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Fact and fiction are subjected to separation by a faint line in fabricated advertisements at the foreign exchange market world: superimposing fact as fiction and fiction as fact. Read the article below to know the Forex ROBOT FACT form it's FICTION. It is vital for individuals involved at foreign exchange market to know the exact fact from fiction so that their money is relatively risk free. Here I have given certain fact and fiction about Forex robots. 1. Forex robots can make me rich overnight... Fact/Fiction : FICTION Explanation: Forex robots can make profits but not overnight. It makes gradual positive profits since it is programmed to trade based on analysis of past market pattern. 2. Forex robots can trade even while I am asleep. Fact/Fiction : FACT Explanation: Certain robots from Forex like FAP Turbo can trade even when you are sleeping or when the computer is off due to a feature called VPS(Virtual Private Server) and to enable this you need to pay some extra charge for hoisting. 3. Forex robots can trade 24/7 all by itself. Fact/Fiction : FACT Explanation: Forex robots are automated and can trade all day long when the computer is switched on all by itself as it is programmed using AI- artificial intelligence which works very much like an expert advisor for trading. 4. Forex robots are 100% accurate and gives only profits without loss. Fact/Fiction : FICTION Explanation: Robots form Forex are programmed to analyze past financial market pattern and predict possible profitable trades using mathematical algorithm calculations. Most of the time this is accurate beyond 90% because the robot understand the trend but since the market is subjected to a lot of ups and downs, losses may be incurred since the new or the unexpected change in market is not registered in its data base. This may result in loss. But, once lessons are learnt, it gets back to profit making. 5. Forex robots are equipped with money back guarantee. Fact/Fiction : FACT Explanation: Forex gives a 60 days money back guarantee to the buyer if unsatisfied with the product without asking further questions. With the purchase you get user friendly manual, video tour, good customer support, Forex membership, free updates, licence to trade and takes just 15 minutes for installation. You can start trading with a small capital less than 100$. During the trial it is advisable to trade both in demo and live accounts and then buy the product.