Put Trust Back in Marriage

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Some say it's the course of the global ignorance that a woman and a man, I mean husbands and wives now stay only a few time in matrimonial contract. More so, it has become a thing of imperative that this so called contract therefore followed the pattern of catastrophe. Well nothing under the sun is new, so says the greatest literature of the world - Bible. That though a man shall leave his mother and father and be joined to his wife, and then they shall become one flesh, and perhaps as the days rolls by shall definitely become one blood and spiritually cleave together. They shall have offspring of same kinds who will bear the name of a new generation and lineage of the couple. With time shame had laterally graced the wedding of the couple, and without just reason they splitted and went each ways, leaving their children to suffer the punishment of their infidelity. The disease started from somewhere around the polar region of the world, and as the world revolutionalized and came into a new era of globalization, many other cultures and nations welcomed the ideal conceptions of these nations, same as religion was infused into diplomatic and non-diplomatic societies. And today we have numerous societies that have lost their cultural values owning to the unscrupulous embrace of an unknown culture. Today a new generation of men had emerge and a reawakening into a new order of living has come. But on a whole a reconsideration of the matrimonial set up should be focused on the areas where things had turn anew. Taking us back in the journey of history, time for a reflection tells more on the presumption of human emotional existence. As far back as in the BCs or newly half of ACs men and women knew what marriage stood for, but those eras are far gone for the sake of ignorance and stupidity in matrimonial affairs and trust. To say the least, marriage was though a union through which a man bid a solidable contract with a woman for the sake of breeding and the demonstration of far fetched loved as expressed in sexuality. In conjunction however, it is the lack of fidelity that warrant breakage and thus divorce as the case may be. Though it has being the ethics of the society to fight in preserving the heritage of wedlock, but the times are gone; the times we are is purely serious era of shame and kali, a time of War and social warfare. This is not the time for spirituality in sexuality and family making, but a time of pleasure; a time set aside for the display of stupidity in union between opposite sex; a avenue created to shame the era of mankind's growth in the affairs of social benefits and contracts, at least those sufficient to bring sons and daughter, who in turn will act lawfully to the social ethics as constituted by the same social gift. There is an unknown culture embraced by societies of the world today, and its embrace is synonymous with global unification and solidarity but its affluence has become a thing of mockery and regret by those societies who have blossom in its embrace. The term is such awful as its benefit suit its benefactors. To laugh in sexuality is one thing which human personality cannot

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