences such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Islam. It consists of a variety of art forms, including plastic arts (e.g., pottery and sculpture), visual arts (e.g., cave paintings), and textile arts (e.g., woven silk). The evolution is also seen in this art form. With the emergence of a new empire the characteristics got tweaked. The difference in style is also seen across various region and various cultures. And it definitely defines our present and future.

industrial revolution

assignment #1

The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history; almost every aspect of daily life was influenced in some way. In particular, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. Some economists say that the major impact of the Industrial Revolution was that the standard of living for the general population began to increase consistently for the first time in history, although others have said that it did not begin to meaningfully improve until the late 19th and 20th centuries.

For this assignment we worked in groups of four. We were asked to study about E.W. Godwin, a famous architect of gothic revival period.

arts & craft movement The Arts and Crafts movement was an international movement in the decorative and fine arts that flourished in Europe and North America between 1880 and 1910, emerging in Japan in the 1920s. It stood for traditional craftsmanship using simple forms, and often used medieval, romantic or folk styles of decoration. It advocated economic and social reform, and has been said to be essentially anti-industrial. Its influence was felt in Europe until it was displaced by Modernism in the 1930s, and continued among craft makers, designers and town planners long afterwards

assignment #2 This was an interesting turning point where we had to find E.W. Godwin a gift designed by a contemporary designer. For the gift we chose the Wrongwood’s table designed by Edward Richard Woods & Sebastian Wrong. The table had a very dramatic effect on itself reminding the overdramatic nature of gothic architecture.

the final assignment For the final assignment we had to study a designer who was born before 1950 and had a take on his style in my own way. And we had to present the work in a newspaper format. I had chosed alvar aalto. His style was very contemorary and his revolutionary wood bending process is worth the praise. After studying his style I came up with a living room chair for the indian market.

bamboo workshop duration - 1 week faculty - praveensinh solanki

bamboo-ed ! This course was a surprise. Initially we were supposed to have a course on visual narratives. But eventually it got replaced. Luckily at the time our seniors were having a course on bamboo and we joined them. This was the very first time that I was working with bamboo. Initially it took some time to understand the material. We needed to understand the way to use the equipments, the ways of handling the material and the ways of finishing. Eventually we got used to it and came up with interesting products for office and kitchen.

Set of containers/ holders from scrap bamboo pieces were done as exploration during the course.

the final product The brief was to make an office product or a kitchen accessory. I chose to work for a kitchen accessory. For the final product, I chose to make use of the natural form of bamboo and came up with a spatula holder. The natural form of bamboo makes it apt as a holder. And the bare minimum making process does not take away from its natural look. The two pieces of holders are made out of a single piece of bamboo and it can be kept hanging or can be fixed on the wall with screws.

science and liberal arts duration - 1 week faculty - madhusudan mukerjee

tell me A

story For our fifth SLA we had narratives. A narrative or story is any report of connected events, actual or imaginary, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, or still or moving images. The art of story telling is very much important for us as each of our work tells some kind of a story. Therefore we must learn the way of effectively doing it. But it did not end there. We went beyond our course and discussed upon philosophy, reality and other interesting subjects. This course was one of the best till date. Having Madhusudan as our faculty was a delight. And the lecture on Lacan and Freud was definitely a bonus.

narratives Narrative can be organized in a number of thematic and/or formal categories: non-fiction, fictionalization of historical events, and fiction proper. Narrative is found in all forms of human creativity, art, and entertainment, including speech, literature, theatre, music and song, comics, journalism, film, television and video, radio, gameplay, unstructured recreation, and performance in general, as well as some painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, and other visual arts as long as a sequence of events is presented. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, “to tell”, which is derived from the adjective gnarus, “knowing” or “skilled”. Narration is the use of—or the particularly chosen methodology or process of using—a written or spoken commentary to convey a story to an audience. Narration encompasses a set of techniques through which the creator of the story presents their story. A narrator is a personal character or a non-personal voice that the creator of the story develops to deliver information to the audience, particularly about the plot. The narrator may be a voice devised by the author as an anonymous, non-personal, or standalone entity; as the author her/himself as a character; or as some other fictional or non-fictional character appearing and participating within their own story.

