Sonrise class of 2015

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Class of 2015

Class of 2015

WHY THE YEARBOOK? Welcome to Sonrise s6 class of 2015 year book. This is the first publication of a year book, our aims to publish this book was to stay connected as we are leaving high school and keep remembering the times we had together. It was a long journey full of ups and downs so the experience we mean

ACKNOWLEGMENT THIS magazine has been put in to existence due to the efforts, ideas, comments and support of many people. we have benefited a lot from the cooperation of all senior six students and staff members. We express our gratitude and recognize the work of the following persons that contributed a lot to the completion of this magazine: DESIGNERS: General designers: NDIKUBWAYO jean Christian, s6 MPC Graphic designer: TUYIZERE Godefroid, s6 MPC Esthetic designer: RUBIBI Moses, s6 MPC EDITORS: -MUTABAZI Benjamin ,s6 MCE -MULISA Steven Edison ,s6 LEG

its not what happens to us but what we do with what happens to us so we wanted to let our young brothers and sisters learn from our life experiences of in Sonrise high school. For your benefit you can keep turning the pages , I promise you will be inspired and mostly to the young you can have role models In the next life testimonies from these Sonrise students. We learn nothing from talking but there is no limit to what we can learn by hearing and reading. “just keep in touch”

-UWAMAHORO Sophie; s6 LEG -MUGABO Patrick, s6 LEG -NIYONGENZE Christian, s6 LEG -MUGISHA Amen, s5 HEL -UWASE Shania, s5 PCM ORGANISERS:-Jimmy lee, s6 MPC -NYAMWANA Kevin, s6 HEG -ISIMBI Fatina, s6 MCE -BUTERA GAGA Scott, s6 MCE ADVISORS: KAYIHURA Cedrick, s6 MPC -UMURUNGI Grace, s6 BCM -UWIHAYE Deborah, s6 PEM EXTERNAL HELPERS:-DUKUZUMUREMYI Jean Claude (computer teacher, Sonrise High School) -Milly MURUNGI (Shyira Diocese Secretary)


-MUTARA Eugene( in charge of Shyira Diocese Youth)

(Initiator of the magazine)

-NKUBITO Derrick(SOSA President)

Sonrise High School Scholar (2013-2015 )

--Elie GASHAGAZA(Work at HEHE Labs) WE are thankful to the s6 students of 2015, Staff and Administration of Sonrise high school for the support accorded to us to complete this year book.


Class of 2015

Our parents Bishop RUCYAHANA John Cofounder of the school Bishop John RUCYAHANA is the founder of Sonrise School where him and his wife Harriet RUCYAHANA by the help of other few people na onally and interna onally who wanted to renew the life of Rwandan children a er the 1994 Genocide with other children in the country . Bishop John is not only the founder of Sonrise but also has contributed to the Sonrise society in all aspects like academics, social life, improved technology where by computer labs were filled with desktops, and so many other Physical, psychological, spiritual contribu ons. He has opened the gates of a bright future to the present and past students of Sonrise ,he is a role model to so many of us and when we look at him, see his deeds we know that we can always ”rise and shine”. In addi on Bishop RUCYAHANA is a father who has walked a long resome love journey to bring up the best from the Sonrise students as he liked to say “ living the past behind and focusing on the future in all aspect of life” . He is now re red but s ll a mirror of love and wisdom. A parent is always a parent. Stay blessed. We love you! Bishop Dr. Laurent Banda School Director In 2010 the Sonrise community was blessed with Rt. Rev. Dr. Laurent MBANDA and his wife Chantal MBANDA He was and s ll is a kind, hearted family , Godly and a remarkable man in so many lives mostly us the students . He has contributed to the best of the school like, bringing new books and digital libraries (nooks) that help us in research, scholarships every year which has been a mo va on to so many students, encouraged sports and so many other things. Bishop MBANDA is an unforge able parent and has always advised the students like in his famous saying, "strive for success in every thing you do.” The Sonrise society is a road to a be er future with him around and we believe that the light on a hill can shine and shine. May God bless him with the supernatural blessings. We love you!


Class of 2015

Our elders selves yet the world is ready to cheat you. Everybody wants to manipulate you to use you. Then you help them to degreed yourselves yet the world is ready to degreed you. Why do you help the world to The president of Sonrise Old Students Associa on (SOSA) NKUBITO kill yourselves? You have a future to live it does not ma er how hard DERRICK said:” I have known Bishop John Rucyahana for over 10 your background may have been, what ma ers is where you are years now. He has been my mentor since 2005 un l now, I rememheading in life. You may not have parent or homes but the whole ber on 19th October 2013 when we were going to launch SOSA at world is opened for you make sure you make it a home for yourSonrise high school this is what he said in his speech:” I am given this selves and a worthy home. Think of how best you want to become opportunity to be able to celebrate, to be able to engage to comprenot even your parents can do it for you they have done their parts to hend what the former students are intending to do not only for the put you on earth so it’s your turn to do yours. And for those who community at Sonrise but also for the na on and not only for the don’t have parents God is doing his part to put you here at Sonrise na on but the world at large and for the glory of God. Talking from high school so don’t waste this chance. The pain of the past doesn’t my own heart, I want to tell you that it’s not over yet, I believe you ma er all that ma ers is the happiness of the future so make it have so far seen outside the things are not as you expected the econcount. Your future is so important we cherish that future and we omy is bad, the expecta on are not as we dreamt but just know this. pray for you and we love you, but you should also love yourselves. The more you grow up the tougher it becomes but the more you Before this world and before God everyone has a responsibility. How engage it the more results you get so go for it and don’t give up in do we do it? how do we engage that responsibility, I employ you the the name of Jesus. No one will make it for us it’s us who have to youth do whatever it take to bless this na on and the world at large , make Rwanda the way we want it to be. to be able to bless this na on is to bless the transformers of this naTo you Mr. president, you are heading this associa on but I want to on. You have the will and the power I know; you have the ability I tell you that you are not just heading these Old student but you as know. But you have to engage. We love you and we pray for you and well heading and presen ng over a dream, your are presen ng over you have our support God bless you.” I cannot also forget the words a commitment a vow, a wish, and a big dream therefore don’t think of wisdom he told us on I remember again the speech which bishop that your responsibility as the president of this vision is as light as john told us on 14th/ 4/2014 when we had gone to visit at Gisozi meyou may conceive and which can be a wetness to the world so don’t morial site he said:” Urubyiruko nimwebwe mufite ishingano yamtake it light. bere yo gukomeza kumuricyira urwanda inzira rugomba kunyuramo Your immediate need will go above your personal needs and foretujya aheza. Urubyiruko nirwo rugomba gufata iyambere mukumost above your na on do not allow the internment to go above this muricyira igihugu mumyaka irimbere nkuko rwatwaye urumuri muri vision or keep you off from this vision. This vision is far above you can districts 30 ninako ruzajyana mumyaka 30 nimyaka 300 mubwiza image go for it in the name of God and in the name of Rwanda. bwurwanda ruva mubwiza rujya mubundi. Kuko ejo nibo bazaba You have the promises to make this country Murabanyarwanda. Put bafashe vora bayobora ubujyambere bwigihugu. 40 kwijana yabanyarwanda basanze million icumi ruri haga yimyaka 14 na 35 rero your hands to this na on and make it a great na on, the dignity of nibo bagomba gufata iyabere muri gahunda zubaka igihugu. your country is in your hands it will not be donated to you so go for Mumaze gukura icyi nicyo gihe cyogutangira konsa igihugu cyanyu. it. It doesn’t ma er if you don’t have the means yet but if you have the vision and you the commitment and you have the determina on Igihugu cyanyu cyimaze kubacutsa icyi nicyo gihe cyanyu gutangira namwe mukacyonsa. “ and you engage the will the means will be provided to do what SPEECH FROM BISHOP JOHN RUCYAHANA IN OCTOBER 19, 2013 LAUNCHING SOSA BY NKUBITO DERRICK (SOSA PRESIDENT).

you’re dreaming of.

