Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Journal

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Pastors 2 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

Greetings From The Pastors

We Love Our Bible Way Church Family! Dear Members and Friends, It is indeed an honor and a privilege to serve as pastors of the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road during this year of Diamond Jubilee. We give God all the glory for allowing this ministry to celebrate 60 exciting years of service! Pastor Willie Mae and I thank God for His grace daily, and we thank Him for each of you. One of the things that we are most humbled by throughout these 60 years of ministry is that our focus has remained on helping others become stronger in their spiritual development and the growth and expansion of community development. My father, Bishop A. C. Jackson, shared his vision for the church and this area with me decades ago, and God has exceeded his, and our, expectations beyond what we could have thought or imagined. We give honor to my mother, Jannie Ruth Jackson, who stands firm in her love of the Lord to this day, and to Mother Betty King, for her loyalty to this church body. These two beautiful vessels are the remaining of the original 13 Charter Members who stepped out on faith 60 years ago, and are now witnesses to His faithfulness and to the sacrifices that were made six decades ago! We are also grateful for every member, supporter and friend of Bible Way. It is because of you that together, we are able to serve mankind, advance God’s Kingdom, and behold His goodness, seeing for ourselves that our work in the vineyard is not in vain. As we celebrate this milestone in the church’s lifespan, let us not become complacent. There is much more work to do. This is a time when we have access to technologies that can reach people across the globe. We are putting all of our resources into Kingdom advancement. As long as there are lost souls who need to accept Jesus Christ, we will be working on plans to share the love of Jesus with them. With Diamond Jubilee blessings,

Pastors Darrell and Willie Mae Jackson | 3

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A Letter from the Jackson Siblings… Dear Bible Way, As we reflect on this 60th-year celebration, we would like to extend a very special thanks to the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road for allowing our parents to lead this ministry and to serve from 1963 to 1996. We’d also like to thank everyone for their prayers and support over the last 33 years. We are all still serving today because of our parents and the Bible Way Church Family. Our parents have taught us, and we are always reminded that “Soul Winning is our Number One Business.” As we have all grown older, we realize that each of us has taken on attributes of our parents. This has been an exceptional year of consecration, elevation, and celebration, and for us as a family, reflection. Again, Bible Way, thank you for helping us to realize our parents’ vision for this ministry and for continuing to embrace the vision of our pastor. As we celebrate on this august occasion, remember, “Soul Winning [Really] is our Number One Business”! Sincerely, The Jackson Five | 9

By Darrell “DJ” Jackson, Jr. and Antione Joseph Jackson In 1996, our dad came to us and said he wanted to take us to dinner and talk about something fundamental. At the ages of 12 and 14, we thought we were in big trouble or maybe we were about to receive a gift. God was planning a significant journey for our entire family. During that dinner, dad looked us in the eyes and told us that he would be stepping into our grandfather’s role as the pastor of our church. Remembering that day vividly, dad said, “Sons, God has not just called me, but He has called our whole family, and without your support and understanding, this will not be possible.” Growing up in the church all of our lives, being a part of the church was nothing new to us. Leaving the house Sunday morning and not returning until Sunday night was a routine. Bible Way was already a significant fixture in our lives, so we thought the only change would be seeing dad in the pulpit on Sundays instead of our grandfather, “PaPa.” Little did we know what God had in store for us or how it would change us forever. Over the years, we saw firsthand how Bible Way became a significant force in our community and in South Carolina, with our parents leading the way. As their work for the Lord grew, so did their popularity. It was increasingly difficult to go anywhere, especially with them, and not be noticed. Going to school or hanging out with friends became a constant reminder of who our parents were and their positions at Bible Way. This became emotionally hard because we also had to face the issues that most teens face and deal with peer pressure. We had to figure out where we stood in life. Being very public facing preachers’ kids offered

some interesting days in our house. Sometimes, it felt like our mother and father didn’t understand us, and we felt the same about them. As young teen boys going through life’s growing pains, it felt as if we were constantly treated differently because of who our parents were. This made us try our best to forge our own paths and get as far away from the church as possible. Fortunately, no matter how bad we thought things were, we could count on one thing - the consistency in our lives through the bond we have as a family. No matter what we felt, we knew we had a solid foundation full of great love and friendship. The love that we experienced was “one of a kind.” Twenty-seven years later, we are blessed to work alongside our parents in this ministry. It’s a journey we never thought we would be on. We have each taken different, unique paths to get here, but God has prepared us for the same goal through our experiences - to uplift and support our mother and father as they lead this great church. We want to thank you, Mom and Dad, for all you have done for us and the many people you serve daily. We know the journey with us has not always been easy, but we recognize that no matter what has happened or may happen in our lives, our family bond will always remain strong because of your prayers and teachings. We would also like to thank the Bible Way Church family for all of the support each of you has shown to us over the years. We know that as you have supported and uplifted our parents, you have done the same for us. We will forever be grateful and blessed for all of you and the countless amount of wisdom and grace you have shown us throughout these years. We love you all! | 11


Bishop Andrew Charles Jackson and Mother Jannie R. Jackson

Mother Sarah Akers

Mother Evelyn Davis

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Mother Alberta English

Deacon Frank English, Sr.

Mother Betty A. King

Deacon Ralph King, Sr.

Mother Mazelee Loyd

Elder William Loyd, Sr.

Mother Alberta Simmons

Mother Elizabeth Simmons

Mother Idella Thompson

Mother Josephine Anderson *

* Honorary Charter Member | 13

Darrell Jackson Chair

Marlon Walters Vice Chair

Rose Ann English Treasurer

Lovee Watts Secretary

Raul Bradley*

Harold Cuff *

Sallie Cuff

Elaine Funderburk

Myrel Hayward

James Jackson

Jannie R. Jackson

Randall “Mack” Jackson**

Willie Mae Jackson

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Betty King

Alvah Lawson*

William “Bill” Loyd, Jr.

Lloyd Lumpkin

Carlos Mays

Andrea McCoy

Cedrek McFadden

William T. Moore

Tonia Morris

Melvin Parker

Albert Simmons

Theonita Wiggins

Felicia Doe

Antione Jackson

Darrell Jackson, Jr.

Janice Young

Executive Staff

Executive Staff

** Assistant Pastor | * Associate Pastors

Executive Staff

Executive Staff | 15


Greetings from the Pastors We Love Our Bible Way Church Family!


A Letter from the Jackson Siblings…


A Journey We Never Thought Would Be, Yet Are Grateful For


Charter Members


Meet the Executive Board of Trustees


Historical Timeline of the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road


Bible Way Church of Atlas Road Consecrate. Elevate. Celebrate. 60 Years of Service!


Mother Jannie Ruth Jackson “Her Story”


The Evolution of the Midlands Community Development Corporation


The Jackson Siblings


Our New Youth Zone


The Expansion of Congaree Pointe

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78 | 17

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P.O. Box 192, Columbia, SC 29202 P 803-576-2060 | F 803-576-2137 | TDD 803-576-2045 |

Greetings From my heart to the Bible Way of Atlas Road Church Family! It is truly an honor to write on behalf of Richland County Council, expressing heartfelt congratulations on 60 years of celebrating and praising God in fellowship. For 60 years, Bible Way Church of Atlas Road has been instilling hope in the community, continuously growing from one level of God’s Glory to the next. Through the consistent teaching of God’s Holy Word, the community sees the fruits of your labor and how Bible Way continues to build on a solid foundation. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Having honorable leadership who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ has served to strengthen this foundation.

