==== ==== Click Below to Own Your Xbox 360 http://tiny.cc/yuaz9 ==== ====
If you are a hardcore Xbox gamer then you may want to consider getting one of the Xbox 360 Elite Systems. By purchasing an Elite Console you are not only purchasing a state of the art gaming machine, but you are also purchasing a home media center. With an Xbox 360 console you can play your favorite DVD's right on your Xbox 360. Most people don't realize that all you have to do is put a DVD into the Xbox the same way that you would put a game into your Xbox. After that, you just have to use your Xbox 360 controller to select how you want to watch the DVD. Another great part about owning an Xbox 360 Elite console is that you can watch your favorite DVD's in HD. Most people don't realize that each Xbox 360 console comes with standard as well as high definition cables. If you want to use your Xbox in HD mode you will have to purchase a high definition television. This investment is well worth the entertainment that you can get out of it. Watching and playing your favorite games in HD is honestly a completely difference viewing experience from a standard picture. A major benefit of having an Xbox 360 Elite console is that you get a 120GB hard drive. This hard drive is the largest hard drive that you can have on an Xbox console. There are many advantages to having a large hard drive. Having a 120GB hard drive allows you to download and store significantly more movies, videos, and music. The best part about having this hard drive is that you can take it out of your system and bring it over to a friend's house if they are having a party. At the party you can then watch your favorite games and DVDs. The Xbox Live marketplace is also a great feature that you get with the purchase of an Xbox 360 elite console. The Xbox Live marketplace is a virtual marketplace that allows you to browse through hundreds of videos, movies, music and games. There are actual original Xbox games that are available to you to download onto your Xbox 360 Console. You can even rent some of your favorite movies that are in theaters directly from the marketplace. The best part about downloading these things is that they get stored right on your hard drive for your viewing pleasure. Xbox 360 Elite Systems also come standard with a Microsoft Xbox DVD remote. This DVD remote is truly an astounding piece of equipment. It allows you to pause, fast forward, stop, and rewind DVDS with the click of a button. The DVD interface is also something that's quite amazing. From the DVD menu you can even choose which language you want to watch your movie or DVD in. On top of that, many of the DVDs that you watch have producer narration that you can listen to as you are watching the movie. Many gamers do not realize that each and every Xbox 360 Elite system comes with a wireless Xbox controller. Having a wireless Xbox controller is great because it allows you to sit back and relax without having to worry about lengthy wires. Other gaming consoles that are not Xbox require you to game with wired controllers. Playing with a wired controller can be an extremely