Schools Guide
Higher Education
Public and Private Schools
Schools Guide
Higher Education
Public and Private Schools
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16824 E. Avenue of the Fountains #12 480-837-9801
The Town of Fountain Hills Recreation Department, the Library and the Town’s Community Center offer more than 150 classes for all age groups. Kid’s classes range from robotics to cooking to “School of Rock” type music classes. New offerings like Adult Tap Dancing, American Sign Language, and Pet CPR join Spanish Language, Art, Computer skills, and a wide range of Exercise and Fitness classes. Aspiring athletes of all ages seeking professional instruction in Golf, Tennis, Archery, Basketball, or Baseball have dozens of interesting options each season.
Our Elementary and Middle School is top rated, and Fountain Hills High School is in the top 4% of Arizona schools, with 9 out of 10 of its graduates going on to higher education. FHHS earned “Best High Schools” from U.S. News & World Report in 2019. With an average student to teacher ratio of 20:1, Fountain Hills students thrive in an environment that is more like a nurturing community than a typical school.
• Safe, attractive school campus environments
• Significant/Gifted and Advanced Placement opportunities
• Outstanding sports and fitness programs
• Students master computer-based learning and research skills
• Innovative music, art, and science programs starting in kindergarten
Northeast Valley schools ... offer programs that are reflective of a family lifestyle that is worldly, forward-thinking and technically savvy.
FOUNTAIN HILLS Fountain Hills High School is in the Top 4% of Arizona Schools.
Fountain Hills teachers mentor and coach their students to attain high levels of competency. The FHHS Class of 2018 exemplifies the success of their learning environment by earning $2.6 million in scholarships.
• S.T.E.M. (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) program winning national recognition in Vex Robotics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy … even a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for world-class potato-launching!
• AP Capstone Program: one of only 1,000 schools nationwide to offer the AP Capstone Diploma™. This signifies their outstanding academic achievement and attainment of college-level academic and research skills.
• Extracurricular excellence with an unprecedented 7 AIA state championship wins in 2017-2018
• Boys Varsity Baseball advanced to the State Tournament Level for an unprecedented 19 times in the past 20 years!
• Erika Yost awarded Gatorade Arizona’s Girls Soccer Player of the Year for Athletic and Academic Excellence
• Band and Choir at Disney’s Music in the Parks Competition: First Place-Concert Band, Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Choir, Outstanding Soloist; Fourth Place-Mixed Choir; Band State Champions in 2018; Judge’s Award-Outstanding Concert Band out of all divisions combined.
• Advanced Placement and Honors: 24 classes in English Literature, Language, Composition, US Government, World and US History, Calculus, Physics, Biology, Art, Photography
• Twenty-five extracurricular clubs and organizations hone FHHS students’ mastery of technology, art, music, journalism, business and career-focused specialties.
Fountain Hills Middle School is home to Middle School students, grades 6-8. One of the most challenging academic environments in the state, the Middle School also offers a number of clubs where students can explore areas of interest, make new friends, and develop leadership and team-building skills. In addition to flexing their “mental muscles,” Middle School students are urged to participate as “mini-Falcons” in Valley-wide Junior Athletic Leagues.
Mastery of basic subjects is essential at the Middle School level, and there is support and individualized instruction for all types of learners. The Middle School Mentoring program is staffed by retired teachers and business professionals from the community, and special honors classes are available for gifted students. The PTO coordinates the “people-power” for the Homework Lab, providing personalized coaching to assure the academic success of all students.
McDowell Mountain Elementary School (MMES) is home to kids from full-day Kindergarten through the fifth grade. Careful teacher training and small class size allows teachers to give personalized attention to each child’s learning style and his or her readiness for new material.
MMES is a model learning environment. Its art-infused curriculum is evident in colorful student art work lining the hallways. Natural light streams into the library where community volunteers guide students as they perfect their reading and research skills.
McDowell Mountain’s principal, Valerie Dehombreaux, proudly notes, “Parental and community involvement enriches the school experience for our kids.”
Student at McDowell Mountain Elementary School develop learning strategies that encourage the joy of discovery, patience while gaining mastery, and the ability to accept new challenges without fear of failure.
programs that are reflective of a family lifestyle that is worldly, forward-thinking and technically savvy.