There is so much to talk about this great man of God and parent as Let me share with you a secrete when I came here I only brought my well but a few things I will never forget him about is that he believes in the second chances a new hope for the future. He has always bag and my car and drove back home ,I did have any money in the aimed at seeing the Rwandan youth prosper and living the past bebag just a few money in the wallet , I didn’t have even a bank achind them and focusing on the future in all aspect of life. count in Rwanda but I had a vision. And here we are, I employ you in the name of God don’t take your future lightly be seriously even if you have one day, one year , or even ten years to live make it the best in your life. Do not cheat yourselves because those who are ready to cheat you are there, why do you cheat your-



Class of 2015

“Begin with an end in mind.”

I first came in Sonrise in the seventh grade or as some may call it senior one; I came with my sister but it was quite hard for me because I didn’t know enough English but due to loving teachers I found in Sonrise, I tried to catch up with others and I succeeded. In the following term my sister left the school but I stayed because I loved the school. I was not that lucky because the next year I had to leave but still Sonrise had a big part of my heart and that is the reason that made me come back in senior five( grade 11). I found Sonrise a better place to live than before, I made more friends than ever like the funny, crazy friends called the “Sauvémoi” And learnt to care and love people as much as I can. I had friends I’d never forget like Deborah, Amen, Saidath and all other sweet hearts. An advice that I can tell my loved ones is to do your best and God will do the rest; Trust in God and believe in yourself.

:(+250)0789078020 : gracia rynthes


Class of 2015

“Don’t be taken by your past, but take the present as an opportunity to make your future brighter.”

It is now three years since my first time in Sonrise High School. It is very surprising that I have met the unimaginable changes of my life in only three years here. As for many in the starting It was very hard to move on the same track with others. In class I was weak in understanding and speaking English this affected my class performance but as some people say it is never too late as long as you are still alive . Throughout that situation I still focused on my vision which gave me the courage to work very hard . I will never forget the night and morning preps I spent to be on the same level with others. In my combination, my favorite lesson is computer; I will not forget the time I spent in the School’s computer labs in research. I always wished to find ways of solving world problems by using technology and that is where my nickname Innovator came from. I did all these things by focusing my vision of being entrepreneur in technology . I was sometimes lucky to get opportunities that proved me that my dream can one day become reality. Socially, I met a challenge of a different life style. At first time I was lonely, but as time went on and on Sonrise students became the greatest family ever. The best lesson and weapon I got in Sonrise is that we have always to have the unconditional love. The core of all things is GOD, I have now known that Jesus is Lord and he is the reason to all that I have . I appreciate the Prayer Warriors and Anointed Bible Readers (ABR) for making me grow strongly spiritually. “WITH GOD I CAN ACHIEVE EVERYTHING, I CAN LIVE A JOYFUL LIFE.” My brothers and sisters at Sonrise, Always put God first, Focus on your vision, keep working hard, believe in yourself and finally have a positive mind that you can make it.

:(+250)786256294 : Ndikubwayo Jean Christian


Class of 2015


FINALLY “DO GOOD AND GO.” Sonrise as a home, sonrise as a place that gives life, sonrise as a place that supplied me with knowledge and ability to gain wisdom of knowing good from bad. For the years that I have spent in sonrise , personally I have come to grab the most precious gift that the world outside can not offer and that is the gift of “LOVE.”I have come to realize that with or without your first Priorities, there is always a second person that can be your second priority and make your life more and more better, thanks to BISHOP JOHN RUCYAHANA. Sonrise has been a place that opened my eyes and enabled me to be who I am today, a person characterized by commitment and courage, it taught me to have hope until the last minute. My experience as a head boy and president of leadership club at sonrise in 2014, gave me ability and opportunity to make my mind think big and know how to make decisions, and how to deal with different people in any society. Thanks to the friends that I got from sonrise those that we shared the same dorm, my class promotion, my friends in EDEN, and those we met in debating team. You mean more to me “because a great friend is more than a brother.” Last but not least, in every society we make mistakes but what matters is recognizing them and correcting them, so let me take a silent moment and ask who ever that I might have wronged to please forgive me I always wanted the best though situations did not favor. :( +250)784487282 Lastly my simple advice which is my daily lesson in my life is to have patience in every thing you try to do cause “patience pains but pays a lot.”


: Mucyopac

Class of 2015

“In school we learn that mistakes are

It is in sonrise boarding school that I started my academics journey. I have admitted a lot of challenges and experiences, There is much to say about sonrise. It has provided me with a family, sonrise has developed my talents, sonrise has provided me with a culture, it has shaped my mind, my habits and characters all in all I am the product of sonrise.

bad and we are punished for making

them, yet if you look at the way humans are designed to learn, we learn by mistakes, we learn to walk by falling down; if we never fall down we would never walk. Educa on is not a ma er of learning facts I loved sonrise most since it was the only school I have passed through, my hobby but training your mind to think”.

was football, ping pong and debating. I loved to see people happy, I loved everybody but some made a big difference.

To my brethren at sonrise you will meet a lot of challenges and failures but remember failure is the process to success, don’t give up, winners are not afraid of losing. Once we leave school most of us know that it is not as much a matter of school degrees or good grades that count in the real world outside of academics, something more than just grades is required, I have heard it called ”brilliance” or “wisdom” this factor ultimately decides one’s future much more than school grades. Often in the real world it is not the smart that get ahead but the bold since the single most powerful asset we all have is our mind, so we better train your minds to think positively since we become the products of our thoughts or become what we are committed to. Friends, people will forget what you said and did but they will not forget how you made them feel. So guys I argue you to be kind to each other love and value much any one don’t care who they are were they are from, their age or their level. Sonrise is your family and your success depends on the support of other people. To my closest friends from Sonrise and ones I love most I appreciate your presence and your contributions in my life, God bless you. God bless Sonrise. God bless Rwanda. I OWE MY THANKS TO DEAR BISHOP JOHN RUCYAHANA. THANKS TO MY SPOSNSORS



: mutabazi buyongwe benjamin 8

Class of 2015

“In the end everything will be okay, if it’s not okay then it’s not the end.”

I’m glad; I was one of the luckiest students that joined Sonrise high school Where I spent three years of my life. It was my first time in boarding, I found it scary but things went differently because the way I expected it to be wasn’t the way I found it. I made many friends “SAUVE-MOI” and many more. I met wonderful awesome classmates that will always be at heart. I thank Sonrise society that taught me to work hard and love others, it exerted in me a spirit of team work and heroism to my faith. I loved entertainment especially MUSIC…. Sonrise was more than a school because I felt more comfortable at Sonrise where every situation at Sonrise was made up of do’s and many don’ts which also looks like the normal life I live. However much I may be out of my family (sonrise) I’ll still stay the person it made me. A piece of advice to my Dear friends in sonrise is to stand up for what they believe in, pray every day and don’t forget to love one another.

:( +250)789781973 : Davila Uwimbabazi :____________________________

Love you all


Class of 2015

During my 2 years in sonrise I’ve got many understanding friends who helped me in all situations, we have walked slowly but never backward as we all know, they say if you want to walk fast move alone, but if you want to move further move with others .we have gone further for those 2 years together and helped one another.