Need for narrative : • • • • •

To teach To guide our behaviour To transmit values and beliefs To give meaning to our experiences To support our expressions

Types of narratives : • • • • • • • • • • • •

Joke Myth Identity narrative Fairytale Ballad and narrative poetry Epics Medical narrative Judicial Narretive Institutional narrative Pictorial narrative Hypertext narrative Others - Advertisement, Songs, News



The sun was shining bright outside. He looked at the grey cat stealthily walking over the fence in the grey courtyard. It was 10:30 already. The front street was bustling with people. It was time to go to work. But he did not move. The sunshine did not brighten the room. He loved her. So did she. Their marriage party was grand. Everybody enjoyed it. They were destined to be together. From the collage days they were great friends. Cannot say it was a love at first sight, but they knew each other more than anybody could ever know them. The understood each other and chose each other day after day. Eventually they united. It was a great day for others as everybody wished for the day. Everybody was happy. It was a bright and happy household. They managed it well. They got their own house near the bustling street, with a sunny bright courtyard. She decorated the place and made it warm and cozy. The lilies bloomed up in the vases, the bed linens were all new and fresh. He came back from the local market with all the fresh produce. It was all for the house warming party. They planned a grand dinner. She got all her recipe books out. She was not a chef, but she tried her best to come up with the amazing food. It melted his heart to see her try so hard for them. He loved her and so did she. The food smelled amazing. The guests appreciated them for all their effort. The interior looked very beautiful. They all appreciated their taste. The dinner party was a success. Everybody was pleased to see the love birds happily married. A great dinner party comes along with a great mess. All the rooms looked graceful but the kitchen. The kitchen was all dishevelled and sloppy. She was tired after the long day and so was he. So, he flopped down on the couch with a glass of whiskey. He heard some noises from the kitchen. He ran to see what had happened. And as he entered kitchen, flew in the spatula to target his head. The mess was all cleared up. Dishes went to the dish rack, glasses went to the holders, but he couldn’t find a place to keep the spoons and the spatulas. He went back and sat on the couch, looking at the grey cat outside. He couldn’t risk it any more. He came to me and I split up the bamboo in two and gave him “hold”. He never experienced any flying spatulas again and they lived happily ever after.

movie #1 Hero is a comedy drama by Stephen Frears. The main protagonist of the movie is Bernie, whose character is played by Dustin Hoffman. Along with comic elements, the movie carries with itself underlying ideas about the brutality of life and how one must go on with his life even the dear ones go against them. The way the story is narrated is quite fascinating and funny.

movie #2 Memento is a neo-noir psychological thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan. The screenplay was written by Nolan based on his younger brother Jonathan Nolan’s short story “Memento Mori”. It stars Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Joe Pantoliano. Memento is presented as two different sequences of scenes interspersed during the film which meets at the end of the film.

design management duration - 1 week faculty - bhavin kothari, sutirtha de, chintan dave, pinaki roy, jitendra singh rajput

be your own


The very first design management course.. and it was all about being our own boss. The couse included the basic understanding of marketing strategies. We learnt about the 4Ps, 4Cs and STP.



Sony Pictures: Handles motion pictures and television

The company caters to the middle class and upper middle class people with money to spend on entertainment, with television catering to all socioeconomic demographics.

Sony Computer Entertainment: Handles games Sony Music: Handles Music



Political: Global presence Economical: Major part of Japanese development in 60s. Social: Innovative content Technological: Always known for innovayive technologies.

Warner Bros Inc. Microsoft Nitendo Universal Group CBS Lions Gate Films

research methodology duration - 1 week faculty - shrinkhala aren, gatatri menon

is creating new

knowledge ( neil armstrong )

Research comprises “creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.”It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. A research project may also be an expansion on past work in the field. Yeah... that sums it all up!!

research “

SLEEP @ NID Group 7 Jayneel | Sonal | Dharini | Gina | Misha | Aboli | Shruti | Isha | Anusha B.Design 2013 | Semester 5 | National Institute of Design As an assignment, we had to take up an activity happening in the campus and research about it. Sleep is a very basic and natural human need, essential to our health, immunity, productivity and overall well being in-general. In NID, students generally don’t follow an efficient sleep pattern, which in turn affects their health and lifestyle, as seen in the recent spurt of diseases in the community due to low immunity, fatigue, and tiredness.