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Parental and community involvement enriches the school experience for our kids.
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“… At the Middle School level, there is support and individualized instruction for all types of learners.”
The parents of Fountain Hills speak about the opportunities that this city affords their children in sports, academics, and community. Many people believe a bigger school district can better enrich their children, but the opportunity is here.
Northeast Valley schools ... offer programs that are reflective of a family lifestyle that is worldly, forward-thinking and technically savvy.
... SUSD’s schools have developed different programs, each reflective of the desires of their parent groups, innovative teachers and receptive
The greater Scottsdale area is home to 70+ public and private schools. Many of these schools offer specialized programs like International Language and language immersion classes, some starting as young as 3 years of age. The majority of SUSD elementary schools offer pre and post-school enrichment programs and “Homework Clubs” which are enjoyable for the kids and ease the daily childcare logistics for working parents. SUSD service area extends beyond City boundaries, to include most of Paradise Valley, part of Tempe and some areas of North Phoenix.
Celebrating its 120th anniversary in 2016, SUSD has a tradition of innovation that spans more than a century. Covering 112 square miles, its 29 schools –5 comprehensive High Schools plus one certified on-line High School, Four Middle Schools, and 15 Elementary schools serve 23,000 students, with open enrollment that encourages families to seek the school which best suits their children’s needs.
Far from lock-step, every one of SUSD’s schools have developed different programs, each reflective of the desires of their parent groups, innovative teachers and receptive students. Some schools offer early childhood programs for infants through pre-kindergarten, enabling siblings to attend school at the same location from pre-kindergarten through middle school.
You can view SUSD’s list of schools with links to each at
A peek at a few of a few of SUSD’s nationally recognized programs reveals a lot of the reasons the combined SUSD Class of 2019 earned $80.3 million in academic and athletic scholarships.
This high-achieving school was ranked 22 in the Nation by Newsweek Magazine!
• National Merit Scholars
• Ranked in Top 20 Arizona High Schools by U.S. News and World Report
• Silver Award Ranked in Top 20 AZ High Schools by SAT Score
• Recognized by Niché as a 2016 Top 25 Public High School in Arizona
• AP Honors and Dual Enrollment for College Credit
• Culinary Art Program Career and Technical Education Programs
• Award-Winning Performing Arts and Visual Arts Programs
• Outstanding Championship Level Athletic Programs
• 2015, 2016 Girls Swim and Dive State Champions, 2016 Spirit Line State Champions
• Best Buddies International Program
Desert Mountain, Top 20 AZ Schools by US News and World Report is academically challenging, international-minded, with notable “Magnet School” type opportunities.
• International Baccalaureate Program
• National Merit Scholars
• Ranked in America’s Top 500 Schools by Newsweek
• Silver Award Ranked in Top 20 Arizona High Schools by SAT Score
• Recognized by Niché as a 2016 Top 50 Public High School in Arizona
• AP, Honors and Dual Enrollment for College Credit
• Fashion Design Program Career and Technical Education Programs
• Award-Winning Performing Arts and Visual Arts Programs
• 2015 Boys Golf State Champions, 2015 and 2016 Boys Tennis State Champions
Saguaro’s varsity football program is the best in the State, winning Arizona state championship eight times. The varsity baseball program is three time state champions. The Advanced Vocal Ensemble has performed in concert twice with Josh Groban, Jonathan Cain of the rock band Journey.
• National Merit Scholars
• 2016 Bronze Award by U.S. News and World Report
• Recognized by Niché as a 2016 Top 100 Public High School in Arizona
• Ranked #42 High School in Arizona Based on SAT Scores in 2015
• Math and Science Academy
• Nursing Program, Bio-Technology AP, Honors and Dual Enrollment for College Credit
• Rigorous Academics Advancement via Individual Determination Program (AVID)
• Award-Winning Robotics; 2016 State Champions
SUSD has fifteen Elementary schools, and four K-8 campuses, each offering a unique set of learning opportunities. A summary of a few of these special programs gives a sense of this district’s excellence. The complete listing of each campus’ programs can be found at:
A complete list of SUSD school can be found at:
Unique in an urban setting, SUSD has three K-8 schools where students remain on the same campus from toddlers to teens. Each has one or more programs unique to their campus.
