Work with Sonas

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You can change someone’s world….and yours.

Our Mission

We are a social business with the mission to create abundance in rural Cambodia by focusing on female entrepreneurs. We identify the talented entrepreneurs and support them by providing funding, business training and mentoring enabling them to become

financially independent and to build sustainable communities.

Why we care We believe that social business is the only sustainable way to address world poverty. Although aid can address short-term

crises in response to hunger, famine or war, it is not a longterm solution. Handing out money can create dependence and undermine the self confidence of recipients.

behind every business in the world many individual people and real lives are affected by economic and social structures, preventing them from living fulfilled lives. However, if

we support social business and "A social business is a company dedicated entirely to achieve a social goal." Prof Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize Laureate

choose to make more responsible decisions, we can have a very positive impact on communities throughout the world.

By encouraging social business, a ripple effect is set in motion helping to create abundant and sustainable communities. Poverty does not just equate to economic statistics. In fact,

An abundant life is full, rich not only in material goods but in activities that satisfy the soul & achievements that release ambitions.

How we do it We connect like minded individuals and organisations with the commitment, purpose and passion to become the change and share their experience with others to create the ripple effect. Our team of business and marketing experts work with the entrepreneurs on the ground and

other value chain partners to develop core skills such as sales, marketing, financial literacy and product design. This is however not enough as the entrepreneurs need long term mentors who understand their true needs. Sonas work full time on the ground to ensure entrepreneurs are always connected to a strong support network. We believe that we must work together in order to leverage our strengths and exploit opportunities to create abundance.

What we do We identify the entrepreneurs

Identify and train


on the ground by immersing Connect to resources

ourselves in their world, supporting them through training and resources to develop their business, to find

Mentor and Monitor

Connect to market

markets and engage them in trade.

Our projects




Cambodian Weaving

Sonas biodynamic farm is a

Sonas recycling projects

Village was established as a

project which involves

address the environmental

social business in September

training farmers in remote

problems that exist in

2013 and is located in Takeo

rural communities to adopt

Cambodia . The project is

province, Cambodia. CWV is

innovative ways of chicken

designed to use innovative

a central hub for the rural

hatching and growing organic

techniques for recycling

women who previously had

fruit and vegetables. The

plastic, metal, and organic

no skills and whose families

training is done by an


lived on less than $0.50 per

agricultural expert on a model

day. These women now make

farm, which is located in the

People from different

$3 per day by weaving

beautiful foothills of Takeo

countries and diverse

beautiful cotton scarves

province in Cambodia.

backgrounds are involved in

thread by thread.

brain storming to find This project provides

innovative ways to transform

The next phase of the project

opportunities for people from

waste into useful products

will create a model farm to

around the world to exchange

which can help generate

grow organic cotton in the

knowledge and build bridges

income for the rural

community which the

between global communities

communities. This project will

weavers can use.

and cultures.

be launched in June 2014.

Get involved Do you think you have the skills or resources to help change someone’s world? Then why not be a part of our social movement? We promise a once in a life time experience that will have lasting impact by inspiring you to build a happier world for all.





Lend Share

You can lend to one of our projects. Unlike donations, your loan has an endless life cycle that keeps on recycling. Alternatively, you can support us by buying products produced by the entrepreneurs. We are always looking for like minded global citizens who wish to support and immerse themselves in these communities. You can visit the projects or get involved in the Sonas Leadership Through Immersion programme.

We believe in the ripple effect which you can be a part of by sharing your knowledge and expertise with the entrepreneurs. This exchange will have a long lasting impact that can bring you a fulfilling experience.

Sonas World (Cambodia) Email –

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