Letters County

As the current Richland County Councilwoman for Richland District 10, I applaud Bible Way Church of Atlas Road for the exemplary way you Glorify God, continuously setting examples of good stewardship. For your faithful continued worship services, providing the community with affordable housing, giving seniors a place to retire with peace of mind, and giving the community a solid venue to continue building on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. These are just a few examples of how this ministry has elevated the community throughout the past 60 years. I sincerely believe when we fellowship with each other, we create a community of likeminded, caring individuals who desire to advance positivity and uplift spiritual values and beliefs that benefit all mankind. Congratulations on 60 years and praying for continued blessings as you impact the surrounding communities of Richland County. Your Servant in Christ

Rev. Cheryl English Richland County Council District 10

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Letter Mayor Family

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Congratulations to Bible Way Church of Atlas Road on Your 60th Anniversary! The past three and a half years have been challenging for us all. Despite the adversities, Richland County continues to persevere and aims to provide residents and businesses with high quality services. For economic development projects, 2023 is shaping up to be the County’s best year in history! As a member of County Council, I will continue the important work of improving our economy, strengthening our schools, making our communities safer, and making sure taxpayers’ dollars are spent and managed wisely. If you have questions or concerns about county-related issues, you can reach me at or (803) 929-6000. Overture E. Walker Richland County Council, Chair

Congratulations Pastors Darrell & Willie Mae Jackson AND THE BIBLE WAY CHURCH OF ATLAS ROAD

Servant Leader,

Apostle Willie E. Rookard,

Chief Apostle and Presiding Bishop International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ, Inc.

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Historical Timeline of the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road | 31

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The Midlands Community Development Corporation (MCDC) was incorporated and received tax exempt 501c3 status in 1998. Its mission has always been to provide needed services to members of the community and their families. Affiliation with the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road, its parent organization, is not required to receive services at the MCDC. However, free and fee for service programs are offered at the MCDC. The 14-member MCDC Board of Directors is a diverse group of professionals. They are committed to assisting the MCDC in fulfilling its mission and purpose. They represent various sectors of the community (business, education, medical, faith, government, and local advocates).


Personal and Education Development Housing Heathcare Employment Economic Development

PROGRAMS AND SERVICES AT THE MCDC Adults of all ages, children, and organizations utilizing the C.R. Neal Dream Center will find a friendly and safe atmosphere of hope and opportunity • LIFE2 (Leveraging Innovation For Educator Excellence) • DAFRI (Dementia Alzheimer’s Family Resource Center) • Dream Keepers Seniors Program • Summer Camp

And more…!

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Andrena and I, along with the entire Kingdom Life Family, join in to celebrate and congratulate Pastors Darrell and Willie Mae Jackson and the entire Bible Way family on 60 years of exemplary leadership and sustained success in Kingdom advancement. The scripture says "Look to the rock from which you were hewn, And to the hole of the pit from which you were dug" Isaiah: 51:1. We are because You are...

Bishop James L. Rowson, Jr. & Lady Andrena Rowson | 35

Bible Way Church of Atlas Road

Consecrate. Elevate. Celebrate. 60 Years of Service! By Elder Sallie Cuff, Janice Cohen, and Nicole H. Holland

1963 - 1973

For the past 60 years, Bible Way Church of Atlas Road has stood as a beacon in southeast Columbia, shining its light with a global reach, fulfilling the great commission to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” The passion that fuels this great commission is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, which has driven this congregation from its inception.

her leadership as pastor of this small congregation in Arthurtown after God directed them to change their baptismal belief to the Name of Jesus and to have a church covering. Convinced that God’s divine purpose was the eventual rebirth of the ministry in Arthurtown, they worshipped with the Hampton Street congregation until October 1963, when God directed them to reignite the Arthurtown ministry in the “Little Red Church on Bluff Road.” They worshipped as part of the Hampton Street congregation until God provided them with another church home.

In 1959, “a small body of believers” led by Mother Elizabeth Simmons joined with Elder Chester A. Byrd and the congregation of the Bible Way Church of 912 Hampton Street in Columbia. Mother Simmons surrendered It is often said that for every vision 36 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

In 1965, God called Mother the principal of Atlas Road Simmons to rest, but with Elementary School, Mr. C. Minister A. C. at the helm, R. Neal, to provide the use the group was destined for of the school auditorium greatness! In 1966, a fire for church services on the destroyed their beloved weekends (and in the home God gives, He also makes provision. That was building, and the church was of Mr. Willie Simmons on certainly the case in 1963 when Mother Simmons again homeless. For a while, weeknights). And, although and twelve other believers found their new home the congregation met in the they had his consent, the in a Little Red Church on Bluff Road. They rented this building for five dollars per month. They became known as the Bible Way Church of Arthurtown, with Elder Willie Span as their pastor. Mother Simmons continued to preach the Word of God even though the Bible Way organization did not recognize women as ministers during this time. For several years, Mother Simmons ministered salvation to her niece, Jannie Lumpkin-Jackson, and her husband, Andrew Charles “A. C.” Jackson. And, the anointing upon this young man’s life was undeniable! In late 1963, after much fasting, praying, and travailing, Deacon A.C. Jackson accepted his call to the ministry. In November 1963, he was installed as the first official pastor of the Bible Way Church of Arthurtown. Their church home had a pot-bellied stove and plastic on the windows and was far from weatherproof, but the joy of the Lord warmed the hearts of those 13 charter members and their families (20 children), and souls were added to the congregation each year.

home of Mother Simmons church membership knew and her husband, Willie that this was a temporary Simmons, but this was hardly measure, so they put their suitable with how the church faith to the immediate test of was growing. securing land directly across the street from the school One of the Charter upon which to build their Members and sister-in-law new church home. They of Pastor A. C. Jackson, continued in good works, Sister Mazelee Loyd, was encouraging one another also president of the PTA and standing firm on God’s at Atlas Road Elementary promises as Pastor A. C. School. Sister Loyd asked Jackson and Deacon William | 37

Loyd walked the grounds of Atlas Road (the very same property on which the church now stands), believing that God would give them the land they were bold enough to walk. This group of people had a mind to work. In just 21 months, against all odds and with the dedication of members like Deacon Frank and Sister Alberta English, who mortgaged their home to finance the church, these faith walkers bought property on Atlas Road in April 1967. They marched across Atlas Road into their newly constructed church just six months later, on October 8, 1967. The services there were powerfully anointed, awe-inspiring, and filled with soul-stirring hymns, contemporary and traditional gospel music, testimonies, prayer meetings, and life-changing messages from God during every service. In March 1965, God had transitioned Mother Simmons to her heavenly home, and with their anointed, faith-filled Minister A. C. as Shepherd-leader, the congregation was destined for greatness! The Bible Way Nursery, established in 1968 by Jannie Jackson in their home on Dell Drive, was later renamed the Bible Way Child Development Center in 1969. Bible Way’s passion for youth was demonstrated with the construction of a Youth Center just three years later, in 1971. This building remains standing today and is now known as the Fellowship Hall.

As a result of their constant outreach and spreading of the gospel, the church grew at an unbelievable rate, and after 14 years in the Atlas Road Church, the seating capacity of 350 was woefully inadequate. Again, through Elder A.C. Jackson’s leadership and the membership’s dedication, the congregation more than tripled its seating capacity with yet another new edifice in 1981, a sanctuary with more than 1,000 seats. For the next 20 years, sound Biblical teaching, fiery worship, frequent fellowship, and exponential growth (which included the successful building of two new churches) led the congregation to prominence in the Bible Way national organization.


In 1974, Pastor A. C. Jackson was consecrated as Bishop by the Bible Way National Organization. Bishop Jackson and the saints at Atlas Road served faithfully, supporting churches throughout South Carolina as part of the national organization. Bishop Jackson was always a man of vision, with the ability to recognize talent in the church’s youth. After 33 years of pastoring, he realized it was time to relinquish his tenure as pastor and appoint his successor for the next generation. 38 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal


In 1996, Bishop A. C. Jackson ordained his eldest son, Darrell Jackson, Sr., as pastor of the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road. In his fourth year as pastor, realizing that God had exceeded every promise made to the congregants thus far and that the congregation was growing at an average rate of just over 900 new members per year, Pastor Darrell Jackson led the membership into taking another bold and expansive step.


message through evangelism was the nucleus of this ministry, Pastor Jackson urged the congregants to “go beyond the walls of the church,” affirming Bible Way’s commitment to the Great Commission. In addition to church ministries such as the Prison Ministry that provides services to the incarcerated throughout South Carolina, the Foreign Missions Ministry that routinely provides support to foreign countries, the Bible Way Social Action Foundation (BSAF) was established to help members of the church and community in need through service and outreach. Bible Way has implemented and sustained many outreach efforts to meet the needs of the community and humanity through various community-wide projects such as: •