Total Sample Size: 25

Un-Structured Semi-Structured Structured Focused Personal Short Diads

Sampling Types: Judgmental Sampling Stratified Sampling Random Sampling Cluster Sampling RESEARCH (IDEO) METHOD POINTS Five Whys Personal Inventory A Fly on the Wall Shadowing Survey

OBSERVATION METHOD POINTS Un-Structured Un-Controlled In-Direct Direct Non-Participatory Participatory

Sleep Amount

Not Enough Sleep

Sleep Timing

Enough Sleep

Sleeping Issues

Social Life


Other factors

None of the Above

After 1 am

Before 1 am


Effects of Sleeping on Overall Lifestyle

Work Related

They think It Does a lot

They think It Does a little

They think It Doesn’t at All

They have no idea

Intensity and amount of Work is the largest factor affecting the sleep, with work related stress being the major sleeping issue. A significant amount of people consider sleep to be affecting their lifestyle a bit, with sleep deficiency mainly leading to fatigue, lethargy, low immunity, etc.

Sleeping during the Day-time

In the Intitute Area

In the Room

Don’t take a Nap

Caring about their Sleep

Care about Sleep

Don’t care about Sleep

Due to over-exhaustion, more people sleep in the institute area over their rooms, indicating late working hours, all-nighters, sleep-inducing environment, etc. Majority of the people do care about their sleep in some way or the other, while the rest prioritize their work and other activities above sleep, which may have adverse effects in future. OVERALL ANALYSIS Work pressure plays a major role in determining the overall sleep cycles and patterns of the students, often resulting into sleep deprivation which largely results into reduced immunity (e.g.- viral fevers), work efficiency, attentiveness, etc.

design workshop duration - 2 weeks faculty - rajiv jasal

shall we

play ? This was a very interesting course. It made me feel like i travelled back to my childhood days. We made paper castles and played with paper and other materials to our heart’s content. But eventually we got the deeper meaning of what we were doing. In this course I understood how to design for a client and not for my own self. Finally we all came up with one product which was inspired by one of our batchmate’s characteristics.

Paper collage

Left: Reusing scrap paper and bamboo for castle. It can also be used as a holder. Above: A bow and a charm using button and paper.

the moodboard

Final product : A dustbin inspired by the gift given to Vishnu.

design project 2 duration - 8 weeks faculty - pradyumansinh solanki

the rich man’s


For design project 2 we had residential sites. Through out the course the main part was to understand a lifestyle. The sites that we were working on were high end. Therefore, we needed to understand the high end lifestyle and get updated with all the high end products and product trends available in the market. This course mainly focuses on bringing the interior togather, having a wholesome approach towards design and assembling elements in the best possible way. In this course we were introduced to various materials, the site visits enriched the material library. It did become overwhelming at times, but eventually things fall into their place. Most important, I learnt how not to do a thing!

understanding the basics

the site


the site For the project we were given two choices. One was for a farm house while the other one was for a bungalow. I selected the bungalow. The bungalow shares one main wall with another bungalow and has a tighter space. The bungalow belongs to a modern gujrati family of four and is under construction. The family includes the couple and a daughter who is 12 yrs old and a son who is 3 yrs old. They also have two turtles for which they wished to construct a pond on their terrace garden. On the right are the plans for the ground floor, first floor and second floor.

the inspiration For residential interiors my personal taste leans towards minimalism and spaceousness. The scandinavian style thus inspired me. I tried to incorporate some rustic feel to it. The form factor is kept more linear and simple. It again shows stability. The colours used are also mainly on the neutral side. The interior has ample use of greys and whites with some pops of bright colours to break the monotony. The elements used in the interior has the balance of aesthetics and functionality.

basic layout Once a basic theme board was selected, I started working on the furniture layout. Furniture are the main component of an interior, therefore, their placement has to be systematic and meaningful. We worked on block models to start with and placed them in the plan to see the effect and understand how much space is left out after all of this. It is also necessery to know how many types of furnituure are required for a particular type of space. On the right side are the basic furniture layout of the ground floor, first floor and second floor.