As a saying goes” one good book is equal to hundred good friends but one understanding friend is equal to more than a library.”

I have learnt to love each other and coping up with situations .I have faced Many challenges that taught me how to cooperate with others. During my 2 years in sonrise I have got many nicknames like muzehe ,tonton ,president of stories and others because we’ve enjoyed many good times together like sharing meals as tablemates enjoying featurings (eating 10 breads once in a weak ) enjoying a boom in Eden and Watching movies it was so good. As pieces of advice I would advise you to be patient for a while, remember patience pains but pays,” who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life and great success is born from great sacrifice. Wish you all the best in high school.

:( +250)784528283 : kayihura cedric 10

Class of 2015

“You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. Un l you are able to say to your self, I lived through this I can take the next thing that comes along.”

During my six years in sonrise high school I’ve leant to be courageous where by my friends used to encourage me to concentrate on my studies and working together in order to succeed. I also gained confidence and experience through that life, which helped me to end with good performance and good spirit of cooperation. I can conclude by encouraging my young brothers and sisters who are still in school to work hard and also choose good friends who can guide you and correct you where you are wrong. Keep trying, never fear to make mistakes.” Life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

:____________________________ : Mutabazi Emmanuel 11

Class of 2015


First time when i came in Sonrise High School, I was so scared because it was my first time to study in a boarding school and that was in grade 7. Of course I was lonely in my first few days but as days kept on going the more friends I was winning because of how Sonrise students were friendly and I was lucky to meet other. Sonrise taught me how to love, entertaining myself and others. Being active in every thing but what I loved most is how Sonrise students are social. I thank God and my parents who brought me to such wonderful school and thank SAUVE-MOI FAMILLE that makes me smile. To my young sisters and brothers, what I can tell you is that take your elder’s guide as hope of saints in crucial things unity is important thing, diversity in everything generosity: While knowing that you are the one to change your fellow’s behavior and trust God in everything because he can change your nature.

:(+250)78677707,(+250)363602 : _________________________________


Class of 2015

“ A Happy bird is one that lets others se le in its nest.”

I have amazingly spent three years in sonrise. I am including the word “AMAZINGLY” because they have been the best years of my whole school life and that I cherish of course. It wasn’t that easy for me to cope up with others because it was my first time to change the society ,the people I finished my primary school with are the very people I joined high school with in the same school. So it was enjoyable to me to join high school because of those friends of mine that were over a number of 10. The school that I joined in secondary one was the school that every one minded his/her own business and they were not interested in making friends, it was like if you have one friend it would seem to be enough for you to live your school life which is the other way round in this beautiful sonrise. When I first entered sonrise high school it became a hard thing for me to make new friends because of the habits I had picked from the former school .I lived a boring life but I was surprised to see other students try to talk to me. I thank my friends and family SAUVE- MOI that brings a smile to my face every day. So dear word, I kindly advise you to build bridges not walls. Mean to be letting anyone that want to count in your life do it to make your life sweet and live it happy.

:(+250)787585378 : Umutesi Imani :__________________________


Class of 2015


try to please others, just be true to who you are.” I first came to SONRISE in 2010 to start my secondary studies. It was my first time in the Northern Province; I can say that it was quit challenging Because of the cold weather but as days passed I got used to it. During my time in SONRISE the thing I liked to do the most was singing. I met many talented people who were very good in singing and each one of them left“Agakoryo” in my heart. Apart from singing I also liked reading novels, attending football games, eating, and watching movies. I enjoyed learning economics, math and leadership as the principle of life and although I was not very good in physics, I tried my best to get good grades. I learnt to never give up no matter how the situation is but more Especially I learnt to work with others in a team and to help in times where help is needed. In six years I’ve been in SONRISE I met very good people, the TY-GALZ, The SAUVE-MOI girls and many others who gave me love, care and inspiration everyday; having them in my life made me the happiest girl in the whole universe. The advice I can give to you all is to have a vision because knowing what you want is the first step towards achieving it. Learn to control your desires because desires can lead to both success and destruction. Put GOD first in everything, work hard and do your best He will do the rest. I love you all

:(+250)789803260 : Lynn U Debby :__________________________


Class of 2015

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are ny ma ers compared to what lies within us.” When I first came in Sonrise, I was afraid to go far from my family and to meet new people, new teachers and food I wasn’t used to, plus new subjects. There is this day I’ll never forget when Tr.x told us to go and wash our shirts during class time and he ordered us to stand in front of the staff room with our hands up holding the shirts for them to dry . It was an awful moment and I won’t forget it. Later on I was so blessed to meet new friends and we gave ourselves a name “TY- GALZ”, that was in O’level. Unfortunately they never came back in A’level of course I thought it was the end of my happiness in Sonrise but no it wasn’t. I was lucky and blessed to have new girlfriends they dried my tears. They are no other than “SAUVE MOI GIRLS.” Like seriously I learnt many things in Sonrise like loving other people, lending a helping hand to anyone in need and working as a group for better results. The thing I liked in Sonrise is entertainment the music, movies and boom…. I’m so blessed to have studied in Sonrise. Dear souls in Sonrise, school is there to teach us no matter how hard it is. Even though we hate it, it’s part of our lives. Dear friends try to see how fun it is and no my friends never mind about the stress.

:(+250)788930673 : Ziggy Mars 15

Class of 2015

“If your dreams inspire others, dream more and act more.”

Today I am so honored to share the things which I have mastered in Sonrise.As a young girl, when I first joined Sonrise, it was my pleasure to meet different friends and learn from them socially, academically and spiritually. This inspired me to work hard so that I may change my future and help my young ones to have a bright future too. As they say “Learn from the elders and teach the young ones.” And this encourages me to tell my friends that, they should not worry about their future, but they should strive to it since it is never too late to change, if you were not happy with yesterday. I shall never forget Sonrise!!

:________________________ :________________________ 16

Class of 2015

“Hold fast what you got and believe in yourself.�

I was privileged to join sonrise high school. I was very nervous about Getting along with people older than me, of course, I was shy, and felt So small, but as time got shortened, I also learn, loved high school to the Extent that I felt my existence. More to this I made new friends and applied This saying that goes like, if you want to walk fast walk alone, but if you want to reach further then walk with others, so now I am how I am due to what all my life chose to be and thank be to God who gave me this opportunity and all my buddies. Dear brethren I call upon you to work hard and rehearsal your life vision and your dreams with your natural abilities (talents) and put God first in your life and every trial will be more flexible than you think.

:__________________________ :Sophiesara


Class of 2015


When I reached in high school I wasn’t afraid as many of my colleagues were because I had a cousin here called Barbra to whom I hoped she would help get used to the new community. Indeed she did and I’m grateful. My ordinary level was so stressing as in many subjects that were approximately 19. I had no hope of finishing O’level easier with no repeating but as I read harder the more my results built hope in me because I was performing well. I successfully joined A’ level with good marks and took HEL as my principle because I was interested and good at reading novels which made me choose literature and history where I perform well now. I am also blessed to have met friends that taught me how to pray and obey the lord. I am so far working hard to be the change I wish to see in the world. :(+250)728651689

Apiece of advice I can give is that we don’t have to listen to what people tell us more especially those discouraging us, because they tend to be the ones afraid that we can make it.

