Leland Hensley
Ernie Marsh
Active bit and spur makers
Active rawhide braiders
Richard Brooks
Leland Hensley
Wilson Capron
Mehl Lawson
Brian Hochstrat
Pablo Lozano
Ernie Marsh*
Nate Wald
TCAA Member Responsibilities
Membership requires a commitment to fine craftsmanship and to the mission of the TCAA. Participation in ongoing educational programs is expected of all members, including lectures, seminars and mentoring fellow craftsmen. Attendance is required at a business meeting each spring and at our TCAA Annual Exhibition and Sale in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Active members also contribute yearly dues in an amount determined annually by the membership. A standardized format has been adopted to ensure fair and equal consideration. The TCAA does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
Active saddle makers
Active silversmiths
Rick C. Bean
Scott Hardy*
Pedro Pedrini Cary Schwarz* Chuck Stormes* Troy West John Willemsma
* Founding Members
Additional obligations are: • Attend two meetings each year (spring and fall) at their own expense, and to actively and knowledgeably participate in decision making at the meetings. • Choose and actively participate in committee groups within the Association, make decisions on policy, bylaws, finances, education, and all other Association business. • Participate in workshops at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum or elsewhere as an instructor, assistant instructor, speaker, demonstrator, support staff or host. • Accept students, upon participating member’s approval, at their personal shop as instructors. • Continue their personal education in their field of study at their expense. • Personally make at least 3 (or more) pieces of the highest quality for Exhibit and Sale every year at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, delivered by the deadline with no guarantee of sale, at their own expense. These pieces must be made for the exhibit and sale of that year and not have been offered for sale prior to the exhibit and sale. • Fairly and honestly critique and judge work, based on its merits, submitted by individuals applying for membership in the Association. • Act in a professional manner while at TCAA functions and events as
Mark Dahl
well as when dealing with customers and public, keeping in mind they represent the TCAA and what it stands for at all times.
Scott Hardy, Wilson Capron and Cary Schwarz