This campus accepts Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade students and includes 6th-8th Grade Gifted Program, 6th-8th Grade STEM curriculum for all students, popular electives, and a rigorous academic progression. It offers a significant World Language program, (Japanese, Spanish and Spanish for Heritage Speakers for High School Credit). The Heritage Speakers program offers students who speak both Spanish and English opportunity to enter High School literate in both languages.
This campus was awarded the Arizona Educational Foundation A+ School of Excellence for its Preschool (3s) through 8th Grade programming. Students wear traditional school uniforms, and class highlights include Gifted Student Services, Honors Programming, World Language classes (Spanish) 4th-8th Grade Band, Strings and Choir, Music, Art and PE in all grades, Bring Your Own Technology, STEM Focused classes, Middle School Athletics, Robotics, and before and after-School programs. names Cherokee Elementary School the 13th best elementary school in the nation, among its other commendations:
• Arizona Educational Foundation A+ School
• Ranked #2 in the State based on AZ Merit Testing
• Ranked #4 School in the Valley by Arizona Republic
Programs include Gifted Student services, World language program (Spanish), Band and Strings, grade 4-5, Art and Physical Education. Before and after school programs include Chess, Coding, Theater, Drawing, Lego Engineering, Tennis, Dance, Gymnastics and Soccer.
This pre-kindergarten through 8th grade school is home to the exceptional Cardinal Scholar pre-K Academy, fostering early literacy and lifelong learning patterns. Innovative Comprehensive Gifted program (2-5) provides small group gifted learning opportunities in core subjects without breaking away from the flow of the class day. A diverse student body, with more than 21 languages represented, the curriculum supports Bring Your Own Technology innovation, Art Mastery, Physical Education and an accelerated reader program grades 4-5.
Part of the cluster of schools that feeds Desert Mountain High School, this elementary school serves Toddlers (2s) through 5th Grade. Programs include Gifted Student Services, World Language (Mandarin Chinese), Band and Strings in 4th and 5th Grade, Music, Art and Physical Education in all grades, Technology Integration, Robotics, Chess Club and other before and after-school Programs.
An award-winning district, outstanding neighborhood schools, and a variety of specialized programs for every child.
Mesa Public Schools is the largest public school district in the state of Arizona with approximately 64,500 students. The focus is on “choice”. Students have access to a variety of styles of schools, including Montessori, International Baccalaureate, dual-language immersion, honors and Advanced Placement courses, and Franklin traditional schools. MPS serves the community with 50 elementary schools, nine junior high schools, and six comprehensive high schools.
Mesa Public Schools is the largest public school district in the state of Arizona with approximately 64,500 students. The focus is on “choice”. Students have access to a variety of styles of schools, including Montessori, International Baccalaureate, dual-language immersion, honors and Advanced Placement courses, and Franklin traditional schools. MPS serves the community with 50 elementary schools, nine junior high schools, and six comprehensive high schools.
In 2011, Mesa Public Schools received “Gold Medal” designation in the Education Quotient (EQ) ratings. This distinction was given to only 16 percent of the school districts evaluated. Four Mesa schools were winners of the 2018 A+ School of Excellence awards from the Arizona Education Foundation: Field Elementary, Irving Elementary, Red Mountain High School, and Zaharis Elementary. In 2017, Mesa Public Schools dominated the Civic Engagement awards, earning 20 of the 34 given throughout the state of Arizona.
In 2017, thirty Mesa schools earned the America’s Healthiest Schools award. Nearly all the schools serve breakfast daily, and “Smarter Lunchroom” techniques are used to encourage students to eat more fruits and vegetables. With the idea that “a hungry child can’t learn”, meals have become an integral part of the school day.
The Creative and Performing Arts Department offers programs throughout the district, including: traveling student art exhibits, cultural exhibits for the classroom, performing arts featuring global touring companies, purchase of musical equipment, a 125-seat theatre auditorium, and more.