:_______________________ :umulisa aline @


Class of 2015

As a saying goes “what you believe you can archive it” I’ve archived my primary goal, spending two month without a roll call of any


teacher, without removing a t shirt to enter the toilet, living under the time keeper’s watch when I’ve got mine (being dependent). I’ve archived all these through believing that one day I will be writing this. Back to my source of love sonrise high school, a school by name but a home by nature not because of the good buildings but because of its people, more especially students who love, respect and help each other. Since my first year in sonrise high school as a freshman Sonrise has taught me that with love great things can be accomplished and life can be better for both the poor and the rich. “Life is a song-sing it. Life is a game-play it. Life is a challenge- meet it. Life is a dream-realize it. Life is loveenjoy it. Life is struggle-struggle (students).” I dedicate these words to every one reading this… My gratitude goes to the founder of sonrise (BISHOP RUCYAHANA). :(+250)781604576 :_______________________ :


Class of 2015

“In all failures, there is s ll a well done.�

I have been one of the blessed people in the world that looks forward to share the blessings I found to little brothers and sisters that I know need it like I once needed it. Speaking on blessings, I am actually meaning the lessons and inspirations I found in Sonrise. I believe Sonrise is and have been a blessing to everyone who has had a chance to step at its gates. Be it visitors, parents and students. Will I give it a tittle "Sonrise School of Hope" For the world to understand how Sonrise is a blessing? I won't forget thanking Sonrise for the many songs it has changed, literally. A soul that once sang "oh God, will I see light? " today is singing "when will I be able to share this light I have found" This is the song that most of us are singing And I think "will I be able to share to share this light shouldn't be our huge worry. Trying to insinuate that God who saved is still there, so we'll do our best and he'll do the rest. I personally thank Bishop John Rucyahana for being the perfect example of a Hero I want to be and the world needs. Well, an advice or a suggestion to the little souls in Sonrise and The SOSA Family is... Lets share this light we have found to the world and change the wrong lights too, literally. Lets have a heart of helping just like our dear bishops.

:(+250)781282546 :Ritah Cassie Abatesi :__________________________


Class of 2015

“Bana neza n`abantu wigendere.” My life at sonrise begun in 2010.It was my first time being in a boarding school, I had no idea of the happiness and great impact it would have on me later. The first day I came here, I started dancing and it quickly became like a dream, there were elders like Kevin,Derrick,Florice,bosco,Eric,karangwa Kevin, to mention but a few. There were so inspiring and I could die rather than missing one of their performances, they inspired me, taught me so many things, and I danced and people got to know me just by dancing anytime and anywhere. I thank God for the life I lived in, here at SONRISE and completely regret nothing because it opened the most graved part of my personality that I could have never unlocked if I had not landed in this community. And I landed not only in a community but in a family, I found friends that mean the world to me, and most importantly Sonrise is the student not the buildings, not the food, not the grades ,not the money or where you come from, because we are one. This is the life I regret to lose when I leave but in life we meet different obstacles, trials but at the end, all that matters is the way you pass through them, I started talking about how I danced so much which was becoming an obstacle to my class performance but a friend told me that if you know you have a talent there is no excuse of not using it and he told me, ”you’ll have to work hard” both in class and on the dancing and drawing. I did it and know I owe all the character, personality, love, compassion to mother sonrise.

:(+250)789515790 :nganji denis


Class of 2015

“LET YOUR SMILE CHANGE THE WORLD, BUT DO NOT LET WORLD CHANGE YOUR SMILE.” During my high school I learnt a lot of things, really sonrise is my home. When I came in senior one, I was afraid of a new life and new subjects. I was extremely afraid of new friends but they were cool and nice to me really and “an understanding friend is a rare blessing.” In O’level my dream was to become a doctor because I was doing biology and chemistry very well, but when I reached in A’level my dream changed completely. Though we don’t know what the future holds, we know who holds the future. When I was taking my combination I wanted BCG and PCB but unfortunately Our Academic officer gave me LEG. I was very annoyed, I cried so much but tears can’t change any thing, indeed change is the fact of life. I was sent to arts class 3weeks later I was amazed to be the 2 nd in my class though I hated arts so much. But I eventually became happy and I enjoyed my combination since I’m always the first and hoping for a bright future. Apiece of advice I can give is none other than to just encourage everyone to work hard and leave the rest in the hands of the lord and keep in mind that chance favours a prepared mind, because taking a new step, uttering a new word is what people fear most so never fear anything.


:__________________________ :NIYIGENA MARTHA

Class of 2015

“IF OTHERS CAN, I CAN ALSO.” As people say that “Promises are made but they come late” was the same saying that I used, to endure school life. My high school life at SONRISE HIGH SCHOOL started in 2010 and Really it was not easy for me because I was used to primary life where they used to Care for students and at the high school you care for your self. I started as a young kid who was ever shy, but a friend to every one. People loved me just because I seemed to be young, ever laughing and obeyed each and every one and I really enjoyed playing foot ball (soccer) and basket ball, which were S1, S2 and S6. S3 and S4 that’s when I was becoming mature and had other new friends I had to realize that I had a talent of “rapping” and that’s when I was persuaded by a friend called Cyusa Christian(Norwin)to go in the studio and we released a song. Sonrise continued being good for me and studied so many things; living together with people because life is interdependent, loving each other because Sonrise is a family and I have left it still a family .I thank my friends such as Munana Nick (Nickio Amarira) and all the society of Sonrise. LONG LIVE SONRISE AND GREAT HONOR TO THE FOUNDER BISHOP JOHN RUCYAHANA AND SUCCESSOR BISHOP LAURET MBANDA.. And I would like to advise every member of Sonrise to work hard because if others did it you can also do it and remember that you are what you are today because of yesterday’s preparation. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail……


:(+250)789890057 :Niyongenzi Christian

Class of 2015

“If you want to walk fast, go alone. But if you want to reach far: walk as a team.�

During my six years in Sonrise high school, I have learnt a bunch of things that have built my character. I learnt co-operating with others and I alone learnt to be patient in any situation that I encountered. I learnt that although sometimes life may get hard but if you work as a team any thing can be achieved. My advice to all of you who are reading this is to always aim higher so that you may be successful in life and it will help you to be who you want to be in future. You may not even know who holds the future so go for it because it is promised to every one.

:(+250)725013451. :niyonsengag :Anne Kissy Goretti


Class of 2015

I am Named Fabien NIYONSHUTI

“A united team is much stronger

By the time I spent in Sonrise high school (3years)! I met people that I have Never seen before where they used to help each other, advice and building ideas, Giving the value and dignity that must be offered to human kind I mean changing bad mind for better, what liked most is “TEAM WORK”

Than an individual work ”

Brothers and sisters, let’s raise up, work together from the bottom to the top of the pyramid.

:(+250) 78501 1066, (+250)725011066 :Inshuti Fabien


Class of 2015


I was born in 14th/SEPTEMBER/1994. I started my studies in 2001 in a francophone System but in 2004 I resumed in an Anglophone system here in Sonrise Boarding School I have spent 12 years at Sonrise School since P1-S6 There is something that has never made me a real failure in my whole studies since 2001-2015.This thing is the belief I had in me of saying that “EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE IF YOU’RE WELL DETERMINED.”I took this as my principle and I found my self succeeding till now though some of the levels were as hard as anything bad but sometimes this was caused by having a loss of time and finally my determination diverse. If you loose time you loose everything in life for sure because “TIME WASTED IS NEVA REGAINED” I found love, care, cure, courage, strength all because of the Bible. If you let God to get involved in your staff, He will never let you done no matter what but if you give no time then you got to solve it on your own but remember “there is no man who can do all on his own if he has no help” I may conclude saying that, we all know how tiresome are the levels of studies but we don’t know how sweet it feels from the results of working hard and achieving the crown of victory. If you work hard you will gain much and if you work lazily then you gain less. So it’s all your choice and remember the way you want to live in this life will be determined by your choices.