Funding and support to a school in Africa during the 70s and 80s (The West Africa School in Liberia was dedicated and named in honor of Bishop A. C. Jackson in 1982);

Mission work to Africa in the 80s and 90s;

Relief efforts for South Carolinians impacted by Hurricane Hugo in 1989

Relief efforts for those affected by Hurricane Katrina in 2004;

And, so it was that in 2001, the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road completed the construction of its fourth and • Housing for the Bantu Tribe current home, from humble beginnings to shared space • Support to local non-profits through to a state-of-the-art Worship Center with a seating volunteerism during “the Year of Renewed capacity of over 2,500. Despite the physical changes Commitment” in 2008. of the church edifice, one thing remained the same: the purpose upon which the church was founded, “Soul In 2008, during “the Year of Renewed Commitment,” Pastor Jackson announced to the church leadership Winning as the number one business”! that God was leading him to define the mission of Bible Way’s ministry clearly. Later that year, the church unveiled its mission statement: To Know God . . . Spiritually, Personally, and Collectively; To Love . . . God, Others, and Ourselves, To Serve . . .God, Humanity, and the Community


The importance of faith and worship to this congregation is inseparable from its commitment to outreach. Bible Way was founded upon five basic tenets: Discipleship, Fellowship, Worship, Service, and Outreach. Believing that the ability to communicate Christ’s

Bible Way Church of Atlas Road has been a pillar in Southeast Columbia and, more specifically, on Atlas Road throughout its existence. This stretch of land, once known as Lover’s Lane, is now the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road campus. The southeast part of Columbia or Lower Richland went from becoming an overlooked part of the city to becoming an area from which measurable impact could be felt by the city, county, and state of South Carolina, particularly the area revitalized by Bible Way. (Continued on page 126) | 39

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Columbia, SC 1225 Lady Street, Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803) 799-1100 Fax: (803) 799-9060 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM Washington, DC 274 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-3315 Fax: (202) 225-2313 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM

Kingstree, SC 130 W. Main Street Kingstree, SC 29556 Phone: (843) 355-1211 Fax: (843) 355-1232 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM Santee, SC 176 Municipal Way Santee, SC 29142 Phone: (803) 854-4700 Fax: (803) 854-4900 Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM

Sumter, SC 129 South Harvin Street Sumter, SC 29150 Phone: (803) 883-5020 Hours: 2nd and 4th Mondays 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM | 41




Women’ s Ministries Promotions

Redeeming The Time Prayer Line

“Joy Comes In The Morning” Widows Support Group

Survivors Ministry

Mother Board

20/30 Club

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Women’s Day Women’s Ministry Women’s Bible Study Associate Pastor Willie Mae Jackson Women’s Ministry President | 43


Mother Jannie Ruth Jackson never desired to be a pastor’s wife, but said that God decided to place her in that role. After a while, she got used to it; and, she came to enjoy it. However, she did not want to be called Mother since she was so young. She was in her early 30’s at the time. She remembers fondly, that some called her “Little Mother Jackson,” chuckling as she reflects on that memory.


other Jackson - The Early Years that “God was in that Little Red Church just as He is in Mother Jackson spoke about the the Worship Center right now” remarking that there is no early church, when they would comparison to the size or the look of the two buildings. have what were referred to as She continued, saying “We enjoyed God there with our “Street Meetings,” regular church pot-bellied stove. The floors had holes and we didn’t have services on the street corners. Since glass windows. There was a wooden door at the window; these services occurred in however, that didn’t stop God the community they lived from coming in…HE was really “God was in that Little Red Church in, a few of their friends among us!” She said it was just as He is in the Worship Center laughed about it, telling only 13 of them, but it felt like right now” remarking that there is no her that they wouldn’t last 113. Although the capacity comparison to the size or the look of that long. Mother Jackson of the building would not stated proudly, “We are still have been able to hold that the two buildings. standing...thank God!” many people. In addition, she recalled a little baptismal As Mother Jackson pool in the building, saying, “God blessed in a tremendous continued to reflect on earlier times of the church, way! We had revival after revival in that little church and she noted that the church started out on Bluff Road in some of the same people who laughed and said we would what was called the “Little Red Church.” She declared not stand are now members of the church.” 44 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal | 45

“I think it’s very important for the husband and/or wife to support each other when possible. Whether it’s a male or female pastor I think that means a whole lot. It’s so important to do things together.”

Mother Jackson added, “the ‘Little Red Church’ burned and we worked so hard to build another church that within less than a year we were able to march across the street from the Dream Center [formerly Atlas Road Elementary] to the Memorial Chapel as we sang ‘We Had a Hard Time, But We Done Got Over!’” Shortly after moving into the Memorial Chapel Mother Jackson solicited families within the Atlas Road community to register their children in daycare. She recalls recruiting about six or seven children to start the daycare, stating that the fee was around $5 or $6 per week. By the time she retired from her position with the nursery, they had enrolled over 100 children! Mother Jackson grew up in an AME church. Her mother was very adamant that all her children attend Sunday School, attend church, sing on the choir, and do whatever they

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could in the church. She was very strict about that. They had no choice but to go to church. Says Mother Jackson, “I feel like that played a very big part in my life.” Her family grew up in the AME movement until she grew older, became saved and accepted Christ in her life. Mother Jackson declared, “I was in the church but didn’t have the church in me. It wasn’t until I accepted Christ in my life at the age of 24, that I really began to know who God was!” Mother Jackson declared, “Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was crucified, buried, and then He rose from the grave…all those things I learned after I got the church in me!” Thoughts on Her Life’s Path Mother Jackson declared that she had no other desire to do something different in life than what she has done, saying, “I went to school to become a teacher, I attended Allen University, but I didn’t complete it…

my desire then was to become a teacher. Not realizing that the Lord would make room for gifts affording me the opportunity to teach in various arenas in church, i.e., Sunday school, missionary meetings, etc. I taught many times in those areas, so whether I was in the school or in the church I was allowed to teach. I enjoyed teaching the younger people and there were many older people who would say how the word meant to them. I believe while the teaching wasn’t in a school classroom, it was in a classroom in the church.” She added, “Without a doubt, I never would have gone to most places had it not been for the church. One of our first trips out of the country…we were in the Bible Way movement and Bishop Williams said in a meeting that they were going to Jerusalem and wanted to take as many members as possible. When Bishop came home and told me, I had no idea how we would make that trip, but Bishop was positive and said, “We are going to make it!” adding, “Mother Josephine Anderson was the president of the Pastor’s Aid at that time, and she worked tirelessly with the committee. We made the trip to Jerusalem. We’ve been to Africa several times, South America, and various other places and I thank God for allowing us to go there. If I had not been in church at that time, I would not have been able to go to those places.”

Mother Jackson Reflects on Her Siblings Mother Jackson shared that she had ten siblings. Her sister, Mother Mazelee Lloyd was saved as a young girl and that had a great impact on her. Her father’s sister was a pastor of a small Pentecostal church, and she had a great impact on them. The rest of her siblings were not in the Pentecostal organizations but grew up in church and knew what church was about. Mother Jackson shared, “One of my brothers, I recall so vividly, wasn’t saved and not doing the things he was supposed to do, and we talked to him about Christ. He said “Jannie, Doji, I would do anything for either one of you if I could.” This was my younger brother, Paul, and that stayed with me. So, being in the church had an impact on his life and him saying those words impacted me.

