3 minute read

A New Wave of Travel

Story & Photography by Jennifer Miller

Kids screaming, Zoom calls blaring, and heaven forbid the dog needs to go out. The world is in an uproar with COVID-19, the global pandemic that left more people hurting than my Aunt’s deviled eggs on Thanksgiving. I can’t step foot in my classroom. My husband is locked in his home office on conference calls twenty-seven hours a workday. Katie wants to bake cookies and Colten’s still arguing with me about something that happened two days ago.


I need a break!

I’m an adventure seeker. One who needs to go, do, and explore. Travel is my way to relax and unwind. So, how do I survive the crazy, mundane “stay

at home” life, when my favorite escape is off the table? The world won’t allow me to jump on a red-eye to Vegas. Even if I could, the casinos are closed. I can’t simply call a Marriott to run away to Florida or a nearby beach. Florida is literally shut down. I can’t even go to the mall. Zip. Zilch. From my point of view, there’s no option for a reprieve available.

Luckily, My husband is a problemsolving mastermind. He watched vlog after vlog and found an escape- Camping! What better way to socially distance ourselves than to connect back to nature?

Now, it’s hot outside and we’re southerners at heart. We keep our home a crisp, sixty-eight degrees. A tent wasn’t going to cut it! So, we hired a sitter, actually, Uncle Bubba came to visit, and away we drove to the local RV Mega Center.

“Let’s buy a camper,” my sweet husband said. “We’ll be weekend warriors,” he promised. Less than a week later our new Travel Trailer was loaded with the essentials, and we hit the road. It only took three days in the camper for us to realize RV life was the only way to bring our family closer together during the global crisis.

We started as weekend warriors, but our second trip turned into constant travel with no route to return home. Batten the hatches folks; I’m a traveling mama.

We visited local campgrounds across North Carolina and then headed south. Traveling in a “rig,” or RV, has its challenges. I learned how to do laundry without a full-sized washer and dryer. Our family collaborates daily to share the only bathroom in the rig. We faced flooding from rain (inside the camper,) strong winds, crazy drivers, and there was that one incident where the awning leg met the fence post…

However, our adventure has been unforgettable! My children went cave diving in central Florida. Who knew there were caves you could swim in, in Florida? I’ve heard of those adventures abroad, but stateside? Check out Devil’s

Den prehistoric spring in Williston, Florida. The experience is more magical than a week-long trip to visit everyone’s favorite mouse. A little less expensive, too.

Colten enjoyed catching frogs near our campsite and looking for raccoons in the evening. Katie searched for buried treasure and loved the sparkly lightning bugs. The other day, she remarked, “Wow mom! This is really beautiful; can I take some pictures?” I handed her my phone, and she chose to take photos of the sky and the forest. Her words ring true. It is a beautiful world!

Through our experiences, I’ve learned that sometimes the best hospitality can be found off the beaten path. Sometimes smaller parks away from large towns have the best amenities and even better views.

We recently stayed at a small camp in Marianna, Florida. The camp owner offered fresh eggs, access to her personal garden, free paddleboats, and the coolest dog park I’ve ever seen. The Hitchin Post RV and Coral was secluded. I’ll admit the road leading to the camp was more than a little sketchy. But, the experience was phenomenal! Our site had easy access to the Florida Caverns and the nearby Blue Spring Recreation Center. We’ll definitely be back when the caverns are open. This site averaged less than thirty dollars per night with full hook-ups. You can’t stay at a quality hotel for any price near that!

Our journey didn’t stop in Florida. Since May 29th, we’ve visited seven different states. At each campsite, we found new wildlife, new landscapes, and most importantly, new memories created as a family. When you’re living in a 278 square foot space, you have no choice but to become closer to the ones you love.

RV living brought joy to my heart and inspiration to my family. I hope that you’ll consider camping as a new way of travel. Whether you’re in a massive Class A motorhome or a tent, I encourage you to explore the road less traveled. You won’t be disappointed.

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