:(+250)789833217 :______________________ :______________________

Class of 2015

“Champions are champions not because they do anything extraordinary, but because they do ordinary things be er than anyone.” When I first started in Sonrise, I used to think that my parents hated me and at that time I wondered if I was like any other kid in the school. But little by little I learned that if I wanted to be who I wanted to be the only thing was to fight against my negative thoughts and learn how to live on my own and happily. It wasn’t easy at the beginning but I still struggled until I got what I wanted even though it wasn’t a must that I get everything that I wanted. So I got to make friends but it wasn’t that easy to find the adequate friends. Luckily I was with a brother (Horace) who was always my friend. Unfortunately he left after three years and after that life began to change, some parts changed in a bad way and others into the best that I never expected. I got to know many more people that became my homies (HITLERS) ( A.K.P) , I was gifted with a very wonderful seatmate who inspired me and taught me some things that I never knew and she became my best friend ( Deborah Lynn U ), I always liked having fun but when it reached the time of classes I felt like I would always say that I will study tomorrow but luckily I was brave enough to know that “ I CAN NEVER PUT TOMORROW, WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE TODAY”, like I learned something that says: “do what you can while you still can coz you won’t do it when you can’t.” My best moments in sonrise were: boom time and chatting stories with 4th niggas and Krib that I love so much. It was a pleasure to study in sonrise and I was so enchanted to know and be with you guys. My advice is to tell you not to hate studying because it’s annoying or discouraging, yes indeed it might be but just study because you want to brighten your future. Believe that you can make it, coz you don’t know what awaits on the other side of life.


:(+250)786512170 :kevis Marley brown

Class of 2015

“IF YOU WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL DON’T LOOSE YOUR MIND.” I have been in Sonrise for 11 years, both primary and secondary. Sonrise has been my second home because there is a lot I’ve learnt from it. My friends taught me how to be me, how to love one another in many ways. Sonrise Taught me how to pray with others and what I liked most is worshiping time. I started high school in 2010 with good grades from primary 6, I felt happy because I was leaving primary and I was eager to wear a trouser and study physics, biology and other new subjects. Sonrise is a place where I have met and made a lot of friends both boys and girls which meant a lot to me. Some have gone to other schools, others are dead (R.I.P) but all in all Sonrise has been my second family. I leant how to dance in Sonrise and I liked the way Students danced (EDEN) I’ll miss all that. My A’LEVEL life was better than O’LEVEL because these three years have been blessings for me and my friends that I’ll always remember and give high value. I can say am addicted to Sonrise but truly am lifted by it. I have learnt to do good things, instead of being a good person and I have known how to do smart things than to look smart in Sonrise. So brothers and sisters learn to do beautiful and smart things than to be….

: (+250)787652281 :Ntwali Clive


Class of 2015

“Say what you want and what you feel because those who don’t mind ma er and those who don’t ma er mind.” I reached Sonrise in 2013. I had no friend as a new comer and as foreigner from Burundi. By that moment I didn’t know English because I was from a francophone school. This was one of the difficult moments I experienced in Sonrise. The lessons were difficult for me to understand and I didn’t perform well in class at first. But due to the love, students at Sonrise have and share, and also due to the commitment I had towards academics, my class performance improved. I got a best friend that helped me enough in all aspects as well as other friends who helped me in different sectors like sports and Rwandan culture. I used to play basketball for the school team which also became a bridge to meet other students from different schools. I will not forget my second family” Sonrise Students” especially 2015 promotion. As an advice for my young Brothers and Sisters, enjoy life because it’s short but also take serious and profitable decisions because a man is responsible of his life.

:(+25)771407407 :Nyamwana Kevin :______________________ 29

Class of 2015

“Life is very short to repeat the mistakes we did, instead we should learn from them to excel.� I’m so glad to share my life experience in sonrise high school. When I fist came to sonrise I was quite nervous and afraid to meet new people, new society as well as a new part of life. For a moment I thought that I would never get used to the new life, but to my surprise many ended up being my close friends. They were so nice, loving and made me feel at home. When it came to studies, I took LEG as a combination (literature, economics, geography) sometimes it would get hard but no matter the situation I learnt that through team work and co-operation, everything is possible. In sonrise I learnt to be responsible, to take care of myself as well as others and also living well with others in the society, I learnt discipline which is the key to success. Dear friends in sonrise what I can advice you, is to do each and everything at the right time and in the right place and remember that time lost is never regained.

:(+250)787172058 :Ineza Tina


Class of 2015


I first arrived at SONRISE HIGH SCHOOL in 2013, it was my first time in a boarding school, and I can say that I am happy because it’s where I became more mature. In the part of studies, I enjoyed lessons of Math and Computer science though it required me a lot of efforts like waking up early in the morning and doing a lot of exercises before going to bed, but I thank God I did my best that I could. During the three years that I’ve been in sonrise, I learnt to live with different people from different parts of the world, and I met very special people that I take as my family, because of the love and care they showed me. I’m thankful to those who said no because of them I did it my self. ADVICE OF WINNERS:” Never loose hope in difficult times, there is time for everything and everything is done in its own time. Keep the confidence even if on the surface it’s not calm because in the invisible depth your future is


being shaped.”

:ornella Ineza


Class of 2015

“Life is a gi and priceless” I started here at Sonrise School in 2001 in primary 1. With and that’s when it started as an orphan school. I was at the age of 7years old, I repeated p2 and p5 by then I never new what school was. When I repeated p5 is when I started to realize what school was, and when I saw that my best friend called Allain had left me, I started to work hard in class. Reaching in p6 I performed well with aggregate 6 which means I was in 2 nd grade. Then when I can here at secondary It was the best because it was a precious thing to come to high school, and more to that I found my friend here I received me well like a brother. I met more friends that am now with in s6 some come in the middle like we didn’t started s1 together. Am the most gifted person on earth, because I have friends that I got in sonrise they have love that is so unconditional Because, I was not the son of the rich, talented boy, either the handsome one in school, but they loved me I really love them, and I thank God for sonrise it’s a family. I used to wonder why students who finish high school still come to sonrise, but now I understand them because of the young brothers and sisters they have left there. Love you sonrise student because you shown me love And helped me, how to live in society of different standards. Am happy to finish high school but also sad for the friends am leaving behind, always love you stay blessed. Love you everyday: LIFE IS A GIFT AND PRICELESS.

:_______________________ :Byuks Carl Kleinzy :_________________________


Class of 2015

“If you want to walk faster walk For the three years I have been at Sonrise, I have learnt and acquired various skills that I am grateful for. But the most important is the spirit of team work. This resulted into DETERMINATION, LOVE, and SUCCESS

alone, if you want to reach further walk with others. Together we can achieve more.”

Brothers and SISTERS LET’S be united because unity is A FORCE for every achievement IN LIFE. Be blessed

:(+257)79069082 :Ayinkamiye Deledda


Class of 2015

“Life is not finding yourself but crea ng yourself.” The Sonrise society is the best place that every person would wish to live in because it had left me with a lot of memories to keep. Socially I have been positively influenced by people that we shared views, my classmates, friends out of the class and every person that I have known in Sonrise, because of their humanity, love and respect for each and every body. Though it sometimes became hard for me to cope up with some new challenges in high school people were there to help and support me. It will always be a blessing for me to have come to Sonrise because it is a source of all the knowledge and skills that I have from teachers, old sisters and brothers that were ahead of me and also my young sisters and brothers. In Sonrise there were some activities that I enjoyed most, apart from studying like reading novels in the library, during watching time in the weekend and having all sorts of fun with my colleagues. Though I will miss all these beautiful moments in life I will always remember them. Though it’s not easy for me to share all my life at Sonrise let me try to sum up and appreciate every individual who was part and partial of my life at Sonrise most especially John Rucyahana the founder, Leadership members, my close friends YVONNE, ALICE, HUBERT, CASSANDRA, SCOTT and others. I will always be proud of you. Stay blessed.