Thoughts on Being Called to the Ministry “I feel like God calls the husband, that God calls the wife also, and there were many times I didn’t feel like going… during our younger days we traveled a lot. Bishop was Diocesan Bishop over Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina; so, he had three diocese which included two meetings per year for each diocese.” She went on to say, “Whenever my husband went, even though the children were small, there was never a time that he had to go that I couldn’t go with him. Thankfully I had a good family that supported us when the children couldn’t go. I think it’s very important for the husband and/or wife to support each other when possible. Whether it’s a male or female pastor I think that means a whole lot. It’s so important to do things together.” | 47

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Happy 60th Diamond Jubilee Anniversary Bible Way Church of Atlas Road From: New Hope Transport Services, LLC

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50 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

Congratulations to Bible Way Church of Atlas Road on Your 60th Anniversary! ~Heyward Bannister, CEO

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” ~ James Baldwin

Heyward Bannister P.O. Box 3427 • Columbia, SC 29230 Phone: 803.348.4571 • Email: • | 51

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The Evolution of the Midlands Community Development Corporation EMPOWERING COMMUNITIES, CHANGING LIVES By Janice Cohen The Bible Way Church of Atlas Road has always been committed to serving both its congregation and the surrounding community. Founding Pastor, Bishop A. C. Jackson and the church leadership recognized the economic challenges faced by many. In addition to providing spiritual guidance and transformation, the ministry understood the importance of addressing basic needs such as food, rent, utilities, and other essentials to support families. The church has long been known as a place where people could go for assistance. They realized early on that to change the heart of man, their basic needs must be met. Corporation (MCDC) to emphasize that its services are available not only to church members but also to nonchurch members. Five Core Areas of Focus Throughout the years of providing services, five core areas of support were identified to uplift the community: economic development, education, Establishing a Non-Profit To further extend their outreach efforts, the church employment, healthcare and housing. Many programs established the Bible Way Social Action Foundation, and partnerships have been formed to provide services an ongoing ministry dedicated to supporting those in these core areas. in need. Additionally, the ministry took a giant step The C. R. Neal Dream Center further by creating a non-profit organization to provide The MCDC entered into a 50-year lease with Richland expanded services to the local community. In 1998, this County School District One to occupy the former Atlas organization was formed under the name Bible Way Road Elementary School building. The building, which Community Development Corporation and obtained had remained vacant for several years, is situated its tax-exempt 501c(3) status. Subsequently, under the across from the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road. leadership of Pastor Darrell Jackson, the organization After the completion of cleaning and refurbishment, changed its name to Midlands Community Development a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in 2005, and the 54 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

Corporation is thriving and evolving, continuing to address programs and services that focus on the core areas of need. It is comprised of a 13-member Board of Directors who help steer the direction of the agency. It has full-time and part-time staff and volunteers who all support the mission of the organization. The C. R. Neal Dream Center operates six days a week, on average. The Midlands Community Development Corporation has been instrumental in economic development, employment and housing through the mixed development of the Atlas Road corridor with communities such as Congaree Pointe, Villages at Congaree Pointe and Haven at Congaree Pointe. Richland School District One is now an integral part of the C. R. Neal Dream Center and runs the ThriveRichland Play Groups program. The play groups aim to prepare children for kindergarten by promoting early literacy and language development.

facility was renamed the C. R. Neal Dream Center in honor of Rev. C. R. Neal, who had served as the principal of Atlas Road Elementary. The C. R. Neal Dream Center has since become home to various programs and initiatives, including: Dream Catchers After School Program, GED Preparation Program, Technology Classes in the Computer Lab, Dream Catchers Child Learning Center, Summer Institute, Summer Camps, a Bookstore, the Dream Center Cafeteria, and more.

The Midlands Community Development Corporation has been awarded grants that help provide premier services. The Dream Keepers program for seniors is instrumental in offering services, support and fellowship to seniors. This includes weekly gatherings at the Senior Programs and Services Center, trips, exercise, donations of fresh food and Over time, the Midlands Community Development vegetables, and more. Corporation offered programs such as the About Face The MCDC serves as the stands for Leveraging program, an after-school program that provided youth fiscal agent of a federally Innovation for Educator with tutorial assistance, life skills, and job readiness funded $21 million TSL Excellence. This grant skills; gun and gang violence prevention classes; spaces LIFE2 grant. This three- focuses on enhancing the for community meetings, business rentals, office spaces, year grant was awarded quality of education in two and event spaces. by the U.S. Department of rural South Carolina school Today, the Midlands Community Development Education in 2021. LIFE2 districts, Calhoun County | 55

and Orangeburg County, by improving educator effectiveness, raising student achievement, and promoting equity in learning. Voorhees University president, Dr. Ronnie Hopkins, and its Center of Excellence for Educator Preparation and Innovation, were instrumental in securing the grant. The LIFE2 grant aims to recruit certified teachers to work in Calhoun and Orangeburg County School Districts. To attract a diverse pool of teachers, the grant offers various incentives such as signing bonuses, incentive bonuses, credentialing and micro-credentialing, and community engagement. Further, the Midlands Community Development Corporation (MCDC) awarded up to $90,000 each to the Call Me MiSTER program at South Carolina State University and Morris College. The Midlands Community Development Corporation (MCDC) is committed to enhancing the quality of life for residents in the Lower Richland community. Through its various programs and initiatives, MCDC is fulfilling its mission: empowering communities, changing lives.

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Happy Church Anniversary



Congratulations on your 60th Church Anniversary. It is a great achievement to faithfully worship God for so many years. Continue your tireless efforts to spread God's love. With Love, Pastor Reginald W. Sharpe Jr. and the entire Fellowship Chicago Family

Reginald W. Sharpe Jr. Reginald W. Sharpe Jr. Senior Pastor Senior Pastor 4543 S. Princeton Ave. Chicago, IL 60609 (773) 924-3232 60 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

“ ... How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.” -Genesis 28:17 (NIV)

Not Pictured: Alana Belton, Renette Davis, Cathy Donald, Ethel Sinkler, Nailah Wilson-Sweat

For more information, please contact Shandra Childs at | 61

THE JACKSON SIBLINGS Darrell • Theonita • Roderick • Andrena • Randall By Senior Elder Jennifer Abney

62 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

Bible Way Church of Atlas Road stands today, under God’s grace, as a thriving ministry on a sprawling church campus, offering spiritual and community services to thousands of people. In its 60 years of ministry, the church has had two pastors, Bishop Andrew C. Jackson, the founding pastor, who led the ministry from 1963-1996, and his eldest son, Darrell, who continues to serve as the senior pastor since Bishop Jackson’s retirement. As we reflect on 60 years of ministry, we had a rare opportunity to meet with the Jackson siblings, Pastor Darrell, Theonita “Thea”, Dec. Roderick “Rod,” Andrena “Drena” and Assistant Pastor Randall “Mack,” and hear firsthand, their memories about growing up as preacher’s kids (PKs). The interview began when Pastor Darrell Jackson, who was asked to start the conversation, decided to shift the order, asking the youngest sibling, Pastor Mack to start the interview by sharing his thoughts on growing up: Mack: It was interesting and fun for me. I was able to learn from all of them; basically, what they did, I didn’t do! It was not challenging at all; it was a loving family. We always had breakfast and dinner together. I have no memory like they do of the older churches, like the “Little Red Church.” My memories are of the Main Sanctuary and the Memorial Chapel. So, it was fun for me. Darrell said I was saved all my life. Andrena chimed in, saying “Let the truth be told.” Andrena: As Mack said, it was fun; especially growing up with my four siblings. We did a lot, we laughed and played with each other, we went to school with each other. However, at times, we got mad at each other and disagreed with each other. So, I really enjoyed growing up in the Jackson household; especially with my parents. I always thought they were very fair. They never had a favorite child, never favored one child over the other. They always treating each of us equally. Now, as far as the church, Mack said he didn’t remember, but we went to church all the time. Mack: I remember going to church, I just don’t remember the “Little Red Church.” Andrena: Monday was the only night off. Tuesday was Bible study, Wednesday was choir rehearsal, Thursday was Missionary Meeting, and Friday was Pastoral instructions. Sunday morning included Sunday School, Worship Service, Young People Service and then Sunday night service. Mack: Or, somebody else’s anniversary service. Andrena: Mack said he was saved all his life, I wasn’t! Darrell: She [Andrena] was just in church all her life! Andrena: I was the one that Darrell would come home and tell my dad that I used profanity. So, I was the kind of child that kind of tested the waters; but, I absolutely loved growing up in the Jackson family.