High schools in the district boast championships in sports like girls’ cross country, track, tennis, softball, basketball, boys’ wrestling, golf and football. Mountain View High School was awarded “Top 25 High School Athletic Programs” in the nation and “Top Athletic High School in Arizona”, both by Sports Illustrated.
Franklin schools are highly structured with a rigorous, accelerated curriculum. Parental participation is required to assist in creating a path of study that targets the student’s talents and interests. Franklin schools have a private school atmosphere with the resources and support of Mesa Public Schools.
KinderU is the preschool program offered throughout Mesa Public Schools. The philosophy of this curriculum is to build on a child’s natural curiosity through interaction, exploration and discovery, with an emphasis on outdoor experiences.
Montessori and charter schools offer families another “choice” within the school district.
The Dual Language Immersion Program prepares students for the globally competitive world by teaching them how to be fluent in two languages. A strong partnership between parents, teachers and administration creates students who are bilingual, biliterate and bicultural.
The International Baccalaureate program for students in K-12th grade provides a globally-recognized and highly rigorous program that focuses on inquiry learning, holistic approaches, multi-cultural awareness, international-mindedness, diversity and global themes. These schools provide a private school education in a public school setting. Authorized IB schools include: Mesa Academy, Summit Academy and Westwood High.
AP Capstone is an innovative diploma program with an in-depth, discipline-specific study. It fosters the research, argumentation, and communication skills at the core of college readiness and allows students to have a voice in what they learn. Red Mountain High School is one of three institutions in the state of Arizona offering this program.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is about doing, creating and innovating to propel students toward a career pathway. Students apply what they learn in a tangible way, like building robots or extracting DNA. Students can earn industry certifications and dual enrollment credits.
For more information about Mesa Public Schools and the various programs they offer, visit
• Award-winning, nationally-recognized Music Conservatory Program
• Top program in Southwest Shakespeare Theatre competitions
• CTE Internships
• Campus of Champions: 61 state championships in athletics
• Top 25 High School Athletic Programs in the nation by Sports Illustrated
• Top Athletic High School in Arizona by Sports Illustrated
• Top 50 U.S. High Schools for Advanced Placement Program
• National Siemens Award for Mathematics/Science
• U.S. News & World Report’s Best Schools silver award
• A+ School of Excellence by the Arizona Education Foundation
• First high school to open in Mesa
• 3,200 students
• Award-winning athletics, music and theatre programs
• Aquatic center on campus
• Culinary arts program, honors and AP courses
• Biotech Academy: A 4-year program to teach hands-on laboratory research skills for students interested in science or medical careers. Includes internship opportunities
• Mesa High Civic Engagement Award- School of Merit
• Phoenix Suns/APS Green Team Award for the Garden of the B’s
• National AVID Demonstration School
• 3,500 students
• 40% of students enrolled in CTE programs, such as Biotech, Agriculture, etc.
• Award-winning performing arts programs
• 30% of students participates in athletic teams
• 27 AP courses
• AVID, Advanced STEM, and AP Capstone diplomas available
• Emphasis on community service
• U.S. News & World Report’s Best High School award
• A+ School of Excellence by the Arizona Education Foundation
• Arizona Civic Engagement School
• College Preparatory International Baccalaureate program
• 19 AP courses and 7 CTE programs
• Airforce JROTC
• AVID Demonstration School
• A+ School of Excellence by the Arizona Education Foundation
• Arizona Civic Engagement School
Self-Development Academy: Ranked Top 10 for all Arizona schools for their Six-Years-In-Four-Years program. The accelerated program teaches one year above grade level. They balance academics with socializing, leadership and service, and encourage all students to participate in an after-school sports club.
Lexington Life Academy: An autism school that focuses on developing a variety of life skills through lessons, field trips, activities, and therapies by enhancing the strengths and supporting the needs of the students.
Vista Grove Preparatory Academy: While academics are a high priority at Vista Grove, so are performing arts and competitive sports opportunities for all students.
New Horizons School for the Performing Arts: New Horizons is a K-6th grade public charter school (no tuition) that teaches core academics alongside performing arts. This includes instruction in the areas of voice, orchestra strings, drama, musical theater and dance.
Christian Schools: Faith Christian School, Pilgrim Lutheran School and Redeemer Christian School.
