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Uganda + South Africa
from SONDER // Edition 3
Story & Photography by Drew Willson
These shots were taken within a two week trip. Short version is that a church hired me to get footage of their sister churches in these cities that they have helped support since the 2000s.
Long version is that I treated the gig like it was a full on documentary project, waking up at sunrise almost every day to film the city (if you have a chance to travel somewhere new you gotta make the most of it right?). While we were in Uganda, 90% of the time was spent in a car. I got to walk the streets for only 2 hours the whole time I was there.
I’m used to busy and chaotic roads from living in Bangkok but downtown Kampala was busy on another level. Traffic bumper to bumper and people acted like the traffic lights weren’t even there. I was much more at ease in the country and outskirts of the city.
My interactions and experiences with anyone not on our team were few because my role was to film everyone around me. All of the photos I took on this trip are the rare moments between filming.
Durban was a little slower paced and carries the most memories from the trip.
Towards the end we met a couple of kids that share an interest in photography. They took us on a tour of their favorite spots, a walk by the beach where I lost my favorite hat to the wind (it said IMAX across the front and I always joked that I wore it for Christopher Nolan). They took us to a region called Krantzkloof Nature Reserve which is a series of mountains and gorges.
We were super fortunate to meet them because they gave us a place to stay in an area of town that allowed us to get up early and get the coast for sunrise easily.