Jennifer: I believe what’s important about the transparency of Andrena’s version is, sometimes we tend to make salvation difficult when it comes to the life of a leader’s child and we may forget that while saved, we are still human. Therefore, I love the transparency which has probably made you such a powerful first lady [of Kingdom Life Ministries] because you can relate to a lot of things. Therefore, it is imperative that the body of Christ remember this as we engage with the next generation. Rod: A lot of folks don’t know that as a kid growing up, it was fun for me with my cousins, and everybody that was involved in the church; so, it was like one big family. We had opportunities to do things together. We went on trips that most kids in the neighborhood were not able to go on; from the church conventions and workers meetings, bus rides to | 63

Amen to everything they said. I agree that dad and mom never showed any favoritism, and we had a lot of love and we still do. There are five of us, we had cousins and a big extended family, we were and are still very, very close; our parents really pushed and insisted the importance of family and now, years later, we still get together every Friday night and see each other and on Mondays over at Thea’s house and it really makes a difference.

visiting other churches and meeting other people, growing up was fun! It seems like there was always someone in our house visiting with us. So, when we had revivals, we didn’t put preachers up in the hotels, they stayed in the Jackson home; imagine a two-week revival… we had a preacher here snoring and speaking in tongues while we trying to sleep! Darrell had to go across the street and stay with granddad. Darrell: Some of us had to give up something. Rod: When I got a little older I had a period where I felt like I was tired of church, which was a mistake; but overall, as a child coming up for me, it was very good times. I always had something to do at the church. A lot of things were restricted from us, like going to the movies, even going swimming once you got to a certain age. I mean, we didn’t lose anything because we always had a group of young people at the church, we were always involved in doing something, having nice, clean fun. Theonita: To echo what everyone else has said, growing up in the

Jackson household was great! All of us had our chores, the girls never had to mop the floors, never! Mack: Didn’t we have days to do dishes? Darrell: Mondays, I had to wash the dishes and I hated it because we had leftovers from Sunday…pots! Theonita: You grow to appreciate it as you get older. I didn’t appreciate it then. I didn’t appreciate that I couldn’t play on the basketball team, because I couldn’t wear pants, although I made the team! Now, I appreciate the foundation that we received. Darrell: I didn’t know you made the team. Andrena: We couldn’t go to the prom. Rod: We couldn’t participate on the track team. Theonita: I believe it made us who we are now spiritually. Darrell: Well, I’m glad they went first.

64 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

I would say this about dad and mom, they really put us first even though we didn’t have a whole lot. A tremendous sacrifice they made is a story often told from the pulpit about Gene’s Pig & Chick; a restaurant…a hamburger place in Five Points, right where Chick-fil-A currently sits on Harden Street; whenever we went there, it was like a holiday…special times. Every now and then they would put us in the car on a Saturday and take us to get hamburgers and other food. One time, we were all in the car and they ordered us hamburgers, but we also wanted milkshakes, so our parents counted their pennies and canceled their orders for themselves realizing it would be very tough for them to get food and get us milkshakes.

It was little things like that which made a major impact regarding the tremendous sacrifices they made. They supported us through our ups and downs and through our mistakes into our rebellious stage; all of us went through that…. maybe Mack didn’t. (all laughed) I went through the stage where I wanted my whole room painted black. I wanted a black light with beads at my door and a Malcolm X poster; and I didn’t want to know anything about white Jesus, but they just put up with my rebellion because they knew that eventually, I would outgrow it. My parents were so supportive. My sisters and brothers have always been there for me as we have for each other and it all started in the home.

When we got there, the lady there said, “This is your son?” She went in the house and came back and gave me some gum…I just remember that real clearly. She said, “Merry Christmas to you.” The lady was so nice. Now, I recognized the sacrifice on Christmas Eve that dad had to make. He had to put on his overalls, and leave his family while pastoring

Andrena: At the time, we felt like we missed a lot. I wondered why I had to go to church all the time. Why I had to wear dresses all the time; but when I look back now, and I think of all the classmates that are deceased because of the lifestyles they lived, because of the lack of discipline that they received at home, and I thank God for those times that my parents insisted that we be in church. Mack: And, as Rod said earlier, because of their sacrifices; we were able to do things that other kids didn’t do. We took trips that other kids didn’t get to go on.

Andrena: I remember dad working at Tuller Oil Company with very long hours. After he got off work, sometimes, he will come in the backyard with us and play a basketball game called Horse and that’s after he had worked 12 hours a day. Darrell: A distinct memory about dad working at Tuller Oil Company happened one Christmas Eve. Whenever he was on duty, he would have to bring the oil trunk home. His boss called him on Christmas Eve and said to him that one of his VIP customers that lived in the Five Points area in a big house on Saluda Avenue needed oil that night. I remember mom saying, “A. C. does he not know it’s Christmas Eve?” Dad said, “Jannie, I’ve got to go; Mr. Tuller has been good to us.” I asked if I could go and dad said yes.

but I had to give it up because we would get home too late because of church. I was so devastated that I could not play. Coach Chandler, who later became a mentor said, “Son, God may have bigger plans for you.” Dad and mom never let us miss anything.

Theonita: Conventions were our vacations. Rod: That was the great part. at the same time to go and do that. These are the things that most people don’t know about – the kind of sacrifices dad made.

Darrell: It wasn’t until we started talking to the guys in the neighborhood that we realized many of them had never been anywhere; and we had gone on all these wonderful trips. Dad and mom did vacation trips, we never felt like they didn’t spend enough time with us.

Jennifer: There was a SACRIFICE TO SAYING YES! The yes helps someone else, but it means that we have to give up something to Theonita: There were so many make it all work out. Darrell: It was a sacrifice for all of us…Thea talked about basketball; as a matter of fact, I went to Hopkins in seventh grade, made the B Squad football team in the seventh grade,

relationships established because of their commitment to going to church. We stayed in Prince Frederick, Maryland a whole summer. We stayed with Bishop and Mother Harrison (Andrena and | 65

I) for a few weeks; a lot of great relationships were made because of the commitment that they had in fellowshipping with other churches. Rod: Their kids came down for the summer…that song Regina [Skeeters] sings, “The Doors Are Open” Oh, the doors were open years ago! Darrell: When the saints were bringing food over for guests; they would always make sure that they brought enough for all the kids. Mother Jackson would not let her guests eat better food than what would be given to her children.

Jennifer: I must say something on a personal note that is just so amazing, yet great for good parenting. Some of those simple things I think many parents missed that we want to pour back into the younger generation because I’ve seen parents eat certain things and give the kids something else. Our theme this year is, Consecrate, Elevate, and Celebrate. We’ve talked about the consecration part of it and the sacrifice of saying yes, whether it was with your parents or individually. So, when I thought about elevate, the phrase God gave me was if you could encourage other Preacher’s Kids (PK’s) what would you say…if it was a word of encouragement that you would provide to other pastor’s children because they need that. Mack: Well, I’ll start with this one, we were young when dad started pastoring, so we didn’t have leadership positions. It was our cousins Sal [Cuff] and the other older ones that were in leadership positions, but God allowed us to serve. I remember a favorite saying of dad that “You don’t have to knock down any doors, but walk through every one that God opens, and God

opened the doors.” I think it was because of the sacrifices that dad made and because of our faithfulness too since we didn’t want to promote ourselves; we were in the background. None of us came out directing choirs, none of us came out playing an instrument; but God allowed us all to be in leadership positions now. Rod: I would tell them, don’t be afraid to use the gift that God has given you. Theonita: Continue to walk and be humble. Andrena: If I could say anything to them, I would say be yourself; be true to who you are. So many times, as a PK, people expect you to be perfect; I think they expect more out of you than they would out of their own children sometimes as your downfalls and shor tcomings are magnified. Darrell: Mack said something that really got my attention, I once mentioned to DJ and Antione that during my whole youth spent at Bible Way, I was never a leader over anything. It was shocking to me to think back and realize that. I was never Young People’s president, we didn’t have a Young Adult Ministry back then. I remember dad came to me and said, “I see exceptional leadership in you.” He said, “Frank [English III] is president of the Young People, and I want you to be his biggest supporter” adding, “because people will assume that because you’re my son, this is where I must put you,” but dad never put