Arizona Medical Training Institute
Mesa Barber School
Forklift University of Arizona
ASIS Massage Education-Mesa
Pima Medical Institute
Classic Air Aviation School
East Valley Institute of Technology
CRAS-Conservatory of Recording Artists & Sciences
Are you looking for a school that’s a good fit for your special needs child? The state of Arizona requires every public school to provide for the educational requirements of special needs students. Some public schools utilize the expertise and resources of nearby private schools and cover the tuition. There is also a wide selection of private schools for parents to choose from should they decide to make their own choice.
Cortney’s Place: A family-founded, non-profit day program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This school offers a variety of therapies and classes that focus on creating the most inclusive, innovative and positive environment for their students.
Devereux Arizona Day School: For students who need intensive behavioral and emotional support, Devereux Arizona provides an accredited program for students in K-12. They serve over 4,000 students across the state with a variety of innovative programs.
Sierra Academy of Scottsdale: Sierra Academy offers hands-on multisensory education for ages 5-22 who struggle with learning, language and social challenges, particularly those with autism spectrum disorders. The comprehensive and individualized programs enable students to achieve a higher quality of life.
The Jones-Gordon School: A private school that serves K-12 students with learning differences and who are “twice exceptional” (intellectually gifted with learning challenges). Focuses on a truly customized education.
Lexington Life Academy: A private autism school that focuses on developing a variety of life skills through lessons, field trips, activities, and therapies by enhancing the strengths and supporting the needs of the students.
Sequoia Deaf School: A public charter school serving grades K-12 prepares students to succeed in both the hearing and deaf worlds. A bilingual/bicultural program is available, and ASL (American Sign Language) classes are available for parents and relatives. Hearing siblings can attend other schools on the same campus.
The Hospital School at Cardon Children’s Medical Center: Experienced and innovative teachers provide bedside learning to help kids keep up with their education while being hospitalized. The individualized academic support prevents students from falling behind and gives them an outlet for their creativity.
East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) provides job-ready training for high school students at four central campuses. Their mission is to provide “a productive, technically trained workforce to meet the market-driven needs of business and industry”. Their hands-on learning environment can lead to dual enrollment credits through Mesa Community College, industry certifications, and internships to make them competitive in the global workforce.
EVIT programs are tuition-free for students in public, charter, or homeschool in the ten East Valley school districts. Participants attend a half day at their sending school or homeschool and the other half of the day at EVIT. EVIT is a significant Phoenix area resource and its satellite campuses are poised to become major contributors to the economic health of the East Valley.
The Mesa main campus offers 40 program areas including fire science, culinary arts, multimedia programs, automotive repair, construction technologies, fashion design, a variety of health sciences, and more. The campus spans 65 acres with 15 buildings and 88.7 FM The Pulse radio station. They also house the School of Health Sciences, Academy for Cosmetic Arts, Bistro 13, Fire Science Academy, Landings Credit Union, Adelante Healthcare, Bright Ideas Preschool and The Great Globe project.
The East Valley campus is on ten acres located adjacent to ASU Polytechnic. This campus specializes in programs in aviation, engineering, health sciences, including a veterinary assistant program, and the Academy for Cosmetic Arts.
EVIT also offers adult classes. This gives adult students the benefit of a quality education with a low tuition, including financial aid and interest-free payment options.
For more information about EVIT, visit
The Northeast Valley area has 25 free, public Charter Schools serving both elementary and secondary students. A few interesting campuses are noted below.
A complete listing at:
BASIS Scottsdale Charter School, one of the top Charter schools in the entire U.S., is just a mile west of Fountain Hills. Part of a Charter network that includes 16 BASIS campuses in Arizona, the Scottsdale BASIS school is ranked No. 2 nationally among all high schools in the U.S. by U.S. News & World Report.
The school ranking is due to its rigorous curriculum and students’ high performance on national testing. BASIS Scottsdale boasts a 100 percent participation rate in Advanced Placement courses, with the average student passing 96 percent of the 10 AP exams they take at college entrance.
BASIS Scottsdale accepts students in grades 4-12, and the newly completed 9-acre campus at 128th Street and Shea Blvd. became home to 1200 student in the Fall of 2016.