:(+250)781178006 :Christella Dufitumukiza


Class of 2015

My time at sonrise high school was very exciting.

“What doesn’t kill you makes you

At first I was very scared as normal, new environment ,


New people, new teachers, man it was tough…But I found loving people which was is contrary to what I thought. Sonrise became a good home for me, believe me am telling you the truth.. The coach and the football team saw potential in me and hence made me part of the team and I even won the so called “Ballon d’or”; it was quite an exciting part of my life, it was what I can call a moment that comes once in life, and I believe the experience I got from sonrise I will use it in future . I learnt to concentrate on my studies and do the best in whatever I engage my self in. An advice to my friends is to always play hard and do sports; believe in God and everything will work out.

:(+250)722564630, (+250)781154424 :jay jay jean de dieu


Class of 2015

“Life is how you make it". My life at SONRISE begun in 2010, and that was my first time to settle in a boarding school. At the beginning life was not that easy because I was experiencing some new things, I had to learn a lot, making things by my own and giving my life a purpose. As time was going by, I learnt that life is how we really make it. All the decisions we make, the friends we choose and the words we say all that matters and the life we live is an outcome from all that. I would say my life in SONRISE was pretty cool and awesome, I thank GOD who made me part of this society and I am thankful to all the people that I met there. I encourage all the people in SONRISE to make it to the maximum, wake up early everyday like you are on a mission, make good grades and change the world.

:(+250)787476507 :hirwaloicray6


Class of 2015

“Things which ma er most must never be at the mercy of things which ma er least.�

During my six years in sonrise high school, I learnt many things. I learnt to cope up with any situation from various challenges I met; I survived due to all the sisters and brothers that acted as my advisors and role models. Mostly I liked being alone, writing in my Diary anything whether good or bad, I loved sonrise a lot cause its where I learnt to live with others and sharing everything as a family. However much I loved sonrise, I hated being away from my family that I adore; but it was all for a good cause it was all to make a brighter future. Dear sonrise friends; make good choices to make your high school a perfect memorable part of your life.

:(+250)786600552 :Iribagiza asha


Class of 2015

“You’ll never know the true value of a moment un l it becomes a memory.” I came in sonrise in 2013 in A’ level. When I first stepped in sonrise I was blown away by the beautiful buildings, people and scenic nature. back then I was a day scholar and I hated everybody including my classmates…I felt like I was in a zoo with wild animals trying to eat me but eventually the people I hated the most became my life, each and every single day they proved me wrong. In class I was known as a sleepy, sturborn, smiley, tomboy girl… When it came to studies I took MCE as my main courses, I tried when it came to computer and economics as for math as well…The thing that I loved and killed me the most was the entertainment (boom time and music) and lunch time with the greatest and craziest friends called “sauve-moi.”I loved my 18yrs old birthday in SHS on 24-july-2015.In sonrise I was a super model, a basketball player and a designer. Reading in the library became ma favorite hobby.i had an amazing time in sonrise to the extent that the thought of leaving makes me cry a river, coz sonrise became a home 2 me. A piece of advice to all you hearties reading this, treasure what you have before it’s all gone…and love one another…and don’t waste your time judging people coz u’ll never get time to love them. :(+250)783042543 :ISIMBI FATINA 38

Class of 2015

“No condi on is permanent.� I have just spent not more than two (2) years at Sonrise. Though I had just changed to another environment which seemed to be challenging and confusing to me, because I Thought I wouldn’t learn any new thing from here and also because of a bad background All I wanted was to do studies without any other business. But all this became different when I reached in this school because I leant more than just education like loving one another, helping each other, God fearing, which I know will Play a big role in my life. All I want to say in brief is that I appreciate and thank all of you guys that played a part in my life during this short time in sonrise, it will be hard to find special friends like you, I will miss you guys a lot and I Love you all. :(+250)781182375 :jaxon junior :_____________________ 39

Class of 2015

“Success is not the final, failure is not the total, it is the courage to con nue that counts.”

Call me Rasta, Sista, Muscle,Bebe or anything you want as long as you say it with love! I am Jimmy Lee, the guy who had many nicknames. It is not because I was funny or unusual guy, it is because I liked to allow people express their feelings about me. My hobby was sport and because of living in a Christian School I got saved and received Jesus Christ as my savior, Hallelujahhh…….!!!! I was the person who used to believe that God is not fair, but through conversations and testimonies with others at Sonrise, I came to realize that Sonrise is not just a school; it is a home of all people where we learn and experience the truth about life. To be frank I didn’t like the method of teaching in Rwanda as whole, sitting for 3 hours studying one subject, eating poorly at school, learning things in imagination and you cram them like hell, waking up at 3am and bathing cold water… What is the real definition of education? Is it getting A’s in Math, Physics, Biology or other subjects? I came to realize that what I needed most was not to know that cos2 x +sin2 x=1, or Newton laws’ of motion, what I needed most was to know what Love, leadership, confidence, maturity, hardworking, discipline, patience, self reliance and other values are, that makes up a real man. In my 3 years at Sonrise High School I have learnt all of that which has shaped me into a man who is going to bring change out there. I am thankful to meet good people such as my brother Scott who taught me a lot in life, my best sit-mate for all my time at Sonrise Fatina, people who taught me to keep up my smile through good and bad like Amen and other good people. My dear brethren know that Education is the only weapon we can use to change the world, and education is not only what you get in class! Pray, work hard as slave you will gain as king and be patriotic!


:(+250)783039860 :Jimmy Lee

Class of 2015

“A aining your des ny, it depends on how much you work hard to reach it.”

This means that everybody around the globe has his or her own destiny but reaching it, depends on how much you work hard or you direct your efforts on activities to attain it. This is because no body knows his or her destiny, but everybody does have it. So because you don’t know it, you have to do the right things in their own time and wait for what result may come out later, which may even be your destiny. I came at Sonrise High school in Advanced level(A’ level),from senior four (S.4)to senior six(S.6), and I first took combination as CEM(Computer Economics Mathematics),I studied it for two terms but it was so hard for me and somehow stressfull.And so because I felt uncomfortable with it, I had to change and then took MEG (Mathematics Economics Geography)as my new combination from senior four(S.4), third term(3 rd term), till senior six(S.6).During my class time, I studied as I was supposed to, though sometimes I would feel like I don’t want to attend classes but I kept on trying my level best. After classes,I liked to play pool table(biallard).Apart from that, I met many new different people and who later became my friends as time went on. After all that couple of years, what I learnt or took as a lesson is to never give up and to be patient in every thing. I also learnt how to live with many different people with different characters or behaviors in harmony. This was so helpful in my high school life. As I’m putting an end on this, I can say that; “living in harmony is the best key or shield of living well in the society.”

:(+250)783039860 :Kabalisa Rodolphe, 41

Class of 2015

“A brother may not be a friend but a friend may be a brother.” The first time I joined senior 1 in sonrise, I was so scared and lonely with no hope of getting a friend, but that’s not how things were meant to be what I can say is that Sonrise students are so welcoming and friendly. I got friends whom we studied together and helped each other in all the subjects and we passed all the exams in high school. Even now the friends I got at Sonrise are like a family to me. And so brothers and sisters learn how to make good friends that will help you to make a step in life.