66 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

me in that position. I was never over the Diocese, or the Young People’s department You must, as Andrena says, be comfortable where you are. I think the one thing I would tell any PK is, be a part of the group first, before you think you must stand out above the group, because that’s so important. A long time ago, someone said to me, “The greatest leaders lead from a crowd, you don’t always have to lead from above.” That humbled and taught me to just wait on whatever God has for me. So, when it was time for Bishop to name me as assistant pastor, I said, “Dad, you never push me up front like this;” and he said, “Son, now is the time for you.” I was concerned

and said what about all the other people, Roy Belton was there, Frank English was there, and my dad said, “They may be your biggest supporter because you supported them.” And, when it happened, it was just as he said. Nobody supported me like Roy and Frank and so I would say, particularly to pastors who feel like you must put your kids out front, let it happen organically; so, when it does happen, they will come with your credentials. You came from among us…you weren’t put over us; that’s what I tried to stress, even with my two sons and nephews and others, I says, you come to church

as much as anybody else. You work as hard as anybody else. I know that there’s some pastors who don’t care about that. They feel, “This is my son. I’m, anointing him right now as leader, when this is done, ” You’re really are setting that child up for failure…you really are. Andrena: Another thing I would say to PKs is, don’t put yourself above anybody. You are no better because your parent is the pastor. You are no better than the usher’s child, the janitor’s child and anybody else’s child. It doesn’t make you better, as a matter of fact, pastors are called to serve not to be above, the true meaning is to serve with them. Theonita: None of us felt a sense of entitlement because it goes back to how we were raised; all of us worked in the church, all of us did different things in the church, so there was no entitlement…just working as anyone any other child would. Rod: Someone asked, “Why do you work like you do in the church? Because that’s what I love, I learned from my parents!

kids will go to the cemetery and sit and talk with PaPa, or come and talk to mom.

“Who are your friends outside of your family?” I guess I really don’t have any and that’s not an apology.

Darrell: Andrena talked about visits to the cemetery. Antione went by the cemetery and took a picture of two of his kids standing by my dad’s gravesite and I got to see it; it confirms what Drena said, nobody told him to do that; I shared the photo with mom and she was really touched. I think that’s the part dad would be most proud of; they really love him. As for mom, the wonderful scripture in Proverbs 31, my favorite part is that her children call her blessed!

Mack: When we are in a situation, I can call them if I can’t call anybody else, and they’re going to try their best to do whatever they can to help. We’re all like that and we would make sacrifices for each other. The Jackson sibling and their spouses are all in leadership at the church, fulfilling their parents’ legacy. Many know the words, Bishop loved to say because he trusted God: I told you so!

Theonita: Dad would sit down often and tell us, “I don’t care how much any one of you accomplish, what your achievements are, I don’t care if you have won the White House, my prayer is that all of you are always comfortable around each other.” I can truly say that we are comfortable. Andrena: And we celebrate each other. I have friends of mine that really can’t believe me when I tell them that I work with my four brothers and sisters.

Jennifer So, the next question was about the impact that Bishop Darrell: As a matter of fact, Jennifer, and Mother made on your lives Lukey [Associate Pastor Willie Mae as parents, but we won’t revisit Jackson] would ask me all the time, that because you already spoke profoundly regarding that. Andrena: Can I say something about that? Not only have our parents impacted our lives, but our children’s lives as well. For our kids, anytime you talk about grandma and PaPa, you would be amazed to learn how they reverence them, how they love and respect them so much. I think if any of our children are having a bad day and need to get something out, they may go to the cemetery where Bishop is buried. When Katura comes home, she’ll go to the cemetery, Roy and any of our | 67

Bible Way Church of Aiken 120 Redds Branch Road, Aiken, SC 29801 (803) 642-5090

Congratulations Bible Way Church of Atlas Road on your 60th Anniversary 2023 Church Theme Psalm 92:10 But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

Order of Services Sunday School Morning Worship Wednesday Night Bible Study In-Person and Virtual

1 0 :0 0 a m 1 1 :0 0 a m 7: 0 0 pm

Bishop Alexander Dwight, Pastor Lynetta Dwight, First Lady Mailing Address: Post Office Box 91052, Columbia, SC 29290 (803) 960-3021 E-Mail: Follow us on Facebook at Bible Way Church of Aiken 68 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal | 69

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72 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

Gwen Taylor || 73 73

OUR NEW YOUTH ZONE A Dedicated Space for All Children and Youth! By Nicole H. Holland On January 29, 2023, a celebratory groundbreaking was held for Bible Way’s new Children and Youth Zone. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to offer safe and fun experiences for youth of all ages. The new zone will use technology throughout the building to help provide engaging worship, interactive Biblical teaching, and much more. This is a 12,000 square feet building designed by local architects and located on campus next to the Worship Center. This facility provides a place specifically created for children and youth. In addition to the high-tech, interactive spaces, it also includes a youth café. It offers a place for youth to meet, learn, and to play as they grow in their Christian faith! Programs offered within this space will include afterschool programming, tutoring, financial literacy, and sports and activities that focus on healthy lifestyles. All programming will be geared toward school-age children and youth and include a holistic educational enrichment approach. Many children need more assistance than they currently receive during school hours. According to the Afterschool Alliance, “School-age children and youth spend 80 percent of their waking hours outside of school. While 1 in 5 young people in the U.S. are alone after the school day ends.” High-quality afterschool programs promote positive youth development and offer a safe space where youth can explore their potential. Facilities such as the Youth Zone offer an attractive and engaging location for these much-needed programs. Effective afterschool programs provide learning settings that bring a wide range of benefits to youth, families, and our communities. With the support of dedicated staff members and trained volunteers, Bible Way is preparing to open its doors to this new Youth Zone in 2024 to offer enhanced programming specifically designed to support social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide children and youth with a safe and supportive environment. 74 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

The facility includes: Breakout Spaces for K-5th Grade Children Children’s Game Room High-Tech Interactive Auditorium for K5-5th Grade Children High-Tech Interactive Auditorium for 6th-12th Grade Youth Indoor Play Area Interactive Check-in/Self Check-in Interactive Technology Classroom for K5 – 2nd Grade Children Classroom for 6th-12th Grade Youth Lobby and Reception Outdoor Play Area Patio/Outdoor Patio Teen Break Out Rooms Youth Cafe Youth Gaming Lounge | 75

Morning Worship (West Campus)

Sunday: 8:00AM & 11:00AM (in person and online)

Morning Worship (Northeast Campus)

Sunday: 10:00AM (in person and online)

Bible Study

Wednesdays: 6:00PM

Director Of Operations

Timothy McAllister: 803.744.7905

MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Marnie Robinson: 803.744.7909

Brookland Foundation

Kristopher Jones 803.744.7914 Fund Development

Brookland Banquet & Conference Center

Lawrence Jones 803.744.7931 General Manager Lenwood Greene, Sr. 803.744.7948 Food Services Manager K. Allen Campbell: 803.744.7906 Events Coordinator

Charles Cureton: 803.744.1957 Sales Manager

Brookland Federal Credit Union Ronald Cooley: Manager 803.794.9201

Brookland Academy & Child Development Center Jennifer McConnell, Director 803.744.7920

Brookland Health & Wellness Center

Pastoral Staff

Dr. Charles B Jackson Sr. - Senior Pastor Rev. Charles B. Jackson, Jr. - Executive Pastor Dr. Chris Leevy Johnson -

Mission Statement: 76 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

The mission of the Brookland Baptist Church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, through Evangelism, Education and Economic Empowerment. | 77

Congratulations on 60 Years of Ministry and Service

– Bible Way Church Mothers

78 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal | 79

80 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

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C ongr atulations B ible Way C hur ch of A tlas R oad “ F or 60 Y ears of Doing God’s Work”

Nathaniel Spells, Jr

Nathaniel Spells, Sr.

