HOME ABOUT US PN DOÑANA NEWS PRICE US LINKS CONTACT We are the only ones that visit all the ecosystems of Doñana. ABOUT US We have been working in Doñana since 1985, guiding thousand of people all these years. More than thirty years experience. We have 14 proffesional native guides, great experts in the Park. Tour includes a route of about 70 km. The most extensive and complete route of the park. NEWS Oficcial visits inside the National Parki of Doñana are performed in special ATVs. With a driver-guide. It takes 4 hours and go to all the ecosystems in Doñana in five differents days. PRICE LIST Rates: 28 euros per person Reduced rates for educatinal Centres from October to April in school days: 20 euros per person . Departure schedule WINTER: From 15th October to 30th April. Morning: 8:15am Afternoon: 15:30pm SUMMER: From 2nd May to 30th September. Morning: 8:00am Afternoon: 16:00pm Days off: June to September: Mondays
LINKS Links of interest: - www.Doñ - - www.turismodedoñ - National Park of Doñana (Ministry of the Enviroment and Rural Marine Affairs). CONTACT This society has carried out visit to the National Park of Doñana and the only one that can take you deeper into the heart of Doñana and its five ecosystems (DUNES, BEACHES, BANK, MARSH and BUSHES.
Departure place: Mirador Doñana´s reception cetre. Bajo de Guía, 39 Reservations: Phone number: +34 956 80 16 32 Fax:+34 956 80 216 44 E-mail: societydoñ Oficial visit inside the National Park Of Doñana. Come and know Doñana´s heart. The visit guided inside National Park of Doñana are perfomed in special ATVs. With a driverguide. It takes 4 hours and go to all the ecosystems in Doñana in five diferents days.
Five days with five diferents routes in Doñana. DUNES ( Firts day)
1-Here we will visit the Dunes; this itinerary takes 3 hours by an ecological car. We will start at 8.15 am ande wue finish at 12.00, we only stop to have breakfast in a big hut. This meal are included by the price. The group will be accompanied with a guide. We will see the system of mobile dunes of Doñana. Unique in Spain, is one of the most beautiful landscapes. The dunes, extremely interesting both from an ecological cultural viewpoint, are formed by accumulations of sand whose of progress has a steeper than the port of displacement called tail. The progress of the dunes from the beach buries and destroys the vegetation that finds on its way, forming between two dunes the “corrales”,copses of stone pine and bushes.
BEACH (Second Route)
The second route consist in a morning in one of the nicest beaches in Europe. We will begin at 8.15 am and we will finish at 15.00 pm. The group will have breakfast and lunch in the beach. And there in no guide in this route Our clients will enjoy in the wonderful beaches that it has Doñanas´s Park. During the morning, they can swim in one of the beaches in Europe. It´s one of the wider virgin coasts of Europe, with about 35km between the town of Matalascañas and the mouth of the Guadalquivir river. The beaches of Doñana represent an intense dynamism and change their profile constantly due to the sea regressions through the centuries. Testimonies of this are the three watchtowers of the 16th century located along this coast, which at present give shelter to peregrine falcons. Southwestern winds cause the continuous transport of sands over the beaches of the National Park, moved afterwards to the inside forming the trains of mobile dunes. On the beach, shelter of thousands of coastal birds, the remains of marine species such as crustaceans and fish accumulate, and often it is possible to find cetaceans and marine turtles.
RIVER BANK (Third route) We visit the river bank. Here you can find one of the most wonderful views in Doñana. It will take four hours in the morning (8,15 to 12,15) and we can eat our pack-lunch at 11,00 am, a guide will accompany the group all the time.As a meeting point, in the border between the march and the stabilised sands or reserves, there is a strip of land that gets wider from south to north, due to the water filtrations of the dunes and the most permeable As a meeting point, in the border between the march and the stabilised sands or reserves, there is a strip of land that gets wider from south to north, due to the water filtrations of the dunes and the most permeable sands. As it hits the impermeable and clayey soil of the marsh, it emerges and maintains the humidity constant allowing the growth of wide pasturelands where a great amount of species of both ecosystems converge, converting this ecotone into a favourite place for great mammals: deer, fallow deer, cows, wild boars and marsh mares.
FOREST (Fourth route) We go to this route on Thursday and it´s take 3 hours, we only stop to eat something. The ecosystem of the forest and bushes of Doùana is made up of stabilised sands colonised by Mediterranean vegetation for the most part. Divided into two great associations due to the humidity and height of the land above the aquifer level, they have been defined as wet shrub in the lowest and wetter places where heathers, gorses, ferns, and lings prevail. Dry shrub, characterized by rosemary, rockrose, furze and water mint, is located in the highest parts of the terrain.
MARSH (Fifth) And this is the last visit. We go every Friday and it takes two hours. A guide will be during the ininerary (2 hours), to explain all the knowledge that we have about Marsh. It will start at 8,15 and it finishes at 11,00 am. We only stop to have breakfast (9.30 to 10.00). The marsh is the most seasonal and changing ecosystem in DoĂąana. In summer, it looks like an extensive shelf, dry, clayey and cracked, whereas in winter the rainwater turns the landscape into an endless lake, a winter shelter for innumerable anatidaes and other species. Its greatest splendour takes place in spring, when a green carpet of irises and sedges covers it, a brood area in this season for countless aquatic birds.The marsh ecosystem is characterized by the lack of relief. It is made up of the accumulation of sand and slime deposited by rivers and pipes and presents small slopes that control the duration of the flood, decisive for the vegetation and fauna of this place.