:_______________________ :KABERA CHRISTINE :____________________________ 42

Class of 2015

“Don’t always go where the path leads, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

I joined Sonrise high school in 2010 it was not easy for me to face a new change of living with new people, in a new environment but as time came I realized that these people had love, a helping hand, and were hardworking. All they had was cooperation which shaped me into a real person that I’m today in the Sonrise society. The most important part that I really enjoyed in Sonrise was having fun with my Classmates, dorm mates in different areas and activities such as; Basketball and dancing which joined me with young and older brothers and sisters. I really realized your love, your help and friendship from you all that we shared fun, joy, some views, strong words and knowledge. It’s a memory that I will always keep and which will always remind me about some where that I passed and learnt some thing strong and helpful in my life, due to the people that I lived with in Sonrise. I really thank you for the love you showed me you will always have a place in my heart. ADVISE I was always told to think about where success comes from and how to be successful, and then finally I realized from many people that success comes from hard work. So better set your mind on a clear positive aim and goal because there is no success without pain “Ushaka inka aryama nkayo.”

:(+250)787478389 :Kivuguto Hubert


Class of 2015

During my six years in Son rise high school I leant the way of living in any society and even how to cop up with any situation from various challenges.

“To know what you want is the first step of ge ng it. To mean that if you do not kwon where you are going you will move along, hard and re some journey in other words if you want to get to you are des ny you should be having AVISION knowing what you want in you are live.”

This is where I learnt being pro active to every one and even making friends that helped me in my every day live both in academics and even sharing ideas making funs and is where I came to know how a friend is important and why we need friends I thank you all son rise students that you have been good friends of mine. Due to many challenges made me to be able to live with every one and live in any society I thank every one who have helped me in any thing in my course of my high school My friends try to live in peace with every one and I wish you to get to you are destiny.

:(+250)787211004 :Kayiranga Alfred :______________________


Class of 2015

“If you believe you can achieve anything.” My names are Mugabo Patrick I have spent more than twelve years in sonrise. I finished primary level in 2009 and joined high school in 2010 until now. During My school life in sonrise I met good and caring friends, determined teachers and An inspiring staff, in fact sonrise was like my second home. I learnt how to obey, Love one another and God fearing in sonrise. Though I had wonderful times I also Met some challenges but which I don’t think stopped me from loving and seeing sonrise As an incredible place to live. In conclusion I would like to give a piece of advice to people am leaving in sonrise. As the motto of the school says ‘LIGHT ON A HILL’ try your best to mean it, work hard Fear God, believe and stay focused to your dreams. I will always miss Sonrise…

:____________________ :Mugabo Patrick


Class of 2015

I was born in 11 th-November-1995; I have spent 12 years in Sonrise since 2004 from primary One to senior Six after completing my nursery level.


Sonrise is the school that I studied not only education but also society sharing, discipline and other things. All in all I’ve learnt how to treat people equally that’s what I call love ….portraying sonrise can take me decades and decades briefly to me Sonrise is my home my brotherhood …..Love you all ADVISE.’’’’’FAMILY ISNOT ONLY BLOOD’’ this is to say that what ever society you appear in you have to adapt yourself, in all conditions around you One love .One heart Work hard,Play hard…..

:____________________ :Muhizi allan 46

Class of 2015

In my life experience at Sonrise School, I came to know that the happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything that comes there way. I tried to influence people around me

“Being a friend doesn’t always require doing what your friend wants you to do. Rather it requires doing what you believe is best for your friend.”

positively through discipline, love and patience in every situation I could face. I also came to know that life is what you make it, and tried to never be nothing for everyone else to feel everything as self respect and other similar qualities in life. Utilizing all the available resources available in my way is one step to success instead of developing dependence in life.

Just because things didn’t turn out like you wanted them to be, doesn’t mean your future Can’t be better than you have ever imagined. “Love the life you live and live the life you love.”

:(+250)784140004 :MUMPOREZE Alice :______________________ 47

Class of 2015

“Never comfort someone with a lie instead you can hurt him with the truth.�

During my six years in Sonrise high school, I learnt many things that I cannot mention all of them but the most things I learnt is to be social to others, love, but the most thing I thank God for, is that I met students with different characters and different backgrounds who taught me to many things in life (life experience), meaning I have many life experiences without passing through it. Because of love we had to share each and everything and everyone had to benefit from one another. This life experience is the one which made me who I am and the one that I will be in the future. My favorite activities during high school was playing football, basketball but the most thing I used to do was conversing with the students who would give me some pieces of advice and would tell me the truth. They showed me my weakness and could challenge me that I could dramatically change. I really loved my classmates of 2014-2015 because we shared a lot and had some fun together. But above all, my vision is to be a doctor meaning I will treat people. The most things I can tell all students in high school is to put first things first; meaning first study, attend class, revise and do home works given by teachers. Then having fun and sports will come later. Avoid using drugs also because you can’t concentrate on your studies well when you are using drugs. The last thing is to obey your parents because no parent who can wish you bad things instead they are always trying to shape you in order to be successful.

:(+250)789241708 : Munyaneza Yves


Class of 2015

“The secret to grow in life is to believe trust and be honest to your self

Since I joined Sonrise society I have gained many things in all aspects of life socially, physically and mentally. I am what I am today because of the choice I made for tomorrow any way I had got teachers more friends and Sonrise was a good family that I had in life because I have got the definition of love since I joined Sonrise

if you want to change your life and change sad experiences into great and happy life.�

I thank God who gave me friends and all I have got in Sonrise Friends who a going to read this I wish you the best you have got all that you deserve, Just work hard, believe in your self, give the best of your self to what you want‌..

:(+250)784860392 ,(+250)728660392 _________________________________ :


Class of 2015

“Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard mes

During my high school life in sonrise was the best life, I never imagined I can make friends, I met different people who are now very important to me and whom I consider as my brothers and sisters. I learnt to value everyone that ever stepped in my life, Love them and cherish them, we shared moments, shared memories and shared the hopes of tomorrow.

they can only make you stronger.�

You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.

:(+250)786728776 Ivy Ivon : ________________________


Class of 2015

“You sow a thought, you reap a word You sow a word, you reap an ac on You sow an ac on, you reap a habit You sow a habit, you reap a character.” Sonrise School is the only place I’ve been through for my primary and secondary education. As a naive boy, when I was still in primary I didn’t understand what was going on, I mean the reason why I was studying. I didn’t like the life I used to live at school; I craved for various possessions but didn’t value the basic things that I was acquiring including knowledge, and other various values. As I proceeded with the journey of studies and life at Sonrise high School, I came to value what I didn’t value before, got transformed in mind, and acquired various skills. In addition to that, family, love, and friendship is what I‘ve got at Sonrise School, because these are put forward in various ways including joining SONRISE OLD STUDENTS ASSOCIATION (SOSA) where they keep in touch even when they finish high school. Finally, I thank very much Bishop John Rucyahana, Sponsors, and anyone who contributed or who is still contributing to keep Sonrise School exist. :(+250)789813910

Brothers and sisters, it all begins within us as mentioned above. So strive for a better living and keep God as the first priority.

:Butera Scott : 51

Class of 2015

“With God everything is possible� .

When I joined high School I met many challenges like difficult subjects that my average in class was affected, so I tried the best and prayed to God to give me hope, courage and success to pass my subjects. I was never alone in the long journey to success because I was helped by friends who helped me in class work like explaining what I had not understood. Finally I came to know that everything can be possible with God, any time you work hard, studies will be an easy thing to you. Through all these challenges and many others that I met I learnt never to give up in any thing. As I am living the school I want to tell those that are still in Sonrise that with God everything can be possible but never fail to try in life and also working hard is the source of success in life. Students, try to understand your leaders so that you can achieve your goals in the society which will help you in life and also remember to pray to God To help you in your studies.