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86 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal | 87

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BRINGS MORE HOMES AND RENEWED OPPORTUNITY TO ATLAS ROAD By Nicole H. Holland Seventeen years ago, in October 2006, Bible Way Church of Atlas Road purchased 106+ acres in Southeast Columbia. This mixed-use development project, Congaree Pointe, highlighted a tremendous economic endeavor for faithbased institutions. It is solely a project between the church and private industry. While not the first project of this nature, it is undoubtedly one of a few.

and 36 3-bedroom units. Unit features include fully equipped kitchens with black appliances (refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, garbage disposal, and microwave), laminate countertops, patios or balconies, central heating and air, washer and dryer connections, carpeted bedrooms, and luxury vinyl tile (LVT) in common areas. Leasing applications have already started in the Deacons’ House on Bible Way’s campus, with the first residents slated to Initial development began in 2007, in a move in later this fall. joint venture between Bible Way Church of Atlas Road and Hallmark Homes, led by The church also partnered with another Columbia-based developer Don Tomlin. developer to construct the Haven at This initial phase of Congaree Pointe Congaree Pointe. The church began resulted in over 60 new homes being built building an independent living facility on Atlas Road. Residents of Congaree for seniors through this private-public Pointe then saw the addition of a Dollar partnership. The Haven at Congaree General at the intersection of Atlas and Pointe is a 12.08-acre project with nearly Bluff Roads and the renovation and 200 units designed for independent upgrade of a long-standing gas station into a more modern Circle K. Last year, two additional projects were added to Congaree Pointe. With the sale of 20 acres of land between the homes at Congaree Pointe and the Circle K, an outside developer is constructing the Villages at Congaree Pointe. This is a 240unit multi-family complex. All units are dedicated to serving working individuals and families who are making 60% or less of the area’s median income. This project is the result of a partnership with a private developer who worked with the church to create affordable housing for young adults and working professionals. The Villages at Congaree Pointe is a workforce housing development on 14.5 acres and comprises nine residential buildings totaling 240 units: 61 one-bedroom, 144 2-bedroom, 90 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

L-R, The Hon. Norman Jackson, Sr., Rep. Leon Howard, The Hon. I.S. Leevy Johnson, Mayor Daniel Rickenmann, The Hon. Bernice G. Scott, Pastor Darrell Jackson, Mrs. Patricia Jackson, Katessa Archer, Dominium Development Associate, Nick Anderson, Dominium Senior VP, Councilman Paul Livingston, Councilwoman Cheryl English, Council Chairman Overture Walker, Councilwoman Chakisse Newton and Rep. Jermaine Johnson

senior living for adults ages 55 and older. The Haven provides beautiful, secure, and affordable housing - with amenities and the kind of attention to detail typically found in luxury apartment homes. It also offers a wide range of bedroom floor plans, featured open layouts, high ceilings, a full-sized washer and dryer, and beautiful countertops. This stateof-the-art, affordable complex also includes many amenities, including a large community room, a beauty salon, a theater, a Fitness Center, a library, and more! Construction began in May 2022, and leasing will begin this fall, with move-in dates for spring 2024. | 91

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Congratulations to Bible Way Church in Celebrating your 60th Diamond Jubilee!

From Your Friends at Lourie Life & Health Questions about Medicare, Health or Life Insurance? We have answers you’ll understand.

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Congratulations to Bible Way Church of Atlas Road on Your 60th Anniversary! “It was the killing of Jimmy Lee Jackson that provoked the March from Selma to Montgomery,” the late Congressman John Lewis said in 2007. “It was his death and his blood that gave us the Voting Rights Act of 1965.” Yet, during the last election for City Council, thousands of Columbians stayed home and denied themselves that hard earned right! Never again! Please vote for Tyler Bailey on Tuesday, November 7.

VOTE IN THE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 7 Tyler Bailey for Columbia City Council At-Large 102 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal | 103

The St. John Baptist Church of Hopkins 231 J.W. Neal Circle | Hopkins, SC 29061 Rev. Sammy L. Wade, Pastor Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It gives us great joy to congratulate the Bible Way Church Family of Atlas Road as you celebrate the Anniversary of your establishment as a beacon of God's light in the community. Let us wish your church family the best of wishes as you celebrate your 60 years of services to the community. We thank our Heavenly Father that He has allowed you to make it this far. He has led you in the direction of righteousness since your beginnings. Let us pray for spiritual growth and continued prosperity, as well as the continuation of His goodness to bless your future as a beacon of hope. May your church be like a tree and always watered by Our Father in heaven. May your branches grow to be abundant with fruit and prosperous in its tidings. As new seasons come and go, may God continue to bless your congregation with fruition and abundance. Happy Anniversary! On behalf of the St. John Baptist Church Family of Hopkins,

Sammy L. Wade

Sammy L. Wade, Senior Pastor St. John Baptist Church of Hopkins 104 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal


Tuesday - Thursday • 11:00am - 11:00pm Friday & Saturday • 11:00am - 1:00am Sunday 11:00am - 11:00pm Room Service Bistro • 8502 Two Notch Road Columbia, South Carolina 29223 | 105

106 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

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Shop anytime at For all of this and more contact Richard Coulter 803. 348.1676 || 107 107

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Go with a good neighbor Being a good neighbor means being there for my community. As your local State Farm® agent, I’m ready to help whenever you need me. Give me a call. Congratulations Bibleway Church of Atlas Road on 60 Years of Ministry!

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New Members

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Prisma Health offers even


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(Continued from page 39)

Bishop A. C. Jackson had long recognized the biblical mandate to meet people’s spiritual and physical needs (discipleship and fellowship). And, upon his death in 2006, Bible continued working toward those needs and bringing his vision to fruition.

initially as Church Clubs, were expanded to provide small group fellowship as the church congregation increased to more than 5,000. By 2013, there were over 13,000 members and over 35 Care Groups and ministries, each providing regularly scheduled fellowship activities for their group In 2008, the Bible Way Social and churchwide activities. Action Foundation, initially started Another tenant upon which Bible in 1979, was re-named the Bible Way was founded is worship. Way Social Action Ministry (BSAM). The purpose: to celebrate Christ’s This ministry began with the vision presence as His name is magnified of making sure that the members through genuine worship. In 1998, had a resource in the church with Sunday services almost to to assist them in their times of capacity each Sunday morning, need. The idea quickly expanded the church transitioned with the beyond the membership and into inclusion of an 8:00 a.m. Sunday the community, and the church’s morning worship service. Pastor presence was felt through programs Jackson delivered the messages for and initiatives such as: both worship services each Sunday. •

The Establishment of the “Because We Care” program to assist residents in the Midlands affected by the economic downturn of 2009;

Tuesday night bible study grew into mid-week service, a time of teaching, preaching, praise, and worship.

Bible Way’s worship services have been broadcast beyond the walls of • Work on several Habitat for the church since their initial radio Humanity and Home Works broadcast in 1972 and under Bishop Projects; A. C. Jackson, and with the help of his nephew, Calvin “Chip” Jackson, and • Financial support and a mission trip to Haiti in 2010; Deacon Jerome Simmons, Bible Way had become one of the first churches • Community Clothes in South Carolina to establish a Giveaway in 2012; regular church broadcast with local • Relief efforts for victims of radio affiliate WWDM 101.3FM. In Hurricane Matthew and the 1993, with the inception of WFMV Midlands Flood of 2016. 95.3, Bible Way expanded its radio To incorporate the importance broadcasts. In 1997, the church of fellowship throughout the launched its first website, becoming membership, Care Groups, initiated one of the first churches, businesses, 126 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

or organizations to provide global access to its programs and services through the Internet. And, Deacon Edward Mines and Wanda Loyd Hart introduced to the world, adding to the ministry’s global impact. Today, services continue to be heard statewide on the radio twice weekly, both live and on-demand via the church website. Also central to the foundation of this ministry is discipleship. There has always been a commitment to educating Christ’s followers to Christian maturity through Bible teaching and training for ministry. Ministries dedicated to this purpose include: •

Children and Youth Ministries

Christian Development Institute (CDI)

Men’s Ministry

Senior Enrichment Ministry

Sunday School

Usher’s and Hospitality Ministry

Women’s Ministry and the Personal Development Institute (PDI)