false ceiling and electrical layout Once the basic furniture layout is fixed, work started on the false ceiling. False ceiling ideas are fixed in the very initial phase as it needs to resonate with the entire furniture layout and also with the overall feel. Pre planning also ensures the ease of making it. Simultaneously work on electricals also took place. The false ceiling incorprates the lighting fixtures and other connections and thus it becomes easy when both the plans overlay. In the electrical plans the types of light fixtures are also mentioned to get an idea of what kind of lighting or what kind of ambience is required. Controls for the electrical fixtures are also figured out in this same stage. On right is the electrical layout for the ground floor & above are the electrical layouts for first floor & second floor.

bathroom layouts The next stage was bathrooms. Again preplanning helps in the ease of construction. In the bathroom designing plumbing is also to be looked after, therefore, planning ahead ensures less chances of errors. In bathroom layouting the main thing to look for is placement of bathroom fixtures. Bathroom is a highly functional area and apart from being functional, it is also the place to relax. It is important to find a balance between the functionality and the aesthetics. And while placeing the elements, basic ergonomics needs to be kept in mind. the layouts of the bathroom varies with respect to the user and the theme but overall the form language is kept the same.

Layout of the master bathroom

Layout of the kid’s bathroom

Initial concept for the elevations

Final concept for the elevations

Layout for the second floor bathroom

Layout for the guest bathroom

kitchen layouts

After finalising the bathrooms, we focused on the kitchen, another major functional area of the house. A lot of things to be kept in mind while designing a kitchen. First of all the ease of use. Here for this kitchen I chose to go with a modular kitchen and selected the modules which are to be assembled on site. For selecting the modules a ot of research needs to be done. I visited the the hacker store and looked up onto their websites and catalogues to get information about the components and finally arrange them in my given space. The same steps were followed to make choises for the kitchen appliances.

On the other page, overall view of kitchen with the breakfast bar. Left, full lenght window with storage to ensure ample amount of day light in the work area. And the grey granite worktop to ensure maximum usability. The cabinets have integrated light fixture for task lighting.

the living and dining

The main living area

On the opposite side to the main seating is this french window which opens to the mini courtyard. The wooden ledge acts as another seat and it has integrated storage system. The expossed RCC wall of the kitchen is continued to the courtyard to complete the flow. Grey stone cladding on the wall with suspended stairs to have a dramatic play of light and shadow. Underneath the stairs is a wash basin area. And it is seperated from the main living with a glass partition.

The dining area and the breakfast bar.

There are three dining chairs and a bench to give the space an informal look and the backrest is fixed on the wall.

the bed rooms

On the other page is the layout of the guest bedroom. It is kept simple and minimal. On the left, the brick textured wall with a simple shelf. The textured creates interest in the room. the overall theme is kept white with a play of textures. The furniture pieces are made out of ash wood and blends in well with the overall white theme.

On the other page is the layout of the master bedroom. It is kept simple yet dramatic. The headboard of the bed continues to form the false ceiling. The overall theme is kept mainly on the luxurious side with the golden printed wallpaper and integration of the royal blue colour. The rich woody textures give out a very cozy vibe.

kid’s room For the final stage of the course we were asked to take up a specific space in the house and design it and finally take up a furniture from this spase and design it. I had taken up the kid’s bedroom. The reason behind taking up this particular space was the juxtaposition of the minimal, linear form language and the fun elements. Again it has to be highly functional. The kid who is going to use this space is a 12 yr old girl who likes adventure and wished to have two different spaces in the same area. Here in the layout i have taken up the height of the master bathroom and the kids bathroom to give an attick space for the kid’s room. And the overall design language denotes the overlapping and developing character of a child. The interior provides ample storage solutions and the huge windows give a spacious feel.

Basic furniure layout.

The false ceiling layout.

The electrical and controls layout.

Sectional view

Sectional view

From above : The platform bed with storage. The false ceiling as the continuation of the headboard upholstery.

From above : The false ceiling continuing as the study table and storage. A simple grid shelfing system for the attic.

Initial concept for the furniture.

Final concept for the furniture. The furnitur is a display, storage and the stairs to the attic. The display system is constructed in a grid format and the grid is venyle printed for the door panels and it can act as the base for a board game like chess or checkers. The grids have metal meshing inside so that magnetic game pieces can be stuck on to them. The grid system also incorporates lighting inside to illuminate the displayed items and the stairs.

(c) sonal roy | 2015

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