:(+250)7 8641 1676, (+250)7 2221 1676, (+250)7 3341 1676 :byiringirofabien :


Class of 2015

“Life at school is good when you make a good choices and it’s bad when you make a bad choices.”

During my six years in sonrise high school, I learnt many things .I learnt to cope up with any situation from various challenges I met; I survived due to all the sisters and brothers that acted as my advisors and role models. Mostly I liked being alone, writing in my Diary anything whether good or bad, I loved sonrise a lot cause its where I learnt to live with others and sharing everything as a family. However much I loved sonrise, I hated being away from my family that I adore; but it was all for a good cause it was all to make a brighter future. Dear sonrise friends; make good choices to make your high school a perfect memorable part of your life. Lots of ‘LOVE’

:(+250)7 88559278 :Therese U.ndagano :


Class of 2015

"It is what it is in life you get what you give". Once a time some one said that "there is no shortcut to success "and wether you believe it or not that how the real life that we live is , you know it is not so easy for someone who changes from a francophone to an anglophone system because everything is different . But if you try and work hard you will harvest high and if you does the opposite, trust the life. it will show you the other colour i want to thank every one that really helped me through my 2 years that i spent in sonrise it was really a familly thing for me and also want to encourage my country mates from BURUNDI to work hard i know it's not easy, but always appreciate what you get and try to give the best you can after all. we are not gifted in the same things so everything won't always go as others want it to be. just give the best you can , in the things you think you can.!! love you guys and thanks for everything it was a pleasure.

:(+257)79900414 :Gode Karik :


Class of 2015

“My heart beats, my eyes see then my conscious wish to be Who I want to be, if I work hard to day I’ll be what I want to be.”

I started my studies at sonrise boarding school (Anglican Church school) I was a little boy by that time, due to the change of environment, the situation wasn’t easy but as time went on, I found my self engaged in every activity Of the school. Though it wasn’t perfectly made but I kept on trying, reaching In grade3 I had a zigzag handwriting, that’s when my fellow classmates began telling me that I wrote like doctors, from there onwards I started having a dream of being a doctor but because of child hood b background, my conscious always preferred music more than anything else. During that time my favorite artists were snoop doggy (old skul music) and souja boy so as years continued, I found my self finishing with good grades in the National Exams…Glory be to God made it. when I reached sonrise high school, my eyes couldn’t believe the new situation of grown up students that surrounded me. I don’t know how I can express it, but let me call it hilarious, in relevant to my optimistic feelings about music that’s when I received my first aka khalifa.

:(+250)783009323 :Babi Khalifa : _______________


Class of 2015

“Life isn’t about giving in to failure, it’s about making a choice and living that choice”. My names are Rubibi Uwumukiza Moses. I attended Sonrise primary Boarding School for six years and then in 2010 I continued my high school education at Sonrise High School until my expected year of graduation 2015. My education at Sonrise was very interesting because I was able to make new friends, made a transition from French education system to English and also begun my life in a boarding school which was also one of the hardest situations to encounter with. In all those years at Sonrise, I made new friends like Musoni Claude who tirelessly worked with me to improve on our grades and share our life experiences to maximize our life potentials. I met Scott, Jimmy, Jean Christian, Alice, and Fatina, all these remarkable individuals were my guidance light night and day. They taught me a lot about how to be positive minded, solution oriented, and how to exercise the real you in all circumstances. They once again taught me how to widen my dreams and to achieve success in all what life might seem to be. Thanks to these friends once again. The life, culture and environment at Sonrise was what everybody would recommend you for. We were lucky to have smart, intelligent teachers who sharpened our minds to bring about solutions to existing problems. They were disproportionately courageous to let us know what mattered to our lives and what embodied our lives together to make us a strong body and get rid of all our hardships and difficulties. No matter the lives we lived back home, upon reaching at Sonrise we were all treated the same and taught to be humble towards each other. The solid values of leadership with strong characters of honesty, integrity, compassion, and Godfearing enormously drove us to making Sonrise our home, and deeply implanted in our hearts what no one would take away from us. We were intensely taught what we would achieve and how far we would reach once we decide to put together and how miserly our lives would be once we decide to fall apart. We had a memorable and loving adventure at Sonrise and all that has taught us to become a contributive and abiding citizen with virtues of moral and social responsibility wherever we go but especially to this country of Rwanda. In a nutshell, we’ve all came from different diversities, families and backgrounds but we’ve all stood the same ground to make a prosperous new and wonderful country. Sometimes I ask myself, if Sonrise wouldn’t have existed what would have happened? Dear mustard seed project, honorable sponsors, notable Shyira Diocess, our gorgeous Parents, teachers and other staff, I whole heartedly thank you :(+250)786111506 and once again, thank you so much may God bless you.

:Rubibi Moses : 56

Class of 2015

“Be a reflec on of what you'd like to receive. if you want love, give love. if you want truth, be truthful. if you want respect, give respect. What you give out will return to you”.

I started studying in Sonrise since 2003 until 2015 when I finished my secondary studies. It was a long journey which was not that easy but I can say that Sonrise school was and still is the best school I have ever known. I had good and memorable moments, I had the opportunity of being loved and comforted by both the students and the school administrators and I gained knowledge to help me achieve my dream of being important to my country Rwanda. In general I like people, smiling, caring for the sick and the needy, sharing stories with my beloved friends who became more as my sisters (apartment 6) and others that we studied together in class. In my life I aim at never giving up and staying confident in all the things I pass through. In the field of academics, it was not easy because I could fall sick and later on don't obtain good grades that I wanted to obtain but through it all I thank God for I never repeated a class instead I finished my secondary studies with good grades and now I’m preparing for further academic progress. Young sisters and young brothers work hard and mostly put your efforts together remember together everyone achieves more. :(+250)728430953 :Umuhumuriza Samantha Bébé : ________________________________ 57

Class of 2015


We Sonrise Teachers, We thank you for your hard working and commitment, your help towards other students, especially in academic issues. We encourage you to work hard because life is not easy; ending secondary school is not the end of studies but beginning.

“Tyr to find out your responsibility; stay with the positive attitude because life is what you make it. Hold on what you have so that no one will take your crown�. Brothers and sisters, we wish you success in your life. 58

Class of 2015


How we’ll measure those years my fellow students, we only arrived here six years ago now its, already time to leave, how did it all go so fast? It seems like only yesterday that we were skinny little freshmen, looking generally clueless to all the A’ level class men , now we are the A’ level class men, the seniors ready to graduate and move forward in the world, let’s look back;

How do we measure the time we’ve spent in high school? In the beginning we measured it in class periods, as days and weeks past we measured it in terms or semesters , and later in years as we moved from being those clueless freshmen to becoming sophisticated sophomores who thought they had it all figured out. By the time we reached our senior five year, we were confident that we were prepared to take over for the graduating seniors, and we couldn’t wait to “rule the school”.

And now here we are our rule is over, and it’s up to the next class to step into our shoes and take over. I know that I will measure my time here in a much different way, I will measure it in friendships I’ve enjoyed these last six years some were pretty casual and others were much closer but I’ll remember each one fondly as I’m sure you all will, too. And when our high school memories begin to fade, that’s how we’ll ultimately measure the time we spent here not in periods or semesters or years but in the friendships that we made and the times we shared together. Congratulations my fellow graduates of the class of 2015 whenever we go and whatever we do, may we always be friends when we meet again.



Class of 2015

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