Young Adult Ministry

In 2004, Pastor Jackson, realizing that the daily operations of the church rivaled that of any small business, began a formal restructuring of the church, appointing his cousin, Calvin “Chip” Jackson, as Chief Operating Officer (COO), appointing Rose English as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), hiring a certified public accountant, fulltime program directors, a communications staff and establishing the church’s print shop. During this time, a team of 70 people worked on campus daily to meet the operational needs of this consistently growing ministry. Additionally, he formalized the Midlands Community Development Corporation’s presence in the community by hiring a full-time director and staff and housing the non-profit entity inside the C. R. Neal Dream Center on Atlas Road—the staff, led by Director William “Bill” Loyd and Program Director Sarah Franklin “opened doors by providing programs and services” in five focus areas: personal and educational development, housing, healthcare, employment, and economic development.

nutrition programs, and Dementia and Alzheimer’s Family Resource Initiative for caregivers and families (DAFRI), and other programs that reach across the City of Columbia and Richland County providing services throughout South Carolina. Bible Way’s social impact is also felt through the establishment of the Jannie R. Jackson Women’s Center, a non-profit service named in honor of Mother Jannie Jackson. It serves as a resource for women and girls to assist in fostering health and prosperity in every area of their lives. Girls Academy, Project Elevation, domestic violence awareness, and other service referrals are a part of the daily functions of Jannie R. Jackson Women’s Center. The services and supports offered by both of these nonprofits (the MCDC and the JRJ Women’s Center) have a focus on empowering female individuals, creating healthy families, and establishing vibrant communities in the areas they serve. The MCDC has also been working alongside the Bible Way Church of Atlas Road to change the streetscape of Atlas Road completely. Over the past 20 years, the church and MCDC have acquired over 130 acres along Bluff and Atlas Roads for church and community development. In 2003, the church negotiated with Richland School District One to acquire the use of Atlas Road Elementary School. The facility was renamed the C. R. Neal Dream Center and became the permanent housing for the MCDC. The Midlands Health Center

In 2005, the Bible Way Community Development Corporation, established in 1998 (with Pastor Curtis Hamilton as the first full-time director), became known as the Midlands Community Development Corporation (MCDC). Again, this reiterated Pastor Jackson’s desire to integrate into the community’s fabric and reach beyond the church’s walls. Currently, the MCDC strives to create environments where individuals of all ages can dream big and access resources that improve their lives. This nonprofit corporation has developed more than ten direct services for community members, including education, character development, child development, and community service for youth, active day involvement and education for seniors, financial counseling and foreclosure mitigation for families, and healthy child | 127

was also established to provide health screenings and other services. As a result, both the landscape and streetscape have improved. Buildings on campus include: •

C. R. Neal Dream Center

Charter House

J. R. J. Women’s Center

Deacon’s House

The Dream Keepers Senior Center

A.C. Jackson Wellness Center

Fellowship Hall

Communications Center

Office of Youth Development

as well as all three sanctuaries, the Memorial Chapel, the Sanctuary, and the Worship Center.

Through adaptive reuse and some new construction, all of these buildings were added to the campus by 2009 housing for young adults and working professionals. and helped bring the dream of a very different Atlas Road With the sale of 20 acres of land near the existing into reality. A significant piece of the proverbial pie has Congaree Pointe homes, the Villages at Congaree been the planned development of Congaree Pointe – a Pointe are being constructed by an outside developer. brand-new residential community on Atlas Road. What This is phase two of the development, and it includes a was once a row of dilapidated houses became a campus 240-unit multi-family complex. All units are dedicated community filled with natural and spiritual resources to serving working individuals and families who are that cannot be measured. Phase One of Congaree making 60% or less of the area’s median income. Pointe consisted of 144 single-family homes. The Haven at Congaree Pointe is another development From 2001 until his retirement in 2016, Deacon Calvin constructed through private-public partnerships. This “Chip” Jackson worked alongside Pastor Jackson to independent living facility for seniors is the third phase manage the church’s day-to-day operations and assist of the development. The Haven at Congaree Pointe is Pastor Jackson in realizing Bishop A. C. Jackson’s vision. a 12.08-acre project with nearly 200 units for ages 55 But the vision didn’t stop there! Efforts continued to and older. It provides beautiful, secure, and affordable develop Congaree Pointe and to bring commerce to housing - with amenities and attention to detail typically the area, increasing the economic impact of the church found in luxury apartment homes. upon Atlas Road and Southeast Columbia. The church has restructured its partnership with Richland County School District One to bring early childhood and adult education programs to the C. When the church’s mortgage was paid off and burned R. Neal Dream Center. ThriveRichland is a birth-toin November of 2020, Pastor Jackson introduced a five program established by Richland County School new vision of how the church could better serve our District One to increase the percentage of children community by offering services that support our entering kindergarten ready to learn. The second phase neighbors – our working families – our children, and of this partnership will help revitalize adult education our seniors. This vision was captured in the Church’s programs in this area. These programs will include GED 2025 Vision Plan. It includes five major projects, several training, CDL classes, Community Education Classes, new constructions accomplished through private- and Expediting Career Readiness for Young Adults. In public partnerships, and several through upfitting and addition to the programs provided at the C. R. Neal renovating existing structures. Dream Center, renovations and upfits to the Dream The Villages at Congaree Pointe is a workforce housing Center also began. development that allows the creation of affordable


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In 2022, the Sanctuary was up-fitted to become a more modern style area of worship. This included media equipment upgrades, lighting, and a new sound system. A new backdrop, theater-style seating, and flooring were also added. The modernization of the A. C. Jackson Wellness Center was realized in 2023. The Wellness Center was constructed in 1994 and is nearly 30 years old. Plans to improve this facility include updates to the gymnasium, a kitchen expansion, and improvements to the exercise equipment and workout areas. The A.C. Jackson Wellness Center has served as a place for young people in the community to have somewhere to go, socialize, and be active in a positive environment. It has also housed a senior fitness program and accommodated many social activities.

new floors and paint, as well as the new furniture and equipment, make this an administrative and creative space to rival that of any PR firm downtown. Bible Way’s Print Shop, established in 2005, has become a full-service communications center and print shop. Technology and communications have always been integral to the ministry and its mission. Bible Way began streaming worship services in 2003. Bible Way Church of Atlas Road was the first church in South Carolina to initiate live-streaming radio broadcasts through the internet with the help of Bishop Jackson’s son, Roderick Jackson, his niece, Wanda Loyd-Hart, and Mel Harmon. This regular live-streaming radio broadcast became livestreaming worship services now broadcast to thousands weekly. For 20 years, feedback from areas as far away as Dubai and Iceland has been received with the message that individuals are blessed as they listen, watch, and feel a part of these live services. For the past 60 years, Bible Way Church of Atlas Road has stood as a beacon in Southeast Columbia, shining its light in unimaginable areas, reaching across the globe, fulfilling the Great Commission to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

Bishop A. C. Jackson had long recognized the biblical mandate to meet people’s spiritual and physical needs (discipleship and fellowship). And, upon his death in 2006, Bible continued working Earlier this year, construction began on a new, state-ofthe-art structure, the church’s new Children and Youth toward those needs Zone. This 12,000 square feet building is located next to and bringing his the Worship Center. The new Zone will use technology vision to fruition. throughout the building to help provide engaging worship, interactive Biblical teaching, and much more. This space is specifically designed for children and youth, offering high-tech, interactive areas, worship spaces, a youth café, and more. It provides a place for children to meet and learn as they grow in their Christian faith. And, just as importantly, the Children and Youth Zone will offer every child a safe and fun experience.

The former Office of Youth Development (OYD) has been beautifully transformed into a new, state-of-theart communications and print center. The building has been retrofitted to include five offices, a reception area, a conference room, a storage room, and a breakroom, all fully equipped with new furniture and computer hardware. There is also a docking station room, and the conference room has its own smartboard. The | 129

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Congratulating Bible Way Church of Atlas Road on

60 years.

-Deacon Will & Deborah Hayes The Little Red Church




Worship Cen | 131

Winning souls begins behind the scen

132 | Bible Way Church of Atlas Road 60th Anniversary Commemorative Journal

nes… | 133






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Refuge Temple Church

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SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATRONS Elam Financial Group Healing Touch Spa International, LLC – Erica Doyle Mary B. Johnson Lashonda McFadden Orthella Keel Joseph | 135

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