The greater Phoenix area has 6,000,000 residents, and is home to 91 certified undergraduate and graduate programs with easy access from Fountain Hills. A full listing of specialties and locations is available at
A listing of graduate programs in the area is available at:
Northeast Valley schools ... offer programs that are reflective of a family lifestyle that is worldly, forward-thinking and technically savvy.
Serving over 660 students, BASIS Mesa offers K-12th grade classes. They offer a liberal arts curriculum with an emphasis on STEM and AP courses and exams.
A K-8th grade school to provide parents in disadvantaged communities the choice of a high-quality education.
A rigorous K-8th grade academic program that emphasizes the arts and technology. The school day is extended by an hour to allow for rigorous academics and time devoted to the arts.
A rigorous curriculum that embraces the educational traditions of the 1800s when books were more challenging and filled with morals and patriotic themes.
A tuition-free charter school with a 4-day school week serving grades K-8 including full-day Kindergarten. Students master Greek & Latin roots of our language.
Sequoia is the oldest and largest tuition-free charter school in Arizona, serving grades 7-12.
Arizona State University, 83,000 students proud, won the distinction 2016 as “the #1 most innovative college in the U.S., above #2 Stanford and #3 MIT! Their 5 campuses offer 250 undergraduate and 350 graduate degrees. Campus settings range from the residential “College Town” in Tempe (58,000 students), the
The burgeoning Graduate/Medical studies complex in central Phoenix, a combination of ASU’s health sciences and UofA’s Medical school provides practical experience for students in world class treatment and research facilities such as the Barrows Institute, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, and Phoenix Children’s Hospital, to name a few. Both ASU and UofA offer MBA programs at the Phoenix campus as well.
ASU’s Polytechnic campus in Mesa offers programs with specialized equipment for hands-on exploration includes simulators for flight and centers for consumer behavior research, semiconductor fabrication, comprehensive commercial printing and design services, and on-demand digital manufacturing.
Northeast Valley schools ... offer programs that are reflective of a family lifestyle that is worldly, forward-thinking and technically savvy.
“ASU/UofA Graduate/Medical complex in downtown Phoenix, the Polytechnic Campus in Mesa, and the Thunderbird School of International Management and the West Valley Campus.
Grand Canyon University is a private faith-based University offering an intimate residential college experience for 14,000 full time students as well as substantial on-line curriculum for its 48,000 part-time and graduate students. Campus life includes intermural sports, music, drama and exciting Varsity sports including an outstanding Basketball team coached by former Phoenix Suns star, Dan Marjerle. The University offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs through its eight colleges. The Jerry Colangelo College of Business’ emphasizes community service and leadership as key aspects of business success. This new model of business school engages local venture capitalists as mentors and investors to nurture emerging entrepreneurs.
The University of Arizona (main campus: Tucson), and Northern Arizona University (Main campus: Flagstaff), offer hundreds of programs from undergraduate through PhD. From the Hubble Telescope to Applied Indigenous Studies at NAU to Space exploration, Medical and Law Degrees at U of A, these Arizona Universities offer a wide range of classes on-site in locations across the Valley of the Sun, on-line, and a residential campus experience a comfortable 2-3 hour distance away. |
One of the largest in the U.S., the Maricopa Community College System is home to 128,000 students. The nearby Scottsdale, Mesa and Paradise Valley campuses have transfer agreements with public and private colleges and universities for seamless transition to four-year institutions. An wealth of programs are designed to meet the need of any student ... flexible course delivery, including field based, hybrid, in person, independent study, Internet, mixed media, print based, private instruction, evening, weekend choices.
No agency has the local marketing tools like RE/MAX Sun Properties. Buyers from around the world can access information about finding, loving and living here in the Sonoran Desert via RE/MAX Sun Properties.
Among major metropolitan settings, Greater Phoenix is one of the easiest areas to transverse. The freeway systems are new, easy to learn and efficient. But the major surface streets in the Northeast valley are equally unique, with wide multi-lane boulevards that move traffic smoothly and quickly. The result is that any educational opportunity – from an elementary school that specializes in teaching French or Mandarin to ASU’s #1 ranked Technology or University Campuses – are easily accessible for working parents and students alike.